Arisen in Skyrim - Kohaiame (2024)

Chapter 1: Arisen in Skyrim


The Arisen has become the Seneschal, and now must take her place as the keeper over the World.


Disclaimer: Skyrim belongs to Bethesda and Dragon's Dogma belongs to Capcom. I own nothing




(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Arisen in Skyrim

Lidded eyes gazed upon the world, upon all of Gransys, upon a tiny fishing village called Cassardis. Her eyes scanned the familiar faces as they continued on their usual schedule. Twas as if nothing had happened. At first the people of Cassardis, while glad that the world was safe again, felt sorrow at the loss of their kin. Chief Adaro had felt as if he had lost his own child, but the one who felt the most sorrow was Quina. She had lost her best friend, her sister.

An invisible figure looked pitifully at her inconsolable friend as she wept in her room. "Why Cos?" Quina's quiet voice trembled. "Why did you have to leave where I could not follow? You've done so much already, even saving me from the Wyrm twice! Yet, there was naught I could do." As she sobbed the figure stepped forward and extended her hand.

"Quina." The figure spoke, but her voice went unheard and her hand only went through her shoulder. Unable to stand seeing those she cared about in such a state she decided to ease their suffering. She erased the traces of her existence from the world and altered their memories.

The Arisen was a mysterious person who no one would truly remember. With their memories gone or changed everyone went back to their lives and moved on. Twas as if nothing had happened, as if she had never existed. Sadness filled her heart, and her eyes became watery.

"Are you alright Master?" She heard a male voice say. Blinking back the tears she turned to look at the mage clad in red.

"I'm fine Arliss." She answered. He studied her face seeming unsure, and questioned if he should say something, when she called his name. "Arliss?"

"Yes Master."

Tentatively she asked, "Are you alright?"

Arliss smiled. "You need not worry about this pawn, I always mind my health and stamina."

The Seneschal stifled a chuckle at his eager answer. He may not have understood her question, but he did answer it in his own way. He like most pawns were content to just be near the Arisen. It didn't bother him to be stuck in this place, the way it did her.

Arliss looked at her in confusion trying to understand her reaction. Laughter was an expression humans made when they were happy, and yet she didn't seem happy. He knew it from her expression. Human emotions often confused him, but even he knew what tears meant. He saw it clearly, as well as felt it through his connection with the Arisen.

"Master, why are you sad?" He asked. The question hung in the air for what seemed like an eternity. His inquisitive gaze seemed to see right through her.

"H-How?" She finally managed to say. In answer Arliss raised his hand in that way pawns did. The scar on his hand glowed, as if in response the scar over her heart began glowing brightly.

"Have you forgotten again Master? We pawns are connected to the Arisen. To an extent pawns can feel when they are near the Arisen. I, being your main pawn can feel more than the other pawns, what the Arisen feels." He lowered his hand and the glowing ceased.

The Arisen lowered her gaze and turned around once more staring longingly at the earth. "There is no longer a place for me in that world." Her voice came out in a low whisper which would have went unheard if they were not in the vast, rift like space of nothingness.

"That's not true Master. You are the Arisen, the pawn legion is ever yours to command." Arliss then kneeled. "Arisen, I follow your will, and will always do so. You will never be alone Master."

A small smile formed on her lips and her eyes eased into a more gentle look."Thank you Arliss. Please stand, you are my friend. I told you this before, friends don't need to act so formally." She said, as she helped him up. "Arliss, thank you again for your words, and for always staying at my side. You are my most trusted and loyal friend. I wish to ask you to stay by my side as I rule as the new Seneschal and keep watch over this world."

He smiled at her words. "Of course Master, tis' an honor."

And countless lifetimes came to pass. The Seneschal had watched from her throne as everyone she knew lived, grew old and withered away. She watched the same happen to their children, their grandchildren, and so on. Generation after generation came repeating in an everlasting cycle. Empty lidded eyes stared at the world in apathy. She let out a bored sigh as she tiredly leaned back into the cold uncomfortable throne. "If you're tired rest." She heard a familiar voice say.

"Thank you Arliss, but I'm fine. I'm not tired, tis' just I grow weary of keeping watch over this world." She said while looking down on the world and it's people. Everyone looked so happy.

She envied them. She envied their happy, ordinary lives. She had never wanted to be the Seneschal, she never wanted it in the first place. She had been cursed the moment she became the Arisen. She hated it, but she could not bring herself to blame Savan or Grigori, as they had also suffered, an Arisen's fate. She thought of following Savan's footsteps, and sending a new Dragon to find the next Arisen, but decided against it. She no longer cared for the world, but something inside her didn't want to cause someone else to be cursed with the fate of an Arisen. She didn't know what to do.

Without thinking she pulled out the Godsbane blade and began examining it.'The blade that released Savan from Eternity.' Delicately she ran her finger along the cold smooth blade. The memory of Savan's death played in her mind, the blissful look on his face as he knew his time as Seneschal was finally at an end. Her answer was right here in her hand. She stood up and held the sacred blade with both her hands. Slowly she lifted it up and pointed it at her chest.

Arliss turned from the view of the world to the Arisen, and was shocked by what he saw. Swiftly she thrust the godsbane blade into her heart. "No! Nooo!" He desperately cried out.

She felt the impact as the blade pierced her flesh, then an intense tingling sensation as if she had been struck by lightning, followed by a sudden wave of fiery searing pain.The Seneschal knew not if she had just doomed the world, but she did not care, for she was free. A look of pure bliss formed on her face as numbness took over, and her vision began to blur. A familiar face called out to her from above worriedly. 'I'm sorry Arliss, farewell.' Her vision faded and her eyes closed.

"Open your eyes!" He pleaded, but no response came. Arliss kneeled by his masters' side, unsure of what to do he simply gazed upon the Arisen.

Suddenly the rift beneath them disappeared and they fell through the crisp, blue sky. "Master!" Arliss called out as he reached out to her, but to no avail. "Maasteer!" He continued grasping at her as she continued falling below him. At that moment he felt something change in him, and tried again even more determined. He pushed his way through the clouds and fought against the wind with all his might. Stretching his hand out as much as he could, he grabbed her hand, and pulled her body close to his. The ground neared dangerously close. He held the Arisen close with one arm and pulled out his staff with the other. "Levitate!" He shouted as he sent as much energy to his staff as he could. His staff began glowing brightly, he felt his body jerk as they suddenly stopped falling. After a moment they slowly began descending again as he sent energy to his staff. He held on as long as he could, but he knew he couldn't hold it for long as his energy was draining fast. The light of the staff ceased as the last of his energy gave out, and they fell.

Soft fluffy snow eased their landing and they tumbled apart. Arliss got up as quickly as he could, his breath heavy. He grabbed his staff and ran to her side. "Master!" When he got to her he stopped, for she was dead. She had died before the rift opened beneath them. He fell to his knees, and hid his face in his hands, shaking in frustration and grief.

Recalling something he paused. He took the small sacred blade out of the Arisen's chest, put it away, and took out a heart shaped red stone. Looking at the wakestone with a mixture of hope and skepticism, he observed it noting that he could still feel some magic emanating from it. A person with a strong enough will could use a wakestone to bring someone back to life. Pawns could not do this so he knew it likely wouldn't work, but for some reason he felt like he could do it. Mustering as much will as he could Arliss placed the stone over her heart, and willed her alive. It glowed a blinding light as it went into her, when the light was gone there was not a sign that she had ever been stabbed.

Her eyes slowly fluttered open, then she got up into a sitting position, a dazed look upon her face. "Ah, Master, you're back!" Arliss happily exclaimed.

The Arisen looked at him in confusion. "Arliss, how am I still alive?" She asked still in a daze as she examined herself to find that there wasn't any proof of her having stabbed herself.

With a smile he replied. "I used a wakestone." Her eyes widened, at this revelation. She knew that pawns couldn't use Wakestones, even some humans were unable to use them.

"You? How?" He looked just as confused as her, seems he didn't know either. "Wait, where are we?" She asked, finally noting her surroundings.

"I know not." He answered. "I have no memory of this place." Looking around she realised it couldn't be her world because she had watched it for so long that she knew everything about it. In all the world she had not seen such flowering plants that could grow in such a cold climate. Sharing this revelation with Arliss he agreed. "I think you're right."

They stood in silence for a bit before the Arisen asked, "How did we get here in the first place?" Arliss then told her what had happened after she stabbed herself with the Godsbane blade, and returned it to her. "I see, thanks." She said.

She recalled Savan's words, and how he said he was the keeper of 'this' world, and wondered if Arisen, and keepers, and the endless cycle existed in this new world as well. 'If it does I want nothing to do with it.' She thought to herself. At the very least she was glad to be in a world again. "Let's go Arliss." She said as she began walking.

"Yes Master." Arliss replied as he began following her. "What will we do now Arisen? Where are we going?" He asked simply.

Steadily moving forward she simply answers, "Who knows?"


End of Chapter 1: If you've seen this story on ffn you'll know that this is my first (and currently only) fanfiction that I've ever done. Now that I also have an ao3 account I'll be cross-posting on both sites. I'm also new to ao3, and don't really know too much about tags so if you notice that they're lacking, or if I made a mistake please let me know so I can fix it.

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed.

Chapter 2: Ambush!


Across the snow covered land, a strange figure follows our Arisen, and pawn pair. Who is it, and what do they want? Unbeknownst to all a fateful encounter approaches.


Disclaimer: Skyrim belongs to Bethesda and Dragon's Dogma belongs to Capcom. I own nothing




(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 2: Ambush!

It was a beautiful day. The air was crisp, and cool, and there were few clouds allowing for sunlight to warm the earth. It was peaceful, and quiet, the silence was only interrupted by the sound of footsteps over the snow, as a figure walked.

"Skyrim is beautiful." He said to himself as he admired the view. Suddenly the wind picked up, and something caught his eye.

'What in oblivion is that?' He thought as he noticed something strange in the sky. Dark clouds spiraled in a small part of the sky, and something fell out, followed by another. He squinted to better see what they were. 'It looks like... a person? Are they people? That's impossible.' Curiosity overtook him, and he began running toward the area where whatever he was seeing would land.

As he ran he glanced up to see that while the sky had returned to normal, they kept falling. He stopped to catch his breath, but kept his eyes on them. The two came together as one falling object, then he saw a bright light as it stopped in mid-air. Whatever he was seeing began falling again though much more slowly. He started running again towards where it would land as he lost sight of it.

When he got there, it or they were not there. He examined the snow and noticed a spot where the snow was disturbed in a way as if something had fallen. From this place were two sets of footprints. 'Did someone really fall from the sky?' He thought bewildered. Curious, he decided to investigate, and followed them.

They had been walking for only a short while in silence before Arliss got used enough to the area to return to his usual, talkative self. "These flowers could prove to be aught of use. Shall we take them?" He asked as he stopped to gather some without waiting for a response. The Arisen stopped and watched him a moment afore joining him. "They come in an assortment of vivid colors. Mayhap they could be used for different things." He noted aloud.

"Let's go Arliss." Said the Arisen once they had gathered all the mountain flowers in the area. "There should also be a village or some other settlement around here." She glanced at the sky. "T'would be best to find such afore dark." It looked like it was still pretty early, but considering that they didn't know anything about wherever they were, she didn't want to take any chances. She knew from experience that night's were dangerous.

"Hm? What's that? This looks interesting." Along the way things easily caught Arliss' attention, and he often pointed them out, and picked things up. This had slowed their pace, but since most of the things he picked up seemed useful she let him continue, and even joined in when something seemed particularly interesting.

'They came this way.' He thought to himself as he followed the footprints.'Then they stopped here.' He glanced at the bushes around him, and stepped closer to one of them to examine it. The bushes were missing flowers, only the buds remained, furthermore he could see where there were clear, recent cuts. 'They were here, they stopped to pick these, then left.' He glanced back to where the footprints led, and with renewed vigour he followed them at a quicker pace than before.

"Come on Arliss." She interrupted him from his gathering. "That's enough for now, let's try to find some people or-" Swiftly she spun around drawing her bow, her eyes scanned the area warily. Arliss was also alert, he had his staff ready, and was already preparing an incantation. A magical sigil appeared between them, enveloping them with its spellscreen. She felt it's effects instantly. It was a good call on his part as it would enhance their attributes, without running the risk of being ineffective due to choosing the wrong element for the wrong foe. 'I'll have to praise his good work later.' She thought to herself with a small smile as she shot an arrow at a bush a ways back. The sound of a 'thunk' resounded as it passed through the bush and hit something. With blades drawn she moved quickly, yet cautiously.

"What do you see Arisen?" Arliss followed staff in hand, he was prepared to attack anything should it pose a threat, or if the Arisen willed it. One hand held up a dagger defensively as she used the other to move the bushes aside. It was a tense moment before she sighed, sheathed her blades, then turned to Arliss, and shook her head in reply. "There was naught?" He asked in disbeleif. Her senses were keen, she was usually right about these kinds of things. 'Mayaps she's a bit jumpy from spending so long in that place? It's been so long since she's had to be cautious that now she's on edge.' He speculated. "Are you alright Master?" He asked concerned.

"I'm fine Arliss." Though she wasn't entirely sure. There was naught there, save for the arrow she shot which was now embedded in a tree. T'was nothing, yet she had felt as if they were being watched. She could still feel the tense tingling sensation on the back of her neck as if someone was watching, following. 'Are we being followed?' A feeling of dread came over her. What if someone saw us fall? How would we explain ourselves?' She then tried to calm herself.'I must be overthinking it. It must be the nerves.' She rationalized. Feeling a bit better she went up to the tree and retrieved her arrow. "Let's go now."

"Yes Master, right away." They left with a quickened pace. "We must move cautiously Master, after all I think that may not have been naught." Upon hearing this she tensed a bit and looked at him questioningly, her face a mixture of unease and confusion. He continued. "You're very sharp, and your senses are keen. If you think aught was there, you're probably right."

She sighed. "That's actually what worries me." Arliss listened attentively. "It would have been better if I was wrong." When she said this Arliss tried to calm her by rationalizing the same way she had earlier. At this point she wasn't sure whether she should be relieved that he also thought she could be wrong, or not because she might be paranoid.

'That was close.' A figure crouched hidden in the shadows of the foliage. Following the footprints at his pace he managed to catch up with them. 'They really are people, they really fell from the sky.' He thought to himself when he saw the two figures who he had been following. As he got closer he could see it was a man and a woman, and even though they were one of the human races something about them was different from anyone he's seen before. Something besides the fact that they fell out of the sky. The two were speaking about something, and curious he inched forward his full attention on trying to hear what they were saying. Suddenly the woman whipped around with her bow drawn. 'By the Nine!' He mentally berated himself. Immediately he began sneaking to another spot as quickly and quietly as possible, trying not to disturb even the leaves. Luckily for him she didn't shoot right away, so he had time to get to another area. Upon hearing a strange noise he turned to see a bright light envelop them, the man was holding up his staff which was glowing. Upon receiving the effects of the magic the woman loosed an arrow at where he had been watching a moment ago, then they both went to check it out. They moved surprisingly quickly, but he had already found another hiding spot. He was glad for the lack of snow because they would have found him easily, then he would have been in a bad position. Under normal circ*mstances he would not hide, he would've faced them to see if he could speak with them, if not he would kill them. 'If only I had a weapon and armor, I would confront them.' The two began leaving quickly as if they were in a hurry, he followed, but was careful to not follow too closely. For a moment he questioned his actions wondering what it was that compelled him to follow them so much. 'Whatever it is I hope it doesn't get me into too much trouble.'

The same feeling kept nagging at her from the back of her mind and wouldn't go away. She regretted not being a bit more thorough with their search earlier. The suspicion left her continuously looking over her shoulder making her a bit less aware of what was ahead. Arliss however was alert and would let her know if he saw something, soon enough he did. "What do you make of that Arisen?" Getting her attention she looked to where Arliss motioned to. There were people, two groups of people. The first group of people wore mostly blue clothing and a bit of fur, and appeared to be traveling. The Second group of people wore something that seemed familiar. They were wearing red leather armour, she recalled how some bandits wore such armour. Furthermore she could tell that they were planning an ambush on the other group of people.

"Bandits, and it looks like they're planning to ambush those people." Arliss nodded in agreement of her observation and looked to her to see what she wanted to do.'We are quite lucky, running into such an opportunity. Saving them, will get us in their graces, which will make things easier for us.' The people in blue still haven't noticed the bandits, but they could strike at any moment so they would have to hurry. Recalling that red leather armour had resistance to fire and sometimes lighting she spoke up. "Arliss, enchant my weapons with ice. Take caution in this battle as well, their armour may be resistant to fire and lightning."

"Understood." He said as he cast Ice Affinity on the Arisen. A small bluish ball of light floated to her, and as it touched her it covered her daggers and bow in its icy cold magic, making them as frost. Immediately she was on the move, and so were the bandits who were beginning their assault. She pulled out her bow and loosed an arrow hitting a bandit with deadly accuracy, a few of his comrades near him noticed and looked to the source. One of them took out his own bow and aimed at her, she dodged his arrow and shot one of her own.

'You shouldn't keep still while facing an archer.' She thought as the icy arrow pierced the man's chest. 'You as a fellow archer should have realised that.' The sound of an angry bandit's war cry pulled her attention as four bandits began rushing at her. The first was a warrior equipped with a great sword, he charged at her with his large weapon aimed straight ahead. She managed to avoid it by rolling to the side before he could stab her, as soon as she did a fighter came from the side prepared to slash at her with his sword.

"Take my fire!" A familiar voice called out, and the fighter was hit and sent back by a large fireball. The bandits whose attention was on the Arisen a moment ago turned to the mage who now stood before them. The fighter got up angrily and shot Arliss a deathly glare, his shield had saved him from being burned and even mitigated some of the damage of the impact.

"He's mine!" Yelled the fighter to his comrades as he moved towards Arliss. The sound of an anguished cry got their attention back to the Arisen who had taken the opportunity to kill one of their own while they were distracted. "You two take care of her!" The fighter told them as he turned back to the mage. "Now, where were we mage!" He spat as he lunged forward. Arliss leapt back to avoid his attack, the fighter attacked with a flurry of slashes which Arliss dodged as best he could. "You can't dodge forever!" Knowing he was right Arliss whacked him with his staff, stunning him momentarily. Using his chance he pulled out a foreign knife and threw it at him. Having been so close he hit easily where he needed to, right between his eyes. The fighter fell dead and Arliss took back the knife before going to join the Arisen.

Having just been saved by a fireball she recognised as Arliss' Ingle, she quickly regained herself and went back on the offensive. While the bandits were distracted by his entrance she drew her daggers and dashed past one of the bandits with her blades extended, slicing his stomach. He cried out and keeled over holding his wound desperately before he bled out and died. They turned back to her and the fighter yelled at them to kill her while he fought Arliss. The other two began coming after her, and she found herself faced with the warrior again, as well as a woman wielding an axe in each hand. The woman charged at her first, swinging the axes ferociously. The Arisen had to perform a few rolls in succession in order to avoid being hit by the crazily swinging axes. She hadn't faced such a chaotic vocation before and wasn't sure how to deal with it, so she focused on avoiding her attacks. The woman continued chasing her while frantically swinging like a mad woman, and the warrior held up his great sword and would try to slam it down onto her when she rolled by. They were becoming angrier and more frenzied each time they missed, and she was also getting tired of being on the defensive. Whenever she tried to switch tactics to attack one of them the other would cover for them making things more difficult, and she would have to go back to dodging. Suddenly she heard Arliss' voice call out.

"I've hold of one, now strike!" The woman who had been swinging like mad a few moments earlier was now bound by darkness. Arliss had killed the fighter, then snuck over and quietly cast high grapnel on her. With this the Arisen moved quickly, intent on killing the woman, seeing this the warrior tried getting between the Arisen and the woman, and swung his great sword horizontally at the Arisen. She leapt over his blade, landed on his head, then kicked off of him into the air. The woman could only watch as she dived at her from the air, she was unable to even bring up her axes in defense of what was to come. The Arisen spun as she was coming down bringing her blades splitting into the woman's skull. The warrior was stunned a moment afore rage took him.

"You'll pay!!!" He shouted as he ran at the Arisen and brought his large blade crashing down, she leapt back barely avoiding being smashed. His movements didn't stop a moment as he easily lifted it back up, pointed at her with the blade and charged forward. She rolled aside again, but this time he was ready as he spun around, readjusted his grip and prepared a vertical strike.

"High Ingle!" A number of fiery balls hit the warrior and he was knocked back as they exploded. He caught aflame and cried out, however Arliss' attention wasn't on him. As the first fiery projectile exploded on contact the warrior, and the Arisen who had been too close to the ingle's target were knocked back. "Are you alright?" Arliss asked as he hurried to check on her. As she began getting up he could see she had taken a bit of damage but was for the most part unharmed. He then began casting Anodyne. The Arisen looked up and her eyes narrowed, then she interrupted him from his casting as she spoke in a low, harsh tone.

"Arliss move aside." Her fierce fiery gaze was intense, she held her bow firmly in her hand. Arliss quit casting and moved aside without question as she knocked multiple arrows into her bow, and fired them all at once. They flew past him and he turned as the arrows bored their way into the warrior who had used the snow to put out the fire, and was trying to make his way to them despite being at the verge of death. Not one arrow missed, and the warrior never again moved.

"A single arrow would have sufficed Master." Said Arliss as he began casting Anodyne again. Instead of answering right away she tiredly bent over and huffed to catch her breath. "Please don't overdo it." He said as he finished casting Anodyne, and put his hand on her shoulder. A magical sigil appeared between them, as they were enveloped in it's holy light healing their wounds. Finally she caught her breath and replied.

"Just wanted to be sure." She quietly said in response to his earlier comment, after pausing she turned to him and said. "Thanks." In response he smiled and was about to say something when she spoke up. "It's not over yet, let's go." He nodded and they went swiftly to join the fight.

The Arisen took her daggers and dashed to and fro among the chaos as she killed bandits with her skill, meanwhile Arliss was using a different method of fighting. Since he required a bit of time to make an attack he took to sneaking and hiding while he cast his spells. It was especially effective because of how hectic everything was. With all these people out in the open and getting each others attention they were having trouble noticing him even with all his magic attacks.

After having been healed and covered in another spellscreen by Arliss before joining them the Arisen was now fighting a bit more skillfully. Unfortunately her thoughts were beginning to make it difficult to focus on the battle. She had noticed that the people in blue clothing were actually wearing armour and were fighting fiercely as if they had already been used to battle. At this moment realization struck her. 'I've just gotten us into the middle of a war I know nothing about!' As she cut down another bandit or soldier she calmed herself and decided to accept it. 'I can't change it now so I'll just continue. The plan was to help these people and get a place in this world through them anyway. So that's what I'm gonna do.' She slashed another soldier and steeled her resolve. 'Nothing has changed.'

Over time they began tiring out and more enemy soldiers appeared. The people in blue were formidable fighters but they were outnumbered. Soldiers fell on both sides but the fallen enemies were swiftly replaced by reinforcements. A commanding voice resounded. "Take as many as you can alive!" Many of the soldiers in blue who were weary began getting easily knocked unconscious. The Arisen dashed past a soldier but only left a scratch, he smirked and swung at her. She jumped back and seeing how ineffective her attack was knew she had to do something. At that moment a cry was faintly heard which sounded like someone calling 'Theif!', then someone on a horse tore through the battlefield, passing right between the Arisen and the soldier nearly hitting them. An arrow flew hitting the horse in the heart, and as it fell forward the man on it was thrown off. The momentary distraction caused by this allowed her time to sheath her weapons and pull out her last flask of poison, if she threw it at that soldier it would whittle his health away. She aimed at her target, but before she could throw it someone grabbed her from behind, and before she knew it she was unconscious.

"Master!" Arliss called as he saw the unconscious Arisen being taken by an enemy soldier. Quickly he went up behind the soldier and knocked him out with his staff. 'I have to get her out of here!' He thought, as he put his staff away. He picked her up, and tried to make an escape. From the side someone hit him in the head with the hilt of their sword. He felt himself falling and everything turned to black. 'No.' Was the only thing he could think before he lost consciousness.

From the shadows a pair of eyes studied the battle. He was surprised when the two he had been following suddenly ran right into the middle of a battle, right into an ambush, and began fighting against the imperials with the Stormcloaks. He recalled how easily they drew their weapons earlier when they almost found him. 'They're pretty aggressive.' He concluded before wondering why they joined one side in the first place. 'Do they know about the war? How much do they know of Tamriel?' He was curious about these mysterious strangers and had a lot of questions he pondered about as he watched the battle, a part of him wishing he had his weapons and armor so he could join in the fun.

They fought impressively and differently from others he's seen before. The woman swiftly, and skillfully weaved through the battlefield cutting imperials and avoiding Stormcloaks. The man sneakily went around the battle and would cast spells to attack before falling back to avoid being noticed. 'He's pretty good at making himself scarce.' He noted how even as he watched him he somehow managed to lose him among the chaos even while wearing bright crimson red robes which should have made him easy to spot. They and the Stormcloaks fought well, however there were more imperials than they could hold off. He watched as the imperials began knocking out Stormcloaks to take alive. A horse theif thought he could make it through but was easily knocked off the horse and taken prisoner along with the Stormcloaks. He watched as the woman was taken from behind and when she fell the mage tried to rescue her only to share the same fate. He was disappointed as some of the remaining Stormcloaks surrendered and they began taking them hostage. 'Guess those two will also be taken, pity they were interesting.'

"You there! Surrender now or face the consequences!" The voice of an imperial soldier interrupted his thoughts. Turning he found a sword pointed at his neck. The soldier began shouting again even louder. "I found another one! There's a rebel here!"

"I'm not with the Stormcloaks." He tried to explain his situation but the imperial wasn't listening, instead he only eyed him with suspicion. While pointing his sword and holding up his shield he continued to call for reinforcements. "I already said I'm not a rebel! I don't even have a weapon!" More imperials showed up and surrounded him, one of which hit him in the head with the hilt of his blade. 'I probably shouldn't have followed those two.' His eyelids felt heavy and his vision started fading. He looked at the man who found him. 'Just you wait, I'm gonna kill you.'


End of Chapter 2. What did you think? Were the fight scenes good, or did they feel clunky? Please let me know so I can improve.

Chapter 3: On the Road to Execution


After getting themselves involved in an ambush Arliss, and the Arisen awaken captured amidst a group of Rebels. The road ahead is filled with gloom, and their doom is certain...yet could aught of use be gleaned from forging bonds with fellow hostages? Can a quick wit, and a few choice words possibly save them?


Disclaimer: Skyrim belongs to Bethesda and Dragon's Dogma belongs to Capcom. I own nothing




(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 3: On the Road to Execution

The first thing he felt as he regained consciousness was the ache he felt in his head. Despite being awake he tiredly refused to open his eyes, and listened to the sounds around him while his mind filled in the gaps. He heard horse trotting and the sound of a cart's moving wheels. He then realised he could feel himself moving. 'Why am I here? Where are we going?' He wondered. 'What about Master?' His eyes snapped open suddenly. "Where is she?" He asked frenzied.

"Hey you! Quiet back there!" Someone shouted. Arliss turned to see that the voice belonged to a man in what looked like red leather armour sitting at the front. He recalled the earlier battle and understood the situation. The newfound clarity was a boon, but he knew he was in a bad situation.

"You should calm down." Came the voice of another man. Arliss looked ahead of himself and saw an unconscious man leaning sideways towards the front. He wore rags, and had long, dark, disheveled hair which masked his face, and shrouded him in mystery. Next to this man was the one who spoke. He wore the same blue armor as the ones they tried to help earlier. He was tall, and hardy looking, with long fair hair, and bright blue eyes. "She's right next to you. That's her right?" He said motioning his head towards her. Arliss turned to see he was right, the Arisen was resting unharmed on his shoulder. He breathed out a sigh of relief glad she was well, when he heard a bit of low laughter from the man. "You must've been really out of it not to notice." He had a small smile but his eyes were solemn and downcast. "I get it though." He continued. "We're not exactly in a good situation."

Arliss mentally agreed with what he said but outwardly payed it no heed. "Thank you." He simply said to the man before attempting to wake up the Arisen. He found it was quite the difficult task to wake someone with bound hands. "Master." He tried calling a few times to no avail. "Master." He called once more before being interrupted.

"Why do you call her Master?" The man asked curiously. "That's kinda strange. I've never heard anyone call someone that, not even Jarls." He said bluntly.

Arliss was taken aback. 'Wasn't he able to tell that we're a pair consisting of an Arisen and their Main Pawn?' He wondered confused before remembering where they were. 'There must not be Arisen in this world.' With this revelation he wasn't sure how to go about answering his question. 'What would she want me to say?' He asked himself. Not knowing how to answer he instead opted to distract him by asking a question of his own. "Earlier when I asked where she was, how did you know I was referring to her and not someone else?" He asked as casually and human-like as he could hoping it wasn't obvious he was trying to change the topic.

"You both stick out like a sore thumb." The man said bluntly, his face giving no indication of whether or not he was aware that the question he was answering was just to change the topic. Arliss wondered if his distraction was actually working. "Your clothes are foreign and different." The man continued speaking and Arliss took this as a sign that his distraction worked. "Anyway, it's not polite to change the topic after being asked a question." Feeling like he had somehow failed the Arisen, Arliss cursed his inexperience at these kinds of things.

Pawns were often looked down upon by humans for being without wills and being emotionless. Humans would only associate with pawns when it was necessary or if they wanted to take advantage of them in some way. As such, pawns were left with few chances to learn to interact and get along with humans. 'It seems the experience I gained from the few humans who were willing to speak with me, and what I learned from the more knowledgeable pawns like Barnaby wasn't enough.' Arliss thought as he let his face go flat into a more pawn-like expression. 'Very well since I can't do this as a human, I'll do it as a pawn.' Pawns may be will-less and even allow themselves to be treated as dirt, however when it comes to a task especially for the sake of the Arisen they can become much more steadfast and determined than any human. Arliss had decided that it would be best not to say anything that may give them away without her consent, so he would have to not answer his question. In a clear, unwavering voice Arliss spoke. "I'm sorry. I'll not say aught against my Master's will."

"Mmn?" A familiar voice pulled Arliss' attention away from the conversation. The Arisen stirred in her sleep and Arliss called to her again. "Arliss." She said as she opened her eyes. "Arliss, what?" She mumbled not entirely awake.

"So your name's Arliss?" The same man asked. "I'm Ralof" He said Friendily. The man called Ralof looked at the woman seated in front of him. "How about -" He began to ask before being interrupted by another man next to him.

"Will you be Quiet?!" The man yelled, waking up the unconscious man and getting everyone's attention.

"Shut up back there!" The soldier at the reigns shouted at them, then turned back to the front.

The man noticing the attention he had garnered quickly averted his gaze downward. Ralof ignored him and turned his attention on the other man who had just awakened.

"Hey you, you're finally awake." He said to the now conscious man. "You were trying to cross the border right?" He asked.

"Yeah, I had just crossed over from Cyrodil not long before running into that Imperial ambush." The man answered.

"Just the same as us." Ralof said. "The Imperial ambush part anyway. Skyrim has always been my home." He continued. "Of course I can't speak for everyone here." Turning towards Arliss and the Arisen he then asked. "You're foreigners too right?"

"Yes, we're foreigners." Said the Arisen. She noticed that the others were looking at her and Arliss curiously, especially the man from Cyrodil who seemed to be observing them with great scrutiny. 'Are we really so out of place to stand out this much?' She wondered a bit nervously.

"I've been wondering, where are you from?" Ralof asked.

"Tis' a very far away place." She said. "I doubt you've heard of it." 'Because it doesn't exist in this world.' She thought to herself. She noticed that Ralof seemed disappointed that she didn't answer his question, then she noticed the man from Cyrodil was staring at her with an odd expression on his face. Twas a mixture of distrust and a knowing look which made her uneasy.

"What is it?" Arliss harshly asked the man when he noticed he was staring at the Arisen. The man was a bit surprised that he suddenly spoke to him in such a way. The Arisen was also taken aback by the cold tone of voice Arliss used. "Do you need something?" He continued coldly.

"Hey now, you might want to calm down." Ralof intervened. "What's with that tone?" He asked. "You're almost as bad as that thief over there." He said gesturing to the man next to him.

"Damn you Stormcloaks!" The thief yelled at Ralof, angry at the slight. "Skyrim was fine until you came along!" He continued. "Empire was nice and lazy. If they hadn't been looking for you I'd have stolen that horse and been halfway to Hammerfell." He looked past Ralof at the man from Cyrodil then glanced at the other two foreigners. "Not all of us are rebel scum!" Ralof's eyes narrowed into a cold, hard glare. "We shouldn't be here. It's you stormcloaks the Empire wants." He said directing his frustration at Ralof.

It was quiet a moment before Ralof spoke. "And what about you huh?" He asked the thief His voice was low but it held a hint of anger. "I may be a rebel, but you're just a thief" He said coldly raising his voice. The horse thief only recoiled away in response. Unnoticed by the others, the man from Cyrodil flinched upon hearing his words. Ralof sighed. "It doesn't matter." He said defeated. "We're all brothers and sisters in binds now." He looked down solemnly at his hands which had rope tightly cutting into his flesh.

They all sat quietly, not uttering a word. The only sounds heard were the slow trotting of the horse and the wheels of the carriage moving along the road to their destination. The silence brought out the gloom of the situation they were in, however it also allowed the Arisen time to take everything in.

She understood that the they had gotten themselves involved in a civil war by siding with the rebels also known as Stormcloaks against the Empire, and that they were now at the Empire's mercy. She also knew that the land they were in was called Skyrim, and that there was another nation by the border called Cyrodil. She recalled how the thief mentioned a place called Hammerfell. 'It must be another nation in this world.' She thought. 'Of course, it could also be a village or city.' She wondered what kinds of places skyrim held and how it would be important to learn their way around. 'We'll have to acquire a map when we escape.' Coming out of her thoughts the gloomy atmosphere reminded her of the situation they were in. 'If we escape.' She corrected herself with a sigh.

The silence was interrupted by the horse thief "What's wrong with him?" He asked Ralof while looking ahead at the man next to the Arisen who was gagged as well as bound. "Why is he gagged?" Arliss, the Arisen, and the Cyrodil man looked curiously at the gagged man.

'I've been wondering about that as well.' The Arisen thought as she observed the man next to her. 'Is he someone of great importance?' She wondered.

Ralof answered the question they were all wondering. "Watch your tongue! That man is Ulfric Stormcloak, the true High King." Ralof's tone and the words he spoke carried such a weight that they were able to understand the situation upon hearing them.

'True High King?' Thought the Arisen. 'He must be important to the Rebellion.' Then realization struck. 'He's been captured with us so the place we're being taken to-'

"Ulfric? The Jarl of Windhelm?" The horse thief asked. "You're the leader of the Rebellion." He paused. "If they captured you-" He spoke slowly yet tensely as his mind pieced together the new information with the situation, then it dawned on him. "Oh Gods!" His voice was shrill as panic set in. "Where are they taking us?" He asked, his voice quivering and his body shaking.

Ralof answered. "I don't know where we're going, but Sovngarde awaits." He said slowly with a stoic expression. His voice was low and held sadness, however there was a hint something else as well.

"Sovngarde?" Arliss asked, not following.

The man from Cyrodil answered. "Sovngarde is the afterlife for us Nords, especially warriors." He said calmly. "When you think about it, getting executed isn't a bad price to pay to spend the rest of eternity in Shor's grand hall."

"No, you're mad!" The horse thief yelled. "That may be fine for you, but I'm not ready to die yet." He said terrified. He lowered his head and tried to calm himself. "This can't be happening. This isn't happening." He said in a low shaky voice to himself over and over.

Arliss looked at the Arisen. She had a serious look on her face which couldn't be read. 'Not again.' Arliss thought. 'I won't let you die again.' He steeled his resolve. He looked ahead, determination glinting in his eyes. "I'll not allow it to happen." He said in a low tone to himself quietly. The Arisen heard him speak and glanced at him curiously but said nothing.

The man from Cyrodil also noticed and said to him, "I suppose a Breton like yourself wouldn't understand."

"I'm not a Breton." Arliss said simply. "I'm a-" He stopped himself before he could finish the sentence. He mentally berated himself realizing what he said. 'T'would have been better if I had said naught.' He glanced at the Arisen and saw that she was looking at him worriedly. Arliss avoided her gaze and looked at the man instead. The man smirked as if he knew something more than what was just said, then he spoke.

"Really? You're sure you're not a Breton?" He asked while feigning ignorance. "You look kinda like a Breton, and seem the magic sort, so I figured you were." He continued. "If you're not a Breton, what are you?" He asked casually. He stared at Arliss and glanced at the Arisen curiously. They felt as if his gaze was looking through them. Finally he looked away towards the front at the road ahead. "Since we're all going to die anyway it doesn't matter." He said with a sigh. He watched the road ahead stoically, his eyes betrayed him with the sadness they held. "So, what about you? Where will you go when -" He paused. "Well you know."

Arliss turned to the Arisen, his eyes silently asking for guidance. Seeing his expression she thought a moment before she leaned in and whispered. "You can tell him aught about the Rift, but tell him naught of Pawns, Arisen, how we got here, or anything from before then." She Paused. "Although, if I say that I am the Arisen then you can say who you are as long as you don't give too much away." She watched him and he nodded.

"My kind go to the Rift when we are killed." Arliss answered the man. He was careful to avoid saying 'pawns' and 'return to the rift'.

"The Rift huh?" The man asked. "What's it like?"

Arliss recalled the Rift as he thought about how he should answer. "The Rift is exactly how it sounds." He said simply. The man raised an eyebrow. "In the Rift there is naught but the Rift itself and the others in it." He explained. 'We pawns also don't tend to speak to each other within the Rift either.' He thought but kept hidden as he continued describing it. "The Rift is dark but to an extent you can see, although if you look ahead you can't see aught. When you're in the Rift you also feel naught."

The man from Cyrodil was confused. 'This guy talks weird.' He thought. 'What's aught, and naught, and why does he keep saying them?' He wondered. 'Must be how they speak at wherever they come from.' He concluded. There was also something else that was bothering him about the mage talking to him. 'The way he talks about the Rift in such detail with that face make it seem like he's speaking from experience, as if he's been there.' He felt a bit weirded out by this thought. "That doesn't sound like a good afterlife." He said to Arliss. "Do you get reincarnated after or what?"

"Reincarnated?" Arliss asked.

"Born into the world again." The man explained. "Some races beleive it." He said with a shrug.

Arliss thought about it a bit. 'Pawns can't truly die, we simply return to the Rift until an Arisen calls us into the world with a Rift-stone.' He thought. 'Of course I can't say that.' After carefully considering his words he spoke up. "Yes, something like that." Luckily the man accepted the answer and didn't ask anything else.

The horse thief was still repeating the same words over and over in attempt to calm himself, but to no avail. Finally Ralof decided to say something to stop him. "Hey, what village are you from horse thief?" He asked.

Slowly the thief stopped, he paused a moment before he turned to Ralof. "Why do you care?" He asked coldly.

Ralof looked at him sadly. "A Nord's last thoughts should be of home." He spoke slowly, his low voice cutting through the cold and setting down heavily as a dead weight in their hearts.

The thief stared at him in shock and terror. "Rorikstead." He spoke so quietly Ralof had to strain his ears to hear. "I'm from Rorikstead." He raised his shaky voice, then his gaze drifted downward as his thoughts filled with home.

He watched the road ahead vigilantly, his gaze was unceasing. After a short while he spoke up. "Looks like they're taking us to that town." The words of the Cyrodil man got their attention and they all turned to see their destination. The town appeared to be somewhat fortified and suited for military use. The gate was open, but it did not make the thick, towering walls of stone surrounding the town any less imposing.

"It's Helgen." Said Ralof as he recognized the place. "I used to be sweet on a girl from here." As he reminisced a small bittersweet smile formed on his face. "I wonder if Velod is still making that mead with juniper berries mixed in." He looked at the fortified wall. "It's funny, when I was a boy Imperial walls and towers used to make me feel safe." As the cart approached the gate Ralof's eyes caught sight of something which caused him to scowl. "Look at him!" The others turned to look at the man he was glaring daggers at. "General Tullius of the Imperial Legion." He growled. "And it looks like the Thalmor are with him. Damn elves, I bet they had something to do with this."

'Elves?' The Arisen curiously pulled her attention from the General and observed the people called Thalmor. They were different from anyone she's seen before. They had a golden tint to their skin which made them appear almost as if they were glowing, as well as a unique facial structure with high prominent cheekbones, and long pointy ears the like she's only seen on a few pawns in the Rift. The Arisen was fascinated with this Thalmor race. 'I wonder what else exists in this world.'

The Imperial at the reigns suddenly pulled the horse to a stop. A female captain approached the cart issuing out orders to an Imperial soldier who had been speaking to the General.

"Why are we stopping?" The thief asked fearfully.

The man from Cyrodil rolled his eyes. "They plan on giving us Mead and Sweet-rolls." He said sarcastically before asking in a harsh voice. "What do you think?"

"This is it." Ralof said with a sigh. "This is the end of the line." He stood up. "Let's go, we shouldn't keep the Gods waiting for us."

The thief panicked. "No! Please wait! We're not Rebels!" He cried. "I fully support the Imperial Legion!" He loudly proclaimed. "I would never side with Rebel Scum! Death to the Stormcloaks!"

His words only brought him glares from the other captives around him. The man from Cyrodil was disgusted to be kinsman with such a coward and felt that he was a disgrace to the Nord race. The thief's cowardly mein reminded the Arisen of a certain person who once made a false accusation against her to avoid punishment after having been saved by her, as well as another coward who did the same for another reason. The worst glares though were from Ulfric and Ralof. "Face your death with some courage you damn thief!" Ralof harshly reprimanded.

They all got up and stepped out of the cart. They stood facing the female captain, and another Imperial soldier. "Step towards the block when we call your name, one at a time!" The captain called. Hearing her order the Imperial next to her pulled out a parchment. Ralof muttered something under his breath about the Empire and their lists.

The Imperial soldier stepped forward and began reading the names off the list. "Ulfric Stormcloak, Jarl of Windhelm." He said slowly as he marked the name on his list. Ulfric closed his eyes and nodded as in acceptance before he walked to the block.

"It has been an honor, Jarl Ulfric." Ralof said to him as he passed by.

The Imperial froze when he saw the next name on the list. Slowly he rose his gaze and his voice. "Ralof of Riverwood." He called casually. Ralof stepped forward. For a moment their eyes met. Ralof looked ahead coldly as he walked to the block. The Imperial's eyes followed him with sadness and a bit of regret, before he returned to the list and called out the next name. "Lokir of Rorikstead."

"No! I'm not a Rebel!" The horse thief Lokir screamed. "Please listen to me!" His plea fell on deaf ears. "You can't do this." An imperial soldier stepped forward to take him by force. The soldier reached out his arm to grab him but Lokir evaded his grasp. "No!" He ran from the soldier and dashed past the captain.

"Halt!" Yelled the captain as he brushed past her nearly knocking her over. He ignored her and kept running.

As he ran towards freedom Lokir felt a strange sensation form in his chest and travel up into his throat before finally escaping from his lips. Realizing that freedom was within his grasp he let out a victorious laugh. "You're not gonna kill me!" He cried out triumphantly.

The captain glared angrily at the fleeing prisoner. "Archers!" She called out. Immediately Imperial archers aimed at Lokir. Without waiting for the captain to order them to fire they knocked arrows into their bows and let them fly. Their skilled marksmanship was clearly demonstrated as their arrows pierced Lokir's body, not a single arrow missed their mark. Lokir let out a final anguished cry before his body fell dead. "Hmph." The captain turned to the rest of the prisoners. "Anyone else feel like running?" She asked with a smirk. The rest of the prisoners were silent. The spectacle they had just witnessed made it clear that escape would be a difficult feat to accomplish. Satisfied that the rest of the prisoners seemed deterred from the thought the captain turned to the one with the list. "Carry on Hadvar." She ordered.

Hadvar looked at the rest of the prisoners in confusion. He looked at the list and glanced between them a couple of times. "Wait." He pointed at Arliss, the Arisen, and the man from Cyrodil. "You three step forward." He ordered. The man and Arisen did as they were told while Arliss watched the Arisen before following her example. When the three stood before him Hadvar asked. "Who are you?"

The first to speak was the man from Cyrodil. He stood tall, and broad, and proud, his deep blue eyes shone bright with determination. "I am Kriger." He introduced himself proudly, his deep voice was unwavering. "I had just crossed the border from Cyrodil not long before."

"You picked a bad time to come home to Skyrim kinsman." Hadvar commented as he wrote on the list. He looked up from his writing at the other two prisoners. "Next!"

The eyes of those around were easily drawn to the two strangers who were left. They looked on curiously, at the two who were so obviously foreigners in their lands.Their clothes, and gear betrayed how out of place they were. The young man appeared to be a Breton, as he was a bit short, as Bretons tend to be. His light brown hair was short, and straight, and hung over what appeared to be a circlet of sorts. He wore a long, bright red, cloak over dark bottoms, and had a strange staff with what looked like a piece of a heart at the top. The young woman at his side stood close to his height, only being half a head shorter than him. She had raven black hair which almost reached her shoulders, her bangs held up over a strange black circlet. She wore an armored vest, which seemed suprisingly light, over chain hosen. On her arms were dark bracers with only one glove. She had a dark short-bow on her back, and at her sides were two dark twin daggers in the shape of a dragons head. The two wore matching raven black scarves or cloaks, and black over knee boots.

The Arisen straightened herself. She knew what she was about to say, but she knew not if it would work. Her bright, yet cold, hazel eyes met Hadvar's. Her eyes shining in defiance, she raised her voice in answer. "I am the Arisen." Her tone and bearing held an air of authority. 'I know I told myself if such things existed in this world I would not associate with them, but right now this is all I can do.' She thought to herself as she relied on the title 'Arisen'. "My name is Silvana."

He watched the Arisen closely. He knew not how to answer so he would watch and follow her example. She stood defiantly and loudly proclaimed herself to be the Arisen. 'Since she called herself Arisen there should be nothing wrong with me calling myself a pawn.' Arliss thought. When she had finished her introduction he wasted no time in answering. "I am the Arisen's Main Pawn." He said with some pride. He bowed slightly, and were his hands free he would raise his hand to show his glowing scar. "This pawn is called Arliss." He said raising his head.

"We hail from Gransys." Said Silvana.

'Arisen, pawn, Gransys?' He contemplated those words and their possible meaning. The demeanor of the woman Silvana, especially regarding the way she told them of her title 'Arisen' was one of command and importance. 'She must have been a leader of some sort in the world of Gransys.' He concluded before thinking about the mage who followed her. Arliss had called himself her 'pawn' and even made a distinction by referring to himself as 'main'. 'What kind of title is pawn or main pawn?' He wondered, but even as he pondered it the words were too unfamiliar for him to guess. 'They're not from this world so whatever titles they may have in Gransys won't be of any use to them here.' Kriger thought as he recalled the sky earlier. He then observed the confused Imperial who looked like he was trying to recall if he's ever heard of such a place or title, finally Hadvar gave up and wrote on his list.

"I've never heard of Gransys or such titles before." Hadvar told them before turning to the woman next to him. "Captain, what should we do? They're not on the list."

She looked at them with derision. "Forget the list. They go to the block."

"By your orders Captain." Hadvar turned to the three sympathetically. "I'm sorry." He apologized. Turning to Kriger he said. "At least you'll die here, in your homeland." He then turned to Arliss and Silvana. "We'll try to make sure your remains get returned to Gransys, wherever it is." The Captain began walking towards the block. "Follow the Captain." Wordlessly they did as they were told.

Kriger easily followed first, bravely. He had meant what he said earlier in the cart. 'Execution is a small price to pay to spend eternity in Sovngarde.'

Silvana was only slightly hesitant. She was disappointed that her freedom from the Seneschal's Throne lasted so shortly, but she was not afraid of death, she had already killed herself once before after all. She knew her pain would not last, but the same could not be said of Arliss. He would be forced to watch her die a second time, then he would be killed and would return to the Rift, possibly forever. 'Would he blame himself?' She wondered sadly. She recalled a few of the pawns she met in the Everfall who lost their Masters and spent their eternities blaming themselves and regretting their mistakes. 'I don't want that for Arliss.' She thought. "Arliss" She whispered. "Listen to my final commands."

"Master?" Arliss whispered confused and worried.

"Don't do anything to try to save me, and no matter what happens to me promise me you won't blame yourself." Arliss was shocked upon hearing her orders. "And If you can, try to live." He tried to form a response but could not. "Promise me Arliss."

He felt as if his throat had closed up but forced himself to speak. "I promise." He followed her command and said the words she wanted to hear even though what she asked of him went against every fiber of his being. 'Will I really have to do nothing, and watch her die again?' He asked himself.


End of Chapter 3: I know some things may be strange. Things like tis' and aught are purposefully used because I'm trying to emulate the way they speak in Dragon's Dogma. This manner of speaking will mostly be used by Silvana, and Arliss, and will make them stand out compared to the folks in Skyrim who speak more similarly to us.

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed my story!

Chapter 4: Unbound


Escape is nigh impossible. The Prisoners begin to accept death, and the end approaches...yet fate would say otherwise. A cloud of unease hangs o'er the Arisen, and looms above. She can feel it. Something stirs, something awakens, something comes.


Disclaimer: Skyrim belongs to Bethesda and Dragon's Dogma belongs to Capcom. I own nothing




(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 4: Unbound (Part One)

Slowly they walked through the cobblestone streets. The hushed voices of the civilians met their ears as onlookers murmured amongst each other. They felt stares on their backs as people openly gawked and glared at them. The tension in the air was so thick it could be cut with a blade. Their hearts and bodies felt heavy. Each and every step they took forward took an incredible amount of effort to make. What was only a short walk felt a lot longer. Finally, they reached the block where the others were waiting.

General Tullius stepped torward Ulfric with a heavy gait. "Ulfric Stormcloak." He greeted with contempt, and disdain. "Some here in Helgen call you a hero, but a hero doesn't use a power like the voice to murder his King and usurp his throne." Hearing his words Ulfric scowled at the Imperial General, a low growl escaped his throat. Infuriated by Ulfric's defiance he cried out in anger. "You started this war, flung Skyrim into chaos! And now the Empire is going to put you down and restore the peace!"

At that moment something bellowed from within the clouds. It's powerful cry could be heard throughout all of Skyrim. The Arisen heard it clearly, a sound which was all too familiar. A feeling of dread weighed upon her heart, and it wasn't from fear of execution.

"What was that?" Hadvar asked, his eyes darted to and fro as he searched for what could have made that noise.

General Tullius looked up when he heard it. He wouldn't admit it, but there was something about that sound which shook him to his very core. A small bead of sweat formed on his forehead and slid down his cheek. "It's nothing." His words were both an answer to Hadvar's question, as well as reassurance for himself. He tore his gaze from the sky and turned to his subordinates. "Carry on."

"Yes General Tullius!" The Captain exclaimed. She turned to a robed woman. "Give them their last rites." She ordered.

The robed woman stepped forward and raised her arms in praise. "As we commend your souls to Aetherius, blessings of the eight divines upon you -"

A Stormcloak soldier stepped forward. "For the love of Talos, shut up and let's get this over with." He marched up to them adamantly with unfaltering determination. "Come on! I haven't got all morning!" He yelled.

Arliss watched the Stormcloak in confused horror as he walked forward. 'Why?' He glanced at the Arisen, then turned back to the Stormcloak who was now kneeling. 'Why are you so eager to die?' Humans were supposed to try to live, to fight or flee in the face of death. Arliss watched as the Stormcloak spoke his last words, and was quickly and easily silenced by a single swing of the executioner's axe. Seeing the man's severed head roll into the basket sent his mind reeling. 'If I do naught the same will happen to Master.' The image of her lifeless form appeared in his mind. 'No! I mustn't allow it!' Her words resounded in his head reminding him of her orders and the promise he made. 'If I do aught I'll be disobeying her orders.'

The first execution brought cheers and applause from the Imperials and townsfolk alike. The prisoners watched with mixed expressions of sadness and anger, the death of their comrade adding more grief to their sorrow. One Stormcloak soldier cried out bitterly against the Imperials, tears forming in her eyes.

Ralof spoke of their newly deceased comrade solemnly, yet loudly enough for the other prisoners to hear. "As fearless in death as he was in life."

Silvana decided to add on to the statement out of respect. "He faced his death with valour." She was sure she heard it said once long ago.

Kriger was a bit surprised that even a stranger who fell from the sky would have something to say. He let out a small chuckle. 'In that case I should offer my piece too.' He looked up with a twinkle in his eye, and smirked. "He was a True Nord who died for the honor of Talos, and I'm proud to call him my brother!" He shouted as loud as he could, getting surprised looks from everyone.

The Stormcloaks then let burst their cries of rebellion in honor of their fallen brother in arms. The Imperials tried to quiet them, but were unsuccessful. The enraged captain pointed at Kriger. "Next the Nord in the rags! Seize him!" Imperial soldiers immediately grabbed him and shoved him in front of the other prisoners, as their cries slowly died down. The captain took slow deliberate steps as she sauntered towards him. "You said you were proud to call him your brother?" She spoke calmly and had a small smile on her face, but her eyes held an unbridled fury. "Then you should be proud to join him." She snarled. "Execute him!"

From within the clouds something let out another cry. Which was faintly heard in Helgen. "There it is again." Hadvar looked around. "Did you hear that?"

The captain ignored him. "I said; next prisoner." She ordered through clenched teeth.

"Guess it's my time huh?" Kriger said to himself.

"Hey you, wait a moment." A familiar voice called.

Kriger turned to Ralof in confusion. "It's Kriger." He said somewhat coldly. "What is it?"

"Let's share some mead in Shor's grand hall brother." Ralof said with a grin.

Kriger couldn't help but let out a small chuckle as he went up to the block. His smile faded, when he stood in front of the executioner. Without a word he kneeled.

The Arisen had a queer feeling since first she heard it. That faint distant sound which was so familiar. She was sure she knew what it was. The wind picked up, and the feeling grew stronger. The headsman raised his axe, and she turned away, lifting her gaze to the sky. She knew she was right, but when she saw it her breath caught in her chest. 'That is one large-'

"Wyvern!" Arliss' voice interrupted her thoughts.

"No." She breathed. 'That's no Wyvern.'

"Dragon!" A cry echoed, and it was heard by all in Helgen.

"By the nine divines." Kriger's voice was a whisper, his mouth agape, and his eyes wide. He never thought he would see such a sight. 'A real Dragon.' The creature let out a powerful roar, and fire fell from the sky.

'It cast Grand Bolide?!' Arliss was taken aback by its display of power, before realization struck. He eyed the Arisen's daggers which were secured to her waist, and cut his binds on the blade's exposed edge. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a Stormcloak run into a tower. "Come Master!" He pulled the Arisen, and they rushed into the tower. Once they were inside he cut her bindings with a knife.

"Thanks Arliss." she said while rubbing her wrists.

"Of course Master." He replied. "What should we do now?"

The Dragon Unleashed another cry of unrelenting force. A heavy gust of wind threw Kriger from the block. He fell with a heavy thud. 'I'm not going to stay down.' He grit his teeth, and pushed himself to his feet. He stood unsteadily on shaky ground. 'What now?' He frantically looked around, completely disoriented. Ralof came and grabbed him by the shoulder.

"Come on, the gods won't give us another chance!" Ralof took off towards a tower. "This way!" He called.

"You don't have to tell me twice!" Said Kriger as he followed. Once they were safely inside Kriger noticed the presence of Ulfric, several other Stormcloaks, and a certain pair of strangers whispering amongst themselves. 'What are they talking about?' He wondered. He was then taken out of his thoughts when Ralof asked Ulfric what everyone wanted to, or already knew. Everyone turned to Ulfric eagerly awaiting his answer.

Despite the chaos outside, and the tense atmosphere inside Ulfric spoke calmly. "Like you I don't know much about what's going on, but I do know that legends don't burn down buildings." A few soldiers who were in denial seemed to become even more tense. "The return of the dragons may be a bad omen, however it did give us another chance." As soon as he finished speaking, the dragon let out another roar which shook the tower. "We need to move. Now!"

"Up through the tower, let's go!" Ralof ordered as he hurried up the staircase. Kriger, and the two strangers followed. A couple of Stormcloaks were clearing a pile of rubble at the top. One turned to Ralof and began to shout something when the wall shattered. "No way." Ralof stared wide eyed as the dragon poked it's head in. It opened it's mouth. "Watch out!" Fiery breath flowed from it's mouth into the tower. They pressed themselves against the wall to escape the passing flames. Hot air brushed against their skin fiercely, like a maelstrom. Finally the dragon took back to the sky, and the fire vanished.

Silvana let out a relieved sigh. "That was far too close for my liking."

"Yeah, I'll say." Kriger agreed.

"Is anyone harmed?" Arliss asked, staff ready.

"There's no time for idle chatter." Ralof interrupted. "Come on." He waved them over, and pointed out the new window. "See the inn on the other side? Jump through the roof, and keep going."

Silvana examined what was left of the building below. 'There's not much left of it, but tis' not much of a jump either.' She noted. "Alright, let's go Arliss." She leapt off the tower, and landed gracefully in the inn below. Arliss jumped after her, sending energy to his staff. It began glowing a familiar light. Kriger narrowed his eyes as he recognized it.

"Is he flying?" Ralof asked in awe. Kriger ignored him, and jumped after them. "Friendly folks." Ralof sarcastically muttered to himself. Just when he was about to follow, a loud crash resounded. Ralof whirled around. "By Yismir's beard!"

Kriger landed with a heavy thud. "Urgh." He grunted. 'Hope I never have to make another jump like that again.'

"Kind of you to join us Sir.Kriger." The Arisen woman greeted.

Kriger raised an eyebrow. 'Sir?' Choosing to ignore the greeting he said. "Shouldn't you be moving? There's a dragon out there."

"There may be aught here." She defended. "If you're in a hurry you can go ahead."

He shook his head with a sigh. "If you're planning on getting burnt to a crisp that's your problem." He said before jumping to the floor below.

Once he was gone Silvana looked down at her hand. Opening her palm revealed a small, golden coin. She knew it wasn't the best time, but she brought it up to her eyes anyway. Observing it she noticed that it had the profile of a man with the words 'The Empire is Law, The Law is Sacred' engraved on it. At first she was relieved that she could read at least one of this world's written languages, but then a thought hit her. 'Empire, this must be Imperial money.' She wondered if the rebels had another currency, and if they'd accept it. 'I still have my money from Gransys as well.' She thought. 'Would that be worth anything here?'

"There Master, I've spotted Ser.Ralof." Arliss' voice took her from her thoughts. She pocketed the coin, and looked to where he was pointing. Ralof could be seen in the midst of battle. "Shall we join him?" Arliss asked. She gave an affirmative nod, and with that they were off.

Ralof found himself in a tough spot. He, and a few other Stormcloaks were surrounded by a group of Imperials. "Damn you!" Ralof yelled. "Even in the midst of a dragon attack you wanna fight?!" An imperial soldier charged at him with his sword. Ralof jumped aside, and brought down his axe. It cleaved through the poor man's arms, and he let out a shrill cry. Ralof swung again, this time decapitating him. Two more imperials glanced at each other with a conspiratorial nod. The first one charged straight on. Ralof blocked easily, and their blades locked. They fought against each other with all their strength. Ralof pushed forward His blade inched towards the Imperial's throat, despite this the soldier smirked. Ralof looked at him in confusion, unaware of the incoming slash at his open side.

"Watch your flank!" Someone yelled. Ralof turned his head to see another Imperial coming at him with a ready blade. His eyes widened, and he broke into a cold sweat. He knew he couldn't block this attack. The imperial raised his blade, and stopped. His eyes opened wide in shock. His mouth went agape, and blood spilled out. The soldier fell revealing the one who killed him. "Don't leave yourself open like that, brother." The Stormcloak said.

"Thanks, Gunjar." Ralof said, as he finished off the Imperial he had locked blades with. "Have you found Ulfric?"

"Not yet." Gunjar spoke through grit teeth. He blocked an attack, and shoved forward, stunning his foe. Bringing down his axe, was all it took to finish her off.

"Watch 'your' flank!" Ralof warned as he cut down another soldier who was aiming for Gunjar.

Gunjar let out a grunt. "They keep coming."

"You're right." Ralof agreed. "What should we do?"

"Let's escape through the keep!" Gunjar killed two more soldiers, and broke away from the formation.

"Hold on!" Ralof yelled. "What about Ulfric?"

"For now we can only hope he escapes. Over staying our welcome, and dying here will only help the Empire." Without another word, Gunjar charged forward. A swing of his axe cleared his path, and he fled out of sight.

Although he hated to admit it, Gunjar was probably right. Unfortunately Imperial soldiers were blocking the way, and they weren't about to let anyone else pass. "It's not going to be easy, but we'll fight our way through." Said Ralof raising his axe and cleaving through soldiers. He pressed forward determined to make it through the Imperial barricade. An arrow whizzed in front of his eyes, nearly grazing his nose, and hit an Imperial to his side. He quickly turned to see the one responsible. "You nearly hit me!" He reprimanded.

"Ralof, get back!" The Arisen ordered, as she lowered her bow. Hearing the urgency in her voice he leapt back, right in the nick of time.

"Comestion!" Arliss yelled, and fire erupted from the ground, enveloping a few soldiers in a fire wall, separating the Stormcloaks and Imperials. Everyone stepped back away from the flames.

"Tis' just a temporary fire wall, it'll die down afore long." Silvana informed.

Ralof nodded. "When the flames go out, move quickly!" He ordered. They waited and soon the flames began to dissipate. "Now!" The Stormcloaks let out a battle cry as they rushed forward. They were met in kind with Imperials intent on stopping them. Numbers were cut down on both sides, but all pushed forward with great conviction. Ralof hacked into a soldier, and kicked away the body. "This way." He gestured to a few of his comrades, and the two strangers, who followed, leaving behind the sound of clashing blades.

Kriger had just jumped from the inn when realization struck. 'My hands are still tied. I should've had one of them cut the rope.' A loud thud, and the trembling earth got his attention, and there the dragon stood. He watched as the Imperial soldier, Hadvar, called out to a child. The boy ran as the Dragon opened it's maw and flames flew. The boy managed to escape unscathed, but behind him a body burned.

"Father!" The boy cried. Hadvar held him back from running into the flames. "No! Papa!" Tears streamed down his face as he screamed.

Kriger looked downcast as he listened to the boy. The cries were so similar, to his own from long before. He shook his head to stop his thoughts. "Talos guide him." He said softly.

Hadvar whipped his head around. "Who's there?"

'Damn, looks like he heard me.'

Not receiving an answer he became wary. He pulled out his sword, and called out once more. "Show yourself!"

'Hmph, looks like I have to.' Reluctantly Kriger stepped forward. "It's me." He held up his still tied hands. "I have no weapons either."

Hadvar was momentarily surprised. "Still alive Prisoner?" Without waiting for an answer he turned, and began moving. "Keep close to me if you wish to stay that way." He ordered.

'Can't believe I'm taking orders from someone who was about to cut off my head.' Kriger thought as he followed. "Hey, how about cutting off this rope?" Hadvar ignored his request, and continued moving. 'This is just great.' Kriger thought bitterly.

"Stay close to the wall!" Hadvar warned. Just as he said that, there was a great crash, and they pressed themselves against the wall. The dragon's massive arms nearly crushed them. Looking up Kriger saw it atop the wall.Kriger held his breath hoping it wouldn't look down. It breathed out another fiery breath, and took to the sky as quickly as it landed. The two let out sighs of relief, before pressing on.

As they neared the keep he spotted familiar faces in the distance. Ralof, and that strange pair. Kriger quickly rushed to join them. "Where are you-?" Hadvar stopped when he saw him. His brow furrowed. "Ralof! You damn traitor. Get out of my way!"

Ralof met him with a glare. "We're escaping Hadvar. You're not stopping us this time."

Hadvar eyed Ralof and his company, and scowled. "Fine, I hope that dragon takes you all to Sovngarde!" He yelled before storming off.

"Come on, into the keep." Ralof ordered. "Through here, let's go." He held open the door, and they rushed inside. Ralof was the last to enter, when he did his eyes widened. "Gunjar." He kneeled next to his dead comrade. "We'll meet again in Sovngarde brother." After a moment he stood. "Looks like we're the only ones who made it."

"Tis' not over yet." Silvana said.

"What do we do now?" Arliss asked.

"First, someone's gonna have to take care of this." Kriger held up his still tied hands in exasperation.

Ralof looked at him surprised. "You're still bound?" He asked in disbelief. "I'm impressed you've managed to survive like that." He laughed. "The divines must have blessed you with luck." Kriger gave Ralof a deathly glare. "Alright, I get it." Ralof said. "Come here, let me see if I can get those bindings off."

Kriger rubbed his newly free wrists. "That's much better."

"Why don't you take Gunjar's gear?" Ralof suggested. "He won't be needing it anymore."

Kriger looted Gunjar's body, and took off his ragged tunic. The Arisen looked away. Kriger laughed. "I'm not shy you know."

When he was done, he took a few practice swings with the axe. "Now, this is more like it." He grinned. With a weapon in his hands he felt as if he could almost taste freedom.

"Someone comes." Arliss warned. The sound of footsteps and hushed voices approached. They hid, weapons in their hands. Arliss hid farthest from the gate. Quietly he whispered an incantation.

Kriger could see them from his hiding spot. A group of Imperials. He recognized two of them. Giving out orders was the woman who ordered for his death. Then, among the group he saw, 'him'. His hand clenched tightly on his axe. He was eager to spill some blood. It was no sooner than the gate opened when he let out his own roar. "You!" He charged forward with his axe.


Chapter 4: Unbound ~ To Be Continued

Originally I planned to do "Unbound" in a single chapter, but since I've kept you waiting so long, and I'm having some trouble with the next scene; I've decided to cut the chapter into two parts. I'm really sorry, please bear with me. From now on I'm going to try not to take so long.

I'm sorry. If you notice anything odd, or think of ways to make my story better please let me know so I can fix it. I hope to continue improving my writing, and I hope you all enjoy reading.

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed my story!

Chapter 5: Unbound (Part Two)


Just as all seemed lost a dragon attacked, not missing this chance the rebels take advantage of the situation and begin their escape.
Helgen's Keep offers a moment of respite even if only briefly. As Imperials approach, Kriger recognizes one among them, and acts on his own.


Disclaimer: Skyrim belongs to Bethesda and Dragon's Dogma belongs to Capcom. I own nothing.




(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 5: Unbound (Part Two)

Hushed voices, and the sound of footsteps approached. A shrouded group lies in wait. The sound grows, incomprehensible words become clear. His grip clenched tightly around his axe. His blue eyes warily fixed upon a gate in anticipation. They're in his sight now, a group of imperials, among them, two familiar faces. His lips curled into a menacing grimace, as he let out his venom laced voice. "YOU!" With raised axe he charged forward into the fray, taking all by surprise.

"What are you doing charging in by yourself?!" Ralof yelled, but too late as Kriger had already vanished from sight. Only the sounds of clashing blades amidst the group revealed he was there. "He's gone mad!"

"Mayhaps." Said Silvana, as she knocked an arrow in her bow. "Or mayhaps he's just that confident in his skill." She fired. "For now let's trust in him, and offer our support."

"Alright." Arliss said as he enchanted her weapons. She then drew her daggers and rushed headfirst into battle.

"Hmph." Ralof held up his axe with a grin. "I never said I wouldn't" He said as he went in to join the fight.

Kriger was truly frenzied. The man responsible for his capture was within his grasp, but he was surrounded by other enemies intent on killing him. 'It looks like your not going to make this easy.' He cut down another soldier. 'Fine by me.' He thought. "If you intend to block my path, I'll carve a new one right through you!" He swung widely around himself, forcing his enemies to give him room. Quickly before they could recover he raised his axe high and cleaved through a man ahead of him. He aimed for another soldier, but he blocked his attack. Others threatened to close in on on him when they were cut down.

"Thought you could use some help." Ralof intervened.

"I don't need any help." Kriger grunted, his blade locked with another. "I can handle myself."

"No doubt friend. But a fellow nord is always willing to help a brother in arms." Ralof replied.

"He's right." Silvana joined. "Right now we need to work together." She fired another arrow. Kriger shoved the man he was locked in combat with, and readied his now free blade. "Arliss enchant his weapon with fire." The Arisen ordered.

"Right away." Arliss nodded, and sent a flaming orb towards Kriger.

"What the-?" Kriger's eyes widened, as the orb hit him, and covered his axe with an orange glow. He could feel heat radiating from the blade.

"Watch out!" Ralof warned.

Kriger managed to block just in time, he had again locked blades with the same man he had before. "I'll give you one thing you're persistent." He again shoved him away, and slashed at the opening. The soldier moved swiftly, and his axe only grazed his armor, and to both their surprise it caught fire. The soldier screamed in pain. Kriger jumped back in surprise. The panicked soldier tried to put out the flames, to no avail. Kriger raised his axe, and cut him down. He looked at the warm glow of the weapon again. "I admit it's a useful trick." With a grin he charged back into battle.

Soon after only a few imperials remained. The female captain, and the man Kriger was after were among them. "Finally." Kriger huffed, his eyes glued to the man. "You're mine." Slowly he made his way towards him. "Fight me."

The man's eyes widened. "You, you're quite the fighter I admit." He readied his sword and shield. "But, you've grown tired." A cold bead of sweat rolled down his face. "I won't lose to you!" He swung wildly. Kriger knocked his blade away, and the man stumbled back, and fell. "No! Wait!" The man cried. "Spare me please!" He held his shield up as a last defense.

Kriger sighed in disappointment. 'What was I expecting?' He wondered. 'This man is obviously a novice.' He looked down at the pitiful man. 'Novice or no, he must die, but...' He paused. 'Somehow it still leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.' Kriger picked up his sword and raised it. Just then the man's plea was silenced by an arrow. Wide eyed he turned to the source. "Arisen, why did you-?"

"You were taking too long." She replied.

"You had no right to interfere!" Kriger said angrily. He wasn't sure which was worse. The bitter feeling of killing a defenseless novice who could only cry and beg, or having his revenge stolen right in front of him.

"I know not if you were planning to let him go, or if you intended to savor the kill, nor did I care. It matters not, hesitation leads to defeat."

"I was not hesitating!"

"Enough!" Ralof shouted. "You can fight later! Right now we've got to focus on her." He gestured to the imperial captain who was bound by Arliss' Grapnel.

"You rebels really think you'll escape? Don't make me laugh!" She taunted.

"I would watch my tongue if I were you." Ralof warned.

"Why is she still alive?" Silvana asked?

Arliss answered. "Sir.Ralof wished to interrogate her."

"Not really, but I did have a question. She didn't answer though." Ralof said sheepishly.

"Then there's no point keeping her alive." Silvana said coldly, and slit her throat.

"Then we've won?" Arliss asked. "I'll heal our wounds." After a moment Anodyne was cast, and a sigil of holy light appeared. It enveloped them and their wounds healed.

"I've never seen a healing spell heal more than one person at a time." Said Ralof.

"You people really are strange." Kriger added.

Before the Arisen could retort Ralof spoke. "Not that i'm complaining. Anyway, let's go now. We've wasted enough time here." The other's nodded, and they continued.

They went through the gate, and silently moved along a darkened corridor, and down a flight of stairs. Upon reaching the bottom, another roar resounded. The building shook violently. "Tis' a quake!" Arliss cried. The ceiling gave out. After a moment the dust settled, revealing a blocked path. "Are you alright Master?" He asked.

She coughed. "I'm fine, but the path-"

"We have to keep moving. This way." Said Ralof. The next room had few imperials, who were dispatched quickly. "We should look around for any potions while we're here, they could be useful."

After looking around the room awhile Kriger spoke up. "I found these, in a barrel." He held up three vials. One red, one green, and one blue. "I'm keeping the healing potion." He pocketed the red vial, then held up the blue one. "Here." He said to Arliss. "It's a magicka potion, you'll need it more than me. I don't use magic much anyway."

"Thank you." Arliss took the vial and examined it. He had never used a magic potion before, as his magic used stamina. Quietly he wondered if it would work for him. 'I suppose I should try it later.'

Kriger looked at the green vial in his hand. With a smirk he tossed it at the Arisen. "Here, for you."

She was surprised, but somehow managed to catch it. "What is this?"

"A stamina potion. To make sure you can keep up." Kriger laughed.

She smiled in cold amusem*nt. "Why thank you, Sir. But I dare say I can keep up just fine."

"Keep it anyway. Just in case." He replied a smirk still on his lips.

"Are you ready to move?" Ralof asked impatiently. Kriger and Silvana sheepishly nodded, and they were on the move again.

As they reached the dungeons the sounds of battle reached their ears. "Let's go." Ralof ordered. They rushed in to see two imperials and two stormcloaks battling. It would be a pretty evenly matched fight, but that changed with their arrival. Shortly after, the fighting was over.

"Thanks for the help." One of the Stormcloaks said.

"Don't mention it." Ralof replied. "I'd help a fellow comrade any day."

A shiny gleam caught Arliss' gaze. "There's aught there." He walked up to a cage. "Had we a key, we could gather it."

"Who needs a key." Kriger held up a lockpick, and made his way to the cage. A moment later it was opened.

"How did you do that?" Silvana asked.

"I'll show you later." Kriger answered as he pocketed the gold. Picking up the book, he handed it to Arliss. "This is a spell tome. Since you're a mage you take it."

"My thanks." Said Arliss, as he took the book.

"You can take his robes too." Kriger said, gesturing to the dead mage.

Silvana was taken back. "You intend to remove the clothing from the dead?" She asked in disgust.

"Why not?" Was the answer she received. "He won't be needing it anymore."

"Ugh, but that's so-" Before she could finish she was interrupted by another voice.

"What an idea! Why have we not thought to do it before?" Arliss happily quipped, oblivious to his Master's reluctance. He was already rolling up the robes to take with him.

The Arisen sighed. "Oh fie, but be sure to wash it well afore putting it on."

Just then Ralof walked over, the other Stormcloaks behind him. "Good news, they're coming with us." Now a group of six, they continued down another darkened corridor which opened into a cave. Imperials gaurded the area.

"Let's get em'." One of the following Stormcloaks readied his blade.

"Not yet." Silvana whispered harshly. "Arliss cast spellscreen."

"With magic's boon." Arliss whispered, and a magical sigil enveloped the group. Instantly they felt a surge of strength.

Kriger lifted his weapon. A smile spread on his face. "Oh yeah, I like this."

"Now!" At once they charged, and they fell upon their enemies like a thunderstrike. They made short work of the guards and continued onwards.

"Tis' a lever." Arliss pointed.

"You don't say." Said Kriger sarcastically.

Ralof pulled the lever, lowering the bridge. "We're almost out. I can feel it." He said.

Kriger, and Ralof passed first. Arliss, and Silvana followed, the other two Stormcloaks behind them. Suddenly they were overtaken by the collapsing debris. The bridge gave out, and Silvana could feel herself falling.

"Master!" Arliss called frantically. Ralof and Kriger whirled around. Their eyes scanned worriedly for any signs of their missing comrades. Alas they couldn't see a thing beyond the dust of the fallen rubble.

Finally the dust settled, revealing her to them. "I'm fine." She coughed from the floor below.

"Are you hurt?" Arliss jumped down. "Don't worry I am here." He helped her to her feet.

Ralof breathed a sigh of relief. "I'm glad you're alright."

"It's good to see you're still breathing." Said Kriger.

"What about the others? Did they make it." Ralof asked.

Silvana shook her head regretfully. "I know not."

Ralof was saddened a moment, but steeled himself. "We need to keep moving. Do you need help getting back up here?" He asked, extending a hand to them.

"Tis' fine. There's a path here. We'll go this way."

"Alright." Ralof said reluctantly. "Take care."

"And don't die." Kriger added.

With that they continued onward. Along the path they found a small pouch filled with gold coins. "How strange. An unlucky fall led us to a lucky find." Silvana said, pocketing the money. Soon they were out of the hidden path, and back with the two Nords.

"Back already? Guess you couldn't stay away from me." Said Kriger.

"Your guess couldn't be more wrong Ser.Kriger." Silvana retorted.

"Ouch." He returned sarcastically.

They went deeper along the cave, until it opened up into a large area. Just then giant spiders glided down from the ceiling along a web. "Ugh, Frostbite Spiders." Ralof said. "I hate these things!" Everyone readied their weapons. "Watch out for their poison!" As soon as he said it, one spider spit venom at the Arisen who leapt aside. She then charged at it, and stabbed her twin daggers through it's corpse. Kriger smashed another spider with a mace. Ralof cleaved another in half. Arliss shot an ingle at another, burning it to ash.

Soon all the spiders were dead. Kriger cut into one of their corpses. "What are you doing?" Silvana asked.

"Getting the frostbite venom." Kriger answered. "You can coat your weapon with it."

She was a bit apprehensive at first, but she cut into a spider's corpse with her daggers and harvested the poison.

"Don't be so squeamish." Said Kriger.

"Tis' not it. I'm just not terribly fond of spiders." Silvana defended.

Once that was done, they began moving again. It wasn't long before they again came to a halt. "Hold up." Ralof whispered. "There's a bear just ahead. See her." The other's quickly lowered to a stealthy crouch. "I'd rather not tangle with her right now."

Kriger nodded. "Let's sneak past."

The Arisen eyed the sleeping bear. Hints of blood could be seen on it's fur. 'Tis' injured.' She thought. Her hands reached for her bow. She took aim. 'Fire!' It let out an pained cry, and charged with a fierce rage.

"Guess you're not the sneaking type." Ralof sighed.

"No helping it now." Said Kriger. "We fight!" He pulled out his mace. and charged. He smacked it hard upside the head. The bear was dazed a moment, giving the Arisen time to jump onto the bear, and strike with a hundred kisses from her blades. The bear was dead.

"Next time you plan to attack a bear, let us know ahead of time alright." Ralof scolded.

"What made you decide to attack it?" Asked Kriger.

"I saw that bear twas injured, and knew we could kill it easily." She answered.

"Bears are deadly beasts, so you should be more careful." Said Ralof.

"I've killed plenty of deadly beasts. I can take care of myself." Said Silvana.

"That's not important right now." Said Kriger. "What's important is we get this thing skinned." He pulled out a knife. "It'll fetch a nice price if we sell it."

They progressed further along the cave, bear pelt in tow. A chilly wind blew through them. "Do you feel that Arisen?" Arliss asked.

Ralof's spirit lifted, and he quickened his pace. "We're near the exit." The others hurried after him. Afore them a bright light shone from out of the cave. "Have you ever seen so great a sight?" Ralof asked with a laugh. Finally they escaped the cave, and stood outside overlooking the beautiful land of Skyrim. "Get down!" Ralof warned. Quickly they hid, daring only to raise their eyes to see the beast. The dragon flew overhead, into the distance, until it disappeared on the horizon. For a moment they just waited in a silence that was eventually broken by Ralof. "It's gone now."

"So, we're finally free?" Silvana asked breathlessly.

"We did it!" Arliss cheered.

"Finally." Kriger joined.

They stood triumphantly, savoring the sweet taste of freedom. After a bit, Arliss asked a question most were wondering. "What do we do now?"


Unbound End: Please let me know your thoughts. If you have anything to say. What you liked? What you didn't like? Favorite character? Least favorite? Anything so I can improve my writing and my story.

Also, i'm trying to find a balance of power between my main protagonists. Please let me know if you think it's a good balance or if I should try to fix it in later chapters.

Thanks so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed!

Chapter 6: Pillars of Light


Having escaped from Helgen the group of strangers continue to travel together. Their path is filed with more than just pleasant conversation, as they contemplate their past, and decide what they plan to do with their new found freedom. Will they drift apart, or are their fates tied together?


Disclaimer: Skyrim belongs to Bethesda, and Dragon's Dogma belongs to Capcom. I own nothing.




(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 6: Pillars of Light

The crisp air blew across the deep blue afternoon sky. Few clouds glided slowly over the sun. Twas a beautiful, and peaceful sight. You would not have known the horror that occured earlier that day. Even a certain group of travelers who had been witness to the events prior that day, managed to forget amidst the calmness.

"-And then she took a broom, aimed it at us and said-" Ralof happily laughed. The group listened to him tell of one of his childhood stories. He had told them that his sister lived in Riverwood nearby, and would help them. On the way there he asked if they'd like to hear a funny story, of course the others agreed.

"Your sister sounds like a fearsome woman." Kriger laughed.

"She is when she wants to be." Agreed Ralof. "You don't have to worry though, she became less hot headed after settling down." He laughed again.

Silvana stifled a laugh. Ralof was quite the storyteller, and his laugh was infectious. 'When was the last time I felt this pleasant?' She wondered. A small smile on her face.

Arliss observed the group quietly. As a pawn, laughter never came easily to him, and most pawns could not hope to recreate the happy effect Ralof had so easily cast upon the others. 'Even the Arisen, who had not laughed in so long was affected.' He noted.'Ralof is so human.' A thought came to him. 'I should learn from Ralof to act more humanlike.' Arliss observed him some more, specifically his infectious laugh. 'If I laugh like that, would I seem more human?' He wondered. He tried letting out a hearty laugh like Ralof's, only to produce an obviously forced, stiff sound. He stopped when he noticed the odd looks he received.

"Are you okay lad?" Ralof asked. "You sound like you're in pain, or something."

"Eh." Was the only sound Arliss could make in response. He was dumbfounded. This wasn't how it was supposed to go. Realising their eyes were still on him he forced a smile that wouldn't reveal to most eyes how fake it truly was. He was much better at faking smiles than laughs. "Yes, I'm fine."

Ralof looked at him strangely, after a moment he said. "Well, if you say so lad." Turning away he began moving again.

Arliss caught the other's lingering looks, before they turned to follow Ralof. Kriger's eyes held a look that Arliss guessed was something akin to suspicion. The Arisen's gaze lingered the longest. Arliss could see worry on her face, with a hint of something else he didn't know. 'Sadness? Guilt?' He truly didn't know. As he followed them he sighed inwardly. 'I failed again.' He thought. 'Acting human is more difficult than it seems.' Even the smallest detail imperceptible to a pawn seemed to give away his strangeness easily.

Soon a mountain pass could be seen in the near distance across a river. It held an eery, foreboding presence. "See that?" Ralof pointed. "That's Bleak Falls Barrow."

"Tis' an imposing sight." Said Arliss.

"Damn straight." Ralof shuddered. "I don't know how my sister can stand living in the shadow of that place. It chills my blood just thinking of it."

"Why's that?" Silvana asked. Kriger also perked his ears in curiosity.

"It's an ancient Nord tomb." Said Ralof. "Who knows what could be in there." He gave Kriger, and Silvana a pat on the back. "Let's go. The sooner we get to Riverwood, the sooner we get it out of our sight." He began moving at a quicker pace. Before following the others gave the place one last look. One of wariness, with a hint of curiosity.

Not long after they came upon another interesting sight. Three stone pillars stood together, overlooking a lake, and the wilderness around them. It felt as if a strange power emanated from them, drawing you closer towards them. Surely they must have been built ages ago, by a strange power.

"What purpose do you suppose these stones hold?" Arliss asked walking foward to closer examine them.

"These are the guardian stones." Said Ralof with pride, and awe. "Why don't you go on up." He smiled. "See which one speaks to you." The others looked at him curiously a moment, before walking up to the stones.

Arliss was already eyeing one stone in particular. On it was etched a powerful looking wizard. It was a magic user like him, but Arliss thought it looked much more powerful. Somehow looking at it took his thoughts to the past. Arliss had always been a mage, that was why he was chosen. His magic was what the Arisen needed. His eyes on the powerful wizard, he thought 'I want to have even greater magic power so that I can be of more use to the Arisen in this strange land.' He stretched out his hand.

Kriger walked up to one of the stones. On it was the carving of a cloaked man. 'Damn thief' Words from before played in his head. Those words weren't meant for him, but yet they were, because he had felt it to be true. It wasn't the life he had wanted, but it was the life he had led up to that point. He hated what life had forced him to become. He resented it. Turning away from the thief stone he eyed another carving. 'But, this is why I came to Skyrim.' He thought. 'From this day on-' He grit his teeth. 'I live my life as a true Nord should.' He stepped forward towards the warrior stone, and stretched out his hand. 'I will atone for what i've done.'

Silvana stood in front of a piller. Looking at the carving made her feel sick for some reason. The carving was of a heroic looking warrior. 'A hero.' The thought made her want to laugh. When she became an Arisen, she strived to be like that. She did her best to help people, and fulfilled her duty by killing the dragon, but the same people she had tried to help, turned against her. 'Kill the Arisen! Death to the Arisen! Let the Arisen's only peace be death!' Accusatory voices echoed in her head. 'I knew you for a villain!' She shut her eyes tight as the voices continued. 'She would tell you the dragon is dead. Lies! She consorts with the dragon!' Her teeth were grinding, her fists shook, her nails were cutting into her skin.

"Arisen!" A familiar voice boomed. She opened her eyes to see that she was no longer standing in front of the stone. In front of her a giant red dragon lay dying. She recognized him immediately. Grigori continued speaking in his low, raspy voice. "Your life now belongs to no other. You've won it by rights. It is yours to cast away, or use as you see fit. Remember that." Speaking his last words Grigori turned to ash and blew away into the wind.

She blinked, and opening her eyes once more, she found she was again standing in front of the warrior stone. She gave it one last look before turning around. 'No longer will I walk that painful path.' She eyed another carving, and with a fire in her eyes she stepped forward. 'From this day on, I live for myself.' Stretching her hands out to the thief stone she had one thought. 'I will be free.'

At once the three pillers lit up. Beams of light flew through the heavens. Energy seemed to fill the whole area. The wind around them picked up. The clouds swirled. They could feel the energy welling up inside of them.

"By the nine divines." Ralof's awestruck voice came out in a whisper. "To see all the pillars alight at once. It's truly something to behold." He turned to Kriger. "I knew you were a warrior. Those stars will guide you to honor, and glory." He smiled, then turned to Arliss. "And, I knew you would pick the mage. I'm not fond of those fancy magic tricks myself, but to each his own." He laughed. Finally he turned to Silvana, and placed a hand on her shoulder. "I won't judge you for your choice, but-" He paused unable to find the right words. "You know, it's never too late to take charge of your own fate."

Silvana didn't look at him, her eyes only looked to the ground. "Thank you, Sir. Ralof." She finally said.

Ralof laughed. "There's no need to call me Sir!" He looked at her with a wide smile. "I've never been the formal type. Just call me Ralof." After a short pause he spoke up again. "Besides we're friends aren't we?"

Silvana was taken back by surprise. 'Friends?' It had been so long since she's had a friend other than Arliss. "Thank you, Ralof." She finally said. "Since we're friends, you may call me 'Silva'." She gave a small smile.

"Silva the Arisen?" Kriger asked. "It suits you."

"Why thank you Se- Kriger." She said.

"I'm glad to have met you, my friends." Ralof gave out a hearty laugh, and they began walking again.


Chapter 6: Pillars of Light End

This chapter was pretty short compared to the other ones. I would have liked to extend it a bit at least till they got to Riverwood, but it felt like a good place to end the chapter. Please let me know what you think.

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed!

Chapter 7: Wolves and Reunions


Disclaimer: Bethesda belongs to Skyrim, and Capcom belongs to Dragon's Dogma. I own nothing.




(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 7: Wolves and Reunions

"I'm glad you folks decided to come with me." Ralof said with a grin. "We're almost to Riverwood."

"I'm glad to hear it." Silva smiled.

"Me too." Kriger said. "My feet are killing me."

Arliss nodded enthusiastically. "It will be most beneficial to rest awhile at an inn."

Just as they were beginning to look forward to a much awaited rest a howl shot through the air. "Wolves!" Ralof warned. At once they were on alert. Their eyes scanned the woods around them warily.

The rustling of leaves got Arliss' attention. Among the foliage he caught a glimpse of black fur. 'Wolves with black fur?!' Memories of large dark beasts flashed through his mind. "Hellhounds!" He cried. Just then another howl could be heard and a black wolf leapt out at him.

Luckily for Arliss, the Arisen was swift with a bow, and the wolf was dead before it landed. She observed it. 'Tis definitely not large enough to be a hellhound.' She sighed in relief.

Unbeknownst to her another was aiming to attack her from behind. "Watch out!" Arliss shot an ingle at it. "Wolves hunt in packs!"

Kriger let out a snort. "Is that so?" He said sarcastically as he stabbed a wolf with a sword he picked up in Helgen keep. Another lunged at him, but he held up his sword defensively. The wolf bit down onto his blade. Kriger's brow furrowed in surprise, and anger. "Let go." He said through clenched teeth. He tried pulling out the blade, but the wolf had a surprisingly strong grip. It's teeth were becoming bloody, but it still didn't yield. Gripping tightly with both hands he managed to loosen it's hold of the blade. The sword cut cleanly through it's mouth. "Mangy mutt." He muttered under his breath.

Ralof cleaved through another with his axe. "That's another one down."

It wasn't long afore all the wolves were dealt with. "We have triumphed." Said Arliss.

"Damn straight!" Ralof laughed.

Kriger looked at the mage strangely. "What was that you said earlier?" He asked. "Something about hellhounds?"

Arliss was taken aback by the question. 'It's true I was too reckless with my words.' He cursed his carelessness. "I was mistaken." He said simply.

"That's right." Ralof sounded as if he had reached a realization. "You did say something like that." He laughed. "You were pretty jumpy. Good for us eh?"

"Tell me about these hellhounds of yours." Said Kriger. He recalled the way the two foreigners arrived, and was suspicious of them. 'First you fall from the sky, and not long after a dragon of all things comes at the perfect time to save your lives.' His eyes narrowed. 'That's way too convenient to be a coincidence.'

"Now that you mention it." Ralof began. "I'm curious about them too."

Arliss gave the Arisen an apologetic look. She sighed. 'It seems they're not going to let the matter go.' Glancing at their expectant faces made her think. 'They already know that we're foreign to these lands.' After a moment of consideration she spoke. "Very well. Back in Gransys we fought large, ash colored wolves that could spit, and breath fire." She began explaining the way that the beasts fought, the way they would drag you away the moment they had an opportunity to do so.

Kriger let out a grunt. "Interesting." He said rubbing his dark stubble.

"I'm glad we don't have anything like that in Skyrim." Ralof said. "Anyway, let's skin these wolves and get outta here." After skinning the wolves he spoke up. "I'd like to hear more of this Gransys place of yours. If you don't mind maybe you could tell us more of your homeland on the way to Riverwood?"

Silva gave a small smiled. "It would be a pleasure Ser.Ralo- I mean Ralof."

Along the way she told them of her home, of Cassardis. She told them how the gentle waves caressed the warm sands, of the delicious fish the village sold, and the way the friendly people of Cassardis treated each other like family. Remembering those happy days filled her with a sense of nostalgia, and sadness. As much as she was glad to be in a world, and not a rift, she couldn't stop her longing for those days. She missed Cassardis. She missed her friends, the chief who treated her as his own, and her best friend who was like a sister to her. Before she knew it, her vision became blurry with tears, and a sob escaped her throat.

"Master, are you all right?" Arliss had already placed his hand on her shoulder for support.

"What's wrong?" Ralof asked worried.

"I can never go back." She said through sobs.

"You managed to get here didn't you?" Kriger asked. "There must be a way for you to return." He suggested. He was beginning to feel guilty for his suspicion. 'Maybe they didn't mean to come here. Maybe it wasn't their fault.' He began to think. 'Even if they didn't do it purposely, they still could be responsible for bringing that dragon here.' He shook his head, he really didn't know what to think. This mystery was something he felt he had to unravel.

She shook her head. "Even if I could return tis' too late." 'The people I knew, and loved died lifetimes ago.' She knew it all too well, she had watched it from her throne. Everyone she knew withered away long ago.

"Hey, cheer up." Ralof began. "I don't know what your situation is, but Riverwood is really close now. My sister and I, we'll help you. I promise."

Silva felt absolutely pathetic. 'Why am I breaking down now?' She asked herself. Knowing that if she remained in this state she would be nothing but burdening her new friends she steeled herself. Bringing herself back to her feet she wiped her eyes, and did her best to regain her composure. "I'm sorry." Her voice shook. "Let us proceed." She did her best to speak in a reticent tone.

She avoided their gaze, and walked ahead of the group, trying to ignore the feeling of stares upon her back.

Soon Riverwood came into view. "What did I tell you? That there is Riverwood." Ralof said with a large smile. It looked like a nice little village from what the others could see.

"We have arrived!" Arliss exclaimed loudly as they came into the town. Hearing him shout a few villagers turned to the incoming group and gave them odd looks.

The two nords of the group suppressed the urge to knock some sense into the clueless mage. "Sorry about that." Ralof said to the onlookers with an awkward laugh. He then turned to Arliss and hushed him. "Could you keep it down?" He asked.

"Most people don't shout like that, when coming into a town." Kriger snickered.

"That's right." Ralof agreed. "You'll disturb the peace."

"I see." Arliss nodded. "Thank you for this valuable lesson. I have learned aught of behavior."

Ralof raised a confused eyebrow, while Kriger furrowed his in bewilderment. Before they could say anything they were interrupted by the sound of laughter. "I'm sorry." Silva said through giggles. "Tis' an amusing predicament." She raised her hand to try to stifle her laugh to no avail. "Your faces were rather humorous."

"I'm glad to see you well Master." Arliss smiled.

Ralof laughed. "That's true." He grinned. "It's good to see you're in better spirits."

Kriger was a bit annoyed that she found the situation funny, but he did agree with them.

"Ralof is that you?" A womans voice interrupted them. Turning to the source of the voice they saw a blonde woman, worry etched on her face. Her bright blue eyes looked as if they would burst to tears. "What are you doing here? Are you alright?" She ran to him and began carefully looking over him for wounds.

"Gerdur." Ralof spoke in a calming tone. The others knew instantly that this was the sister he spoke of. "Gerdur I'm fine." The two embraced.

Kriger coughed. "As much as I don't want to ruin your moment.." He paused. "We have some important things that we need to talk about." He caught view of another blonde woman sweeping the front of what he guessed was the towns inn. She seemed to be observing them. "Preferably somewhere private." He added.

Gerdur seemed to notice where he was looking and nodded. She didn't have to turn to confirm it. She knew that Delphine, like most innkeepers tended to be nosy. Though she had a feeling that Delphine was more observant than most. She gave her brother a key. "Take them to the house." She said. "I'll get Hod, and meet you there."

Ralof led the others to his sister's home, and they hurried inside. Soon Gerdur came as promised. Behind her was a tall, blonde man with a beard. They learned that this man was Hod; Gerdur's husband. They were followed by a young boy, they could tell without being told that he was their son.

"Uncle Ralof!" The boy ran up to Ralof and excitedly bombarded him with questions.

"Frodnar." Gerdur called the boy sternly. "Go watch the south road and run back and warn us if you see any Imperial soldiers." She ordered.

Frodnar turned to her in disappointment. "Aww, but Mama, I want to stay here and talk with uncle Ralof."

Ralof ruffled the boy's hair. "Look at you. You're taller than the last time I saw you. It won't be long till you're ready to join the fight to free Skyrim yourself." He said.

"That's right!" Frodnar puffed in pride. "Don't worry uncle Ralof. I won't let those Imperials sneak up on you." He ran out the door followed by his loyal dog stump.

After he left they remained in a cold uncomfortable silence. "So Ralof, what brings you here?" Hod finally asked. "I have a feeling this is more than just a friendly visit."

Ralof sighed. "I won't beat around the bush. We're gonna need your help."

"We?" Hod asked, warily observing the three strangers Ralof brought into his house.

Gerdur gave Hod a reprimanding look. "Are these people your comrades?" She asked.

Ralof looked to the three behind him. "Not comrades yet, but friends. I owe them my life in fact."

Gerdur gave them a warm smile. "Any friend of Ralof's is a friend of mine. We'll be glad to help you, and your friends."

Ralof gave her a grateful smile. "Thank you Gerdur." His face quickly turned to one of sadness. "I'm sorry. I don't mean to put your family in danger."

"Nonsense." She reprimanded. "I'm happy to help."

Hod sighed. He knew that once Gerdur made up her mind there was no changing it. "Alright we'll help you." He said defeated. "But, we need to know what's going on."

The three strangers continued to let Ralof do the talking. They knew Gerdur's generosity for complete strangers was mostly due to Ralof's influence. The couple's eyes went wide when he told them of the dragon attack in Helgen. "You don't mean a real, live-" Gerdur's shaken voice couldn't even finish the sentence. The pale couple glanced at the somber strangers, and knew instantly that he was telling the truth.

Hod's curiosity overtook his fear. "What was it like?" He asked in an almost excited tone. "As big as a house?"

"Even larger than that." Said Kriger. "As big as the inn."

Hod whistled. "That sounds like a sight to see." His face went from impressed to nervous in an instant. "Not that i'd actually want to see one mind you."

Ralof gestured to his new friends. "They're all foreigners to Skyrim, do you think you could help them get adjusted?"

"Foreigners?" Gurder eyed Kriger. She could tell by their clothes that the woman, and mage were foreign, but was surprised to hear that he too was new to skyrim. In his Stormcloak armor he appeared to be a perfect example of a Nord.

"Aye." Said the nord stranger. "I am Kriger, and was on my way here from Cyrodil when we met."

Seeing his sister's surprise Ralof laughed. "That armor suits you so well, she couldn't tell you weren't born, and raised here." Before the other two strangers could introduce themselves Ralof did it for them. "This is Silvana, also known as Silva the Arisen." He pat her hard on the back pushing her forward towards his sister. "And this mage here is Arliss." He practically pulled him forward. "He called himself a main something. Couldn't have been a squeeze was it?" He laughed.

Arliss blinked in confusion. "What's that?" He asked. His obliviousness earned him some surprised looks, which quickly turned into laughs. Specifically Ralof's, Hod's, and even a chuckle from Kriger. He tilted his head, trying to understand the situation. "Is there something amusing?" Unfortunately this only made them laugh harder.

A flustered Silva resisted the urge to say something. She guiltily watched them tease her poor pawn. She hated when people were cruel to, or badmouthed her pawns. Unfortunately the situation would only worsen if she intervened now. Thankfully Gerdur stepped in.

"Alright, that's enough!" The nord woman yelled. "Leave the poor lad alone." She ordered.

"I was only teasing." Ralof defended.

"Yes, yes. We're well aware of how much of a joke you like to be." She turned to her still laughing husband. "That goes for you too."

"Oh come on." Hod protested. "You have to admit it was pretty funny."

Before the situation could escalate further Frodnar returned. "What's going on?" He asked through the open door.

"Frodnar, close the door." She ordered. As soon as he did she anxiously asked "Did you see any imperial soldiers?"

He shook his head. "Nope, and it was getting dark, and boring. Anyway I don't think they'll come tonight." He sat down at the table. "When's dinner? I'm starving."


Chapter 7:Wolves and Reunions End

I hope the characters, and dialogue aren't too odd. I'm sorry if it's strange, please let me know so I can improve.

I got this version caught up to date with the one on, so the amount of chapters are even.

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed.

Chapter 8: A Fair Exchange


Disclaimer: Bethesda belongs to Skyrim, and Capcom belongs to Dragon's Dogma.




(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 8: A Fair Exchange

The tantalizing scent of supper cooking over the fire made their mouths water. Gerdur stirred calmly, as if unaware of how greedily the guests eyed the stew.

"You folks are in luck." Ralof smiled to his friends. "There's nothing more satisfying than enjoying a delicious bowl of hot pot stew, and some nord mead after a long day."

"Shut up." Kriger grumbled. "You're making me even more hungry." His arms were wrapped tightly around his rumbling stomach. "I'll starve at this rate." He half joked.

"Calm down no one's starving." Said Gerdur. She placed a large plate on the table. "This should tide you over until the stew is done." Their hands shot to the plate eager to fill their empty bellies. "Goodness. You really were hungry." She said, amazement in her voice as she watched them scarf down the loaves of bread. "When was the last time you ate?"

Kriger brushed off the crumbs from the beard he was beginning to grow. "Sorry, I've had a pretty rough week."

Ralof gave him a slap on the back. "I hear you brother!" He took a swig from one of the thin orange bottles that Silva guessed was alcohol. "Times are hard enough without imperials, and dragon's making things worse."

"A dragon?!" Frodnar jumped up in excitement. "Did you really see a dragon?! How big was it?! What did it look like?!" His eyes lit up as if a fire danced behind them. "That's so cool! I want to see a dragon!"

Images of ruined buildings, burnt bodies, and a terrifying beast flashed through the minds of the Helgen survivors. Ralof paled in worry for his sister, and her family. Kriger sadly remembered the screams of the boy who watched his father burn in front of his eyes. Silva held a hand over her chest with a darkened look, and Arliss gave her a worried glance. The looks on their faces didn't escape the boy's parents.

"Frodnar!" Gerdur scolded. "Why would you wish such a thing?!"

Hod laughed nervously. "Where does he get these crazy ideas?" His attempt to lighten the mood was unsuccessful, luckily Ralof intervened.

"It's alright Gerdur." He soothed. "He's only a boy. It's natural for him to be curious." He turned to Frodnar, who was shaken by his mother's sudden outburst, and ruffled his hair. "Hey scout, i'll tell you all about it okay?" He said in a faux excited tone. Frodnar just nodded, still worried about his mother.

The wait for supper passed like a breeze. Ralof told of their story in Helgen as if it was a sweeping epic. He kept it going even during dinner, and had everyone on the edge of their seat. He even told of his days in the Rebellion, and what it was like to fight alongside Ulfric Stormcloak.

Silvana listened intently to the stories he told. Any information she could glean on this world would be useful to her, even if they were exaggerated tales. Which she assumed they were considering his exaggeration of their escape from Helgen. Not to mention the effect the mead had on him, and the amount he was drinking. She especially found it hard to believe that Ulfric shouted a man apart. Unfortunately she made her skepticism clear. "For true?" She asked. "Tis hard to believe a shout could truly tear a man asunder."

"It's true!" Ralof slammed his fist on the table. "I've seen it with my own eyes! Ulfric has the power to shout apart his enemies with the power of the voice!" He was clearly insulted that she would dare claim his words to be lies.

"Haven't you heard?!" Hod was astounded to find someone who was unaware of the tale. "He challenged High King Torygg to a match for the throne, and shouted him apart!"

"He learned the way of the voice from the Graybeards. It's a power that any true nord can learn." Said Gerdur.

"Yeah!" Frodnar joined. "It's also the power of the Dragonborn from the legends!" He nodded. "Everyone knows that."

Arliss looked around the table confused at the situation. 'How did it come to this?' He wondered. Lost as he was he simply partook in another spoonful, and turned to the Arisen to see what she would do.

Silva stared at the nords speechless. She didn't expect that they would be so upset with just that amount of scrutiny. Inwardly she sighed, regretting that she ever voiced her thoughts.

Before things could escalate further Kriger stepped in to smooth things over. "Give her a break. She's not a nord, and she's never even heard of Tamriel before." He said. "How do you expect her to know these things?" The others who were so indignant before instantly calmed down. Silva gave him a grateful look.

Ralof scratched the back of his head sheepishly. "Sorry about that lass." He said. "In the heat of the moment I forgot how new you are to Skyrim."

She just gave him a smile, glad that things have calmed down. "Tis quite all right." She said. "Since we are unfamiliar with these lands I hope you will teach us more about this place."

Frodnar was quick to answer, speaking up before anyone else could. "Of course since you're new around here I'll help you out." He puffed his chest in pride. "You can ask me anything on one condition."

The Arisen tilted her head at that. "Oh?" She asked. "What's the condition?"

"In return you have to tell us about the place you come from!" He slammed his hands on the table in excitement. The action caused bowls and tankards to rattle, earning him a stern look from his mother; he either ignored her or didn't notice. "It's what you'd call a fair trade! Right Papa?" He turned to his father who gave him a proud nod.

Silva let out a soft chuckle. "Sure." She gave a soft smile. "We'll exchange information."

This answer seemed to please the boy, and he practically jumped onto his seat and leaned forward over the table. "It's a deal!" He stretched out his hand, and the two shook. "Now that we shook on it you can't go back on your word."

"Of course." Silva couldn't help smiling. This boy's curious, and energetic nature reminded her of Lewes who was like a younger brother to her back in Cassardis. 'He must get into a lot of trouble as well.' She mused.

"I'll go first, okay?" He asked, but it felt more like a statement than a question. "You're foreigners from some unknown place right? Where are you from?"

"Arliss, and I hail from a land called Gransys." Arliss nodded as she went on. "My hometown was a fishing village along it's shore named Cassardis."

Kriger listened intently. He had to find out more about the two strangers. He had suspicions that wouldn't leave his mind, and he needed answers. The last time didn't give him nearly enough information to ease his mind. 'Maybe this time.' He hoped.

"Gransys? Cassardis?" Hod thought aloud. "Never heard of em'."

"I've never heard of them either." Said Gerdur. "You must be a long way from home." She offered a sympathetic look which went unnoticed by the Arisen; who's mind slowly began to drift away.

"Yes, tis very far away." Silva nodded. "I've never heard of these lands afore now. Tamriel, and Skyrim are names that are strange to my tongue." She looked down at her bowl, but she saw not it's contents. Her lidded eyes seemed to be gazing into a distance that was not there. "I know not where I am, nor do I know how to return. If it even be possible." Unlike her previous emotional display there were no tears to betray her, even so her words and demeanor told them that she was indeed very far from home, and that return would be difficult if not impossible.

Kriger knew that there was more to it than that, but his knowledge was limited. The number of questions he had grew, and he was beginning to feel frustrated by the lack of any answers. He had the urge to get up and start demanding that they tell him everything, but he knew that wouldn't go over well. It wasn't that he didn't feel pity for the stranger's predicament. In truth he wanted to trust them, but his suspicions would not allow him to lower his guard. He couldn't help thinking that their arrival, and that of the dragon attack were too close to be mere coincidence. For now though he would have to bide his time and wait for a good opportunity to confront the strangers, for them to slip a clue, or to reveal the truth. He sighed wondering how long he'd have to wait, or how long he could restrain himself.

The others at the table were unaware of the thoughts what plagued the Arisen's mind, but Arliss knew more than most. His gaze lingered sadly upon her; observing the familiar expression she wore. His mouth opened briefly before he stopped himself. His lips tightened, and he turned away, lowering his gaze to the floor. He found he had naught the words to say.

There was a heavy moment drawn by silence, until Hod coughed into his fist breaking the Arisen from her stupor, and everyone else from their thoughts. "Sorry to hear that lass." He said awkwardly.

The others were quick to offer their condolences, much to the Arisen's chagrin. "My thanks for the support, but tis' fine." She gave an apologetic smile. "Forgive me, I had no intention of souring the mood with my petty troubles." She picked up her spoon, and continued eating the stew. What tasted like savory goodness a few minutes ago now seemed tasteless on her tongue; which was now numb from the heavy air.

Kriger narrowed his eyes. 'Petty?' It didn't seem right to him that such a thing should be taken so lightly. It certainly didn't help that he lacked the details as to why the strangers couldn't return. The worst possible scenarios played in his mind, and the Arisen's nonchalant bearing seemed much too calm for his liking.

"Petty? What do you mean by that Lass?" Ralof asked in shock, and confusion. "Don't you miss them sandy beaches of Cassardis?" He looked at her, his deep blue eyes glossed over in sympathy. "You seemed pretty upset about it earlier. Did something happen?"

She had to force herself to tear her gaze away from those clear eyes of his. The warmth they held made her want to trust them; to confide the truth to them, but she couldn't bring herself to do it. Listening to the words of those around her she had become aware that in this world dragons were something that many people believed to be mere legends until only a short time ago. The timing of her arrival and that of the dragon's attack were too close to be brushed aside, and the implications alone could be disastrous. The sting of betrayal would be too painful, and too dangerous to risk. "Naught I wish to talk about." She answered tersely. The once savory stew had quickly gone from tasteless to bitter as her heavy heart threatened to pound out of her chest.

Ralof let out a downtrodden sigh. "All right, if that's what you want." He began sifting his spoon around his bowl, churning the soup to and fro, but not eating, after a moment he spoke again. "I know it's not my business, and I won't force you to tell me what happened, but-" He paused. "I want you to know that I'll always be there for a friend." He offered another gentle smile, which the Arisen didn't return.

"Thanks." She said. "Mayhaps one day." Out of the corner of her eye she noticed Frodnar looking down. The boy was awfully quiet, not at all like the boisterous youngster he was before. She immediately felt guilty for ruining the lively atmosphere. She ruffled his hair, and gave an apologetic smile. "Sorry, I was meant to tell you aught was I not?" She brought up a hand as she began to think aloud. "What would interest a young minnow like you, I wonder?"

The boy pulled away from her touch, and for a moment his brows raised in confusion at the odd words she used. "That's okay." He said. "You can tell me some other time."

"Oh?" For a moment the Arisen wondered if his reaction was because she had upset him, or if he was trying to be thoughtful. She hoped it was the latter, but before she could say anything the boy beamed and practically jumped out of his seat.

"Hey!!" The sudden increase of volume caused everyone to wince. "You must still have tons of questions being new here and all! We can answer them for you!" He crossed his arms and puffed out his chest. "Of course the deal is still on, so you'll owe a tale for every answer you get." There were several nods of agreement.

Silva smiled. "Certainly, though I must warn you there is much I wish to ask."

"That's fine by me." Said Frodnar. "Because I want to hear a lot too."

Silva let out a soft chuckle, glad to have the air lighten up again. "Then-" Pausing; she pursed her lip a moment as she thought. She had many questions but she decided it would be best to focus on gathering essential information rather than waste time on trivial things. Weighing the thoughts on an invisible scale she finally decided on her words. "Would you tell me aught of this land's currency?"

Frodnar furrowed his brow in confusion. "What?" He asked.

"Currency is another word for money." Gerdur explained to her son.

"Oh." He said quietly before adding on indignantly. "I already knew that."

"What about it?" Kriger asked curiously, wondering where the question was headed.

"Tis' just that ere I had found some gold, and it appears to be of imperial make." Silva began. "It may seem foolish a question, but I understand that you are in the midst of war."

Kriger nodded beginning to see her logic. "So you want to know if the Stormcloaks have a separate currency, and if it would be safe to use either in areas controlled by Stormcloaks or Imperials?"

"That's the gist of it, yes." Said Silva.

"Well, we Stormcloaks don't have a currency of our own." Said Ralof. Silva was relieved to hear that. It meant things would be much easier. He continued. "At least not yet, but that's not a bad idea." He rubbed his beard thoughtfully before a grin stretched out on his face. "Once this war's over then we'll melt down them Imperial coins into a new currency. It'll have Talos on it, and instead of Tiber Septim it'll have Ulfric's face."

Hod laughed heartily. "I imagine that would piss off a lot of thalmor and imperials."

Gerdur frowned. "If the thalmor caught wind of that it would be dangerous." Her words quieted down her husband's laughter to a halt. "They would drag away any that carried such coins the same way they would any that wore an amulet of Talos."

"The thalmor-" Arliss paused. "Were they those golden skinned, people with the pointed ears?" He asked. "Why would they do that?"

Silva was a bit surprised when he joined in the conversation. He had been so unusually quiet this whole time she almost forgot he was there. She worried for him, wondering why he had been so quiet. She hoped he wasn't forcing himself to hold back to appear normal. Feeling a bit guilty, but not wanting to draw attention she decided to talk to him later. As for his question; it turned out to be a very good one. It lead them to learn a bit of the politics of Skyrim. Specifically of the civil war that now plagued the land, as well as a brief explanation of the white-gold concordat.

"So, the signing of a peace treaty is what lead to the current war?" Arliss asked. "Intriguing." He quietly mused to himself.

"It was more than a simple peace treaty." Said Ralof angrily. "It was the empire selling out the belief of nords to the thalmor."

"I see." Said Silva. "Thanks for telling us this." A satisfied smile had formed on her lips, she had gained a lot of useful seeming information. At the very least it would be enough to keep them from looking completely ignorant, although there was still much to learn.

"It must be very late now." Said Gerdur, realising how long they had spent talking. Dinner had ended awhile ago, and what little was left had already gone cold. "It's about time everyone prepared for bed." She looked at her son who frowned at her words and crossed his arms grumpily. "And we should decide the sleeping arrangements." She sighed turning to their guests. "I hate to say it, but I'm afraid we don't have enough room for everyone to stay here."

Ralof shifted uncomfortably, his cheeks flushed red, and he awkwardly scratched the back of his neck. "I'm sorry for imposing so suddenly onto you, and your family like this."

Hod muttered something under his breath, which earned him a cold look from his wife before she turned back to her brother tenderly. "Don't worry about it, I've already come to a decision that should work for everyone." The others watched on curiously, hoping whatever she decided wasn't unreasonable. "Ralof you can stay here and use Frodnar's bed, and in the meantime Frodnar will sleep with us." She gestured to Hod who nodded, it seemed agreeable enough so far.

Ralof glanced at Frodnar's bed. Although the cot belonged to a child it was still large enough for him to use, most likely because it was built with the intention that the boy would grow into it. It wasn't the roomiest of beds, but it would serve it's purpose well enough. "Thanks Gerdur." Ralof smiled gratefully.

Kriger coughed into his fist, getting the other's attention. "Don't worry. I haven't forgotten about you." Said Gerdur. "I'm afraid we don't have any more beds, but I'll lend you enough money to stay the night at the inn." She pulled out her coin purse and gave the three strangers some gold. "It should cost ten septims. If it's not enough tell Delphine to put it on my tab." They quickly counted the gold, each were given exactly ten coins.

The three thanked her and were about to head out when Silva stopped. "Hold a moment." She said, turning to the generous woman. "Forgive me, I've still aught to ask. Tis' important, and twill be but brief." Realising she was imposing even more on their time she quickly added to her statement. "If it please you." She said with a humble bow.

Gerdur saw the imploring look in her eyes, and sighed. "Alright, but only briefly." She glanced at a still awake Frodnar. "I'd like for us to sleep soon." She said pointedly.

Frodnar huffed in annoyance. It wasn't fair! Not only did he not get to hear much earlier, but the foreigners only asked about complicated things that he couldn't answer. Leaving the adults to talk while he quietly sulked about the table, listening to things he couldn't completely understand. Why couldn't they ask about things he knew about so he could show how smart he was? Why couldn't they ask about more interesting things like the tale of how Talos went from man to divine by his mighty strength, or the legend of the Dragonborn? And now he would have to go to sleep soon, but he wasn't even tired! He sighed wondering what the foreign woman would ask before she left. He hoped it would be something exciting for once, but he had a feeling it would just be more boring grown up stuff.

"Tis' another question about gold I'm afraid." Said Silva. "I still have money from Gransys, and was wondering if it might be accepted here."

At this the young boy immediately perked up from his sour mood. "Money from Gransys? What does it look like? Can I see? I want to see!" He tugged on her sleeve excitedly.

Silva laughed. "Of course you may." She pulled out some coins and handed one to the boy who curiously turned it about in his hand as he admired the unique carvings which were so different from the ones he was used to seeing. She also gave a coin to the other nords who examined them closely, noting the differences and similarities between Tamriel's gold septims, and the coins of Gransys.

Kriger observed his coin closely, hoping for it to reveal something. On one side was the image of a man with a short beard, long hair, a rather serious expression, and a crown upon his head. Words were etched clearly around him. 'Honor and Glory to the Duke Edmun Dragonsbane!' He guessed that was referring to the man who's image was carved into the gold, but there was something that caught his attention. 'Dragonsbane' He rubbed his finger over the word pondering it's meaning. 'A bane of dragons?' He let out a bemused grunt before turning the coin over to see the other side. What he saw made him stop. The other side had a carving of a dragon much like a septim, but unlike a septim he guessed that this dragon wasn't meant to portray Akatosh. Unlike the benevolent divine, this dragon seemed much more malevolent. The horrid beast was depicted eating what looked like a human heart. Kriger pondered the meaning of the carving. 'Why would anyone choose this kind of image?' He wondered.

"Woah, this is cool!" Said Frodnar. "It's similar to ours, but totally different!"

"I'm glad you like it." Silva smiled at him. "You can keep it if you like."

The boy's eyes glistened brightly, and his whole face lit up even more. "Really?! You mean it?!" He asked happily in a rather loud voice.

"Certainly." She said. "You as well, if it please you." She said to the other nords. "Think of it as a token of my friendship."

"Thank you!" Frodnar said happily, already looking forward to the next time he saw Dorthe so he could show off his new foreign token. This more than made up for all the boring grown up talk that he had to sit through. His parents smiled gratefully at Silva, they were glad to see their son so happy. Kriger was also very pleased because this ensured that he wouldn't forget the details which might just help him learn something he wanted to know. He knew there likely wasn't much he could learn from a coin, but when you know nothing even the smallest most insignificant crumbs of information could offer some much needed insight.

"Thanks, it's a nice token." Said Ralof with a smile, but his smile faded away quickly. "About your question-" He paused. "Sorry, I'm afraid I don't know. I wish I could tell you."

"Is that so?" Silva said, clearly disappointed. "Tis' fine. I suppose I'll have to find out myself."

"It might be best to stick with septims." Said Hod. "While some may be fine with it, others won't." Silva nodded at him, and he continued. "You should also be careful how people perceive you. If they know how lost you are they might try to take advantage of you, and swindle you out of all you own."

Silva nodded gratefully, but was also a bit shaken hearing this. She was aware of the risks, but hearing someone say it made them feel even more real. In this world she knew next to nothing, and knew only a few people. She had no family, and the few friends she had she didn't truly trust. She was all alone, save for Arliss who was just as clueless in this world as she. Survival would depend on the sharpness of her wits, and skill, and that was all she could truly count on. She swallowed her doubts, and steeled herself. "Thank you Sir. I'll keep it in mind."

There were a few goodbyes, and a few goodnights shared before the guests finally stepped out of the warm home and into the dark, cold night. The frigid air was an unwelcome change to the once cozy warmth of the fireplace. "Tis quite cold." Arliss noted aloud. Just as he said it a gust of wind blew through them.

Silva shivered regretting that her clothes did little to protect her from the frosty air. She rubbed her exposed arms in the hope of warming them.

"Are you alright Master?" Arliss asked with great concern. "Here." Despite himself he began removing his coat, but she stopped him.

"Leave it be." She said. "I'll be fine soon as we find the inn." Arliss nodded. Turning to their nord companion she noticed that Kriger didn't even seem fazed by the cold. Unlike the two shivering strangers the only movement that could be seen from him was the steady breathing of his chest. She was most unnerved by his stare that couldn't be read. His frosty blue eyes were glued to the two of them, his brow creased ever so slightly. "Are you not cold Sir?"

Kriger let out a bemused grunt that would've made the strangers sweat were it not so cold. Silva's hands instinctively took their place over her daggers, threatening to unsheathe them at the first hint of aggression. Arliss also reacted in kind, his hand lowered discreetly into his pocket clutching a small concealed knife. Their movements didn't escape his notice. "Not so much." He finally answered. "We nords handle the cold well."

"Is that so?" Said Silva releasing her grip from her blades. She almost felt guilty for doubting him, but the look in his eyes was one she wouldn't soon forget. Her mind raced to find the meaning behind that expression that was so hard to read. 'Have we done aught to rouse his anger? Has our cover been blown?' She mentally shook her head berating herself for jumping to conclusions. She decided she really was much too jumpy. 'Mayhaps he was only lost in thought.' She hoped, but she felt a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach that told her to be wary. That's when a realization hit her. "My apologies Sir."

Kriger's brow furrowed in a mixture of confusion, and suspicion. "What for?" He asked hoping for answers, but mentally preparing to defend himself.

"Like us, you are also foreign to this land are you not?" She asked. "Forgive me for not realising it afore. Twas not my intention to-" She paused searching for the right words. "Surely you must have had a desire to ask aught of them as well, but I didn't even think that-" She paused again, biting her lip. "It must surely have been vexing for you." She finally managed to say with an exasperated huff.

'Hmph so that's what it was.' Kriger thought. A laugh threatened to escape his throat, but he managed to hold it back. "Don't worry about it." He said. "You need it more than me. After all-" He paused. "You're more foreign than I am." His words held a double meaning, and he was sure she would pick up on it. He watched as the shock revealed itself on her face. It was incredibly slight, and it vanished as soon as it appeared. It wouldn't have been noticed by most, but he had been observing her very closely. Beside her he noticed that the mage was watching him with eerily blank eyes, and had not removed his hand from his pocket.

She wasn't sure if the sudden chill that ran up her spine was caused by his words or the frigid air. She was shaken a moment, but quickly regained her composure. "Thank you Sir.Kri- I mean Kriger."

"Don't mention it." He kept up his calm and friendly facade. It wasn't his intention to confront the strangers, at least not yet. The thought had crossed his mind, but he quickly thought better of it. He knew that if he confronted them and they resorted to violence things would get very ugly very quickly. While he was confident in his abilities he knew it was dangerous to underestimate an opponent, and these two showed enough skill to warrant caution. Unbeknownst to even himself, his mind began covering what little he knew of the strangers as if trying to gauge them.

"Mayhaps next time you could share aught of your past?" Her words interrupted his thoughts and for a moment he wondered how much he missed. "I'd most like to learn aught of your home~" There was a moment of silence as she tried to recall his words. "Cyrodil was it?" She sounded out the syllables slowly, hoping to get it right. She stopped when she noticed the look on his face. "Is something amiss Sir?" She asked nervously.

"It's nothing." His gruff voice cut tersely. "And you're right it was Cyrodil." Flashes of painful, blood soaked memories stopped him cold. The past he wanted desperately to forget hung over him like a dark cloud. Gritting his teeth he turned away. "Aren't you cold?" His tone came out sounding harsher than intended. "Let's just get to the inn." The odd pair quickly agreed and followed him without so much as another word. 'Hypocrite!' A voice in his head accused. As much as he wanted to uncover every secret hidden from him, he knew full well that he wasn't willing to share even the most trivial bit of his past with anyone. He knew he was being hypocritical, but he didn't really care. That's just the way he was, and while he would atone for his past there were parts of himself that wouldn't change.

The inn was closer than expected, but there weren't any complaints to be had there. They were grateful to let the heat of the fire welcome them from the cold of the outside. A few heads turned towards them as they entered. It was a small town, and new faces presumably weren't seen often. "Come on in." A dark haired man welcomed. They eagerly approached him, stopping at the counter. Arliss sat on one of the stools, and turned to watch a blonde man strum a stringed instrument with great interest.

Before they could talk to the man a woman beat them to it. "Orgnar. Orgnar! Are you listening?" She asked irritably. Kriger recognized her as the nosy woman sweeping the front who eyed their arrival suspiciously.

"Hard not to." The dark haired man now known as Orgnar replied.

"The ale's going bad. We need to get a new batch." She said. "Did you hear me?"

"Yep." He said. "Ale's going bad."

"I guess you don't have potatoes in your ears after all." She said. "Just make sure we get a fresh batch in soon." Upon finishing the order she gave the guests a quick look up and down before stepping up to the alchemy table and mixing various ingredients together.

Orgnar sighed turning to the guests. "What do you want?" He asked. "We've got rooms, and food. Drink too. I cook. Ain't much else to tell."

"We'd like to rent some beds." Said Kriger.

"Need a room. Talk to Delphine." He pointed to the blonde woman at the alchemy table. Without another word Kriger walked up to her. Silva thanked the man before pulling Arliss away from the blonde man who was now beating a drum.

Delphine spoke before the others got the chance. "You're an odd group of visitors."

Kriger let out a bemused chuckle. "You been checking us out?"

"We don't get a lot of travelers here in Riverwood." She said. "Besides-" She paused. "I'm the innkeeper. It's my business to keep track of strangers."

"Is that so?" Kriger rubbed his chin.

Something about the way she spoke made Silva nervous, and she quickly interrupted them. "We were told by your cook to speak to you about renting rooms."

A glint of interest sparked in the eyes of the innkeeper. "That's a nice accent you have." Her gaze slid up and down the other woman analytically. She had noticed the odd pair before, but the accent she couldn't place made her even more curious. "Where do you strangers come from?" She asked, now giving Arliss a good look over.

Silva stepped between her pawn and the woman defensively. "Gransys." She said. "We hail from Gransys."

"Interesting." Said Delphine. There was something about the woman that made Silva uneasy.

"We heard the price for a bed would be ten septims." Said Kriger. "That true or what?" He wasn't sure why he was becoming so irritable, but if he had to guess he would chalk it up to weariness.

Delphine turned back to him with a sly smile. "Yeah, that's about right." Hearing this he pulled out the coins and paid her price. She pointed out his room, and turned back to the other two. "You too?" She asked, finally focusing on business.

Silva glanced at Arliss who's attention was back on the blonde man who was now playing a flute. She sighed. 'He should really pay attention more.' She thought. "Yes. Do you have any rooms for two?"

"So you two are an item then?" Asked Kriger teasingly.

"No, not at all!" A very flustered Silva defended. "Tis' just that-" She stopped realising that there wasn't a way to defend herself. 'How do you tell someone that you wish to speak privately with another without coming off as suspicious?' What might be inferred wasn't proper, but it would garner less suspicion than the truth. She sighed in defeat.

"We only have single rooms." Delphine informed. "But, we have enough room for you and your companion if you have the gold." The transaction was quick, and the three each had their own key and room shortly after.

As soon as she got the chance Silva quietly pulled Arliss aside. "You don't have to do this right away, but I'd like for you to take inventory afore you sleep. Tomorrow I should like to go over it together."

He answered simply with a smile and nod. "Yes, Arisen."

She was going to say more when she caught Kriger's gaze. The mysterious nordic man was sitting a ways away, but the suspicious look he gave made her uneasy. She also noticed the innkeeper watching them out of the corner of her eyes. With a heavy heart she decided that she would have to continue this conversation at a later time. She bid Arliss goodnight, and excused herself.

Silva was the first to retire to her room. It was small and somewhat barren, but it had what she needed. She also felt grateful to see that there was a small table and chair beside the bed, as well as a dresser and an empty chest. It felt good to unload her gear and change into a more comfortable set of clothes. She would have to remember to thank Gerdur for letting her borrow them. She looked longingly at the bed which looked irresistibly welcoming, but turned away with a sigh. Sleep would have to wait. Pulling out a blank scroll, she quickly got to work. A flickering flame illuminating the words as she listed the items in her inventory. The smooth sound of the quill's strokes along the page echoed into the night.


Chapter End!

Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed my story.

Chapter 9: Hollow


In the midst of a blizzard conflict rises, and everything begins to fall apart.


Disclaimer: Bethesda belongs to Skyrim, and Capcom belongs to Dragon's Dogma.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The wind was cold and harsh. Snow fell all around them, covering everything like a frosty blanket. They could scarcely see a thing through their snow speckled lashes.

"Stick close!" Ralof yelled over the howling winds. "It's easy to get lost in a blizzard like this."

"It's a bit late for that." Said Kriger.

Ralof wanted to retort back, but he held his tongue. He was right. Not a single thing could be made out through all this blasted snow. For now the only thing they could do was stick close, and keep moving until the weather calmed, or they managed to find shelter. They didn't know how long this would last nor where they were headed; it didn't matter. They had no choice but to keep moving.

Silva shivered, and her teeth chattered. She clutched the fur blanket tightly around herself; It did little to keep the chill away, but it was better than nothing. "Arliss, how are you faring?" She asked.

He wasn't faring much better. He too, clutched a fur blanket around himself to try to keep warm. While he didn't shiver as much as she did; his legs sank deep and he was having trouble keeping up. "Tis' difficult to walk in such thick snow."

"Aww what's wrong foreigner?" Kriger taunted. "The cold too much for you?" In that moment the coldest thing in that blizzard was his voice.

"What's gotten into you Sir?" Silva asked defensively. A hint of fear could be found in her voice.

Kriger glared at the two strangers. "You." It was quiet at first. His voice almost smothered by the wind. "You shouldn't be here."

Ralof was taken aback by the sudden change of attitude in his fellow nord. "What are you saying brother?" He stepped forward taking position in between his foreign friends, and his kinsman. "They're our friends. Our brother and sister in binds. We escaped Helgen together! Does that not mean anything to you?"

Kriger looked at him cold and hard. "No. It doesn't."

The fierce winds quieted, but it was not calm. The still air chilled in an attempt to constrict the travelers, as if it knew the potency of the heavy silence.

"It's true we worked together to survive, but that doesn't mean a damn thing." He continued. "I'm not as naive as you, and I never agreed to their friendship. The truth of the matter is...I don't trust them, and I never have." He glared at the two strangers again. His cold blue eyes, always looking through them, always full of distrust. For a moment they flashed in an eerily bright glow.

Silva couldn't help but take a step back, nearly fumbling over the thick snow. "W-Why?" She tried to keep a calm facade, but she couldn't hide the shuddered breath that escaped as she spoke.

Kriger's hardened gaze didn't falter. "Because..." He paused. "I suspect you caused the dragon to appear in Helgen."

The words made Silva freeze. Her breath caught in her throat, and she felt as if she couldn't breath.

Arliss took position to support his Arisen. He stealthily grabbed his staff; his hand kept back just out of view of the confrontational nord.

Ralof returned a glare of his own to his kinsman. "That's ridiculous!"

"Is it?" Kriger asked. "First two people from some far away place no one's ever heard of show up as if out of thin air, and shortly after they get caught a dragon of all things shows up to their rescue!" No one could deny that it was true the circ*mstances surrounding their appearance was strange; the timing of their arrival coincided with the return of the dragons perfectly.

Ralof couldn't help giving the two strangers an odd look. He shifted uncomfortably, uncertainty in his eyes.

"Who are you really, Arisen? Pawn?" Kriger went on with his pointed questions. "Where do you really come from? How did you get here?" His mysterious nature, and the eery glow of his gaze seemed to permeate everything.

Silva suddenly felt naked, as if all her darkest secrets had been laid bare. Unable to stand it any longer she turned to Ralof, but to her horror the look on his face and in his eyes had twisted into one of distrust. She reached out to him. "Ralof, I..." As she stepped forward, he recoiled. Her fleeting hope of acceptance died in an instant. A harsh gust of wind picked up. Snow blurred her vision; all she could see was white. "Ralof! Arliss!...Kriger!" She called out helplessly, but alas nothing could be heard over the sound of the raging wind. Another gust threatened to blind her with snow. She shut her eyes tightly; when she opened them she found she was in a place that was far too familiar.

Complete, and utter nothingness stretched out as far as the eye could see. The only discernable thing in the vast expanse of rift was the throne upon which she sat. 'No.' She knew exactly where she was. 'No.' The birth place of life itself as well as the final destination of an Arisen's journey. The Terminus of the world entire. 'No.' It was also the most cursed prison one could ever have the misfortune of being confined to; a place far removed from what could even be called existence. 'No! No! No! This can't be happening!' Her hitched breath came out in shudders.

"Did you rest well Arisen?" Arliss asked. He didn't seem fazed at all, as if it was natural to be here. It very well may have been, but she didn't want to accept that. No. She couldn't accept it. She tried to get up, but her legs refused to listen. She managed to stand upon weak, wobbly legs, and collapsed as they gave out. "Master! Are you alright?" He was by her side in an instant. "Can you stand?" He offered his hand, but she refused to take it.

"Arliss..." Her voice was quiet; so quiet it almost wasn't heard. "Where are we?" She dreaded hearing the answer, but the question had already slipped from her lips.

"This is your chamber, Seneschal." He spoke; words she didn't want to hear. There was a hollowness which seemed to encompass everything in that moment.

She couldn't speak. Or rather, it was more that her mind refused to find the right words. 'What? How? Why?' They didn't seem quite right, but it was all she could think of. It felt like a long time before she finally spoke. "Arliss..."

He inclined his head towards her. "Yes Arisen?"

She paused again. Her mind still refusing the reality before her. She searched for words for what must have been an uncomfortably long time, but Arliss waited patiently. "What happened to Skyrim?"

He co*cked his head to the side. "Sky-rim?" His speech was stilted; the word was foreign to him. "What is that?"

"Don't you remember? You were there too."

He looked at her in confusion. "I have never been to such a place."

"But, we were there."

Arliss looked into her pleading gaze. "Was that your dream?" He asked.

For a moment she stopped. It made perfect sense for it to be a dream, but it couldn't have been a dream. "No." She breathed. "It- wasn't a dream. It was real." It had to have been real. She felt it. The frigid air of Skyrim, the scratchy rope bound tightly around her wrists, the scorching heat of dragon flame, the cuts and grazes received in the recent battle; they were all real. She could recall it all so clearly. "It couldn't have been a dream. I felt it."

She could see genuine concern in his eyes. "Twas but a dream." His tone was meant to be reassuring, as if she had just awoken from a nightmare; it had the opposite effect on her. His hands moved softly over her shoulders in the hopes of calming her, but she reeled away from his touch.

"Why don't you believe me?" She looked at him feeling completely betrayed.

He didn't say anything to that, but he didn't need to; his eyes spoke for him. They spoke of worry and confusion, but also something akin to pity. At least at first it seemed to be pity, but beneath the mimicry of concern it hid itself. She thought that whatever it was made his eyes seem much colder than before. Once vibrant pools of blue green now reflected the void around them; they were hollow. After a moment he finally spoke. "I believe you must have had a vivid dream."

"No, you're wrong! You have to be wrong!" It was becoming difficult to breath. "It can't be! Not here! Not here..." Sobs wracked her body as reality finally began to set in. She felt his hand upon her back, and heard his soft voice; he was trying to comfort her. She looked up at him gratefully only to be met with cold, hollow eyes that feigned concern. He looked at her like she was a mad woman; she very well might have been given how hysterical she had become.

"This is where you're meant to be. You're where you belong Seneschal." He said.

A shiver ran down her spine. "No!" She shoved him away, and crawled back. He tried to offer his hands, but she didn't dare let him. "Don't touch me!"

He stepped back. "As you wish." He said; his voice monotoned.

She didn't even spare him a glance afore taking off into the void. She felt his eyes upon her back, but she didn't dare look back. In the deepest recesses of her mind she knew there was nowhere to go, but in that moment it didn't matter. She wanted to get away from that cursed throne; to get as much distance from there as possible. As far as she ran all that could be seen was grey nothing. It didn't take long before she decided she couldn't stand the hollow, empty rift any longer; anything was better than this. She stopped, falling to her knees in defeat.

"You're back."

She looked up; her eyes immediately drawn to him. His vibrant red cloak, and bright blue green eyes were a much needed sight in this dreary colorless place. "Yes." She sighed. Her gaze slowly drifted aside to the throne. It was the only defined thing here, but even then it barely stood apart from the rest of the rift. It seemed to be made of stone, and was just as grey as everything else. Reluctantly she decided to return to it. She took a step forward, then another, but stopped.

Still she refused to return to this kind of existence; she still had yet a small glimmer of hope left. In one last attempt to defy her destiny she turned away from the throne, and held out her hand. Gazing through the rift she willed it to move. It swirled about itself in hues of gray; light and shadow mingled until they became clouds. The vision in front of her changed from grey to white. Colors and shapes slowly started to become visible. She could see it; Skyrim.

"Do you see it Arliss? Tis' a land called Skyrim. It exists." She glanced back at him victoriously; he only stared blankly. She turned back to the land. Her will was to see. "Show them to me." As soon as she said it a gust of wind sprinkled snow across the rift; through it two blurred figures could be seen in a blizzard. "Be clear." The snow began to dissipate; soon enough Ralof and Kriger could be seen clearly. She looked back at Arliss. "Do you see them? Do you remember them?"

Arliss shook his head. "I'm afraid not Arisen."

Silva looked at him sadly, before turning back to Skyrim. She willed herself into existence and stepped through the rift.

"Hey we're in luck! That blizzard wasn't too bad!" Ralof smiled to his friend.

Kriger looked around. "Yeah, but I think we went the wrong way." They had not only walked off the beaten path, but they were now in the wilderness somewhere.

"It's fine." Said Ralof. "Nothing a bit of walking won't fix." He laughed.

Kriger continued scanning the area. His eyes searching for something that wasn't there. "Weird." He muttered.

"Something wrong?" Asked Ralof.

Kriger sighed. "It feels like something's missing." Ralof gave him an odd look. "Or maybe I've forgotten something."

Ralof rubbed his chin. "I don't think we forgot anything." He slapped him on the back. "You must be thinking too much! C'mon let's go."

Kriger glanced around once more before sighing. "Yeah, you're probably right." Without another word the two nords started moving forward.

"Here! I'm right here!" An unheard voice cried out. She tried to get ahold of them only to go right through them; it was as if she was a ghost. She stood in front of them but their eyes looked though her invisible form until they passed her by. Her heart sunk as she realized she didn't exist. Tears stung her eyes, and she fell to her knees wailing. She yelled at them and cursed her fate. The rift; without any chains or walls it kept her prisoner, and it didn't intend to let her go. As the two nords disappeared over the horizon the vivid scenery dissolved into nothing, until it was all replaced by the rift.

"Do you see now, Seneschal?" Arliss asked. "There's no place for you in that world." He looked to her pitifully, and held out his hand.

Silva looked to him defeated. 'Is this really Arliss?' She wondered a moment before shaking the thought from her head. It didn't feel right, and it likely never would, but she knew she couldn't keep fighting fate; lest she only hurt herself more. She reached up to take his hand, but stopped when she heard something. It started with a few soft taps behind her; for a moment she wasn't sure if she truly heard something; then it came again. The sound grew in volume and intensity; rap rap rapping soon turned into urgent pounding. She whirled around to see a vision within the rift. The two nords were desperately banging against an invisible barrier.

"Get out of there already!" Yelled Kriger somewhat angrily.

"C'mon Silva! We haven't got all day, you know!" Ralof's tone was light hearted compared to Kriger's booming voice, but it was loud and urgent all the same.

The meek voice that followed made Silva stop. "Forgive me the intrusion Arisen, but it might be for the best if you do as they say." Arliss shuffled timidly behind the two nords.

"Arliss?" She whispered to herself; in wide eyed shock, and confusion. 'How can Arliss be there when he's right here? If that's Arliss, who is this?' She turned around again to face the man in the rift. Instead of being met with Arliss' face she was greeted by someone she had previously only met once, but couldn't forget. "Savan?"

The former Seneschal looked back at her with eyes full of disappointment "You have a duty Arisen." His voice was deep, and rich, and his words echoed in the rift.

"No." She said weakly. She stepped back, her legs faltering.

There was a loud bang, and an angry shout that tore her attention from the god before her. "Wake up!" The powerful voice belonged to Kriger.

Her eyes filled with light as realization struck her. 'I'm dreaming? I can escape from this place. I can be free!' She ran towards them; towards her friends outside the rift, and away from him. The vision in the rift cracked. She glanced back at Savan one last time.

"We'll meet again soon, Arisen." He said.

The vision in the rift broke completely. Silva leapt through the portal. She opened her eyes to see a brown, wooden ceiling. It was such a plain, innocuous thing, but to her in that moment it was indescribably beautiful. Another loud bang on the door and the sound of voices outside beginning to argue made her jump out of bed. A quick glance around the room reminded her where she was; everything that could be seen was just as she left it the night prior. She approached the door with a bit of apprehension. 'What if I open the door only to be met with the rift? What if I can't be seen by anyone?' She shook her head of the intrusive thoughts, and steeled herself.

When she opened the door the sight she was met with was of Kriger in some kind of argument with other patrons while Ralof tried to placate them. Arliss noticed her presence and greeted her. "Ah, Master you're up!" He smiled happily. "I hope you slept well, Arisen. I also took inventory just as you told me."

"So you're finally awake." Said Ralof with a grin. Silva felt a wave of relief wash over her as he spoke to her.

"What took you so long?" Asked Kriger irritably.

"Forgive me Sir. Did you wait long?" She couldn't keep the happy smile from her face.
Ralof spoke up before Kriger could get a chance. "Don't worry about it, you got up in time for breakfast. I came to call you over. He's just a bit impatient."

"I can wait for long amounts of time if I need to, that doesn't mean I have to like it." Kriger defended.

Ralof ignored him. "You seem to be in a good mood. Did you have a nice dream?" He asked.

Silva's smile faltered. "No, it was actually pretty terrible. I'm just glad it's over." She spoke wistfully.

"Sorry to hear that lass." Said Ralof.

"What kind of dream was it?" Kriger asked curiously.

She looked away, wondering if she should tell them. They were persistent, and she eventually relented. "I was trapped in a rather dreary place, and I could not escape." She chose her words carefully. "I tried to escape, and reach out to someone but it was futile. I could not be seen, nor heard. I was like a ghost." She paused. "No, I was even less than a ghost. I did not exist at all."

"That sounds like a pretty bad nightmare." Said Ralof. "You must be glad it's not real." He laughed, but Silva could only give a weak smile.

Arliss watched her sadly a moment in understanding, before switching to the polite smile he assumed she preferred. He figured distracting her with more pressing matters would help her forget about that place if only for a little while. "Don't forget to gather your things Master." He chided respectfully. "When you're ready we can go over our inventory together. We'll have to make sure we have ample supplies, as well as find a way to earn coin."

"Yes, of course." She smiled back at Arliss. "You're very prudent. I'm glad I can count on you to keep track of these things."

"If you're looking for work I've got a few ideas you could try." Said Ralof.

Kriger observed the two strangers curiously, deep in thought.

As she gathered her things, her mind began to wander back to her dream. Intrusive thoughts told her many terrible things. In truth every time she blinked a fear in the deep recesses of her mind told her that she'd open her eyes to find herself trapped once more in that place. It told her that Skyrim and it's inhabitants were nothing more than hollow, empty husks that she had simply dreamed up. No matter how often she shook her head to rid herself of these thoughts they always crawled right back.

Finally, enough was enough; she pinched herself. It hurt. "It would seem I'm awake." She muttered to herself.'Can a mind delude itself so much, that it could conjure even pain within a dream?' She wondered. A mirthless laugh escaped her throat. "Surely I must have gone truly mad."She smiled ruefully to herself. 'Mayhaps it doesn't matter whether this be some sort of illusion. In this moment I am free, and that's all that matters.'

The door opened and Arliss greeted her. "You're done with preparations?" He asked. "Then, let us meet with the others."

"Yes." She agreed. Her lower lip trembled a bit when they reached the door. A world of grey flashed in her mind, but she pushed the thoughts out of her head, and willed herself forward; endeavoring to remain calm and resolute.

Chapter 9: Hollow End


Sorry for always making you guys wait for the updates. I want to thank you for your patience. I wasn't feeling so great about the last chapter, but this one I really like. I know that the pace is kind of slow, but please bear with it. I think that the best way to go about this story is to take time on small things first as the characters learn their way around a new world, and experience new things. I'll probably have the pace of the story pick up later once the characters get their bearings, and stuff...maybe.

I was looking forward to this chapter for awhile. I think that being in a place like that would really take it's toll on someone, and the Arisen was trapped like that for who knows how long. It wouldn't be something that just goes away when you suddenly become free, it's something that I think would leave a lasting impression on someone, and affect how they think and act long after things change. That's my reasoning for how I'm writing my story. If you let me know your thoughts it would be greatly appreciated.

Since I'm new to this site, and am unfamiliar with this tagging system let me know if you think my tags are adequate. The reason I'm asking now is because in this chapter, and going forward the story will be dealing with things such as PTSD. Of course it's not the main focus of this story, but I believe that it will play a crucial part in affecting the actions of at least one of my main characters.

Oh yeah. I also want to ask you if you fell for the dream? Did you think I did a time skip and they were actually in a blizzard, or that she was actually trapped again? ;)
Or did you figure out it was a dream? If you did what tipped you off? You don't have to tell me, but I'd love it if you left a comment letting me know what you thought.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and the whole story overall. Thanks for reading!

Chapter 10: Before the Storm


After a moment of respite it becomes clear that dark clouds of unease hang over the horizon. Preparation for whatever the future holds is in order, but as they work together tensions grow threatening to unravel everything.


Sorry for taking so long, but at least this chapter should entertain you awhile. Enjoy! ☺️

{Warning! Long chapter ahead. If you wish to proceed I suggest you get very comfortable.}

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 10: Before the Storm

He had awoken early that morning; the sun was not yet up, and he was tempted to remain a while longer. His body was weary from long travel, and the excitement from the day prior had tired him a great deal. The comfort of the bed beckoned him to stay, but he reminded himself why he chose to wake that hour. With a sigh he got up, put on a normal set of clothes, and quickly packed his things.

He scanned the inn as soon as he left his room. The fire that had been roaring last night died down to a quiet flickering flame. The doors to his companions rooms were closed, and there was no sign telling him whether they had yet waken, or if they slept still; he guessed it would be the latter. The town drunk was sleeping on a fur pelt on the dusty wooden floor, and Delphine was behind the counter setting out a few choice drinks and ingredients to entice a purchase, but other than that the inn was empty. He approached her and sat on a stool.

"Morning," She said. "You're up earlier than expected. Can I get you anything?" He only answered with a grunt. "You look tired, why not rest awhile longer?"

Kriger looked back at her. "What about you?" He asked. "Don't sleep?" He handed her back the room key and glanced at the rooms the strangers were staying in.

Delphine pocketed the key with a smirk. "I don't see much action. You though, you look like something the cat dragged in." Kriger said nothing, and she continued. "I can only imagine what you must've been through. Why don't you tell me about it?" She leaned forward over the counter. "I can make it worth your while," She whispered, her voice sultry.

"I'm not interested in talking about it." He said coldly; he glanced to the doors again. "Have my companions woken yet?"

For a moment Delphine's eyes darkened, and her jaw tightened, but her sly smile returned as quickly as it left. "Those two foreigners right? No, you're the first." She poured a mug of ale, and slid it towards him. "Where did you find them anyway?"

Kriger frowned. "I didn't order this," He nearly growled.

"It's on the house, just don't tell Embry." Before he could ask she answered his next question. "He's that drunk oaf on the floor there."

Kriger smirked back. "If you think this'll get me to loosen my tongue you're crazy," He said; raising the ale to his lips. He asked her about rumors, but most of it didn't interest him. He didn't care much for love triangles and the like, however there was one bit that caught his attention.

"Word is Ulfric Stormcloak escaped Helgen. The war is only going to get worse now."

He rubbed his chin hoping that she didn't catch on to his surprise. 'Word traveled quick. Someone must've stopped by last night while we were sleeping.' He mused. 'I should warn Ralof and his family about this.' He looked Delphine in her eyes; they were sharp, and analytical. "Where did you hear this?" He asked.

Her sly smile widened. "Let's just say; I have my sources."

Before Kriger could ask more he heard a door open, and turned to see Arliss step out of his room. He noticed that the mage seemed a bit out of sorts. His eyes were glazed over, his brows furrowed, his lips parsed, and for some reason he was looking at his hand. Without a word he left a couple septims on the counter, gave Delphine a quick nod of 'thanks' and stepped towards the distracted mage. "Something wrong?"

Arliss nearly jumped. "Ah, Sir.Kriger!" The gruff nord winced at the sheer volume of his voice; for a moment he wondered how he could be so loud so early. "No, there is naught amiss," He said, but Kriger noticed that Arliss brought his hand closer, holding it protectively. He looked hard at his hand trying to see what might have him so worked up, but whatever it was he couldn't see it. He was just about to ask about it when Arliss beamed at him. "Good morning! Have you slept well?"

Kriger was taken back by the sudden change in the odd mage. He had known it from the beginning, but Arliss was very strange. Both of the strangers were different, but Arliss had shown himself to be the odder of the pair. There was just something about his looks and actions that screamed that something wasn't quite right.

His bright blue-green eyes were often blank and hard to read. His expressions felt a bit off. His voice seemed very controlled. His laughter was stiff. His speech stilted. What was most unnerving though was his unusual behavior. The way he could change his entire demeanor in the blink of an eye was unnatural. He acted naive and almost childlike, but in battle he was a different person. In battle his mask slipped and you could see him for the serious, and experienced combat mage he was; there were also other times where he seemed to show something else. One moment he seemed to be bumbling about like a fool, the next he was staring at something or someone with an unusually blank, intense gaze. It was eery.

Kriger got the feeling that the Arliss they knew was fake, that they had only seen brief glimpses of who he really was. That thought was unnerving. The way Arliss waved a hand in front of his face took him out of his thoughts; Kriger stepped back startled, his hand shot to the blade at his side.

"Did you sleep well Sir.Kriger?" Arliss asked innocently.

It took a moment for the nord to register what happened. "Uh, yeah." He quickly released his grip from his weapon hoping he hadn't noticed that he was just about to cleave his head off. "You? Wanna go sit down?"

Arliss nodded, and the two moved to sit by the dying flame. "Would that there were more kindling..." Arliss muttered. Kriger grunted something that sounded like agreement, as Arliss kept talking. "The inn is empty. Seems the bard is gone as well."

Kriger was silent awhile as the mage rambled on about nothing in particular, after a time he spoke. "You sure seem to like to say the obvious."

For a moment he paused, and the smile he had faltered. "My Master once told me she liked the sound of my voice." Kriger raised a brow at that. "Twas long ago, most like she remembers not."

"I've been wondering about this for awhile." Kriger shifted forward in his seat. "What's your relationship with the Arisen? What does it all mean; to be an Arisen, or a pawn? Why do you call her master?"

Arliss thought for a bit, finally he spoke. "As a pawn I am duty bound to the Arisen."

"A duty? Why?"

"We share a bond. A unique, and special bond. Like as not, you cannot understand."

Kriger was irritated by his vague answers, but tried not to let it show. He knew being short with the self proclaimed 'pawn' wouldn't get him anywhere. He let out something akin to a hum, but before he could press for more information the door opened.

A chilly wind blew in from outside snuffing out the last remnants of the flame, and leaving only burnt embers in it's place. In walked a tall wood elf, with silver hair pulled tightly in a high ponytail. He wore a light armor with a green hood that draped upon his shoulders, and on his back was a bow and quiver full of arrows. Kriger also eyed a small dagger at his side. For a moment the bosmer's dark eyes lingered curiously on the two strangers, but he briskly walked past them.

Arliss eyed the strange creature, then turned to his nordic companion. "Is that a thalmor?" He asked almost innocently, but definitely unsubtly.

The elf turned and shot a nasty glare at the two, Delphine seemed almost amused, and Kriger resisted the urge to smack his oblivious companion. "No, he's a wood elf. They're called Bosmer." Kriger explained exasperatedly. The offended elf let out an annoyed huff and went up to the counter; he had more important things to deal with today.

"Mornin' Faendal," Greeted Delphine. "You going out hunting again today?"

"Good morning Delphine." Faendal spoke curtly, but politely. "That's right. I shot at a rather large bear the other day, but it managed to get away. I would've normally gone right after it, but it was late. I've prepared myself well, and I'm going to track it down." He lowered his voice to a mumble as his cheeks flushed. "Perhaps Camilla will be impressed by it's pelt."

"A bear?" Arliss turned to his nord companion. "Sir.Kriger could that be—"

"Quiet," Kriger hissed.

But Faendal had heard, and his interest was piqued. His long, pointed ears twitched, and his dark, piercing eyes focused on Arliss. "Have you seen it?"

Kriger spoke up before Arliss could. "We saw some tracks earlier that looked like they belonged to a bear. We were thinking of hunting it down ourselves."

Faendal let out an amused huff. "Sorry to inform you, but that bear is mine." He cracked a smile. "And just so you know, you're looking at the best marksman in Riverwood." He then turned to Delphine and ordered a light breakfast which he ate quickly.

"Why did you not tell him that we killed the bear?" Arliss asked once the elf had left. "Why did you lie?"

Kriger snorted. "What? Does your 'Master' never lie?"

Arliss said nothing; letting the furrow of his brow, and tight lips speak for him. The two sat in contempt silence.

It wasn't long before others began to pour into the inn for business, a morning drink, or even just the company of others. The mood felt lighter with a newly lit fire and lively townsfolk chatting away, but Kriger could do without the suspicious stares and curious looks people gave them. He couldn't fault them in these times, but it didn't make it any easier. It didn't help that Arliss drew a lot of attention. The odd mage still wore the same bright crimson, obviously foreign robes as before and anyone could tell just by looking that he was really out of place. He didn't doubt that the strangers would likely draw a lot of attention from bandits and thieves as well.

Kriger sighed irritably. He had woken early in the hopes that he might be able to catch the two strangers talking; unfortunately the arisen wasn't an early riser, and he regretted his lost hour of sleep. Another patron walked in and he glimpsed out the door, based on the light he guessed that they were in the mid 7th hour of the morning. He sighed again hoping that Silva would wake soon, or that Ralof would arrive quickly; luckily he got his wish.

"Hey! Kriger, Arliss! I'm glad to see you up!"

While Kriger was glad for his arrival; Ralof's greeting was like a war horn going off. A grumpy drunk Embry woke with a start. He muttered something about not being able to sleep and headed for the door; along the way he casually swiped a bottle of mead from a table. Delphine was too busy dealing with other customers to notice, so Kriger decided to step in.

He quickly snatched the bottle from the drunk's hands. "Hold on, I don't think you payed for that."

Embry irritably shot back. "That's between me, and Delphine! What's it to you anyway swash-buckler?"

'Swash-buckler?' Kriger scowled at the title. "She did me a good deed earlier. I'm just returning the favor, Milk Drinker."

"I don't have to take that from you!" Cried Embry as he took a swing at him; and that's how a brawl started.

It wasn't much of a fight. Embry was weaker than Kriger, and in no condition to fight. He was groggy, and drunk, and it showed. While Kriger wasn't the most swift footed man he practically danced around Embry as he staggered drunkenly. The drunk's blows were sluggish, and easy to avoid; for the most part. Embry finally managed a lucky hit to the gut that knocked the wind out of him, and followed up with a jab to his face. Kriger wiped the side of his mouth and seeing a bit of blood he smirked; resolving to return the favor. Now the two were really exchanging blows; after a bit of back and forth Kriger aimed a good hard uppercut to his jaw and knocked the drunk to the ground in a heap.

Ralof put an arm around him. "Nice work! I had you figured for a brawler. You fight really well, you wouldn't happen to have been in the fighters guild back in Cyrodil were you?" He laughed. "If you were I wouldn't be surprised." He then handed him a small bit of gold, before Kriger could say a word Ralof beat him to it. "I made a bit of coin thanks to you."

Kriger smirked at the small pouch in his hand. "I'm surprised you even had time to make wagers."

Ralof shrugged. "Well it's a small peaceful town; people here don't get to see much action. With not much going on they're quick to a good show." He then grabbed a certain brown haired mage, pulling him into their conversation. "And speaking of not seeing much action; Arliss here nearly jumped into the fray. He pulled out his staff and was about to swing away, lucky thing I managed to stop him."

"Lucky indeed." Said Kriger. "Nords are warriors who like a good drink, and respect a good fight. Fair fist fights are seen as honorable ways to settle disputes without bloodshed. The rules are simple; no weapons, no magics, and you keep it strictly between two people." He looked hard at the mage. "Had you gotten involved it wouldn't have been a mere brawl anymore. We could've been charged with assault, and had a bounty put on our heads. You almost got us into a lot of trouble mage."

Arliss lowered his head. "Forgive me. I wasn't aware that such behavior was considered 'normal' among your people. I knew not of the trouble that would have been caused had I intervened."

"Don't worry about it," Said Ralof as he put a hand on his head and shook it; turning his hair into a spiky mess in the process. "Just don't make that mistake again."

"Yes. It won't happen again," Said Arliss while smoothing his hair back to its usual look.

Kriger glanced around the room. Many of the patrons were eyeing them, and it made him uncomfortable. A few looked like they were planning to start something. Ralof was right; these people really were itching for a fight. "I think I've had enough of this place," He said to his companions. "Let's just grab Silva and go. We'll drag her out of there if we need to."

Arliss was reluctant to force her to do anything, but the two nords had no problem banging her door. Unfortunately this noise was the perfect excuse to attempt to start another brawl. "Hey, why don't you tone down that racket!" A large, dirt covered man yelled; fists raised.

Kriger scoffed. "I don't see none of you trying to sleep," He growled. "Just mind your own business!"

The man swung at Kriger, but Ralof caught his fist. "Hold on! We'll be out of here as soon as our companion wakes up. There's no need to fight."

Another man yelled at Ralof. "You're one to talk after taking my hard earned coin!"

Kriger turned to Ralof. "He's got a point."

"Ah, Master you're up!" Arliss' voice couldn't have come at a more perfect time, and Ralof made sure to take advantage of it.

"Well, there's our friend now; we'll best be going." He spoke and moved away quickly. The man weakly attempted to stop him, but Ralof was too quick. With an annoyed grunt he left to order a drink. "So you're finally awake!" Said Ralof to the Arisen with a wide grin.

Kriger walked over somewhat irritably. "What took you so long?" He nearly stopped when he noticed how pale she was. He noted that the smile she wore seemed full of relief. She politely apologized for her lateness, and Ralof jokingly made a pointed comment on Kriger's impatience which he defended.

Ralof only saw her smile; not noticing her ashen appearance, or registering her relief. "You seem to be in a good mood. Did you have a nice dream?" He wasn't the most observant man, but even he saw how her smile faltered at his innocent question. He apologized once she answered, but Kriger was curious.

"What kind of dream was it?" Something told him that her answer might be very telling. He watched the two strangers carefully, intent on not missing even the smallest detail. The slightest movement or change in facial expression could reveal something; and he was heavily invested in unraveling their secrets.

"I was trapped in a rather dreary place, and could not escape," She began. "I tried to escape, and reach out to someone, but twas in vain. I could not be seen, nor heard. I was as a ghost." She paused. "No, I was even less than a ghost. I did not exist at all."

Kriger watched as the color drained from her already pallid skin, and her face twisted in the pain of the memory. Her hazel eyes threatened to tear up as she fearfully gazed into nothing. Her voice dropped to a low shaky whisper. Her arms wrapped about herself protectively. She was trembling. She was terrified. He wondered if a mere dream could really garner such an intense reaction. Usually once you wake all fear you may have had vanishes, but for her it lingered. She was completely shaken.

His eyes moved to Arliss. The pawn wore a sorrowful expression with eyes full of concern. He didn't really understand the depth of their bond beyond knowing that the two were close, but even so he could see that there was an understanding between them. He didn't know what it was, but he knew it when he saw the depths of their emotions; there was something here far deeper than that of a mere dream. 'Was the dream symbolic of something the two experienced in their past?' He wondered. Memories of the sky, the light, and the dragon flashed in his mind. A strange feeling came over him then; a feeling that there were things that he couldn't even fathom, and this might just be one of them.

The mid-day forest was calm, and peaceful until an arrow whizzed through the leaves. It embedded itself into the neck of it's prey; a large male deer gave out a pained cry before it fell dead. Silvana stepped out of the brush towards the poor creature, and quickly got to work. She tried not to think about distressing things like the bloody work she was doing, or the awful dream she had last night. Instead she allowed her mind to wander back to the breakfast they had with their nordic friends that morning.

The meal was simple, but pleasant. Their food consisted of lightly salted eggs, bread, cheese, mead of course, and most importantly; good company. Sure Ralof's family could be a bit much, but they meant well and were lively people. Their lighthearted chatter lifted her spirits, and their generosity was a most welcome boon. However it wasn't the food or jovial prattle that her mind dwelled on, but the more serious topics that came up that morning.

"I've been thinking," began Gerdur as she set down her fork. The others looked on curiously, their once bright faces sombered as the mood shifted. "about that dragon." A heavy weight fell over the table; they all knew how grave the danger was. "I don't mean to push this on you; new as some of you are to this land, but I need to ask a favor of you."

"What do you need?" Asked Kriger.

"I'd like to ask that you warn the Jarl in Whiterun about what you saw." She said. "He needs to know about this; Riverwood is defenseless."

"Of course, we'll let him know." Said Ralof. "I couldn't sleep at night if I left you without aid; especially not after seeing what happened to Helgen."

Silva swallowed a lump in her throat. She didn't dare say it, but she didn't trust that would do a thing. She knew Helgen only a short while, but it left a strong impression on her. Twas once an imposing city, large and proud; it's heavily fortified walls likely were thought to hold against any enemy, but they were wrong. She had seen with her own eyes how the towers toppled, and the thick stone walls crumbled. She had seen how the multitude of soldiers fell to the beast; burnt to ash. Compared to Helgen; Riverwood would be an easy target. It wouldn't hold a quarter of the amount of soldiers that Helgen had, nor would it's simple wooden entrances offer any protection. It would take years to fortify it to the same extent as Helgen, but even that wouldn't be enough if a dragon chose to destroy it. She had seen the destructive power that a dragon could bring, and it wasn't the first time. Memories of Grigori's attack on Cassardis came flooding back to her.

Back then she was just a poor fisher girl, but she lived happily in their close knit village. When the Wyrm appeared no one was ready; twas utter chaos. People ran to and fro, others froze in fear, and the soldiers proved themselves to be just as craven as the rest. His fiery breath turned to ash those she knew before her very eyes. The mere beat of his massive wings wrought destruction. She stood no chance against the beast, but she picked up sword and rushed forward. Twas a fools choice, and while it proved to be the village's merit twas also her own undoing. The village was spared because he had found what he was looking for. With a flick of his wrist he sent her flying. She skidded painfully against the coarse, rough sand. The dragon moved slowly towards her with renewed purpose. His eyes once blank and full of madness, now focused his slitted pupils intently on her. She saw in their red glow a terrifying intelligence. He uttered words in a language she couldn't understand, but were no doubt full of meaning. Slowly he moved his clawed hand over her and almost gently he stabbed her, tore out her still beating heart, and ate it. She should have died then, but she was cursed to another fate. She was Arisen.

"Slow down, friend. I heard something you should beware of." Kriger's voice pulled her out of her memories and she turned to see what the stoic nord was saying. "I asked the innkeep about rumors earlier, word got out about Helgen." The news made everyone stop. Gerdur dropped her fork, and even Frodnar stilled when he realized how heavy the air was. "I don't know how much they know, or who could've told them, but they know Ulfric escaped. I'm guessing that 'someone' stopped by last night." No one had to say it; they all knew that whoever it was had to have been from Helgen.

Ralof let out a sigh. "Thank the gods he made it out. Can't say the same about how quick word travels though."

"We should assume others made it out as well; both friend, and foe alike." Said Arliss.

Ralof paused lost in thought. His mind no doubt wondering how many of his comrades escaped, and the safety of those he was close to. The number of imperials who escaped was another thing to consider; one in particular weighed heavily on his mind.

Silva put a hand on his. "You aught be cautious. I know not the full extent of this war, but you're a friend. I'd hate to lose anymore."

Ralof gave her a warm smile. "Thanks lass. That's good to hear. You don't need to worry about me; I don't plan on dying anytime soon."

"We aught gather supplies afore we head out," said Arliss abruptly. "We know not the lay of the land, nor what dangers await us," He paused. "Should we part ways we should be well prepared for any situation."

Ralof nodded. "That would be best."

"Maybe you should travel in another set of armor if you're traveling alone or in a small group," suggested Hod. "Balgruuf hasn't chosen a side yet, but that don't make it safe."

"What are you saying?!" Ralof slammed his hands on the table. "I'm proud to wear my Stormcloak armor! I'm not going to cower from any imperials!"

"Don't be foolish," Said the Arisen. "Tis not a matter of pride, tis survival, and I'll not hear aught of your recklessness."

Ralof was about to retort, but Kriger stopped him. "They might have a point. Remember that ambush?" The rebel paused recalling the hopeless battle that led to their capture and nearly gotten them killed. "It can happen again if you're not careful."

Ralof sighed defeated. "Alright, I get it. I'll wear another set of armor while I travel. Happy?" He sighed again. "Too bad the only blacksmith here is Alvor."

"Alvor?" Asked Silva; wondering what was wrong with him.

"He's the blacksmith in Riverwood," Answered Hod in between forkfuls of egg. "His family are good folk, but they're supporters of the empire."

Gerdur caught sight of her guests faces and laughed. "You don't have to worry about them," She said. "We get along well enough even if we don't agree about the war."

"Even so, I'm not looking forward to asking for armor from him," Said Ralof.

Kriger eyed the others deep in thought awhile afore speaking. "You reckon he'll let a stranger use his forge?" He asked.

"Don't see why not," Said Hod. "Why do you ask?"

"I'm no legendary smith, but I know a thing or two about working a forge," Said Kriger. "Maybe I can convince him to let me help out a bit. I could get paid, and use the forge to make some things we might need."

Ralof's eyes lit up. "Like a new set of armor?"

"Yeah, nothing too fancy though," He said; trying to curb his enthusiasm. "I can also make travel packs with the pelts from the wolves and bear we killed." He then turned to the Arisen. "You mentioned that you hunted plenty of dangerous beasts before right?" She nodded. "Good." He smiled; his icy blue eyes glinting. "This shouldn't be too hard for you then."

That was how she came to be here. Kriger had asked that she collect the pelts of deer in the nearby woods so he could use them to make tents for them. Gerdur added that the venison would also be good to cook with or sell, and that the antlers were oft used as alchemy ingredients. She looked down at the bloody carcass before her; she wasn't new to skinning and harvesting, but she would have preferred if it wasn't such a peaceful creature she had to hunt. 'How many more will I need?' She wondered somewhat somberly.

The quiet sound of the crunch of leaves hit her ears, and in one swift motion she readied her bow. Twigs and leaves swayed heavily; warning that something was approaching. Silva loosened the grip on her arrow when a black boot stepped out of the brush followed by a streak of red. She managed to adjust her aim at the last moment, missing the man before her by a hair. "Tis only me, Master." Said the red clad mage.

The Arisen lowered her weapon with a sigh "Arliss, I nearly shot you." She said exasperated.

He gave her a downcast expression. "Forgive me Master, I only wished to inform you that I acquired another pelt."

"Good work." She smiled. "We are nearly done. Mayhaps two or three more will suffice."

Arliss smiled back. "We are making good pace."

Silva agreed, then silently gazed at the forest about them. She had to admit; while the foreign land of Skyrim was cold, and harsh it was also beautiful. The frosty blades of grass sparkled in the sunlight that shone through the trees, and all about them the green foliage was sprinkled with fluffy, white snow. Beyond the woods lay a river flowing with clear water, and grand mountain ranges overlooking the vast land. She stood there admiring the splendor of it all; for a moment it almost felt like she was back to hunting rabbits in the outskirts of Cassardis. Skyrim was as winter, and if she tried hard enough the the river's running water sounded almost similar to lapping waves on the shore.

"Arisen?" Arliss' voice brought her back to the present, and she turned to him. "Should we not continue the hunt?"

She looked back at the foreign land once more. It no longer held a hint of familiarity. No matter how much she wished it this land was not Gransys. "You're right." Her voice was almost a whisper; her words meant more for herself. This was no time for reverie. "Let's go."

The two continued deeper into the cold, yet lush woodlands. Neither spoke as they walked; only the sounds of the forest could be heard. This didn't bother her until she realised that they hadn't gotten a chance to really talk about their plans yet, at least not privately. Last night she had retired early, and this morning they had only briefly gone over their inventory together afore joining the others.

That morning they had counted what they managed to collect on their way to Riverwood as well as what they were given by Ralof's family. They also had a small amount of supplies from Gransys. Silva had been surprised that they could still be used after all those years, but figured that it was because like her they had been untouched by time; in that place. She got chills recalling her prison and quickly pushed it to the back of her mind. As they counted inventory she found that an item was missing. Arliss informed her then of a strange phenomenon.

He had taken the book given him by Sir.Kriger, opened it, and as he lay his eyes upon the words something strange happened. At once he was hit with information, new knowledge seeped into his mind, and suddenly he knew it. The book was destroyed in the process, but he had learned the spell contained within the tome. When they were outside he demonstrated his new power enthusiastically. Much to her chagrin they received a complaint from an elderly woman about magic; she apologized on his behalf and they quickly left on their way.

That had been the extent of what was spoken between them, and there was much that she felt still needed to be said. She knew that she'd have to make some serious decisions soon.

Loath as she was to part with her new friends she knew that it was only a matter of time before they might have to. As much as she enjoyed the companionship; sticking with Ralof would mean joining the Stormcloaks, and after what happened the first time she wasn't so eager to get involved in the war.

As for Sir.Kriger she wasn't entirely sure what to think. There was a possibility that he'd join Ralof, or go off on his own; she might join him depending on his plans, but in truth she was uncomfortable around him. She knew it to be a foolish thought, but he seemed perceptive; too perceptive for her liking. The longer they stuck together the greater the chance was that the truth could come out; that was something she couldn't afford to risk. She knew then that they should part ways soon, but the timing was yet to be decided. Her mind turned to their destination. She was told that the city was large and a central location; surely they could find work there. "Whiterun," Without realizing it she mumbled to herself.

"Hm?" Arliss stopped in his tracks; halting the both of them and turned to her curiously. "Did you say something, Arisen?"

She hadn't intended for him to hear her, but was grateful for his attentiveness. "I was thinking," She began. "We'll most like part ways with our nordic friends in Whiterun."

Arliss blinked; for a moment he was quiet, but he quickly replied. "Yes, Arisen." His delayed response was a result of the unexpected decision; he pondered it, but didn't ask; he did not care enough to. 'She must have her reasons for it.' He surmised; that was enough for him. She had always made all the important decisions, and he never questioned her orders; that was the way it was, the way it was always to be; he didn't intend to change it. 'Why should I? Tis' not of any import to me, and I feel neither bond or kinship with them.' He cared not for their traveling companions, but his thoughts turned to his Arisen.

Arliss was a pawn; pawns were without wills of their own, and lived a hollow existence. They cared for nothing, and no one, not even themselves. The only outlier was the existence of Arisen; humans with exceptionally strong wills, chosen by and bound to a great dragon. By some strange turn of fate these will-less beings known as pawns were drawn like moths to a flame to the strong willed Arisen, and a unique bond of unyielding fealty was formed. Beyond this strange occurrence pawns held no kin-ship with anyone, and they felt no need for it; however the Arisen was a human.

Within the Seneschal's chamber Arliss had seen with his own eyes how humans needed each other. Deprived of human interaction his Arisen broke down many times in anguish; lamenting what was lost. As a pawn he couldn't fathom it; not truly, but he offered what little consolation he could. She was ever grateful and clung tightly to her last remaining bond, but he was not human; he could not truly understand her, and she sometimes lashed out because of this. He did not fault her for it. Why should he? He took no offence, and she always apologized besides. Afterwords she would pull herself together; or at least try to, but no matter how desperately or how tightly she clung to her sanity it always seemed to slip through her fingers, shattering into a thousand pieces never again to be the same. She was a weak, cracked, empty shell destined to be shattered again and again, before being haphazardly thrown together like mosaic glass waiting for the cycle to repeat.

Arliss had neither need or desire for the companionship of their so called 'friends', but could the same be said for her? Arliss stopped still in his tracks, causing her to do the same. "Arisen," His voice rang clear before he even realised he had opened his mouth to speak. Ne'er had he ever dared to question her judgement, but this time for her sake he felt he had to ask, "Will that truly be alright?" He turned around to face her; the look on her face told that she was just as surprised as he at the words that had just come from his mouth. "Will you truly be alright?"

Silva's breath caught in her throat. She knew not if she was more surprised by the question or the worry in his eyes, but she knew the cause; memories of 'that place' plagued her mind. Suddenly her heart began to race, her legs felt wobbly, and her body began to tremble. Though she was free she was in shatters, and the witness stood before her. He had seen her fall apart over and over, and was worried it would happen again. Under his gaze she felt naked, shameful, and weak; she found she could not bear to meet his eyes. "Er, yes? That would be...fine." She did not believe her own words, and didn't doubt he wouldn't either. Her only consolation was that as her pawn he'd find no fault with her, but that thought did little to calm her. Despite not looking at him she could still feel his lingering gaze upon her; it was heavy, so heavy she didn't think she could take it, and so she snapped. "Yes, I'll be fine!" She didn't completely believe her own words, but the edge to her voice hid it well. She fixed him with a glare, and her voice took on a dark tone. "Don't question my judgement."

Arliss was appalled. "Forgive me, I was only worried for your sake."

Silva felt guilty for her harshness; she knew he only acted with her best interests in mind. Knowing she was in the wrong she softened. "I know, I'm sorry." She put her hand on his shoulder. "Thank you for worrying about me, but I'm fine." She gave him a reassuring smile, but it was weak one. "All I need is you. So long as you remain by my side I'll be alright." It was a bold faced lie, they both knew it; even still they clung to those words as truth.

"Of course, this pawn would be lost without you as well." His words were more honest than hers, but his own faltering smile hid just as much.

The two quickly put the conversation behind them; unacknowledged, but not forgotten. As quickly and easily as they were brushed aside the questions lingered still in the depths of their minds. The Arisen's fragile sanity and need for companionship felt like a shameful weakness to her. Arliss' worry over her stung like brontide, and her previous breakdowns only reinforced her feelings of worthlessness. In the hopes of gaining back any dignity she put on the strongest front she could in the hopes that her weakness might disappear. Arliss followed her lead quietly; lightly running his fingers over the scar on his hand while his mind wandered.

As the mid-day sun bared upon the land Kriger had already grown used to the constant sound of clanking metal, and the heat of the forge. Beads of sweat dripped from his face onto the red hot bar he was working on, sizzling as they evaporated. His arms ached as he hammered away; shaping the softened metal into a weapon. Clang after clang resounded over and over with each strike, until it began to take the form he desired. Feeling it was ready he quickly submerged it into water as giant bouts of steam pricked his blistering skin. As he pulled out the newly formed blade he couldn't help but admire his handy-work. It was still a work in progress, but he could tell this one would win many a battle in the future. After a bit of grinding and sharpening he ran his finger along the edge and grinned. It was the finest blade he's ever made, and he was proud of a job well done. "How much for this one?" He asked as he handed it to a man tanning leather.

Alvor whistled at the sight. "I'm impressed!" He ran his finger along the blade. "At the rate you're improving... you wouldn't happen to be considering doing this full time would you?"

"Well, I admit it's tempting..." Kriger shook his head. "But I like adventure, and the rush of battle too much to give it up for good."

Alvor let out a slightly amused hum. "I can respect that."

The two then quickly got to bartering; there was a bit of back and forth before they came to a trade they were both happy with. Kriger was glad he had taken so many extra weapons from Helgen; while the extra weight was nothing to sneeze at they had proved invaluable in helping him procure materials he needed. He looked down at the pile he accumulated pridefully, he felt he was making great pace. A good portion of the things he set out to make that morning were ready; he had quickly turned the wolf pelts into makeshift backpacks, and after procuring some linen and goat fur from Alvor he had successfully been able to make hooded cloaks and bedrolls. Unfortunately he still had yet to make the armor or the tents. 'Hope the strangers get here soon with those pelts...' No sooner than he had those thoughts did he hear her voice.

"How's the day find you?" Silva wore a smug smile as she held out a small bundle of freshly cut deer pelts towards him. "I trust this will suffice?"

Kriger was about to retort when Arliss came from behind her and practically threw the pelts he was carrying at him. "We've done it!" He cried enthusiastically.

"Hey, Watch it!" Kriger scolded. "What were you going to do if those landed in the fire?" Arliss hurriedly apologized, but Kriger stopped him. "Nevermind, that. Forget about it." He picked up a couple of the backpacks and handed it to each of them. "Here, these are for you. They should help you carry more stuff." Arliss happily thanked him, and put his on immediately.

Silva ran her hand over the black fur. "This was from that wolf pack yesterday." She couldn't hide the awe in her voice as she admired the craftsmanship. "You did this?"

"Yeah, don't see why you're so surprised." Kriger scratched the back of his head somewhat sheepishly. "It's just a makeshift bag, nothing special."

"No, you're too modest Sir." She gave him a kind smile as she slung her new pack over her shoulder. "Tis well made. I see you're a man of many skills."

Kriger didn't respond, instead opting to let his eyes linger on her. Whatever thoughts he had, his face didn't betray him; this made Silva nervous. She felt her face flush and was grateful for the cold. After a long drawn moment Kriger shook his head, and let out a sigh. She wasn't sure if she should feel relieved or not, but before she could excuse herself he tossed more gear her way.

"This is for you too." He said as he gave the two another item.

Silva looked down at the dark cloth in her hands, she realized it was a hooded cloak. "Thank you. Tis well made, but you did not have to go this far."

"Don't mention it. I figured those skimpy scarves of yours don't offer much protection from the cold."

Silva wanted to retort, but held her tongue. It would be rude after he went to such trouble to make them, so she offered a simple thanks instead.

"Aren't you going to introduce me to your friends?" Alvor's voice nearly made them jump; in the midst of their conversation they forgot he was even there.

"Forgive me Sir," Silva spoke up quickly. "I did not see you. My name is Silvana." She curtsied as she introduced herself, then she gestured to the mage next to her. "This is Arliss." As she said his name he did a light bow, and raised his scarred hand in greeting, but his palm remained closed.

Alvor laughed. "Don't usually meet such polite folks these days." He smiled at them, but the smile he gave didn't quite reach his eyes. The gaze he levied on them seemed to be studying them. It lingered first on her face, then rolled down her armor, before stopping an uncomfortably long time on the daggers at her hips. "You have an unusual accent, and I can't help but notice your armor, and weapons. Never seen anything like it. Where are you from?"

She was taken back by the questions, and the suspicious gleam in his eyes. She inwardly cursed her luck, it seemed everyone in this land was curious, suspicious, extremely observant, or all of the above. It became incredibly apparent to her then that she really did stick out like a sore thumb. 'I really aught try to blend in more.' She thought bitterly. Her eyes darted to Kriger's, but she quickly realized that he wasn't going to step in. "We hail from Gransys." She opted for honesty, but she caught a look in Kriger's eye that she guessed was something akin to worry or possibly disappointment. 'If you were that worried about my answer you should have said aught.'

She hadn't realized it yet, but her answer lit a spark in Alvor. "Gransys, eh? You wouldn't happened to have come through Helgen have you?" If the last question had taken her by surprise, this one nearly made her heart stop.

"Er? What? N-No, I have not," She stammered.

It was then that they were interrupted by Kriger's voice.

"Shor's Bones! I nearly forgot!" He quickly grabbed another set of gear, and tossed it to Silva, and Arliss. "I need you to take these to our friend at the mill. I'd do it myself, but I've still got a lot to do here."

Relief washed over her, and she quickly excused herself. Alvor called out to her once more. "If you ever need to talk weapons and armor, feel free to stop by! I promise to give you a good deal!"

As she was leaving she passed a woman who stopped her cold in her tracks. The woman's gaze was hard as her eyes slid up and down; analyzing her. After a moment she spoke. "You're pretty, I'll give you that," The woman stepped closer, leaning in until her lips were but a few inches from Silva's ear, and her voice dropping dangerously low. "But, stay away from my husband Alvor." Silva felt a chill run down her spine as the words spoken so venomously brushed against her neck. The woman gave Silva one last dark look before moving on past her. As she watched the woman leave she had half a mind to say that she had no interest in her husband, but ultimately decided against it.

"What was that about?" Asked Arliss.

"Naught of import," Said Silva; she wouldn't say it, but she was grateful that it was nothing more than unfounded jealousy that drew the woman's ire. With all that had happened her mind leapt to the worst possible outcomes when she was confronted. The possibilities of being seen as a criminal for having helped the rebels and escaping Helgen, or worse if her identity were to somehow be revealed and the dragon's return blamed on her...; next to that a petty squabble over a man was the least of her concerns. "Let's just get these to Ralof."

"Yes, Master," Said Arliss, they had not walked long before he spoke again. "Arisen?"

"What is it?"

He hesitated a moment, his eyes looked about cautiously scanning for anyone who might be listening before speaking again in a quiet tone. "When we were by the forge, I saw blood."

This revelation made her breath catch in her chest, and she turned on her heel. Her hazel eyes met his head on in apprehension; when next she spoke it was as a whisper. "Are you certain?"

Arliss' face was austere, his eyes and voice unwavering, he nodded. "Yes."


"By the door; it appeared to have been freshly dried."

At first Silva wanted to think that the blood could have been from some game that had been recently killed, but recalling Kriger's words led her to think of another theory. Word of what happened at Helgen had already spread, someone else had to have escaped in order to spread them, Alvor and his family were supporters of the Empire, and now there was freshly dried blood on his doorstep. The pieces seemed to weave so perfectly together; she felt she could see the tapestry form. Others had indeed escaped Helgen; Imperials had followed them into Riverwood, some had likely passed through the inn as they slept, while others could have paid the blacksmith's family a visit knowing they'd have their support. She recalled the gleam that appeared in Alvor's eye as she mentioned Gransys and the question that followed with a shiver. He had to have already heard of them, he surely knew that they had escaped Helgen.

"Arisen, are you alright?" Arliss asked somewhat worried. She had neither moved or said a word for an uncomfortably long time, and her face seemed to grow darker by the moment. He waved a hand in front of her face just as she came to.

"We aught to speak with Sir.Ralof right away!" She ordered. Arliss answered an affirmative, and the two set off at once.

Chapter 10: Before the Storm End


I'm back! Sorry for the long wait...again. I really do write at a snails pace don't I? Sorry about that... At least this time the chapter is a lot longer. This chapter is the longest at around 8k words! (Is that good or bad I wonder?🤔) I originally wanted this chapter to end only after they depart for Whiterun, but it was getting long, and I figured I probably shouldn't keep you waiting forever. ; - ;

I also decided that I'm gonna do a bunch of editing on all the previous chapters. (If you see updates without new chapters in the near future, that will be why.) For the most part it's me trying to improve the spag, and slight improvements to sentence structure, and dialogue, etc. (I'm also trying to figure out the ao3 codes to get italics, bold, etc.) Feel free to give concrit I'll likely end up editing the old chapters again at some point and will be very thankful for the help.

I also plan on changing a few chapter titles. Chapter one which was originally just "Arisen in Skyrim" is going to be "Rebirth", Chapter three's title will be shortened, Chapter four will go from Unbound (part one) to "Harbinger of Destruction", and Chapter five is still Unbound but without the (part two).

I'm not sure if I addressed this yet, but I'm writing Skyrim to be a bit larger than what we see in the vanilla game. The inns have more room than we usually see, and the cities have more people and are large enough to hold them. I'm also adding things from mods that make sense to me. Don't get me wrong I'm pretty sure I won't be adding things like Jutsu (from a naruto mod XD), but there are some things that I think fit well. One example is the backpacks and tents that Kriger is making. It makes sense for the characters to set up camp and rest, and to actually have something to hold their things. Faendal's green cloaked light armor is another one that once I saw him walking around in I just thought it was so cool, and fit him so perfectly that it feels wrong if he's not wearing it. That includes characters too, there's one modded follower in particular that I'm planning on adding, and a few others that I'm considering.

Thanks for reading; I hope you enjoyed! Special Thanks to all the people who commented both here and over on FFN!

Thank you; Ironheart98, Yotsubadancesintherain5, BleepBloopBotz, planet_p, sweetspire, and especially to the MVP Osaka_no_Kotatsu. From the bottom of my heart; you're all awesome!

And a shout out for the people who've commented over on FFN!

Thank you; Wildebunny the Eternal, RavenNox, Primrose 14, Chasing After Time, all the guests who've shown interest, and especially to annjames who's given a lot of encouragement! I'm very grateful to all of you!

Chapter 11: The Long Haul


Kriger suggests the others come with him to the nearby mine in search of ore, but their constant banter and bickering will make a short jaunt feel a lot longer.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 11: The Long Haul

The swing of an axe, and his splintered hands were among the lesser signs of just how hard Ralof had been working that day. The large bounty of chopped firewood, and a cart newly filled with logs; ready to be delivered to their destination was proof anyone in the village could see. He had just split another log when he felt a hand upon his shoulder and heard someone call his name.

"Ralof," It was Gerdur. She approached with a smile, and held out a tankard to him which he gratefully accepted.

He quickly downed the cool liquid; graciously letting the water run down his throat. As he handed back the empty mug he wiped his mouth with the sleeve of his shirt. "Thanks," he said, eager to get back to work.

She shook her head, the smile not leaving her face. "It's us who should be thanking you. I've nearly forgotten what it's like to be ahead on our orders for once."

He set down the small log, and turned to face her. "You don't have good workers?" He asked with a hint of concern.

"Most left to join the war."

Ralof's jaw tightened. He wanted to say something, but felt that he didn't have the right. As someone who not only supported the war, but actively participated in it; he knew it would be hypocritical of him to say that they should have stayed. A weak "I'm sorry to hear that," was all he could muster.

"Don't be. It was their choice to make." She looked out over the distance where the river ran, her eyes glazed over. "I understand that they all had strong convictions." She turned back to her brother with a wistful smile. "They're like you in that."

At that moment Ralof seemed to understand just how little he had understood. He came to realize a small extent of the war. Skyrim was a cold, harsh land in peaceful times, with a war raging things were bound to get worse. Even still he believed in what he was doing, and was certain nothing would change that. He realized that it must also be the same for everyone else regardless of which side they were on. He might not agree with them, but deep down he respected them. He recalled two childhood friends. One who he had followed until his death, and the other who had chosen a separate path in which they'd be enemies. He respected them both, and hoped that deep down they respected him too, but in the end he had lost them both. He wondered then if his sister also saw any of her past workers in the same way.

"What is it?" Asked Gerdur. "Don't make that face."

"What face?"

"You know you don't have to worry about me," she said indignantly. "We're fine." She rolled her eyes. "Sven might be lazy, but he's strong enough to work the mill, and Faendal is a good worker."

"I'm glad."

Gerdur just looked at him a moment before slapping him on the shoulder. "Just get back to work before I beat you with a broomstick. I still can you know."

That got a chuckle out of him. "Aye."

As he grabbed his axe he strived to get these sentimental thoughts out of his head. He swung his axe with a whistle; chopping wood to the tune of Ragnar the Red.

It wasn't long before the conversation was long behind him, and he found himself once again lost in his work. His heart was light without heavy thoughts weighing him down. He was a simple man who loved simple things, and was happiest with simple thoughts. As he worked he kept up with a tune. What started as Ragnar the Red slowly devolved into a random string of whistles and hums in beat to the sound of his own drum. He felt light, and free, and without a care in the world; unfortunately that was about to change.

It started with a sound. Soft at first. It could barely be heard over the river's rushing water, and his own tune. The quiet patter of a pair of swift moving feet were fast approaching. Left with a bad premonition, his tune ceased. It grew louder, and faster; he could tell they were getting closer. Images of Imperials and Thalmor flashed in his mind. He felt sweat prick at his skin; whether it was from his work or apprehension at what was to come he didn't know. The feet were thundering now, his hand clenched tightly around the woodcutting axe and whirled around to face the incoming danger.

"Sir.Ralof!" Silva's voice came a bit too late for his liking, but upon realizing that it was no enemy he immediately felt himself relax. His two foreign friends skidded to a halt. The Arisen bent over trying to catch her breath as her pawn let a reassuring hand rest on her shoulder.

Ralof couldn't stop the sigh that encompassed both his relief and exasperation from leaving his lips even if he wanted to. "By Talos! What's gotten into you two? If you're gonna rush at me like that at least send a proper warning!"

"Forgive us the intrusion, Sir.Ralof." Arliss bowed.

"There's no need for that." Ralof shook his head. "Just tell me what on Nirn has got you two running like a troll is hot on your heels."

Silva having finally caught her breath fixed Ralof with an austere nod, and opened her mouth to speak when she was interrupted by Arliss' curiosity.

"What's a troll?"

"Nevermind that, you don't want to know," Said Ralof unnaturally quickly. "Just hope you never have the misfortune of running into one," he said with a shiver. Unfortunately that answer made Arliss, and the Arisen more curious. "They're terrifying beasts of the wilds," Ralof finally relented. "I'll tell you about them later, but it looks to me like you've already found more pressing matters. Am I right?"

"Yes, that is correct." The Arisen began with a nod. "We have aught of import to speak on." At the first word her eyes met with Arliss' own; Arisen and Pawn shared a look.

Ralof was not the most observant man, but he had not missed the two's exchange. Their eyes were steely as they locked onto each other. Silva's hazel eyes were sharp, determined, and held the same weight of authority that he'd seen in Ulfiric's own eyes; Arliss' bright blue green ones were resolute with confidence and fidelity. He recalled the cart ride to Helgen, and their own introductions. He decided not to think about it too much, but he was curious about them; Nevertheless he decided to focus on what they had to say.

They began with Arliss' account of the blood he'd seen by the door of Alvor's home. Silva followed with her thoughts on Kriger's words from that morning, and ended it with her theory. "Mayhaps they've gone on ahead, or there may yet still be more who remain," she said. "What say you Sir.Ralof?"

Ralof leaned back against the fence as he listened. His deep blue eyes gazing up at the wispy, lazy clouds floating by. His mind beholden to thoughts the others weren't privy to. He had neither moved or said a word all this time, and the question that had passed her lips did nothing to rouse a reaction from him. She was surprised to see him so forlorn. If anything she had expected him to be roused by the news for good or ill.

"Sir.Ralof? Have you heard naught at all what I've said thus?"

He sighed, his breath could be seen in the cold air. "No, I was listening." His eyes strayed not as he spoke.

Silva eyed him closely. She knew not his thoughts, but recognized the wistful look in his eyes. She was certain it was the self-same one that her own oft held. "Then pray, tell us what ails you." At this Ralof's eyes lowered from the sky, and he turned to meet her gaze; he saw in it concern. "Prithee, share what plagues your mind," she said.

His eyes moved away to the river, a plaintive smile on his face. "I just thought I might know who it was."

It was then that she remembered the nature of the war that afflicted the land. Twas a civil war betwixt kith and kin. Memories of the mutiny that came after the cult of salvation had sown the seeds of discord came to mind, and the betrayal that followed. She could understand well this world's plight, and the weight on her nordic friend's shoulders. She shook her head, this was neither the time for it nor a memory she cared to remember. She had to focus on current matters; and that meant Alvor.

Looking back on it the blacksmith certainly seemed suspicious of them. "I now understand Sir.Kriger's caution," she muttered somewhat abashedly. The disappointed look he gave her, and how he helped them make their escape now made sense. She hadn't known the gruff nord long, but she got the impression that he was observant. 'Surely he must have noticed,' she thought, then worry came. 'He's still with him.' She let out a sigh. "I do hope that he's alright."

As if on cue a familiar voice asked, "You talking about me?"

"Ah, Sir.Kriger!" Silva whirled around.

Ralof greeted his fellow nord with a cheeky grin. "Nice of you to stop by. I was wondering if you'd get tired of being around that Imperialist any time soon."

"Very funny," said Kriger sarcastically. "I thought you were relying on things to go well on my end."

While the two bantered Arliss watched Kriger with great interest, although it was mostly a strange phenomena that intrigued him. 'Speak of them, and they shall appear," Arliss thought. "Seems there may be some truth to the human saying after-all." He unintentionally mumbled under his breath, and as luck would have it Kriger heard him.

"What did you say?" Kriger's eyes momentarily widened, his brows knit unevenly giving off his bewilderment.

Arliss stepped back. "I said naught." He managed to keep his voice level and monotonous, but was oddly having some difficulty keeping his face straight. As a pawn he should have had no trouble reflecting complete emptiness on his face, but he couldn't keep his brows from furrowing together, his eyes from narrowing, or his lips from tightening. His unease, and apprehension were not well hidden.

"That's not what I heard." Kriger growled.

Silva bit her bottom lip as her hands rested on the daggers at her sides. Silently she widened her stance, her legs positioned just so they were close to battle ready. She felt prepared to unleash her shearing wind. If things escalated she was certain she could kill in one swift movement.

Fortunately Ralof was there, and no fight would break out among them as long as he could help it. "So Kriger how's our gear coming along?" He asked.

For a moment he was silent; torn between confrontation and letting it go, eventually the latter won out. He glanced about him and sighed. "I made the tents and packs, but don't have all the necessary material's."

Silva stepped closer, arms folded. "Have we not wrought enough?"

For a moment he was confused by the strange wording, but caught onto her meaning. "I wanted to make a couple sets of iron armor, and some arrows, but I need iron ingots for that. Which are more expensive."

"It's alright." Ralof offered a consoling smile. "I appreciate the thought, but-" he stepped forward to place a hand on his shoulder, but Kriger stepped back and blocked his hand. For a moment Ralof's smile faltered in confusion, but he quickly continued. "I'll be fine with a simple set of hide armor." He grinned. "Besides, light armor is easier to move in."

"Well, I'd like to make a set for myself." He said, before shaking his head. "Anyway, that's why I'm here." The others listened intently. "I heard from Alvor that there's a mine nearby, and he'd be willing to offer some good gold for it's ore. I figure the more of us there are, the more ore we can carry."

Arliss nodded. "That sounds logical."

A wide lopsided grin stretched across Kriger's face. "So, you guys in?"

"If you knew about it why didn't you tell us earlier?" Said Kriger angrily to Ralof as they backtracked along the same cobblestone road they came from. It almost felt as if they were headed back to Helgen, that thought was chilling. "It would have saved us some walking."

"Tis a trite shame, that you would keep it to yourself without sharing it with us." Silva agreed with a sigh, her voice wavered with sadness, but there was a slight lilt to her lips that told that her sorrow was a sham. She knew her acting wouldn't hold a candle next to Madeline's, but she felt like the greedy merchant would be proud all the same. "So cruel, Sir! And after all we've been through! I thought we were friends!" After hearing her own words she wondered if she was perhaps laying it on a bit thick.

"Aw, C'mon! Give me a break!" Ralof cried. "I forgot after all that happened at Helgen."

She couldn't help feeling an ounce of regret, as she dropped the charade. "Tis' but a jape friend, but I dare say you've earned it."

There was but one member among them who didn't seem upset to be traveling back from whence they came. "I've learned of this area," Arliss stated matter of factly. As they came across the frozen, skinned corpses of the wolves they killed the day prior he called out a warning. "Keep your eyes peeled for beasts. Like as not the blood may attract more danger still."

While the others scanned the surrounding brush warily Kriger found himself observing the two strangers yet again. His icy blue eyes remained on the odd mage while his words from earlier replayed in his head. He was certain he had heard him right. He had definitely said 'human' and the way he said it seemed abnormal. His eyes slowly moved from the self proclaimed 'pawn' to the woman who deemed herself as 'Arisen'. After what he's seen Kriger knew for certain that these two were other-worlders not of Nirn, but he hadn't suspected that they might not even be human. As odd as they were, being of such unknown origin, and having such outlandish speech, and mannerisms; they still looked very much human.

He eyed Arliss; fully taking in his appearance. If he hadn't known of their origins he'd have naturally guessed by his height and looks that the short, reddish-brown haired mage was a full blooded breton. His gaze then glided over the foreign woman. At first glance you would assume the same of her. She was a bit shorter than Arliss, and most human women were at least as tall as a breton man if not taller. Height wise someone might assume that she was also a breton, but as he took a closer inspection of her face he thought that some of her features reminded him a bit of an Imperial.

Unfortunately as he studied her she caught sight of him staring and flushed. "Pardon me Sir.Kriger, but do you not know tis impolite to stare?"

Arliss was surprised at this revelation. "It is‽" He exclaimed before leveling a curious stare at Kriger.

"So," Ralof draped an arm over his shoulder, and leaned close; a sh*t eating grin was on his face. "You have a thing for Silva huh?" He raised his brows a couple times provocatively.

Kriger shoved him away. "It's not like that at all!" He defended as Ralof burst into laughter. "I was just wondering what they are."

Hearing this the two foreigners tensed. "W-What are you talking about?" Silva asked, her voice a tad shaky. Ralof didn't notice it, but Kriger did. He caught the two reaching for their weapons. "We're human like you Sir."

Ralof stopped laughing, and seeing what he was getting at decided to lend his kinsman a hand. "We're all among the race of men. There are different races of humans and elves though. As you may know by now, we're both Nords." He said as he gestured between Kriger and himself. "Nords are the race of men native to Skyrim." He explained. "All across Tamriel, no all across Nirn there are different races of men, and mer, and even beast folk."

Silva felt a hint of relief as she let go of her daggers, but her heart was still beating fast. "Oh? Is that so?"

"Ah, I had forgotten!" Arliss abruptly exclaimed. "I had seen one of these other elf types. He was quite different from the Thalmor we saw afore."

"Ah, you must mean Faendal!" Said Ralof with a smile. "Gerdur tells me he's a good worker."

The conversation devolved into Arliss and Kriger describing the run in with Faendal, followed by the two natives of Tamriel explaining the different races of men and mer to the foreigners. Before they realized it they found themselves once more before the guardian stones. "I think we're close. We have to go up that way, and keep your eyes peeled for a dirt road."

"You think?" Kriger asked sarcastically. "I hope you didn't take us all the way back here for nothing."

"That's all?" Silva asked. "Tis a shame. I was well eager to hear aught of these beast folk next."

Ralof ignored Kriger's pointed comment, and chuckled at Silva's question. "I'm a bit thirsty now. How about continuing our conversation over a drink."

She smiled. "Very well." Just as she was about to go join him in his search she felt the almost physical, familiar sensation of cold needles prickling about her spine. After a few heartbeats she tentatively turned her head, her eyes met with Kriger's. She couldn't tell exactly what thoughts were running in his mind, but she distinctly got the feeling that he had been staring at her. She caught his momentary surprise, but he quickly regained his senses. 'Oh no!' He was approaching. She quickly whirled back around, intending to join the others before giving him a chance to get close. The weight of his gaze remained on her as she picked up pace. A small pang of guilt hit her in the stomach, but she payed it little heed. She knew his curiosity, but wasn't ready to face it. She needed time to think about how to answer his possible questions.

Arliss and Ralof were in their respective corners at the edge of the cobblestone road scanning the nearby foliage for signs of their path. Ralof being a tall nord stretched his neck ever higher trying to use his great height to gain visibility. Arliss had pulled out his staff and was poking into the brush to try to see through it. Silva chose a spot between the two. Like Arliss; she pulled out her weapons to help her poke and prod the nearby bushes, but her mind wasn't on the task at hand. Kriger had taken a spot between Ralof and herself and was a bit too close for her liking; more over he kept stealing glances at her. She feared what he was no doubt planning to ask. She looked to Arliss completely engrossed in his search; he would provide a perfect escape, but before she could call out to him Ralof let out his own cry.


"What happened?" Asked Arliss. The other's quickly crowded around him eager to learn what roused him.

"Are you alright?" Asked Silva.

"Did you find the Path?" Asked Kriger.

"No, sorry." Ralof said abashedly. "I just remembered where it was."

"Well don't keep us waiting." said Kriger. "Where is it?"

There was a quiet pause as Ralof didn't answer. "Uhhh," he intelligently stated. Beads of sweat formed and ran down his neck. The other's got a feeling then that they weren't going to like the answer. "Actually- I think we passed it." He said apprehensively. "We have to go back down."

All along the trek back there was much groaning, complaining, and gnashing of teeth.

Once they reached the area they quickly began their search. It wasn't long before Arliss called out to the others. "Care to find out where this path leads?" Lo and behold hidden amongst the overgrown thicket a path of dirt and scarcely placed wood diverged from the cobblestone road.

"By Talos you've found it!" Ralof beamed and gave Arliss a hard slap on the back. "Come on, it shouldn't be long now!" He eagerly rushed up the hill, along the path, and amidst the leaves. Kriger let out an exasperated sigh and a breathy, muttered 'Finally' before following him.

Silva placed a hand on Arliss' shoulder, and offered a proud smile. "Good work." She said quietly.

Arliss smiled back at the positive affirmation. "I aim to please, Arisen," was the polite reply he returned with a bow.
Arisen and pawn followed the others before them.

The dense woods that snapped as they stepped on them and brushed them as they passed by almost threatened to ensnare them if they weren't careful. Few words were uttered as they focused on following the dirt path. Once you knew it was there it wasn't too difficult, even if sparsely growing grass attempted to cover it. The largest obstacle was the unkempt plants long overdo for a good trim. Roots nearly tripped them, and branches snagged their clothes and hair. In one such instance Silva had been the unlucky victim of a small tree whose branches snatched her hair in it's grip, painfully stopping her in her tracks.

"Oh, why must 'I' be so lucky?" She sarcastically bemoaned. She had been following behind the two nords who were both much taller than she, and her hair was nowhere near the length of their own. This truly was a testament to her rotten luck.

Ralof laughed. "This must be divine retribution. The gods must've cursed you for giving me a hard time earlier." He looked to Kriger with a grin. "I bet twenty septims that you're next!"

"Oh, enough with the Japes. Just help me out of this." She said exasperatedly. Arliss was already trying to untangle her hair from the branch, but was having little luck.

"I think I just saw a spider crawl on you." Kriger snickered.

Silva went quiet a moment before losing it. The sound she made was a strange cross between a shrill shriek and a shaky squeal.
There were a few loud snaps as she ripped herself free from the trees' snare. Arliss tried to help her remove the remaining twigs and leaves from her hair, but she was moving too frantically for him to be of any real help. After calming down a bit she stood there quaking in her boots, her heart beating rapidly; she could still feel the unpleasant tingling sensation all over. "Is it-? Is it-?" She was so nervous she couldn't even finish.

"Don't worry. You got it." Said, Kriger as he removed his hands from his ears.

"Are you sure?"

"I saw it fall." Kriger lied, he wasn't about to tell her that there never was a spider.

Ralof gave her a cheeky grin. "To think we nearly went deaf because the great Arisen, Silvana, slayer of dangerous beasts, got scared of a little spider." He said with a chuckle.

Silva flushed and sputtered to the amusem*nt of the two Nords, but just as levity was beginning to grow it was cut in it's tracks.

"Look!" Arliss cried out in warning. "Armed rouges!"

Thanks to the warning Kriger had enough time to avoid an incoming arrow; even still it had come dangerously close. He quickly stepped back as it dove into a tree right by his head. His eyes flickered to the pierced tree. If he had been even a moment slower it would have been his head. He grit his teeth and sent a cold glare up at the small group of bandits in an unspoken threat of violence.

"Damn!" Ralof cursed. "Where did they come from?"

"They must have been attracted by the Arisen's cry." Said Arliss to her embarrassment.

She flushed again; mortified. Not only was her shameful display unbecoming, but it had also put them all in danger. Feeling responsible she just knew she had to make recompense to her companions for the trouble she's wrought. 'I'll begin by getting rid of you lot!' She aimed purposefully and fired a powerful shot at the same bandit who had fired an arrow at Kriger just moments prior. It pierced his shoulder, and pinned him to a tree.

"Urgh, what the?" The bandit painfully let out as he tried with no luck to free himself.

As the bandit's companions rushed at them; Silva quickly pulled out three more arrows; firing them all at once in a triad shot. They spread out towards the fast approaching enemies, but none of the arrows hit their mark. One was only grazed, one blocked with his shield, and the final dodged before it could hit him. The three continued unimpeded, and Ralof and Kriger hurried to greet them in battle. Arliss gave Silva an ice enchantment then moved to enchant their comrades weapons.

Silva clicked her tongue in annoyance. 'Damn!' She thought; lowering her bow. 'My scatter shots are really out of practice.'


An inhumanly deep voice caused her to look up at the bandit coming her way, and as his features became more apparent she couldn't help being momentarily stunned. He was a large, muscular fighter wielding a shield and a mace, but he was unlike any she had ere seen afore. His skin was an odd shade of green, his ears were uniquely shaped, and his teeth...or rather tusks were jutting unnaturally out of his mouth. She knew from her nordic friends what this creature was.

"An Orc?" She muttered to herself in surprise.

The orc swung his mace at her, but she leapt back, aimed an arrow, and let it fly. He moved a bit at the last moment so that it only grazed his shoulder, and Silva could only click her tongue in frustration. Without wasting a second he rushed froward and swung the mace down towards her, hard.

In one swift motion Silva swapped her bow, for her blades, and rolled aside. She just barely managed to avoid his blow, but she wasn't about to stop now. With her blades extended she dashed past him at surprising speed, leaving a nasty, yet not at all fatal gash in his side. 'Hm?' Her eyes narrowed and her brows knit together. 'That aught have been a mortal wound.'

"Urgh!" The orc grit his teeth in pain and anger. "You got lucky!" He glowered angrily. "Don't expect it to happen again." His snarl twisted into a malicious snicker, and silva could swear that as his face darkened she could almost see a red aura surround him.

Breaking herself from her stupor she readied her blades. "We shall see." She dashed forward again, but this time he moved his shield to block her attack. There was a loud clang as her dagger hit the thick green shield and she passed him by. 'No matter.' She thought unperturbed. In the blink of an eye she turned and dashed the other way, this time cutting into his back. 'I can do this many times in succession.' She turned and dashed and turned and dashed swifter than he could follow, cutting into him multiple times. It wasn't long before she had run out of stamina and turned to him to see that despite all the cuts she had given him, not a single one was barely passed surface level. "H-How?!" She gasped for breath tiredly. "My attacks were ineffective?" She couldn't believe it. 'Are orcs truly so resilient?' She wondered before noting the thin red aura that was barely noticeable over his green tinted skin, and her eyes widened in realization. "That is Berserker Rage?"

The angered orc swung his mace up at her. In her stamina exhausted state she couldn't avoid the blow, and was knocked back hard. She crashed painfully against a tree, the wind knocked out of her. The orc laughed. "That's right!" He stepped on her painfully. "Aww, does that hurt?" He jeered. "I'm gonna bleed you like a-" Before he could finish he was blown away by a fiery explosion that could only be Arliss' high ingle.

Arliss angrily stepped between the two. "None may touch the Arisen!" He yelled. Withdrawing his staff he raised his arms to the still downed orc as lightning began to shoot from his hands. The orc cried out in pain.

Silva got up, still winded, and stumbled closer. It was hard to tell between the bright blue lightning and against the orc's green skin, but she was certain she could still make out the faint red glow of the orc's berserker rage. 'So while an orc's berserker rage can strengthen their attack power, and defense for a time it doesn't seem to offer magic resistance.' She noted.

It wasn't long before Arliss' sparks began to dissipate in his hands. He no longer had the energy required to keep the spell going and a weakened and very angry orc got up to face him. Arliss pulled out his staff and began trying to start an incantation.

'Oh no!' Thought Silva worriedly. She knew that he needed time to make an attack; time that the orc wouldn't give him. Swiftly she rushed to get into a better position to help him.

The orc let out something that sounded like a growl or a roar and swung crazily at Arliss with his mace. Arliss stopped his casting and did his best to dodge the attacks, jumping back and sideways just out of arms length. Arliss stumbled and the orc raised his mace to attack, but before he could he felt arrows painfully pierce his flesh. Arliss used the momentary distraction to get away.

The Arisen's sharp gaze hardened. "Don't you dare." She said through grit teeth while readying more arrows. "Don't you dare touch my pawn!" She yelled as she let them fly. Without waiting for him to recover she grabbed more arrows and knocked them into her bow. Again and again, volley after volley she shot a multitude of arrows into his back. Eventually she ran out of stamina again and keeled over, panting from exhaustion. Below her the orc lay dead, his back filled with arrows. She felt a hand on her shoulder and heard his voice.

"Please don't overdo it." She looked up to see Arliss smiling at her. "We have triumphed." He said with some pride.

"What happened to the other-" She looked over to see that their nordic comrades have already dispatched the other bandits and were watching her with a shocked face in Ralof's case, and a raised brow in Kriger's. She flushed red, she must surely look like a mad woman. "Er, how fare ye?" She asked hoping they could all forget this whole skirmish quickly.

Ralof showed off an awful gash on his arm. "Well, I just got this." He said. "Nothing Arliss can't help me with I hope!" He laughed. "Don't misunderstand though." He held up a hand. "I don't plan on touching him so please don't pelt me with arrows!" Silva flushed harder and Ralof started laughing like it was the funniest joke ever.

Kriger rolled his eyes and sighed. "Cut it out, will you?" He was not in the mood to listen to this right now. Ralof looked as if he was about to retort, but Arliss spoke before he could.

"Recovery, coming up!" Said Arliss as he finished casting anodyne. At once Ralof was enveloped in a holy light and the others joined him in the healing circle. "Be healed!"

Once everyone was healed and the light dissipated they glanced among each other and at the dead bandits strewn across the ground. A question was shared between them. "Why do you suppose they were here?" Asked Ralof.

Silva hung her head. "I know not, but I should not have reacted so strongly." She said with a sigh. "They would not have caught us unawares were it not for my screaming. Forgive me."

"Ah, don't worry so much about that lass." Said Ralof as he slapped her hard on the shoulder with a wide grin.

"Sir.Ralof is right." Arliss nodded. "Like as not if we had not come to defeat them; they most like would have caused trouble for the locals sooner rather than later."

Ralof's smile thinned into a grimace, and he let out a long sigh. "Damn straight." His voice came out more exhausted than intended. "Lately there's been a lot of unsavory types causing trouble all over Skyrim." His brows furrowed, and he clenched his fists. "Everyone's more focused on the war these days than the growing bandit problem." He kept his eyes low knowing that there have been times where the Stormcloak company he was in had chosen to leave criminals alone in favor of saving their strength for Imperials and Thalmor. He looked up to Silva with a smile. "I for one am glad that we were able to cut down at least a few of them today."

Meanwhile; Kriger was busy looting the corpses, and relieving them of their gold, weapons, and anything else that could be valuable. The other's only noticed Kriger's antics after Silva did.

"Have you no shame Sir?!" She cried when she noticed him removing the fur armor from the female bandit's corpse.

"What?" He asked somewhat annoyed. "I thought you could use this."

She simply crossed her arms, and looked away. "I don't want it."

Kriger groaned. "Listen here miss contrary, I'm just trying to do what I think is best."

"By being a debaucher?" Silva accused.

"Sir.Kriger is a debaucher?" Asked Arliss.

"He is!"

"No I'm not!"

"What in Talos' name is a debaucher?" Ralof cried.

Arliss decided to answer. "A debaucher is a type of debauchee who-"

"ENOUGH!" Kriger shouted, completely red in the face. "I'm not whatever you're thinking!" Silva only crossed her arms and regarded him with disbelief. He sighed in exasperation. "I really just thought that this would do a better job keeping you warm than the armor you're wearing now." Her eyes narrowed in light suspicion. "Not to mention how much you stand out in those foreign clothes." Her suspicious look changed into a more contemplative one. "Look, I know these aren't so great, but they're a heck of a lot better than your current get up if you want to keep a low profile."

She took a moment to mull it over, before sighing. "Alright, Sir." She said with a slight tinge to her cheek. "I admit that I may have been a tad too-" She paused, trying to find the right words. "Presumptuous, in my harsh judgement of you."

Kriger sighed in exasperation and relief. "Glad you see things my way." He was able to take the fur armor set without so much as another peep from the others about his actions. "By the way-" He said. "I think I know why these bandits were here." At this the others perked their ears. "They were probably guarding the mine."

"What?!" Cried Ralof. "But that would mean that there are more bandits inside!"

"Exactly." Said Kriger. "They must be using it as their hideout."

Silva looked to the direction the bandits came from, and the path they had been following seemed to be going in the self same direction. "Agreed." Her eyes hardened as she looked at the path ahead. "We must prepare ourselves for further battle."

Arliss nodded. "Let us proceed."


Author's Notes: Merry Christmas!!! I'm not dead, and neither is this fic! Sorry for the wait, but at least this time I have more complete chapters. Enjoy the chapters that I've been working on. At least that was the original plan. I've been having slight technical difficulties on ffn and have been pretty busy. I've got written chapters I just need to get that mess sorted as well as get them over here.

Counting this one I have six written chapters; I just have to get them sorted so that ffn can be happy. You can look forward to them this week, but unfortunately not all at once like I originally wanted to do. If ao3 doesn't give me any trouble then you guys might get them even before the ffn guys this time.

Now about this chapter. When I first started I was expecting them to get farther, but as usual my brain came up with more than planned which drastically made the chapter longer and slowed the plot. I think I may like details and extra stuff a little too much... In particular the conversation between Ralof and Gerdur wasn't planned, but somehow ended up happening, and I didn't want to remove it.

In other news is anyone else hyped for Dragon's Dogma 2! XD

Chapter 12: Into the Mine


As they reach Embershard Mine they find their suspicions confirmed, before they can collect any ore they're going to have to clear the mine of bandits.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Upon reaching the mine they found their suspicions confirmed. Half drunken bottles of mead were strewn haphazardly about the entrance. Seems that they had been drinking, but tossed them aside before meeting them in battle. Ralof picked up a bottle and quickly downed what remained. Silva could only gape at him slack jawed.

"What?" Asked Ralof innocently. "I could use the refreshment after that last battle."

"Yeah," Said Kriger after joining him in taking a swig. "You should drink too, it'd help boost your stamina."

Silva just shook her head. "No, I think I'll pass." She wanted to point out the dangers of drinking after the bandits, not knowing if they had any illnesses, but decided against it. 'Tis' not like they'll harken to me.' She thought. She was also impressed by how much her nordic friends liked to drink. 'Do all nords drink this much?' She wondered with a wry smile to herself.

The two nords just picked up another half empty bottle. "Suit yourself." Said Kriger before downing the mead.

Arliss picked up a bottle, and was about to lift it to his lips when Silva stopped him. "Arliss, no!" Immediately he lowered the bottle and looked at her curiously in silent question. "You know not what sorts of ills-" She stopped herself recalling that Arliss was a pawn, and pawns don't ail. "Tis' a nasty habit," She corrected. "And not one I'll have you learn." Arliss seemed confused so she elaborated. "There's naught wrong with drinking and revelry, but with some temperance, and now is not the time for-" She stopped when she noticed the two nords staring at her. "What is it?"

"Nothing much." Kriger snickered. "I'm just wondering if you're his wife or his mother." Ralof apparently found this hilarious as he spit his drink and ended up in a fit of coughs and laughter.

Silva flushed in embarrassment. "Tis' not-" She stuttered. "We're not-" As she thought about it she wasn't sure if she could deny mothering him. Pawns were oft like children and as she traversed Gransys she had taken a role in which she oft felt like a care taker rather than a warrior. She wondered then if she had overstepped her bounds.

Seeing as how she was having difficulty speaking, Arliss decided to help her out. "The Arisen cannot be my mother, I have existed before her." He said simply, his mind going back to his existence in the rift before he was called into a world for the first time. He quickly put those thoughts to a halt; now was not the time to reminisce, although it was strange. Memories usually had little meaning for him unless they contained useful information such as bestiary knowledge, and tactics, yet he was drawn to one that had naught of use to draw from. 'How curious.' He mused to himself.

Ralof chuckled a bit, but Kriger narrowed his eyes. "You always take everything so seriously?" Asked the more spirited of the two nords.

Arliss glanced at his Arisen, and stilled. She seemed even more ill at ease than before. He realized then that there must have been something odd about what he said. He hoped it wasn't too inhuman as to out him. Looking back to the two nords eying him he knew he couldn't just remain silent. Ralof still seemed to have that same air of brevity, but there was something about Kriger's eyes that told him to be cautious with his words. "Is that so strange?"

Ralof scratched his beard. "Well, I guess so." He said. "I've never met anyone who's always taken everything so straight before."

"It makes me wonder what kind of life you've lived up to now." Kriger said abruptly. He had grown tired of getting more questions than answers and had decided that now seemed like a good chance to change that. "Up till now we've only heard Silva speak." He could swear that he saw the two foreigners pale at his words.

Ralof's face lit up. "Come to think of it, he's right." He downed another bottle and leaned against a tree. "I could use a short break before we head into the mine. How about you tell us a bit about yourself?" Out of the corner of his eye he caught a very pleased looking Kriger, and gave his fellow nord a cheeky grin with a mischievous twinkle in his eye. "Don't get too comfortable kinsman, you're next!"

Kriger mentally cursed his rotten luck, and shot Ralof a nasty glare. He guessed then that maybe the rebel was sharper than he looked, and he wasn't happy about it. He wasn't exactly looking forward to sharing information about himself, but he decided he wouldn't let that ruin this chance to learn more about the inhuman pawn.

"So, are you from Cassardis too?" Ralof asked. "How did you two meet?"

Arliss glanced at Silva who was understandably anxious. She knew the potential dangers of letting her oblivious pawn speak, but it didn't look like she had a choice. Their eyes met and she could only give a nervous, but solemn nod. With his permission to speak granted Arliss knew he had to answer carefully. He looked at the two expectant nords and spoke. "No, I'm not." He knew he could have said 'yes' but he also knew the dangers of telling too many lies. "We met at an Encampment not far from Cassardis." He said honestly, while trying his best to not glance at his Arisen. "I had ne'er left it afore, not till after we met and began our travels together." It was all technically true so far.

"An encampment?" Asked Kriger.

"Were you born there?" Asked Ralof. "What was your family like?"

Arliss paused a moment, thinking of how to answer. "I suppose so?" He said awkwardly after a short, uncertain pause. "An encampment is akin to a fort." He explained. "It had been built as a bulwark against monsters; goblins most like. Twas also where men were being gathered to-" He paused momentarily as he realized that he probably shouldn't mention the dragon, he decided to change the course of his words. "The duke was calling for soldiers to join his ranks in order to face dangers such as the growing monster population." He glanced at his Arisen who seemed to be calming down, she must have been gaining trust in his ability to handle a few questions. Feeling a newfound sense of pride Arliss tackled Ralof's questions with surprising confidence. "I had no family, and knew not of the world outside the walls of the encampment till after meeting with the Arisen." Mixing small lies amidst vague truths, Arliss was handling himself well.

Ralof's face softened in empathy. "So you were an orphan?" He asked. "Who raised

"Yes." Arliss lied, he hoped it would hold up. At the next question though he had to stop. His life or existence was not at all like other beings. As a pawn he didn't age, and as such he had no childhood to speak of. He just was. "We pawns-" He started, then stopped; furrowing his brow in frustration. "Our purpose-" Once more he stopped, trying to find the right words. "We are in a sense; Myrmidons."

Kriger weighed the word carefully in his mind. "Myrmidons?" It felt strange on his tongue, but he at least felt that he was getting more information. Still he couldn't help noticing the Pawn's growing difficulty speaking, along with the lingering pauses. He wondered then if his past was a hard one to visit, or if he was just choosing his words carefully. The normally blank faced mans brows were furrowed and his lips were thin pressed into a tight grimace. He found that he couldn't tell which was more likely; although, he had a nagging feeling in the back of his mind that the latter was more likely the truth.

"Essentially a type of subordinate, or sell-swords." Arliss surmised after a bit of internal turmoil. "We pawns aren't raised like most others." In the end he opted for limited truth. "As such I didn't experience a childhood as you would say, but-" He paused again not knowing how he planned to continue.

"It's all right lad." Said Ralof. "You don't need to say anymore." He put a hand on his shoulder and offered a sympathetic smile that looked more grim than he had meant it to.

Arliss was shocked, but he schooled his face as not to let it show. Based on Ralof's reaction he could only assume that he had somehow without realizing it managed to appeal to the nord's sense of empathy. 'Empathy; a most interesting human trait, or ability to understand and share the feelings of another.' He couldn't help but muse at the irony that the nord's empathy was reaching into feelings that he himself didn't actually have. "Thank you?" He spoke unsurely, hoping that his reaction was appropriate. He stepped back, thinking of how useful Ralof's empathy had been. 'Surely I must learn more about this human emotion so that I may continue to make use of it.' A certain memory of a broken Arisen and a rift came to mind. 'Was it empathy that I had lacked then?' He wondered. 'Was that the human trait that could have helped her?'

Silva was grateful when the questions ended. "Alright, I think we've dallied long enough." She looked up at the cloudy afternoon sky wondering how much longer the daylight would last. "We ought head into the mine afore they realize that their guards are dead."

"Alright." Ralof gripped the wooden door, turning to his friends he asked, "Are you ready?" The others only nod in response, knowing that the time for repose is done. He grins. "Then let's get going." Without another word Ralof opens the gate and heads in, followed by Kriger.

Arliss was about to head in when Silva grasped his sleeve. He turned to her curiously. She offered a pleased smile. "Good work." She said as she placed a hand on his shoulder. Stepping forward she leaned in. "You did well." She whispered before following the others into the mine.

He couldn't help feeling his pride swell at her praise. As he followed her into the mine he could almost swear that he could feel the corners of his lips tugging up, just a bit. Quietly he spoke, not knowing if she would hear him or not. "I aim to please, Arisen."

Upon entry they quietly shut the wooden door only for parts of the ceiling to come crashing down in front of them. They stiffened and watched with bated breath until the dust eventually settled.

"Are you certain we ought be here?" Asked Arliss.

Ralof hushed him, and hissed for everyone to be quiet.

"You really think they didn't notice that?" Asked Silva in a whisper.

Ralof could only shrug. "Caves collapse all the time."

They remained still for a time. Not speaking, or moving in the hopes that they might remain hidden from whoever might be in the mine. Seeing as how no one came to check the entrance they relaxed, and finally let themselves breathe a bit. Cautiously, they began taking a few timid steps, hoping that they don't make noise, or worse; end up crushed by dirt and rocks.

Silva looked about the mine, taking in the scene. She was surprised to see how well lit it was. There were a few torches on the walls that provided ample visibility. She looked to Arliss who was using his staff as a walking stick to help him navigate the uneven terrain. She was grateful that he had opted not to use the lantern this time. Not only did they need to preserve what little oil they had left, but the light would be a dead give away to their presence.

Kriger shook his head. "Watch out for traps." He hissed. When the others turned to him he motioned to a tripwire, as well as a cart filled with rocks atop a wooden ramp. The others nodded. Honestly Kriger wanted to laugh at the foolish bandits for thinking that their traps laid out in the open would do them any good. 'Amateurs.' He thought, although he knew that he should still be cautious. "Keep your guard up." He warned. "There may be more that are better hidden."

The traps as it turned out wouldn't have been any trouble either way as they were not hidden at all, and were easily avoidable. Arliss and the Arisen hopped effortlessly over them with a practiced movement while the others just walked around them.

They all stiffened when they started hearing voices. They inched cautiously closer till they could see the cave open up. There was a wooden bridge over a body of water. One side was going up into the air, likely as a means to prevent outsiders from passing. The other side led to a small area with slightly lowered elevation; it was here that they could see the two rogues who were in the midst of an argument.

"Aren't you worried someone's going to come in here?" The first bandit asked. "The entrance is not exactly hidden you know."

At these words Kriger and Silva had to stifle a groan, and settled with giving Ralof dirty looks for all the backtracking he made them do. Ralof could only offer a sheepish grin and a shrug in response.

"This again?" The other bandit said exasperatedly. "I told you, we have guards out front, and don't forget those traps we set up."

The first bandit didn't seem very convinced. "I don't know."

The other rolled his eyes. "Oh, stop your worrying and get some rest." He ordered. "Your shift is coming up, and I don't want you falling asleep like last time."

The first reluctantly agreed and laid onto a small patch of fur on the floor. A bedroll as the nords called it. The other walked up onto the bridge.

From the shadows Silva pulled out her bow and aimed an arrow at him. He was walking in their direction, but by some lucky turn of fate he hadn't yet noticed them. Out of the corner of her eye she caught Arliss begin to prepare an incantation. "Arliss, no." She hissed as she lowered her aim. He stopped, allowing the tiny fragments of magical light to vanish, but it was a moment too late.

"Huh?" The man had seen the faint flicker of magical light. "What was that?" He asked aloud. He glanced to his partner, but the man was already asleep. With a frustrated groan he decided to check it out himself. Cautiously he began to approach the darkness where he could have sworn he saw a strange flickering light that vanished as soon as it appeared. His dark eyes squinted as they scanned the shadows.

He could make out the shapes of their supply barrels. After staring hard for a bit he blinked and shook his head. "It must be my imagination." No sooner than he said that an arrow shot out from the darkness. It lodged itself in his throat with a heavy force. He fell on his back with a thud that unfortunately for him wasn't heard by any of his comrades. His blood gurgled in his throat as he attempted to breathe or let out any sounds in an attempt to warn the others. He glanced out of the corner of his eye towards his sleeping partner hoping that he might wake him, but try as he might he couldn't bring himself to scream. It was then that he heard the light taps of footsteps approaching.

The dying bandit looked up to see a woman in strange dark armour looking down at him. Flickering torchlight caught in her hazel eyes; making them almost appear to be glowing. Feeling anger he tried to curse but only ended up sputtering. The woman watched him blankly a moment before pulling out a dagger and leaning in close. "Forgive me Sir." She whispered with a foreign accent before swiftly thrusting her dagger into him. He was dead.

She pulled the blade out slowly, hoping not to make the blood spatter too much. She attempted the same when retrieving her arrow, but it turned out to be a bit more difficult. After a short time she managed to pull it out, but to her dismay the arrowhead didn't come with it. She looked at the broken end with a sigh. She still had a decent amount of arrows, but it was clear that she'd need more. Since this one was no longer of any use she tossed it over her shoulder. Arliss was about to pick it up, but she told him to leave it. It was then that she heard muffled cries and whimpers coming from the man who had been asleep a moment ago, followed swiftly by a loud squelching sound, then it was quiet. She looked to see that the two nords had taken care of it.

They once more joined up and quietly headed further into the cave. Down in one end they came upon a skeleton that was partially covered by large rocks. Strewn near the body was an empty bottle of mead, and a tattered journal.

"Crushed when the tunnel collapsed no doubt." Said Arliss when he saw the body.

Ralof picked up the tattered journal and flipped to the final entry. He looked down at the words solemnly; an uncharacteristically serious, and grim expression on his face.

"Pray tell," Said Silva. "What does it say?"

Ralof shook his head. "Arliss was right." Seeing as how the others looked on curiously he began to read.

*"They've had me working down here for days now. It's not the time that's getting to me though, it's these tunnels. I've told them countless times now to add extra supports to the weak sections of tunnel."*

The others listened quietly, to the final words that would ever be shared by this unfortunate soul.

*"If only we had more of those wooden beams that we reinforced with bronze bottoms. Honestly, if I hear the earth shift one more time above my head I'll be so stressed I may stop drinking for good. I mean, what's a Nord without his mead?"* Ralof let out a soft chortle at the end; a small moment of disport amidst the forlorn atmosphere. "That's it." He said. "That was the last thing he wrote."

Kriger observed the dead man curiously. What little tattered scraps of his attire that was left on his bony remains were so nondescript that he couldn't even make out whether they had been clothes or armor. "You think this guy was someone they took hostage?" He asked. "Or was he just the unlucky runt of the bandit pack?"

Ralof ran his thumb along the journal's edge letting the pages flip rapidly. "I don't know." He said after stopping and skimming a bit. He decided then that enough was enough and shut the book. "Let's just leave it like that." Carefully he placed the tattered journal back where he found it. "This belongs to you kinsman."

After saying a short rite for someone they didn't know they continued to the next room. There was a large hole that acted as a window; through which they could see the bridge that they had crossed earlier. There was also quite a bit of loot, a chest, and a lever.

Arliss looked at the chest. "I wonder what's inside?" Before he could open it he was stopped by Ralof.

"Don't get distracted just yet." He said. "We should make sure we completely clear the mine of bandits first."

Kriger snickered "You were the one who decided to stop and read the journal entry."

Ralof flushed. "That was different. I was sparing a moment of respect for a fallen kinsman." He coughed in his fist. "And it's not like it took long, but anyway if we're constantly trying to divide things then the bandits will sneak up on us before we can sneak up on them."

"Is that really necessary?" Asked Kriger. "I'm feeling pretty good about our odds."

"I thought we agreed to do this cautiously."

Silva stepped between the two nords. "Hold a moment friends, now is not the time for this."

While they were arguing they didn't notice Arliss approaching the lever. "This must lower the drawbridge." He audibly concluded as he pulled it. As expected the raised portion of the bridge began to lower so that they could cross.

The others stopped arguing immediately. "Arliss, what did you do?" Silva asked in disbelief. "Why did you-" She was more surprised that he had acted at his own discretion. Normally when it came to levers and buttons she either had to do it herself or tell him to take care of it.

Before Arliss or one of the two nords who were arguing a moment ago could say something they heard voices. "The bridge went down!" One of the bandits yelled to the others who quickly came to follow him onto the recently lowered bridge. He noticed the bandit bodies and hurried to check the nearest one on the bridge. Standing over the man that Silva had killed he grit his teeth and clenched his fist. "I'm going to find whoever did this!" Drawing his blade he turned to the others. "Looks like we're not alone." He turned to see the window to the room where whoever was responsible likely was. "The lever is this way. C'mon let's check it out." The others drew their weapons and began to follow him. "Keep your eyes peeled."

"Tch!" Ralof clicked his tongue. "They're coming!"

Kriger readied his blade. "Looks like we're doing this the fun way."

"Arliss, cast spellscreen now!" Silva hissed.

No sooner than the spell was cast did they rush forward into battle. Loud clangs echoed through the mine as blade against blade, and iron against iron clashed ferociously against each other. Arliss watched from the shadows as his Arisen and their two nordic companions were each met with an opponent of their own. Observing the battle he couldn't help but notice how cautious and calculated each movement seemed to be. Battles were usually much more chaotic, but this space left no room for error. While the wooden bridge they stood on wasn't at all narrow, it had not been built with the intention that so many people should fight on it.

They had become entangled in tight combat where they had to be just as cautious of the movements of their allies as they were of their enemies. Their lives hung in a delicate balance as they all regarded each other in an uncertain stalemate. Some eyes darted frantically between friend and foe while others remained steady and focused.

In a sudden flash of movement one bandit lunged forward with his sword, only to be intercepted by Kriger; who redirected his blade towards another bandit; who promptly blocked the attack with his shield.

Silva attempted to cut down the one Kriger had a hold on, but a woman wielding a large, two-handed blade stepped in between them; swinging the large sword downwards on top of her. Silva raised her daggers and managed to block the attack, but the woman was strong, and she knew not how long she could hold.

While Kriger was keeping the first rogue in a weapon lock, the one with the shield readied his mace. Kriger grit his teeth as he saw it hurtling towards him, luckily Ralof was there to stop it.

With locked blades they seemed to be at an impasse, but there was another who's appearance would change the tide of the entire battle.

Arliss held his staff uncertainly as he watched from the shadows. His mind was whirling as he quickly tried to think of which spell he should cast. He had to stop himself from casting his usual fire spells for fear of hitting his comrades, and burning the bridge. 'Should I use Sparks again?' He wondered. The new spell had been useful earlier with it's instant cast time, but he noticed that it also had it's limits. For one it took a different kind of energy to use; an energy of which he didn't have much of, so he couldn't rely on it to last. It also didn't seem to have much range or do much damage based on it's last use, and he wasn't sure using it again here was wise. Of course that wasn't all he had in his arsenal. It might be a gamble as it would take some time to cast, and he'd have to be careful with it, but right now it seemed to be the best option. With his mind set he cautiously approached while whispering an incantation.

They remained in a deadlock; sweaty hands gripping tightly to their locked weapons. Silva looked into the rogue woman's hungry and crazed blue eyes as she struggled to hold her blade back. The sharp edge inched ever closer to her. Gathering whatever strength she could; Silva sent a hard kick to her stomach, and pushed her away. At once the two women were sent back to the edge of the bridge, nearly falling into the water below. Catching their footing at the last minute they once more regarded each other cautiously. Silva couldn't help but glance at her comrades who were still locking blades in their own four way stand off. Her eyes flickered back to her opponent who did the same. As their eyes once more met a smile graced her lips which made Silva uneasy. She watched with ever growing dread as the woman's eyes rapidly flicked between her and her friends, then in one swift movement the woman rushed forward sword in hand.

Silva quickly jumped into action; using what stamina she had for shearing wind. She dashed past the woman once before quickly pivoting and doing it again, and again, ever careful not to go over the edge. Feeling the familiar sting of tiredness she knew she had to stop before she completely exhausted her stamina. It wouldn't do to become winded here. The woman glared angrily at her, a few new cuts on her person, but nothing serious. Silva stepped back away from the others, hard eyes not leaving her opponent. She had known that her attack might not be that effective, but still she was glad that she had stopped her from attacking her friends, now she needed only to ensure that the woman would focus on her. "Your opponent is me." Silva's voice was thick with her Cassardi accent. "Unless of course you're too craven to face an opponent head on."

The other woman's lips curled into a disgusted snarl. "A milk drinker like yourself should know when to keep her mouth shut!"

Silva made a derisive snort. "What? Is that all?" She goaded. "I've heard worse from beef witted goblins." The other woman halted confused a moment as Silva continued. "Pathetic little creatures, but still-" She gave the woman the most smug smile she could. "They can at least offer much greater challenge than a scurvy pismire such as yourself."

No other words were necessary as the woman charged angrily with a war cry. It was not a normal war cry. An inhuman roar reverberated through Silva's being that shook her to her core. Suddenly she wasn't feeling as confident as before. A chill ran up her spine, her face paled, and she felt shaky on her feet. As she dodged she couldn't help but let out a fearful yelp. The Nord woman laughed. "Now who's the coward‽" She taunted.

Understanding dawned on Silva then. 'This is the power of the Nords that Ralof and Kriger spoke of!' Her brow furrowed as beads of sweat rolled down her forehead. She knew it as an ability to inflict fear, but despite knowing what it was didn't change how she felt one bit. Her instincts were screaming at her to run, but she knew she couldn't. Fearfully she lifted her blades.


Apologies for the cliffhanger. It wasn't my intention to end the chapter this way, but I'm trying to keep my chapters at more reasonable lengths because long chapters are a huge pain to edit. At least you won't have to wait long for the resolution since I've already finished the fight and it'll be up soon. Look forward to it as something interesting will happen.

Anyway how are you liking the fights so far? I'm experimenting a bit with them and would love to know which fights you enjoy most. Do you like when they're longer like this, and very detailed? Or do you prefer something more quick and concise? Getting some feedback on this will let me know what seems to be most preferable for most of you so I can try to make sure my fight scenes feel more exciting rather than something you feel like you have to slog through. Please let me know your thoughts so I can take them into consideration as I continue to write further chapters!

Oh yeah! Also in regards to the fights it dawned on me that I really like catfights apparently because Silva seems to get into quite a few of them. And one of my favorite future plot scenes that I can't wait to write is going to be a catfight and it will be glorious! Oh my! I'm so excited! Although it'll probably take me awhile to get to. Anyway what are your thoughts on that? Should I try to dial it back a bit? Maybe I should try to reign it in so it'll be more exciting in the future? Or do you like it, and think I should lean into it more?

Off topic, but I also wrote a Dragon's Dogma One Shot Crack fic featuring Julian called Festival Pies. It starts out kind of normal and slowly gets more ridiculous. If you think you might be interested feel free to check it out. It's not serious at all, I wrote it for fun, and to get a certain idea out of my head.

Thanks for reading. I'm super grateful to have you beautiful and wonderful readers! I hope you enjoyed!

Chapter 13: Unusuality


Ralof and Kriger must hold out in a four way death lock until Arliss can finish his incantation; all the while Silva is fighting against her own emotions.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 13: Unusuality

From the deadlock Kriger tried his best to keep his opponent's weapon trapped between his own and the other bandit's shield. "Ralof, hold em'," he grunted through clenched teeth.

Before Ralof could reply, the bandit he was keeping off of Kriger began to laugh. It was a deep and throaty sound which put him on edge. "You hoping for that wench to save you or something?" He taunted. "Pff, As if she even has a chance of beating Birgit. She'll be dead any minute now, and you'll be next!"

"Why you-" Ralof began, anger clear in his voice, but he couldn't help his anxious glances to Silva as she dodged a multitude of Birgit's attacks. He could tell something was wrong. Silva was only dodging, but not attacking.

Kriger let out an amused snort. "I'm not worried about her; she's more than she seems, the ones who should be worried are you guys." His eyes flickered to the nearby shadows then back to the bandit and another one of his usual smirks graced his lips. "You haven't even realized that you're outnumbered."

As if on cue a flash of lightning appeared with a loud hiss. There Arliss stood illuminated by pale flickering light. "Brontide," he said evenly before raising his arm in attack. The light shivered and lashed out at blinding speed, striking the two bandits with a loud crack. They yelped in pain before jumping back to avoid Ralof and Kriger's attacks. Arliss went on the offensive, using his strange magic to strike at them.

Kriger took a moment to observe him. This lightning was different compared to what he used earlier. Arliss held his staff in one hand, and the lightning in the other. The power seemed to be coming from his staff, and flowing out from his other hand. He watched as Arliss swung his arm, and the light coiled and lunged like a snake. It weaved about with incredible control, and when Arliss recoiled his hand the lightning did the same. He couldn't help but feel awed by the display Arliss put on with his lightning whip.

Ralof stood uncertainly as his eyes flickered between the two battles. Hard pressed between whether he should help Silva or whether he should help take care of the nearer bandits first.

The shield rogue had finally had enough. He let out something akin to a growl and charged with his shield and mace raised. "Damned mage!"

Kriger shot forward blade ready, forcing the two bandits to focus on him. The first stopped prepared to block, while the second lunged at him with his sword. Seeing this Ralof slashed at the second who cried out in pain before being hit head on by the lightning whip. Ralof jumped back away from the whip and watched in awe as the man was thrown off the bridge and into the water below.

Now with three against one it was far too easy and the shield rogue was quickly dispatched. With that done they wasted no time in turning their attention to the other fight that had been raging alongside their own. As it was, Silva had been having some difficulty battling against her own emotions. A strange induced fear was placed upon her, and she knew it to be unnatural. 'This must be some sort of magical debilitation,' she thought, but knowing that did nothing to help calm her irrationally rattling nerves.

A low growl escaped the woman's throat as Silva deftly dodged another of her attacks. She couldn't understand why her opponent hadn't been scared into fleeing or cowering in fear. She was so used to seeing her war cry rend her enemies useless, that seeing someone resist the fear she attempted to instill really got under her skin. "Why don't you do me a favor and start running already, so I can stab you in the back?!" She lashed out angrily.

Silva dodged again. The woman's words awakening something within her. Behind her scar, her heart beat in her breast. It's rhythmic pounding serving as a reminder of all she's been through. Memories of old; her life long past sparked anew. She could see him. A fearsome, and massive creature. The mere sight beyond imagining. Baleful wings, dark as night. Crimson scales of the toughest hide. Slitted, Vermillion eyes that glinted with intelligence. Then she heard it, his low, raspy voice booming in her head.

"Have you come so far to be stricken with cowardice Arisen?" Grigori taunted, his memory ushering her forward.

The Arisen grit her teeth before letting out a cry of defiance. There was a clang as she stood her ground, and parried the other woman's blow.

"What?!" Birgit balked at the situation, completely taken aback by the sudden attack, and her steely gaze. She was certain that her warcry was still in effect, but never before had anyone resisted it's pressure.

Silva held her blades tightly, preparing a battle ready stance. "Aye," Grigori's memory continued. "Raise your weapon, your teeth of steel, your blood red voice!" She let out a war cry of her own and charged. There were more clangs as the two traded a flurry of slashes with each other. All the while Silva could still hear the memory of Grigori goading her. "Fight! Cling to Life!"

As she fought, against the other woman, and the unnatural fear that was now ebbing away she couldn't help thinking how strange it all was. In that battle long ago, Grigori had been pushing her forward, and now so long after his death his memory was still doing the same. She couldn't keep the half amused, half bitter huff that escaped her throat. 'Truly there is naught to do, but laugh.' But now was not the time for such things. Her heart beat again as the last remnants of fear faded.

Another clang resounded as the two women once more locked blades with each other. Birgit furrowed her brow in frustration as she wondered how she was able to resist her war cry. It was then that she noticed that there was a strange glow, a light emanating from the other woman's chest. She could see it through her armor, and it was steadily getting brighter. It flashed brightly and Birgit leaped back, quickly shutting her eyes.

Silva did not hesitate, extending her blades she lunged forward. She felt the impact as her blade sliced through, and heard the woman's pained cry. She could tell without looking that the wound was mortal, but she held her blades ready just in case. She knew better than to let her guard down.

"Y-you," Birgit moaned weakly. "Who are you? What are you?" Her breath was raspy and faltering. "Please, tell me before I die."

The question caught her off guard. Their eyes met, and as she looked into her firm but fading blue eyes she wondered if she should grant the woman this. She pressed her lips thinly as she thought, finally she nodded. "Very well," she said. "My name is Silvana." She paused a moment afore holding her head high, and raising her voice along with it. "I am the Arisen."

The two stared at each other for a spell. Waning blue eyes regarding glistening hazel ones, their faces impassive. Whatever the dying woman was thinking Silva couldn't tell. Finally the woman spoke. "Silvana, the Arisen," she said. Her voice was as a whisper, caught between question and statement. "You were a worthy adversary. To be killed by someone like you, it's not the worst way to Sovngarde." Then the last of her breath escaped, the light in her eyes went out, her heart beat it's final beat, and in the silence of the moment she died.

Silva stood, her bloodied blades at her side feeling unusually heavy. She felt like she should say or do aught, but was there any point in it? No, she let out a sigh before silently sheathing her blades. She turned away from the woman with a shake of her head, and as she looked up she stopped in her tracks. Ralof and Kriger stood wide eyed and slack jawed. They had certainly caught the end of her match. Arliss stood battle ready behind them, brontide still writhing in his grip. His eyes flickered between her and their nordic companions in silent question. 'What to do now?' She wondered, her hands reaching once more for the daggers at her sides. 'Try to explain, fight, or flee?' As she carefully considered her options Ralof stepped forward.

"That sure was something," he said with a laugh. "I thought Arliss here was the only one who could put on a light show like that."

She felt her jaw set tight. 'They definitely saw.' Her fingers itched as they tightened around the hilt of her blades.

"We were starting to worry about you." Silva stopped at Kriger's words, her grip loosening, but not leaving her weapons. "Thought you might need help, and were just about to step in." He continued. "Good to know that wasn't necessary."

Before she could think about what he just said Ralof agreed. "Yeah, we're glad you're safe," he said with a warm smile.

Slowly she released her weapons and relaxed her stance. She crossed her arms with a sigh before sweeping her hair behind her ear. "Well, I suppose I had no need for your help, but it would have been a most welcome boon."

Arliss let his brontide dissipate, though he kept his staff in hand, using it like a walking stick as he stepped forward. Prepared, yet appearing non hostile. "Shall we keep going?"

Deeper into the mine they found more bandits, though none gave them much trouble. Only when they were certain they've dispatched them all did they finally decide to divide the spoils of war. Of course since it's an iron mine and was hence the reason for this venture in the first place they had to make certain to fill Kriger's bag with ample supply of ore.

Reaching an iron wall Kriger and Ralof readied their pickaxes. Noting that their other two companions didn't bother joining them Kriger's face twisted into an irate scowl. "Think you're too good to join us? Or can't you be bothered to do a little honest work?"

In attempt to prevent a fight Ralof placed a placating hand on Kriger's shoulder afore stepping between him and their foreign friends. "It would save us a lot of time if you helped." He offered a tight lipped smile that could almost be a frown.

Silva crossed her arms and shook her head; an amused scoff left her lilted lips ere she spoke. "Were it necessary I'd have no cause to hesitate in joining you." She stepped back, gesturing to her partner. "Arliss, if you'd be so kind."

"Yes, Master." Arliss nodded, stepping forward with staff in hand. His lips moved silently as he began his incantation.

Kriger's brows furrowed, and a bead of sweat formed on his forehead. 'Don't tell me she's planning on killing us‽' That unusual light from before; had they seen something they shouldn't have? It made too much sense for her to want to silence them in that case. He grit his teeth and clenched his grip on the pickaxe in his hand. 'Can I take them on?' The beads of sweat tickled his skin as they trickled down his face and neck. He had seen them fight, and knew their skills.

The mage had powerful magic that could easily turn the tides of battle, but he was slow to cast them; and stood an easy target. Taking him out was definitely doable, but the woman wouldn't make it easy. If he tried to attack Arliss then Silvana would surely retaliate, and if he was honest with himself he wasn't sure if he could take her. She was quick on the draw, and fleet of foot. He knew for a fact that he couldn't match her speed, but maybe with Ralof... If the two worked together could they overpower her? No, the best he could probably hope for was that by splitting up they could at least kill the pawn; but that would leave a furious Arisen to contend with. No matter how he thought of it; it always ended in his death.

Kriger closed his eyes a moment as he breathed in; a calming breath. Upon releasing it his eyes snapped open. They were clear as they gazed upon her; not quite calm, but more composed than before. If it came down to it then he would give them a fight worth remembering. He wouldn't die easily.

Her smile that was seemingly too pleasant set him on edge, but without giving his nerves a thought she spoke. "Now Sir, You really should move aside. Trust me when I say that you don't want to get caught up in Arliss' spell."

Ralof raised a brow, but nevertheless lowered his pickaxe and stepped nearer to the strangers. Kriger watched bewildered. 'Weren't they going to try to kill us?'

Seeing as how Kriger remained where he was Silva rolled her eyes. "Truly Sir? Am I so difficult to ken?" She sighed. "I'm telling you to move lest you find yourself caught aflame." Almost as quickly as it left; her amused smile returned, and she brought up a hand to stifle a giggle. "Or shall I carry you avaunt myself?"

"What‽" Ralof and Kriger both exclaimed.

Silva's smile brightened most mischievously. "Because I will."

"That won't be necessary!" A flustered Kriger held up his hands in surrender. He wasn't sure what she was planning, but he supposed that if she intended to kill them she probably wouldn't give them a warning. Without complaint he quickly joined their side. The idea of her picking him up and carrying him was absolutely ridiculous, but still the two strangers were such an odd pair that she might actually try to do it. His pride would never let him live it down!

She let out another giggle. "Oh, you moved so quickly! Did you truly hate the thought so much?"

Kriger groaned. "Were you looking forward to it? Sorry to disappoint you," he said sarcastically. "What exactly are you planning anyway?"

Rather than an answer she only gave him a grin. "Ah, ah, ah, you'll just have to wait and see!" She offered in a sing song voice.

The two Nords watched Arliss curiously as he continued whatever he was doing. Kriger noted how he held his staff out and waved his hands around as he whispered something he couldn't hear. Then he raised his arms and lifted his voice with them. "Comestion!" A wall of flame erupted against the iron wall, and they watched in awe as the sheer explosive power broke off chunks of ore and rock and sent them up into the air. The debris scattered and fell into the flames. The fire died out quickly enough, and soon they could see glimmering iron strewn all across the room.

Silva clasped her hands together in delight. "Truly Arliss, you are a wonder!" Turning to her Nordic friends she grinned. "Is this not faster and easier than using a pickaxe?"

Ralof whistled. "I don't mind a little back breaking work, but that sure is impressive!"

Kriger let out an annoyed sounding huff. "It would have been more impressive if he didn't send the ore flying all over the place." He hid it well, but he was relieved more than anything. He had been so sure that Silva was about to try to kill them, but he was glad to be wrong in this case. 'Maybe I've misjudged them..' The faintest hint of a smile found its way to the corner of his lips. Now for the first time he was considering telling them what he saw in the beginning; what he knew, not in a confrontation or interrogation, but as a show of trust. He shook his head; no, he was probably being too naive. It was too early to write them off as harmless just yet; for all he knew they could be responsible for the return of the dragons.

Getting to work they quickly picked up all the ore they could find, and gave it all to Kriger. He also picked up extra weapons and armor for bartering. Ralof insisted on taking all the drink he can find, and his bag was soon stuffed to the brim with mead, ale, and wine. Silva rolled her eyes before sheepishly claiming a sack full of apples as her own, she also made certain to pick up all the mushrooms she could find. Arliss followed suit in grabbing sacks full of salt and other food supplies. "It is a good thing that this cave was so well stocked," he comments. "T'will save us much needed preparation time, and coin."

Ralof sighed. "Lucky for us maybe, but I doubt those thieves just happened on it all by chance."

Kriger's face looked grim. "Must've pillaged and killed for all this loot." He shook his head before continuing, "C'mon less talk and more packing. I don't wanna be here all day."

With that said they quickly got back to collecting supplies. The most interesting area that they hadn't checked yet was a rather large caged room. Kriger found the key on the guard, but just as he was gonna unlock it Silva stopped him. "Hold a moment," she said.

Kriger seemed annoyed, but nevertheless stopped. "What is it?" He asked in a huff.

"Back when we were escaping Helgen, did you not promise to teach me your trick of picking locks?"

He raised a brow. "You mean lockpicking?" He sighed, feeling that he had an idea of where this was going. "Yeah, and?"

"Is not this a good opportunity?"

He looked at her a moment before sighing again. "Alright, I guess. But only because a man doesn't go back on his word."

He gave her some picks and some tips and allowed her to attempt to pick the lock. He cringed a bit inside as she kept breaking his picks, but eventually she managed to get it open without breaking the pick.

"I did it Sir!" She exclaimed happily as she beamed at him.

He looked at her a moment before speaking dryly. "Yeah, good for you, but I'm gonna need you to pay me back for those picks you broke."

"Oh," she uttered as her face fell. She flushed as she began her apology. "Forgive me, I promise to make it up for this. And I too do not intend to make any promises that I don't intend to keep."

Kriger was just about to tell her not to worry about it since he was sure he could get them back easily enough before he stopped himself. "I'll hold you to that," he said with his usual smirk making its way faintly across his face. 'Maybe with this I'll be able to get some answers out of her.'

Within the cage room they found a fair amount of gold, a couple high quality weapons, some gemstones, and a couple of books. They split the gold and gemstones as evenly as they could, but it wasn't easy when the amount wasn't even in the first place. A small argument ensued, but was quickly quieted when Silva suggested that Kriger should get the extra, Arliss agreed with her of course, and an outnumbered Ralof had to concede.

Silva smiled at Kriger. "With this I hope I have repaid my debt."

Kriger thanked her, but inwardly sighed.

Ralof took a liking to one of the axes, and Kriger claimed a greatsword. One of the books was a spelltome so it was naturally given to Arliss, and the other was a book on smithing so it was given to Kriger.

After finally feeling like they've exhausted the mine of everything worth taking they set off back to Riverwood.

It was late noon by the time they neared Riverwood. The sky looked a tad grey as large white clouds sailed through it.

"I hope the weather holds out. I do not think it would be wise to traverse your land otherwise," said Silva as she looked at the great expanse above.

"Well, regardless of the weather we need to work fast with whatever preparations we have left," said Ralof. "I don't know about you guys, but I don't want to have to stay another day.

"Do you not get along well with your sister, and her family?" Asked Arliss.

"Oh, Talos knows it's not that!" Ralof looked a bit upset that he would even suggest it. "But it's dangerous for me to stick around. Not just for me, but for her and her family too, and besides I have to get back to the Stormcloaks. If we don't fight this war, who will?" The others nodded in understanding.

As they reached the wooden gates Kriger turned to them. "Last chance before I get to work. Do you prefer light armor or heavy armor?"

Silva spoke up first. "I appreciate the thought, but tis' unnecessary." She didn't dare say it, but she had an inkling that the gear she and Arliss had was better protection than what Kriger would make, even if it wasn't well suited to the cold.

Kriger paused a moment before speaking. "I'll just make light armor for you anyway."

"Make mine heavy armor!" Said Ralof.

Kriger's brows knitted together. "Didn't you say you wanted hide armor earlier?"

"Well, I thought it would be good at first, but considering all the tough fights we're getting into maybe more protection would be better. If we ever need to sneak I'll just hang back a bit so I don't give away our positions."

Kriger sighed. "Fine, just don't regret it later."

Once safely inside the village they split up to do their own separate tasks. Kriger went back to the forge to continue his bartering with Alvor, as well as make the armor for his companions as promised. Ralof returned to Hod to help finish up with moving and strapping up logs for a delivery. Silva and Arliss took a bunch of the extra supplies off the other's hands and carried them over to Gerdur's for them.

Gerdur smiled at their arrival. "Oh, good you're here," she chirped. "Why don't you wash up and change Silva? I could use some help with the cooking when you're finished."

"It would be a pleasure," Silva nodded pleasantly. She was grateful for the chance to clean up the blood from the earlier battle and hurriedly went down to wash. Arliss and a not so sneaky Frodnar attempted to follow her, but were stopped by Gerdur.

"Just what do you two think you're doing?" Asked an irate nord woman holding a broom.

Frodnar gulped, and quickly hid his hands behind his back. "Um, nothing ma."

Arliss didn't seem to be at all fazed by her anger, but was more curious about why she appeared upset. He looked on with a blank look and spoke in a neutral tone. "I was also going to wash up. Is there aught amiss?"

Unfortunately for them neither of those answers seemed to suffice for Gerdur. "Oh no you don't! Wait your turn like good boys you naughty things!" She cried as she wacked them with her broomstick. "Get out! Get out!"

Silva felt bad for Arliss, she knew he meant no harm. His obliviousness has not been kind to him as of late. Although she was certainly grateful to Gerdur for looking out for her, and keeping her son in line. Still she decided it would be best to step in before the situation escalated. "Arliss, why don't you go play outside with Frodnar? Keep him out of our hair awhile."

Arliss couldn't be happier to oblige the request, and left quickly. Once outside; the odd pair stopped to catch their breaths.

Frodnar did his best to hide his grin as he discreetly pocketed something; grateful that it hadn't been noticed and taken away. After patting his pocket and assuring himself that it wouldn't fall out he quickly schooled his face into a pout and pointed at Arliss angrily. "I thought adventurers were supposed to look tough!" The boy hoped that by acting out in this way he could keep it hidden; if it was confiscated he wouldn't be able to pull off his epic prank. "Not only do you look weak, but you even ran away from my ma!"

Arliss was confused. 'Is this some form of insult? Well it matters not.' He stood up, and dusted himself off afore replying to the petulant child. "First of all; Appearance does not necessarily correlate with competence. Secondly, I only followed my Master's order. Thirdly, there is no shame in fleeing from battle, tis' a matter of Survival."

Frodnar crossed his arms. "All I'm hearing is excuses." He pouted a moment before saying, "I guess it makes sense since you're a mage afterall." Arliss was about to ask what he meant by that but Frodnar suddenly jumped up with a huge grin on his face. "Wait, you're a mage right?"

Arliss stood a moment and stared taken aback by just how quickly this child changed moods. 'Is this normal among human children?' He wondered before nodding. "Yes, I am a mage."

The child beamed up at him mischievously. "Could you use your magic to turn me invisible?"

"Invisible?" Arliss tilted his head. "Why would you want that?"

"Are you kidding?!" Frodnar gaped at him. "Just think of all the pranks you could do if you were invisible!"

Arliss tilted his head again. "Pranks?"

"Yeah, you know! Like this one time I nailed a gold septim to the ground and Lucan was going crazy trying to pick it up! It was hilarious! And another time me and Dorthe carried buckets of water to the top of Lucan's shop and poured water on people as they were going in and out! We got Sven right when he opened the door and he freaked out about how his hair and clothes were ruined in front of Camilla!" He laughed at the memories. "Anyway just think about the crazy stuff we could do if we were invisible! So, c'mon turn me invisible and we'll play all kinds of fun pranks together!"

Arliss looked at him a moment, his brows knitting together. "Unfortunately I know not any invisibility spells, but I doubt I would oblige even if I had. Such behavior does not sound wise. Your 'pranks' appear to cause problems and inconvenience those around you."

The boy's face fell. "What?!" He crossed his arms and turned away in a huff. "Aw, you're no fun." There was an awkward silence before the boy continued. "I'm sure you must have done stuff like it when you were younger too. Don't tell me you lose your sense of fun when you grow up."

"I never engaged in such behavior as to cause trouble or inconvenience others." Said Arliss. 'Not on purpose anyway.' A thought cut in as he wondered about what trouble he might have caused in his obliviousness of human ways. He shook his head with a sigh. "As a Pawn I was naturally looked down upon by others. Should I have caused trouble it would not be taken kindly, and I would certainly draw their ire. Though here people may not yet have an opinion on Pawns, should I sully their perception it would undoubtedly cause trouble for my Master. I cannot abide by that."

Hearing that made the boy stop and think. "They didn't like you on account of your race?"

Arliss paused a moment afore nodding. "Something akin to that. Yes."

Frodnar's face scrunched up a bit in distaste. He had learned from his parents about the cruelty of people, and not to be like that, but unfortunately he also knew that not all the people who agreed with them were good people. He knew that even in their small village Faendal had suffered from the unfair distrust of the Nords. That not everyone was like his parents and willing to give people the benefit of the doubt. And despite his young age he knew that many Stormcloaks weren't as kind and good as his uncle Ralof. His knuckles went white as his fists tightened. This was a bit much for him and he didn't want to have to think too much about this stuff, at least not right now. "So, no pranks," he said somewhat forlorn.

"That would be wise." Arliss nodded. "We cannot do pranks, but surely there must be other things we can do that won't cause trouble for others."

Frodnar nodded eagerly, happy for the distraction from his thoughts. "How about we play a game of tag, or hide and seek?"

"I'm afraid I don't know the rules."

"What?! How can you not know tag, and hide and seek?! Just what kind of life have you lived?!"

Arliss repeated a shortened version of what he had told to Ralof and Kriger earlier that day. When he saw the pitying look in the boy's face he realized he should probably change the subject. "Anyway, while I know not tag and seek I do know the rules for a race. Shall we then?"

At this Frodnar perked up. "Yeah, I'll call Dorthe and we'll all race! And after that we're gonna teach you how to play tag, and hide and seek!"

Arliss nodded, a satisfied smile upon his face. Surely this should keep the boy out of trouble for a long enough duration to please his Arisen.

It didn't take much to convince the little girl to join them, but she did look curiously at Arliss. "Um, so this is one of the foreign people you were talking about?" Dorthe asked.

Arliss gave Frodnar a blank look, prompting him to explain. The boy offered a sheepish grin. "I uh, showed her that coin Silva gave me."

Arliss raised a brow with a blank "I see," though that revelation was not a good one. The boy had been running his mouth to the daughter of Imperialists which could put them in danger. His brows furrowed as he realized he should let his Arisen know. 'She won't be happy about this.' As he thought about what exactly any enemies might know about them thanks to Frodnar's loose tongue, and the possibility of Legion soldiers from Helgen staying with that family... his anxiousness only started to grow. He was only taken from his thoughts when the two grabbed his hands and pulled him forward.

"C'mon let's go play!" Dorthe smiled at him politely.

"Hurry up so I can win!" Frodnar huffed eagerly.

That's right, now wasn't the time for thinking. He had a race to win after all. 'Wait,' Arliss blinked as he recalled something.

Long ago his Arisen had once been tasked with escorting the young daughter of a wealthy merchant about the city, and during that time the two raced. Despite Silvana's superior speed and stamina she lost the race. When Arliss had asked her about it after the quest was done she gave him a mischievous grin. "I didn't think the pampered minnow would take kindly to losing." And indeed the girl had been quite pleased with the result, and they were generously rewarded with a golden idol which was evidently quite valuable and not an easy find.

As Arliss and the two children readied themselves at the gates on one end of the village Arliss pondered whether he should lose purposefully. 'Though considering their differences in upbringing I doubt I'll be rewarded as generously. Certainly unlike that girl these children could not afford to give such valuable trinkets away so easily. I should expect to receive naught at all, although perhaps I can gain valuable information if I play my cards right as the humans say.' He was so lost in thought that he missed the start of the race, and had to play a game of 'catch up' when he looked up and noticed how far ahead they were. Unsurprisingly he came in last, and ended up winded at the end.

As he tried to catch his breath the little girl, Dorthe stood over him with a bored expression. "You're really bad at this." She said unsympathetically.

"Hey, give him a break!" Frodnar defended. "He's had a hard life where he basically lived under a rock, and never got to play any games."

"What‽ Really‽" Dorthe exclaimed, before looking at Arliss pitifully. "I'm so sorry, for you."

Arliss was understandably confused. 'Just when did I say that I lived under a rock? Such a construction would likely not last.' He merely nodded blankly. At least he was certain that the reactions didn't appear negative or hostile... at least he hoped that he was correct. Still he didn't exactly like receiving such pitying looks from children, and decided to change the subject. "So, who won?"

This turned out to be the wrong thing to ask since both children puffed up, evidently quite pleased with. themselves, and said simultaneously; "I did!"

"What are you talking about?" Asked Frodnar in an annoyed huff. "I was clearly first!" As if in agreement his loyal dog stump barked, and Arliss wondered momentarily when he got there.

Dorthe crossed her arms and scoffed. "Oh, please!" She rolled her eyes. "You must be blind. I was in front of you the whole time."

"That's a load that came from Sheogorath's butt, because you're crazy!"

As the ensuing argument escalated to petty name calling, Arliss was starting to get worried. 'If they start brawling as is Nordic custom and Frodnar gets seriously wounded or harms the girl, I might get blamed for this, and Master will be upset with me.' His face remained mostly passive, but that thought was seriously troubling to Arliss. 'I have to stop them from fighting.' He nodded to himself and quickly formed a plan. "If you two can not settle on a winner, then perhaps you aught say that the first race is a tie, and have a rematch? We'll say that whoever can run to the end where you started, and back to me first is the winner? I'll watch from here, as a witness for the record."

Frodnar jumped up. "Arliss you're a genius!" He pointed at Dorthe in challenge. "You're on!"

Dorthe just shrugged, pretending not to be as invested in this as she really was. "Sure thing, but I'm still gonna beat you."

As he watched the two ready their stances Arliss wondered what he should do if it ends up in another tie. If it came close he might be asked to be the tie breaker, and he wondered about what would be the best outcome. 'Should I reward Frodnar's friendship and give him the win? Or maybe by currying favor with the girl he could convince her family that they can be trusted with information.' He shook his head at his ridiculous thoughts. 'Tis naught more than a mere child's race, there likely isn't anything to be gained from it.' Really, it would be best if there was a clear winner so he wouldn't have to make any decisions.

The two children set off as fast as their legs could carry them, and Arliss watched on in nervous anticipation. It was turning out to be really close as they continuously passed each other and fell behind in equal tandem, neither willing to lag behind or let the other keep the lead. They reached the end in perfect sync, and turned in one swift movement; although Dorthe's skirt slowed her down a bit at the turning point, and Frodnar shot forward back towards Arliss. The boy looked back at her with a mischievous triumphant grin that said he knew he was gonna win. Unfortunately the boy wasn't watching where he was going, and ended up crashing hard into someone. He fell back in a painful thud. "Ow!"

Upon hearing the boy's pained cry Arliss quickly rushed forward, staff in hand. As he got closer he recognized the man or rather elf as Faendal. Luckily it seemed he was non hostile, and offered a hand to the boy. "Are you alright, child?" His face and voice held concern.

Dorthe rushed over with a gasp. "Frodnar, are you okay?"

The boy grimaced. "I'm okay, but I scraped my hand when I landed. It kinda stings."

"Recovery, coming up!" Arliss quickly cast Anodyne, and soon there was a magical sigil of holy light enveloping them.

"Whoa!" Frodnar watched in amazement at the light around them, and marveled at how quickly his hand healed. "This is so cool!"

Likewise Dorthe awed at the light. Remarking on how pretty it was.

Faendal looked on with interest, noting how his light injury he got on his recent hunt was already feeling better. "A healing spell?" He said a bit breathy, clearly impressed. "Are you a priest?"

Arliss shook his head. "I'm no clergy, I just happen to know how to heal."

The others in Riverwood looked on curiously at the display. At first they had been worried for the children who were near the strange mage, but upon hearing that it was only healing magic many of them calmed down, and others suddenly became more interested in his appearance. As much as magic was generally looked down on in Nord society; the school of restoration was looked at more favorably than other forms of magic. At the end of the day everyone needed a healer sometimes, and it just so happened that there were people here who were thinking it was their lucky day. Suddenly Arliss found himself surrounded by unfamiliar faces each crowding around eagerly in the hopes that he'd check them or their family out, so he could heal them.

"I've got this bad back, from overdoing it at the mill." One middle aged man said. "Think you can fix it?"

A mousy woman stepped forward. "Could you please look at my son Timothy? He's sick."

"Young man!" An old woman said. "Would you be so kind as to look at my foot?"

Arliss stepped back overwhelmed. "Forgive me, I-I"

Just as he thought he would be swallowed up by the masses a familiar voice boomed. "Hey, back off! Can't you see you're crowding him!"

"Sir.Kriger," Arliss sighed in relief.

Unfortunately his peace was short lived as the crowd became rowdy once more. Arguments started, and soon chaos ensued. Arliss felt his arm grabbed, and he silently allowed himself to be dragged away somewhere.


I hope you guys liked this chapter. I left the last one on a cliffhanger, and resolved it pretty quickly. I didn't want to keep dragging the fight on. Um, I hope you liked it.

This chapter is a bit different. I needed a break, and wanted to add something more lighthearted so I thought I'd write about Arliss getting to play tag and stuff (although in the end he didn't get to play tag) with the kids. I thought it would be cute and funny. I also felt like I've been neglecting Arliss (since he's usually pretty quiet when the other characters are around) so I decided to focus on him for a bit. Same with Frodnar I feel like I didn't do a good job with him earlier and wanted to give it another go. I feel like he feels less stiff here so I think that's an improvement!

I also noticed that Silva and Arliss' secrets seem to get exposed more compared to Kriger. lol sorry about that, I'll definitely have to do something about that. I've fleshed out a whole backstory for him, and was getting really into all these neat little details while brainstorming. I'm so excited to start implementing them, and figuring out how to show you his past.

Should I try to fit mini flashbacks somewhere, add whole chapters/arc in dedication to it, or should I write it as a prequel? If I do end up writing a prequel it will probably be marked as only elder scrolls since it likely wouldn't have Arliss, Silva or any mentions of anything Dragons Dogma related. That is of course assuming that's something that's allowed.

(Ao3 is no problem, but ffn can be a bit difficult with their rules. If it comes down to it, I can always post that fic to Ao3 and just let my ffn readers know in the AN that they can read it on Ao3.) Sounds pretty unfair to my ffn readers though so I'll probably try to find a way to implement it within this fic instead of as a prequel.

Oh, yeah. Last chapter ended on a cliffhanger, and this one did as well. Apologies for that, but you won't have to wait long for an update. Also I wonder if this is really much of a cliffhanger considering you can probably guess who grabbed Arliss at the end. Feel free to post your guess, I'd love to see how many of you get it right.

Anyway this AN is pretty long, so apologies for that. Thanks so much for reading; I hope you enjoyed!

Chapter 14: On Friendship


Arliss is beginning to make strides in forming bonds on his own, and contemplates the meaning of those bonds.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 14: On Friendship

Amidst the chaos Arliss hadn't complained or struggled when he was suddenly grabbed by the arm and hauled off to who knows where. Sure, maybe it wasn't wise to be so complicit, but if it meant escaping the crowd he could comply a bit. He and his apparent captor slipped away quietly, and he soon found himself in what he assumed was the stranger's home. Finally being let go he looked at the man, or rather mer with a blank face, and an odd tilt to his head as they studied each other. Feeling content that he didn't seem to be in any real danger he decided to look around. A quick glance around the room told him a wealth of information. The size was smaller than Gerdur's home which he assumed to be a sign that he likely lived alone and even at a glance he quickly noted that it was well stocked with plenty of game, and pelts. There was also a couple bows, and his place was well stocked with arrows.

After an uncomfortably long time in silence Faendal spoke. "Aren't you gonna ask why I brought you here?" If the pawn had been a bit more adept at reading people he might have noticed the elf's agitation at being ignored.

Arliss looked to him with a seemingly uncaring and bored looking expression. He was quiet as he thought before promptly shaking his head. "Tis' unnecessary."

Faendal pinched the bridge of his nose in exasperation. "I don't know why I even bothered to help you."

Arliss tilted his head again, his brows furrowing ever so slightly. That's right he was forgetting his manners, not only had he helped him get away from all those people, but he also had yet to apologize for his earlier rudeness in the inn. Straightening himself he bowed, his hand raised to show his pawn print. "If that was your intention you have my gratitude."

"Don't mention it." Said Faendal, his dark eyes focusing curiously on the scar on the odd mage's hand.

Realizing where he was looking Arliss quickly, and not so discreetly hid his pawn print. He would have to remind himself later to get out of the habit of making his usual pawn salute. Earlier he had been troubled when he noticed the lack of a glow, but he supposed that mayhaps it's a good thing in this case. A glowing scar would no doubt attract even more unwanted attention. Clearing his throat he continued, "I also wish to apologize for my earlier rudeness. I was not aware of the implications of what I was saying. Forgive me."

Faendal smiled. Whether it was genuine, or out of politeness Arliss couldn't say. "It's fine, and thanks."

Arliss nodded, before asking, "Why are you thanking me?"

"For not being like the rest of... them." Arliss waited for him continue and Faendal sighed. "I've dealt with a lot of rude folk, and nasty rumors. As you might have noticed Nords don't take kindly to outsiders."

Arliss' brows furrowed at the new information, but nodded in understanding. He and the Arisen hadn't been in Skyrim for long so that warning would be useful. 'That must be why Sir.Kriger went out of his way to collect more local attire for us.' At the same time he had an idea of what kind of treatment the elf was referring to. He surmised it must be akin to the treatment of pawns in Gransys.

"I've been called things like a Thalmor sympathizer, just because I happen to be an elf. And many who side with Ulfric Stormcloak claim I'm an Imperial spy because I'm not interested in the war. I've even been called a cannibal for being a Bosmer." He threw his hands up at the last one. "At least most of the time they're polite enough to talk behind my back," he said somewhat sarcastically. "That Sven though is the worst!"

Arliss stepped back, his eyes flickered between the door and the ranting elf. He contemplated staying, or returning to the boy he was told to watch. On one hand staying could provide him with information that could prove useful to his Arisen, on the other hand though he didn't want her to be upset with him for leaving the boy.

Noticing his uncertain glances Faendal stopped. "If you're so uncomfortable, you can leave." His eyes and voice were sharp.

"Don't misunderstand." Arliss said placatingly. "I would certainly like to continue speaking with you, but my-" He paused recalling how calling his Arisen 'Master' earlier was seen as strange, and he also wasn't certain if he should use the title of 'Arisen' either. "My Mistress asked me to watch o'er the boy for a spell." He hoped that what he said wasn't too strange.

Faendal's brows furrowed. "Your Mistress can't possibly be Gerdur right?"

Arliss shook his head. "No."

Faendal sighed in relief. He got along well with Gerdur and her family, and imagining something like that- well he certainly didn't want them in scandal. Then his mind went to a dark place. "It isn't Camilla is it?" He stiffened, his eyes went dark.

Arliss shook his head. "I know not who Camilla is, like as not you know not my Ma- Mistress either." He caught himself at the last minute, but decided to add on to prevent the elf from latching on to his near mistake. "I noticed you seem to be an adept hunter. Likewise my Mistress is also quite skilled with a bow."

Faendal noticed the odd hiccup, but was more interested in his relief that it wasn't Camilla, as well as the purported skill of this mysterious woman. "Oh, really?" He said, his dark eyes glinting. "In that case I would like to meet her sometime, maybe have a little contest in skill?"

"She would win." Arliss said blankly.

Faendal was taken back momentarily before he laughed. It was more like a short release of breath than Ralof's hearty hoots and howls, but it was a laugh just the same. "I'm sure she's quite skilled for you to have so much confidence, but don't count me out just yet. I'm the best shot in Riverwood!" He couldn't help, but puff out in pride. Sure he wasn't always treated most kindly, but they had to give him this even if only begrudgingly. He always provided the most meat for the village, as well as plenty of pelts for the Trader and Alvor's smithy.

"She would still win."

Faendal tried to hide the way his irritation grew at the odd mage's surety, succeeding only because he was dealing with Arliss. He felt that he could better handle a more smug attitude, but the way the odd mage kept his face straight and his voice flat as he spoke irked him. It was like stating a fact, and he couldn't deny feeling his ego bruise. "Well, I don't like to brag, but—" He crossed his arms, head held high with a tight lipped smile. "I once took down a bear at three hundred yards." Noting Arliss' lack of a reaction he quickly added, "In a blizzard."

Arliss couldn't help but frown. While he supposed such a feat might be impressive he had seen far greater from his Arisen. It was folly to compare them, after all unlike his Arisen; the elf had ne'er defeated a Dragon. Like as not though he knew it wouldn't be wise to say it. He had no choice but to hold his tongue. "I have questions. Might we speak a bit?"

Feeling like he had won a victory Faendal grinned. "Sure!" He chirped. "Why don't you take a seat."

Arliss nodded with a polite smile as he sat at the table. "My thanks." He was sure he hid it well, but he couldn't help feeling like a failure of a pawn for not defending his Master's skill. He was also holding off on returning to his charge, hopefully the boy wouldn't get into any trouble in his absence. 'Tis' fine,' he mentally reassured himself. 'I shan't be long.'

"So, what do you wanna know?" Faendal's dark, inquisitive eyes seemed to be studying him, but he seemed relaxed and friendly enough. "Oh, I just realized that we haven't officially introduced ourselves. I'm Faendal." He held out a hand and waited with a cordial smile.

Arliss tilted his head as he looked at the elf's outstretched hand. He had never been greeted like this before. He looked back up at Faendal who's smile was beginning to falter. With only slight hesitation he took his receding hand and shook it. "Arliss, that is my name." He took a deep breath before deciding upon his first question.

For a short while the two enjoyed their conversation. Arliss was pleased to learn a wealth of new information, and as for Faendal... Well, Arliss couldn't really say, but thus far he had not shooed him out with a broom so that was something. It became a back and forth as Faendal began to ask about himself, noting his curiosity at his obvious outlandishness. Arliss answered as best as he could, careful not to give away any more than was given to their Nordic friends, and it seemed to be going surprisingly well. Things however soured a bit when the conversation turned to the object of the elf's affections; Camilla. Faendal made no attempt to hide how smitten he was with the Imperial maiden, and sighed longingly.

"Are you alright?" Arliss asked.

Faendal sighed again. "Yes, no. I don't know." He rested his head and arms on the table. Arliss stared; waiting for him to elaborate. With yet another sigh he straightened and continued; explaining his hopeless infatuation with Camilla, and his rivalry with Sven. "What do you think I should do?"

Arliss stroked his chin. No one had ere asked him for such advice afore. "If you wish to woo this woman, and make her your beloved then mayhaps you could raise her affinity with gifts?" He hummed. "If memory serves most ladies seem to like flowers." He thought back to the days when he and his Arisen traversed Gransys; trying to recall what kinds of gifts she offered when trying to forge friendships. "You can also try other things as well such as wine, pies, blank scrolls, foreign knives, large fish, and human skulls."

Faendal raised a brow as he listed off the last items. "Uhh," he said intelligently. He shook his head ultimately deciding not to point out his new friend's odd choice in romantic gifts. "I've already been giving her gifts, but I don't know if it's enough to win her heart against Sven. I'm starting to worry that all his serenades, and sweet talk might actually get to her."

Arliss nodded. "Conversation is the heart of any bond. In time it can foster great affinity." At his words Faendal groaned, and as Arliss watched him thrum his fingers on the table his brows furrowed in concern. "Mayhaps, if you think you're up to the task-" He pressed his lips together, unsure if he should continue. What he was about to suggest could be risky. "You could ask if she wishes to go somewhere, and offer to be her escort."

At this Faendal looked up; interest piqued. "What do you mean?"

"Back when we traversed Gransys we oft took on escort quests; usually for the coin, or rewards offered, but on occasion we took them for the sake of growing friendships." Arliss could still recall them even now. "By traveling together, and experiencing aught together you can strengthen your bonds." Once more Arliss rubbed his chin. "In Gransys we oft took them to historical sights like the towering fortress at the border, else places of sentimental value such as the graves of their long lost loved ones, many were just looking for protection so that they might conclude their duties or good company to make travel less tedious. A fair number were looking to see what beauty the world could offer."

His blue green eyes gazed into the past, even now his memory had remained vivid. "Gransys was truly full of sights to see." He hadn't thought much of them at the time, but thinking back on it now he could understand why the people wanted so badly to leave the safety of their walls, and brave the wilderness for the chance to gaze upon them once in their fleeting lives. "From the towering walls what stood the test of time, to the calm seaside that glistened beneath the setting sun, to the figure of a scarred man carved into a hillside, of streams of water that cascade endlessly, and healing springs what glow with water imbued by holy magic." He looked on wistfully. Why was it that back then he took no interest in such things save for the practicality of knowing their location, or reaching their destination? Better yet, why was he feeling this way now? He shook his head. 'If I could see such things again, I'd like to appreciate them proper.' It was a strange thing for a pawn to feel desire save for that which yearned to be by the Arisen's side, yet he could almost ken what it meant to long for something not within his grasp. "In this land, are there such sights?"

"We don't have figures carved in hillsides or glowing ponds here as far as I know, but still there's beauty here just the same." The two sat silently a moment afore Faendal shook his head with a snort. "Such sights you describe sound unbelievable to me. You're sure you're not pulling my leg?"

Arliss turned to him with a furrowed brow, and raised his hands in defense. "How could I pull your leg when I haven't touched you?"

Faendal raised a brow. "No, that means- you know what? Nevermind." He resisted the urge to shake his head again. "If you're really serious about such places though I'd love to see them someday."

"I speak truly, though like as not such things are beyond our reach."

"Don't give up so soon. Where there's a will there's a way, and besides-" Faendal cracked a grin. "You can still enjoy what Skyrim has to offer. Dwelling on the past won't bring you happiness. You should enjoy the present, and set your sights on the future before it slips from your grasp."

"That sounds like sage advice." Arliss nodded.

"I know, they're words to live by." He looked ahead, smiling fondly to himself. "From my father."

"Your father sounds like a wise man."

"He was."

"Oh?" Arliss wasn't sure what to say to that. "I'm sorry?" That was the expected response in this kind of situation wasn't it?

Noting the awkwardness Faendal quickly added. "Don't worry. You don't need to offer any condolences or anything." He waved a hand casually. "It was a long time ago, and he had a good life." Recalling something he quickly offered Arliss a concerned frown. "Wait, you didn't have anywhere to be right? I'm sorry I didn't mean to keep you so long."

Arliss jumped up in realization. He had only meant to stay a short spell, but before he knew it an entire hour had past. 'What will she think when she hears this?' He offered a polite bow to the elf. "Forgive me, but I must be going now."

"I hope to see you again friend."

That caught him off guard and Arliss had to pause. "Yes, I'm sure we will." He nodded, but it still didn't seem enough. He swallowed afore quickly adding, "friend." He turned on his heel to the door feeling a strange heat in his face. Reaching for the door he stopped. "About that contest. She would still win." Without waiting for a reply he quickly rushed out the door.

Arliss could almost swear he felt the barest hint of a smile tug at the corners. of his lips. Despite the fact that his Arisen might be disappointed in him for leaving his charge he still felt as if he had accomplished something. He had gained more knowledge which would certainly be useful, and he even managed to defend her skill in the end. Mostly though he felt a giddiness at a new revelation. He had made a 'friend' in the elf Faendal, and he had done it all on his own to boot! He wondered how she would react to this. Mayhaps she would be pleased with this development? He certainly hoped that she would.

In the past she had often attempted to get him to befriend her loved ones, and encouraged him to try to get along well with others. She had apparently been under the impression that pawns weren't so different from humans, and that if humans and pawns could learn to understand each other then maybe pawns wouldn't be treated so badly. Unfortunately the attempts never really went anywhere. At least they were usually polite to him... most of the time. Unfortunately he surmised that the basic courtesy her friends and acquaintances showed him most like had more to do with the fact that they were friends with his Arisen and didn't want to upset her than any real desire to befriend a mere pawn like himself.

Yes, most of them didn't truly have a desire to interact with him. He had been oblivious to it at first, but as he began to learn about his Arisen's emotions, he started to recognize them in other humans as well. The wariness that she had displayed as they trekked through the dark nights; fearing ambushes and dangerous creatures lurking in the shadows just beyond the glow of their lanterns; was also apparent on the humans who were forced to be near him and his kind. He never truly understood why. It wasn't as if he had any desire to attack them, nor a reason to. For some strange reason humans just didn't like pawns. He didn't really care though. Not even when they struck him, or spit on him, or said things that were probably meant to be offensive.

He could recall the whispers and the sneers though the words meant naught one wit to him. How pawns were creepy and gloomy. Mere puppets or dolls with blank faces, and eyes like a corpse. They probably weren't wrong. Some things they said though were ridiculous; like the idea that they crawled up from the ground same as the undead, or that they were cursed shadows given human form. Others resented pawns because unlike them; they would never age, or suffer illness, or even truly die. To humans; pawns were strange otherworldly creatures that looked like humans, but didn't quite fit in; An eery, uncanny, people who felt nothing, wandered aimlessly through their world, knew only of battle, and constantly upset them with their obliviousness of human ways. Why the Arisen thought that he could possibly befriend humans was beyond him; although thinking of it now it probably had something to do with Barnaby.

Upon meeting the pawns the Arisen had already become incredibly curious about their kind, and that had only increased after meeting the leader of the pawn guild. Barnaby was well versed in the ways of humans, and could mimic them perfectly. So great was he at imitating humans that he was welcomed among them despite his true nature as a pawn. If not for his pawn print you would never be able to tell that he wasn't really one of them, and even with his scar the humans still did not seem to notice. Barnaby wasn't just good at feigning humanity; he was charismatic, and well liked among the humans. He had to be in order to form the guild, and take care of it as well as his fellow pawns there.

If pawns could feel aught Arliss surmises that he might have been jealous of the accomplished, and well learned pawn. Such thoughts were foolish though. As a pawn he assured himself that it was folly to dare think that he might have felt a small inkling of the emotion for even a moment. Not even as his Arisen seemed to take much joy and time conversing with the more socially adept pawn did he feel upset, or how often she turned to him for advice, or even that time when she asked if he'd join them on her quest. Sure maybe there was the occasional fleeting thought that he was inadequate as the main pawn compared to Barnaby, but such things were only logical thoughts and did not count as such an emotion. Jealousy implied resentment, and he had no such thoughts or feelings towards the more experienced pawn. He shook his head putting the illogical thoughts and memories to a halt. He had no reason to worry about being replaced, especially not now. At the time the thought had oft plagued him, but the Arisen herself had assured him that he had no cause to worry; even though he wasn't worrying in the first place.

He allowed the memory to grace his mind. They had just come back to Gran Soren from a successful hunt; thanks in no small part to Barnaby's sound advice, and the two hired pawns he had recommended. As he watched his Arisen happily offer him gifts in gratitude the unpleasant thought had once more gripped him, feeling unusually heavy in his gut. When they once more began to walk about the city Arliss found himself calling out to her despite himself. "Master, I" His voice was quiet, and unsure, and she should not have heard him over the bustling people in the market, but still she turned to him with a smile, patiently waiting for him to say what was on his mind. Said mind went blank and his voice dry as he knew not what to say, certain that he shouldn't say it. "Forgive me, tis' naught of import."

He watched as her smile dropped, brows knitting in confusion, and eyes searching him in concern. Her expression didn't last as her face quickly changed to the more serious one she wore when they had a mission; he recognized it as her determined look. "Let's head out." She ordered, and soon they found themselves in the plains just outside the city. Turning to their companions she gave an order to keep a look out awhile; then she took him by the hand and led him to the nearby shore. It was here that she released his hand, and chose a grassy patch of land for them to sit. It was silent as he watched her gaze upon the horizon, then she spoke. "Arliss, is there aught bothering you?"

"My condition is normal."

"Don't lie to me, Arliss." There was something in her voice that he didn't recognize, something he hadn't heard before. "You have ne'er shied away from telling me what's on your mind afore." She looked at him and her eyes held a sadness in them. Her hand reached out to touch his cheek and despite the strangeness of the action he did not react. "I like to think that we're friends. Pray tell me, what thought plagues you?"

Arliss suddenly found it hard to face her, instead he turned to face the sea as he searched for words. "I fear I've naught to say, Arisen. I myself know precious little of what is wrong with me."

"There is nothing wrong with you!" The tone of her voice took him by surprise and when he turned to look at her; her eyes seemed to be alight with flame and she seemed resolute in her answer. "I know not what makes you think that, but we can figure this out together! Please, won't you try to explain that I might help?"

"Aye," Arliss nodded somewhat hesitantly before turning to the sea once more. "I, I have these recurring thoughts," he began slowly, paused, then spoke again. "They are unpleasant thoughts."

"What kind of thoughts?"

He spent a moment fiddling with the nearby grass afore he asked, "What exactly do you think of Barnaby?"

"Barnaby?" She asked, her face scrunched up in confusion. "Aught does Barnaby have to do with this?" He didn't answer, but continued to observe the grass as if it was the most interesting thing. She hummed thoughtfully. "Well, Barnaby is a friend." She began. "He's helped us a lot, and I'm very grateful for all his expertise." She noticed not how this word seemed to cut into him. "He's quite impressive in his own right, and an interesting person besides. His mission is fascinating, and after hearing about his past I can't help but feel for him."

Arliss swallowed, his throat feeling dry. "Do you wish for Barnaby to be your main pawn?"

"What‽ What made you think that‽"

"Barnaby is more suited for the position of main pawn."

"Don't be ridiculous!"

"Tis' the truth, Arisen!" The words were bitter and harsh on his tongue. "He's more knowledgeable and experienced than I, and he understands the way of humans. He wouldn't cause misunderstandings, or make the same foolish mistakes I have made, or be as clumsy and fall off buildings, or find himself mauled by wolves. He would be accepted by your loved ones. You must surely regret choosing me as your main pawn. You would fare far better with a pawn like him instead."

"Enough!" Once more he was startled by her voice.

"Forgive me." Arliss quickly hung his head; averting her gaze.

She sighed. "No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have raised my voice like that, but I couldn't stand listening to that." Her jaw set tight, and her eyes fixed themselves firmly on his form. "Arliss, look at me." She reached out to him again, turning his head so he was facing her. "You're wrong. I don't regret choosing you; not for one moment." She hoped he believed her. "I did not choose Barnaby, I chose you. It matters not how many things he's better at, nor what anyone else thinks. At the end of the day I want you by my side."


She was taken aback a moment afore she answered. "You complete me. We're meant to be."

"That doesn't sound logical."

She laughed. "Maybe not, but tis' the truth." She looked out at the sea as she hummed thoughtfully. "There are plenty of pawns full of knowledge and experience, but I like having someone learn alongside me, and plenty of pawns have already seen what the world has to offer, but It's nicer to experience it together." Her cheeks went pink as she continued listing her foolish reasons, an embarrassed smile upon her face. "And it's fine if you make mistakes; everyone does. We'll improve together." She offered him a grin. "Just be more careful when we're traveling by rooftops, and I'll kill any wolf that tries to attack you!" He didn't answer and she kept going. "And tis' true that Barnaby is quite handsome and charming, but so are you."

Arliss couldn't help raising a brow and tilting his head at the last part. He was certain he hadn't said anything about appearance, and calling him charming was just ridiculous. "Arisen, it would appear that the liar here is you. In what world would my complete lack of social awareness be called charming?"

"You are though!" She shot back. "Sure, mayhaps not in the same charismatic way that Barnaby has, but you do have your own charm." Seeing his blank look she continued. "You can be a bit awkward, but you always try your best, and you're genuine, and earnest." She looked forward. "You're like the sky; allowing the sun to shine upon the earth, or sharing the stars of night. You don't hide your intentions like the sky, all it takes is one look at the grey clouds to know if a storm is coming."

Arliss could only continue looking on confused. The analogy didn't seem to make sense to him, it sounded a lot like illogical nonsense. For one thing the clouds in the sky hid the sun; obstructing the warmth and the light, and at sea the weather could change quite suddenly; being from a fishing village she really should have been aware of the latter. Furthermore, he didn't understand why he was being complimented for doing his best. Didn't every pawn do their best? And earnestness implied honesty which he wasn't sure was apt for him either. He wasn't genuine, he was a pawn; he tried to mimick humans even if he wasn't very good at it. The expressions and gestures he made didn't come naturally to him; he had to force himself to make them in order to be well liked, and even then it wasn't enough. Wasn't forcing pleasant smiles and exaggerating movements like that a form of lying? How could he be called genuine or earnest then? He wasn't like the clear sky, but the cold and unfeeling sea, that hid danger beneath it's dark depths, and capable of inflicting great damage depending on how the tide turned.

She turned back to him again; her gaze met his and their eyes locked. "I chose you. I don't need another main pawn, nor do I want another. I will never replace you, I promise!" Arliss knew that her reasons were illogical and based on foolish human emotions, but still despite knowing that as he looked into her determined gaze he wanted to believe her.

"Thank you, Master."

Shortly after this he would receive a slightly less pleasant reassurance, but he shook his head to halt the memory once more. That was enough reminiscing for one day.

Arliss was grateful to see that the crowd had dispersed. He wasn't sure how Sir.Kriger had managed to convince them to go on their way, or if they had just gotten bored and left on their own, but seeing the road clear of a mob was a relief. That was one thing he wouldn't have to deal with today at least; although he still had yet to spot Frodnar. He glanced about in the hopes of seeing his charge, but he saw neither hide nor hair of the children. Now his earlier sense of accomplishment had quickly diminished as worry began to take hold. Had the boy been hurt or taken amidst the chaos? His Arisen would not to be happy if something had happened while he was supposed to be watching him; furthermore how would Gerdur take it? Would his mistake cause problems for his Arisen? Anxiously he scanned about himself. His eyes quickly flickering about in the hopes of seeing him.

"There you are!" The now familiar, gruff voice made Arliss whirl around; equal parts startled and hopeful. Mayhaps Kriger would know the boy's whereabouts. "I was beginning to think someone spirited you away in the middle of that sh*tshow earlier."

While his guess wasn't exactly wrong; Arliss had more pressing matters on his mind at the moment. "Sir.Kriger, have you seen Frodnar?"

Rather than immediately answer the question Kriger crossed his arms. "Not one for small talk, huh?" A lopsided grin stretched across his face. "Aren't you at all curious about what happened to the crowd? Or how I managed to convince them to leave you alone? Or offer your thanks for what I did for you?"

Arliss bowed; offering his pawn salute. "I am very grateful to you for dealing with that crowd on my behalf." As he straightened Kriger couldn't help but notice the scar on his hand. "And as curious as I am about how you did it, I am afraid that I have not the time to hear it now. It is of the upmost importance that I find him post haste as I have been tasked with his charge."

Raising a brow and his hands Kriger said, "Hold on, I was joking earlier; there's no need to thank me. And calm down, will ya?" Seeing the tilt to his head; Kriger ran a sooty hand through his greasy hair. "The kids are fine; I've been keeping an eye on them while I work. After the crowd went away they got bored and went to play in the shallow stream near the bridge; looking at fish or something." Hearing his explanation Arliss once more bowed and thanked him. "There's no need for that; look, why don't you go back to the house? Tell the ladies that I'm looking after em' and if anything happens the responsibility will fall on me."

Arliss was taken aback by this, and could only stare a moment afore he asked, "Why?" His brows furrowed a bit as he pondered it. ' Why would he bother to take over this task for me? What does he have to gain?'

"Why not?" Kriger scratched his neck confused. "It's not a big deal, and anyway we're friends aren't we?"

If he was taken back before; now he was downright stricken. 'Friends‽ Has Sir.Kriger actually thought of me in this way?' Arliss hadn't really thought he had friends besides his Arisen before today. Pawns didn't have friends; they held a kinship with each other, but it was mostly in name only. His first 'friendship' had been with his Arisen according to her, and he guessed according to himself as well, but he didn't really understand what that meant. Until now "friend" was just a word. Even when Faendal had said it Arliss hadn't thought too much of it. In truth he felt that hearing it meant he had succeeded in appearing human; like Barnaby, but there was supposed to be more to it than that.... wasn't there? His mind once more returned to the past, to the first time he heard of friendship.

He couldn't recall exactly what had led to this point, but after showing his Arisen his usual respect he found himself reprimanded by her. "There's no need to do that, Arliss. Please, stand and stop being so formal."

He quickly stood up as ordered. "Are my mannerisms troubling to you, Master? If so I apologize." He bowed. "If you wish it I can take on another persona that would please you more?"

She held up her hand and waved them about frantically. A curious gesture that he didn't understand. "No! No! Er, maybe..." She then did the most curious thing by slapping her face with a hand and resting her face in said hand. "I don't want to force you to act in any certain way or anything like that. It's just that I'm not used to such formality since I'm just a common fisher who hunts sometimes, and also—" She paused then, brushed her hair behind her ears and looked back at him with oddly pink cheeks. "I'd like to think that we're friends."

Arliss tilted his head upon hearing this new term. "Friends?"

Noting his confusion she continued. "Yeah, I mean-" She paused awkwardly as her face went through a lot of expressions in a short time that Arliss couldn't begin to try to decipher. "We are friends aren't we? We've only been traveling together and fighting together for a short time, but I already feel like I can trust you and rely on you, and I'd like to think that you'll trust me too, and rely on me too."

"We are Master and Pawn, of course you can rely on me, but how can I dare to trouble you?"

Her mouth and eyes were agape. "Because that's what friends do! Friendship is a special bond between people of trusting and supporting each other."

Arliss nodded. "I see. And we have a unique and special bond as Arisen and Pawn where you can trust that I'll support you, therefore according to that definition we must be friends."

"Arliss, a friendship has to go both ways." Seeing his head tilt in confusion she once more slaps her face. "Oh, well I guess as long as you consider us friends I'm happy." She then smiled at him; an expression he found most pleasant. "Just know that I'll be here for you too, because we're friends."

Back in the present Kriger was awkwardly observing the odd mage. He wasn't sure what he had expected after saying that, but it certainly wasn't for him to just up and space out like he was doing now. "Uh, you okay?"

Arliss' brow furrowed and he couldn't help, but ask; "Sir.Kriger, what does it mean to be friends?"

Kriger couldn't help, but stop. 'What kind of question is that‽' He wasn't sure what to say, but one thing was for sure; he certainly didn't need to deal with existential type questions right now. "Right now, I'd say that a friend is someone who doesn't take your bullsh*t. Just go back to the house, and stop thinking about dumb questions like that."

"Alright." Arliss nodded, and headed back without another word. Along the way he wondered if maybe listening to his advice and putting it out of his mind would be for the best.

As Kriger returned to the forge he couldn't help but think about how strange this all was. 'Maybe I should have answered him. It would have helped him to trust me more.' He still had so many questions about the two strangers, but he pondered what he could. The scar in particular had caught his attention and he fully intended to ask about it later. As for that question though; he was uneasy about the implications of what that meant. The only thing that he was sure of was that he should keep a close eye on Arliss specifically.


So here we have another Arliss centric chapter. I have mixed feelings about this one. On one hand I love seeing Arliss get a chance to grow, and I get to show what the Arisen was like before. I also get to explore both the idea of what pawns might be like if they have emotions that they just don't understand, and how these characters change. On the other hand some of it feels a little embarrassing. Silva is the type to attempt to wax poetic whether it works or not. lol.

Anyway I kinda want to talk a little about the direction of this story. Some readers have guessed that Kriger will be the Dragonborn and that is correct. He is the 3rd main character in terms of importance, but at a certain point he's going to go off on his own to fulfill his destiny. The story of the Dragonborn and Alduin is important to the world, but it's not the main focus of this story. At first Silva will react to what's going on, but they're bound to go separate ways. I'm going to mostly cover the adventures of Silva and Arliss while Kriger is doing things in the background off screen. (While occasionally giving him focus, growth, and his own mini plot involving the backstory I gave him.)

The main purpose of this story is the growth of these characters. Figuring out their place in the world, their wants and desires, how they might have changed morally; how far they're willing to go, and if they can live with the choices they make. The bonds they forge. How they have changed, and how the others react to change. These are the arcs I want to explore with them.

I'm saying this so as not to give an unpleasant surprise. I probably should've said it earlier, but this is the plan. I hope you enjoy watching these characters grow as much as I'm excited to share their arcs and their growth with you.

Thanks so much for reading! I hope you enjoy the next chapters too!

Chapter 15: Departure


With not long till nightfall; last minute purchases and preparation is made afore they make their leave.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 15: Departure

The rest of the day seemed to go quickly and smoothly. Silva and Arliss were clean and re-donning their armor and cloaks, they had only to wait for Sir.Kriger afore heading out to the Riverwood trader. They had intended for Ralof to come as well, but he was currently spending time with his nephew, and had no intention of showing his face in the general goods store. It wasn't that he distrusted the Valerius siblings who ran the shop, but they were Imperials, and he also wasn't looking forward to explaining his presence in the village, especially not with Camilla's big mouth. She was a nice enough lass... for an imperial, but she just loved to talk, and was usually in on the gossip of the town. She and Delphine usually got along pretty well in that regard.

It was relatively quiet in Gerdur's home as they waited. The sounds of her cooking occasionally interrupted the hushed murmurs of the two foreigners as they once more went over their inventory and plans for what they should buy and sell; there was also the matter of whether they'd be able to afford what they'll need, and if they should attempt to hide their foreign origin, or lean into it more... It was only when Kriger finally stepped out of the washroom, and coughed into his hand that the two stopped to look up. Silva couldn't help but gape at him.

If she was honest she hadn't thought much of him afore; he had been crude, and rough even if he was a bit mysterious. Before his face had been obscured by caked blood and grime, but now she could see him clearly, and for a moment she hadn't recognized him. His long and once dark looking, ragged hair was now groomed back out of his face, and she could see that it was a rich golden brown. His height, voice, and mannerisms had her peg him as someone older, but he was surprisingly younger than she thought. His features were strong, and he still had that rugged rogue look to him. Overall she found him rather charming...that is until his usual smirk made its way across his face, and with an amused glint in his eyes he said, "What's this? So you're finally falling for me?"

She rolled her eyes and scoffed. "As if I'll allow myself to be gorgonized by a vain blackguard: even if he is a bit of a snoutfair." She turned away. "I was merely surprised to see how well you clean up, pray don't let it go to your head."

Kriger's brows knit together. "You don't want to be what? Did you just call me a guard? And what in Nirn is a snoutfair‽" He crossed his arms in annoyance. "Forget trying to fit in; I can't even understand what you're saying half the time."

Arliss cut in helpfully. "To gorganize is to charm, a blackguard is a scoundrel, and a snoutfair is a good looking person."

"Thanks for translating." Arliss nodded at Kriger's thanks while the nord man simply stepped closer to Silva. "So, you admit you think I'm good looking?"

"I see you're wont to hear what you want to hear," she said with an eye roll.

It was then that Gerdur stepped in. "If you're planning to fight, do it outside! And if you're planning on visiting the trader, then do it now while it's open!" None of her visitors dared to refuse her and soon the three found themselves in front of the Riverwood Trader. Just as Kriger was about to enter Silva stopped him.

"Hold a moment."

"What is it?" He asked somewhat annoyed.

"Should we not discuss what we ought to buy afore entering?"

Kriger didn't think that was necessary, but decided to humor her. "Like what?"

"Like a map for example."

"You mean, you don't have one?"

"You mean to say that you do?"

"Yes. Why didn't you take one of the maps from Helgen?"

"I...didn't think to at the time."

Kriger sighed pinching the bridge of his nose before waving his hand as if waving the problem away. "It's fine, we can probably find another somewhere... Until then I guess we'll be sharing mine."

"Thanks for the offer, but I think it would be for the best if we had our own map in case we get separated."

Kriger just looked at her a moment. His face hard to read. 'In case we get separated huh? There's no 'if' in this situation. You plan on leaving off on your own at some point.' He shook his head afore once more placing a hand on the door. "Suit yourself." With his back turned to them they didn't see the frown that made its way across his face. He hadn't been sure what to expect in the future, but really he probably should've seen this coming. It was probably for the best, but if they separated then he might not uncover the mystery surrounding them. He didn't know what to think of it, but now wasn't the time to think about that; he pushed forward and they entered the shop right in time to witness an argument.

"Well, I think it's a good idea!" A spirited young woman was bickering with the man behind the counter.

"Absolutely not!" Said the man who upon closer inspection shared a striking resemblance to the woman.

"Why not? Word of rare goods would attract more people which would mean more profit!"

"Nobody needs those things!"

"I'm telling you it's an untapped market!"

"These must be the Valerius siblings." Mused Arliss who's words caught the attention of the two in question. "Do you suppose they always quarrel like this?"

The two flushed in embarrassment upon being caught bickering, but Lucan was quick to recover; laughing it off with a wave of his hand. "Saw that did ya? Yeah,I suppose we do, but only because SOMEONE has to protect my idiotic little sister from her foolish whims." He shook his head, and shrugged; a teasing grin upon his face.

Camilla flushed even more at this; mortified at what had just been said in front of customers after that shameful display, and in front of Attractive ones no less! "Lucan‽" She hissed so that only he could hear as she angrily elbowed him in the side, then as he was recovering from that painful blow she offered them the most bright and charming smile she could. "Oh, please don't listen to my pig headed brother!" Her lovely voice was a little too cheery to be natural. "He's as stubborn as an ox, and getting to that age where he can't stand new ideas!"

Lucan took great offense to that. "Hey!" The sheer volume of his voice startled those not used to the siblings regular antics. "Need I remind you; 'dear sister' that you're not far behind." The slightly jeering tone used as he emphasized the 'sister' was sickenly sweet. "There's only two years difference between us."

She scoffed. "Oh really? And yet you act like it's an awful long time when I have anything to say!"

The two were once more cut off as Kriger loudly coughed into his hand. "Well as much as we're enjoying the show; we don't exactly have time to waste, so if you're gonna argue then we're just gonna have to go somewhere else." As he turned to leave he was abruptly stopped by Lucan.

"No, wait!" The man was surprisingly swift as he forcefully ushered the three into the Shop. "Sorry, about all that; but since you came all the way here it would be a waste if you didn't at least have a look around!" His welcoming grin was wide and practiced to perfection. "Don't let us get in the way of your shopping."

Camilla was at Kriger's other side in an instant, her own inviting smile at the ready. "You're a strapping, young man. Don't be a stranger."

For the first time since they showed up they looked around the shop. There was a vast assortment of goods that littered the place. There were shelves stocked with food supplies and various bottles that could be holding any kind of concoction, barrels full of who knows what, and various weapons of questionable quality strewn about along the counter and nearby tables alongside various knick-knacks and other decorative pieces. All in all it didn't seem a bad lot for a general store in so small a town.

Silva wondered momentarily how it would compare to Aestella's, before quickly shoving the thought away. As she continued looking at the selection one piece in particular quickly caught her eye for how much it stood out amidst the rest of the goods. A small golden trinket sat in the far corner of the wooden shop counter; it's odd form glistening away with all the luster of something that looked like it belonged as an adornment in a castle hall, or a long lost treasure tucked away in a long forgotten corner of the world. She reached out to touch the cold metal claw, and bringing it up to view she marveled at the delicate carvings, wondering what sort of relic it might be. She had a queer inkling about this thing. Not of desire, but the object held a curious air, and she wasn't sure whether she wanted to unravel it's mystery, or if her curiosity was best left unsated.

"So, I see that our Golden Claw caught your eye." Lucan's voice startled her from her thoughts, and she couldn't help, but jump. "Unfortunately, it's not for sale. We have other things that might interest you. Maybe you're looking for something in particular?"

Swallowing, she quickly suppressed her growing curiosity and put the claw back in it's place. She had questions, but decided they were probably best left unanswered. Turning back to the man with a polite smile she said, "As a matter of fact, there's aught we could use. Have you any maps Sir?" Her accent, and overall outlandishness were not missed.

"Not from around here, eh? Where are you from?"

She cursed. She had only uttered a single sentence, and already she ruined her chance of playing the local. In her peripheral vision she could swear that she caught Kriger snickering. All she could do was try to hold back the rising flush, and try to save face with a smile. "Oh? Is it so obvious?" She was no mummer, but mayhaps a coy play with the unabashed confidence of a woman like Madelaine could cover for just how hapless she truly was.

"Well, your clothes, and accent kinda give it away," said Lucan simply.

"Right!" Camilla jumped in eagerly. "I've been thinking about how nice they are, and now I just have to know! Where are you from?" Her wide eyes sparkled with fantastical ideas of adventure and far away lands; her entire face aglow with excited fascination. It was likely this disposition that made Lucan quick to chide her as childish, and indeed between her and Frodnar it was hard to say who seemed more exciteable.

Silva could see Arliss and Kriger watching her from the shelves. Arliss was difficult to read as pawns usually were; while Kriger had an annoying smirk that said 'I told you so'. Indeed he had not only told her that she was unlikely to fool anyone by way of speech, but had also tried to convince her to wear the clothes he had prepared for her; saying it would be better than not. She had refused them on account of them being too cold, and too revealing; and it was true in more ways than one. Though the clothes themselves stood out less than her own; the low cut armor would have shown the scar over her heart; and revealed far more than she cared to share. She doubted she could so easily explain that away. Now as she stared at the two siblings that watched her with expectant gazes her mind whirled for an answer. It was tempting to try to say Cyrodiil, or Hammerfell, or some other distant land in Tamriel that the Nord's had told her about; but she knew if she were asked to elaborate she'd soon be found a fool, and proven a liar. Truly she had no choice, but to relent. "I hail from Gransys."

Camilla was overjoyed to learn about a land she'd never heard of before, and shot off a rapid fire of questions that Silva was currently not in the mood to answer. She was doing her best to play it down. "Tis' not so different from anywhere else. If you've seen one place and one people you've seen them all." She shrugged nonchalantly. "People are not so different in the end; you'll find the same sorts wherever you go." This evidently wasn't what Camilla wanted to hear, and she quite literally pouted at the dismissal. Eager to get back to business, Silva ignored the unyielding gaze of the younger sibling, and began reciting a list of items that they'd most likely need. Lucan was more than happy to accommodate; quickly grabbing all that she asked for and placing them on the front counter. Camilla took out a small parchment, feather, and ink, and got to tallying up the cost. In her ire she drummed up the prices quite a bit; assuming that an outsider wouldn't know the difference, and to her it was a justified punishment for blowing her off.

As Silva decided to check out, and ask the price; Camilla eagerly handed the parchment to her brother with a friendly smile. "Here, I tallied up the goods for you. Save you a bit of time."

"Thanks." As he took it and eyed the prices he couldn't help the wry grin that tugged at the corner of his mouth. As much as he and his sister fought, as foolish, rash, and ridiculous as she could be she did have her moments. A feeling of pride gripped him knowing that he helped to teach her to be like this. The two siblings who ran the store shared a shrewd nature, and could be quite the team. At times like these he really loved his sister. "Okay, so all together this should be-"

Hearing the price Silva was pleasantly surprised. It was far less than she thought it would be. 'I suppose this is another difference betwixt Skyrim and Gransys.' Even common day items cost quite a bit from what she could remember, and momentarily she wondered what the reasons for the large disparity in price differences could be afore quickly deciding to focus on the here and now. "Oh? Is that all?" She asked, afore reaching for her purse.

"Wait a minute!" Kriger gripped her arm; halting her, and gave the siblings a nasty glare. "What are you two trying to pull here?"

Camilla seemed to pale; while Lucan met his gaze head on. "Nothing. The price is the price. And why does it concern you anyway?"

Of course the reason was that he couldn't bring himself to watch someone he knew get robbed. He didn't completely trust the Arisen and pawn duo, and wasn't sure he considered them friends, but he wasn't about to watch Silva get swindled. He looked to her and let out a deep sigh. "I just can't leave you alone, can I?"

While Silva seemed to be insulted by the insinuation that she couldn't be trusted with her own funds; Camilla read the interaction between the two in a completely different way. A pink blush found it's way to the cheeks of the younger woman; and her eyes lit up with ideas of romance. Even if she didn't get to hear the tale of a sweeping adventure in Gransys; her imagination conjured all sorts of possibilities and situations between the two and she couldn't wait to share them with Delphine, Sigrid, and her other friends. By this time tomorrow all of Riverwood would be talking about the epic tale of the star crossed lovers from different lands who journeyed through seas, and all sorts of turmoil to be together. Maybe if she asked, she might even be able to convince Sven to write a ballad about the two! She could only imagine how sweet that would be. She sighed dreamily. "How romantic."

While his sister was stuck in la la land; Lucan was busy haggling with Kriger as Arliss and Silva took in this surprising exchange. While Kriger didn't strike her as the most eloquent man; Silva could not help, but be impressed by his bartering skill. Next to him she couldn't help but feel foolish. 'I suppose this is another skill I've no recourse but to learn.' In general she would need to get used to a lot of differences from Gransys; this was just another of those things. As she thought of it she suddenly recalled something important that had completely slipped her mind. In her haste she had completely forgotten about the difference in currency. The price Lucan gave afore Kriger stepped in surpassed the amount of Septims she carried; and forgetting that she would have payed with Gransys gold. While she did have quite a lot when it came to her old currency, there was no guarantee that it would be accepted. Still; it wasn't like the two didn't know by now that she was a foreigner, and it would be a great boon if she didn't yet have to part with her meager amount of Septims. In the end she figured it would be worth a shot. She steeled herself as Kriger closed the deal.

"Well, you drive a hard bargain," Said Lucan while exuding clear respect, and a firm handshake. "But, I suppose fair is fair." He turned to Silva expectantly. "I hope you know how lucky you are to have such a good friend watching your back."

Silva nodded. "Yes, I'm very grateful for his help." Handing over the amount in her old currency she hoped he would accept it without a fuss.

Lucan took one look at the coins, and raised his voice. "What is this‽"

"Tis' gold." Said Arliss helpfully.

"I know it's gold!" Lucan retorted. "But these sure aren't Imperial Septims!"

"They're Gran Soren standard Gold coins." Said, Silva meeting his gaze. "I hope that won't be an issue."

Camilla jumped in swiftly with newfound zeal. "Of course that won't be a problem!" She forcefully jabbed an elbow painfully into her brother's side just as he was about to retort. "Gran Soren, huh?" There was an excitable glint in her eye as she hastily scooped up the coins. Next to her; poor Lucan was doubled over in pain, but she payed him no heed.

"Gran Soren is our Nation's capitol." Said Arliss. "Tis' said to be the beating heart of all Gransys."

With their business concluded Silva collected her newly purchased goods, and made for the door with all speed. She knew that it was better to leave afore Lucan could recover enough to possibly try to change his sister's mind. "Come along Arliss. Let's be off."

"Coming!" Arliss called as he followed out the door. Likewise; Kriger quickly concluded his own business with Camilla before he too soon followed suit.

When Lucan had finally managed to regain himself he angrily gave his sister an earful, to which she did not listen to at all. Camilla was far too pleased with herself to care about his arguments, and was more preoccupied with her abundant harvest; the treasure trove of information and gossip that she couldn't wait to share. When Lucan finally took a good look at the expression she wore he let out a deep sigh in exasperation. He knew that look, and knew the futility of his words. Everything he said had gone in one ear and out the other. Not wanting to waste his breath anymore he pinched the bridge of his nose wondering if he could salvage what just happened. Maybe they could market those foreign coins as some kind of rare or lucky token? Now he felt as if he were thinking like his sister, but it couldn't be more of a loss at this point. Camilla chose then to interrupt his thoughts with her theories on the relationship between their last customers. He naturally called her delusional, but without missing a beat she promptly ignored him, and wasted no time in traipsing out the door to spread her delusion at the inn. He let out a groan as he sat down, grabbing a bottle of wine. As he downed the liquid he cursed that his fool of a sister was gonna make him into a drunkard that could rival even Embry. He knew that his sister didn't have a bad heart, but it in times like these that he really hated his sister.

Arliss, Kriger, and Silva returned to Gerdur's home as the skies turned awash in an orange glow; and pink, fluffy clouds began to thicken. Soon a dark night would fall upon them, but for now as they made their return to the slightly cramped, yet cozy home that they deemed safe enough; did they go over their recently purchased goods.

Silva had bought quite a number of things. She was glad to have procured a map of her own, as well as other items that she planned to share. She split the health and stamina potions among herself, and Arliss, and attempted to give some to Kriger, but he turned them down.

"I bought my own. Focus on yourself."

Silva reluctantly put them back. At the very least she was sure Ralof could use them. "Oh, fie! But pray at least take this." She took out one of the two travel lanterns she had purchased and handed it to him with a bottle of oil. "Danger lurks in the darkness; and you'd best be prepared afore you're caught unawares."

"Lanterns? No, it's fine I can use a torch." He held up a hand in staunch refusal.

Silva near pouted; but shoved the items in his arms with much force. "I'll not hear of it! Torches are far less reliable! They are right quick to go out; and leave you with one less free hand should the need for battle arise!"

Kriger had no argument and sighed. "Fine, I'll take it; but remember that I didn't ask for this." He didn't like to owe a debt; and less so to Silva considering his suspicion. If he one day had to face them he didn't need that kind of thing gnawing at the back of his mind.

Pleased; Silva went back to sorting the remaining items with a wide grin. "Of course; tis' my thanks to you afterall." She gave Arliss a couple magicka potions, and a spell tome for a fire spell. "Here, Arliss. I hope you find this useful."

"I most humbly, and graciously accept anything you wish to give me Arisen." He beamed brightly as he took them off her hands.

In his haste Kriger had not bought much, but he assured the other's that he did not need much. He had a few health, and stamina potions, and lockpicks. He also had a recently made bow and arrows that he made himself.

Silva raised a brow. "I did not realize your vocation was so flexible. You're quite adept at using an assortment of weapons." Now that she thought on it; within the short time she had known him she had seen him use axes, swords, maces, greatswords, and shields; now he was picking up a bow too‽ Back in Helgen he made an effort to pick up and carry as many weapons as he could find. While most of those were gone now; she definitely recalls him swapping through them as they made their escape.

Kriger sat sharpening a knife on a whetstone. "Thanks. But what's this about vocations?" He stopped what he was doing to look at her.

This had caught her off guard. "Er, Vocations... You know? Warriors use two-handed weapons, Fighters use a sword, and shield-" Seeing the perplexed look on his face grow she cut herself short afore she could delve into it more. "That sort of thing."

Kriger thought on it a moment afore he got back to sharpening his dagger. "I don't know if that's the way you do things in Gransys, but I don't believe in limiting myself to just one weapon." All that could be heard was the continuous scrape of stone and metal. Silva found it unpleasant, but Kriger continued. "I- I had a teacher once. Someone I used to look up to; he taught me a lot." His brows furrowed; and he paused. "He taught me that it was dangerous to rely too much on just one weapon. Your weapon is your life, and if you're disarmed and can't fight..." He didn't need to say it; the rest was obvious. "That's why I don't want to be caught off guard with just the one weapon. You never know when you might need another tool for the job, and you have to know how to use them when the time comes."

"Sound advice," Said Arliss as he sat down and opened one of the books that the family had lying around. The occasional sound of turning pages added to the ambience of the room.

Silva smiled softly. "Indeed. He sounds like a wise man. Your father?"

Now it was Kriger's turn to smile. It wasn't one of his usual smirks that irritated her to no end; or one of his grins that belied a lust for violence and bloodshed, but one that spoke of sadness and longing. "No." He shook his head, and let out a small chuckle. "He was a bastard." He certainly wasn't his father; he could never have replaced him, but if she had asked if he was like a second father then he wondered how he would answer. No, he would probably say the same; he already said too much to the two otherworlders. Reminiscing he might've come close to letting the man's name go, but he held it still. He was a bastard to be sure, and wouldn't ever replace his real father, but even so Kriger would miss that sly fox.

"Oh?" Silva idled unsurely, a spark of curiosity in her eyes and voice. "Might I know his name?"

"No." Silva pouted, and Kriger continued. "It ain't worth telling." He didn't bother to look up; instead focusing on his blade. It was nice and sharp now, but he kept at it if only to have something to focus on. The rhythmic grinding of the whetstone on metal was calming, and music to his ears.

Despite Kriger's apparent disregard for the man; Silva could still tell by the expression and way of voice that there was more to it than that. She wanted to hear it, but she could tell that Kriger wouldn't say any more; at least not yet. She wandered over to the fire; and sat staring at the dancing flames. "I knew not my real parents." Kriger stopped sharpening his knife, and Arliss lowered the book he was reading; the two stared at her back. "Most like they died afore I could ken what was happening. When I was too young to even know my own name; aught happened that took them away." Her voice was quiet, but steady; and whatever expression she had could not be seen. "I was found near dead in the wood just outside Cassardis. Chief Adaro gave me my name, tooketh me into the village, and raised me as his own beside his daughter Quina." They couldn't see it, but she smiled as she gazed into the memory. "He may not have been the man who sired me, but like as not he's still my father."

It was still a moment afore Kriger coughed into his fist. "So, why are you telling me this?"

"Why indeed?" Her eyes glazed over. "Truly, I know not. But-" She turned back at him. "Somehow I feel as though the two of us are similar." Turning back to the fireplace she continued, "This man you do not name. Is he to you, what Chief Adaro was to me?" Rather than await an answer, Silva stood. "I'll go see to Lady Gerdur, and help her with supper." Without another word she left.

Kriger watched her leave; wondering if he was so easy to read. Speaking of reading; Arliss had put down his book, and had not followed her, but was instead looking at him with a puzzlingly blank expression. It was unnerving how he couldn't read the man. "What is it?"

Arliss seemed momentarily taken aback, but nevertheless attempted his query. "I was wondering-"

Kriger cut him off. "Then you'll be wondering for awhile, cuz I'm not in the mood to talk." He began sharpening the knife once more. Noticing that Arliss was still staring, he grit his teeth. "Just go back to your book."

Arliss continued eyeing him a moment longer afore he relented. "Alright." Without another word the two returned to what they were doing; Kriger sharpening his knife, while Arliss returned to his book. The sound of the whetstone on steel slowed; as did the amount of times you could hear a page turning. Whatever thoughts were in their heads would not be spoken of this night.

Some time after dusk fell; supper was ready, and Gerdur called for her husband, son, and brother to come inside. Apparently the three had taken to spending time together by playing, and they had lost track of time. After a short scolding they rushed to wash up; eager for food. Unfortunately, Frodnar had a trick up his sleeve; and one or both of his playmates was about to be the target.

Ralof had managed to get cleaned up, but Hod had been a step too late to avoid his son's prank; and returned looking worse than he had when he got there. His hands, face, clothes, and even hair were now stained an inky black. Somehow Frodnar had acquired a small bottle of black ink, and soiled the water they had for washing up. The boy broke out into laughter at the sight.

Gerdur seemed torn between admonishing her son, and laughing at her husband's plight; eventually the latter won out. "That's what you get for always encouraging him!"

If Hod was upset; he didn't show it. A wide grin made its way across his face, and he opened up his arms. "Oh! Gerdur my love! C'mere!" He seemed to make it a point to wiggle his ink soaked fingers.

As he stepped forward, Gerdur took a step back. "Oh, no you don't. Hod, stop it!" More steps followed. "Don't you dare! Ahh! Get away!"

A spectacle ensued as Hod playfully chased his wife about. "Get her Dad!" Frodnar cheered, while the others watched on in amusem*nt and laughter. The only exception was Arliss who watched on in confusion; but noting the atmosphere decided to try to join in with his own laughter, or his best attempt at it. Arliss couldn't truly be sure, but either he was getting better, or with the rest of the noise and chaos his abnormal laughing wasn't noteworthy.

It was amusing until Gerdur pulled out the dreaded broom and threatened to use it. After that Hod made it a point to do a quick wash up in the nearby stream and put on a clean shirt when he got back. When he returned he found everyone eagerly awaiting him. "Alright; now let's dig in!"

Cheers abounded all about the table; and they began to enjoy the last meal they'd partake in afore they left. The main dish was the roasted venison that Silva had killed earlier that day, with cooked potatoes and cabbage on the side. Twas a most jovial night as they feasted, and shared more tales and laughter. Like as not though; all good things must soon come to pass, and they quieted when the time to leave finally came.

They bid near tearful farewells, and headed out under the cover of nightfall. Just like the night afore it was dark; as the clouds were thick, and obscured the sky. As one they lit their lanterns, and fastened them to their belts. The flickering glow illuminated the nearby surroundings. With nary so much as a whisper they began their trek. Soon Riverwood would be behind them; and their next destination would be Whiterun.


Now they're finally on their way for real! In all serious I had fun writing this one. The Valerius siblings were such a great pair; I couldn't help but smile when I was writing them! Sometimes I like getting all serious, but a little bit of humor and wacky fun if a bit exagerated is right up my alley in certain doses.

Also you wouldn't guess it, but some things that seem like small lighthearted details will end up playing a bigger part in the grand scheme of things than you might first think. I have a plan, and small but important details are slowly being set into place. *Rubs hands together and laughs maniacally.* Seriously though as much as I love little details and stuff it's not all there just for nothing. (Some of it is me indulging in the small stuff I won't lie, but I seriously do have some small things that when combined with other things will set off certain chains of events.)

I'm so excited for when I eventually get the proverbial ball rolling, but I need to content myself with baby steps. I hope you enjoy the ride in the meantime; even if it does have a bit of a slow and bumpy start. Early on Silva and Arliss are getting their bearings, but when they become more used to Skyrim I'll be able to "fast travel" so to speak so we can focus on other things. (Not literally fast travel. Just that what happens in between will generally be less important than when they were first getting their bearings and I'll start skipping over the stuff where nothing of note really happens.)

Next chapter is the last of the ones I wrote already and I'll have to get back to writing them and posting as I go. I have things planned out so hopefully I don't get too caught up in the unimportant details so I can speed up the plot stuff. A few things are undecided, but I already have a general idea of where they'll be going, and what they'll be doing; and how their arcs should end are already decided. Anyway I'm super excited for you to see the content of the next chapter! There's this one important scene that I can't wait for you to see!

Chapter 16: Premonition


Beneath two moons they travel; unbeknownst to them ill omens will threaten them this night.


Sorry for the wait. This chapter was written, but I had to redo it since I accidentally put it the wrong document type the first time and the ffn app wouldn't let me post unless I swapped it. I had to do it when I found a (rare) spare minute. (Hence the reason I couldn't post all the chapters at once on Christmas like I originally wanted to.)

This is the last of the Christmas updates, but since it's a New Year you can call this a new years update. (Happy New Years!) After this I'll have to get back to writing more chapters and posting as I finish them. Unfortunately I'm unsure of when the next update will be since I might be a bit busy for a few weeks, but I'll find time to work on more chapters.

For now though; I hope you enjoy this chapter!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 16: Premonition

The night was dark as they left Riverwood. Thick clouds blocked the night sky; neither moon or star light could reach them. Twas only by the grace of the newly lit lanterns on their belts that allowed them to see their hands afore their faces. The edge of their vision caught sight of undisturbed trees and brush around them. In the distance behind them lay the light of the village, and the warmth that dwelled within. Still they pressed on quietly into the cold night; nary a whisper to be said. A cool breeze whipped about them; and the thicket rustled. They stilled, hands on their weapons, as they eyed the foliage around them suspiciously. A low growl could be heard; followed soon by the tell tale howl of a wolf.

"They come; ready yourself!" The Arisen cried out. With bow drawn she shot a multitude of scatter shots into the darkness. Hopefully their wide girth would hit their unseen enemies. Sounds of whimpers could be heard. A sure sign that not all her arrows had missed their marks. A smile made it's way briefly to her face afore it fell when one wolf leapt out at her from the darkness; tackling her to the ground. "Ugh, get off!" The beast snarled and snapped at her, as she did her best to keep from getting mauled. It's breath was foul, and it's saliva threatened to drip upon her face. Just as she felt she was losing the strength to hold the beast back Kriger cleaved through it with his great-sword. "Thanks, Sir." Said Silva as she got up, and back into the action.

"Don't mention it." Said Kriger. To make certain the wolf was dead; Arliss shot an ingle at it. Kriger gave the mage an annoyed look. "Can you try to leave the pelts intact?"

"Understood." He nodded once afore switching incantations.

"Don't talk. Fight!" Ralof was swinging his axes about the darkness; but the wolves were running circles around him.

"You'll ne'er hit them swinging blindly!" Said Arliss.

More wolves jumped out at them; and were promptly cut down. Still they could hear others still in hiding; just waiting for the chance to make their attack. Just then Arliss finished his incantation, and unleashed brontide. A whip of lightning formed in his hands, and as he swung it out about it's eery blue light illuminated the battlefield, and they could see the wolves. Sounds of whimpers and yelps let out as his whip hit them; and the ones that weren't soon killed were scared off; and ran tails betwixt their legs.

"Nice work; everyone." Said Silva.

Kriger pulled out his knife. "Let's collect the pelts."

Earlier that night Alvor watched as Gerdur called for her husband, son, and suspicious guest inside for supper. A sign that marked that he too should return to his own home. Leaving the forge he took one last glance at his neighbor's home afore entering his own. "They're all in her house now." Alvor said, to the others.

This caught the attention of everyone in his cramped home. While his home was a touch larger than that of his neighbors, it still wasn't meant to hold so many people. The previous night his nephew showed up gravely wounded with a number of other Imperial soldiers who bore an assortment of wounds. Those who were in the best shape had only stopped briefly, and continued on ahead; a couple had stayed a few hours at the inn afore leaving; and those who were injured to the point of needing rest were now using his home as a makeshift sanctuary. These men, and woman had made themselves comfortable and now looked to him able bodied from various lounging positions. Many of them looked eager to travel, but he doubted they would be ready for a fight any time soon.

Hearing his words and seeing the expression on his face the air became serious. Sigrid took the initiative to pull her daughter away from Hadvar, and the soldiers. "Come Dorthe; don't bother your cousin anymore."

"Aww, but mama I was telling Hadvar about the nice man who played with us today." Dorthe whined.

"Next time. Papa has something important he needs to say to the soldiers. Why don't you come help me make a nice quilt?"

Dorthe looked ready to protest, but Hadvar spoke up. "It's okay Dorthe; I won't be going anywhere anytime soon." He sat up in bed, offered a smile and pat her head. There was a slight strain to his expression. The pain of his wounds were still fresh. "And I'm sure this conversation will be boring. You don't wanna be around for that right?"

"Alright." She looked a bit upset, but nevertheless relented. She gave him a hug afore leaving which Hadvar graciously accepted; pained as he was.

No sooner than Sigrid, and Dorthe were out of earshot did they start speaking in hushed whispers. They spoke of what transpired, and they spoke of the strangers. They didn't know what caused the Dragon attack; and they also wondered about the foreigners. They didn't have any concrete answers, but they did have theories; none of which bode well for them.

The dragon was the most unsettling. The massive beast that had attacked Helgen and completely ravaged it in time for Ulfric Stormcloak to escape. That couldn't have been a coincidence. Ulfric was someone capable of using the ancient power of the voice; and they wondered if somehow he was also capable of using that power to summon a dragon. The idea of it being used to wipe out the Legion was a possibility that couldn't be ignored. Just recalling the thing made them shiver. Regardless of whether it was on the Stormcloak side or not it was an evil omen; a premonition of evil to come.

Then there was the three strangers who didn't belong at the scene to consider. The man called Kriger claimed that he had been a citizen of Cyrodiil. Nothing was known of the man yet, but considering he had been captured with the Stormcloaks that had to change even if they didn't think it was as important as Ulfric's escape, or the presence of a dragon. Word had to be sent to Cyrodiil authorities. If he was an escaped criminal then it was best not to let them run amok to join their enemies. Unfortunately it wasn't so easy to travel between the two provinces, and with Helgen destroyed they no longer controlled the traffic between them. They'd have to focus on fortifying Falkreath, but there was a big problem.

The current Jarl of Falkreath was Dengeir of Stuhn; a man who supported succession from the Empire. There was no way he'd allow Imperial presence within his hold. If they were going to be able to use Falkreath as an important strategic location then Dengeir would have to go. Luckily his nephew Siddgeir didn't share his views. If they supported him; they could have Dengeir removed from his position; and replaced with a younger; more willing Jarl. From then they'd easily be able to pass and gain whatever information from the Imperial Capital that they needed.

Finally there was the presence of complete foreigners from a far off land that they'd never heard of. The woman calling herself 'Arisen' and the man claiming to be a 'pawn' whatever it meant were certainly more outlandish than anyone they'd seen before. If what they said about being from this Gransys place was true then that would mean that somewhere out there was another country on Nirn that wasn't under Imperial rule. Their clothing and weapons also appeared to be of high quality so whoever that dynamic duo was had to be at least somewhat important; or skilled enough to be able to afford such things at least. If those two return to their homeland then the first impression that land will have of the Empire will likely not be good considering how the first interaction went. The prospect of another nation deciding to show up and attack the Empire would be a huge problem. The Empire was already fighting a civil war; and if they had to fight on another front they'd be weakened, and easy prey for their so called "allies" the Thalmor who were pushing their way into power on their end.

They knew they had a lot to do with very little time. Before all else spreading awareness of these things was top priority. Those who left first should be well on their way to Solitude to report to their superiors by now. Hopefully Tullius would start to focus on the Falkreath situation. In the meanwhile getting to Whiterun and convincing Jarl Balgruuf of the importance of joining the Imperials in the war was the next step. As of now he's been perfectly content to stay out of it, but with this information maybe they could convince him to finally get involved. Whiterun was the center hold of Skyrim; it would be a huge asset to have that kind of control.

With a plan set the men nodded. Three Imperial men got up; and readied themselves. They were headed to Whiterun, and soon after; Solitude. Two of the men went down the basem*nt to collect another; though this one wasn't wearing the Imperial garb, but the Stormcloak blues. They dragged him rather roughly, and were his mouth not gagged, or his hands unbound he'd threaten to kill every one of them. His long grey hair fell ragged over his face, and made the glare in his red eyes look a tad more menacing, but he was a captive. Most of Ulfric's boy's escaped at Helgen, but this one they had managed to recapture. With luck he had information that would be useful to them. He hadn't talked yet, but they had more effective means of getting what they wanted in the Solitude dungeons. Another readied herself to join them, but Hadvar stopped her.

"Wait, Leylia." As he attempted to get up he let out a groan of pain. His wounds were still painful. Back at Helgen; debris collapsed on him and he nearly died. He thought he was dead, but Leylia helped save him. Before he could hurt himself more Leylia gently pushed him back on the bed.

"Don't try to get up." She ordered. "You're still in no condition to be moving." As she turned to go he grasped her hand. "What is it?" She asked. He didn't speak so she leaned in. Her deep brown eyes searched his for an answer, and her long brown hair cascaded down near his face.

"I see, you're still wearing that Amulet of Mara." Hadvar said as he brushed her hair behind her ears.

Leylia turned beet red. "Yes!" She practically leapt backwards. "What of it‽" She crossed her arms, and looked away.

Hadvar scratched his cheek in embarrassment. "I was wondering... When the war is over... If you don't find anyone else by then- maybe you'll consider me?" He looked at her face full of shock and sighed. "Ah, sorry. Forget I said anything."

"No!" She jumped forward; grasping his hands with sparkles in her eyes. "You've said it, and I won't let you take it back!" She stood up. "When we win the war we'll finally get to live our lives." She looked forward as if into a bright future over the horizon. A strong smile on her face. She turned to him. "Get well soon; Hadvar, I'll be waiting for you in Solitude."

He laughed. "You have to get to Whiterun first."

"I know. Don't worry." She held up a fist and grinned. "I promise we'll convince ol' Balgruuf to join our cause!" Without so much as another word she took off out the door as if getting to Solitude quicker would hasten their next meeting.

Hadvar sighed. "Be safe," he called after her weakly. Somehow he had a bad feeling. He prayed to the Gods that it was wrong.

The other soldiers had to drag their prisoner to catch up with Leylia. Along the way they wondered aloud about when those two had gotten so close. They whispered rumors of her mixing in an aphrodisiac or love potion into Hadvar's food as she nursed him back to health.

"Seriously‽" Said one of the Legionnaires.

Another nodded. "Yup. Women'll do anything to get the one they want wrapped around their little finger."

"Yeah; they're all secretly witches." Said the third. "Every single one of em'."

"Scary," said the first with high levels of disappointment and disillusion.

Just then they were interrupted by Leylia; who they hadn't seen approach in the darkness. "Are you idiots done gossiping?"

The first of them jumped. "Sheesh! Warn a guy next time will ya‽"

Leylia put her hands on her hips, and smirked. "Ha ha, serves you right!"

After this the three lit some torches and continued along the road to Whiterun.

Shortly after collecting the pelts, and continuing on the road; Arliss stopped them again. "Look up there. I can see lights in the distance. What do you think it is?"

Further up the road were indeed the flickering glow of torches. Silva squinted; trying to focus her eyesight. "Looks like Imperials."

"And they've got a prisoner," Kriger pointed out.

Ralof grit his teeth; and was about to jump in. "Let's get em'!" He rushed forward with his axe, but Silva stopped him.

"Hold it, Sir!" She hissed.

Ralof looked angry. "Don't try to tell me to sit this one out!" He growled. "I'm not about to just let one of my brothers be taken to the slaughter if I can help it!" His blue eyes sparked with fury. "I'll fight by myself if I have to."

"I wouldn't dream of it Sir." She crossed her arms. "Tis' a dark night; and we've the advantage."

Arliss nodded. "Lucky thing we saw them afore they saw us."

Kriger furrowed his brow. "I'm not fond of using surprise attacks, but if we get this right we can save him."

Seeing what they were getting at Ralof calmed down. "Alright, I get it." He lowered his weapon and fixed them with a steely gaze. "So, what's the plan?"

Silva smiled. "We start by turning off our lanterns."

Leylia and the other legionnaires felt surprisingly at ease despite the dark night. The torchlight extended not far about them, but they felt assured that it would scare off any dangerous animals that might otherwise attack them like wolves and bears. Most animals feared fire after all. The winds rustled the leaves, but they marched on. An owl hooted, but they payed it no mind. Crickets chirped in the woods around them, and Leylia enjoyed their song.

The wind stilled, but they did not stop with it. The owl hushed itself, but it's disappearance was hardly noted. The cricket's song was silenced; and Leylia missed their tiny chirps. It was quiet. Too quiet. An eery stillness had enveloped them; and they stopped. Something in the air felt wrong; foul. The hair at the back of their necks stood up; and they glanced about warily. They waved their torches about in the hopes that whatever was causing this feeling would soon go away.

Leylia strained her ears for a sound. Any sound would do; the silence was maddening. Faintly she heard something. An odd sound she couldn't place; from deep within the shadows of the woods. It was like nothing she's heard before. A hiss? No, this wasn't a snake. A hum? No that wasn't right either. Even more faintly was a whisper.

"With magic's boon; with darkest blight. Strike the foe with unholy magic."

'What‽' Leylia wondered. Then she heard the sound again. That strange noise appeared as she caught a flicker of something in the darkness. A purple glow that dispersed; for a moment she could swear she saw that same purple glow form the shape of a blade. It was only for a moment before it disappeared into the shadows, but she knew what the danger was. "We're under attack!" She dropped her torch, and readied her sword, but her warning came too late. Beside her; one of her fellow Legionnaires was struck with an arrow. He fell dead, and her other two teammates readied themselves, but were stabbed and sliced by a sword and axe before they could register the enemies that were upon them.

Angry Leylia retaliated, but she didn't aim for one of the attackers. Her sword cut right through the hostage, and he fell dead.

"No!" Ralof grit his teeth, and charged with a battle cry. She lifted her sword in time to block the attack, but the force behind his swing knocked her back. Tripping over her torch she fell to the ground, and Ralof cut her in half. As she lay dying he could hear her choked sobs.

"I'm sorry, Hadvar."

Hearing the name Ralof's eyes widened. "What?" His voice was a shaky whisper.

"My love-" She coughed, blood dripping down her mouth. "I couldn't even-" She was dead before she could finish.

"I believe we've won," said Arliss as he came out of the brush, and turned his lantern back on.

But Ralof didn't agree. "Did we?" He looked deathly pale, wide eyed, and shaky. Not only did they fail to save the hostage, but somehow he had an immense feeling of guilt over the woman he had just killed. Hadvar had been his best friend once, and now he'd just killed his woman. Murdered her in cold blood. It was war, and so death was inevitable, but somehow knowing that did nothing to calm him. It wasn't as if he knew; the woman was a complete stranger and he didn't target her on purpose. Had he known; would it have changed anything? Probably not, but now that he knew he couldn't shake the feelings that overwhelmed him. He wished that he had cut off her head instead; at least then he'd never had heard her dying words. He'd have been able to live with the ignorance of what he'd done.

Seeing his state the other's shares a worried glance. "Ralof, are you alright?" Asked Silva.

Kriger put a hand on his shoulder. "C'mon. Let's get moving."

Ralof neither responded or moved. It was only when Arliss began to loot the bodies; or specifically Her body that Ralof responded. He grabbed his arm tightly, and said in a broken voice. "Just leave it."

"You getting ahold of yourself now?" Asked Kriger.

Ralof gave a solemn nod. "Yeah, I'll be fine."

They began to move again, but Ralof was lagging quite a bit. Seeing the pitiful state of her friend Silva spoke up. "Why don't we stop and make camp? Sir.Ralof you've been hard at work all day I'm sure you must be tired. A fire and some mead would probably do you a world of good."

Ralof gave a weak smile. "Aye, I could go for a drink."

They went off the road a small ways; and set up their tents in a secluded spot. Once Kriger got a fire going they gathered around in the hopes of cheering up their forlorn friend. Oddly it seemed that even the weather wanted to join in. The once thick clouds opened up; allowing for a bright starry sky to illuminate the night. The two moons was an unexpected surprise.

"Oh, the night sky is quite lovely. Wouldn't you agree?" Silva asked.

Ralof only glanced up once afore shrugging. "Yeah, It's okay." His gaze was transfixed on the fire before them; but his mind was elsewhere.

Kriger took out a few bottles of mead he grabbed from the house; and handed them around. Ralof took a couple, and Silva just offered hers to Ralof, and started drinking wine instead.

"Have you got anything interesting to share?" Silva whispered to Kriger.

"Have you?" He returned.

"Today I befriended a wood elf named Faendal." Arliss said helpfully with a hint of pride. "I also lost a race against the village children."

"That's nice." Said Ralof; clearly he wasn't paying attention.

"Frodnar said that next time we visit he'll teach me how to play tag and seek. Mayhaps you should join us?"

"Yeah, sure."

Kriger raised a brow. "You mean tag, and hide and seek?"

"Ah? Yes. I believe that's it." Arliss looked at Kriger with a tilt of his head. "How did you know?"

As much as Silva would love to hear more; she held out her bottle of wine to hopefully prevent any questions about Arliss' strangeness. "Oh, this is good wine! Tis' very nice! Yes!" Her overtly jovial mood made Kriger wonder momentarily if she had somehow gotten drunk with the paltry amount of alcohol she consumed. "Uh, you know Sir.Ralof that I know how to make wine myself? Even better than this! Tis' the truth!" He didn't answer, but she continued. "I plan on making delicious white wine with the apples I have. I just need to give them time to ferment, but when they do I promise I'll turn them into the best white wine you've ere tasted." He wasn't listening, but she kept up hoping that maybe she'd get through to him. "I promise you'll like it. Tis' a sweet liquor with a soft flavor that soothes the senses."

Arliss nodded. "It also has good healing properties!"

Kriger stroked his chin. "Sounds pretty good. I hope you're planning to share it with me too."

"Yes, of course I will. Tis' the plan from the start."

"Looking forward to it." Ralof spoke, but his voice held no enthusiasm.

At this point Silva couldn't help the exasperated sigh that escaped her. "Oh, with such joy you wound me."

"I'm sorry."

"Did you know that woman?" Asked Kriger.

It was quiet a moment afore Ralof spoke with a sigh. "No, but before she died.. She spoke of Hadvar."

"That name sounds familiar." Said Silva.

Arliss raised his hand to his chin. "In Helgen. That soldier with the list. He was Hadvar."

"You knew him?" Asked Kriger.

Ralof gazed into the fire; slowly raising a bottle to his lips. "We were like brothers once."

The quiet stretched on. "I'm sorry." Silva let a hand rest on his shoulder.

"I lost a brother too once." Said Kriger; taking a swig of his own bottle. "You're not alone there."

"And I lost a sister." Silva added.

Wanting to join in Arliss spoke up. "I lost-" He stopped. He couldn't exactly say he lost his Arisen when she was right there. "I too; lost once." His brows furrowed, and fists clenched. "I never want to experience such a thing again."

"Damn straight." Ralof let out a huff that could almost be interpreted as a laugh. He stood up then. "I think I'm gonna get a little shut eye. Don't do anything crazy while I'm out aye?" Without another word he went into his tent.

The other's sat still, an awkward silence about them.

"I'm sorry about your brother," said Silva.

"Don't worry about it," said Kriger. "It was a long time ago." He took another drink afore adding,"I'm sorry about your sister. And your Chief Adaro. And anyone else you lost."

She smiled; eyes looking sadly to the flickering flame. "Don't worry about it. Tis' a long time ago." She hugged her knees. "I'm sorry about your teacher. Whoever he was. And anyone else you lost."

Kriger laughed. "That guy? You can just call him a bastard you know."

"I prefer a name."

He looked at her for a good minute. "Astor."

"I'm sorry about Astor."


The two were silent, but that silence was quickly interrupted by Arliss. "Quiet night."

Kriger looked at him, and immediately felt a bit guilty for forgetting about him. "Hey, Arliss... I'm sorry."

Arliss gave him a perplexed look. "Hm? What for?"

Kriger was taken back, but he continued. "For your loss?"

"What loss?"

Now he was starting to get angry. "You said you lost someone once."

"Oh, that..." He idled a bit; and glanced at Silva a few times. He could feel his cheeks heat up. "I thought I lost my Arisen. Twas only a short while, when I thought she was dead, but even so... I swore I'd never let it happen again."

Kriger didn't know what to think of that. Before he could really mull it over; Silva was up, and rummaging through one of the bags. "Ah! That reminds me-" Her voice had gone a pitch higher, and her cheeks seemed flushed. "We have these spell tomes that should teach you something new right Arliss?" She pulled out the two books. "You explained something interesting happened with the last one? I'd like to see you try it now!"

Arliss and Kriger walked over, no sooner than they did Silva shoved the fire tome into Arliss' hands. He opened the book and the others watched on in fascination as it disintegrated in his hands. His eyes opened with newfound knowledge, and Silva was giddy to see him use it. He demonstrated the basic spell with ease.

"Oh? Is that all?" She seemed disappointed. While it was good that he didn't need to chant an incantation to cast it; it was naught more than a simple fire. Even his basic ingle was more impressive to her.

"At least you won't have trouble starting a fire when you need one." Said Kriger, arms crossed. "What about that one?"

"Clairvoyance," she said; eying the book.

"Ohoh, so like visions into the future?" Kriger raised a brow, but definitely seemed interested to see what would happen.

Arliss eagerly opened the book as soon as it was handed to him. "Eh‽"

When Arliss looked up he found himself floating in an unfamiliar place. No, it was a lot like the Rift, but more colorful. Hues blended and weaved about before his eyes. He could see stars, and felt strangely as though he could look through them. The aroma of flowery perfumes hit his nose, and in the distance below was the largest city he'd ere laid his eyes on; made entirely of silver. He shook his head and whirled around looking for the others but found himself alone. "What‽ Why's this happening‽ Where am I‽ Where is Master‽"

"Mortal." A disembodied voice echoed about him. Not human, and certainly not pawn. It sounded feminine.

"Mortal? Me?" Arliss asked confused. "More importantly; who are you?"

"I am Azura, and thou art mortal. This realm; Moonshadow is mine. I govern the sphere of transition and change. That which mortals call time. If I wish it I can grant prophetic visions and dreams to those I deem worthy. The spell Clairvoyance hearkens to me. Mortal from another realm; if thou seekest me out I can teach thee how to control it."

Arliss could only gaze at the swirling torrent of colors afore his eyes. "How will I find-" Before he could finish his question he felt himself falling as Azura interrupted him.

"If thou desires it; thou shall find a way. But for now I offer a demonstration of my power. Consider it a gift."

"Wait! I have much to ask!" Arliss tried his best to stay. This information would probably be important to his Arisen.

The colors faded to hues of grey, and suddenly he felt as if he were back in the rift. He could hear more disembodied voices, but where Azura's had been soothing; these ones boomed. Their reverberations were powerful and he could feel it in his whole being. He felt as if he should not be here, and yet he tried his best to listen on to the conversation that was happening between the otherworldly beings. It was a hard thing to concentrate on what they were saying when their words painfully pounded in his head. In the end all he got was; "Failed Seneschal; Missing Seneschal."

Once more the colors swirled afore his eyes, and he was somewhere else. Based on the snow he guessed it was Skyrim, but the lay of the land was unfamiliar, and the sky looked wrong. Twas like cursed twilight; the sky had an eery almost green hue; and black ash fell like snow. It was just like Gransys after the death of Grigori. He didn't have long to contemplate the meaning of it before he registered the chaos. He was in the midst of a battlefield.

At first he guessed it was due to the civil war, but these were neither the reds of the Imperials, or the blues of the Stormcloaks. Unfamiliar faces fought on all sides, and he couldn't tell friend from foe. "Who are they? Why are they fighting?"

As if in answer one side started chanting. "Arisen! Arisen! Get the Arisen! The Failed Seneschal!"

He paled. "Why are they after you?"

He heard a cry that could only be her; and rushed to find her.

'Where is she‽' He rushed through the chaos in a blind fit; mad with worry.

"Ugh! Let go Fiend! Unhand me!" He focused on her voice. "No! Noo!" Her screams were chilling.


"Arliss! Help me!"

He made it through the horde of bodies in time to see her falling; an open portal beneath her. It was simultaneously all too fast, and all too slow. It was as if time was slowing down, but still too fast for him to reach her. Still he pushed himself to his limits running as fast as he could, and leaping off the cliff after her. She reached for him as he did for her. He watched helplessly as she was taken by the rift, but before he could follow her he felt himself grabbed hard. Someone had stopped him. "Let go!" He cried, but he felt himself hauled against his wishes. Turning to see the one responsible he was met with... Arisen?

Silva and Kriger were looking at him eyes filled with worry. Looking around he found himself back at camp.


A feeling of weakness overtook him, and he fell to his knees. His whole body was trembling uncontrollably.

"Arliss what happened?" She gripped him gently. "Can you tell us what happened?"

"What did you see?" Asked Kriger. "When you opened the book and it vanished you just..." He paused. "Got this look, and became completely unresponsive."

He didn't respond. His eyes remained wide, his body pallid and wan, and body visible shaking.

Silva just pulled him into a tight hug. "Shh. Tis' okay. Tis' alright." She frowned. Clearly whatever premonition Arliss saw gave him quite the fright.

Kriger didn't know what to think of the two, but as he watched over them he thought that at times like this he felt that he wanted to trust the two. Regardless of who they were or what they'd done, their purpose here. He felt that somehow they couldn't be that bad, and whatever was to come... He wanted to believe them. He wanted to help them.


Ahh! There's quite a bit to unpack this chapter! First we get to see what Hadvar and the Imperials are getting up to; followed shortly by an inevitable encounter that goes awry, Ralof having to come to grips with the guilt, finally getting Kriger to start trusting the others enough to share tiny details of his past, and then ending with that one premonition! I so want to talk about all of it!

I had a bit of fun with those 3 unnamed imperials and Leylia. I took the name from Record of Lodoss war since I really liked it and wanted an ode or reference to it. I even almost had Ralof recognize their prisoner by calling out Ghim. I ended up not doing it, but who knows maybe I'll do something like that next time. Oh, but Leylia's name was almost something else. I was this close to calling her Petra so I could joke about her and the other 3 imperials being dead 1, dead 2, dead 3, and Petra. (Just another day in the survey corp.)

Ralof would normally be fine mentally when killing Imperials, but when it comes to Hadvar it's a bit different. If they had come in combat they would both have mixed feelings but would nevertheless fight to the death. However Ralof sees Leylia's death as something low. He's a proud nord who values honor, but he feels like he did something very dishonorable Killing someones loved ones to hurt them would be seen as very low blow; and as much as he's enemies with Hadvar he still never would have wanted to hurt him in this way. As for how this will effect them going forward? We'll just have to see.

Now we get to know a little bit about Kriger here. I've got a whole backstory and stuff planned for him that I can't wait to get into! I hope you're looking forward to it.

And last, but certainly not least we have Arliss' premonition. I've had that scene in my head for a long time. Feels good to finally get it out! Now normally I'd talk about what that was, but this is already a long Author's Note so... also I don't wanna give away too much... Sorry, I hope you can understand. 😅

Now unfortunately that's all for now, and I've gotta get started on the next chapter. Here's hoping that I don't keep you waiting long. Thanks so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed!

Chapter 17: Fitful Rest


After suffering a terrible premonition, and facing uncertainties they stop to rest and get their bearings once more, but with much on their mind their rest will be a fitful one.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 17: Fitful Rest

On a night beneath two moons, nestled in a thicket with foliage shielding the view from the road lay their camp. There amidst the tents, and crackling fire lay unrest. A dark and foreboding premonition unveiled itself to a certain man, and the terrible revelation had shaken him to his core.

The red robed mage sat afore the flickering flames; body still trembling, and hugging his knees as two of his traveling companions watched on in concern. His heart raced still, his complexion pallid, breath ragged, and eyes wide; stricken with terror etched clear across his face. It was hard to say how long he remained in that sorry state. It couldn't have been that long, but for the Arisen even a single moment of seeing her dearest friend like that was too much.

Arliss was the most pure, loyal, devout, and selfless soul she's ere known. He's ne'er so much as had any ill will toward another. Whatever it was that caused him fear, and made him to suffer like this; he didn't deserve it. 'Unlike me.' She shoved the thought away as soon as it appeared, now was not the time to be wrestling with such thoughts. He had always been by her side to lend his aid, and support her in her darkest hours, now it was her turn. She owed him this much at least.

Eventually with a bit of time, and the combined efforts of Silva and Kriger; Arliss slowly managed to calm down. He was still pale, shaky, and with quickened heart rate, but his breathing had returned to normal, and his perception to the present. No doubt whatever had rattled him would likely continue to plague him in time to come, but at the very least he had finally returned to them in this moment, and Silva couldn't be more grateful for that. When he finally managed to truly come to; it was in the form of a low and shaky voice barely over a whisper. "Arisen, I-"

She couldn't help but grip his shoulders and look him firmly in the eyes with a mixture of hope and distress marring her delicate features in equal measure. "Are you alright?" Her voice that came out in a single rushed breath were shakier than even his own had been. Her chin quivered, and her watery eyes were desperate and pleading. An outsider might've guessed that it had been her who had just experienced what he'd just witnessed.

Arliss swallowed as he looked into those pained eyes. A heavy weight settled in the pit of his stomach. 'Ah, I made her worry.' Shamefully he looked away, his face twisting in regret. Worry, Guilt, Shame, Distress; what unpleasant things they were. He hadn't known just how painful such emotions could be. He was experiencing them now, but even worse was that he had caused her to experience them. "Yes, Arisen." He lied, his throat feeling so terribly dry. Without so much as another word she pulled him tight into a hug. He felt himself stiffen in shock at the abruptness of it. He remained awkwardly, a mixture of more vexingly confusing feelings rising in conflict within his hollow hide. He wanted to savor the warmth of the embrace, but felt discomfort in his ever growing guilt and shame. He was a failure who caused her grief, and would fail to protect her. He didn't deserve to have her aid; much less such tender attentiveness as she was showing him now. "You need not concern yourself with the likes of me."

"What folly you speak." She pulled away; fixing him with a gentle smile. "You are my dearest friend. Tis' only natural I fret o'er you."

That soft smile as she spoke those words only made him feel worse. "Forgive me. I did not mean to cause worry." He hung his head, and clenched his fists.

"Oh, Arliss." Silva muttered under her breath, a mixture of exasperation and pity making it's way into her voice. Eyes lingering sadly on his form.

Beside the two Kriger stood by silently watching the awkward exchange. His presence had gone ignored by the two, and it was uncomfortable to say the least. As much as he wanted to see what the two were like together he hadn't thought it would be like this. He felt as if he were intruding despite the fact that no one had said anything of the sort. The air around the two was heavy, intimate, and unshared by all save these two. In this land they were outsiders, but in the moment Kriger felt that the outsider was himself. Pondering their words, actions, and secrecy he wondered once more what kind of bond they shared. 'Is this really friendship?' That's what Silva had said of Arliss, but the level of trust between them was deeper than any he's experienced; then he understood. Ever since that day had he ever been able to really trust anyone? 'No.' The answer was clear as day. These two had pure, total trust in each other. Kriger smiled ruefully; feeling a bit jealous, and he wondered if he'd ever be able to have such a bond. Having had enough Kriger loudly coughed into his fist; interrupting their silence, and breaking into their conversation. "So, do you mind telling us what you saw now?"

Silva expressed genuine shock and sheepishness at having entirely forgotten the Nord's presence. Arliss seemed to shrink into himself more; averting his gaze downwards as his expression twisted painfully. His brows knit together while his mouth opened and closed inaudibly; lips thinning and parsing as he contemplated what answer he should give, or if he should even give one at all. His words surprised even himself. "I'm sorry, but-" He paused uncomfortably; finding it hard to speak. "I fear I cannot bring myself to say aught now." He swallowed; feeling a bit shameful; afore once more continuing on. "In truth, I myself cannot ken it. Alack; tis' beyond my grasp as of yet." He paused. "I'm... confused." He looked up at his Arisen; eyes pleading. "Prithee, I need time to pore on it all. Verily, I shall vouchsafe aught erelong."

Kriger made a face. "Huh?" Once more that strange way of speaking barring him from the conversation.

Silva was momentarily surprised afore remembering the Nord's presence. 'It must be naught he can say afore others.' Putting a reassuring hand on his shoulder, she nodded. "Alright, I understand. If it's difficult I'll not force you to speak on it now." Her eyes met his. "Just know that when you're ready; I'll be here."

"Me too." Kriger cut in. He didn't want to be left out of the loop if he could help it. Silva seemed momentarily annoyed by Kriger's heedless interruption, but quickly returned her focus on Arliss.

He appeared thoughtful afore nodding slowly. "Thank you, Mas-" He stopped afore he could finish; eyes speedily searching the two before lowering his gaze. "Both of you." He stood, taking a moment to bow respectfully. "I'll be turning into my tent now. I bid you goodnight. Please, rest well."

As they watched him go Silva felt a weighty grief well up in her heart. 'Arliss,' Her eyes lingered after him for goodness knows how long afore Kriger broke the silence.

"Just you, and me now huh?" His voice gave no indication of what he might say next.

Silva allowed her gaze to drift till it met his; warily searching for his intention. Was he about to start teasing her again as he was wont to do, or would he start questioning her? Despite her scrutiny his expression did not betray him. "Yes, I suppose you're right." She felt his gaze and the chill of the wind and shivered. The mysterious Nord's eyes had a way of seemingly seeing through you. With others around the weight of it was not so terrible, but she certainly didn't relish how heavy the air felt to be alone with him. 'Why is he still here,' she wondered somewhat irate. 'What does he want?'

"You know, your bedroll is warm; and your tent can protect you from cold winds." His words seemed to surprise her, but Kriger himself felt taken aback by his own words. This was the best opportunity he's gotten to ask the things that had been lingering in the back of his head, and yet... He couldn't do it. Whether it was because of all that had just happened within the short span of the night, how pitiful she looked, or his own rising exhaustion; he couldn't bring himself to ask them. 'They deserve a break. Heck! I deserve a break.' He sighed. 'I'm too nice.' He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly awaiting a response; when he didn't get one he asked, "Aren't you going to sleep?"

She shook her head, she had no intention of falling asleep. There was no telling what she might see, but she most certainly didn't want to see 'that' place. "I'm not tired."

That was a bald faced lie, and even Kriger knew it. He took one look at the shadows formed beneath her eyes and crossed his arms. "You look tired."

Her brows knit together, and she fixed him with a hard glare. "Well, I'm not." She shot back tersely.

'Ah, I see.' Kriger knew that look. He had seen it enough times to recognize it. Hollow, yet defensively sharp, exhaustion peeking out from behind a fearful frenzy. They were just like the ones he often caught sight of reflecting back on him. They were the eyes of one haunted; relentlessly chased by shadows of the past. Swallowing, he spoke. "Whatever nightmares you're afraid of... you should try to get some rest anyway."

She visibly winced at his words; once more hating how easy it was to read her. "Thanks for the concern, but I'll be fine." Raising her head in attempt to look more alive, she fixed him with a grin. "I plan on keeping watch this night. Someone aught to, aye?" Kriger said nothing, opting instead to study her. She hoped her expression wasn't as weak as she felt. Thankfully he didn't press on the issue.

'I knew it wouldn't be so easy.' Kriger shook his head, wan smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "Alright, if you insist." He began to turn to his tent when he stopped abruptly, turning back to her with a wry grin and a raised brow. "Feel free to come and crawl into my tent if you get cold."

She couldn't help rolling her eyes. That most certainly wasn't going to happen. "Goodnight Sir." She said somewhat forcefully.

"Goodnight, Silva." He returned to his tent without another word.

She eyed him as he left; letting out a tired sigh, and looking out into the horizon when he was out of sight. Skyrim's night sky was indeed a beautiful one. Two large moons could be seen amidst the backdrop of an abundance of stars and ever changing hues. It was a great pity that she would not be able to enjoy such a grand sight. She sighed again, thinking of all there was for her to pore on. Feeling a sense of melancholy she began to sing. "Land and Sky," Her melodic voice was low, and soft as a whisper carried on the wind. "And Seas Yearn." Lyrics she could swear she oft heard long ago on many a dark night in Gransys; ghosts of past Arisen urging her on. "Finish the Cycle of Eternal Return."

Unbeknownst to her, Kriger had been listening. Through a small crack in his enclosed tent he had watched her as she lifted her eyes and voice to the sky. He couldn't point out what it was, but there was something haunting about those lyrics; ominous, and sorrowful despite their soft, bittersweet lull. He could tell that, that song would stay with him for a long time. He shook his head, closing the tent once more, and laid down on the soft furs of his bedroll; although he had a nagging feeling that his thoughts wouldn't let him sleep. At the very least he could feel an odd comfort in knowing that he wouldn't be the only one. Every single one of them would be plagued this night.


Okay, first I want to apologize for taking awhile, and for offering such a short chapter this time. Life is kinda hitting hard right now. Originally this chapter was meant to be a longer, and contain more, but after completing this scene something happened and I was just dealing with that situation. The chapter above is just what I had already written before hand that I've been sitting on for a bit. I'd like to say that I'll post more soon, but the situation still has not passed and I may be busy awhile. I'll still be working on this, but progress will likely be slow since my mind and time are lacking at the moment.

I also wanted to adress the quality, and editing at some point. This one I had my mind full of other things, so please feel free to point out any flaws that stand out to you that I might edit and improve it later. That goes for previous chapters as well. Quality will likely be higher overall on ffn since it's easier to edit(since ffn holds onto my incomplete chapters longer).

The Ao3 version definitely needs to undergo editing at some point as well, so... I don't know when I'll do that, but I still wanted to let you guys know the plan so that if you ever see this go through a bunch of updates with no new chapters that's the reason. Tbh I think the ffn version is likely to get it once or twice, and you'll probably get the notification a lot more on Ao3 when I decide to really get editing. So... I guess check the chapter count?

I will greatly appreciate the help should anyone decide to point out SPAG errors, and etc. It may help me fix the chapters sooner and save a bit of time. With that load off my mind I'll be able to focus more easily on continuing further chapters; provided nothing else is clouding my mind. (Tbh right now editing is the least of my worries... but I'll get to it.)

Sorry for a short chapter, and long AN. Thanks so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed! If it pleases you; I take kindly to comments and reviews. Concrit is welcome as well. It helps me improve! =D

Arisen in Skyrim - Kohaiame (2024)


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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

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Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.