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Revised for 2009-201 0

LEGISLATIVE CLAIM BILL MANUAL - Florida Senatearchive.flsenate.gov/.../senate/administrative/leg-claim-manual.pdf· SAMPLE FUNDrnGLANGUAGE 8. ... Filing a Claim Bill? Section 768.28(5) - [PDF Document] (2)




A. What is Sovereign Immunity? 2

B. Are there Monetary Limits on Recovery? 2

C. What is a Claim Bill? 2

D. Can a Claimant Collect in Excess of the $100,0001$200,000 LimitWithout Filing a Claim Bill? 2

E. Is there a Statute of Limitations? 2

F. What are the Filing Deadlines? 3

G. Is there a Limit on the Number of Bills a Member Can File? 3

H. General or Local? 3

I. How does the Special Master Process Work? 4

J. Must All Alternative Remedies be Exhausted? 4

K. Are there any Limitations or Restrictions on Fees? 4


A. Distinctions Between General and Local Claim Bills 5

B. Payment of Statutory Limits of Liability 5

C. Apportionment of Claim Among Multiple Claimants 5

D. Medicaid Reimbursem*nt Provisions 5

E. Award of Claims to Minors and Incompetents-Establishment of Trustor Guardianship 6

F. Effective Dates 6


LEGISLATIVE CLAIM BILL MANUAL - Florida Senatearchive.flsenate.gov/.../senate/administrative/leg-claim-manual.pdf· SAMPLE FUNDrnGLANGUAGE 8. ... Filing a Claim Bill? Section 768.28(5) - [PDF Document] (3)


A. Annual Summary of All Claim Bill Activity in the Florida Legislature Since 1955 12

B. Example of a Local Claim Bill 14

C. Proof of Publication for a Local Claim Bill. 17

D. Example of a Summary Special Master Report for a Settled Claim 18

E. Example of a General Claim Bill. 20

F. Example of a Special Master's Report 25

G. Text of Senate Rule 4.81 39

H. Text of Senate Rule 3.3 40

I. Text of House Rule 5.3 40

J. Text of House Rule 5.6 41

K. Text of Article X, Section 13, Florida Constitution 41

L. Text of Section 11.02, Florida Statutes 41

M. Text of Section 11.021, Florida Statutes 42

N. Text of Section 11.03, Florida Statutes 42

O. Text of Section 11.065, Florida Statutes 43

P. Text of Section 11.066, Florida Statutes 43

Q. Text of Ethics Opinion 69-009 44

R. Text of Ethics Opinion 71-016 44

S. Text of Gamble v. Wells, 450 So.2d 850 (Fla. 1984) 45

T. Legislative Claim Bills-A Practical Guide to a Potent(ial) Remedy 48

u. Detailed Claim Bill Reports (1997 - 2008) 54


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The claim bill process is unique and often thought to be complex and confusing. This manual isdesigned to assist in navigating through the claim process.

House and Senate staff are available to answer questions about the claim bill process. House staff ofthe Civil Justice & Courts Policy Committee can be reached at (850) 410-4922; Senate GeneralCounsel staff can be reached at (850) 487-5237.

Suggested Procedures for Legislators

v' Advise the claimant or the attorney of the sequence of events in the filing of a claim bill.

v' All Senate claim bills, whether companions or those filed only in the Senate, must befiled by August 1 in order to be considered by the Senate in the following regularsession.

v' A House claim bill that does not have a Senate companion bill timely filed in the Senatewill not be considered by the Senate.

v' Make sure that the claim is ready to be heard by the Special Master when the SpecialMaster schedules the hearing.

v' Check with the staff of either chamber to determine whether the claim has been filed ina prior year, and if so, obtain a copy of any available previous report.

v' Ask the claimant or attorney to provide you with an information packet containing themajor documentation and a summary of the highlights of the claim. Submit theinformation to the bill drafting office for preparation of the claim bill.

v' Each chamber will have its own Special Master assigned to review and report onspecific claim bills; however, to minimize travel and to avoid unnecessary repetition, theSpecial Masters usually hold joint hearings. You are invited to attend the SpecialMasters' hearing, if you care to; however, attendance by the bill's sponsor is notrequired.

v' Follow the bill through the regular committee process once the Special Master's reportis published. Generally, the Special Master will be available to present his or her reportto the committees of reference, but each bill's sponsor should also be present andavailable to answer questions from committee members.


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A. What is Sovereign Immunity?Sovereign immunity is a doctrine that prohibits suits against the government without thegovernment's consent. The Florida Constitution addresses sovereign immunity in Article X,Section 13. This provision allows the state to waive its immunity through an enactment ofgeneral law. Sovereign immunity extends to all subdivisions of the state, including counties,municipalities, local constitutional officers, and school boards.

In 1973, the Florida Legislature enacted section 768.28, F.S. This section allows individualsto sue the state government, subdivisions of the state, counties, municipalities and politicalsubdivisions under circ*mstances where a private person "would be liable to the claimant, inaccordance with the general laws of the state ...."

B. Are there Monetary Limits on Recovery?Section 768.28(5), F.S., imposes a $100,000 limit per person, and a $200,000 limit perincident, on the collectability of any tort judgment based on the government's liability. Theselimits do not preclude plaintiffs from obtaining judgments in excess of the statutory cap;however, plaintiffs cannot force the government to pay damages that exceed the recovery cap.Section 11.066, F.S., requires a claimant to petition the Legislature in accordance with itsrules, to seek an appropriation to pay a judgment against the state or state agency.

C. What is a Claim Bill?A claim bill, sometimes called a relief act, is a bill that compensates a particular individual orentity for injuries or losses occasioned by the negligence or error of a public officer or agency.It is a means by which an injured party may recover damages even though the public officer oragency involved may be immune from suit. Majority approval in both chambers of theLegislature is required for passage.

D. Can a Claimant Collect in Excess of the $100,000/$200,000 Limit WithoutFiling a Claim Bill?Section 768.28(5), F.S., provides that the state or an agency or subdivision thereof may agree,within the limits of insurance coverage provided, to pay a claim made or an excess judgmentrendered against it without further action by the Legislature.

E. Is there a Statute of Limitations?Pursuant to section 11.065, F.S., no claims against the state shall be presented to theLegislature more than 4 years after the cause for relief accrued. Any claim presented after thistime of limitation shall be void and unenforceable. Further, all relief acts of the Legislatureshall be for payment in full. No further claims for relief may be submitted to the Legislaturein the future.


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F. What are the Filing Deadlines?Rule 4.81 of the Rules of the Florida Senate requires that all claim bills be filed with theSecretary of the Senate on or before August 1 to be considered by the Senate during the nextregular session. Newly elected Senators have 60 days from the date of election to file a claimbill. Rule 5.2 of the Rules of the House of Representatives requires that general and local billsbe filed with the House Clerk by noon of the first day of the regular session.

G. Is there a Limit on the Number of Bills a Member Can File?Rule 5.3 of the Rules of the House ofRepresentatives prohibits members from filing more thansix bills for a regular session. Rule 5.3(b)(1) of the Rules of the House of Representativesprovides that local claim bills do not count toward a member's six bills. There is nocorresponding limit in the Senate. Senate Rule 4.81(2) prohibits consideration of a claim billthat lacks a House companion.

H. General or Local?A general law is an act intended to have statewide application. For claim bill purposes, if therespondent of the claim is a state agency, which situation would require an appropriation fromthe state's general revenue or from an executive agency's budget, then the claim is a generalbill.

A local or special law is any legislative act that: 1) applies to an area or entity that is less thanthe total area or population of the state; and 2) contains subject matter that entitles those towhom it is applicable to the publication or referendum required by Section 10 ofArticle III ofthe State Constitution. Generally, if the respondent is a county, municipality, school board,district, local constitutional officer, or other subdivision of the state, then the claim is a localbill.

Section 10 of Article III of the State Constitution prohibits special laws unless notice ofintention to seek enactment thereof has been published in the manner provided by general law.

Sections 11.02, 11.021, and 11.03, F.S., provide the requirements for publication of therequired notice. The notice must contain the name of the claimant, the nature of the injury orloss, and the amount of the claim.

Rule 5.5(c) of the Rules of the House of Representatives requires that all local claim bills beaccompanied by an affidavit of proper advertisem*nt, securely attached to the original billahead of its first page. Similarly, Rule 3.3 of the Rules of the Senate requires that all local billsbe accompanied by an affidavit of proper advertisem*nt. The form may be obtained from theSecretary of the Senate. Furthermore, the Senate requires that all local bills requiringpublication have proof of publication securely attached to the original copy of the bill, whenintroduced, and the words "Proof of Publication Attached" clearly typed or stamped on theSenate side of the bill jacket.


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I. How does the Special Master Process Work?Once a claim bill is filed, the presiding officer of each house of the Legislature may refer thebill to a Special Master, as well as to one or more committees, for review. The SpecialMasters of each house conduct a joint hearing to determine liability, proximate cause, anddamages. Rule 4.81(3) of the Rules of the Senate requires those hearings to be conductedpursuant to reasonable notice, with discovery governed by the Florida Rules of CivilProcedure and the Florida Evidence Code, as applicable. The Special Master will administeran oath to all witnesses, accept relevant documentary and tangible evidence properly offered,record the proceedings, and prepare a final report containing findings of fact, conclusions oflaw, and recommendations. Special Masters are not bound by stipulations entered into by theparties; further, once filed, claim bills are subject to the amendatory process of each house asprovided by rule. Though not bound by the Senate Rule, House Special Masters generallyfollow the same process; however, a House Special Master may file a summary reportregarding settled claims. The House must have a settlement agreement signed by all partiesbefore the claim is considered "settled."

J. Must All Alternative Remedies be Exhausted?House Rule 5.6(c) and Senate Rule 4.81(6) provide that the Legislature will not process acontested claim bill until the claimant has exhausted all available administrative and judicialremedies. However, both bodies may consider a bill in which the parties have executed awritten settlement agreement. Under Senate Rule 4.81(6), this policy does not apply to a billaddressing a claim based on wrongful incarceration.

K. Are there any Limitations or Restrictions on Fees?Section 768.28(8), F.S., provides that no attorney may charge, demand, receive, or collect, forservices rendered, fees in excess of 25 percent of any judgment or settlement. The FloridaSupreme Court has held that the Legislature has the authority to limit attorney's fees in a claimbill, despite the fact that an attorney had contracted for a higher amount. Gamble v. Wells, 450So.2d 850 (Fla. 1984).

Furthermore, the Florida Supreme Court has determined that the statutory 25 percentlimitation on attorney's fees applies to all situations involving waiver of sovereign immunity,whether it be the underlying $100,0001$200,000; or the excess part awarded by the claim bill;or the result of a settlement and voluntary payment in any amount made by a governmentalrespondent or by its insurance carriers. Ingraham v. Dade County School Board, 450 So.2d847 (Fla. 1984).

Fees contingent upon the outcome of any specific legislative action are generally prohibited bysection 11.04(2)7, F.S., except in the case of claim bills. Further, it is considered a conflict ofinterest for a legislator to file a claim bill if that member, or the member's law partner, wouldreceive a fee for services. See Committee on Ethics, House Opinion 69-009 and 71-016 in theAppendix of this Manual.


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A. Distinctions Between General and Local Claim BillsThere are two important characteristics that distinguish a local claim bill from a general claimbill: the "relating to" clause in the title of the bill and the appropriation sections that followthe enacting clause.

The "relating to" clause in the title of a local claim bill should always cite the name of thecounty or the local governmental entity from which money is being sought. In other words,the "relating to" clause of a local relief act - for example, "An act relating to SeminoleCounty"; "An act relating to the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Department"; "An act relatingto West Volusia Hospital District" - always indicates that the bill is local in nature.

The "relating to" clause for a general claim bill should always be styled as "An act for therelief of John Smith and Mary Smith" (naming the claimant or claimants seeking relief underthe act).

B. Payment of Statutory Limits of LiabilityOne of the most common omissions in the submission of proposed claim bills is an indicationof whether the governmental entity from whom relief is sought has paid the claimant orclaimants the requisite amounts due under section 768.28, F.S., Florida's sovereign immunitystatute, which sets the limits of liability of the state and its political subdivisions. To avoidconfusion, a clause stating whether the respondent has already paid the underlying amountshould be included at or near the end of the "WHEREAS" clauses, followed by a statement ofthe remaining amount of the claim.

C. Apportionment of Claim Among Multiple ClaimantsAnother omission that sometimes occurs in the submission of proposed claim bills is theapportionment of the amount of a claim when there are multiple claimants. The Legislaturerequires specification of the exact amount each claimant is to receive.

Claim bills with multiple claimants may require a separate appropriation section for eachclaimant, and are usually apportioned in direct proportion to the jury award or settlementamounts.

D. Medicaid Reimbursem*nt ProvisionsWhere Medicaid reimbursem*nt is owed, use the following language:

Section _. The governmental entity responsible for payment of the warrant shall payto the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration the amount due under section 409.910,Florida Statutes, prior to disbursing any funds to the claimant. The amount due the agencyshall be equal to all unreimbursed medical payments paid by Medicaid up to the date uponwhich this bill becomes a law.


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Should this language be the subject of an amendment to a claim bill, an accompanying titleprovision is needed. "Providing for repayment of Medicaid liens" would be a sufficient titleproviso for such a section.

E. Award of Claims to Minors and Incompetents-Establishment of Trust orGuardianshipAn essential piece of information is whether the claimant is currently a ward, and whether theclaimant was a ward at the time of the incident which gave rise to the cause of action uponwhich the claim is based. If the claimant is a ward and will be a ward at the time of theprospective passage of the claim bill, it is essential to disclose whether a trust or guardianshipestate has been established for the ward.

F. Effective DatesThe following are guidelines for effective dates of claim bills:

1. If the Legislature intends funds for payment of a claim to be appropriated from the current fiscalyear's budget, use an effective date of no later than June 30.

2. If the Legislature intends funds for payment of a claim to be appropriated from the upcomingfiscal year's budget, an effective date later than July 15 should be used.


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LOCAL GOVERNMENT DEFENDANT(city, county, sheriff, school board, special districts)



The (identify the city, county, sheriff, school board, or special district) is authorized and directed toappropriate from funds not otherwise appropriated, and to draw a warrant payable to for the totalamount of $ for injuries and damages sustained due to on________ (claimant).


General Revenue Source

There is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of _the sum of $ for the relief of for injuries and damages sustained.

The Chief Financial Officer is directed to draw a warrant in favor of inthe sum of $ upon the funds of the Department of in the StateTreasury, and the Chief Financial Officer is directed to pay the same out of such funds in the State Treasury.

Trust Fund Source

There is appropriated from the Trust Fund to the Department of________ the sum of $ for the relief of for injuriesand damages sustained.

The Chief Financial Officer is directed to draw a warrant in favor of inthe sum of $ upon the funds of the Trust Fund within the Department of_________ in the State Treasury, and the Chief Financial Officer is directed to pay the same outof such funds in the State Treasury.

Chapter 216 Transfer (Requires Legislative Budget Commission approval for any GeneralRevenue transfer and for any Trust Fund transfer over $1 million.)

Pursuant to the provisions of section 216.292, Florida Statutes, the Department ofshall request transfer of existing spending authority in the amount of

$ from existing operating categories of the Department of______________ to a new category titled "Relief: II in the StateTreasury, and the Chief Financial Officer is directed to pay the same out of such funds in the State Treasury.

The Chief Financial Officer is directed to draw a warrant in favor of___________ in the sum of $ upon the funds of the _Trust Fund within the Department of within the category titled "Relief:________" in the State Treasury, and the Chief Financial Officer is directed to pay the same outof such funds in the State Treasury.


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Payment to the guardian of the claimant, including a reversion to the source of payment upon the death of theclaimant. (This language should be used if the claimant is a minor or is incompetent. It is intended to protectpayments to claimants who are otherwise unable to protect their own interests).

" ... payable to {guardian of claimant} as legal guardian of {claimant}, to be placed in the guardianship account of{claimant}, to compensate himlher for injuries and damages sustained as a result of the negligence of {respondent}.Upon the death of {claimant}, any balance of the ${amount} remaining in the guardianship account shall revert tothe {payor}. It is the intent of the Legislature that no funds exceeding {$ amount} appropriated herein subsequentlybe spent, or any obligation thereof incurred by the guardian, without prior order of the circuit court."


Payment through a structured payout. (This language is typically used when the parties have agreed to a settlementrequiring payment over a period of years while ensuring compensation to the claimant for a period of years.)

" ...upon passage of this bill, the {payor} shall pay {claimant} {$ amount}. One year from the first payment, the{payor} shall pay {claimant} {$ amount}; and one year from the second payment, the {payor} shall pay {claimant}{$ amount}, for a total of {total amount}."


Payment through an annuity plan purchased by the claimant, including a reversion to the source of payment upon thedeath of the claimant. (This language is typically used when the claimant has suffered serious or permanent injuriesand is likely to require substantial or long-term medical care. It is often used in conjunction with a special needstrust and/or payment to a guardian.)

" ...payable to the {guardian of claimant} to be placed in a Special Needs Trust created for the exclusive use andbenefit of {claimant}. After payment of statutory attorney's fees and costs, the balance shall be used to purchase anappropriate structured financial plan, the proceeds of which shall be deposited into a Special Needs Trust created forthe exclusive use and benefit of {claimant}. It is the further intent of the Legislature that upon {claimant's} death,any funds remaining in the Special Needs Trust after payment of any outstanding Medicaid funds shall revert to the{payor}."


Payment to a special needs trust, including a reversion to the source of payment upon the death of the claimant.(This language can be used in conjunction with payment to a guardian, and ensures that the award will adequatelycompensate the claimant's future needs over a period of years while protecting the claimant's eligibility forMedicaid services.)

" ... payable to {guardian of claimant}, parents and legal guardians of {claimant}, to be placed in the Special NeedsTrust created for the exclusive use and benefit of {claimant}, a minor, to compensate {claimant} for injuries anddamages sustained. Upon the death of {claimant}, the Trust balance shall revert to the {payor}."

*Add Medicaid reimbursem*nt provision from bottom of page 5, if applicable.


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A. Annual Summary of All Claim Bill Activity in the Florida LegislatureSince 1955

Total Number Percentage of Percentage ofYear of Total Number of Total Dollar of Claims that Total Dollar Claim Bills Filed Dollars Asked forSession Claims Filed Amount Claimed Became Law Amount Paid that Became Law Which Was Paid

1955 91 $ 480,254 47 $ 233,750 52% 49%

1957 68 NVAL 35 NVAL 51% NVAL

1959 52 198,126 18 75,929 37% 38%

1961 51 345,180 25 83,354 49% 24%

1963 83 853,783 37 64,666 45% 8%

1965 79 927,121 31 193,129 39% 21%

1967 61 1,165,625 30 158,882 49% 14%

1969 119 2,324,588 41 434,275 34% 19%

1970 66 2,841,146 22 488,915 33% 17%

1971 59 2,349,172 16 227,737 27% 10%

1972 57 2,561,080 12 137,911 21% 5%

1973 65 5,318,182 21 108,943 32% 2%

1974 81 8,618,071 27 1,727,334 33% 20%

1975 92 15,941,051 14 174,754 15% 1%

1976 98 14,456,652 23 356,419 23% 2%

1977 60 20,654,799 18 303,480 30% 1%

1978 48 25,071,359 9 347,089 19% 1%

1979 34 19,317,752 3 495,000 9% 2%

1980 35 10,545,417 14 1,303,124 40% 12%

1981 30 10,116,639 9 1,330,420 30% 13%

1982 29 6,728,843 4 67,441 14% 1%

1983 25 6,982,372 8 1,373,509 32% 20%

1984 30 21,344,591 11 6,937,943 37% 33%

1985 27 7,014,757 7 776,931 26% 11%

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Total Number Percentage of Percentage ofYear of Total Number of Total Dollar of Claims that Total Dollar Claim Bills Filed Dollars Asked forSession Claims Filed Amount Claimed Became Law Amount Paid that Became Law Which Was Paid

1987 24 15,811,117 8 4,394,904 33% 28%

1988 27 13,895,845 19 5,077,521 70% 37%

1989 25 26,443,994 7 3,933,600 28% 15%

1990 27 15,907,574 10 7,838,013 37% 49%

1991 27 24,812,666 17 12,017,251 63% 48%

1992 21 12,352,300 8 3,930,606 38% 32%

1993 24 26,534,354 11 3,835,837 46% 14%

1994 29 35,051,753 12 10,436,870 41% 30%

1995 28 30,489,004 21 19,267,194 75% 63%

1996 25 53,166,262 19 45,661,085 76% 86%

19971 17 26,736,694 0 0 0% 0%

1998 33 53,018,374 26 28,640,492 78% 54%

1999 27 27,409,526 12 12,609,783 44% 46%

2000 19 49,287,718 10 17,077,500 52% 35%

2001 43 82,585,784 2 5,555,347 4% 6%

2002 40 70,087,109 24 35,544,884 60% 50%

2003 31 41,177,709 12 5,088,410 39% 12%

2004 24 48,451,050 6 9,444,937 25% 19%

2005 21 29,430,496 1 2,000,000 5% 7%

2006 27 33,296,481 0 0 0% 0%

2007 35 47,210,529 13 23,667,881 37% 50%

2008 31 97,660,955 11 18,500,825 35% 19%

1 The Florida Senate President declared a moratorium on the processing of all claim bills during the 1997 session.


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B. Example of a Local Claim BillENROLLED

2007 Legislature CS for SB 76, 1st Engrossed
















An act for the relief of Claude Tunc, Martine

Tunc, and Sandrine Tunc by the City of Miami

Beach; providing for the relief of Claude Tunc

and Martine Tunc, individually and as

co-personal representatives of the estate of

Stephanie Tunc, deceased, and Sandrine Tunc,

sister of Stephanie Tunc, for the death of

Stephanie Tunc and injuries and damages

sustained by Sandrine Tunc due to the

negligence of the City of Miami Beach;

providing for an appropriation; providing for

attorney's fees, lobbyist's fees, and costs;

providing an effective date.

16 WHEREAS, on February 22, 2003, 27-year-old Sandrine

17 Tunc and her 26-year-old sister, Stephanie Tunc, were

18 sunbathing on the soft sand of Miami Beach on a sunny

19 afternoon, and

20 WHEREAS, Officer George Varon, a police officer

21 employed by the City of Miami Beach Police Department, while

22 in the course and scope of his duties as a City of Miami Beach

23 police officer, drove a Miami Beach police vehicle on the soft

24 sand of Miami Beach and negligently drove through an area of

25 sunbathers near a lifeguard station, and in fact did drive

26 over Stephanie Tunc and Sandrine Tunc with his police vehicle,

27 proximately causing the death of Stephanie Tunc and serious

28 permanent injuries to Sandrine Tunc, and

29 WHEREAS, Stephanie Tunc was crushed to death by the

30 vehicle and died shortly after the incident, and Sandrine Tunc



CODING: Words strielten are deletions; words underlined are additions.


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2007 Legislature CS for SB 76, 1st Engrossed

1 survived the accident and was transferred to the Ryder Trauma

2 Center at the Jackson Memorial Hospital, and

3 WHEREAS, the parents of Stephanie Tunc, Claude Tunc and

4 Martine Tunc, seek to recover damages for their mental pain

5 and suffering, as well as future loss of support of services

6 based on the death of their daughter, and

7 WHEREAS, Sandrine Tunc seeks damages for past pain and

8 suffering, disability, impairment, disfigurement, mental

9 anguish, inconvenience, and lost capacity to enjoy life;

10 future pain and suffering, disability, impairment,

11 disfigurement, mental anguish, inconvenience, and lost

12 capacity to enjoy life; loss of future earning capacity; and

13 future medical and psychiatric care and rehabilitation, and

14 WHEREAS, Sandrine Tunc was hospitalized from February

15 22, 2003, through February 28, 2003, at the Jackson Memorial

16 Hospital for a lacerated liver, fractured ribs, punctured

17 lung, contusions, and hematomas, and

18 WHEREAS, also as a result of the injuries incurred on

19 February 22, 2003, Sandrine Tunc has disfiguring scars as well

20 as a permanent hardened cyst-like hematoma in her lower left

21 groin area, and

22 WHEREAS, Sandrine Tunc incurred medical expenses of

23 $37,624.20 for her treatment at the Jackson Memorial Hospital

24 Ryder Trauma Center, and the decedent, Stephanie Tunc,

25 incurred medical expenses of $45,030.24 at the Jackson

26 Memorial Hospital Ryder Trauma Center, and

27 WHEREAS, Sandrine Tunc is receiving continuous medical

28 and psychiatric care due to the above injuries as well as the

29 emotional trauma of watching her sister being crushed to death

30 by the police vehicle while they were lying side-by-side on

31 the beach, and


CODING: Words strieltea are deletions; words underlined are additions.


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2007 Legislature CS for SB 76, 1st Engrossed

1 WHEREAS, as a result of a suit filed following the

2 incident, the City Commission of the City of Miami Beach

3 voluntarily agreed to a settlement of this cause in the amount

4 of $1,500,000, of which $200,000 will be paid by the City of

5 Miami Beach, and

6 WHEREAS, the remaining $1,300,000 is to be paid subject

7 to the passage of a claim bill introduced in the Legislature,

8 and

9 WHEREAS, the City of Miami Beach has agreed to support

10 this claim bill, NOW, THEREFORE,


12 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


14 Section 1. The facts stated in the preamble to this

15 act are found and declared to be true.

16 Section 2. The City of Miami Beach is authorized and

17 directed to appropriate from funds not otherwise appropriated

18 and to draw warrants in the amount of $325,000 to be paid to

19 Claude Tunc and Martine Tunc, individually and as co-personal

20 representatives of the estate of Stephanie Tunc, deceased, and

21 in the amount of $975,000 to Sandrine Tunc, which amount is

22 inclusive of costs and attorney's fees as limited by this act,

23 as compensation for injuries and damages sustained due to the

24 negligence of the City of Miami Beach.

25 Section 3. Payment for the combined total of

26 professional services and costs incurred by attorneys,

27 lobbyists, and agents or representatives of attorneys or

28 lobbyists shall not exceed $280,000.


30 law.


Section 4. This act shall take effect upon becoming a


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C. Proof of Publication for a Local Claim Bill

NAPLES DAll.,(lt ;\E\VSPublished IJai!;~nplcs. FL ~-I-I02

Hi the manorof PLfJLI(~ NfyrICE

Affidavit of PublicationState of FloridaCountv of Collier

", ...... .appeared B. Lan]!?. \\ ho on oath says that theyserve as the Assistant Corporate Secretary of the NaplesDaity.n daily newspaper published al Naples. in Collier Count).Florida: distributed in Collier and Lee countiesof Florida: thalthe nnachcd copy of the advertising. being a

\'\ as published in said newspaper I time in the issueOn Julv 12Ht

• 2008

. \!li.Lnl JiU1b~'f ~:.t~~ thot thtt ~nid ~..:••plcs !)aily Xcws 1~ a n~w~pal'f.,"f

Pllhli};h~dat XapJc",. in collier ~()Ullly.. I·l~ric.hl ilnd I.h:n the ~aid

n.;\\';.p:~~r ha~ h~r~H'I\)r~ been ~ontiml~)m.ty p\1hH~hcd in saidColiie..C<~tmt\'. Florida; 'dj}o;H'ihUl~dinCollier and r CC' .:'mmHc!: tlfFloddu.~"'ll.'h ~~t\' ;lHd ha~ h~,,~l ~flt~r~d mo; :->l.'t.:(Ynd dJ.~"dll,tH IlmUJ.:f ~H the PI~st\~nk'~ i~ "'~lph:~. in ~lud Collier COUnl~. Flnrida.. for ,t period (~r i:-~ilr next pr....l.:~dm~ the first rHhficati('~n otthc nnnch~J ~upy of'Hh·.:rtn.;~rn~nt: ~U'ldtltnltnf Ihrth\."r 'o1'n:~ that h~ htt.~ neither r~lid norpiuHd.:.o.l,;tl ,m:- p.:r~UH. firm or ~,,)rp\)r~tii,~n ..m} Ji~~Qt.mt. r"haL~.

~'(')fmllls,.:itm er ndim& tor the purpose nt~~~'uringthis advertisem*nt Iorpllhl:~mi~m in ih..: ~~Iid n,,"\\;~ 'r

i./1<. Signatureof ii'frianl)

S\\ oro to and subscribed before U1C

-rhis 12:1s• Day orJnly lOOr;


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D. Example of a Summary Special Master's Report for a Settled Claim

Bill #:Sponsor:Companion Bill:Special Master:Basic Information:

1. Claimants:

HB 1043Rep. Bendross-MindingallSB 76 Sen. MargolisStephanie Birtman

Claude and Martine Tunc, individually and as personalrepresentatives of Stephanie Tunc, deceased; andSandrine Tunc, sister of Stephanie Tunc.

2. Respondent:

3. Amount Requested:

4. Type of Claim:

5. Respondent's Position:

6. Collateral Sources:

7. Attorney's Fees:

City of Miami Beach


Equitable. Result of a settlement agreement.

Agrees not to oppose and to fully cooperate with claimbill process. The City is holding the full amount in theCity's Risk Management Fund.

Sandrine has received 49,500 pounds (approximately$92,000 US dollars as of the date of the initial report) asbeneficiary of Stephanie's life insurance policy and hassubmitted her medical expenses to her travel insurancecompany (Tower, Gate, Chase, Parkinson Ltd.).Martine and Claude have received 10,000 pounds(approximately $18,968 in US dollars) as thebeneficiaries of Stephanie's death indemnity throughher employer, The Royal Mail, and have submitted hermedical expenses to her travel insurance (VoyagersAssistance) .

The claimants' attorney has submitted an affidavitaffirming that his fees are limited to 25% of anysettlement as required by law. Lobbying fees are 3%,and are included within the 25% attorney's feeslimitation. There are no outstanding costs.


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8. Prior Legislative History: HB 1493 (2004) was filed by Rep. Barreiro. The bill diedin the Subcommittee on Claims as there was no timelyfiled Senate companion bill pursuant to Senate Rule4.81.

HB 731 (2005) was again filed by Rep. Barreiro. Thebill died on the Second Reading Calendar of the Houseof Representatives. SB 34 (2005) by Sen. Margolis wasnever considered by the Senate.

HB 383 (2006) was filed by Rep. Barreiro and died inthe Justice Council. S8 36 (2006) was filed by Sen.Margolis and was never considered by the Senate.

A. Procedural Summary: On September 18, 2003, Claude and Martine Tunc, and Sandrine Tuncfiled a negligence lawsuit against the City of Miami Beach in the circuit court of the 11th JudicialCircuit in and for Dade County. Prior to trial, the parties entered into a settlement agreementwhereby the City agreed to pay a total of $1.5 million, $200,000 of which has already been paidpursuant to the statutory cap on liability, and agreed to the entry of a final judgment for same.

B. Facts of Case: Stephanie (then aged 28) and her sister Sandrine Tunc (then aged -27) wereFrench citizens visiting Miami Beach on the tail end of their trip to South America for a vacation.Neither sister was married or had children. The two were sunbathing on February 22, 2003 onMiami Beach near the 13th Street lifeguard stand in an authorized area of the beach with othersunbathers nearby. A Miami Beach police officer driving a marked city SUV in the course andscope of his employment, was looking for an alleged robbery suspect without using a siren orflashing lights. The officer drove over both girls, crushing Stephanie and pinning her under theSUV when he first stopped. As a result, Stephanie died; Sandrine suffered a lacerated liver,contusion of her lung, a fractured sacrum, lacerated spleen, contusion of her abdominal wall,numerous burns, and a fractured rib. Her medical bills totaled $37,624. Stephanie's medicalbills totaled $45,030. Sandrine has suffered a permanent injury and serious psychologicalramifications, including anorexia. Her parents, Claude and Martine Tunc flew to Miami fromForges Les Eaux, France, to bring Stephanie's body back for a funeral; they then returned toMiami to assist Sandrine in her recovery until she was well enough to return to her home inEngland.

An investigation by the State Attorney's Office for the 11 th Circuit concluded that the driver wasnegligent in failing to observe the sunbathers on the beach. No criminal charges were filedagainst the driver. Miami Beach Police Department Standard Operating Procedure #14 statesthat police officers will drive in a defensive manner; the officer was found to have breached thispolicy. As a result of this accident, the City of Miami Beach changed their beach vehicle policy,prohibiting vehicles from patrolling the beach unless dispatched to respond to a call for service;and requiring vehicles that must drive on the beach to use their flashers.

SM:Stephanie O. Birtman



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E. Example of a General Claim Bill


1999 Legislat.ure SB 4, 1st Engrossed


2 An act for the relief of Joseph Bellamy Farver;

3 providing an appropriation to compensate him

4 for injuries and damages sustained asa result

5 of ·the negligence of the Department of Children

6 and Family Services, formerly the Department of

7 Health and Rehabilitative Services; providing

8 for reimbursem*nt of all unreimbursed medical

9 payments made bYMe~icaid up to the date that

10 th.is bill becomes a law; providing an effective

11 da.te.


13 WHEREAS, Joseph Bellamy Farver was born Joseph Bellamy

14 on May 16, 1.985, .at; BrowardGeneral Medical Center in Broward

15 County, Florida, and

16 WHEREAS, although Joseph Bellamy was healthy and normal

17 and was seen by pediatricians as he met his.nQrmal development

18 goals for the first three to five monthsof·his life, Joseph

19 Bellamyls parents possessed borderline intelligence levels,

20 were emotionally unstable. and could not handle their son, and.

21 WHEREAS, it became evident to friends and neighbors of

22 the Bellamy family that Joseph Bellamy was abused, and

23 WHEREAS, between August 1985 and November 1985,

24 twenty-seven phone calls were placed to the State of Florida

25 Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services regarding

26 Joseph Bellamy, and on all occasions the Department of Health

27 and Rehabilitative Services failed to protect Joseph Bellamy

28 from child abuse, as was their duty and responsibility, and

29 WHEREAS, on October 22, 1985, the Department of Health

30 and Rehabilitative Services received a telephone call



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1999 Legislature SB4, 1st Engrossed

1 informing them that Joseph Bellamy had been slapped, hit l

2 picked up by one arm, and thrown across a bed, and

:; WHEREAS, in response to the call, the Department of

4 Health and Rehabilitative Services did nothing, and5 WHEREAS, the· rules and regulations of the former

6 Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services required the

7 department to eonduet a home visit pursuant to Buena call and

8 that the. child be seen .within 24 hours o.f the receipt of a

9 telephone call by the department alleging childabuse~and

10 WHEREAS, on November 6 1 1985, JosepbBellamy was

11 admitted to BrowardGeneral Medical Center with bruises all

12 overhisbodythaving been shaken, having been brain-damaged

13 to the point where he had retinal hemorrhages, hemorrhages in

14 his eyes, a brain hemorrhage, and being in a coma as a result

15 of physical abuse inflicted by his parents~and

16 WHEREAS" the former Department ·ofHealth and17 Rehabilitative Services knew or sbould have known that such

18 injuries would oecurtoJoseph Bellamy because they received

19 telephone calls from friends ana relatives of Joseph Bellamy,

20 including Joseph Bellamy'ft grandparent8;informingthe

.21 department that "the parents were retarded," and

22 WHEREAS, It is clear that the former Department of

23 Health and Rehabilitative Services" itsinvestigators~ and its

24 counselors should have performed their duty by removing Joseph2S Bellamy from the Bellamy home" thus protecting Joseph Bellamy

26 from abuse, beatings, and brain damage# and

21 WHEREAS, had Joseph. Bellamy.been taken into protective28 custody" the terrible physica.l problems frol1\which he now

29 suffers would never have occurred, and

30 WBEREAS:t Joseph Bellamy Farver will suffer severe

31 neurological medical conditions for the remainder of his life,


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1999 Legislature SB4, 1st Engrossed

1 as well as other irreversible and permanent medical:2 conditions, and

3 WHEREAS, Joseph Bellamy Farver has bilateral subdural

4 hematomas, left parietal intraparenchymal hemorrhage, and

5 subarachnoid hemorrhage.s # and

6 WHEREAS, Joseph Bellamy Farver has a communicating

7 hydrocephalus with· a post right ventricular peritoneal shunt,e and

9 WHEREAS, Joseph Bellamy Farver has a seizure disorders

10 secondary to his head injury, and

11 WHEREAS, Joseph Bellamy Farver has multiple

12 contractures of his heel cords, his hamstrings, his hips, and

13 bis elbowstand

14 WHEREAS.• Joseph Bellamy Farver is profoundly retarded

15 but capable of interacting and showing emotions and responses,

16 and

17 WHEREAs, the number of seizures which Joseph Bellamy

18 Farver experiences are'increasing/and19 WHEREAS, Joseph Bellamy Farver takes 30-milligram

20 tablets of phenobarbital five times a day forh!s seizures,

21 and

22 WHEREAS, Joseph Bellamy Farver takes 2 milligrams of

23 valium for' assistance in sleeping, and24 WHEREAS, Joseph Bellamy- Farver· also takes 125

25 milligrams of valporic acid four times a day,and

26 WHEREAS., Joseph Bellamy F8:rver receives physical

27 therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy on a daily

28 basis at school, and is seen on a routine basis by a

29 pediatrician. a neurologist, an orthopedist t and a

30 neurosurgeon, and



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1999 Legislature SB 4, 1st Engrossed

1. WREREAS, following the final incident of abuse against

2 Joseph Bellamy, Joseph Bellamy became a ward of the State of

3 Florida, and

.. WHEREAS, in 1993, J~r;eph Bellamy was adopted by Jeffrey

S and Helen Farver, who reside in Panama City, and

6 WHERBAS f his adoptive parents care for him in his

7 present condition # which requires that they tend to his every

8 need, which is sfull-time undertaking and requires more

9 resources than they can afford, and

10 WHEREAS, a lawsuit was brought against theSta.te of

11 Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services on

12 behalf of Joseph Bellamy Farver by his court-appointed

13 guardian ad litem, and

14 WHEREAS, after a lengthy jury trial, the jury found the

15 Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services liable for

16 Joseph Bellamy Farver I s injuries and awarded him damages in

17 the amount of $7"OOOtOOO,and

18 WHEREAS, the Department of Health and Rehabilitative

19Servicesclid not appeal the verdict, and has paid $100,000

20 pursuant to the statutory limits of liability set forth in

21 se.etlon 768.28, Florida Statutes, NOW, THEREFORE,


23 Be It Enactedby' the Legislature of ·the State of Florida:


25 Section 1.. The facts stated in the preamble to this

26 act are found and declared to be true.

27 Section 2.. There is appropriated from nonrecurring

28 general revenue the sum of $4,500,000 to be paid as relief to

29 Joseph Bellamy Farver for injuries and damages sustained~

30 Section 3. The Comptroller shall draw a warrant from

31 nonrecurring general revenue in the sum of $4,500,000 payable


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1999 Legislature SB 4, 1st Engrossed

1 to Helen and Jeff Farver, parents and legal guardians of

2 Joseph Bellamy Fal':"Ver. to be placed in the Tnlstcreated for

3 the benefit of Joseph Bellamy Farver, a minor, to compensate

4 him for injuries and damages sustained. Upon the death of

5 Joseph Bellamy Farver, the Trust balance shall revert to ·the

6 general revenue of the State of Florida pursuant to the terms

7 of the Trust agreement.S Section 4.. The governmental entity responsible for

9 payment of the· warrant shall pay to the Florida Agency for

10 Health Care Administration the amount due under section

11 409.910, Florida Statutes I prior to disbursing any funds to

12 the claimant. Tbeamount due to the agency shall be equal to

13 all unreimbursedmedicalpayments paid by Medicaid up to the

14 date that this billbecOl'Iles a law.

lS Section 5.. This act sballtake effect July 1, 1999.


















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F. Example of a Special Master's Report on a Contested Claim



M.IIIn, AdtJteu4Q4.SoIIth Monroe Street

lallaha$Sft, Ftoncla 32399--1100(850)Al1..5237

November 25. 1998


TheHonorable Ton; JenningsPresident, The Florida senateSuite409. The CapitolTallahassee, Florida 32399-1100

Re: S8 4- SenatorHoward FormanReliefof Joseph BellamyFarver

11125/98 SMCFFR


Favl1 amend




The Abandonmeot Phase: Joseph Bellamy ·was anormal, healthy infant bom to. Coreenand MichaelBeDamyat BrowardGeneral Medical center on May 16.1985. According to the available records.of theDepartment of Health and Rehabilitative Services(HRS),the departmenfs initial ·contaet conceming JosephBellamy was logged· in exactly 3 months later, beforenoon on Friday. August 16. 1985. when Josephtsmaternal grandfather phoned the department to reportthat Josepht

• parents had letlJoseph with him about 2weeks prior and that the caller and his wife could nelongercare for-the infant. The caller saidthat he wantedtotaJk to an HRS counselor about .getting Joseph"placed.·presumably·in fostercare. Grandfatherreferred


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to Joseph·s parents as "retarded." According to the HRSrecords, grandfather apparentlycalled back about a.halfhour later; spoketo anotherintakewor1<er; stated that heand his wife would.continue to care for Joseph; did notwant to see an HRS counselor; and that his wife wouldcall back to HRS the following week. Grandmother didcall HRSthe next week.. There apparently was a flurry oftelephonic activityon·Thursday, August 22: one call withgrandmother. one to the AFDC office, and severalattempts to reach the· other set of grandparents. Therecords also indicate that HRS caseworkersmade theirinitial.telephone contact with Joseph's.mother and fatheron August22,duringwhichcall one or bothof the parentsare reported to have said that·they did not·wish to havetheir baby retumedto them. There· ·was. anothertelephone·contactwithJoseph's parents on August 30,Friday ofthefollowing.weekl but the specific subject ofthatconversaoon wasnotnotedin the records. There isan HRSlog<entry on Tuesday,Seplember3. 1985;notinga call from grandmother. relaying a message fromJoseph·' mother that she. Joseph's mother,was stiUbyingto decide whether to keep Joseph. The HRSrecordsindicate that this aabandonmenrcasewas closedon September 4, 1985 as a -Voluntary foster care*situation with -no.furtherservices··needed-jusl one dayafter grandmothers call to say that she would keep thebaby as Iong.8s she was ·abte to and that she wouldcontact HRS in the future, if necessary. Throughoutthisentire period, there was. apparentty no home visitalthoughHRS had been giVen ·thechild·scorreaaddress(properly noted in the agency record), and under thecirc*mstances. based on standards and instructions inthe HRS·Manual, Rules and statute.a familyvisitwas notonly indicated, but required.

Although the initial -abandonment"case apparentlyhadbeen aciosed·onWednesday, September 4, 1985,somewhat conflicting HRSrecords show that the matterhadactualJybeen transferred· to another.caseworker whomade severalintermittent.attempts. over·thenextseveralweeks. to reach Joseph'sgrandmother by phone. .AnHRScaseworkerspoke to Joseph·s matemalgrandfatherin·mid-october; tried to reach Joseph's motherby phoneon October 17 but spoke to an adult femalehousemate;andon October31, finally spoke with Joseph'smother.


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SPECIAL MASTER'S FINAL REPORT-sa 4November.25, 1998Page 3

Onthe·phone.CoreenBeDamy apparently gave.8glowingreport onhersonJoseph's condition and on her family'sgeneral domestic tranquility.

The -Milk Allergy" phase: In the early afternoon onThursday. October10l 1985.Josephwas picked·up fromthe Bellamy residence at 151.3.NW 12th Terrace in FtLauderdale. andbroughtby ambulance to the EmergencyDepartment at Broward General. Medical center.Joseph's mother told the staff that Joseph had vomitedthat dayand his eyeshad rolledbackas though he werehavingaseizure~ The ER physician spoke to Joseph'spediatrician's partner ·who suggested that Joseph bereleased with instructions to keep him off cows-milk andon clear liquids for 24 hours, and for Joseph's family tobring him to the pediatrician's office in 3 or 4 days..Joseph's mothersigned themedicaf chartand lefttheERwith Josephat 3:20·p.m" Thereis norecord showing thatshe followed through·with the prescnbed visit to thedoctorsoffice..

From -Abandonment- to Child Abuse Phase: The HRSrecords indicate that 12 days later. at 2:15 p.m, onTuesday, October 22. 1985,8 physical abuse intakereport was received from a neigbbor.via the central1(800) child abuse holfine.indicating that Joseph hadbeen. "slapped. hit. picked ·upby OnfJarrn, and thrownacross the bed." and· that Coreen BeJlamy·had· abusedJoseph by "throwing him to the floor.• ThishoUine reportwas·apparently funneled. from·Tallahassee to·the localBraward HRS office. The intake counselor on dutyapparentlydid not·checkthe Central Information Systemto look for prior entries on the child. or if a checkwssmade. no match was noted" At 8 am, the. next day.Wednesday. October23. 1985,the caseworkerthen onduty picked up the hotline report and physically went to1SaQNW12th Terrace,which was inthesarneblock.butnot the correcthouse..

TheHRS records indicate that 3 days later, on Friday.•October 25. 1985, shortly after noontime,anothertelephonic report came into the local HRS office. Theidentity·of the callerhas beenredacted fromthe recordsby the cunent records custodian. as is required by law;however. it was probably either.8 famiy memberanellar


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the same neighbor. In ·any.event, the caller .ag,ainprovided HRS withthe Bellamy's correct address. statedthat Joseph hada distended stomach and big bruiseoverhis kidney, had passed out, and had been taken by hisfather to a hospital where he had been treated andreleased. The callerfurther related that Joseph's fatherand mother had had a violent disagreeme.nt and hadthrownIhingsbackandforth. According to HRS records.twoHRSintakeworkersarrived at the correctaddressforJoseph's residence at 4:50 p.m, thataftemoon andreported that.although all the .lights were on. they got noresponse at the door. At9:45a.m.• the next. morning.SatUrday, October26,.1985, the HRS caseworker ondutyfollowed up by getting s·localpolice.·officerto.·accompanyher to the Belfamyresidence" Her report .says.that· whenthey got there.JosephIS motherwas there with Joseph.sndlhe female adult·family friend. Josephlsfather wasnot there. The·.HRS .worker·s .report·contains· Joseph'smother's8CCOuntofthehospitalvisit16 days earlier, themothers admission that she afld her husband argued alot, andthe mothers denia·laboutthrowing Josephto thefloor. The friend generally corroborated the mother'sstory.. The HRS caseworker wrote in her report·that·shehadexamined .Joseph~. Shealso··stated in her report thatJoseph had-no marksor bruises·and appeared to hertobe "very.. healthy..-She. apparently found nothingsufficiently unusual andshealJowed Joseph to remainathome withhis mother. She notedher follow-up plan thathad two elements:. 1) to try to locate and see the father;and·2) to try to .obtain.marriage. counseling for Josephtsp8rents~ At the Special Master's hearing, there was asuggestion byclaimant·s· counsel that this HRScaseworker had not been entirely candid and that herphysical.examination of Joseph was not as thoroughasshe had indicated in the written report she had fliedshorttyafter Saturday, October26r 1985.

The reconfthenshows that4days later1 0n Wednesday.OCtober·3D. 1985.the·other·caseworkerwho·had 900010the wrongaddress on Tuesdayt October 22, went to thecorrect address looking for Joseph and/or his mother.The caseworkerfound no onehome.. ·She left hercarct..The next day.Thursday.Oclobef' 31. 1985, CoreenBellamy phoned the local HRS office. apparently· inresponse to·the card left the previous day. Coreen··said


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that.she was having financial problems and wanted todiscuss ·voluntaryfostercare" for Joseph. Theevidenceis that she was given an appointment for the followingMondaYI November 4, 1985. She nevermade it in.

The Final As§lU~ Phase: Joseph's medical chart reflectsthat on Wednesday, November6t1985, at 1:29 p.rn.,hewas broughtin an ambulance. unconscious. at BrowardGeneral Medical Center..He·wasaccompanied by bothparents. The parents repeated their earlier story thatJoseph -Went into a seizure- about 15 minutes before.The EMT who treated Joseph during the 9 minute ride.noted that Joseph was in seiZure posture with clenchedjaw; that he was pale to ashen in cotorand blue aroundhis lips; and that his eyes hadrorJed back up into hishead. The physician at the emergency departmentconfirmed the seizure status, diagnosed intracranialbleeding. 8,ndfinallyidentffied Joseph as a·shakenbaby,,- Joseph wasadmitted to thehospital one hourand15 minutes after havingarrived at the·ERdeor,

ElrJuaIConclysion:· A preponderance of the evidenceshows that sometime on November 6.1985, CoreenBellamy held .: Joseph under his arms at shoulder leveland violently shook him. Asaresult•.Joseph. at 10 daysshort of his half birthday. became profoundly andpermanentlybrain.injured. .Both· parents were chargedwith child abuseand/or .sssauitand battery. Bothadmitted, at one timeor another. ·tohave shaken/beatenJoseph.· Both wereconvicted..

Standards for Eindjngsof Fig: Findingsof fact.must besupported.by a preponderance·ofevidence. TheSpecialMaster may collect, consider, andincJude in the record,any reasonably believable.information that the SpecialMaster finds to be relevant or persuasive •in the matterunder inquiry. Theclaimant.has.the burden of proof oneach required element In the final analysis, this isalegislative measure that.· once the Masters report. andrerommendation are filed•. can be treated and lobbied inthe legislature, just as any other ·measure can be"Objections tathe Special Masters findings. conclusions.and recommendations can be·addressed direcUy.to·themembers of the Senate,. either in committee, orindividuallyt as the partieschoose"


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Joseph, nowage 13.has a permanent. irreversiblebraininjury as a result of head trauma inflicted on him inNovember 1985~ It is chronic·(old). fIXed (occurred at onemoment). and non-progressive (not itself getting worse.but with ongoingcompficationsthat pose medical risks).In the shaking. he suffered bilateralsubduralhematomas(accumulations of blood in the subdural ·space of hishead). multiple brain hemorrhagest and hydroencephaly{cerebrospinal fluid leaking inhisskull). Hehasa seizuredisorder that is somewhat controlled with medication.. Heis profoundly retarded with cerebral palsy,spasticity(tightening) and contraction of many body joints. His 10is estimated to be in the 25 range. These conditionsmanifest themselves;n poorhead control, the tendencytoward maintaining a fetalposition. tucked-in thumbs, anddroofingwithmouthepenandtongue protruding. Josephis sentient but cannot. vocalize. He can laugh. makenoises. respond to pain, and follow ·an object with hiseyes.. He.cantumto voices. He is. not·toUet trained andnever will be.. He eats pureed food by mouth.but·mustbe watched at meal time to avoid the risk of choking. Hecannot .feed or ·clothe himself. He weighs ·about 50+pounds at his current.sge .13, and should ·grow to 100+pounds at adult size. He will requireyearlyevaluationbyan assorted group of physicians and will require anti­spasticity andanti-convulsanl drugs for the foreseeablefuture. He wDlneed. physical, speech. aquatic. andrelated therapies.. His expected life span, with optimummedical caret according toone set of experts. is into his60·s.. There was conflicting yet credible evidence.intherecord that his remaining lifespan will be SUbstantiallyreduced. based on the statistics of similarly injUredpersons.

Josephhas been a ward of the.State of Florida since late1985.. He was pla·eedwith Jeff and Helen Farver inNovember 1993 and legally adopted by them in April1994. Jeff and Helen Farver are missionaries carryingout a ministry of Central Baptist Church in PanamaCity ..Their mission is named in memory of Mephibosheth, theson of·Jonathan and grandson of Saul. who King Davidtreated as one of his own sene. II Samuel 9:5-13"Mephibosheth is significant to the Farvers because hewas described;n II Samuel 4:4 as being -lame of feet,"


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the only such physically afflicted individual specificallynamed in the scr.iptures.

At the time of the 1997 Special Masters' hearing. theFarver family was supported by a modest monthlyallowance from theirchurch, plus$2,400a monthsupportfor Joseph fromhis guardianship estate, plus about$470per month in SSt for each of the other 4 siblings, alsoadopted by theFarvers.AlJ the Farverchildrenare in asimilarmedicalstate.

Joseph attends .the Margaret K. Lewis Center. aneducational facilityalthe BayCountySchoolDistrict. Hegets picked up around 7 am., 4 to 5 days a week.depending on his daily physical condition. This givesJoseph's parents somerespfte. There has never beenany professional nursing assistance in the Farverresidence. Caringfor these children is the.fulJ..time work,mission. ministry, and responsibility of Jeff and HelenFarver_

ClAIMANTS ARGUMENTS:Paraphrased for brevity)

1. J.oseph comesto the LegisJaturewith a jury verdictfor$7 million. HRScouldhavet but did not. appealit or ask for a newtriatHiscourt-appointed guardianand lawyers havebeen through all the hoops. Ithasbeen. 13 years since HRSempfoyees abandonedJoseph, an infant unable to protect himself from hisviolent. retardedmother. HRSemployees hadever20. perhaps.up to 27 separate warnings/contactsfrom Joseph's relatives and neighbors. This ·isactive. actionable negligence. and payment of thisverdictwiD have the result of teachingthedepaJtmentabout the resultsof sloppy.carelesswork.

2. HRS(now DCF)lawyers admitted HRS' liabilityat theSpecial Masters- hearing. The issue for theLegislature isonlytheproper·amount topay Joseph'sguardianshipestate as damages.

3. One of Floridats most respected pediatricneurologists has prescribed a medically necessary·optimal" plan for Joseph's treatment.. Theplan hasbeen quantified by a respected. experienced,credible Ph.D. economistwho testified ·in court andbefore the Special Masters. The·result of the plan


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(based .on the pediatric neurologist's estimate ofJosepb's remaining Ufe expectancy of about 50years) is about $17 million, comprised of about·S14million forround-the-clocklPN careto be supplied toJoseph by a private nursing agency,snd about $3millionfor other future medical needs.

4. State-provided ChiJdren'sMedical Services areinadequate. Those providers are overworked.overbooked. underfunded, undependable, have ahigh turnover. and are getting worse. not bener.astime goes onandgovemmentcutbacks in theseprograms continue. Furthermore•. there maybe nosuch thing as Medicaid andChildren·s MedicalServices by the endofJosephts life. This is Joseph'scourt-appointedguardian·sonlyshotat providing aguaranteed fund to pay for all of Joseph's medicalneeds in perpetuity.

RESPONDENTS ARGUMe~I~: Yes, we admit liability'; BUT:(Paraphrased for brevity)

1« Joseph'sguardianand Jawyers have alreadyexacted$1,644,000 from.BrowardGeneral Medical Center,his pediatrician. and the ambulance company as aresult of their combined failure. to diagnose childabuse..1 Evenafter paying his attorneys.over a halfmillion dollars•. and paying $170.000 for the newhouse owned by the ·guardianship estate. plus$42.612 to renovate it for Joseph and his entirefamity, the .guardianstill bas between $900.000 and$1 million ·in the bank that. at a conseNative .5-6%per annum interest, practically guarantees to throwoff·about.S4.000 permonthin interest·sloneJ vvhich ismore than Joseph .will ever need for reasonablemedical and home care *extras·and special needsexpenses. even if he lives another 50 years..

2., Joseph does not need.an "optimal" plan vvhen anormal pJanwill suffice« In fact,Joseph has done

t Asa IeSUltofa failure by.theemergency room physician. Joseph-. ·pediatrieians. the hospitalltaff. andtheambutance company onOdobet 10. 1985 to.diagnoae and report.suspededchild abusebased onthe presenceof severatofitaclaUicsymptoms: an extraordinarilyeJevated·1eveI of the enzymeCPt<, scratc:hes and bruises, enddeviated.8nd &taring eyes.Joseph*sguardlansued andobtained •••settJement recovery.of$1.64 million. the bulkofwhithremajnsin Josephltl guardianship account.subjectto courtcontrol.after·deduction of contingency fees ofabout$588.000 and costsoflbout $143.000.


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SPECIAl MASTER'S FINAL REPORT-sa 4November25,1998Page. 9

adequately with the Farvers, under thecirc*mstances, forover5 years. Mrs.. Farvertestffiedthat she is generally satisfied with Joseph's currentmedical treatments. Joseph does not need round­the-clock LPN care. First of all, .Joseph ·attendspublicschool for 8hours a day about4 days a week.N:ext•.he sleeps foraootherS .hours out of every 24.Finally. he does not need an LPN when a homehealthcare worker·can do whatever his motherandfatherhavebeendoingthe:mselves, withoutan LPN.or anyone else for that matter, ·since .November,1993, whenthey broughthim to PanamaCity..

3. The·optimal" planhislaVtlYerwantsthe legislature tofund, up to theamountofthe.court's FinalJudgment.ignores the faa that the State of Florida, usingMedicaid. . Children·s. Medical Services, andDeveJopmentallyOisabledprogramfunds. haspaid,and will continue to pay virtually 100% of Joseph'smedical andassociated•pharmaceutical•.therapyandassistive devicesbiJIs, until the day he dies.. If fact,the state, as of the 1998 session, had already paidabout $34 f400 in Medicaid funds on behalf· ofJoseph, and substantial benefits under Children·,Medical Services programs..

4. The department wasprohibited from raising the issueofcomparative faultat the twocourt·tr1alsinthis.csse. butthe departmentcanstifl·raise it in the Legislature..Josephfsmotherwas.the direct•cause·oftheirownson'scatastrophicinjuries.. If their· names had been allowedon the Yen:Jictforms, alongwith the HRSt the jury wouldhave beenabletoasseS$ the active, direct negligenceof Coreenand Michael Bellamy and balance that withthe passive,faHure to·aclnegligenee of thedepartment.Damages againsttheHRS· would ·have been muchlower.

¢ONCLUSIQNSOE LAW: Some see the legislature's role· in claim bills against theState. of Florida as merely rubber stamping.: and -passingthrough- ·for payment those jury verdicts that have beenreduced to judgment and survived appeal, if any_. Othersseethe legislature's role·asade novo responsibility toreview. evaluate, and weigh the total circ*mstances andtype of the state's liabUity in.thecase.and to considerthose


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SPECIALMASTER'SFINAl REPORT-S8 4November 25, 1998Page 10

factors that mightnothave beenperceived by or introducedto the jury or court.

Whichever of these two views each lawmaker holds. at theSpecial Master's level every·claim bill. whether based onajuryverdictor not,mustbe measured anew againstthe fourstandard elements of negligence.

Element f) DU1Y-lnthe fall of 1985. the departmentandits employees had a clear statutoryduty to receivereportsof suspected .child abuse. negled and abandonment; tocommence an investigation-immediately. regardlessof thetime of day or nighf';and to act on the. investigation andprotect the child. if it was ·determined that the ·situationwarranted it section415.505.F.S.(1985). In addition, thedepartment itself promulgated section tOM-2.03.FA.C.•callingfor an immediatechild protective investigation in11specified. factual instances,at ileast40f which perlainedtoJoseph atone time or another between August 16 andNovemberS. ·1985. Furthermore. fhe department had anewtyrevised,extensive and detailed Manua', HRSM21O-11983,revised July 1. 1985,lhat outlined and explained thedepartmenfsofficial Intake Program and set out in verygreat detail, theresponsibilities1 required steps. time lines.and·reporting requirements that applied to intake workersdealingwith·possiblechild•abuse, neglect or ·abandonmentcases. Finally, a majority of the justices of the FloridaSupreme Court inHRS·vst vamuoi. 529 So..2d 25S·(Fla.1988), rejected HRS'arguments to the contrary,endstpage 261t stated that HRShacla common law duty of care.in addition to its statutory· duty•. to prevent further harm tochildrenwhen reports of child abuse are receiv~. lnshort,duty was clear.

Element 2)· BR-EACH-Wasthere one and was it seriousenough to be actionable?· In ·my view. this determinationmust be based on a 1998 .perception of whether the.8ctionsof the departmenfs employeesin 1985 fell below what·wasexpectedby theBecretaryandrequired by Iaw~, I.think thatthe evidence of breach was preponderant.. Furthermore,any doubt as to sufficiency has been wiped.away by thedepartment's attorney's admission that HRS· employeesbreachedthe department'sduty to protectJoseph~lnshort.he conceded liability at the Special Masters'hearing.



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SPECIAlMASTER'$ FINAL REPORT-sa 4Novembe·r 25. 1998Page 11

Ejement 3) PROBABLE CAUSE-The evidence pojntstothe conclusion that Joseph's mother shook the livingdaylightsout of him on November 6, 1985. Whether it wasdue to her rage because he would not stop crying. OTherretardation and failure to appreciate the effect of what shewas doing. does not make much difference at ·this pointShesevereJy and practicalJy fatally injured her own child.She was. and continues to be, the direct cause of Joseph'sprofoundly disabled condition. Nevertheless,thedepartment's employees had a clear chance to break thechainof eventsthat resulted inJoseph's injuries.but did notdo so. In hindsight. the departmentwould havebeen ableto prevent the November6. ·1985 violence if its agentshadintervened and removedJosephfrom his parents' custodyprior tathat date.

Element 4) DAMAGES-There were two jury verdicts inJoseph's cases8gainst the department..

1. lhefirst jury heardextensiveand conflicting testimonyfrom experts in both the·medical and economic lossareas.. Jury '1 set Joseph's.monetary damages at:

Past.pain, suffering, disability, impairment.disfigurement, mental anguisb, inconvenience,and lost capacity to enjoy life $ 10011000

Future pain,suffering.• etc.

Present value of·los5of future earningcapacity

Present value of future medicalcareand. rehabil"itation

$ 550.000



The Final Judgment based on this verdiclwasoverturned on appeal based ona judicial error inimproperly allowing certainevidence.at triar.

2. Another jury. 3 years Jater, heard much of the sameconflicting testimony and set Joseph's monetarydamages at:


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SPEClAlMASTER-SFINAL REPORT-S8 4November25.1998Page 12

Pastpain,suffering,disability. impairment.disfigurement. mental anguish, inconvenience.and lostcapacityto enjoy life $ '.000.000

Future paln.suffering. etc,

Present value of loss of futureearning capacity

Present value of future medicalcareand rehabilitation


$ 500,000

$4 Qoo,OOO$7,000,000



The second Final Judgment, in which $6,900,000 remainsunpaid, was not appea.led by the .department. and is thebasis of thisclaimbilt Obviouslyf Joseph's damages areextensive.

section 768..28(8),F.S., .'imitsclaimantlsatlomeys·reesto 25percentafclaimantts total recovery· by· way of anyjudgment orsettlement obtained pursuant to §768.28, F.S. Claimant'sattorney hasacknowledged this limitation.

This claim again raises·the·applicability and retroactivity inthe legislative forum of the concepts Underlying §768.81.F.S.• the statute that applies-comparative feur in certain-negligence-cases insofar as noneconomic.damages areawarded.. It also raises theapplicabUity in the legislativeclaim bill forum ofthe concepts undertying Fabre y,Mario,623 So..2d ·1182 (Fla. 1993l,th.at judgment should beentered against. each ·party·on the .basis of that .party'spercenlageoffault, regardless of whether they could havebeen joined as a defendant .It al$o raises the questionofwhether. in thetegislative claim bill forum, the legislatureshould try to apply the concepts where. as here. the other·parties- (Joseph's natural.·parents] committed intentionalcriminal actions. not -negligence.-Finally. it raises· thequestion of whether. in the Jegislative ·cIaim bill forum, theseprinciples should.be madeto apply to all damages· awardedon theverdictt including economic damages.

These issuesare onesofpoliey. to··be arguedby·thepartiestathe respective tegislativecommittees that consider thisclaimbiR.


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SPECIAl MASTER'S FINAL REPORT-5S 4November 25, 1998Page 13


Thisclaimwas first presented' to the, 199B Legislature 'asSenate BUf 62 and HB 3043.. The Senate measure washeardby the Senate Committee on Children,Families andSeniors, and the.Senate Ways and MeansCommittee.

The undersigned Special Master recommended anamendment to reduce the clajm to $1t 756,000.. The firstcommittee disagreed and recommended an amendment topayS3,OOO,OOO. The Ways and Means Committeerecommended an amendmentto'raisethe amountback to$4.5million. The billwasplaced on'theSenate Calendar onMarch 30, 1998andremained there,until sinedieon May 1.1998. No further Special Masters' hearings havebeenheldand'theonly'additional written,document·in'lherecord is anupdated RehabiJitation Evaluation from Dr. MichaelShahnasarian, a Certified Rehabifitation Counselor. datedNovember3, 1998. a copy of which has beenprovided tothe Special Masters and to the cJaimant's counsel by thedepartment'sattomey.. .The•counselor's updateconcludesthat ,Joseph's.medicalcoerse seemsto remain stable andthe fifecare plan presented in 1997remainsunchanged~

We havealso'been givena Mday-in-the-UfeW,videotape as,analternative to the brief home ,visitto the Farver residenceeanterthismonthwhich the Special Masters had requestedto make, but which the, ·Farvers and/or their attorneySdeclinedto authorize.

GENERAL CONCLUSIONS: I find thatthe claimanthasproven that the department hada duty to him at all times between August 16 andNovember6.1985; thatthe employees of the department made effortsto compfywiththat duty, but, as their lawyer hascandidlyadmitted. they fell shortof hitting the mark; thatsuch failurewas one of several causes. of the injuries, sustained byJosephFarverat the hands,ofhis,motherand/or father; 'andthat Joseph'sinjurieswere andcontinue to be catastrophic.

The -teach 'em a lesson- effect of this claim bill ona stateagency will be minimal because the Legistature is nowdealing with a successor department, ,and activities thatOCCUrred 13 years ago.

Michaeland'Coreen Bellamy, Joseph'snaturalmother andfather.as the primaryactors,should bear the Uon's share ofresponsibility 'for inflictingJoseph's injuries. I myselfwould


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assess their responsibility atgreaterthan half,but becausethe jury was given no opportunity to assess damagesagainst anyone other than HRS, and because I have noobjective way of allocating them, I have resorted toassessing Joseph's natural parents' blame and theirresponsibility at half.

Furthermore. it is myview that the departmentis entitled toa set-off for $1.644,000· which. for legislative claim biUpurposes, is a proper deduction.


Finally. the department is entitledto credit for the $100,000ithas.aJreadypaid to the guardian·ofJoseph'sproperty.

ACCORDINGLY.·. again recommend that Senate Bill 4 beamended to pay Joseph's guardianship account the sum·of$1,756.000. and be reportedFAVORABlY AS AMENDED.

D.Ste n KahnSenate Special.Master

cc: Senator .Howard FormanFayeBlanton•• Secretary.of the SenateStephanie Olin, House Special Master


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G. Text of Senate Rule 4.81

4.81-Claim bills

(1) Claim bills are of two (2) types: excess judgment claims filed pursuant to section 768.28(5),Florida Statutes, and equitable claims filed without an underlying excess judgment.

(2) All claim bills shall be filed with the Secretary of the Senate on or before August 1 in orderto be considered by the Senate during the next regular session, except that members electedto the Senate during a general election may have sixty (60) days from the date of that electionto file a claim bill(s). Senators currently serving who are re-elected during a general electionare not subject to the immediately preceding provision relating to sixty (60) days. A motionto introduce a claim bill notwithstanding the claim bill filing deadline, shall be referred to theCommittee on Rules for a hearing and a determination as to the existence of an emergencyreasonably compelling consideration of a claim bill notwithstanding the claim bill filingdeadline. A House claim bill which does not have a Senate companion claim bill timely filedunder this Rule shall not be considered by the Senate. Any motion to consider a House claimbill which does not have a timely-filed Senate companion bill shall be referred to theCommittee on Rules for a hearing and a determination as to the existence of an emergencyreasonably compelling consideration of a claim bill notwithstanding the claim bill filingdeadline. The determination by the Committee on Rules shall be reported back to the Senate.Upon a determination by the committee that an emergency does exist, the motion may beconsidered by the Senate and must be adopted by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of those Senatorspresent.

(3) If the President determines that a de novo hearing is necessary to determine liability,proximate cause, and damages, a Special Master shall conduct such hearing pursuant toreasonable notice. Discovery procedures shall be governed by the Florida Rules of CivilProcedure and the Florida Evidence Code, as applicable. The Special Master shall administeran oath to all witnesses, accept relevant documentary and tangible evidence properly offered,record the proceedings, and prepare a final report containing findings of fact, conclusions oflaw, and recommendations. The report shall be signed by the Special Master who shall beavailable, in person, to explain his or her report to the committees and to the Senate.

(4) All claim bills shall be referred by the President to one (1) or more committees for review.On receipt of the Special Master's report and recommendations, if any, the Secretary shall,upon the President's reference, deliver each claim bill with the report attached, to thecommittee or committees of reference.

(5) Stipulations entered into by the parties are not binding on the Special Master, the Senate, orits committees.

(6) The hearing and consideration of a claim bill shall be held in abeyance until all availableadministrative and judicial remedies have been exhausted; except that the hearing andconsideration of a claim that is still within the judicial or administrative systems may proceedwhere the parties have executed a written settlement agreement. This subsection does notapply to a bill which relates to a claim of wrongful incarceration.


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H. Text of Senate Rule 3.3

3.3-Form of local bills

As required by Article III, Section 10 of the State Constitution, all local bills must eitherembody provision for ratifying referenda (stated in the title as well as in the text of the bill) orbe accompanied by an affidavit of proper advertisem*nt. Forms of affidavit may be obtainedfrom the Secretary of the Senate. All local bills that require publication shall, whenintroduced, have proof of publication securely attached to the original copy of the bill and thewords "Proof of Publication Attached" clearly typed or stamped on the Senate side of the billjacket or cover, or the same shall be rejected by the Secretary.

I. Text of House Rule 5.3

5.3-Limitation on Member Bills Filed

(a) A member may not file more than six bills for a regular session. Of the six bills, at least twomust be approved for filing with the Clerk no later than noon of the 6th Tuesday prior to thefirst day of the regular session. For purposes of this Rule, the member considered to have fileda bill is the first-named sponsor of the bill.

(b) Bills not counted toward these limits include:

(1) Local bills, including local claim bills.

(2) Ceremonial House resolutions.

(3) Memorials.

(4) Concurrent resolutions relating to extension of a session or legislative organization orprocedures.

(5) Trust fund bills adhering to another bill.

(6) Public records or public meetings exemption bills adhering to another bill.

(7) General bills adhering to a joint resolution.

(8) Bills that only repeal or delete, without substantive replacement, provisions of the FloridaStatutes or Laws of Florida.

(9) Bills withdrawn from further consideration prior to the applicable filing deadline.


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J. Text of House Rule 5.6

5.6-Claim Bills

(a) The Speaker may appoint a Special Master to review a claim bill or conduct a hearing, ifnecessary. The Special Master may administer an oath to all witnesses, accept relevantdocumentary and tangible evidence offered as deemed necessary, and record the hearing. TheSpecial Master may prepare a final report containing findings of fact, conclusions of law, andrecommendations. The report shall be signed by the Special Master, who shall be available, inperson, to explain his or her report to any councilor committee of reference.

(b) Stipulations entered into by the parties are not binding on the Special Master or the House orits councils or committees.

(c) The hearing and consideration of a claim bill shall be held in abeyance until all availableadministrative and judicial remedies have been exhausted, except that the hearing andconsideration of a claim that is still within the judicial or administrative system may proceedwhen the parties have executed a written settlement agreement.

K. Text of Article X, Section 13, Florida Constitution


SECTION 13. Suits against the stateProvision may be made by general law for bringing suit against the state as to all liabilitiesnow existing or hereafter originating.

L. Text of Section 11.02, Florida Statutes

11.02 Notice of special or local legislation or certain relief acts. -The notice required toobtain special or local legislation or any relief act specified in s. 11.065 shall be by publishingthe identical notice in each county involved in some newspaper as defined in chapter 50published in or circulated throughout the county or counties where the matter or thing to beaffected by such legislation shall be situated one time at least 30 days before introduction ofthe proposed law into the Legislature or, there being no newspaper circulated throughout orpublished in the county, by posting for at least 30 days at not less than three public places inthe county or each of the counties, one of which places shall be at the courthouse in the countyor counties where the matter or thing to be affected by such legislation shall be situated.Notice of special or local legislation shall state the substance of the contemplated law, asrequired by s. 10, Art. III of the State Constitution. Notice of any relief act specified in s.11.065 shall state the name of the claimant, the nature of the injury or loss for which the claimis made, and the amount of the claim against the affected municipality's revenue-sharing trustfund.


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M. Text of Section 11.021, Florida Statutes

11.021 Evidence of publication of notice.--The evidence that such notice has been published shallbe established in the Legislature before such bill shall be passed, and such evidence shall be filed orpreserved with the bill in the Department of State in such manner as the Legislature shall provide.

N. Text of Section 11.03, Florida Statutes

11.03 Proof of publication of notice.--

(1) Affidavit of proof of publication of such notice of intention to apply therefor, may be made, in substantially thefollowing general form, but such form shall not be exclusive:


Before the undersigned authority personally appeared __, who on oath does solemnly swear (or affirm) that she or hehas knowledge of the matters stated herein; that a notice stating the substance of a contemplated law or proposed billrelating to

(here identify bill)

has been published at least 30 days prior to this date, by being printed in the issues of (here state day, month and year ofissue or issues) of the __, a newspaper or newspapers published in __ County or Counties, Florida (or) therebeing no newspaper, by being posted for at least 30 days prior to this date at three public places in __ County orCounties, one of which places was at the courthouse of said county or counties, where the matter or thing to be affectedby the contemplated law is situated; that a copy of the notice that has been published as aforesaid and also this affidavitof proof of publication are attached to the proposed bill or contemplated law, and such copy of the notice so attached isby reference made a part of this affidavit.

Sworn to (or affirmed) and subscribed before me this __ day of ,~, by (name of person makingstatement) .

(Signature of Notary Public - State of Florida)

(Print, Type, or Stamp Commissioned Name of Notary Public)

Personally Known OR Produced Identification __--'-_

Type of Identification Produced

(2) Such affidavit of proof of publication shall be attached to the contemplated law when it is introduced into theLegislature. A true copy of the notice published or posted shall also be attached to the bill when introduced, but it shallnot be necessary to enter said published or posted notice, or proof thereof, in the journals. The fact that such notice wasestablished in the Legislature shall in every case be recited upon the journals of the Senate and of the House ofRepresentatives, and the notice published and affidavit of publication thereof shall accompany the bill throughout theLegislature and be preserved as a part thereof in the Department of State.


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o. Text of Section 11.065, Florida Statutes

11.065 Claims against state; limitations; notice.-

(1) No claims against the state shall be presented to the Legislature more than 4 years after thecause for relief accrued. Any claim presented after this time of limitation shall be void andunenforceable.

(2) All relief acts of the Legislature shall be for payment in full. No further claims for relief shallbe submitted to the Legislature in the future.

(3) Notice shall be given as provided in s. 11.02 prior to the introduction of any relief act whichprovides for the payment of the claim from funds scheduled for distribution to a municipalityfrom the revenue-sharing trust fund for municipalities.

P. Text of Section 11.066, Florida Statutes

11.066 Suits seeking monetary damages against the state or its agencies; payment of judgments;appropriations required.--

(1) As used in this section, the term "appropriation made by law" has the same meaning as in s.1(c), Art. VII of the State Constitution and means money allocated for a specific purpose bythe Legislature by law in a general appropriations act or a special appropriations act.

(2) The state and each state agency, when exercising its inherent police power to protect thepublic health, safety, or welfare, is presumed to be acting to prevent a public harm. A personmay rebut this presumption in a suit seeking monetary damages from the state or a stateagency only by clear and convincing evidence to the contrary.

(3) Neither the state nor any of its agencies shall payor be required to pay monetary damagesunder the judgment of any court except pursuant to an appropriation made by law. To enforcea judgment for monetary damages against the state or a state agency, the sole remedy of thejudgment creditor, if there has not otherwise been an appropriation made by law to pay thejudgment, is to petition the Legislature in accordance with its rules to seek an appropriation topay the judgment.

(4) Notwithstanding s. 74.091, a judgment for monetary damages against the state or any of itsagencies may not be enforced through execution or any common-law remedy against propertyof the state or its agencies, and a writ of execution therefor may not be issued against the stateor its agencies. Moreover, it is a defense to an alternative writ of mandamus issued to enforcea judgment for monetary damages against the state or a state agency that there is noappropriation made by law to pay the judgment.

(5) The property of the state, the property of any state agency, or any monetary recovery made onbehalf of the state or any state agency is not subject to a lien of any kind.


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Q. Text of Ethics Opinion 69-009Opinion 9


The question presented to the Committee was whether a legislator would be in conflict withhis duties when he filed a claim bill when he or his partner would receive a fee from theclaimant.Chapter 67-469, Florida Statutes, provides in its Declaration of Policy: " ...no member of thelegislature... shall have any interest financial or otherwise, direct or indirect, or engage in anybusiness or transaction or professional activity... which is in substantial conflict with theproper discharge of his duties in the public interest..."Under Rule 5.9-A member of the House of Representatives shall not directly or indirectlyreceive or appear to receive any compensation for any service rendered or to be rendered byhim or others where such activity is in conflict with his duty as a Member of the House ofRepresentatives.It is the opinion of the Committee that it is a conflict of interest for a member, his law partneror his firm to receive a fee or to participate in sharing any fee derived from claimant cases.The Committee believes that the test is whether or not the legislator or his law partner or hislaw firm would receive a fee and that if a fee is to be received by a legislator, hIS law partneror his law firm it would be improper for the legislator to file a claim bill.

John J. SavageChairman

(Journal, House of Representatives, 1969, May 2, page 317)

R. Text of Ethics Opinion 71-016Opinion 16


The question presented to the Committee on House Administration and Conduct by a Memberof the House of Representatives was whether or not it would constitute a conflict of interest ifthe law partner of the Member caused to be introduced a claim bill on behalf of a client.It was the Opinion of the Committee that the introduction of a claim bill by the law partner ofa Member, particularly if a fee was involved, would constitute a conflict of interest on the partof the Member. It is well settled that every member of the law firm is the agent of all othermembers of the firm. The introduction of a claim bill would necessarily require lobbying onbehalf of the bill. The Florida Bar Association in two Opinions, 67-5 and 67-5 Supplement,has ruled that a Member of the Legislature would violate Canon 6 if a legislator was a memberof a firm active in lobbying in the Legislature even though the legislator did not participate inthe lobbying fee, and even though the legislator disqualified himself in voting on the proposalfor which the lobbying service was rendered, in this matter, the claim bill.The Committee on Standards and Conduct of the House of Representatives rendered anOpinion during the 1967 session of the House under Rule 5.9 that it was a conflict of interestfor a Member, his law partner, or his law firm, to receive a fee and to participate in sharingany fee derived from claimant cases.Therefore, in view of the ruling of the Florida Bar Association, and the previous ruling of thisCommittee, it appears that there would be a conflict on the part of the Member if there wasintroduced, or caused to be introduced, a claim bill by his law partner.

George FirestoneChairman

(Journal, House of Representatives, 1971, February 4, Page 119)


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S. Text of Gamble v. Wells, 450 So.2d 850 (Fla. 1984)

Gamble v. WellsFla.,1984.

Supreme Court of Florida.Charlotte I. GAMBLE, as Guardian of the Property of

Cynthia Leigh Gamble, Appellant/Cross-Appellee,v.

Ted L. WELLS, Appellee/Cross-Appellant.No. 63768.

May 17, 1984.

Cross appeals were taken from a decision of the CircuitCourt, Hillsborough County, Benjamin C. Sidwell, 1.,which awarded attorney $50,000 for services renderedwhich led to passage of a 1980 legislative private relief actappropriating $150,000 to his client but limiting hisrecovery to $10,000. The District Court of Appeal, 436So.2d 173, declared limitation on the attorney feeunconstitutional, and guardian of child awarded the$150,000 appealed. The Supreme Court, Alderman, C.J.,held that attorney fee limitation was a constitutionallypermissible exercise of legislative authority and did notconstitute an impairment of contractual obligationsproscribed by the State Constitution.

Reversed and remanded with directions.

Shaw, 1., concurred in result only.West Headnotes[1] Attorney and Client 45 €=;>131

45 Attorney and Client45IV Compensation

45k131 k. Statutory Regulations. Most Cited Cases

Constitutional Law 92 €=;>2749

92 Constitutional Law92XXII Obligation of Contract

92XXII(C) Contracts with Non-GovernmentalEntities

92XXII(C)2 Particular Issues and Applications92k2746 Contracts for Services

92k2749 k. Legal Services. Most CitedCases

(Formerly 92k146)Limitation of attorney fees to $10,000, contained in privaterelief statute awarding $150,000 in damages to childinjured while in the custody of the Department of Healthand Rehabilitative Services, was a constitutionallypermissible exercise of legislative authority and did notconstitute an impairment of contractual obligationsproscribed by the State Constitution, despite fact thatattorney had contracted to take case for a 33 1/3 percentcontingency fee. Laws 1980, ch. 80-448, § 1 et seq.; West'sF.S.A. Const. Art. 1, § 10.


[2] States 360 €==>129.1

360 States360IV Fiscal Management, Public Debt, and Securities

360k129 Appropriations360k129.1 k. In General. Most Cited Cases

(Formerly 360k129)In seeking to obtain relief, for child injured while in thecustody of the Department of Health and RehabilitativeServices, by means of a private relief act, the child'sattorney was not in a position to demand that the legislaturegrant compensation to the child, but could only request thelegislature to grant the compensation sought; thelegislature, as a matter of grace, could allow compensation,decide amount of compensation, and determine theconditions, including a limitation on attorney fee, to beplaced on the appropriation. Laws 1980, ch. 80-448, § 1 etseq.; West's F.S.A. Const. Art. 1, § 10.

[3] States 360 €=;>90

360 States360III Property, Contracts, and Liabilities

360k90 k. Capacity of State to Contract in General.Most Cited CasesParties cannot enter into a contract to bind the state and theexercise of its sovereign power.

[4] Attorney and Client 45 €==>147

45 Attorney and Client45IV Compensation

45k146 Contingent Fees45k147 k. Requisites and Validity of Contract.

Most Cited CasesLegislature had sovereign power to place an attorney feelimitation in statute it enacted to award damages to childinjured while in the custody of the Department of Healthand Rehabilitative Services, and the attorney, by the termsof a contingent fee contract with a guardian of a child,could not deprive the legislature of that power. Laws 1980,ch. 80-448, § 1 et seq.; West's F.S.A. Const. Art. 1, § 10.

Stevan T. Northcutt of Levine, Freedman, Hirsch &Levinson, Tampa, for appellant/cross-appellee.Howard C. Hadden, Tampa, for appellee/cross-appellant.Hamilton D. Upchurch, Chairman, Committee on Judiciary,and Richard A. Hixson, Staff Counsel, Tallahassee, for H.Lee Moffitt, Speaker of the Florida House ofRepresentatives, amicus curiae.ALDERMAN, Chief Justice.

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Charlotte Gamble, as guardian of the property of CynthiaGamble, appeals and Ted Wells cross-appeals the decisionof the District Court of Appeal, Second District, in Gamblev. Wells, 436 So.2d 173 (Fla. 2d DCA 1983). The SecondDistrict declared invalid the portion of chapter 80-448,Laws of Florida, which placed a $10,000 limitation on theattorney's fee for Cynthia Gamble's attorney. We havejurisdiction pursuant to article V, section 3(b)(1), FloridaConstitution.

[1] We reverse the district court and hold that the attorney'sfee limitation in chapter 80-448 is a constitutionallypermissible exercise of legislative authority and does notconstitute an impairment of contractual obligationsproscribed by article I, section 10 of the FloridaConstitution. FNI

FNl. Gamble, in her brief, also contended thatshe was entitled to trial by jury as a matter ofright. We need not resolve that issue sinceGamble's counsel at oral argument advised theCourt that, if he prevailed on the fIrst issue andthe legislative limitation was upheld, he had noproblem with the amount set by the legislature.

The facts are stated at length in the district court's decision.Briefly the pertinent facts are that commencing in 1967,while in the custody of the State Department of PublicWelfare, now known as the Department of Health andRehabilitative Services, due to the negligence of thedepartment, Cynthia Gamble sustained crippling anddisfiguring injuries. In 1975, Charlotte Gamble, who hadbeen granted legal custody of Cynthia, contacted TedWells, a personal injury trial lawyer, and told him that thechild had been abused and injured while in the previouslegal custody of HRS. She signed a standard contingent feecontract giving Wells authority to represent Cynthia. Thiscontract provided, among other things, that ascompensation for his services Wells would be paid 33 1/3*852 percent of the proceeds of recovery if the matter wassettled without suit, 40 percent if suit was filed, and 50percent if an appeal was taken from the lower court.

In 1977 Wells decided that the only possible meansavailable for recovery would be a private relief act. Herepresented Cynthia before the legislature during thedeliberations over the claims bill. In 1980, the legislatureenacted chapter 80-448, Laws of Florida. FN2 Section 3 ofthis act specifically limits the attorney's fee to Cynthia'scounsel to $10,000.

FN2. An act for the relief of Cynthia LeighGamble, a minor; providing an appropriation tocompensate her for personal injuries due to thenegligence of the Department of Health andRehabilitative Services; providing an effectivedate.WHEREAS, on May 24, 1967, Cynthia LeighGamble, then 3 months old, was taken into the


custody of the juvenile court of HillsboroughCounty and because she had no living parent wasplaced in the custody of the State Department ofPublic Welfare, andWHEREAS, on August 6, 1967, Cynthia Gamblewas admitted to Tampa General Hospital where itwas discovered that she had several injuries, andWHEREAS, on July 29, 1969, while still in thecustody of the department, Cynthia Gamble wasreadmitted to the hospital suffering from a varietyof illnesses and injuries, andWHEREAS, on August 4, 1969, it was concludedthat the child's skeletal deficiencies and changeswere the result of vitamin deficiency and trauma,andWHEREAS, the child was placed in the home ofa new foster mother and has since receivedadequate medical care at the Crippled Children'sClinic to overcome the crippling and disfiguringinjuries carelessly and negligently inflicted uponher while she was in the custody of the nowDepartment of Health and RehabilitativeServices, andWHEREAS, due to the negligence of thedepartment, Cynthia Gamble has required plasticsurgery and orthopedic operations and remainscrippled and disfigured, NOW, THEREFORE,Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State ofFlorida:Section 1. The facts stated in the preamble of thisact are found and declared to be true.Section 2. The sum of $150,000 is appropriatedfrom funds in the State Treasury to the credit ofthe Department of Health and RehabilitativeServices, not otherwise appropriated, tocompensate Cynthia Leigh Gamble for personalinjuries.Section 3. The Comptroller is directed to drawhis warrant in favor of Cynthia Leigh Gamble tobe applied to a trust fund to be administered andaccounted for by her legal guardian in the sum of$150,000 upon funds in the State Treasury to thecredit of the Department of Health andRehabilitati ve Services, and the State Treasurer isdirected to pay the same out of such funds in theState Treasury not otherwise appropriated. Theattorney's fee for counsel of Cynthia LeighGamble shall be limited to $10,000.Section 4. This act shall take effect July 1, 1980.Approved by the Governor July 2,1980.Filed in Office Secretary of State July 3, 1980.

Wells advised Gamble that he would not accept only$10,000 and that he believed the fee limitation to beunconstitutional. Gamble refused to pay Wells more than$10,000.

Wells then filed in probate court for attorney's fees, underthe terms of the contingent fee contract for costs and for a

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charging lien. The probate court awarded Wells attorney'sfees of $50,000 pursuant to the contingent fee contractclause which provided for a fee of 33 1/3 percent in theevent the case was settled without suit, allowed $710.24 incosts, impressed a charging lien, and denied prejudgmentinterest. Declining to hold the attorney's fee limitation ofthe act unconstitutional, the probate court held that thislanguage of chapter 80-448 was mere surplusage.

Upon appeal, the district court held that the attorney's feelimitation amounted to an unconstitutional impairment of acontractual obligation but that this limitation was severablefrom the remainder of the private relief act. It furtherdetermined, however, that Wells waived his contractualrights during his conversation with RepresentativeUpchurch to a qualified extent by holding out for 25percent of whatever amount the legislature awarded thechild. Accordingly, the Second District directed the trialcourt to reduce the fee award to $37,500, withoutprejudgment interest.

[2] We disagree and hold that no contract rights wereimpaired by section 3 of chapter 80-448. By enactingchapter 80-448, the legislature found that a moral *853obligation existed on its part to redress the physical andemotional injuries of Cynthia Gamble sustained as a resultof the negligence of a state agency. This voluntaryrecognition of its moral obligation by the legislature in thisinstance was based on its view of justice and fair treatmentof one who had suffered at the hands of the state but whowas legally remediless to seek damages. Chapter 80-448 isan act of grace to redress a wrong suffered by Cynthia atthe hands of the state which is not otherwise legallycompensable. In seeking to obtain relief for Cynthia bymeans of a private relief act, Ted Wells was not in aposition to demand that the legislature grant compensationto Cynthia. He could only request that the legislature grantthe compensation sought. The legislature then, as a matterof grace, could allow compensation, decide the amount ofcompensation, and determine the conditions, if any, to beplaced on the appropriation.

[3][4] Parties cannot enter into a contract to bind the statein the exercise of its sovereign power. The legislature hadthe power to place the attorney's fee limitation in chapter80-448. Wells, by the terms of his contingent fee contractwith Gamble, could not deprive the legislature of thispower. The legislature was in no way bound to passlegislation conforming with the provisions of the priorcontingent fee contract.

Accordingly, we hold that chapter 80-448 is constitutionaland reverse the decision of the district court. We remandwith directions that the fee award be reduced to $10,000.

It is so ordered.


BOYD, OVERTON, McDONALD and EHRLICH, JJ.,concur.SHAW, 1., concurs in result only.Fla., 1984.Gamble v. Wells450 So.2d 850

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T. Legislative Claim Bills-A Practical Guide to a Potent(ial) Remedy


A Practical Guide tOB

Potent(JaI) Remedybyo. Stephen Kahn

DefinitionA cJaimbilJ, alsoknown ·IS·.a refiefbiU,isa Jegislalivc·meas­

ure that dircetsthe Comptroller of Florida.or.uappropriate,a unit of loca1government.to pay. a specific sum of money to aclaiflWlt to satisfy an equitable ormoral()bJigation~.Sucb.01>­liptionsU$uallyarise fromthenealigence or off'ta:" orempJoy­eesofastate orlocalgovemmentalaaetlCY..'TheamOUftlawardedis based Oft· the legislature's concept of fairtreatmelttof a per­SODwho has suffered injury or darnaaes, but who is witboutajudicial mnedyorwhoisnor otherwise lepJly compensabk~

LeJislatiYe claimbiUs

..•.r...«= a•. impo.rtaut.,and often tbeexclu-

si~ remedyfor injuredcitizenswhOlCclaims are otherwisebaaedby'the doctriDeofpem­mental· imntunity..1A criticismof the.claim biJlsystem heard t

occasionaUy ill. tbeiegislativchalls is that·ac:eess to this po­IcntialJypotentremeety teadstobe sporadicand unequalJfthisis.o. it isnotbecausea majorityof the·. members of the FloridaLcplaturcan UlU"e$poftSivt to lheneeds'of deserving constitu­ents, but ·laraeJy becausc "!alively few attorneys are familiarwith the availability andnatuRo! the remedy, or ifthcy are,thea >bow toaoabout obtaining it. This articleaddresscs thateducationalneed.

immunity. wbich in 18~the

Legislative Council oftbe Terri..tory or Floridal first declaredlobe inforceas part ofthe com­mon law of EngJand. 4Under

this principle. theklDI. and histreasurywereimmunefromsuitbybissubjects in his owncouns.Therefore, .in Florida. wronpdoneby thestate·weteto be com­pensable only by .enactment.ofa legislative claim bill. Intl)3..the ugislati~ Councilenaetedthe first claim bill tbat specifi­caUy waived sovereign immu-­

nily..TbecounciJ devised amethodtocQmpensateBenjamin G..Thomlon. one of·thcsuppliSrs of labor and' building materialsfor thetemtDry's first permaneateapitol building. fOf9lhich theresponsible tetritorial commissioner apparently refused or wasunable to pay.'

Today•.in keeping witbmodern trends, tbe.legislature has pro.vide<! that the state and itspolitiW subdivisions can be sued incoon fornegliFftcc,buttbcrcisaSJOO.OOO perpersonor$200*000per incident limitation on t~involWltarycollectibiJity of •anyjudgment agaillStthem.6 This current waiver statute..enacted inJ973,.also requires a claimanttoexhausl certain administrativeremedies and to .satisfy other procedural requirements..? Absentan agreement to pay and insurance proceeds with which to do50, claims in exeessoftbc statutory cap may bcpaid in.part orin whole only by furtheraetofthelegislatl.lre.,

SiaceI913. claim' bills have·fallen. into two general·categories:(I) excessjudgmenttort claims. Le.:the unsatisficddifference

Historic8ackground betweentbe statutorydollarUmits on coIlectibitityand the fullClaim bills have their origin intbe leplprinciple orsovereign amount of the claimant~ tortjudgment against a governmental

Reprinted by permission ofTHEFLORIDABARJOURNALlAPRtLl98823


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entity; and (2) equitable claims. Le: thosenot. based on a fmal judpnettt,tbose basedon a nODtort final judgment, and those""'mora'" claims for which no lelll eauseofaetionexists.1

Sovereign Immunity and thelegislature

Althoo.h the 1868 Constitution firstauthorized the legislature, by pneralJaw,to waive the state's ~snimmunity,9)00 years passedbefote the leaislatureex..perimented with a general waiver." Thatwaiver,enacted in 1969.hadno dollar cap.but was limited to a one-year-period andexcluded· daims based Oil lbc performanceo-fdiscretionary functioJlS~oaeiYildiltur­bancest and for punitive damages. In ·1913.after itbecamedear·tbat the one-ycartestperiod caused DO calamitous raid oa thepublic traIUI'yI thecurrentaenera1waivcrl J

wasenaeted,l with thedollarlimitadotlSde­scribed.abow.

Three years·Jater. thefmt.exCCS5jUd....mentclaimbill wasintroduced in the qis..lature. J2 It involved· anaDeaedly .improp­erlydesipedaDd maiDtaincdroadway. Therespondent city had concluded that at .tbe

imminentjury trial. it had .potefttiaJ ·cxpo­sun: greatly in elceaotS41S.ODO. In or­der to limit its exposure, the city had con ..sented to entry of judgment against. it inthat amount with the condition that nei...tberthe city nor its carrier would ~vcrhaveto pay men: than $SO.GOO of it.. U Thelegi.s­lature reduced the claim to .5J25,000aW~disregardedtbe limitationcontainedin the settlement agreement, and by Jaw.directed the Comptroller to withholdSl2.S:tOOO from tlterapondent city'slhareof • revenue-iharinltl'USt fund distribu­tionaad top.y ittolheclaimant.~·NoWt

a dozen. years later" about twO-thirds oraJlthe claim biDs that are enactodarebasedoaexcess jud,ments, and the JeJislatwesun shows no reluctance to •reduce finaljUdamcatlor to alter sources of paymeDtwhen warranted.

Recent TrendlInLegIl.......C...and Awards

Althoup thetotal doUar amountJicUllitper leJislativtclaim biD generaJlybas·beeniftCl'CaSing ovcrthe last 30 yeaJ'$ .bcQuseoriDflation and the iftCreuemtbcnum­her ofmillioll dollar tortverdicts, theuum-


berofclaim bills flledbasbecn decreas­ing. In 1951. there were 68·claim bins filedof which 35passecLln 1967 ~ there WCTe 61claim binsf1led ofwhicb30passed. In 1917,tberewcre 60 claim billsftled of which.J8pused. 181987, there were 24 c1aimbiUsfiled of which 8 passed.

Tbemtended effector tbe current waiverof sovereign immunity has been achieved:toteduce the numberof claim bills. Jnthcmost recent fi~year period. the numberof·claim bills· filed bas·stabilized al about30 per year. orall the claimbiUs filed inthe last .10 years•.an aver. of about2Spercentoftbem have passed bathhouses.

Recent. Related DeyelopmentsState apnciesor subdivilioD.l can. by

stat~ purchase JiabiJityinsurance for wbat­evcramount of coveraaetheychoose inanticipation of any claim. judamcnt,ordaimbiU which they maybe liable-to paypUl"Suantto law,.'s Until recendy,anothetstatutepro'Yided tbat a1180vcmmentalen..tit~ .except cities, that ·oW1led vehides.buiJdiap, or properties" or who -penonnoperatiou"'could pmehaseJiability insur­ance to cover liability for damages on ac-

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ble in court but on whichsuit has not yetbeenbrougbt; claims copizab1e in eourtaBdon which suit· bas been brought buthasnotyet beenconcluded;daims in whichlatbes would beabuin counbecause ofa claimant's inexcusable inactivity (ape..ciaDy when the delay unduly inhibits theagency's ability topther evidetteeor wit­DC$$tS necessary to preparing·. defense);claimsbrongbt by a claimant who··sceksspecial treatment as only oae o(alarpelus ofsimiJarlysituated persons; claimsthat seek the retroactive or isolated appli.cation ofar relief from a pneraIJaw;1J

TIt.lesislllturesellera.views alldai.. "ilIs,

especia.·e".italtle claimlIilla, •• ,,·clai••at'.last


tile" .'''e·altenaativeBRlust/irst"

fu. exll.llsted

made against the State of Florida end·upasleJislative claim bills. The Florida TortClaims Act23 sets up • mandatoryproce­durefor attempted administrative resolu­tion of aU tort clailDl apinsl state Baen..cies.

PTQCJia Poi1l13:Althou,b access to theclaim bin ·system is easier than ·lcn.eraUyperceived, the client'sclaim··becomes.aleg­islative claim bin only after a member ofthe legislature has sipedandformalty in­troducedlheclaimbiltMany members oftbelegisiaturewiD, simply if asked. agreeto sponsor a constitucnt's claim biJlif: (I)t.bc cue. is demonstrably meritorious; (2)the legislatorhas not already filled bis orberJe,wativeplateforthe JlCxtreplar1e....islative session; and (3)tbe leaislatoris Dot..usome few are, philosophically opposedto all claimbiUs. a situation that becomesapparent at the time oftbt initiatmquiryto theJc~Jis1atot oraide.

If the legislator is philosophically op­posed·to claim bill&. then another memberof the eoutituent"lqislative delegationalntle asked. perhaps one from the otherhOUR. LcaiJlaton are generally· candidabouttbeir personal philosophical positionon claim bil1s~ Counsel areadmonisbcd toteBthe Ie.islator theentire storyat the out­set,. includinatbesubstanc:eof any knowndefects;. the client'scase, wbether or notthcdefenseiscxpected to raise them,.

PnlcticePomt4: AfteraleBislatorl.JftleltOSPOUSOf the dieDt\claim bill,the .ttor~

certain perscmal injury claims. that. ·urader neyabould provide the lcJislator witb aJePJativeeustom,lleVCrtbeleuabate upon basiePlCkaF ofdocumenulhatthcmem­the deatb.·of me claimant·wileD· the death bercusubmit to thelegislativeBDI Draft­it untelatedtotbeinjury Jiving rise. to the in.OffmiD Tallahassee.l'he$edocumentspersonal injury claim;22u d firaally, cl8ims should ·i1Jcludea eae or t\Vo..pap ·narra­~yonelovemmentaleDtily..ainst8DOther tivedescription of the essentialfaetsthatseetin•• toaddrcss their intergovemmea... give riseto the claim and copies of the u.tal fllClJreJationshiptbatcouldbe han· sic pleadiDJS from the undcrlyinlcourtdledmoreappropriatetyintbtGenerai Ap..- case. if any.ltis>Dot lJecelSaryto preparepropriatioDSBiJI.. the daiminJegislativebillformat. TheJca·

Accordiqly,COUDSCI shouJdresistgiv- islator will .forward the·baaie· informatiollitlg:adaimanl.uyeJevatedexpectations to Tallahassee where a legislative staff'at..oflU~wbeD the potentialclaimbiDcar.. tomeywiU drartthe bilJ.. Accidentre~riesooeormoreof these historicaJJyfatal incideDtorinvestiaative·repo~extensive~JemeDts.. medical and hospital ·records. trial t.raft..

Praclice PobJt 2: Theleais1aturepner- tcripts,depositions,photoJ1'8Pbs,diaaNms.ally views au claim biDs~ .cspecia.Ilyequita- or other items of demonstrableevideacebJedaim bills. as • claimant's last resort. IfCnot necessary to submit at this initiaJIfaltemativesourcesofrecovcryexist.. such .tap. They will.be ueeded,however. Jor• workers·compcosationortbird pllty lhe$peCiaJ.·master\hearing. CompanionJiabiJityeoverqe, tbeDlhealtematives must bil15. which are identical biDsfiled in theCat befuUyexhausted. If the case is still samcyear iDboth hOIlla. ate usuaDynotin COllrl, thenappeUate review. ifany.must necessary..betompJetedbelore either house wiD COD- p,,,etke Point ,:H the tol"tfcuOfis asider a claim bill·oathematter.. Intact. mumcipatity,couDtygo\ltt'lUDcnt,sheriff,only a verysmaU portion.or ton claims school ·board, or local diltrict, thea the


count·otbodily orpersonaJinjury·orprop­erty damage they causedll .and that immu...nityof the iosnredcntity was waived tothe .extent of such insurancecover.~l'

ThereWCtesimilar statutesfor.herifrs de..panmcntS, school distrietsJr and the stateuniversity systean.11

The Aorida Supreme COU~ in a sis­niflCant J916 decision, held that the twostatutcs, when readlo,ethert waived thesovereign.immunityof the state. its IF.tics. and political subdivisions to the ex­terllof their insurance cover•." Neitherthe .othenvisevaJiddefense that the rune...liou that gave'·rise to the damages· werediscmionaryor planning 1e'vdfuactions,nor thestatutorycapobcoUectibitityt wasapplicable whe.o ·there wasinsurabCC COV'"


tected iDpartbytheSJOO,OOO/S200tOOOeap.

exposure remained to claim biD liabilityyutlym exceSso!those limits. ToinsureapinsttlUspotcatial excess Jiability,enti­tiescouklpurclweinsuruce.lD doiqso.however, they hadtuDder the 1986 iDter­pretatioa.oftbeapplicabJestatutes, raisedtheir·pneraJliabiJity exposure lethe ex...tent or the limitsof.theinsurmce ineffect.IronicaDy~ prudence under.ODe statutebe­talDCimprudeaceunder the other,.

The J987J..cPlaturerespoDded to thisdilemmabyprovit'lma·that·••ovemmen..tal·entity wouJdnot be deemed to havewaiveduydefcueofsoveteip immUDity,or tohaveil1CJU$edits limits of liability,•··· •. rtSult of ··obtaiDiu,iasurance cover­.. for.torUoUl aetsin"cas oftheappli­cable ItatutOt'Ycap 0.11collcctibitity."TheIawfU11.bcrprovided that. state .ncyor. ·poJitieallubdivilion of thesaateeouldqree"within~JUnitsoftbeir existiD&in­surucecovcraae.· to settleandpaya claimmade or a ;ud,mmttrendered apiDlti~

without. f1U'theraetioD .by'the .leais1ature,.The probab1eimpact or thislaw wiD be toreGlICe .fmherthe Dumber of legislativeclaimbiDsfded.

Practice PointsWith tbeforegoiD& background, the tol­

JOwiD, praetic:e points areoffm:das aprimer to .JUidc···praetitioDers who are en­lain. UDfamiliar waters.

1'nIctice Poillt J:A varietyof categoriesof cJaimbilll teDd to pt ·dJsbedontheleaWative·rocb: .staIe· daisa, dai... OD

which an.· appJicableatatute of limitatiODhasrua;20 claims thathavereceived aD UD'"

favorable committee vote on the merits·ina prior.Jegislativesession; ·daima·c:ogni2a-


LEGISLATIVE CLAIM BILL MANUAL - Florida Senatearchive.flsenate.gov/.../senate/administrative/leg-claim-manual.pdf· SAMPLE FUNDrnGLANGUAGE 8. ... Filing a Claim Bill? Section 768.28(5) - [PDF Document] (52)

claim bill wiU have to meet the require­ments of a local bill for wlUth the cODSli­tution2cand statutes2SprovidespeciaJ no.ticerequirements.Unlcssthe localbillcon..tains a referendum provision,. whiebtheyseldom do, a Doticeof intention muslbeadvertisedat least 30days prior to formalintroductionof tbe claimbill.Jtistheclaim.ant~]t not tbe sponsor\, obligation toeom­ply with this requirement and to producean accreptable proof ofpubJication affida-.vit.26 There is no precise format 'requiredfortheadvenisem*nt~Most ncwspaperpub­lisherscan provide. sample.

Except in highly extraordinary and in­frequent circ*mstances.the IeJislatureR·

_ allrequesu topa, from the state'sgeneral ttVenuefund alJ or part ofa claimllail'lSt a loc:allovcrnmentalentity.,

Practice Point 6:'Claim bills are nolonger enacted on a counesybasis· 'with­out a beannlor a c:onsidcrationofthemer­its. A special master\hcarina. quasi-judi­cial illnanue, is required' on ,every daimbill by SenateR.uJeVand House SWldingOrder21 after the bill is formally filed forintroductionandreferrcd by the presidingofficer or committeechairman. Only ,'in, averyfewcues'that artthelegislativeequiva-

lenl of summary oruncontcstcd smallclaims. will .the special master waive thefact-findinghearilll requiremenL The spe­cial'masterfor the housein which the claimbin is first rued usuallytakes primaryju­risdictionin thtSUbscqUCbl bicameralbear·ingproceu.

The time and place of aUspecial mas­terstbeariftls areset by the controllin.gspe­cial master, usuaUyaftet consultation withcounsel fot all parties, Theseheariup areusually attended also by the special mas­ter from the opposite house so that onefact-fmdinl bearing is adequate to scrwtlleneeds ofboth houses. Hearinpare usu·ally held~ pursuant to reasonable noticesbetweenJanuary Jand Aprillofeachyearand, absent extraordinary ,circ*mstances,annot helddurina tbeannual6O-dayregu'"tar sessiOD of the 1epJaturc. Prehearinsdiscovayisavailah1e. FJondaRulaotCivilProcedure 1..280-1.410areused asaJUide.,Parties are requestedto,accommodateeachother~rasonable discovery tequests in­formaUy,witboul the, need lor legislativeintervention. Thespecial mastered otherappropriate leaWativestaff arc availableto assist with procedural questio1lsordis­coveryproblems.

A prehearing conference. usuallyheldin each case either on a separate day. or,more commonly. Just before tbe bearingon the merits. At this conference,motionsmaybe made; documents and exhibits willbe marked and offered into evidenc:e;tbewitnesseswill be 'identifIed;'and the issuesclarif&ed~ StipulatiOD$ offaet are encour­aged. Organized,labeledtandindexedpres..entation folden are appreciated and areusuallyacceptedbythespeciaJ masterwith­out objection.

At the heariog. the special master re­quests botbsides to make a brief openingstatement whicb~alonl withthee\'identiaryponion of the bearinp.. are tape recorded..There is nostenolraphit record made.Thedaimant goesfsrst, offering testimony,dOC1.fo­menu, and any pbysicalevideftct neees­sary to establish the case. It is always de­sirabicto have the claimant andany prin..cipal or critical witnesses testifyin person..Deposition tC5timonyortrial reeords canbe substituted for somewitnesstalimony.Medical and other expert testimony canusually be preacnted by videotape. Wit­nesses are sworn and•subject to CfOlS<X'"aminanoD.

The ~$pondentapncy Of offlCCr then

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LEGISLATIVE CLAIM BILL MANUAL - Florida Senatearchive.flsenate.gov/.../senate/administrative/leg-claim-manual.pdf· SAMPLE FUNDrnGLANGUAGE 8. ... Filing a Claim Bill? Section 768.28(5) - [PDF Document] (53)

lution of conflictinl testimony and evi­dence,coDclusionsofla_.and advisoryIU~omnte:1tClations~ Copiesare provided to tbesponsoJof the biD and to all counsel ofrecord,so that any COUftSe!who desires todo so can file objections or exceptions tothe report before the time of the commit­tccbearmp.

Practice Point 9: Aflerthe special mas..ter'shearing i&coocluded~claim bills.,likeany otber legislative bills, can .be lobbiedthrough~ telephonic, or written(.OIl'"

tact with any or all members of t.belegisla..tare byanyinterestedperson includingpre­pononts.opponents. Claimants, respon...dmts~ attomeys,or agents for anyofthem,aslODI as the applicable lobbyingstatute2'andruJesJllarestrictJy camplied·with.

Once-lesislativeCOIIIJIIiftee_eetms is.set,

",."a claim bill.osencfaed, flIIIJOI"bmitJ/or

a partyora«0J'JIeJI topleada·c:ae fliredlycrttlaat

llleetillsisusuoIIy&nitedto J"or15.....esper

side, ",."etJeII.·tIJis ."..flIIIJOI"bmitJis·oftea


sideruf by Jegislativecommittees., formalnetiee times.re often t.nmeated. It is theresponsibility of each party toa claim billor their counsel to keeptrackot the statusof their claim bill at all times. As a ceur­tesy, lqislative staff will attempt to givetbe paniesadvancetelephooicnolice.ofthedates and time5 of applicable committeemeetings, but ilisQottbe legislativest.afrsresponsibility to do so. In other words~beattentive to the daily printed eaJendarsinboth houses.

Oneea legislative committeemeetingisset, and a claim bin is agendaedt opportu­nityfor a party or attorney loplea.d a casedirectly at that meeting is usually limitedto 10or ISminutes persidc.lnd even thisbrief oppon'uniry is often interrupted byvolleys of questiODJ fromcommitteemem..bets. In.hort, a fullprescntallonshouldbe m·ade to the specwmaster, not to thec:ommittee. What littletimeavailabJe be..foreeachcommitteeis best spent iDa verybrief statement· of the Jad.$andattorney·sview of the contested lepJ isMs.. A copyofthespeciaJ master'lreport willhavebecnfurnished to eaeb member of.be commit­tee by the committee staff director priorto the coll'U'Dittetbleetina. The special mas­ter.isord:inarilycalled upon to matea briefappearance.. to address the parties'lpolicyarguments,and to make his own recom­mendations. A commilteecanconsider anyevidence•.arguments.orpo1icymat1ersthatmaybe relevant or pcnuasiveinthe legis..."tiveforum. but whichmay havebeen ex...eludedat trial becauseofatuJe ofevidence.

hGetice Poilu 10:After thcspeciafmas-P'IICt~Poinl 11: Satisfac:Uonl and re­ter\hcarinaisconeluded and a report flied. Jcasescanbe a trap ·for the ·unwary.A re­eachclaimhiDis.8t the discretionofttte. lease or satisfaction aWen by. claimantcommilteechair:ragendaed, considered,and at tbclimetbe initial. underlyingpaymentthen.voted on ·byleplativec:ommittees of is·received from. mpondeot· aovemmca­reference. In the Scute. it i.s (he Commil~ tal agencyor its carrier should clearly ad..tee oaFinucel* Taxation and Claims. and dress tbe subsequent relief, if any, to bealso. subcommittee thereof if the claim souJht from the legislature. Furthermore.is an equitabJecJaim, andaoy additional everycwmintshouki insist that any set·committeedirectcdby the president of the tlementaJrcement or releasefor less thanSmate. the full amount of the judgment provides

In tbeHouse of Repraentati~ .it is explicitly. in writing, precisely·what tbe re­tbe Select Committee on Qaimsand· the spondent agency·s position win be•.if andHouse AppropriationsCommittee. ifsodi- whena subsequentclaimbillisintrodueed..rected by the speaker..Please inquire with For example. an agencyrnayagree tojointhe aecretary of the FloridlSenateand in a rcquestfor passqe Ofthe bill. qreecJerlcoftheFlorida.House of Representa- to the bill~ passagt,agreenot<to contestdves to ·determinetbe specific committee it-agree. to $tandsileot.,a.reeto contestassignmcDtsgiven to the clai1DbiIJ. because damalel but not liabilitYt ·ort teSe1'Ve thethe rule5and proceduteSlovcrning biUref.. npt to eontestall issues.ennccsare modifiedfrom timeto time. Claimants_hoexecute UJlCOnditionalre-

During the often hecticcoDcludingpor", Jeases.witbout reservation, should not.ex­tions of each annual·rquJarJegislative.ses- peel. to receive additional fundsvia the leg­sion wben·claimbills are cuslomarilycon", islature.Theybave releasedthe respondent


presents a defense, JoJlowiDglhe custom·ary order of proof.. luum<::es of sharplyconAictiRI eyewitnesstestimony andeveDan occasional -battle of expet1S"aR notuncommonin the claim billhtaring proc­ess. It is the dutyofeacb special master~

independently.toweip the testimony andto resolvelhe conflicts. The parties areal·lowed to present closiqg arguments., usu",aUyby subsequeot writteDmemoraDd., ifthey so desire. Parties may.upplement therecord after leave to dose is givenby thespecial master. la.ve is freelygiven. Cop­iesof aUdocuments.offemlinto evidenceat. thehearin& or filed lattr with tbe'spe­cialmastcr must be timely served. in thecustomarymaftDet. on.opposiD&counseL

Prllcti«hitJI1:AJtbouah lePsIativepro­cedurcrcquires a redetctmination oftiabil·ityand damaga from the first doUarbc­cause the expenditure of public funds.isinvoJved,aDd altboulhcacbclaimantaaaiDbas the burden of proof and the burdenor loins forward even if armed with anuraderJyingjudamen~negIipnce·daimsaris­

ina.• I'romverdict·based excess judpacntsusually are treated morepnerouslyu aclass by thek,islature tbanarc otherclaims.ThereusuaUy mustbc aeoputrea..SOD why a verdict-basedjudJIDCDttNou1d.not be paid; bowever•.CYen verdict-basedexcessjudpaentsmay bcmade.ubjecttoplymentstntCtwing,paymentlOurcclftOdi.fu:attoDtorredllCtion in amountif the leg­islatwepercziws that the verdictwasbuedon·uncluesympathy or prejudice,. or COD­talRS. dements of unwarrantedaeneraJ. OrpuDitivedamaps. whether arDOt 10 •bded. Because·.overrunental aacaQes. ee­caiooaUysettlcC&lC$apiast.themCorrea­IOns Dot diRdly related to the merits of1hedaial.CODSal-buedjudplentsan:JCrU..tiftized can:fuDy by the.speciaI mastt'r1l •bythe.IClislative committees,and by bothftousaof tbcJqislatul'e••oeMurethat in­dependently developedfaetsexist tOlup­pontbejudpacDtand tojustifythe·.ward.

Whileonly40 pcrcentof tbe claim·biUsfilediD·rccent years have been.buedon"teSS judpnents. excas judplent·buedbiDscomprisedtwo-tbirds oftbe daimbiUstbatbave passed. both houses iatbesameperiod..Ofthesetwo-thirdS<I theoncs·buedoujury verdictsaDd ahon to be other­wisemeritoriow, hiltoric8lly and statisti­cally. have stood the best chance of pas",sap iDtolaw.

Practice Poiltl 8: After thespecial.mas­terl bcarinl isconducted,eachspccialmas­terpreparcsanindepeDden~detailed, writ­ten report includin,fmdinporraet.amo-


LEGISLATIVE CLAIM BILL MANUAL - Florida Senatearchive.flsenate.gov/.../senate/administrative/leg-claim-manual.pdf· SAMPLE FUNDrnGLANGUAGE 8. ... Filing a Claim Bill? Section 768.28(5) - [PDF Document] (54)

D..StephenKQhnof.KtzhnlUld lMrf..OIU, P.AM' TtllJahuHefl has been Sen­.,egl!Mnl1cot11'Uel$ince1971tmdSen­dIe sp«i#J11UJIletsince 197.5•.Hert­aived his J,.D.. tlegIW/rQM'N CJni.versify of .Flori. Colltge·01 lAw ·in1966~

TIte"uthotg1t1le/ully.clcnowkdgu1MsuggestionsIIndediJorl41tWisttmeeofI.bD Ruth Ktz"e.

u HouseBill450(1911);ClaimofHuddlatoa.ultaddJestoll v.City of Coral Gabies.Cate

No,76-4193(21).(FlL11thOr. o., 1916).14Ch. 71..479aLaws ofFla. (1977).u FL4. STAT.§168.2I(J3) (1987).16FLA., STAT, 1216.21(J985)atq*1ed effective

July I, 1917by Ch.17-134..LawsofFla.J1FU.STAT. f30~SS(2)(l98S); fLA.S1AT,

§230.23(9)(6)(J98S); and FLA.STA't §24O.213(2)(lHS);all ~pe.lcddfectiveJulyl. 198'. byCh.l1-t:W.Laws of Fla. (19l7).

II Avallone v, Board of CountyCommilsion­ert of CitrusCounty,49350.24 .002(Fla. 1986).

19Ch. 81~t34,LawsofF1L (1987).2&FLA. STAT. 011.065(1)(1937); bul Sft I9SS

0.,. AuyGen. Fla.OSs.B2(April 14. J95S);FLA.STAl:f7683(IJ) (1917).

2' H<UIR BiU.)94.(I986);.Claimof <Abo Com~pany,lae.

22ScDateBiDG3 (l986);Qaim of Minnis.n FLA. STA't 1761.28(1981).24Fu.Co1m: an.nt 110(968).2$ FLA. STAT-DI)~02. 11.065 (19&7)"16 FtA,STA'rIJJ.03(1981)..27SeuteR. 4..8U987}a asamendedM.y

25, 1917••Senate Jouraalt Fla. St:Patc, 1981, p.413.

JI Joumal. Fla.HOUK ofltepraelltativa,J9I4,Dcc. ~pp. )..4.

2' FLA. STAT: §U.04S (1911).• SenateR.' (f986-J988);flovse 'blle 13,

(19861 1911)..Jl ctL 14-71. Laws of Fla. (1984); Claim of

Davis.JtDR.2... '06.P1L BarCaaoa2.n FlASTAT. i768.28(')U987).)4 Cb. 80-418,La. ofFla. (1910);. Claim (If

Gamble; Re.• bo· Gamble ·v.·Wells. 4SO So.2.d8SO{Fla. 1984)

)S Ch. 9190tLaws·of& (l923);Caim ofWdIs.

lrJForexampk~Seaate.BiIJ1326(1986).OaimofMiJJert wasenced and became Ch..16-·374.l.a. ofFla.. (1986)" witbm 38 daysaftetit wasfim fdedin theFl0ri4, senate_. howem. thedaimhad receiYed.subltantialleplative reviewprior lobOR, fsled.

J'Scutc Bill .2.64 (1917). SeaateBD1· 16(1971)•.House BiD 353 (19.,.).Seute Bill 101(1979).House Bin .126S (1979)., Smale Bill514(1980), HoueBilt 9 (ItlO).. HouseBiU 1456(19801, Senate Bill 184(1911)•.5eaate Bill900(1913), House Bin 834(1913). Senate Bill 246(1984)'1 HoUlt Bill 93 (I984J, House BiU417(19851•.Senate Bill 160 (19l6)t. Hous.eBill·l29(J986),Sehate Bill 199(19l~ aDd House BillI09U9&7);CW.ofPittsaacllat.

• FLA. CONn.1ft. xvt111.& CoDsL(J88S).

visitor lotbeCapitoJ in Tallahuste fell 30feet into an open anddark.frtightelevatorshaft~ the door to which was apparentlyleftopen by·anegligentstateempJoyee.Theclaimant swn.ained "'ery grave and seri­ous injury..~s The legislature enacted aSJ.OOOdaim bill·that .was signed into ·lawonly43daysafter the incident Onthe otherhand) remember Benjamin u.Thornton,the unfortunate fellowwboagreedto buildFlorida 15 firstpermanentcapitol?Hisclaimbill was fiTSt considered on February 17.J833, but becauseofthe noveltyof the pro­cedure. the territorial government's appar­ent iuability to pay him. and inlervcnirtllitigation, the amount of hisclaim wunotfinally determined andpaid .untiJ January6, 1847. Mr. Thornton wailed 14yean toget.his12,500..

For some,the·daimbiJlsystem can· re..soJve.aclaimbill quic:kly.16.Forothers.tbeprocess C8Dtakemuc:blonger,8S two cur­rent claimants. whose series of J8 claimbills have been uJHlerle,wativeconsidera­tioll for over 10years, DOW know..J1Everypotential c::laimant'l.attomeymustap­proach the evolvinC claim.biUprocesswitbpatience and at least a pnenlI understaod­in, of·how leJislation is .enacted.. Claimbills"a polentiaDYPolentremedy.wel'erataddressed ·inthe .1&85 Constitution..38Overa century Jatef',the Florida Lelislature isstill debatiDgt1te1rproperrolc. m

Enactmeat.ola claint billis, fiJI de';..., •


tltat Ja......&i.diIIs time8tandanfs

governmental&&tncy from both the·legalandequitabJe obliptioD to paymore.

PrllClicePoinl 12: The Jqislaturefavoustructured payments and guaranteed-termannuities in large claims" m.claims involv­inasmall or economically hard...pressedlo­cal Jovemmentalentities,J' and in··claimson behalf of tbose who have suffettd seri­ous and permanent injuries that are likelyto require substantial or }onglcnnmedi·cal care.Funds appropriated to or lor thebenefit of a minor or an incompetent per­son willbe paid only to a properlyconsti­tuted guardianship estate, in which·subse...qucnt disbursem*nts can be made underthe direct supervision of the circuitcoun.

hac/ier Point J.3:Scrvices ofa compe...tent,weUpreparedattorney arcusuallyhcJp...

ful to a cJaimant~but. legal representationis DOlan .absotute nec=ssity for suc:cessintbedaimbiJI proctS$. Therehavebeendaim..&nls·who have been ableto pide thciroWDclaim billstht'ough .the legislative processsuccessfUIJY1witbout Jesat representation..Atlomey~ feesarea matter ofcontract be­tween the claimant. aDd attorneyt subjecttotbe usual. ethicaJconsideratioftS_12 .thestatutory2Spercent ·ruleuand thelegisla...ture~ prerogativeto reducetbepercentagein appropriatecases..)4

I Gerard v.Department.of Transportation,.472 So.2d••·J70(Fla..1985).

2Thjs anide docsDOladdtas p.ymcmtofclaimsatisinaout· orJederaJciviln,hts viola..dons..SuchcJaimsqainstthe state &reQU'l'CDllyhudJedby the DivisiOD ·ofRisk·Manqtmefttof tbe Florida Dcpartmeut ofl".fllDCe" Of, ifmade apiasta localJOvcmmefttaleaut,. bylbat.mtity\ risk manapmcnt systeA'l. Neitherdoes thi$ article address the florida SupnmteCourt~$Ubstantia! roltia· modilyingtbecom­monl•• ndeoC lovemmcntaJ immunity. Thereader is diJe:cu:dto.teVcraI· cob\prebasive ex­plabaliofts of this histotical development .co&­taiJaedin Cauley v.City of Jac:bonvilk.403So..2d 379 (AL 1981); TrianoaPark Condo..miniwnAssociation.~CityofHiaJeah,46I So.2d912(F'Ia. 1985);·andSDwmgn Immunity. LX.FLA B....1-41(April 1986).

) An_of tbe 1..eJislative COunci1t approvedConclusion September 2..1822.. currenUy cocUfled in FLA

STAT: 12.01,(1981).Manyplainliffsare JreatJydismaYe'd "R.uue11v.TheMCbof .Devon~ 100 ED&-

when tbeyJearnthat the lonljoumeythat Rep. 359(1718).theybavetraveJed 1hroughtrial~judgment. 'An ActfoT the Rel1efoflkJijamin G.and possibly appeal., pmentsthcmwith ThomtODandJesse H. Wilm. kl$ of theLq...

islativeCounci1..Cb. 738tNo. 81(1833).yet anotberentire course of burdies to clear • FU.STAT. §768.25(5) (J987).prior 10 receiving payment in fun. Enact... 1 P14STAT.§768.2S(6)Ic(7).(J9B7).ment.of a claim bin is. bydesign, a delib- 'DickiDJonv. BoardofPubtic lnstf'Udiooerative, often unpredictable process ·that of DadeCouaty,.217So..2d553, 560(Fla. 1968).

h b· d' . ............~""~ 'FlA.CoNnan.lV.iI9(lB68).·u nOlo. IDglunc~UUfU&r"'S... It Ch.~n6,.LawsofFlL(1969).

On Apnl 26, 1923. an unwary buuness flCh.73--313, LawsofF1&. (1973).



LEGISLATIVE CLAIM BILL MANUAL - Florida Senatearchive.flsenate.gov/.../senate/administrative/leg-claim-manual.pdf· SAMPLE FUNDrnGLANGUAGE 8. ... Filing a Claim Bill? Section 768.28(5) - [PDF Document] (55)

Detailed Claim Bill Report2008 Legi~lative ~ession


.HB Passed

12 I Aronbero 1Alan Jerome Crotzer v, State of Florida Iwrongful imprisonment s 1,250,000.00 $ 1,250,000.00 (ch.08..259)~

motor vehicle crash eill Oied~~

355 I Taylor I 14 I MargoUs l[)r.~tlE!~il(l.Yrlrl~versav.J:)ept~t?rTra.,~p~!!~~~______________ Iwrongful death $ 697,500.00 $ ,. =...wrongful death .....Bill Died ~

767 I SeHer I 16 I Crist IKamel & Dimitri v. Palm Beach County school shooting $ 360,000.00 $ ~

Laura D. Strazza BmOled (1nfa I nfa I 18 I Atwater lv. Dept. of Agriculture & Consumer Services motor vehicle crash $ 882.322.00 $ * .....

=motor vehicle crash em Died...

469 I Machek I 20 I Hill IStephen Han v, Dept. of Transportation personal injury $ 388,000.00 $ - 3Defendents of Mrs. JohnJe Mae Chappell Bilt Oied c=

nla I nla I 221 Hill lv.State of Florida civil rights $ .. .............Joseph G. Donahey, Jr & Tena Donahey negligence Bill Died ~n1a I nfa I 24 I Jones lv. Board of Regents. State of Florida personal injury $ 1,500.000.00 $ ...


motor vehicle crash BUI Died ~n/a I nla I 26 I Siolln lv.Oranae Countv Fire DeDt. Iper$onal injury $ 800,880.00 $ .. 0


wrongful death ~BUI Died rIl

Ul I 479 I Bucher I 28 I Aronberg IJ. Rae Hoyer v, Collier County jailhouse homicide $ 1,129.042.00 $ ~~

I 451 IMeadows I 30 I I ~Eddie Weekley & Charlotte Williams v, Agency for negligence Bill Died \C

Lawson Persons with Disabilities (State of Florida) disappearance & death $ 1*000,000.00 $ \CDennis Darling, Sr. and Wendy Smith. parents of wrongful death -.....l

em Died I303 I Richardson I 32 I Lawson IDevaughn Darling v, Florida State University football accident $ 1,800.000.00 $

JLaura Laporte motor vehicle crash S8 Passed N=201 I Mayfield I 34 I Lawson lv. Dept of Agriculture & Consumer Affairs personal injury $ 5.500.648.00 $ 4,0001000.00(ch.08..257) =nagligence ee

Bill Oied "-"255 I $cionti I 36 I Jovner IOennis & Diana Gay v, Dept. of Transportation personal injury $ 700,000.00 $

MiUer& Brown v. Memorial Healthcare System d/b/a Personal injury due to negligence of saPassed

483 I Skidmore I 381 Deutsch Memorial Regional Hospital hospital $ 300,000.00 $ 300,000.00 (ch.08..260)

Lopez:", I 40 I Maria & Jorge Gough (parents of Jaime Gough a minor) wrongful death SB Passed

1039 I Cantera Wilson Iv. Miami·Oade County School Board school homicide $ 1,000,000.00 $ 1,000,000.00 (ch.08.261)

481 I I 42 I IRhonda A. Hughes v, Escambia CountyBUI Died

Munin Hill Personal injuries due to EMT negligence $ 100.000.00 $

damages as a result of breach Bill

n/a I nfa I 441 PoseV' IKaren W. Stripling v, Oept. of Education of contract $ 2.720,000.00 $ - Withdrawn

S 1.200,000.00HB Passed

Cawn and Rick Amora, parents of Marissa negligence (plus future budget443 I Coley I 46 I Lawson [v. Dept. of Chltdren & Families personal injury $ 26,849,849.08 requests)

(ch. 08..258)

1 of 2

LEGISLATIVE CLAIM BILL MANUAL - Florida Senatearchive.flsenate.gov/.../senate/administrative/leg-claim-manual.pdf· SAMPLE FUNDrnGLANGUAGE 8. ... Filing a Claim Bill? Section 768.28(5) - [PDF Document] (56)


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Pierro.'. ets.. n.. a ArchiUe (and Patrick Weber, Limited GUardianlne.9.1i9.en.ceAronberg lof Property) v.Dept, of Children & Families personal Injury915





50lisa Freeman-Salazar & Andy Salazar

Baker lv, City of Lake Worthmotor vehicle crash stop signpersonal Injury wrongful death



1,200,000.00 I $

342 J208.00 I $




I (ch. 08..262)

"/a nfa 52Timothy and Theresa Ann Kulik

Baker Iv.Dept. of Highway Safety & Motor Vehicles motor vehicle crash personal injury s 1,460,500.00 I $Bill Died

1223 Thompson 54Desnar and Mignone Decembre, parents of Daniel

Joyner IOecembre v, Orange County School Boardnegligence, dog attackdamages and injuries s 1,800,000.00 I $ 1,800,000.00

SB Passed(ch, 08..263)



1 409

11 183;,







Jeanne Coieau parent of Schneidioe TheogeneArooberg Iv. Miami Dade County

Villalobos ILuis Oiazv, State of FloridaLuz Fuentes and Jose Fuentes parents of AdrianFuentes v, South Broward Hospital District d/b/a.

Ring IMemorial Hospital Primary Care Center



negligenceinjuries and damages





5.000,000.00 I $

1J6001000.00 I $



S8 Passed(ch.08-264)

BUI Died

58 Passed(ch.08-265)

UlUl 763 Culp 62

Arnie Draiemann StephensonFasano Iv. Dept. of Transportation motor vehicle crash wrongful death $ 1,092,040.00 I $

Bilt Died

787 Flores 64Diaz de la IBrian Daiagi

Portilla v, South Florida Water Management Districtnegligenceinjuries $ 4,008,616.63 I $ 3J908,616,63

HB Passed(eh. 08..269)

1079 Domino 66

Jorge and Debbie Garcia..Bengochea, adoptive parentsof Brian, Matthew, and James

Atwater lv. Dept. of Children & FamiliesinJuries and damages as a result ofnegligence $ 9.500.000.00 I $

Bill Died

675 Llorente 68 DeanGina and Mark Giblin parents of Tyler Giblinv. Marion County Hospital District

negligenceinjuries $ 700,000.00 I s

sa Passed

700,000.00 I (ch.08..266)

nfa nfa 70 Lawson IE~tateof Willie Police, Jr. v. City of Belle Gladepersonal injuryshooting $ 381,649.00 I $

Bill Died

nfa nfa 72Daniel and Amara Estrada, parents of Caleb Estrada v,

Aronberg IUniversity of South Florida Board of Trustees

negligencewrongful birthdamages $ 21.197.700.00 I $


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Detailed Claim Bill Report2007 Legislative Session

motor vehicle crash

1U1 1 Machek 1 22 I Hill IStephen Hall v. Dept. of Transportation [personal injury I $388,000 I I Bill Died

Defendents of Mrs. Johnie Mae Chappell

1423 v. State of Florida I I I Bill Died


673 1 Chestnut I 26 I Lawson IDoretta Spurway v. HSMV personal Injury I $221,942 I I Bill Died

Dennis Darling, Sr. and Wendy Smith,parents of Devaughn Darling v. Florida football accident

na I n/a I 28 I Lawson IState University wrongful death I $1,800,000 I I SB withdrawn

Laura Laporte v. Dept of Agriculture & motor vehicle crash

1U9 1 Mayfield Consumer Affairs personal injury $5,500,648 Bill Died

Sharon Jurgrau v. South Broward hospital malpractice SB PASSED

11351 Seiler 1 32 I Fasano IHospital District wrongful death $500,000 $500,000 (ch. 07-262)

Amie Draiemann Stephenson v. Dept. of motor vehicle crash

Ul ~O9 Transportation wrongful death I $1,116,940 I I Bill Died0\

school shooting

1321 1 Seiler I 36 I Crist IKamel & Dimitri v. Palm Beach County wrongful death $360,000 Bill Died

Adam Susser v. North Broward Hospital negligence/hospital malpractice SB PASSED

1021 1 Hasner 1 38 I Jones IDistrict wrongful death $668,781 $668,781 (ch.07-263)

Laura D. Strazza v. Dept. of Agriculture &9:J3 1 Kiar 1 40 I Atwater IConsumer Services Motor Vehicle Crash $882,322 I I Bill Died

jailhouse homicide

6"13 1 Bucher I 42 I Aronberg IJ. Rae Hoyer v. Collier County wrongful death $1,129,042 Bill Died

Verlin Weaver v. City of Fernandina motor vehicle crash SB PASSED

1291 1 Mahon I 44 I Aronberg IBeach personal injury $400,000 $400,000 (ch.07-264)

Christina Alvarez & George Patnode v. hospital malpractice

11471 Schenk I 46 I Campbell IMartin County wrongful death $2,400,000 Bill Died

Claudia and Jeffrey Kautz v. Palm Beach school bus collision SB PASSED

1!i5 1 Seiler I 48 I Aronberg County wrongful death $900,000 $900,000 (ch.07-265)

13271 Garcia I 50 I Aronberg Alan Jerome Crotzer v. State of Florida wrongful imprisonment $1,250,000 Bill Died

medical malpractice HB PASSED

593 1 Thuston I 52 I Rich IMinouche Noel v. Dept. of Health personal injury $8,500,000 $8,500,000 (ch.07-261)

Dr. Sherill Lynn Aversa v. Dept. of motor vehicle crash

109 1 Taylor Transportation wrongful death $650,000 Bill Died

Katherine Selva and Maria Alcobar SB PASSED

9'15 1 Seiler I 56 I Margolis I(parent) v. City of Miami hospital/medical malpractice $2,425,000 $2,425,000 (ch.07-266)

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Detailed Claim Bill Report2007 Legislative Session (cont'd)

motor vehicle crashn/el 1 nla 1 58 1 Hill 1Betty Obenza v. Duval County personal injury I $156,556 I I SB Withdrawn

Joseph G. Donahey, Jr & Tena Donahey negligence36!; 1 Long I 60 I Jones v. Board of Regents,State of Florida personal injury I $1,500,000 I I Bill Died

I IEstateof Angelica Hernandez & Stacie motor vehicle crash

62:J 1 Randolph I 62 I Siplin Wagner v. OrangeCounty personal injury I $800,880 1 1 Bill Died

I Imotor vehicle crash

11891 Legg 64 Siplin DonnaSofka v. Polk County personal injury $600,000 1 1 Bill Died

Timothyand Theresa Ann Kulik v. Dept. motor vehicle crash95S 1 Skidmore 66 Baker of Highway Safety & Motor Vehicles personal injury $1,460,500 1 1 Bill Died

Lisa Freeman-Salazar & Andy Salazarv. motor vehicle crash stop sign1619 Seiler 68 Baker City of Lake Worth personal injury wrongful death $342,208 Bill Died

1Il r:1 Anthony John Angelillo v. Miami-Dade motor vehicle crash wlLEO SB PASSED-......l

Seiler 70 Posey County personal injury $250,000 $250,000 (ch.07-267)

Jennifer Graham v. Palm Beach County motor vehicle crash wlLEO SB PASSED61"' 1 Bucher I 72 1 Aronberg ISheriff's Office personal injury $850,000 $850,000 (ch.07-268)

Estateof Brooke Ingoldsby & Michelle motor vehicle crash SB PASSED89"' 1 Peterman 74 Wilson Allen & Pinellas County wrongful death $1,300,000 $1,300,000 (ch.07-269)

Bendross- ClaudeTuncand MartineTunc v. City of beach accident SB PASSED10431 Mindingall 76 Margolis Miami wrongful death $1,300,000 $1,300,000 (ch.07-270)

Maria& Jorge Gough(parents of JaimeBendross- I I Diaz de la Gougha minor) v. Miami-DadeCounty school homicide

10451 Mindingall 78 Portilla School Board wrongful death $1,000,000 Bill Died

Diaz de la motor vehicle crash SB PASSED62!} 1 Bullard I 80 I Portilla NorkaLaureiro v. Miami-DadeCounty personal injury $1,000,000 $999,100 (ch. 07-271)

I~II"'UIU'W'I U "'tr'"

motor vehcile crash90"1 1 Gibbons I 82 I Bullard IJose Pena v. City of Hialeah wrongful deathlpersonal injury I $1,101,061 1 1 Bill Died

Estateof WilliePolice,Jr. v. City of Belle shootingI

1101 I Thurston I 84 I Dawson IGlade personal injury $381,649 Bill Died

Sheryl & GeorgeAllen v. City of Personal injury due to negligence of city SB PASSED23J I Pickens I 486 I Oelrich ITallahassee (parade) $775,000 $775,000 (ch.07-272)

Miller & Brown v. Memorial Healthcare Personal injury due to negligence of75:J I Skidmore I 504 I Deutsch ISystemd/bla Memorial Regional Hospital hospital I $300,000 I I Bill Died

MartinLeeAnderson Estate v. Dept. of I I I SB PASSED

nln I nla I 2968 I Hill & others IJuvenile Justice wrongful death $5,000,000 $4,800,000 (ch.07-57)

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HB 289 Richardson ISB 32 Lawson ID. Darlina &W. Smith v. FSU I $1,800,000 $0

HB 623 Taylor 15B 34 Margolis Estate of Dr. Sherrill Lynn Aversa v. Dept. of Transportation $697,500 $0 IDied in Claims(Negligence MVA - ladder fell off truck)

HB 383 Barreiro ISB 36 Margolis Claude & Martine Tunc v. City of Miami Beach $1,300,000 $0 IDied in Justice Council(Negligence City of Miami Beach)

HB 215 Smith ISB 38 Campbell Minouche Noel v. Dept. of Health $8,500,000 $0 IDied in Messages(Medical Malpractice)

HB 677 Machek ISB 40 Campbell Stephen Hall v. Dept. of Transportation 388,000 $0 IDied in Claims(Negligence, DOT employee)

HB 1613 Domino ISB 42 Campbell Monica Davis v. Palm Beach County School District $173,416 $0 IDied in Claims(Negligence)

IHB799 Bullard SB 44 Diaz de la Portilla Norka Laureiro v. Miami-Dade County $1,000,000 $0 IDied in Justice Council(Collision caused by Miami-Dade County bus)

IHB 895 Arza SB 46 Diaz de la Portilla Maria & Jorge Gough parents of son Jaime Payment of Damages $0 IDied in Claims(Wrongful Death) Miami-Dade County School Board

HB 107 Pickens SB 48 Lynn Sheryl & George Allen $775,000 I $0 IDied in Justice Council(Negligence of City of Tallahassee employee)

HB 1159 Mayfield SB 50 Clary Laura Laporte v. Dept. of Agriculture and Consumer Services $5,500,648 I $0 IDied in Claims(Negligence)

SB 52 Campbell Christina Alvarez & George Patnode $2,400,000

I$0 IWithdrawn Prior to


~B 115 Rice(Medical Malpractice Martin County Health Dept.) Introduction

00SB 54 Jones Judge Joseph &Tena Donahey $1,500,000 I $0 IDied in Claims

(Medical Malpractice State of Florida)HB 525 Stargel SB 56 Siplin Donna Sofka v. Polk County $600,000 I $0 IDied in Claims

(Negligence Polk County)HB 853 Negron SB 58 Jones Adam Susser v. Broward County $668,782 I $0 IDied in Justice Council

(Medical Malpractice North Broward Hospital District)HB 877 Seiler SB 60 Fasano Sharon & Megan Jurgrau $500,000 1 $0 IDied in Justice Council

(Medical Malpractice South Broward Hospital District)HB 845 Mahon SB 62 Aronberg Verlin Weaver v. City of Fernandina Beach $400,000 I $0 IDied in Justice Council

HB 315 Bucher SB 64 Aronberg Jennifer Graham $850,000 I $0 IDied in Justice CouncilSheriff's Office)

SB 66 Aronberg $1,129,042 $0 Died in Rules andCalendar

SB 68 Bennett $608,555 $0 Withdrawn Prior toIntroduction

HB 863 Kottkamp SB 70 Campbell $250,000 $0 Died in Justice Council

SB 72 Haridopolos Amt. left blank in SB $0 Died in Rules andCalendar

HB 309 Gibson, A. SB 74 Hill $156,556 $0 Died in Claims

SB 76 Fasano Arnie Draiemann Stephenson v. Dept. of Transportation $1,092,040 $0 Died in Rules and(Ne Ii ence wrongful death of Christian Darb Stephenson) Calendar

SB 78 Hill Descendents of Mrs. Johnnie Mae Chaooell Compensation upon $0 Died in Rules anddetermination Calendar

HB 1075 Seiler Ashraf Kamel and Marguerite Dimitri v. Palm Beach County School Board $360,000 $0 Died in Justice Council

HB 1179 Planas Katherine Selva v. City of Miami $2,425,000 $0 Died in Claims

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HB1405 Poppell ISB 10Campbell Stephen Hall v. Dept. of Transportation $388,000 $0 IDied inClaimsI(Neali.aence, DOT employee)

SB 12 Clary Laura Laporte v. Dept. ofa*griculture and Consumer Services $5,500,648 $0 IDied inRules and Calendar(Nealiaence)

HB 275 Stansel ISB 14 Lawson Doretta sourwav v. Deot. Hiahwav Safety &Motor Vehciles $221,942 $0 IDied inClaims

HB283 Richardson ISB 16 Lawson 10. Darlina &W. Smith I $1,800,000 $0 IDied inClaims

HB705 Seiler ISB 18 Fasano ISharon &Meaan Jurarau v. South Broward Hosoital District I 500,000 $0 IDied on House Calendar

HB 615 Negron ISB 20 Jones Adam Susser v. North Broward Hospital District $668,782 $0 IDied on House Calendar(Medical Malpractice)

HB 65 Domino ISB 22 Campbell Monica Davis v. Palm Beach County School District $173,416 $0 IDied inJustice Council(Ne_allaence)

HB 889 Seiler ISB 24 Hill Betty Obenza v. Duval County $156,556 $0 IDied inClaims

VII '(Negligence MVA - rear-ended)

\0 IHB7Pickens ISB 26 Lynn Sheryl &George Allen v. City ofTallahassee $775,000 $0 IDied on House CalendarI (Nealiaence City ofTallahassee employee)

HB637 Llorente ISB 28 Margolis Estate ofDr. Sherrill Lynn Aversa v. Dept. ofTransportation $697,500 $0 IDied inClaimsI (Neali.aence MVA - ladder fell offtruck)

SB 30 Siplin Donna Sofka v. Polk County $600,000 $0 IDied inSenateTransportation

HB 793 Kottkamp ISB 32 Campbell A. John &A. Jacob Angelillo v. Miami-Dade County $250,000 $0 IDied inJustice Council

HB 731 Barreiro ISB 34 Margolis $1,300,000 I $0 IDied on House Calendar

SB 36 Bennett Mark Vandeboe v. SWFWMD $182,762 $0 Withdrawn Prior toIntroduction

SB 38 Jones IJudae Joseoh &Tena Donahev v. Board ofReaents I $1,500,000 $0 Withdrawn Prior toIntroduction

HB 23 Mahon ISB 40 Aronberg Verlin Weaver v. City ofFernandina Beach $400,000 $0 Died on House Calendar(Ne.qligence byemployee ofCity ofFernandina Beach)

SB 42 Campbell Christina Alvarez &George Patnode v. DOH $2,400,000 $0 IDied inRules and Calendar(Medical Malpractice)

HB 771 Seiler ISB 44 Dawson Ashraf Kamel &Marauerita Dimitri v.Palm Beach County School Board $1,415,890 $0IDied inChoice &Innovation

HB 865 Simmons I IWiltOn Allen Cedge, Walter Dedge and Mary Dedge v.State ofFlorida I IDied inClaimsI(WronQful1mprisonment)

HB 47B Goodlette ISB 12B Webster IWilton Allen Dedae. Walter Dedae and Marv Dedae v. State ofFlorida I $2,000,000 $2,000,000 ISB Passed, Ch. 05-354,LOF

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2004 Legislative Session

:II.II.I:III:::!:.IIII:-, ·.111111111111:1·1.11111::· ::1;'.1111.1:1111111:::::·::1:::1:::::::.:::::::::::.::::::.:..:::::: tft:tr:r:

HB 235 Kottkamp SB 26 Campbell Christina Alvarez & George Patnode v. Dept of Children & $2,400,000 $0 DiedFamily Services (Medical malpractice)

HB 245 Prieguez 5B 10 Margolis Dr. Sherrill Lynn Aversa v. Dept of Transportation $650,000 $0 Died(Negligence MVA - ladder fell off truck)

HB 265 Murman 5B 4 Campbell Minouche Noel v. DOH $8,500,000 $0 Died(Medical malpractice)

HB 301 Stansel 5B 8 Lawson Doretta Spurway v. DHSMV $121,942 $0 Died(Personal injury / Negligence)

HB 349 Barreiro 5B 22 Hill Alana Kelly & Richard Taylor, Sr. v. Hillsborough County $101,833 $0 DiedSchool Board (Motorcycle/school bus crash)

HB 423 Seiler 5B 36 5iplin Jose & Johammes Pena v. City of Hialeah 1,101,061 $0 Withdrawn(Road maintenance)

HB 669 Fields 5B 28 Hill Betty Obenza v. Duval County $156,556 $0 Died(Negligence MVA - rear-ended)

HB 671 Richardson 5B 12 Clary Brian Daiagi v. SFWMD $4,008,617 $0 Withdrawn(Ditch maintenance)

HB 673 Evers 5B 24 Hill Patricia Stolfi v. Escambia County Utilities Authority $2,380,889 $0 Withdrawn(Car v. Garbage Truck)

HB 683 Cusack SB 32 Lynn Cordell & Veronica Hensley Davidson v. Volusia County $4,700,000 $4,700,000 HB Passed ch 04-408(Motorcycle v. Firetruck)

HB 765 Murzin 5B 6 Lawson Bron Dodd v. Escambia County School Board District $241,000 $241,000 HB Passed ch 04-412(school board negligence - car v. school bus)

HB 793 Johnson SB 34 Campbell Stephen Hall v. Dept of Transportation $388,000 $0 Died(Negligence, DOT employee)

HB 829 Mayfield SB 14 Clary Laura Laporte v. Dept of Agriculture and Consumer Services $5,500,648 $0 Died(Negligence)

HB 831 Mayfield 5B 20 Posey Ryan Besancon v. Indian River County School Board $70,000 $70,000 HB Passed ch 04-418(Negligent bus driver)

HB 833 Mayfield 5B 18 Posey Amanda Johnson v. Indian River County School Board $287,500 $287,500 HB Passed ch 04-419(Negligent bus driver)

HB 835 Mayfield SB 16 Posey Debra Smith, Pamela Hughes, Michael Truitt & Charles $300,000 $300,000 HB Passed ch 04-420Hughes, v. Indian River Co. School Board (Wrongful Death)

HB 929 Negron SB 40 Diaz de la Portilla Jeffery Haider v. South Broward County Hospital District. $3,846,437 $3,846,437 HB Passed ch 04-426(Medical malpractice)

HB 959 Seiler Adam Susser v. North Broward Hospital District $668,782 $0 Died(Medical malpractice)

HB 1353 Seiler 5B 38 Dawson Ashraf Kamel & Marquerite Dimitri v. Palm Beach County $1,415,890 $0 DiedSchool Board (School shooting)

HB 1359 Seiler Mark Jurgrau v. South Broward Hospital District $500,000 $0 Died(Medical malpractice)

HB 1493 Bareirro Claude & Martine Tunc v. City of Miami Beach $1,300,000 $0 DiedSB 2 Campbell Laura D. Strazza v. Dept of Agriculture & Consumer Services $882,322 $0 Died

(Negligent operation of department vehicle)5B 30 Bullard Bruce Michael McQuillin & Michael McQuillin v. Citrus County $929,573 $0 DiedSB 42 Haridopolos Regina Lloyd v. City of Fernandina Beach $8,000,000 $0 Withdrawn

LEGISLATIVE CLAIM BILL MANUAL - Florida Senatearchive.flsenate.gov/.../senate/administrative/leg-claim-manual.pdf· SAMPLE FUNDrnGLANGUAGE 8. ... Filing a Claim Bill? Section 768.28(5) - [PDF Document] (62)

Detailed Claim Bill ReportsContinued on Page 62


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Detailed Claim Bill Report2003 Legislative Session

HB93 Bean ISB28Villalobos IJeffery Akersv. Cityof Miami Beach I $3,217,029 I $0 I Withdrawn(Personal injury / negligence of city)

HB95 Negron ISB214Bennett [John Martz v. Hernando County $500,000 $500,000 HBPassed(Road maintenance) ch 03-305

HB183Murman I SB22Campbell IMinouche Noel v. DOH $8,500,000 $0 Died(Medical malpractice)

HB303Prieguez I SB36 Diaz de la Portilla [Jonathan & Erika Snellv. Miami-Dade County $337,000 $337,000 HBPassed(Negligence of County busdriver) ch 03-316

HB305Mayfield ISB180Hill ITylor Griffeth v. Indian River School Board $40,000 $40,000 HBPassed(Negligence of school board) ch03-317

HB375Mayfield SB18Pruitt Smith, Hughes &Truitt v. Indian River County County 300,000 $0 Died0\ I School Board (Wrongful Death)tv

HB377Mayfield SB42Posey Taylor Rosemond v. Indian River County School Board $60,000 $60,000 HBPassed(Negligent busdriver) ch03-323

HB379Mayfield ISB38Pruitt [Amanda Johnsonv. Indian River County School Board $287,500 $0 Died(Negligent busdriver)

HB515Machek ISB40 Pruitt IRichard & Denise Ebner v. St.Lucie County $50,000 $50,000 SBPassed(Personal injury / negligence) ch03-301

HB675Richardson ISB16Clary IBrian Daiagi v. SFWMD $4,008,617 $0 Died(Negligence)

HB689D Davis ISB188Hill ITommy Cusickv. Cityof Neptune Beach I $96,395 I $0 I Died(Negligence)

HB727Murzin ISB8 Lawson IBronwen Dodd v. Escambia County School Board District I $241,000 I $0 I Died(Negligence)

HB787Seiler ISB10Wasserman Schultz IJose & Johammes Pena v. Cityof Hialeah I $1,101,061 I $0 I Died(Road maintenance)

HB797Poppell ISB26 Posey [Alan Hammer v. Brevard County Board of County $75,705 $75,705 HBPassedCommissioners (Personal Injury/County negligence) ch03-345

HB799Poppell ISB34 Posey [rloward & Donna Evarts v. Brevard County Board of Commissioners $75,705 $75,705 HBPassed(Personal Injury / County negligence) ch03-346

LEGISLATIVE CLAIM BILL MANUAL - Florida Senatearchive.flsenate.gov/.../senate/administrative/leg-claim-manual.pdf· SAMPLE FUNDrnGLANGUAGE 8. ... Filing a Claim Bill? Section 768.28(5) - [PDF Document] (64)

Detailed Claim Bill Report2003 Legislative Session (cont'd)

HB813 Stansel ISB 24 Lawson IDoretta Spurwayv. DHSMV I $221,942 I $0 I Died(Personal injury/ Negligence)

HB817 Sansom ISB30 Crist Ijames Edwardsv. Hillsborough Co. $2,400,000 $2,400,000 SBPassed(Negligence) ch 03-300

HB969 Seiler I ITimothy &Theresa Ann Kulik v. DHSMV $1,461 $0 Died(Negligence)

HB1053 Mayfield ISB 14 Pruitt [Laura Laportev. DACS I $5,500,648 I $0 I Died(Negligence)

HB1249 Mayfield ISB 44 Posey [Clay&Tatiana Haywoodv. Indian RiverCounty School Board $225,000 $225,000 HBPassed(Negligent busdriver) ch 03-366

HB1255 Kottkamp SB20 Saunders Jacob Darna v. LeeCo.School Board $75,000 $75,000 SBPassed(Negligence) ch 03-299

I0\ IHB 1257 Mack Jeffery Haiderv. Brevard Co. $4,000,000 $0 Diedw

(Negligence of South Broward Hospital District)

HB1689Prieguez ISB48 Diazde la Portilla [Asbel Llerenav. Cityof Hialeah $200,000 $200,000 HBPassed(Cityemployee negligence) ch 03-385

HB1691 Detert ISB46 Campbell [Denise Yahrausv Sarasota County School Board $1,050,000 $1,050,000 HBPassed(Wrongful death / negligence school board) ch 03-386

HB1693 Barreiro ISB32 Diazde la Portilla IKelly / Taylorv. Hillsborough County $101,833 $0 Died(Motorcycle/school BusCrash)

HB1701 Sansom ISB 184Hill IJoseph &TenaDonaheyv. State of Florida I $1,500,000 I $0 I Died(Medical malpractice)

SB2 Sebesta IJoseph &TenaDonaheyv. State of Florida I $1,500,000 I $0 t-wiD(Medical malpractice)

SB4 Campbell Laura Strazza v. DACS $882,322 $0 WID

SB6 Lawson Kilpatrick v. Escambia County $191,245 $0 WID

SB 12 Pruitt IBowling v. DOT $3,585,216 $0 WID

SB 182 Bennett ISmith,/HugheslTruittlJohnson/RosemondlHaywoodl $853,030 $0 WIDGriffeth v Indian River School Board. Indian River County School

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Detailed Claim Bill Report2002 Legislative Session

HB37 Harper ISB44 Pruitt IJames Torrence v. Palm Beach County Health Care District $400,000 $400,000 SBPassed ch(hospital malpractice) 02-319

HB39 Bucher ISB38 Rossin IRosemary Falkinburgv. WestPalm Beach $500,000 $500,000 SBPassed ch(Police vehicle negligence 02-317

HB45 Mahon ISB36 Rossin IKharmilia Ferguson v. Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office $1,800,000 $1,800,000 SBPassed ch(Sheriff's vehicle negligence) 02-316

HB59 Bendross-Mindingall ISB78 Meek [JackLemonikv. Miami-Dade County $100,000 $0 Withdrawn(false arrest)

HB61 Seiler ISB10Villalobos IMark Schwartz v. N.Broward Hospital District $400,000 $400,000 SBPassed ch(medical malpractice) 02-312

HB63 Ritter ISB42 Dyer [Dsltina BenjumealGarcia v. Orange County Sheriff's Office 262,954 $152,500 SBPassed ch(Sheriff vehicle negligence) 02-318

HB85 Betancourt ISB52 Villalobos [Jessica Ann Calderon v. Miami-Dade County $2,100,000 $2,100,000 SBPassed ch(Bus ran red lightkilling Dade County Police Officer) 02-322

HB151 Waters SB26 Latvala EvaSkowronek v. Cityof Clearwater $200,000 $200,000 SBPassed ch0\ I (police misconduct; excessive force) 02-314~

HB187Attkisson SB8 Campbell Towanna Hopkinsv. Fla. Board of Regents, USF, $3,693,896 $3,693,896 SBPassed chUSF Health Sciences Center Insurance (hospital malpractice) 02-306

HB189Siplin ISB74 Campbell Steven Mitchellv. Halifax Medical Center $2,300,000 $2,300,000 SBPassed ch(hospital negligence) 02-328

HB203Sorenson ISB60 Jones Joshua England v. Monroe County School Board $2,500,000 $2,500,000 SBPassed ch(school student drowning) 02-324

HB225Gannon ISB46 Pruitt IDixonv. Indian River School Board $1,224,394 $1,224,394 SBPassed ch(School busaccident) 02-320

HB227Stansel ISB16Lawson IPatsy Bauccov. DOT $550,000 $550,000 SBPassed ch(traffic crash/highway maintenance) 02-308

HB301 Mayfield ISB56 Silver [Joseph Arvayv. Cityof Vero Beach $4,349,094 $4,349,094 SBPassed ch(Police vehicle negligence) 02-323

HB349Atwater ISB24 Campbell IMargaret Helmv. Martin County Volunteer FireDepartment $2,250,000 $2,250,000 SBPassed ch(Good Samaritan injuries) 02-313

HB357Cantens ISB22 Pruitt [Klmberly Godwinv. DCF $7,600,000 $7,600,000 SBPassed ch(Custodial abuse) 02-310

HB359Diaz de la Portilla ISB64 Klein IJesnor Exanorv.Cityof Delray Beach $1,305,000 $1,305,000 SBPassed ch(Police vehicle negligence) 02-326

HB361 Diaz de la Portilla ISB62 Meek IMillie Jacksonv. Miami-Dade County $35,000 $35,000 SBPassed ch(Bus accident) 02-325

HB363Fields ISB58 Dawson IWilliePolice, III v. Cityof Belle Glade $381,649 $0 BillDied(police tumult)

HB369 Lee ISB·18 Holzendorf IMcCarty/Decker v. DCF I $7,000,000 I $400,000 ISS Passed ch(Tacachale vancrash) 02-309

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Detailed Claim Bill Report2002 Legislative Session (cont'd)

HB371 Meadows ISB48 Clary [Nicholas Maracic v. Broward County I $280,285 I $0 I Withdrawn(motorcycle/bus collision)

HB373Kendrick ISB72 Diaz de la Portilla IJacob Darna v. LeeCounty I $168,750 I $0 I BillDied(negligent supervision of student)

HB375Bullard ISB66 Klein IArielAlexis Dent v. Palm Beach County School Board $600,000 $600,000 SBPassed ch(School busaccident) 02-327

HB419Brown ISB14Clary IBillieJo Mcintire v. DOT $1,000,000 $1,000,000 SBPassed ch(traffic crash/highway maintenance) 02-307

HB425Prieguez ISB30 Jones IHilda DePazv. Miami-Dade County $60,000 $60,000 SBPassed ch(Bus/bus collision) 02-315

HB469Bense ISB82 Diaz de la Portilla IVerelalBarcosllglesias/Avendano v.DOT $800,000 $800,000 SBPassed ch(negligent bridge maintenance) 02-311

HB521 Lee ISB40 Dyer IKellyl Taylor v. Hillsborough County School Board $101,833 $0 BillDied(Motorcycle/school buscrash)

HB529Greenstein SB4 Campbell Minouche Noel v. DOH I $8,500,000 I $0 I BillDied0\ (medical malpractice)Ul

HB563Smith ISB76 Posey Hennelly v. St.Lucie County Sheriff $3,508,941 $1,250,000 SBPassed ch(Sheriff's vehicle negligence) 02-329

HB587Negron ISB50 Campbell [tawrence Bigney v. Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office $75,000 $75,000 SBPassed ch(Sheriff's vehicle negligence) 02-321

HB619Siplin ISB34 Lawson IElizabeth Linton v. GulfCounty $1,807,185 $0 BillDied(wrongful death - tumbling refuse)

HB637Romeo ISB70 Crist IJames Edwards v. Hillsborough County I $8,000,000 I $0 I Withdrawn(EMS negligence)

HB643Richardson ISB28 Lawson IClyde Kilpatrick v. Escambia County I $191,2451 $0 I BillDied(slip & fall)

HB671 Meadows ISB54 Diaz de la Portilla IBronwen Dodd v. Escambia County School Board I $241,000 I $0 I BillDied(motor vehicle accident)

HB1029 Ryan ISB32 Lawson IJosePena v. Hialeah I $1,101,061 I $0 I BillDied(shoulder drop-off)

HB1195 Siplin ISB20 Dyer [Johnny Woods v. Dept. of Legal Affairs I $15,000 I $0 I BillDied(denial of victim's compensation benefits)

HB1265 Berfield ISB6 Campbell ILaura Strazza v. DACS $882,322 $0I S8 Passed(negligent vehicle operation) Vetoed

SB12 Miller IAngelo Juliano v. DOT $302,500 $0 I BillDied(slip & fall)

SB68 Mitchell IHoward Miller v. Parole Commission $0 $0 I BillDied(employee benefits)

SB80 Garcia IEstate of Frank Lee Smith v. Broward County Sheriff $3,500,000 $0 I Withdrawnmiscarriaae of iustice

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Detailed Claim Bill Report2001 Session




84 Bronson I AngetoJulianov. Dept. of Transportation (sUp A fall) $302.500 IWithdrawn from II further consideration86 Campbell MlnoucbeNoel v, Dept of Healtb (medlcalmalpratttce)

SS,SOOtOOO Died on CalendarH241 CantensS8 Clary 8iUieJoeMclntire. etc.v"Dept.. ofTtansportat.OIl (traffic

$1,000,000 Died onCalendarH139 Brown crashlhighway maintenance/wrongful death)SJO Dyer Delfina· BenJUmoa v..Orange CounlySheriff's Office

$262.954 Died inMessagesH4SJ Ritter (negligent operation of .·.Sheritrs.vehicle)S 12 K.lein RusseliAUen v.. Dept.ofT~portation (motorscooter

$4~S90l000 Died in Committeecrash; failure inroaddesign)S 14 Meek JackBn:ttLemonik v.. Mianu-Dade County (police

$300,000 Diedin CommitteeH231 Diede .Ia·Portilla miscondUct)S 16 SullIvan Estate of Alice Berdat y« Dept.orCorrections (assault and

$250,000 Died in CommitteeH 1575 Rubio homicide by",ark release.inmate)S18 Sullivan MaryBethWiggersv. Dept.. of CometlOftS (usaultby

$450,000 Died in Committeen 1611 Am work release inmate)820 Villalobos Jessica·Ann Calderon. et aJ. v. Miami-Dade.County· (bus

$2.100.000 Died in MessagesH925 Betancourt ranredlightkilling Dade County police officer)S22 Silver Josep· Arvay v. CityofVero Beach (police vehicle

$4,349,094 Died in McssagesH883 Mayfield negUgence)824 Lawson

BIit.abethLinton v.GulfCounty (wrongful death) SI~801~185 Diedin CommitteeH909 Ausley526 Rossin Rosemar)'Falkinburgv. City of WestPaJrn Beach (police

$500,000 Diedin MessagesHIS9 Bucher vehicle .negligence)528 Diazde la Portilla

JOIC.Pen. v.Cityof Hialeah (shoulder·drop.-off) $1.101,061 Died in CommitteeH709 Ryan830 Jones Joshua England.v.. Monroe County SchooJ D.str.ct (5.Chool

$2,500,000 Diedin MessagesH801 Diu de18 Portilla student drowning)Rossin Kbal11ltlia Ferguson, Angel8 Jones &~yrnond Ferguson v,

DiedonCalendar832 Maboo Palm BeacbCounty Sherifrsotrtce (sheriff's vehicle $1,800,000H607 ncalicence)

Withdrawn. from534 Klein WiUiam &. Anne Hennelly v, SheriffofSf. LucreCOttnty$],508,941 further consideration(sherifrs vehiclenegligeilco)

836 Campbell Steven Mttchell·v. Halifax Medical Center (hospital $2,300,000 Diedon CalendarH893 Siplin negligenco)

Wtthdrawn from838 Dawson James Finkv,CityofKey West (motorcyclelbus crash) $63,656 further consideration


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Detailed Claim Bill Report2001 Session





840 Campbell LauraD.Strazzav, Dept of Agriculture andConsumer$877.320 Diedon CalendarH 1061 Gannon Services (negligentoperationof a·departmentvehicle)

842 Campbell K~berlyGodWin Guardianship v.Dept.ofCbildrenandS8,021,5SS DiedonCalendarH57 Argenziano Family Services (custodial abuse)

844 Holzendorf Tem Yost v.. Volusia County (buslbicyclecrash) $697.723Withdrawn fromfurther consideration

846 Sullivan JaneDoev.DistrictSchool BoardoCPinellas County (In-$500,000 Withdra.wn from

school.rape) furtherconsideration848 Meek Lawrence Gizzi\I..CityofHallandale (negligence/unsafe

1139,971WID· fromFurther

.Hal Prieguez roadway) ConsiderationS50 Diu deJa·ponllJa Oscar Ortizv.Cityof Miami (negligentlimproper

$4,900.000 $4.900,000Passed

H821 Arm operation of a police vehicle) Ch.2001*3028··52 Geiler Pamela McMahan SanJuanv~Orange .County (shoulder

$280.911Withdrawn from

H 71) Meadows drop-offI failure to maintain) further considerationSS4 Campbell Helene Rippe v,Cityof CoralSprings (personal injury) $30,000 Died inMessages111181 RitterSS6 Campbell Lawrence Douglas Bigney Y. Palm Beach County Sheriff's $75,000 Diedon CalendarH 119S Fields Office (sherifrsvehicle negligence)sss Latvala EvaSkowronek v. Cityof Cleatwater (police mIsconduct. 5200,000 Diedin Messages11823 Fields excessive force)

860 ClarySantaRosa County v.. Dept.orBusiness andProfessional $54,157 Died inCommitteeRegulation (inter-govemmental·claim)

862Dyer AlanaKellyandRichardF. TaylotSr.v. Hillsborough

$lOIJ833 Died on CalendarHl91

Smith County SchoorSoard .(motorcycle/school buscrash)

KathleenMcCarthy, George&JoanDecker~ William"$6,000,000

Withdrawn from864 Mitchell Geraldine Chapman. andRusba WilHams v. Dept. of further consideration

Cbildrenand Family Services (Tacachale vancrash)Passed

866 Sullivan AlfredBnnkley Roberts v.. CityofSt. Petersburg (police $1,014,188 $655,347 ca. 2001-300H795 Justice vehicle negligen<:c)868 . Jonts HildaDepaz v, MiamiwDadeCount'y (bUJlbus collision)

$60,000 DiedonCalendar8761 Bullard plus interest

Died in Committee870 Dawson Willie Police, I1l1 CoraDonaldson. &. Willie Police, Sr. v, $381;649H609 Harper Cityof BelleGlade. (PoUcetumult)

S72 Lawson ClydeKilpatrick v.Escatnbia County(slip & 'a11- $191,245 Diedin Committee

H229 Kendrick defec;tivestalrs at civic center)

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Detailed Claim Bill Report2001 Session




I Pruitt James Torrence v.PalliiBeachCounty HealthCMi District 1 $400.000 1 DiedonCalendar'1574

H819 Harper (hospitalmalpractice)S76 campbell Margaret 8 .. Helm v,Martin County Volunteer Fire

$2,250,000 Diedon CalendarH88t Lee Department (GoodSamaritan injuries)Towanna Denise Hopkms & Robert KeithBowman, Jr~.v.

S78 Campbell Board of Regents. Univenity ofSouth Florida~ 8£. USF13,693.896 Died on CalendarHS09 Attkisson Health Sciences Center Insurance Company (Hospital

Malpractice)Unfavorable(PursuantS80 Nicholas Maraciev. Broward COunty (Motorcyclelbus S180,285 to Senate Rule)collision)Withdrawn fromS82 Klein EricBrady v.. Broward County (Polite vehicle negligence) S12,400~OOO further•consideration

8244 Lawson Patsy &valentino Baucco v.. OOT{Trafficcrasb/improperSSSOtOOO Diedon Calendar

H33S Stansel traffic maneuver)

8292 Wasserman Estate of Frank•LeeSmith v. Stateof.Floridt(MiscarriageS3.S00~OOO Died in Committee

H1483Schultz ofjusdce)Harper

Mark Schwartz v, Coral Springs Medical Center (Medical $400.000 Died in·CommitteeH 1113 Seiler negligence)

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Detailed ClaimBiU Report2000 Session


sa Holzendorf William &. SUSatl Mock v.St.JohnsCounty(negligent operation $170tOOO $J70,000 Passed(2000··,)77)H 1497 Cantens of emergency vehicle)SIO Myers Ehzabcth&.Frltz. ScbneUv.. Dept. of Highway Safety& Motor

$17.011,558 S9,750,000 Passed (2000..376)H 185 Sembler Vehicles (head-on collision)S12 Silver

Frank& MarleneRuckv*Miami...DadeCounly(wrongfuldeath) $800,000 $800,000 Passed (2000·378)H 1499 cantens814 Dyer MarlllOareia(DelfmiaBenjumea) v, OrangeCountySheriff's

S262,9S4 Died in MessagesH233 Suarez Office (negligent operation ora countyvebiclc1lUsenger)S 16 Dawson Elizabeth Menendez v.. Palm Beach.County SherifrsDepartrnent

$2,400,000 2t400;000 Passed (2000..428)Hl5SJ Morroni (negligent pursuitIMV collision)S 18 Meek Lawrence GiZZi v.Cl.tyofHallandale (heghaence!unsafe


H535 Hill roadway) $139.971 Died in Messages820 Fannan VirgilIO & Artagely Chavez v, North Broward Hospital D~tdct

$600,000 $600,000 Passed (2000..420)HlSfJl Cantens (wrongful death)822 Jones Jose&JohammcsPena v. City, ofHialeab (drowningdue to

$1~300tOOOWithdrawn from

H3SJ Ritter improper shoolder·drop-oft) furtherconsideration824 Campbell Oscar Ortizy.Cityof Miami (negligent operation of pohee

$13.674.000 Diedin Committeevehicle)826 Silver ClariceHolJandv.SouthBrowardHospital DlstfJct (wrongful

$1,682.500 51,682,500 Passed (2000..429)H1S5S Rayson death)S28 Geller EarlSpencerv, CItyofFt. Lauderdale (negligent operatton of

$600,000 $600.000 Passed (2000-493)H2217 Cantens cityvehicle)830 Klem Russell AlJenv. Dept.orTransportation (unsafe roadway) S4,S90tOOO Diedin CommitteeH343 RaysonSl2 Dawson J. C. Wendehake v. CityofPortSt. LuCIO (negligent operation of $1,200,000 $75,000 Passed (2000..379)1-1529 Hill city vehicle)S34 Childers Elizabeth Lintonv.OulfCounty(wrongfuldeath) $1.807,185 Died in CommitteeH697 Eggel1etion836 Campbell Laura·Strazza v.. Dept.of Agriculture and Consumer Services $971,550 Diedin CommitteeH387 Healey (negligent etperation of department vehicle)9J8 Burt FredFedorkav, Volusiacounty (wrongful death) 1800.000 $800,000 Passed (2000..380)H2279 Cantens840 MitcheU 18.9on Crosby v, Cityof Tallahassee (negligent pursuit) 5200,000 $200,000 Passed(2000..430)81$$1 Morroni

Andrew Greene v. Broward CountySchoolBoard(negligence Withdrawn from842 Casas $1;078,000 furtherconsiderationH461 Melvin and ·invasion ofprivacy), ~- Withdrawn from

844 Bronson JohnnyStubbsv. StateofFJorida(retirement) undetermined further consideration


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S 4 Forman JOilIePhBellamy FltVerv, Department ofCh.i1drcn and Fnily Sentl_ 56,.900.000 $4,5009000 Paned (99....00)H 469 Sembl« (ChUdNegl,eel)

S 6 Fonnll'l AnaQuintana-Marquez -' JuanMarquez v, Metro DadeCounty 5375,000 $315,000 Passed(99405)H 939 Can_. (NealilentPursuit)

S 8 Jones Joseandlohammos Penav,Cityof Hialeah (Should« Drop Off) SI.IOI.061 51.101.061 Read 3rd lime.H 525 EtgcJletion ameadmentpending

S JO Turner ClmtWyb v,Polk.County School Board (NelUgem:e) $65.000 565,000 Unfavorable

S 12 ' H.olZ01dorf Fl1Ir1CC4 McGrady v.J.cbonvilleTnmaportationAuthority $265,000 WithdnrwnfromFurtherH 219 Dennis (Personal Injury) ConsidtraHon

S 14 Holzendorf Trey Antbooy AU, v~DepartmentofTranlp011ation(N.Ii.entt) SI.17StOOO $1,715.000 Passed (99-40I)H 635 HUI

S 16 Oeller Jeremy Stewanv. CityofSanibel (Pa'IOnall1\iwy) $1.544,401 DiedonSenateH 527 Gay SpecialOrder C"alendar

S 18 Otant Pinellas Co.VM SWfWMD & Coalition ofLakeAssoclationSt Ine.,crt $200,000 Withdrawn fromPurtherat. Consideration


S 20 Grant Patricia.D. Baker v,DepartmmtofTrwportation(pcnonllllnjur,y) $503,224 $443,224 Passed.(99402)

H 283 Fiorentino

S 22 Silver Children ofEUonne Josephv.Metro DadeCounty (Peraonallnjury) $1,574,000 SJ,300,OOO Passed (99*406)

H 971 C.uttns

S 24 Campbell BIt_. ofClwtieBrowtli It~ v, Cityof Delray Beach <NeslipnceJ $80.000 S80.000 Passed(99-401)

H 1109 Cantens Personal Injury)

S 26 Rossin Robert Roaado:v. Palm Beach County (Penona'Injury) SJ4St401$111,560 Passed (99~O8)

H 529 Prattkcl

S 28 Campbell JoyceHoward v,Lake Wal.Hou.ing Authority (Pcnonallnjury) $78.883 Withd~wn fromFurtherConsideration

S 30 Campbell R.Boay v, Boatel ofRcaentt·(Contract Damqes) $517.412 Withdrawn ftom FurtherConsideration

S 32 Myers JenniferEubanks..Bt8l:1c; d at v. PalmBeach·County (Penronallnjury) 53S0,OOO S350tOOO Passed(99-409)

H 1111 Ritter

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S 34 Dyer Albino Cru2,JI'"v.Wcst Vola. HospitalAuthority. (Penon••btjury) SIJ800~OOO SI,800tOOO P~(99410)

H n07 Ritter

S 36 Dyer LoisHildv. FloridaR.etirement System (IletircmentBencfitl) $179~52 Diedin SenateCommittee

S 38 Kirkpatrick WalterS~ McAdams. If.V. Deplrtment oCChildrenend Family $211.310 Withdrawnfrom FurtherServica Consideration(

S 40 Campbell Warren Weathinstoo endCarlWeathington. v,City ofTaUabassee SJ,OJ9J23 S750~OOO Pased(99-411)H 33 Sembler (Pcnonal Injury)

S 41 Thom. JamesH. Scottv.FJoridaDepartm_oflAwEnfOroemetJt 52,000,000 Withdrawn fromFurther(Ptnonsllnjury) Consideration

S 44 Thomas Wewahitchka State Bankv, Department of8usines. andProfessional $45.000 Withdravm from FurtherRegulation (BusinessDamap) Consideration

S 46 Jones Martha.Sola v, MetroDadeCounty {Personal Injury) $1,514,.000 $900,000 Passed (99-412)

H 941 Cantens

S 48 Sullivan PaulW..Oilfoylev. City ofeteuwatet (Personal Injury) 522S.0oo $225,000 Passed (99-413)

H 701 MOfToni

H 1491 Pruitt CityofStuartv..Department ofCommunity Affaira $15,612 Diedin HouseCommittee

H 1747 BuUard Clarice Holland v. SouthBrowatd HOIpital District d.h.e. Memorial Sl,682,SOO Diedin Senate

Regional·Hospital. (WronglUl Death) Committee

H 2175 Ray,on Wil1iamD.. MockmdSusan O.Mock v.. St.JohnsCounty $170,000 Oiedin Senate

(personal Injury) Committee

H 2177 Rayson Eli%1lbeth Menendetv. Palm Beach CountyShcrifrsDepartment $2,400,000 Died in Senate


H 2179 Cantens Pl1mk J.Rud4 Jr.andMarlene O. Ruckv. Miami·Dade County 5800.000 Died inSenate


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0eltlledClatm ButRtI9!t1998 Sesston





92 ChUders 08VkIKeney.and theEstateOf AltoKetleyv.Department of $1,400,000 $1,4001000 PassedH 1881 Ritter Transportation (personalInjury&wrongful death)98-425

S4 Forman JuanA.Garcia.Jr. v. Oily of Mtaml Beach.(peraonaJ Injury) $1,050.000 $1.050~OOO Passedt:UZZ! Villalobos98458

86 MeadOW8 Mfchene Ponce v.Me1ropotttan Dade County (peraanallnjury) 5410,000 5410,000 PassedH1711 Rojas98432

S8 Grant HeatherRoezell v.• State of florida. Board of Regents & $3.550.000 $3~550.000 PassedH 1767 Murman Hlflsborough CountyHOIpite' AuthOrity, d.b..a.Tampa General 98..433Hospftal (personallnjury/medlcaf ma'practice)

S 10 CrIst Eltate ofANce Semel v, Department of Corrections $250fOOO $250,000 Oled In House CiVil(wrongful death) JU$tlce &ClafmsCmte

S 12 Ctist Mary Beth Wiggers v:Department ofCorredions (personal $450.000 5450,000 Died in HouseCivilinjUry) Justice& Cla'msCmte

S 14 Fannan Tlml S.RIley Y. South Broward Hospital DIstrict, d.b.e. $1,000.000 $1,000,000 PassedH1769 Bradley Memorial Hospital (pereooaflnjury/medlcal malpractice) plu.'nterest 98-434

816 Tumer Lazaro Gutierrez v.Dade County SdtOoI Board (personsI $21913.246 $21913.246 PassedH1717 Lippman Injury) 9fJ..435

818 Ct.ary RayConaln.tctlon ofOkeIoouCOunty.ltd. v, Department Of $18.230 $18.230 PassedH941 Melvin Revenue .(bu.Jnesa lou) 9&426

820 Clary 08fe R. Cowiev, Department of Management Servtces $15.402 $15,402 PassedH939 MefYin (bu&lness Jon) 98427

822 campbell TrtesaWelta v. CItyof Pembroke Pines (pet'B0n8llnjury) $499.000 $499.000 PassedH3025 RItter 98436

824 Forman Jeremy Stewartv.. Cityof S8n1be1(peraona' Injury) $1.544,408 $1.5441408 Withdrawn FromH·3023 Livingston FurtherConsideratton

826 Turner AdeJaAzcuy v. Dade County (peraonat Injury) $232,520 $144,000 Pass~d

H3031 Barreiro plusInterest 98-437

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_lIeg Claim BUt Begon1998SeSlion





828 Fonnan FrankRotter v. Depat1ment of Transporlalion(peraonat Injury) $7,,627,602 $4,600.000 PassedH3041 Miller98-428

8.30 Forman FrankUn David Mesalck v.CoUferCounty(wtongful de.th) $201,640 $101,640H2135 Saunders Passed90438

832 Silver Kathryn MaHoy tk.8. Kathryn Sperdutev,PalmBeach County $86,050 $86.050 PassedH3027 SIlVer School B08rd(PfQonaJ InJUlY) 98-439

834 Casal BruceWtggfnsv,Metropolitan DadeCounty·(wrongful death) $1.522,665 $1,522,665 PassedH3037 Cosgrove 98-440

S36 Honte CanieA.Whon v,DuV8tCounty SchoofBoam(personal $1,685.657 $1,150~OOO PassedH3029 Thrasher Injury) 98-441

$38 Thomas DenaSheJyt Steel. v•.Cftyof Taffahaalee endLeonCounty $200.000 $200,000 PassedH653 TumbuU& School Board·· (wrongful deeth) 98457


840 Campbell Bruce&JanieSilverman v: NortttBrowardHOIpftal Dtatrlct $1.000,000 S1~OOOtOOO PaasedH30SS Tobin (wrongful deeth) 98M2

842 SIlver VemeJle Lowder v.o.partmentof Healthf.kJl. Oep8t'tl11ent of $350,000 $250,000 PassedH3011 Rojas HeatthendRehabilitative Servic;e$ (patnand.8uffenng) plus Interest 98-429

844 Turner Frank H...Hollkfayv. ManateeCoumy Sheriffs Department $235.000 $235,000 PassedH 1713 Sembter (peraonailnjuty) 98-443

S46 Hotzendorf Frances McGl11dy v.JaebomIIlle tranepot18.tlon Authority $265~OOO $265JOOO Wlthdrawn FromH2129 Denn" (personal'njury) FurthetConsideration

848 SiJver AlanTayfor v.SouthFJorfda Water Management Df8trict 54,511.709 $4,511,709 DiedInSenateWays1-13013 Cosgrove (personal InJury) &MeansCmte

850 Grant RunetteJ.. B888 v.Sheriffof ColumbtaCounty (personal injUry) $21853.874 S2t853.874 DIedin SenateH2001 Chestnut Special Master Cmte

852 Grant Jemal Kureln v.City ofTarnp8 (personal 'njury) '290t930 $290,930 PassedH3051 Miller 98-444

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OItan,dCtalm S'8 Repgrt1998Seulon





SM Dyer Mlchefte Jonesv.West VoIus'aHoapftal Authority, formerly $11,514.302 $1,972.540 PassedH3047 lynn d.b.a.·WestVoluala Memorial·Hosptte1 98445

(persona' InJury/medlceJ malpracUce)

S56 Klein JulieMcGInnes v.PalmBeach County (peraonallnjury) $1,025.000 $1.025.000 PassedH3079 Andrews 98-446

858 MeadoWs Kimberty L Gonzatez ve.. Pllm Beach CountyShetlWa $95.401 $71.791 Pas8ed.I::t..3!m.§ Healey Department 98-459

(personal Injury)

S60 Gutman Jeanette Alonso v; Public HealthTnJltof Dade County, d.b••• $3,800,000 $3.800,000 PassedH3051 Ritter JackaonMemodat Hospltaf (personar injury/medical 98--447


862 Of8%-Satart JoaephBeUamy Farverv.Department of ChlldrtmendFamtly $6.900,000 $4 f500aOOO Oi&d on SenateH3043 Sembler Set'Vlctltformerty theDepartment ofHealthandReh8blIitattve Calendar

Services (peraona' Injury)

864 Gutman Joee Pena &Johames ·Pena Y.·CityofHialeah· (wrongful death) $1.301.061 $1,301.061 DiedonSenate

H3083 EggelleUon Calendar

866 WiUlams Penny·Tltley v. Ftodda Retiremfml.·System 53.974 $3,914 Passed

H3045 Boyd (retirement compensation) 98-430

S68 Hotzendorf Freddie LeePittsand Wilbert Leev"Slateof florida $3.000.000 $1,250,000 Passed

liB Meek (rnJscamage of Justice) 98-431

870 Kleln Matthew WhIte v.. AlethUs County SherifrsDepartment $401,116 $215,000 Passed

H3081 Casey (personal Injury) 98-448

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Detailed Claim Bill Report1997 Session





IAlice Berdat Estate v. Depaltmentof Corrections(wrongful

5250,000 Died in Committee8224 Crist


5226 Crist MaryBethWlggersv. Department ofCorrections(personal$450,000 Died in Committeeinjury)

-S 1504 Thomas DenaSheryl Steelsv"City ofTiIlahassee& Leon County$200.000 Died in CommitteeH6S3 Lawson School Board (wrongfuldeath)

S 1506 Forman TtflniS.. Riley V.South BrowardHospital DistrJct dlbIa$1.000.000 Died in CommitteeIi 1769 Bradley Memorial Hospital (personal •. injury)

S 1940 Dyer Michelle Jones v, WestVolus.a Hospital Authority (personal$1J,S14.302 Died in Committeeinjury)

52456 Silver VemeUeLowder v. Department of Health and Rehabilitative$350.000 Died in CommitteeServices (negligence)

82460 Grant Heather Roszell v.. $tateof Florida, .BoardorRegents. &

Died in CommitteeHillsborough County Hospital Authority d/b/aTampaGeneral S3,SSOtOOOHI767 MartinezHospital (personal injurylnegligence)

82462 Meadows Michelle Ponce v, MetropohtanDade County (personal$410,000 Died in CommitteeH 1711 Rojas injury/negligence)

82464 Fonnan Juan A.GarcJa Jr.•v, C1tyofMiami Beach (personal$1.050,000 Died in CommitteeHI?71 Villalobos injury/negligence)

--~S~470 Childers Davidand Alto Kelley v. Departmentof Transportation51,400,000 Died in CommitteeH 1881 Ritter (personal. injury/negligence)

82476 Outman LataroGutierrez v. DadeCounty School Board (personal$2.973,246 Died in CommitteeH 1717 Lippman injury/negligence)

S·2S08 Turner Frank H.. Honiday \I~ Manatee County Shenfrs DepartmentS23StOOO Died in CommitteeH 1713 SembJer (personal injury/negligence)

Canied overtoH939 Melvin DaleR.Cowie v, Department of Management ServicesSlSt402 1998Session(expenses owed)

Carried overtoH941 Melvin RayConstruction, Ltd. v, Okaloosa County(reimbursem*nt) $18,230 t998 SessionRunetteJ. Bassv, Sheriffof ColumbiaCounty(personal Carried overtoH2001 Chestnut $2,,953,874 1998Sessioninjury)

CarriedovertoH2129 Dennis Frances MCOrady v, JacksonvilleTransportation Authortty $265,000 1998. Session(personal injury/negligence)

Carried over toH2135 Saunders Franklin Messick-v. Collier County (wrongful death) $101,640 1998Session


LEGISLATIVE CLAIM BILL MANUAL - Florida Senatearchive.flsenate.gov/.../senate/administrative/leg-claim-manual.pdf · SAMPLE FUNDrnGLANGUAGE 8. ... Filing a Claim Bill? Section 768.28(5) - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Author: Jeremiah Abshire

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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

Address: Apt. 425 92748 Jannie Centers, Port Nikitaville, VT 82110

Phone: +8096210939894

Job: Lead Healthcare Manager

Hobby: Watching movies, Watching movies, Knapping, LARPing, Coffee roasting, Lacemaking, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.