Air Fryer Apple Crisp Recipe - Serendipity And Spice (2024)

There’s something about the comforting aroma of baked apples and the crispy, golden topping of an apple crisp that warms the heart and tantalizes the taste buds.

And what if I told you that you could enjoy all that deliciousness in a fraction of the time with the help of an air fryer?

Yes, you heard it right!

In this blog post, we’re going to explore the wonderful world of air fryer apple crisp and share a mouthwatering recipe that will make your dessert dreams come true.

Air Fryer Apple Crisp Recipe - Serendipity And Spice (1)

Table of Contents

Why Choose the Air Fryer for Apple Crisp?

Air fryers have taken the culinary world by storm, offering a healthier alternative to traditional frying methods. They use hot air to cook food, producing that irresistible crispy texture without the need for excessive oil.

When it comes to making apple crisp, the air fryer is a game-changer. It ensures that your apples cook evenly and the topping becomes perfectly crispy, all in a matter of minutes.

What Air Fryer to Use?

I bought the Kalorik Maxx 26-qt. Digital Air Fryer Toaster Oven last month and have been completely addicted! Seriously, I’ve used this baby every single day!

Whether it’s to heat up leftovers or make a delicious dinner in a fraction of the time…it’s been a total game changer!

I really think this particular air fryer is an outstanding choice for families seeking a versatile and efficient cooking appliance. Here’s why it stands out as the best air fryer for families:

  1. Ample Capacity:
    • With its generous 26-quart capacity, this air fryer can accommodate large batches of food, making it ideal for families.
    • You can cook multiple servings at once, reducing the need for multiple cooking cycles.
  2. Multifunctionality:
    • This appliance is not just an air fryer; it’s a combination of an air fryer, toaster oven, and more.
    • It offers a wide range of cooking functions, including air frying, toasting, roasting, broiling, baking, and more.
    • This versatility allows you to prepare various dishes efficiently in a single appliance.
  3. Digital Precision:
    • The digital controls and LED display provide precise temperature and time settings, ensuring your food is cooked to perfection.
    • This is especially important for families, as different dishes may require different cooking times and temperatures.
  4. Wide Range of Accessories:
    • The included 21 accessories and cookbook expand your cooking options.
    • From rotisserie spits to air fryer baskets, this air fryer provides everything you need to create diverse family meals.
  5. Time and Energy Efficiency:
    • Air fryers are known for their energy efficiency, and this model is no exception.
    • It cooks food faster than traditional ovens, which can be a huge time-saver for busy families.
  6. Easy to Clean:
    • The non-stick interior and removable, dishwasher-safe parts make cleaning up after cooking a breeze, which is essential for families with busy schedules.
  7. Space-Saving Design:
    • Despite its large capacity, this air fryer toaster oven is designed to fit on your countertop, saving valuable kitchen space.
  8. Positive Customer Reviews:
    • Positive feedback and ratings from customers on Amazon can provide confidence in the product’s performance and durability.

In summary, the Kalorik Maxx 26-qt. Digital Air Fryer Toaster Oven is the best air fryer for families due to its spacious capacity, multifunctionality, precise digital controls, extensive accessory package, energy efficiency, and ease of use and maintenance.

Cooking with Toddlers as Learning Development

One of my favorite things to do in the Fall is going to farms for “pick your own” days with Little Man. Every year we go apple picking, pumpkin picking, strawberry picking, etc.

Apple picking is by far my favorite activity of all though! I guess because it’s the first signal of fall approaching and the weather is perfect….it’s warm but with that cool under-current breeze that just cools the skin!

If you live in North Carolina then you must check out Sky Top Orchard…they have so much for the kids to do and it’s all free! You only pay for the apples you pick and those are charged by the pound…which is cheaper than what they charge at the grocery store! So we always make a day of it and have a blast!

Little Man has REALLY gotten into helping out in the kitchen….I think I may have a budding chef on my hands! 🙂

I like to encourage his love of the kitchen by coming up with some simple recipes that we can make together. It gives him such a major sense of accomplishment to create a full recipe from start to finish and it’s a GREAT learning experience.

Now that he’s about to be 3 he absorbs and understands so much that we talk about.

Air Fryer Apple Crisp Recipe - Serendipity And Spice (2)

When we start off picking apples Hubs and I talk to Little Man about what we’re going to make with the apples when we get home.

We talk about how the apples grow on the trees and then we pick them so we can have healthy food to eat. At home we talk about how much fun it was to pick the apples and how we’re now cleaning them to make a yummy treat.

Throughout the activity we talk and reiterate where the apples came from and what we’re doing with the apples. Before you know it he’s remembering everything about the tasks involved from picking the apples to eating the apples.

We made this apple crisp using my grandma’s recipe and he bragged to her about how he picked the apples at the farm and made the recipe all by himself (with a little help and guidance from Mom…of course ;)).

My air fryer apple crisp recipe is perfect for making with toddlers! Besides cutting the apples and using the oven they are able to do all the other steps involved by themselves…with just abit of guidance toddlers can playa chef for the day.

Printable Recipe for Air Fryer Apple Crisp

Air Fryer Apple Crisp Recipe - Serendipity And Spice (3)

Air Fryer Apple Crisp Recipe


  • 5-6 Medium Apples (peeled, cored, and sliced)
  • 1 Cup of Flour
  • 1 Cup of Sugar
  • 2 TBS Cinnamon
  • 1 TBS Nutmeg
  • 1 Egg
  • 1 Stick Butter
  • Vanilla Ice Cream for topping!


    Preheat air fryer to 400 degrees.

    Grease a pie pan with shortening or butter.

    Place sliced apples in bottom of pie plate.

    Make sure you have several layers of apple slices.

    Mix together flour, sugar, cinnamon, and nutmeg.

    Add egg into flour mixture and stir until crumbling.

    Sprinkle crumbling flour mixture on top of apple slices.

    Melt stick of butter and drizzle over flour mixture...make sure that all of flour crumbles are lightly moistened with butter.

    Air Fry at 400 degrees for 20-30 minutes or until flour mixture is golden brown.

    Let cool and serve with ice cream.


The awesome thing about this Air Fryer Apple Crisp recipe is that you can change out the fruit for any favorites like peaches, pears, or blueberries.

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Air Fryer Apple Crisp Recipe - Serendipity And Spice (8)
Air Fryer Apple Crisp Recipe - Serendipity And Spice (2024)


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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.