CREAM 63c 60c ITALIAN BALM 48c Lbi. of FAT Melt Away 3-7 Inches Off Waist, But Kit All Ton Want If you want to IOM Inchtt off waliU, butt, hlpt or arrrn, here'i the way doctori uy It SAFE, ture and taiy. EAT ALL YOU WANT, just cut down on tweeU and do this: After each meal take a Kor- jena Tablet with water. Thij cuts down moisture weight Fat disappears and physical love- llnesi returns. Korjena--harm- lees--drugless--contains two Important ingredients.
One banishes weight-Inducing poisons. The other works against fatty food. Fat away--7-10 pounds In 2 weeks. Try this way. Take Kor- fena.
65c Jar POND'S CREAMS 43c FREE String of with Tube of Or. Adimt T. P. 37c 50c PEPSODENT TOOTH PASTE 32c 60c PACKER'S SHAMPOO 48c FREE GILLETTE RAZOR with every tube Mennen's Shaving Cream. 25c J.
J. BABY TALC 75c New A PENCIL with square lead 33c. 19c 39c 'FREE 1 Dental Iprror with Every Tube of Tooth Paste $4.00 GENUINE PARKER PENCIL, special 98c CITY AND VICINITY MISSING PAPERS i TM---- Any (ubacrlber not' receding paper 1:10 o'clock In etenlnc can a copy trad by ipeclal (with- I out WHtera Union, number 2311, of the Poalil Telwrapb, 11U. Baa( arc -wiuotttd le caU aa toon o'clock ai poMl- I bio aa no will accepted I after alght o'clock. On Situr.
day eallt will accepted I tween and 8 p. m. Thla I Tics li tor Dunkirk lubscrlbera only. Any subscr'bsr llilnj Mst ot avenue and loutb ot I Taicott street, who does not get i hit paper, call A. J.
Paplerekl, 4219. Carpets Cleaned 1 am prepared to clean youi carpets and rugs thoroughly Will call for and return them Give me a trial. Telephone ol i irop a postal. Aloys Smith 715 Eao'o St Phont 6778 SIPPEL PLUMBING and HEATING 421 WASHINGTON AVE. Dunkirk, New York PHONE 3454 FELLOWS, 126 Central Avenue Nestor Johnson Ice Skates and Shoo, $5.85 and Hockey Sticks and Hockey Pucki.
SKATES SHARPENED. Umbrellas recovered and repaired. All kinds of repairing. Keya- fitted to til klndt-of locks. EDWARD C.
I Contractor, Painter and Paper 4 Hanger My slogan Is to mako homea 4 more beautiful" i Phone 3896 140 Second St GET THE HABIT OBSKRVKR AdTertlilnv the merchant who vmtm It, It will mlmo tmj YOU read wfcat tfcer to ri ii i i ii i i i SDIUERIEE'S Electrical and Gift Shop Phone 3072 11 E. 3rd St. Dunkirk, N. Y. Evicted! I you were evicted by Ore you would have to rent other quarters while re' pairs were being made.
not Let BENT INSURANCE pay for your temporary hornet W.W.Heppell Company Real Estate and Insurance Phone 2446 --Perry co*ke. McNamara, S522. --Visit our wall paper display. No obligation to McMaclian. --Grapo tie wiro just received.
Buy now. Lumber Store, 00 E. 4th St. --Hard wood, seasoned or green, f2 cord. 25 Main St.
Phouo "436. --For rent, G-room fiat, suitable for small family. Call 1G3-R, Fredonia. --Houso for rent about Apr. 1.
In quire Mre. J. T. Madigan, 333 Waeh. Ave.
--A Kyanize jig saw puzzlo free with each quart purchase of Kyanize paint. McMaclian. --Export typewriter repair service. General agency, tho Typewriter Exchange. 23 Masonic Bldg.
--Try Jenues? Morrlll'd coal anil co*ke--it's dry. Phouo 153-W, Fredou- la. --Make a new style jacket from your old fur coat. Cleaned glased free, price 56.00. Haber's.
--For rent, modern 6-room lower flat, JIG per mouth. 421 Deer or phono 4033. --Save money, buy Barkell wall papers. Chautauqua County'a largest wall paper and paint store, 26-Water Fredonia. --Card's chicken and steak dinners, 50c, 75c and Jl.OO, all hours.
A wholo broiler "with every chicken dinner. 297 E. Main, Fredonia. --Ladies' and suits dry clean ed and tailor finished by our Swiss Method, fl.OO. Valone's, 323 Main phone 3S24.
--Old floors, you will he -interested to know, can be mado to look like new for a 'fraction of tho cost for new ones. McMachan. MEETSAT1KVILLE 22 Granges of County Atttend Friday Session--Continue Today. Read the Ads Before GOING SHOPPING Chautauqua Go. Grade Eggs 18c per dozen Jones' Farm Sausages, Ib.
30c Jones' Farm Salt Pork, Ib. Large White Beans for Ib. 6c Richelieu Maine Corn, 2 cans V. 25c Richelieu Peeled Apricots, large can 40c Richelieu White Cherries; can i Richelieu Fritter Corn, 2 cans 45c One Can of Butter Wafers and Pkg. Kraft Cheese 46o H.B.C..
Soda and Oyster Crackers, Ib. 13c Grahams and Ginger Snaps, Ib. tight Coloredi Sheridan Maple 22c targe Beech-Nut Catsup, bottlei 19c Welch's Tomato Jnice, 2 bottles 35o Fruit and Vegetable Pnf fles; 2l pkgs. 45c Mission Orange Jnice, 2- bottles! 36c Florida Grapefruit, 4 for 25c C. S.
Dated can i 32c Break 0 Morn. Coffee, Ib. 23c BratiU-O; Coffee, 26c 3 Cakes of Palm Olive and 1 Pkg; Super Sndi 3 Cam of Kitchen, Kenitr 4 Oood Broom -for THE HEYL GROCERY Mayville, Mar. 18--Morning and afternoon sessions of the second day of Pomona grange aro being held liero today. Claude N.
Piernontc Pomona presided at tho sessions which opened Friday. The address of welcome was given by Ezra Welse, master of the Chau- lauq.ua grange, hosts to tho quarterly meeting. The response was by Clyde Lowell of Fredonia. Twenty-two granges were represented. Mm.
James Pringle, county juvenile matron, gave a talk concerning tho activities of the juvenile granges. Worthy Master Plerpont, delegate-at- presented a report of the state grange session at Geneva and his remarks were supplemented by S. J. Lowell, Fredonia, past national master. Mr.
Merrltt of Sheridan grange substituted for Mrs. Gladys Murritt, Bounty chairman o' service and hospitality, who waa unable to ho present jecause of illness in tho family. Mr. Morritt presented the outline ot ac- vities for 1933. The recreational feature was In charge ot Mre.
Myrtio Washbiirg of Ross grange. A debatflNm the subject, "Resolved a Farmer Using a Sulky Plow Is Lazy." Charles Whet- am and 13. W. Tlclraor of Westllcld grange spoko for the nflirmative, and P. Z.
Ellis and Omar Smith spoke fo'r the negative. The judges decided In favor ot the affirmative team. Harold M. Stanley, Skaneateles, sec- rotary of the revolving scholarship fund ot tho state grange, gave an address on the value of education and urged all granges to contribute to the fund. Clark, a Mayville High school student, gave a trumpet solo, accompanied by Miss Parker, also the nigh school, at the piano.
Mrs. I Gust Eckland of P'lstl grango gave a reading. Ten members attended the lecturer's conference. The evening meeting convened In the fifth degree for conferring tho degree of Pomona. Albert Brightir.an, lecturer of Chau- tsuqua grange, was in charge of tho following program: Vocal solo, Miss Arlcne Schcller.
An Illustrated talk on "Mexico and the P- imlds" by W. J. Viol7n solo. Mr. Kosendnhl.
A short play by members of tnc- Y. P. S. ot Chaulauua grange. FOUR ERlFBANKS GET PERMISSION TO OPEN.
Only Two Financial Institutions in Pennsylvania City Ave Still Closed. Erie Mar. 18--Four state.banks in and Wesleyvllle on Friday received' permission from the, treasury department to open today or Monday they saw lit. This leaves only two national institutions, the.Second National and Lawrence Park National banks still unopened. The Erie Trust Bank-of Brio Trust, American State bank Dank of Wesloyvllle were the four financial Institutions which on Friday received permission to Seven Bills That He Claims Weaken Criminal Law.
New York, Mar. 18--(UP)--TUo committal) oh reduction ol crlnio, headed, by. Cbarlea II. Tuttle, protested to Albany legislative leaders today an "attempt that Is now being umilo to emasculate criminal laws of I ho state at evidenced uy various bills which, aro now in the legislature." The committee listed seven bill-), now pending, which It said would, It paesod, "be ot greater bonotlt to criminals than to Hie public and wouM seriously interfere with law enforcement." The bills are: The bill enlarging the-provisions of tho Sullivan law to permit household, era to pistols. Tho bill making permissive instead compulsory nn increased penalty for a felony committed while armed.
The hill reducing from 15 to 10 years term for a felony a fourth or subsequent offense. The bill providing for release of fourth offenders on parole aftor thay servo 15 years of the sentences. Tho bill which would have tho parole commission determine Indeterminate sentences except In certain caeas. The hill permitting judge, In certain cases, to suspend or withhold execution of Judgment of an Imposed minimum sentence. The bill extending from 10 to IS years the legnl definition of "child." NIGHT TRAFFIC SMASHES CUT BY GOOD LIGHTING 50 Per Cent of Fatal Accidents Occur After Dark When Travel Is Light.
Albany, War. IS--Night traffic acc'- dents caused a tremendous economic loss in thI 8 state during 1932. according to the bureau of motor vehicles. Forty-six per cent of accidents In this state resulting In personal injury, and 50 per cent of accidents resulting In fatalities occur at night. This is an unusually largo proportion of accidents when it Is cosldered that there is less than onefifth of traffic during the -hours of darkness.
Based on tho average economic loss of accidents in the United States in survey conducted by one of the largest accident Insurance companies, night traffic accidents In New York state represent an economic loss Ol $115,000,000 annually. A survey conducted by th bureau of motor vehicles indicates a decided increase in night accidents during tho fall and winter months. During July and August the percentage of night accidents to total accidents Is M.3 per cent. September and October show an Increase in night accidents to total accidents of 51.4 per cent. November and December show a percentage of night accidents to total accidents of 73.8 per cent.
During th summer thrcn out of ovcry four accidents occur during tho hours of daylight. This proportion Is reversed In tho winter months, tho figures Indicating that three accidents but of every four occur during tho hours of darkness. From studies which have been con- lucted on certain roads. In New York state for tho last two years, It has hocn determined that night accldonts can bo controlled if proper lighting Installed. On one of those highways whor* proper lighting nan been nstalled, night accidents have been reduced 40 per cent, compared with two previous years prior to thc nstallatlon of lights on this highway.
Thl represents In reality a greater percentage, as truffle In tho last two wa greater than tho previous wo years. Tho church of Hagla Sophia In Con- and St. Mark's i Venice ire judged tho greatest examples of Jyzantine architecture. Fills Cermak's Post as Mayor Comparatively unknown, even In tho Chicago of which he hai been chosen acting mayor, Prank J. Corr, above, assassinated Anton J.
Cerinak. Corr, originally Irom Brooklyn, Is a Democratic regular aervtng bis first term as alderman, and probably be mayor throughput tho Century ot Progresi exposition this summer. HUNTERS CAN RAISE THEIR OWN. WILD GAME A Backyard and Co-operation of Farmer All Is Needed for Plan. Washington, D.
March IS-Sportsmen cnn huv a wild lilo field laboratory that will produce gatno In the retorts ot science, In every community the United States and Canada. All one needs Is Ih 0 desire, some native Intelligence, a backyard and friendly coope-ratlon ot farmers, according to olliciala or tho American Clnmo association. The Oklahoma Stalo Onmo and Fish department hns established such a laboratory on the Davidson ranch In Ellis county, to work ont many scientific problems. Tho United States bureau of biological survey and tho American Gnm 0 association are cooperating in tho pro- Ject. Officials of the.
Oklahoma Game anil Fish department point out that It has been proved conclusively that th results desired in gams restoration cannot be attained merely by stock- Ing areas heavily and prohibiting shooting therein. "Intelligent management--control if natural enemies, systematic provision summer as well as winter feed and shelter, periodical Introduc- lon of new blood--In essential to suc- ces," tho Oklahoma official point out. "Wo have come to tho realization hat It will require tho cooperation ot a host of city and rural volunteers In addition to the limited number o( paid officials tho department will ho able to employ." At this flold laboratory, scientists and others aro working out tho boa methods for game management. The Darilngton state game farm is cooperating. "This farm is being operated not only to produce birds nt tlm plant each year for re.stocklng purposes, Imt also to make it possiblo for a largo number ot city to participate directly In tho restoration program.
Every city fi portsman who raises quail In bis backyard can find a farmer neighbor willing to match tho city sportsman's game pro- Inctlon with a game field already nro- mrcd for their reception which both share," Oklahoma officials ex- ilaln. TEXAS GROUPS FIND HARMONY El Paso, Tex. --(UP)--Indians, rtoxlcans and Anglo-Saxon Americans Ret. along famously nt Yalotn, near ere, which many claim was a settlement before San Augustine, Fin. They occupy different parts of tho town.
Tho Indians Btlll retain tribal organ- zation, though conforming to sUte and federal laws. MONROE'S WEEK-END SAVING OPPORTUNITIES ASPIRIN TABLETS 1 Doz. in Box 9c Full Pint NORWEGIAN Cod Liver Oil 49c 85o ENOS FRUIT SALTS 57c Full Pint WITCH HAZEL 25c FREE JIG SAW PUZZLE Over 200 Pieces with the Purchase or .1 25c Tube Milk Magnesia Tooth Paste 25c Tube Klenzo Shaving Cream a-- 25c Box Rexall Orderlies 25c KKLLOG CASTOR OIL 17c 140 PURETEST SODA MINTS 19c 5 Ib. Bag EPSOM SALTS 27c Gallon AMERICAS OIL $1.69 A Full Assortment of Battle Creek Health Foods FREE--Special for Reducing, Diabetiz, Constipation, Weight Building, Acid Stomach, etc. YOU USUALLY PAY LESS AT Monroe's Drag Stores a new 1933 KELVINATOR FOR ONLY 25 A DAY ON THE METER-ATOR PLAN and the 25c will come from money you SAVE of owning a Kelvinator.
the JL finest in electric refrigeration--for only 25 cents a day! But, better still, think of actually saving this amount with the Kelvinator by quantity buying --lower refrigeration costs and by eliminating food spoilage. NO DOWN PAYMENT On our new Plan, there is no down payment no waiting--you use the Kelvinator while paying for it. Come in and let us explain it, and show you the new Kelvinator Models. Get yours now for only 25 cents a day. The METER-ATOR Plan At a Glance 1.
No down payment. Select any of thc beautiful new 1933 Kelvinator modeli olfcrcd under this plan find it will be Installed. 3. Deposit 25 cents in thc METER-ATOR every day, or as many ns 23 quarters fit one time, and thc Kelvin- ator will operate 24 hours for every quarter deposited. 4.
At the end of thc month, this is collected and credited to your account. 5. When thc refrigerator is paid for, the METER-ATOR IB removed and you own your Kelvinator. GEb.H.GRAFCojNe HOME. I Centra) avcnnc, Dnnkirlt, N.
Y. Flickinger's COMPLETE NEIGHBORHOOD GROCERS STORES AT: 123 W. Second St. 639 Park Ave; 57 W. Fifth St.
210 Lincoln Ave. 953 Central Ave. 701 Main St. 37 E. Main and 51 W.
Main Fredonia, N. Y. 19 Water Street, Fredonia, N. Y. A I I A A A.