Masks: 1,000 Memorable NPCs for Any Roleplaying Game - Flip eBook Pages 251-300 (2024)

Modern - Neutrals 250 Estaban • Esteban • Eugene • Eva • Faith • Felicia • Finley Dr. Melissa Clayton Weapons Specialist “The battlefield of the future is not one of explosions and carnage. It is clean, surgical, and precise. Do not confuse this with peace. The brutality will still be present, and lives will always be lost, but the infrastructure will remain so that we may rebuild quickly once peace returns.” Appearance: Melissa is taller than most women and has a sturdy figure. She wears glasses with chic frames and dresses conservatively. She wears her hair in an afro. Roleplaying: She cleans her glasses when she is deep in thought; doing so eliminates all visual distractions, since she has horrible eyesight without them. Personality: She is a pragmatic person, and her scientific reasoning dominates others in conversation. Motivation: Dr. Clayton knows that the elimination of war is impossible, but with the right weapons, a war may be ended quickly and with fewer deaths. Background: Melissa was born to poverty in a war-torn nation. She remembers the horrors of combat taking place around her as a small child, and how her father risked his life to smuggle her and her mother out of the country. She dedicated herself at an early age to the science of weaponry, at first with the hope of preventing all loss of life in combat, but now she realizes that the best she can do is minimize it. Her designs are cutting edge, bordering on science fiction, and the results are devastating. Traits: (PB) Famous, military, scientist Rita Von Sauss Egotistical Artist “Ze heels do not match ze stockings or ze pallet! What, am I surrounded by idiozs?” Appearance: Rita has short black hair in a bob and wears expensive silk blouses, leather miniskirts with torn stockings, and ruby red lipstick. She has a thin rubber collar she wears around her neck. Her eyes are an off-putting gray color, seemingly endless in depth. She carries a small folio and sketchbook. Roleplaying: Rita has a thick Eastern European accent and looks down on others who aren’t in the art world. She casually waves around a stick of drawing charcoal like a cigarette. Annoyingly, she refers to people as “darling.” Personality: Rita is a stereotypical art snob; she views her designs as cutting edge and a source of profound statements on the state of society. People who dislike her work “just don’t get it.” Motivation: She’s eager to pursue the cause of the moment, whatever will get her the free press she so desperately craves. Background: Fleeing an impoverished Eastern European country, Rita remade herself in the U.S. and is now a noted fashion designer with a small but eager following. She uses her storied background to present herself as a political activist, but in reality she’s a glory-seeker. She’ll throw in her influence for the most questionable cause if she feels it will help get her name out. She fancies herself as a patron of the arts. Traits: (DM) Artist, eccentric, political Neil Pasko Street Savior “You don’t have to tell me how you got this GSW, but you do have to promise me that this ends tonight.” Appearance: Neil is a short, hairy man with a full beard in his late twenties. He favors military jackets, baseball caps, and boots. He has a nylon backpack with him at all times. Roleplaying: In a calm voice, Neil speaks with authority. He addresses everyone with respect. He often asks, “What can I do to make your day a bit easier?” Personality: He is a man who has dedicated himself to helping those living on the street. Neil is a virtuous man who avoids violence (though not self-defense), vices, and even harsh language. Motivation: He has discovered his true purpose in life: helping those living in the street. Background: Neil grew up in a suburban town in a middle-class household. He surprised his family by enrolling into the Army rather than attending college. In the army, he was trained as a medic. During his tours, he discovered his calling while tending to refugees. After the army, he moved to the city’s poorest neighborhood and began working in shelters. Realizing more needed to be done, he began acquiring medical supplies and providing free medical aid to the homeless, the gangs, and the prostitutes. Neil knows everything that happens on the streets, and is the person you go to when you’re hurt and don’t want to answer questions. Traits: (PV) Medic, military, saintly Iggy O’Reilly Hardcore Gamer “You think she’s a government agent? I dunno... She’s not cute enough.” Appearance: A somewhat overweight teenager, Iggy has long hair and the faint beginnings of a scraggly beard. He wears a T-shirt displaying a clever but nerdy play on words. Roleplaying: He describes things in RPG terms, so a stumble is a “botched reflex save,” and a lucky shot is a “natural 20.” Personality: Nerdy and introverted, Iggy takes refuge in his games to the extent that they significantly impact his view of reality. Motivation: Now that he’s found something like his games, he wants to be the hero. Background: Like many gamers, Iggy is very cerebral, somewhat socially awkward, and not terribly athletic. For years, he buried himself in all aspects of gaming: tabletop, computer, console, publishing, collecting, etc. His obsession with gaming has slightly warped his sense of reality such that he would have no problem with the discovery that aliens exist, or that the world is run by a cabal of rich industrialist magicians. He is a rich resource of advice for what to do in case of zombie outbreaks, WWIII, or alien invasions, but not so much for more mundane issues such as natural disasters or economic tumult. His treasure trove of games and supplements contains information that should be highly classified, such as the stats of advanced weapons systems, the location and description of Internet trunk lines, and rituals for summoning supernatural beings. Traits: (KS) Academic, child, dilettante, eccentric, humorous, impoverished, mysterious, scholar 762 763 764 765

Modern - Neutrals Feltz • Fildstein • Foley • Fournier • Fox • Frank 251 Bethany Rice Overly Generous Housewife “ANOTHER car? What happened to the last one I bought you?!” Appearance: A highly attractive woman in her mid-twenties, Bethany has obviously-dyed blond hair and an artificial smile. Tall and leggy, she is always dressed in the hottest new trends. Roleplaying: The perfect hostess, Bethany is warm and an excellent listener, even if it’s all an act. Drawn out of her character, she becomes charmingly awkward. Personality: Bethany is a bit of an airhead. She dislikes confrontation and upsetting people, so she usually agrees with any requests or demands made on her. She is a genuinely nice person, but others often easily overwhelm her passive personality. Motivation: She does her best to please everyone, which means that she often gets taken advantage of. Background: Bethany started her career as a waitress in a very high-end restaurant. She met her future husband there when he became one of her regular customers. They began dating and were married a year later. He is an incredibly wealthy investment banker who is happy to have a trophy wife to show off. Unfortunately, she came with a host of relatives who were more than eager to use her to get something for themselves. Bethany can’t stand to tell them “no” and so she spends a great deal of her time and her husband’s money placating them. Traits: (MN) Beautiful, dilettante, wealthy Stan Corso Mystical Writer “I’ll take a coffee. No, I am not expecting anyone that you can see. But if you see me chatting here, do me a favor and pay no attention.” Appearance: Stan is slightly below average height and weight, with a pale complexion and light brown eyes and hair. His left leg is crippled below the knee. He is well-groomed and wears expensive clothes. Roleplaying: He relies on an ornate cane to walk, and sits whenever he can. Personality: At Stan’s core, he is romantic. He believes in the goodness and kindness in others. After being burned a few times by those living and dead, he has begun to erect a wall of cynicism. Motivation: He is driven by his curiosity to learn people’s stories and, in many cases, by helping them. Background: A New Englander, Stan learned early of his gift to see and speak with the dead. In college, Stan pursued writing, and with the stories told to him by his ethereal subjects he was able to land his first book deal. He quickly became a popular writer and earned enough money to live quite comfortably. In his third book, he angered a group of druids, who cursed him, causing the crippling of his leg. Today he lives well, releasing one book a year. Stan has a knack for showing up in the middle of things to help one of his undead friends. Traits: (PV) Entertainment, magical, wealthy Reilly Whisker Clueless Waitress “Our appetizers are the Coin Toss, entrees are the First Down, drinks come from the Water Cooler, and we call our gooey delicious desserts the Big Score. You fellas look like you want it all, am I right?” Appearance: She wears the fancifully short and suggestively tailored cheerleader uniform worn by all the female wait staff of the football-themed chain sports bar and restaurant where she works. She has a bright smile and a slim, attractive body. She has big hair, but usually wears it pulled back into a pony tail. Roleplaying: She knows how to flounce and offer a flip of a skirt that’s guaranteed to generate a generous tip from male customers. Personality: She’s friendly and talkative. She knows the major sports teams and can usually make conversation about the night’s big TV games, but she’s clueless about anything else happening in the world. Motivation: She wants to have fun flirting and collect a lot of tips. She’s not interested in dating customers—most who come in really aren’t her type. (She prefers bookish young men). Background: She was an athlete and cheerleader in high school who got by on her good looks. She had no interest in going to college, so she started serving when the sports pub opened. She sees a lot of high-profile customers; many of the town’s wheelerdealers of business like to map out their deals while taking dinner or lunch at the pub. Traits: (TT) Beautiful, laborer, entertainment Dr. Sadiki Vilaverde Professor Emeritus “Would you care for a cup of good coffee, my dear? This is less harsh than the common Turkish brew you probably know.” Appearance: Sadiki is balding across the whole top of his head, with well-trimmed salt and pepper hair below. His eyes are muddled brown, with deeply tanned skin, often wearing slacks and a button-down shirt. Roleplaying: He speaks clear English with an Egyptian flair, and is most comfortable with chalk or paper in hand—in a classroom setting, ideally. Personality: Dr. Vilaverde is the head of his department, with several well-cited research papers—he expects respect, particularly from women, and is impatient with challenges from people without similarly impressive backgrounds. Motivation: He misses the women of home—and fears that he traded them away by studying abroad during the “pairing-off” years. But he’s comfortable with the academic lifestyle—habit has shaped him. Background: Sadiki grew up in Egypt, coming to America for college—and remaining throughout graduate school and into professorship. While he returns to Egypt to visit family every other year or so, he’s settled and comfortable in America now. He’s an expert in his technical field, up to date on current research and able to interpret forensic data. Traits: (SM) Academic, scholar, white collar 766 767 768 769

Modern - Neutrals 252 Fiona • Flanna • Floretta • “Foxxhound” • Francine • Francis • Frankie Dr. Ian Anderson Vain Zoologist “I’ve discovered more new amphibian and reptilian species in the last year alone than any of my peers. I am surely the greatest herpetologist of this generation! So, I think I know how to handle this snake and I don’t need you telling–DAMMIT! It bit me!” Appearance: Dr. Anderson is an older man with thinning hair and a slight pot belly. In the field, he wears hiking boots, shorts, a T-shirt, and a vest with many pockets. Roleplaying: He micromanages others and refuses to listen to their input. One of his favorite phrases is “Do as I say, please!” in response to anyone doubting his commands. Personality: Dr. Anderson has an incredible passion for his work, but he has begun to confuse his dedication with proficiency. The truth is, he is only brilliant in one field of study, but believes that he could master any subject with very little effort. Motivation: He believes that one day he will be awarded an international honor such as the Nobel Prize. Background: Ian was fascinated with snakes, frogs, and lizards at an early age. He spent hours observing them in the swamps and marshes near his childhood home. In college, he made several interesting discoveries, and soon he was working with some of the greatest names in his profession. He immediately began to think of himself as better than others, and his ego has been growing ever since. Traits: (PB) Genius, outdoorsman, primal, scholar Samantha Beckett Attentive Lawyer “I’m no Dudley Do-Right, but my clients are guaranteed a fair trial, not a farce.” Appearance: Samantha stands 5’8” in heels, with curly, shoulderlength auburn hair, fierce eyes, and a confident walk. She tends towards skirt suits, particularly for court appearances; tennis clothes are weekend wear. Roleplaying: She’s good at listening, seeming to drink in words. She often repeats what people say, rephrased slightly, to make sure she understands. Personality: While she needs the truth to build the best case she can, Samantha is also fascinated by people and tries to learn something from everyone. Motivation: She’s trapped by a system where failure to defend her clients means that prison turns them into more intense criminals. Failure is not an option. Background: Samantha grew up a child of privilege, enjoying a lot of time with her mom, while her dad was often away for work. By her teens she resented her dad’s focus on work; he died while she was in law school, just as she was coming to understand his determination and drive—and find it mirrored in herself. She plunged herself into work as a defense lawyer, often volunteering for the indigent. This year she’s running for judge, citing the failure of the system and pushing diversion and intervention programs. Traits: (SM) Counselor, criminal, power hungry Floretta Ready Harsh Religious Leader “The morally impure are a blight on society. Show them what compassion you want, but when the end of days comes, the chaff will be swept into the eternal fires.” Appearance: Floretta is an African-American woman in her early thirties. Her hair is in long cornrows, revealing a high forehead. She dresses very conservatively, mostly in black and gray. Roleplaying: Floretta often has a scowl on her face and a very intense stare. She rarely looks happy. Personality: Despite her religion, Floretta is a loathsome person who rarely sees anything positive in life. She is obsessed with her own anger towards those that she thinks are unworthy. Motivation: She believes that she is following her religious calling, but it is a mask for her disgust for amoral people. Background: Floretta grew up in a very conservative family that attended an equally conservative church. She identified with her church’s views and became active in protests and rallies. Her negative attitude and ultra-conservative views were eventually too much, causing her to part from her church, but not before she attracted a group of likeminded followers. They named themselves Council of Ethical Purity (CEP). With the birth of social networking, Floretta expanded CEP by attracting followers through her online writings. Today, the CEP is a sizeable group that targets liberal groups and leaders. Floretta uses her social network to call down protests on any person or organization that draws her attention. Traits: (PV) Leader, religious, zealot Artist: Avery Liell-Kok Floretta Ready 770 771 772

Modern - Neutrals Frederickson • Gale • Gant • Gervaise • Goldbris • Goli • Gomes 253 Autumn Hanney Luddite Hippie “Oh, I know those boys. Nice boys. They stop by after three for a few burritos, before the afterparties. You want to leave a message for them?” Appearance: A hippie in her late sixties, Autumn has long, thick gray hair that hangs to the middle of her back. She wears vintage hippie clothes, complete with a headband. Roleplaying: She uses hippie phrases, including “man” and “groovy.” She twirls around when she is happy. Personality: Having lived on the fringes of society for some time, she has no concept of modern technology or culture. Cell phones are “far out,” and social networks are “power to the people.” Because of this, Autumn comes off a bit naïve. Motivation: She lives for freedom without “the Man” and enjoys her simple life with no trappings. Background: Autumn dropped out of Berkeley in 1967, shrugging off the shackles of the establishment. She spent years working on communes and following her favorite bands. Her distrust of “the Man” and her love of freedom kept her on the edge of society. She now lives in a campground, and drives into the city in her beat-up van to run a taco cart in the evenings. Her customers are the bar crowd, gang bangers, and police. She knows everyone on the streets at night, and is an excellent source of information and the occasional dime bag. Traits: (PV) Ancient, primal, laborer Lydia Kosovich Failed Actor “This dog food commercial is going to be my big break—I can feel it! My therapist’s secretary’s yoga teacher told me talent scouts watch these all the time...” Appearance: Lydia is strikingly beautiful, with big, dark eyes and flowing black hair, but there’s something…off about her that most people notice after a few minutes, but can’t quite put their finger on. Roleplaying: She’s almost irritatingly upbeat about everything, and mentions her inevitable future stardom as often as possible. Personality: As a consequence of a lifetime of false praise, Lydia lives in a bubble where nothing bad can happen and her success is just moments away. Most people realize that she’s incredibly naïve as soon as they meet her, but she perceives herself as an optimist rather than borderline delusional. Motivation: Lydia wants to be a big star—the greatest actor who ever lived. Background: Born in a small town in “flyover country,” Lydia has always dreamed of being a big Hollywood movie star. Raised on a steady diet of enthusiastic false praise for her talents—which are almost nonexistent—she believes she’s destined to become a screen legend. She’s not narcissistic, just naïve about her chances of success and wildly off-base about her skill as an actor. The only question is whether or not she’ll realize she’s a failure before someone takes advantage of her naïveté. Her life is approaching that tipping point, and she’s completely oblivious to that fact. Traits: (MR) Artist, beautiful, entertainment America Dawn Jones Quirky Wanderer “Ignore my brother. He talked to the faeries a lot when he was younger.” Appearance: Her tattered hemp sandals, cut-off shorts, bohemian smock, and multiple piercings and tattoos are topped off by a magnificent set of dreadlocks. Roleplaying: Dawn casually mentions things that are literally fantastic, and is very critical of modern consumer culture. Personality: Raised well outside mainstream society, she rejects most of its norms. Motivation: As long as it’s fun, and she gets a chance to tweak some noses, she’s in. Background: Born to a pair of free-living hippies and raised during her mother’s world travels, Dawn has always followed her own whims. She’s a street performer and artist now, and is fluent in a number of languages and cultures. She has a huge pool of contacts around the world, and knows many of the back ways in and out of various countries. Her contacts cover the spectrum of humanity, from a wealthy heiress in England to opium growers in Afghanistan. Dawn enjoys messing with just about anyone, mainly by telling outrageous stories to see how they react. She is mischievous, but she’s not cruel, and would not condone violence against anyone who didn’t use it first. Traits: (KS) Adventurer, artist, eccentric, impoverished, outdoorsman, primal Aldo the Snitch Hedonistic Informant “I don’t know anything about that, but I might remember something if Ben Franklin were to ask me. Is he available?” Appearance: Aldo is an older man with wrinkled skin. He’s painfully thin, with his skin hanging loosely from his bones. He keeps his wispy gray hair tucked beneath a flat cap. Aldo wears a rumpled jacket and well-worn pants. His nose is bulbous and red. He usually smokes a pipe unless he is drinking. Roleplaying: He is a bit stuck in the past, using slang words and phrases popular three or four decades ago. He name-drops as if everyone of importance on the street is a good friend, even if he only knows them by reputation. Personality: As long as the money is flowing, Aldo is fun to be around. He is eager to please and enjoys when his information brings a smile to his acquaintance’s lips. Unfortunately, all of Aldo’s good friends are dead, many of them because of Aldo’s admissions. Motivation: He enjoys selling information for cash to continue living his carefree lifestyle. Background: Aldo used to be a low-level mob thief before he turned in his boss for a wad of cash. Aldo’s biggest issue is that he is neutral in every sense of the word. As long as you pay him, he’ll give out information. Thus, characters need to approach Aldo with care and never give him anything that they don’t mind him spreading. Traits: (WC) Criminal, stealthy 773 774 775 776

Modern - Neutrals 254 Frederick • Garrett • Garvin • Gary • Genevieve • George Gertrude Invadir Sharp Researcher “A better world is not hard to imagine. First, subtract out every man. Wasn’t that easy?” Appearance: Dowdy and severe, Gertrude dresses in dye-free gray and tan skirts. Her face is tanned and Latin, and she has black hair—though her roots have started to glimmer silver. Roleplaying: She’s fearless about publicly debating ideas, following unpleasant thoughts to their logical end. She’s quick with a stinging quip, and often has statistics on the tip of her tongue. Personality: Gertrude is relentless, pressing until you acknowledge her point. She’s used to fighting for respect, and insists on wringing public corrections from detractors. Motivation: She knows her hypotheses are unpopular, but they’re right. Letting people avoid the conclusion is mere kindness, not adherence to truth. Background: Gertrude has been an academic for much of her life, growing up the daughter of professors. Much of her reputation in academic circles is tied to her big projects: matriarchy and gerontocracy. She examines and documents the resulting societal differences—and brings those results up when it’s impolitic. She has a dozen grad students who are helping her examine ethnographic data; casually and socially, they’re slurred as manhaters. Traits: (SM) Abhorrent, academic, leader Sawyer Fandango Rockin’ Cuss “When the day is long gone/And the beer’s ice cold/It’s time to holler, shout, dance, sing, and make love.” Appearance: Long, stringy hair that’s going gray hangs out from beneath a distressed cowboy hat with a curled-up brim. He prefers dark gray western shirts and stonewashed jeans. His belt buckle has a silver guitar raised against a lacquered maroon background. Roleplaying: At nearly all public appearances, he’s accompanied by two stunning, leggy women (usually dancers from his concert tour show), also in western wear. Personality: He’s a hard-drinking cuss who wants things done his way. He’s enjoying his newfound success and regrets nothing. He knows he’s not a family man, nor will he ever be. Motivation: Every stop is an opportunity to sing his heart out and then party late with his adoring fans, most especially those of the female persuasion. Background: He toured for a long time as a relative unknown. Record companies wouldn’t touch him because he was so hard to deal with, and his lifestyle seemed so destructive. After 20 years on the road, he finally had a succession of hits he produced himself. Since then, he’s become a sensation, a throwback to concert country rock, a showman the audience identifies with because he’s lived the same hard life. Traits: (TT) Artist, entertainment, notorious Rhonda Brown Blackmailed Housewife “Please. You have to believe me. I never meant for it to be like this. You’ve got to help me!” Appearance: Rhonda is a petite young woman with shoulderlength blond hair, long lashes, and a wistful smile. She wears a deep red pants suit, dark stockings, and conservative heels. She carries a small business attaché and wears a locket on a golden chain around her neck. Roleplaying: In business, she is confident and demanding, but not unpleasant. She drives a hard bargain and seeks to find compromise. In private she’s subservient and eager to please. Personality: The duality of her life weighs on Rhonda, but she hides it well. For the public she smiles and poses with her husband, but privately she craves to be objectified and used, to her everlasting shame. Motivation: She is terrified of her secret getting out and will acquiesce to nearly anything to protect it. Background: A successful marketing director and mother, Rhonda is also married to a sitting senator. Their idyllic lifestyle had its share of minor problems until Rhonda had a lapse of judgment while on a business trip. An evening liaison—with someone of the same sex, no less—turned into another trip, then another, and finally a weekend “convention meeting.” Rhonda took part in recorded sexual indiscretions that would end her— and her husband’s—career. Trying to end the affair, she’s being blackmailed by her lover and is desperate to keep her secret. Traits: (DM) Business, political, primal, white collar Neal “Cobra Fang” Chuki Noble Wrestler “Hey, kids! Yep, I’m really Cobra Fang. Want to see my Fang Strike?” Appearance: Seven feet tall and incredibly hunky, Cobra Fang has deep brown skin, a wide smile, and biceps that are as large around as most people’s waists. He often wears a shimmering golden suit with no shirt underneath. Roleplaying: Expansive, expressive, and gregarious, Neal never does anything small—even when he’s off-camera. Personality: Neal is a genuinely nice guy, and despite his profession, size, and build, he wouldn’t hurt a fly outside the ring. He makes friends easily, never forgets a name, and makes a lasting impression on everyone he meets. Motivation: He’s motivated by pure, unadulterated goodness, especially when it comes to sick kids. Professionally, he just wants to show people a good time and help them forget their troubles. Background: Neal Chuki, better known by his stage name, “Cobra Fang,” is a world-famous wrestler (of the “entertainment” variety) with a big heart. Having lost a brother to cancer when he was nine, Neal is passionate about kids, and when he’s not in the ring he spends much of his free time visiting terminally ill children in hospitals around the world. He never tells them he’s coming, he just shows up, spends the day with them, and leaves them with signed photos, gifts, and mementos. In the ring, he’s a consummate showman, drawing every eye with his over-the-top antics. Traits: (MR) Artist, beautiful, entertainment, saintly 777 778 779 780

Modern - Neutrals Green • Greenwood • Grey • Gunnarson • Guptari • Hamilton • Han 255 Jeremy Crosby Aspiring Occultist “At that scale, your hand vibrates three or four marks—see? Set it down beside the micrometer and we’ll see its true length.” Appearance: Jeremy is 44, with clear Scandinavian ancestry—a solid build, buzzed blond hair, and blue eyes. Chipper and smiling, he wears a professional vest or button-down shirt. Roleplaying: Precision is all; Jeremy measures several times before acting, cuts as short a distance as he can, then measures the results and tries again. Personality: Jeremy is expansive, making wide, friendly gestures with his arms and greeting everyone as “my friend.” Motivation: Jeremy wants a more organized universe than the one nature provided; the occult gave him a chance to see and measure behind the scenes. Background: After losing his wife six years ago, Jeremy found a local organization that studied traditional folkways and religious rituals. He found some solace in the studies, but more in finding an accepting group that prized his eccentricities. Those friends explained that they used their classes to verify the cultural setting of their occult projects. That was immensely appealing to Jeremy; he threw himself in beside them, studying the secret, deeper levels of the world at their side. With his new friends, he’s plumbing the structure of the universe behind the curtain—desperately trying to measure everything three times. While his precision and attention to detail have opened up new avenues for the group, hesitation and delays have cost them most of their new power. Traits: (SM) Crafter, focal, occult Shelly Quan Driven Photojournalist “No, no, no! The action is over THERE!” Appearance: Shelly is a small, fragile-looking Asian-American woman with a shock of white hair that hangs over her eyes. She is always wearing running shoes and carries a camera and a bag of photography equipment at all times. Roleplaying: Intense, loud, and prone to getting carried away, Shelly is always in motion. She constantly surveys her surroundings for the best camera angles “just in case.” Personality: Shelly knows what she wants, and will go over, around, or through whoever stands between her and her goal. She is without shame and sometimes seems callous, as she views most tragedies as a chance to “make it big” and ignores the human suffering involved. Uncomfortable in social situations, Shelly uses her camera to insulate herself from unwanted interactions. Motivation: Ready to throw herself into dangerous situations, Shelly will stop at nothing to get the “perfect shot” that will win her the Pulitzer and make her career. Background: Shelly’s traditionalist parents are slightly disapproving of her career as a freelance photojournalist, which only pushes her to be that much more ruthless in her pursuit of success. To those in her confidence, she claims to be haunted by a benevolent ancestor spirit who tips her off when something big is about to happen. Whether this is true or if Shelly is just a little imaginative or unbalanced is yet to be proven. Traits: (MN) Adventurer, aggressive, artist, entertainment, humorous Captain Maximilian Easton Criminal Mastermind Cop “You can’t eliminate crime. You can only organize and contain crime. You find out what kinds of vices the public will tolerate and you prevent the rest. The secret is to keep the big fish out, and make sure that the little fish stay little. According to this badge, I’m the big fish in this pond.” Appearance: He has a steady and unflinching gaze. His hair has grayed, especially at the temples. He is a giant of a man, and in his perfectly starched police uniform he is an intimidating sight. Roleplaying: He is all business, all the time. He has a short temper when doing police business, and a short and violent temper when doing criminal business. Personality: He believes that he is untouchable not because he is special, but because he is smart. He never abuses his power with innocent civilians. He waits until he catches them indulging in a criminal act, and then he lets them know who is in charge. Motivation: He is tired of having to fight the good fight. He wants to keep the public safe, and that’s easier to do when playing dirty. So what if he gets a little something in his pocket for his troubles? He earns it. Background: There are only so many years of being an honest cop that a man can take. Max found his limit years ago. Traits: (PB) Criminal, genius, notorious, police, power hungry Hilda Kooky Homeless Person “What are you looking at?! You keep your eyes off my suitcase. You hear me?! No one touches that case but me.” Appearance: Hilda is a middle-aged woman just over five feet tall. Her hair is dirty blond, matted, and in a full-length ponytail. Her clothes are soiled and do not fit well. She always wears a rainbow-colored scarf and drags a rolling suitcase behind her. Roleplaying: She does not like people looking at her or her stuff. Hilda feverishly scribbles on scraps of paper, which she puts into her suitcase. Personality: Hilda is clearly mentally disturbed and without proper medication or therapy. Random thoughts rush into her head, with no logical connections. Her memory is poor, so she writes everything down. Motivation: It is impossible to tell what motivates Hilda. It is clear that her memories are important to her. Background: Hilda appeared on the streets a few years ago. She has managed to survive and hold onto her suitcase. No one knows what is in the suitcase, though she is seen putting scraps of paper into it. Late at night, Hilda has been heard reciting strings of numbers and equations in her sleep. She claims not to know what they mean. Once a month a black sedan is seen in the neighborhood, and the driver takes a single photo of Hilda and then drives away. Traits: (PV) Impoverished, mysterious, outdoorsman, primal 781 782 783 784

Modern - Neutrals 256 Gertrude • Gerund • Ginger • Gordon • Gregory • Greta • Hae-Won Casey Hart Drifter Musician “I was totin’ my pack along the long dusty Winnemucca road...” Appearance: A small, muscular woman, Casey wears old, faded jeans and threadbare T-shirts sporting the logos of various bands or motorcycles, with the arms raggedly removed. Despite her rough and tumble appearance and the devil-may-care attitude she projects, the guitar she carries slung over her back is in impeccable condition and guarded fiercely. Roleplaying: Casey has a thick Jersey accent, a mouthful of chaw tobacco, and a chip on her shoulder a mile wide. She’s fiercely independent and protests the notion that she may need assistance from others. Personality: Projecting a stereotypical “tough biker girl” exterior, Casey hides her passion for music, beauty, and art so that others don’t see her as soft. She refuses to become attached to any one place or person, afraid that ties will slow her down and keep her from reaching her goals. Motivation: Casey wants to live free on the open road, making her way by her music. Background: Growing up in a rural New Jersey dairy farm, Casey is a dreamer. She excelled in art and music in school and upon graduation took her college fund, bought a Harley and a guitar, and has traveled the country making a living playing at bars ever since. Her family does not understand her wandering ways, and they’re always imploring her to come home. Traits: (MN) Artist, entertainment, impoverished Lynda Tran Dedicated Book-Hunter “The Tran Foundation is dedicated to the preservation of ancient literature. The Scroll of Xanthos was destroyed with the Library of Alexandria. So long as you swear to that, I can take you to our vault where the true scroll is stored.” Appearance: Lynda is a short woman who wears thick-soled heels to make herself taller. She dresses in conservative designer suits during the day and traditional Mandarin dresses at night. She uses colored contact lenses to change her eye color to suit her mood, although she prefers her icy blue and deep purple ones. Roleplaying: She is excited when discussing the possibility of a literary find. She’s shy in other situations, and a bit socially awkward. Lynda’s demeanor turns defensive if she feels that the questioning is turning on her. Personality: Lynda has a healthy respect for occult tomes. She believes that both her parents perished due to ancient curses (although a skeptic would call them coincidences). In the company of scholars Lynda is quite brash and outgoing; among others she is quiet and dispassionate. Motivation: She wants to acquire and study all occult knowledge. Background: Lynda’s mother died when she was young, just after her father had uncovered a cursed tomb on the Korean peninsula. Her father died in a tsunami; Lynda believes he prevented something monstrous from manifesting in the South Pacific. Lynda has dedicated her life to finding occult tomes and keeping dangerous passages away from the public. Traits: (WC) Dilettante, occult, scholar Dr. Daria Simmons Unethical Chemist “There is no way that we could have known that Retrinom would cause damage to healthy tissue. Absolutely no way. I’m not a flight risk. I have nothing to hide. My trip to Venezuela has nothing to do with this ‘criminal charges’ rumor that you, the media, keep gossiping about.” Appearance: She is a tall and thin woman with a very stylish haircut and expensive but simple jewelry. Slightly over 40, she wears classic suit jackets, pants, and an overcoat. Roleplaying: She snaps her fingers when she wants something. The speed and number of snaps increase as her patience wanes. Personality: Impatient and without charm, Daria is an elitist and proud of it; however, she is terrified of true power, such as law enforcement. Motivation: She loves money and power. Background: Dr. Simmons was a dedicated chemist for a pharmaceutical company, but had never made a major discovery. Her drugs never passed the clinical trials with animals. That is when she started faking her findings, making sure to pick projects dealing with elderly patients. After all, no one would find it strange if people in their seventies developed severe health problems. Now that people are living longer, the effects of her falsifications are being noticed, and investigations are focusing on her past work. She can’t bear the idea of going to prison, but she’s sure she can stay one step ahead of the authorities if she just keeps moving. Traits: (PB) Abhorrent, focal, medic, political, scientist Terrance Holt Self-Absorbed Dentist “You know, if you stopped wriggling so much this wouldn’t hurt.” Appearance: A broad-shouldered man and slightly overweight, he always sports comfortable hiking shoes, casual pants, and a white dress shirt. Over that he wears a lab coat that says “D.D.S” on it. His brown hair is parted to the side and crisply cut. Roleplaying: Dr. Holt doesn’t smile and peers seriously over his bifocals. He doesn’t like to chat about his patients but will discuss his trade with an undercurrent of speaking down to the masses. His office is adorned with any number of framed plaques and recognition. Personality: He’s the most requested—and expensive—dentist in the area. He’s confident to a fault; any mistakes that surface are a byproduct of the patient, his assistants, or defective tools. Motivation: He’s become bored with his self-proclamation of being the best, and now wonders if perhaps he should take on a partner. Defense of his name and achieving more recognition take up his time, as does perfecting his golf swing. Background: A third generation dentist, Dr. Holt went in a different direction than his father, who ran a small and friendly family practice. Terrance focuses on the elite and consults with movie stars and their ilk on their dental health. On the side, it’s rumored he’s sleeping with one of his assistants and writes the occasional personal prescription. Traits: (DM) Medic, power hungry, white collar 785 786 787 788

Modern - Neutrals Hannessen • Hanney • Hannigan • Hanning • Harcombe • Harris 257 Ellen Crawford Bike Messenger Assassin “I’m with the delivery service ‘Psychos on Cycles.’ I have a package for Mr. James Randolph. No need to sign. “ Appearance: Tall and toned, with long dark hair and a mischievous smile, she wears spandex bike shorts and a black cycling jersey. She is never without three essential items: her carbon frame racing bicycle, her bike messenger bag with a silenced pistol inside, and her bike helmet. One of her calves is badly scarred from a gunshot wound. Roleplaying: Ellen is quiet and tries not to draw any attention to herself. She tends to smile while shooting her pistol. Personality: She has no room in her heart for forgiveness. Her life is all about revenge. Motivation: She lives to kill as many of her enemies as possible before she dies. Background: Ellen was destined to go to the Olympics as a cyclist. Her racing skills and speed were second to none. She met a wonderful young man, got married, and spent every day training to be the best. Then one night, she answered the door to two armed men who shot her in the chest and the leg. She watched in horror as the men killed her husband, and then she blacked out. She woke up in a hospital room and was introduced to her father-in-law, who happened to be the local Mafia boss, for the first time. With his help she not only recovered, but also entered a new profession. Traits: (PB) Abhorrent, criminal, stealthy, zealot Gordon Hanning Domineering Sheriff “We’ll show those sons of bitches not to mess around in our town. Get me, four flash bangs, and after they go off, you get in there. Anyone still standing, you take ‘em down.” Appearance: Gordon is a thick-set man in his early fifties with a white buzz cut and a white beard. He has several old tattoos on his arms. His uniform is always crisply pressed. Roleplaying: Always either holding or smoking one, Gordon proudly displays his love of cigars. He talks with a booming voice, pointing with his cigar. Personality: He is a man who has subscribed to the doctrine of shock and awe. His personality and the way he administers law in his town are both based on spectacular displays of force. Motivation: Gordon believes that he is all that is standing between the decent people and the complete erosion of society. Background: As a schoolchild, on the football field, and as a deputy sheriff, Gordon has always been aggressive. He spent his years a deputy always believing that the sheriff was too soft. When the sheriff stepped down, he ran for the position under a banner of being tough on crime, and won by a landslide. Now Gordon runs the town with a superficial understanding of shock and awe, using excessive force, tactical weapons, and too many flash bangs to keep things in line. He has no tolerance for those who come into his town to make trouble. Traits: (PV) Aggressive, leader, police Artist: Matt Morrow Ellen Crawford 789 791 Anthony Goldbris Charming Magician “It’s a strange study, but who wants to admit that any field peaked in 1572?” Appearance: Anthony is 5’11”, with a paunch, well-trimmed mustache, and pince-nez glasses. His hair is black, complementing his camelhair jacket and bow tie. Roleplaying: He’s impossible to provoke, often turning the effort back with an obvious study of his tormentor’s face and a casual, “What do you seek?” Personality: He’s calm and mild, secure in his knowledge— but fully aware that most consider “A History of Medieval and Renaissance Magic” an easy “A,” not an important inquiry. Motivation: Anthony has been relentlessly studying things— particularly the margins of old books—for his whole life. You might say he was born with an academic’s demeanor and attitudes. Background: The idea of magic has fascinated him ever since he realized that it was a real investigation, not just fairy tales. In his teens he studied John Dee and took Latin to better understand alchemy. His studies continued, and he now stands among the foremost researchers on American soil these days. He doesn’t quite believe in magic himself, treating it as complex answers for a complicated era. Despite his doubts, he refuses to try effects rooted in anything but heavenly invocations—figuring that whether it’s real or a placebo effect, he’d rather not mess with darkness. Traits: (SM) Academic, magical, saintly 790

Modern - Neutrals 258 Hans • Harold • Harry • Hatay • Heather • Heerkani • Henry Adiva Jones Hermit Mountaineer “Everest is for puss*es.” Appearance: Of Middle Eastern descent, Adiva has broad shoulders and a wide face with a delicate nose. She’s ripped from years of mountain climbing. Roleplaying: People make Adiva nervous, so she tends to be brusque to the point of rudeness. Personality: Adiva likes open spaces, solitude, and danger, but doesn’t particularly like being around other people. Living as a hermit has made her strong, self-reliant, and confident, though she’s not co*cky—especially on a dangerous climb. Motivation: She wants to push herself, and is always probing for her limits so that she can move beyond them. Background: Adiva prefers to live alone, as far from other people as possible, and she’s lived like a hermit for the past decade. Her cabin is deep in the woods, far from the nearest community, and she hikes out every time she’s ready to tackle another of the world’s tallest peaks. Her skill and accomplishments are legendary in the mountaineering community, but she refuses to take the more lucrative track of leading expeditions, preferring to climb solo. Before she became a hermit, she fronted a one-hit wonder rock band called Panic Fury, and she still lives on the royalties from their single successful song. Traits: (MR) Adventurer, eccentric, outdoorsman, primal Mikey Webbs Child Prodigy Hacker “My parents say I have to…I mean, I want to apologize to you! I’m sorry about what I did. It will never happen again! Pinky promise! So please don’t press charges for hacking the Swiss banking system, okay Mr. Attorney General?” Appearance: He looks like your typical eight-year-old kid with a couple of distinguishing features: He has red hair and freckles, and he carries several books on advanced programming in his backpack. Roleplaying: He likes to hum the themes of his favorite cartoon shows while he types. Personality: Mikey gets bored easily, and that is when he decides to hack systems. He isn’t a bad kid, but he is a victim of his own intellect and curiosity. Motivation: If anyone knew what actually motivates any eightyear-old to do the things they do, the world would be a much better place. Background: From the time Mikey could speak, he was fascinated by computers. His parents finally got him one of his own when he entered kindergarten. Within six months, he was writing programs. Within a year, he was hacking banks in order to get money to buy toys. When the feds finally caught the hacker known as “SuperKid-e1337,” his handle made perfect sense. Mikey is now working closely with the government in order to work off his sentence—so he can help catch serious threats, and so they can keep an eye on him. Traits: (PB) Academic, child, criminal, genius, scientist Sister Magda Bored Fortune Teller “Whoa, that’s the real deal. Tell me more; the spirits will do all we can to help.” Appearance: She’s on the young side for a fortune teller, although she does have the requisite jewelry, scarves, and accent. Roleplaying: Sister Magda uses “the spirits” to describe her own feelings, and her eastern European accent disappears when things get intense. Personality: Ultimately, she’s bored with her gig. Motivation: She wants to find something more interesting than reassuring lonely women and nervous men. Background: When Margaret found out she was adopted and began searching for her birth parents, she was mildly surprised to find that they were Romani on the run from the law. When she visited their homeland in Romania, she was shocked to be recognized as their daughter, and to find that she inherited her mother’s “second sight.” She was taken in by her relatives, took the name Sister Magda, and was trained in their ways. But years of using her abilities to help out the lonely and the weak have taken nearly all of the shine off of her discovery. Having had a taste of the exotic, she wants something more from life. Traits: (KS) Counselor, eccentric, magical, mysterious, occult Marilee Papadakis Nosy Insurance Investigator “You know, that reminds me, my husband does this fantastico thing with olives and this wine sauce. Now, he won’t tell me what’s in it, exactly, but it’s got this tangy taste. A real kick.” Appearance: She has dark curly hair and an olive complexion. She wears flirty knee-length dresses with flowered prints. Roleplaying: In the midst of the interview, she often segues into a topic close to her heart: cooking and eating Greek dishes. Personality: She is friendly and approachable, and gives the impression that she is either distracted or not as clever as the person being investigated. Motivation: She is diligent in tracking down scamps and insurance cheats because she wants to be the best at what she does. Background: She was a police officer for a while, but she was unable to make detective. It wasn’t because she was unqualified, but because there just weren’t openings in the ranks at the department she was at. She got her investigator’s license and got hired by a reputable insurance agency. Her husband, who is the cook in the family, thinks she has the most boring job in the world, because she works at giving him the impression that there is no danger or risk in anything she does. He calls her four times a day as a morale booster—and to find out what she wants for dinner, and then to provide updates as preparations for the meal progresses. Traits: (TT) Counselor, humorous, white collar 792 793 794 795

Modern - Neutrals Hart • Harwick • Hauberk • Hawk • Haynes • Hendrickson • Henriques 259 Jerry Driver Autistic Driver “Yeah, I’m the um, driver. I ah, drive. The car. Yeah, that’s me, driver.” Appearance: When in a car, Jerry just looks sheepishly down at the steering wheel—until he starts the engine, and comes alive. Roleplaying: His broken and stumbling language patterns are frustrating to follow. He doesn’t look anyone in the eye, or handle confrontation well. Personality: Living somewhere on the autism spectrum, he is poor at social interaction, but is fascinated by mechanical things. Motivation: Driving is life. Background: Jerry’s brother and hero, Mark, was a small-time crook. He didn’t want Jerry involved in his world, but after their parents abandoned them, he didn’t feel like he had a choice. After Mark saw Jerry at the wheel, he really didn’t have a choice. Jerry can do things with a car that should be impossible, and his brother relied heavily on that skill. The two brothers had a solid career of crime until recently, when Mark went to jail; Jerry was released because of his mental health status. Jerry keeps his nose clean, but is trying to find someone to help him break his brother out of jail. Traits: (KS) Eccentric, impoverished, criminal, pilot Dorissa Hannigan Reluctant Benefactress “Rubbery chicken again. You might think they would have realized by now that a good meal loosens the change purse better than this fare.” Appearance: Dorissa is 82, thin and slight as a bird, walking confidently with a lightly held cane in her left hand. Her hair is white with silver accents, her clothing dated but high quality. Roleplaying: Her voice is soft, requiring near perfect silence to be heard. She cuts off lengthy discussions or anecdotes by saying “That’s nice dear, but wrap it up.” Personality: She expects total attention once she starts speaking—after all, she controls the purse strings. Attending fundraisers and dinners is an obligation to her, and she’ll complain about the cold chicken instead of listening to the presentation. Motivation: She donates to good causes because it’s expected, but she doesn’t enjoy it. She always talks about the sacrifices she and her husband Sean made to start the business as she writes the check. Background: Dorissa was once an exceptional beauty; during college her focus was on landing an “MRS degree”—on getting married. There she met Sean; they married just after graduation. She was a dutiful housewife through the 1950s, as Sean mastered plastics and started his own business. After scrimping for years, the business took off—though an affair marred the period; the next 20 years involved Sean making larger efforts to buy her forgiveness. She has two children and seven grandchildren. Traits: (SM) Academic, ancient, dilettante, wealthy Francine Tower Cryptic Researcher “I have lived among them for three years so that their elders could teach me their language. I used it to translate the 103rd page. Now I will pack up and move on. There are 58 more pages to go.” Appearance: Francine is an attractive woman in her late thirties with an athletic build and a simple haircut. She wears no makeup and usually dresses in outerwear. Roleplaying: She makes a habit of stretching when idle. Francine always has a field notebook and pen, and is constantly jotting notes. Personality: Francine is difficult to understand, partly because she is always trying to figure out her cryptic book, and partly because she is always afraid to say too much about what she has learned. Motivation: Francine is driven to understand the book; it is the only goal she cares about anymore. It is no longer an interest, but an obsession. Background: As an anthropologist doing research in central Africa, Francine discovered the book. The book was written in a number of ancient languages from around the world. She began the painstaking process of learning how to translate the book, which has taken her to numerous remote regions of the world. As she has discovered the meaning of its writings, she has become deeply disturbed and even more driven to continue its translation. Traits: (PV) Focal, mysterious, outdoorsman, primal, scientist Ashton Stern Emotional Forensic Scientist “Dammit! I know that this guy is guilty but I can’t find any evidence! I’m sorry, detective, but I have to get back out to the scene and search it again. I must have missed something. This scumbag can’t be innocent!” Appearance: An obese 20-something with a crew cut and hornrimmed glasses, he always wears a freshly pressed shirt and tie to work. Roleplaying: Although he is not a police officer, but rather a civilian employee of the police department, Ashton acts like a character from a cheesy cop action movie. Personality: Ashton desperately wants to be recognized for playing an important role in convicting criminals. Many of his colleagues already feel this way about his work, but Ashton himself doesn’t give his role enough credit. Motivation: In Ashton’s mind, his life plays like an episode from a television police drama, and he is always the hero who, at the last minute, discovers the vital evidence needed to convict a criminal. Often that is not how the situation actually unfolds, but to his credit, Ashton does things by the book and has never falsified evidence in order to convict someone. Background: Ashton always wanted to be a police officer, but he could never pass the physical exam because of his weight. He discovered forensic science and decided that if he could not be a cop, he would work with them. Traits: (PB) Police, scientist, zealot 796 797 798 799

Modern - Neutrals 260 Herold • Hilda • Hiro • Howard • Humberto • Ian • Iara Herold Fildstein Neighborhood Elder “Say little and do much, and receive all men with a cheerful face.” Appearance: An elderly Jewish gentleman, Herold always wears pressed slacks, a button-down shirt, and a tie. He wears a dusty apron over his clothes and has a friendly smile for everyone who walks in his door. Roleplaying: Herold is quick to greet others and offer his assistance, but otherwise usually prefers to listen than talk. When he does speak it is with a strong voice that is at odds with his frail appearance. Personality: The neighborhood grandfather, Herold knows all his customers and their problems and looks after their best interests as if they were family. Motivation: Herold desires only to serve all the people of his neighborhood, both with good products and good advice. Background: Having inherited his small corner store from his father, Herold has run it for over 40 years. In addition to coming to him for grocery items, the people of Herold’s neighborhood also come to him whenever they have troubles or problems. He has a reputation as a man who will listen without judgment and give out advice that is full of wisdom and good sense. He knows every family in the area, and makes sure Mrs. Feldman’s special order tea is delivered every Thursday, and that Jimmy Weninski never spends all his allowance on candy and soda. Traits: (MN) Business, counselor, merchant Dreizehn Mysterious Walker “I was born to bring trouble to wherever I’m at. It is not a choice; it’s just how it is.” Appearance: His short brown hair surrounds his hard and stony face. Dreizehn wears a brown trench coat, pants, and a button-down shirt. Roleplaying: Dreizehn is a mysterious wanderer who slips in and out of people’s lives, leaving cryptic bits of info that often help them. Dreizehn seems to know much more than he lets on. Personality: Dark, grim, quiet, and mysterious, he doesn’t reveal any more than he wants to, and only ever betrays himself in brief flashes of emotion. Motivation: He seeks to protect the people he singles out, likely from the fate that befell him. Background: When Dreizehn is first encountered in some random place, he engages in a minute or so of small talk and then slips in some information relevant to the troubles of the person he is talking to, only to disappear the moment they turn their head. Something about what he said will stick and be critical to the person surviving some upcoming disaster. From then on, Dreizehn shows up right before some major trouble occurs, giving out mysterious advice that ends up helpful. He hints at some fate that he became bound to long ago, something that left him not quite human. He disappears so suddenly that some think he is a hallucination or a ghost, but he leaves few answers about himself. Traits: (JA) Counselor, magical, mysterious, stealthy Artist: Avery Liell-Kok Dreizehn 800 801

Modern - Neutrals Hewitt • Hinjosa • Hireku • Holt • Hughes • Hurkins • The Hyena 261 Harry Brocious Honest TV Installer “I’m sorry, ma’am, but those are the rules. And I have no interest in breaking the rules. And deep down, I’m sure the same can be said for you.” Appearance: He wears the work coveralls and heavy boots consistent with his occupation, and a black cap with the company logo on the front. He wears thick-rimmed eyeglasses. Roleplaying: When the job’s done right, he flashes his co-worker an exaggerated “thumbs up.” Personality: He’s honest to a fault, a straight arrow who always obeys the rules. He can quote chapter and verse from the cable TV installer’s manual. Motivation: Harry wants a day’s work for a day’s wages. Background: As a teen, a white lie meant to cover for a friend cost him his job at a burger joint. He vowed that would never happen to him again. Doing the “right thing” meant being honest, he told himself, not just doing what other people asked of him. He refuses straight-up when bosses, customers, or anyone else ask him to cut corners. Since then, he’s been fired from about a dozen jobs for refusing to break the rules for convenience’s sake. But he has no regrets about his philosophy to obey the rules. So far, his current supervisor has been pleased that he can be trusted to keep to the rules. Traits: (TT) Laborer, zealot Mother Superior Valerie Westin Inquisitive Nun “I know my appearance is dreadful, dear, but don’t be alarmed. These boils are God’s way of testing me. Now I couldn’t help but notice that you were driving a vehicle identical to the one that the police scanner broadcast mentioned earlier this evening. Oh please, dear. Put the gun away. You won’t shoot a deformed nun. You’re wearing a crucifix because you are far too afraid of the eternal consequences for such a crime. No? Fine. Shoot… That is what I thought. Take a seat, dear. I’ll call the authorities.” Appearance: An elderly nun, she wears her black robe and habit at all times. Her hands and face are pockmarked with scars and tiny boils, giving her a rather ghastly appearance. Roleplaying: She constantly asks questions about things that she observes in other people. Personality: She is genuinely happy and a gentle soul. Motivation: She believes that God gave her a purpose, but she has yet to discover it. Background: When she was a young nun working in one of the poorest regions on the globe, she contracted a horrible skin disease that disfigured her for life. She was ashamed of herself and refused to speak, and since she would not converse with people, she learned to observe them instead. Eventually she came to terms with her deformity, and is now making up for lost time questioning everyone she meets about every detail of their lives. Traits: (PB) Hideous, leader, religious Alec Nebbman Nosy Neighbor “Privacy is a myth. The satellites are always watching, so why shouldn’t I watch, too?” Appearance: Alec is an attractive man in his mid-forties, with a salt-and-pepper beard and a strong nose. His appearance is marred by terrible acne. Roleplaying: He cringes at the thought of speaking to a woman, keeps his hands in his pockets at all times, and gets sweaty and excited when he talks about spy stuff. Personality: Alec is a nerdy engineer’s nerdy engineer: He plays roleplaying games, got beaten up a lot in high school, and has an obsessive personality. Always fascinated by the concept of privacy, his current obsession is spying on his neighbors—though, oddly enough, not for prurient reasons. If he sees anything sexual, he turns off the camera immediately; what interests him are secrets, not sex. Motivation: Alec wishes he were cool enough to be a real spy, but since he isn’t, he settles for being obsessed with spying on people. Background: A mechanical engineer who works for a large corporation, Alec is just another faceless cog in the corporate machine—but he longs to be a superspy in the Hollywood mold. Lacking the gumption for that, he settles for building remote control airfoils, cars, and other vehicles, fitting them with cameras that can broadcast wirelessly, and spying on his neighbors. He has thousands of hours of boring footage of everyone within a oneblock radius of his house. Traits: (MR) Crafter, eccentric, humorous, scientist Ray Johnson Retired Sailor “Yeah, that ship is a beauty. It’s got a hell of an engine, too. Did I ever tell you about the time I worked on ships like that?” Appearance: Neat white hair surrounds Ray’s kindly face and goofy smile. He has a slight layer of fat on him and is rarely without his navy hat. Roleplaying: Ray has a love of all things nautical and will talk for ages with anyone who listens. He’ll always lend a hand to a stranger in need, and he never takes credit for the many good deeds he has done. Personality: Ray is a home-cooked-meal kind of guy, always friendly and happy. Motivation: Since his wife died, Ray is looking for a sense of purpose. He is searching for something to fill the void, and helping someone with a stuck car makes him feel useful in his old age. Background: As a boy, Ray had a hard life full of misfortune. He decided early on to try to make the world a better place than he found it. Full of traditional values, he joined the Navy as a mechanic. He married and raised a family, passing on his values and living a long and simple life. When his wife passed away, he moved to a port town. He will happily repair an engine or reshingle a roof for anyone in need, and he only takes money for the job if it is forced on him. Traits: (JA) Charming, military, saintly 802 803 804 805

Modern - Neutrals 262 Iggy • “Inferno” • Ingrid • Isaac • Ivan • Jack • James Melissa Shepherd Artistic Savant “Do you think they keep a white girl on the rez for kicks?” Appearance: Melissa is 5’2”, her green eyes often staring into the middle distance; she shakes her curly hair with vigor when she focuses. Roleplaying: She’s a modern teen touched by something timeless. She’s embarrassed about being a dropout, but is proud of her artwork and laps up the attention and recognition. Personality: Melissa seems meekly enthusiastic as she introduces her art to the wealthy and powerful—she doesn’t know how to interact with them. With those she’s known a long time, she’s direct and fiery; every third word is a curse. Motivation: She taps into something pure and formless when she creates; it’s a space she wants to inhabit all the time. Background: It’s hard to believe that drinking beer with Lalo led to this. When Lalo took Melissa on a tour of the old lands, they both expected that it would end in some heavy petting; they were both amazed when she took up the earth and started smearing clay in the same bright bands that his people always had. She experiments with local clays, creating new versions of traditional art—untrained but intense, and praised by critics. She has since been popular with the elders who feared their art lost forever. She’s bringing positive attention and garnering donations that they’re putting towards improvements. Traits: (SM) Artist, genius, primal Dante “Inferno” Johnson Football Washout “The pain train is coming! Wooo! Wooo!” Appearance: A massive, bald African-American man with cannons for arms, he dwarfs everyone around him. A giant black and gold football jersey is draped over him, with the number 92 and “Inferno” on the back. Gold chains are draped around his neck and large golden rings adorn his massive fingers. A personal entourage of three hangs behind him. Roleplaying: Dante is soft-spoken but a burning intensity still lingers in his eyes. He tilts and shakes his head when he talks and on occasion will reference himself in the third person. He becomes most animated when discussing his short-lived football career. Personality: Something of a gentle giant, a career-ending injury has left Dante bitter and nostalgic for the past. He feels the world is out to get him—to keep him down—and has blown through most of his savings. Motivation: His bar, “Dante’s Inferno,” is his pride, as well as the loyalty of his friends. Background: A huge football star in the ‘90s, Dante’s stock was rising. He played in New Orleans, where he grew up, and had a short but memorable career before blowing out his knee. A comeback in Atlanta was short lived and afterward, Dante— nicknamed “The Inferno” by the press—retired and started up his own bar. It is full of sports memorabilia and Dante still hungers for the chance to make another comeback someday. Traits: (DM) Aggressive, business, entertainment Jonathan Dough Bumbling Police Officer “Hey guys, who wants to go to Shenanigan’s after the shift? Cheese sticks on me!” Appearance: A question occurs to most people who see Jonathan: If this officer weren’t so heavy, would his body have the surface area to carry all of the gear he’s wearing? Roleplaying: He acts tough and aggressive and throws his weight around, especially when it’s inappropriate. Personality: A natural-born hall monitor, John gravitates toward authority. Inside, he just wants some respect. Motivation: He really wants people to like him, especially people in authority, but he tries too hard. Background: After being rejected from every police force in the area, Jonathan pestered his uncle so much that some strings were pulled, and he was accepted by the state patrol. He’s been running the ragged edge of dismissal ever since, from using profanity in front of a retired judge to insisting on pat-downs after pulling over a van full of college cheerleaders. But deep down, all of John’s antics are aimed at earning the acceptance and respect of his fellow officers. He feels like he just needs one good break, like a major bust, and then he’ll get the respect he deserves. He’s not a bad officer, although he doesn’t always display good judgment. He always carries the maximum legal amount of weapons, ammunition, tools, and accessories possible. Traits: (KS) Aggressive, dilettante, humorous, police, power hungry Karen Walsh, “d3v10us aNgl” Adventurous Hacker “The Pentagon? Really? I’ve been building a botnet that might just have enough power to break their encryption. Let’s take that baby for a spin and see what we can turn up!” Appearance: Karen looks like many of her male counterparts in the computer hacking world. She has more than her fair share of pimples and a pale complexion from getting out in the sun too little. Roleplaying: When she talks to people online as d3v10us aNgl, Karen is quick and acerbic. She’ll rip into people who don’t know as much as she does and “pwn noobs” with ease, but in person her nervousness and timidity come to the fore. Personality: Karen is nervous around people, not really understanding them all that well. She prefers the clean and orderly world of computers and likes her interactions with people to be through a screen. Motivation: Karen enjoys breaking encryption and getting past barriers. She doesn’t really care why she does it, just that she can. Background: Karen got into hacking at an early age because of her brother’s troubles at school. Hacking the school’s system to prevent an academic suspension, Karen realized she was a natural with computers. Shy and timid, the online world offered her challenges for her intellect and the ability to be more confident. She can be a bit gullible, though, and if she gets much deeper in with some of her online friends, she might get into some real trouble. Traits: (JA) Criminal, focal, stealthy 806 807 808 809

Modern - Neutrals Invadir • Jackson • Jaeger • Jefferson • Jenkins • Johnson 263 Rian Frederickson Struggling Ex-Con “Sometimes I wish I was still inside. If I don’t get this job, I’m going back to jacking cars.” Appearance: Rian has spiked-out hair and a devil-may-care look about her. She’s covered in tattoos, and she wears a leather biker jacket that looks like it’s been around the block. Roleplaying: She obsessively avoids confrontation, backing away from any situation that looks like trouble—but it’s not hard to see that she finds trouble tempting, either. Personality: Rian is a rebellious hardass whose troubles with the law started back in high school, when she first discovered how much fun stealing cars could be. After doing six years in jail, she emerged a changed woman—for now. She’s trying her damndest to walk the straight and narrow, but it’s not in her nature; she misses the thrills. At the same time, jail hardened her, and she doesn’t want to go back. Motivation: Rian wants to stay out of jail, but she also needs some adrenaline in her life. Background: A car thief who thrives on adrenaline and taking risks, Rian is trying to become a completely different person after getting out of jail. It’s not working. No one will hire her, and her only real job skill is stealing cars; she’s running out of options. She’s managing to keep it together somehow, though, avoiding trouble like the plague—for now. Traits: (MR) Aggressive, criminal, pilot Kendra Mendoza Distressed Paramedic “Oh my God. Look at all that blood! Shouldn’t we wait until more help arrives?” Appearance: Wearing the crisp, white duty uniform of a paramedic, she carries an emergency duffel bag in one hand. The radio attached to her vest is set on the emergency channel. Her dark hair is pulled up tight. Roleplaying: She’s prone to hysterics when confronted with pressure, particularly with life-and-death matters. Kendra may freeze or come up with a quick excuse to cover herself. She breaks out in a cold sweat when an emergency call comes in. Personality: Kendra does not respond well to pressure anymore, buckling when placed in danger. She tries to cope as best she can—sometimes pharmaceutically—but is frightened that she’ll be discovered and fired. She was able to make it through her latest psych evaluation because her anxiety was mistaken for survivor’s guilt. Motivation: She tries to cover up her ineptitude even though it may cost people’s lives. Background: Kendra was a very good paramedic until her ambulance was sideswiped by an 18-wheeler several months ago. Trapped inside the burning ambulance, she pulled herself out but was too scared to render aid to her trapped partner. She watched as the ambulance exploded, killing him and the truck driver. Kendra was absolved of any wrongdoing, but is terrified and ashamed of her failure. She tries to cover it up and has her new partner run point as often as possible. Traits: (DM) Medic, stealthy, white collar Jezebel Jenkins Observant Table Dancer “He was, like, wearing this knock-off Rolex, but I mean, it’s a good fake, y’ know? And he was all looking around, and like said to the guy with the scar, ‘Vur habin octzayn rocketin guhcowfin.’ I think it’s like German or something.” Appearance: Barely dressed in a form-fitting short dress, Jezebel approaches potential customers by sashaying up and asking if they’d “like a friend.” Roleplaying: Jezebel chews gum, twirls her hair, and uses the word “like” frequently. Personality: She’s shallow as a west Texas rain puddle, and nearly as intelligent. Motivation: Her Hollywood-level addiction to cocaine and Vicodin takes a lot of cash to support. Background: When you’ve got a full run of psychological issues, a killer body, and no parents worthy of the name, there’s always table dancing. Were it not for her uncanny talent to perfectly take in and remember absolutely everything that’s happened in the last couple of hours, Jezebel would be just another pretty face. She’s frankly not intelligent or motivated enough to do much with her ability, but she’ll use it for her friends, or for anyone willing to pay her. She has learned—painfully—that betraying a client is not a good idea, and won’t do it without some serious incentive. Traits: (KS) Beautiful, charming, entertainment, humorous Corwin Deluca, “coolHuntr” Narcissistic Blogger “I was almost at that concert. It wasn’t very good, though. Their live show in Berlin last year, which I missed because I almost died in a plane crash, was so much better. God, do you know anything?” Appearance: From his trendy clothes and glasses to his hipster snakeskin boots and comic book tattoos, Corwin looks like a smug little prick. Roleplaying: He’s arrogant, insufferable, and convinced his crap doesn’t stink. Everything—absolutely everything—is about him. Personality: Everything about Corwin makes people want to kick him in the balls, from his attitude to his clothes to his approach to life. He’s completely oblivious to all of that, and genuinely believes that he’s the greatest thing since sliced bread. Motivation: He wants to continue being the greatest blogger who ever lived, eventually parlaying this into a fleet of yachts crewed by hot chicks. Background: Corwin goes by “coolHuntr” online, and he thinks he’s God’s gift to the blogosphere—which he isn’t. What he is, though, is lucky: He’s always in just the right place to break a big story, pull back the curtains on something amazing, or otherwise draw attention to himself and his blog, “coolHuntr’s AwesomeSauce Pavilion.” Corwin blogs about a wide variety of topics, but mainly about music…although he rarely attends actual concerts. Traits: (MR) Dilettante, entertainment, humorous 810 811 812 813

Modern - Neutrals 264 Janice • Jaquan • Jared • Jason • Jasper • Jennifer • Jeremiah Eva Del Cruz Tragic Celebrity “After the fire, I was under constant medical supervision. Aside from the pain killers, it was the first time in a long time that I experienced some form of sobriety. I realized then that I needed to make some good come out of all of my mistakes.” Appearance: Scarred from head to toe from third-degree burns, Eva is missing fingers on each of her hands and has no hair on her scalp. Roleplaying: Some might confuse Eva’s impatience with egotism, but the truth is that she’s in constant pain from her injuries. She tries to go for as long as possible without taking her prescription pain killers, and even then she takes the smallest dose possible so she can keep her mind clear. Personality: Eva is a very open and honest person. She’ll answer any question about her personal life as best she can. Motivation: She a wants to use herself as an example of what can happen to a person when they do not find treatment for drug and alcohol addiction. Background: Eva had it all: She was a pop star with a television series and a film career. Like so many in her position, she got swept away by a decadent life of parties, drugs, and alcohol abuse. One night she got wasted and fell asleep in bed with a lit cigarette, only barely surviving the devastating fire. Now she uses her tragedy as a lesson for others to learn from. Traits: (PB) Entertainment, famous, hideous Vanessa Kendall Detached Artist “Hmm. I don’t think I know enough about you to capture the essence of the piece yet.” Appearance: Vanessa dresses in blouses and skirts when she leaves her apartment, but can be seen wearing T-shirts and jeans when she paints her pieces. Her long black hair is often pulled back in a sloppy ponytail. Roleplaying: Vanessa hangs her head a lot, avoiding eye contact with people. She sits demurely and quietly wherever she goes, trying to be noticed as little as possible. She often whispers to herself. Personality: She’s very detached from life, a side effect of her view on making art. She doesn’t express much emotion, but her feelings and curiosity come through in furtive glances full of questions. Motivation: Vanessa wants to capture the inner essence of things she paints, and to do that she feels she has to be involved as little as possible. Background: Vanessa sees herself as an outside observer to life. She believes that the art needs to be separate from the artist, and when she picks a subject, she tries to interact with it as little as possible. This often means that when she paints people, they rarely know they are being painted. She often sets up in crowded places, picking someone out of the crowd to observe and sketch. She tries to glean as much information about the subject as possible, but finds it hard to truly know them without getting closer. Traits: (JA) Artist, entertainment, mysterious Artist: Christopher Reach Vanessa Kendall 814 815

Modern - Neutrals Joichi • Jones • Kale • Kapoor • Karpovich • Karrin • Kayani 265 Malcolm Green Dishonest Fixer “If you need it, I can get it. Anything’s available, so long as you have the ducats.” Appearance: Malcolm wears trendy urban street clothes, enabling him to easily blend into crowds. He always wears a vintage T-shirt that proudly displays something from the 1970s or 1980s, like a movie or popular breakfast cereal. He also wears a cap and jacket with one of his favorite sports teams’ logos emblazoned on it. Malcolm always has an expensive watch, sunglasses, and phone on his person as well. Roleplaying: He laces his sentences with popular slang and he’s amused when his non-street clients can’t follow him. He likes to get straight to the point of the conversation, as he’s fond of saying that “time is money.” Personality: Malcolm is a sports fanatic. He enjoys playing in pick-up games but is hilariously bad at them. Malcolm is a hard negotiator, often overselling the value of his merchandise. Motivation: He is obsessed with sports memorabilia. He’ll often trade goods for sports items in lieu of cash. Background: Malcolm is a fixer. If you need it, he can get it. Unfortunately, Malcolm is rarely an honest broker. He’s smart enough not to stiff clients with the means to harm him. He has a large network of sources that can get questionable goods or services at a moment’s notice. Malcolm is a sports fanatic and can often be found at arenas when a game is playing. Traits: (WC) Business, criminal, merchant Kellie Edwards Motivated Police Captain “Listen, you can scrap this crazy talk about pointyfanged monsters. I want to know what really happened out there, and I want to know now!” Appearance: Attractive for her age, with brown hair and civilian clothes that accentuate her toughness and sense of style, Kellie seems like she might have just walked off the set of a prime-time cop show. She detests this stereotype, but uses it to her advantage when she needs to. Roleplaying: Kellie Edwards hates traditional gender stereotypes and wants to show the world how capable she is. She’ll do anything she can, short of becoming corrupt, to advance through the ranks and prove herself. She rarely backs down from a challenge or a fist fight. Personality: Kellie was raised tough and strong by her father, but her mother always pushed her to accentuate her intelligence. Kellie is able to strike a nice balance between the two, proving she is capable time and again. Motivation: Captain Edwards wants to keep rising in the ranks to become the first female police commissioner for the city. Background: Kellie joined the Army in order to pay for her college tuition, graduating and becoming an officer. She left as soon as she could in order to pursue a career in the police force. She’s become a valuable asset to the city police force, closing cases that few dare to tackle. She won’t quit until she’s made her mark, something her husband supports wholeheartedly. Traits: (JA) Focal, police, political, warrior Richard Williams Impassioned Lawyer “Damn it! I need those papers and I need them now! Get them to me before the end of the day, or don’t bother coming into work tomorrow!” Appearance: Richard is a tall, thin man with a narrow, somber face and graying hair that is beginning to recede. Roleplaying: Very serious and no-nonsense, Richard obsesses over every detail of everything. He is brusque and constantly checks the time, but the word “no” never passes his lips. Personality: Richard is incredibly intense and driven. He is a workaholic and is never, ever really “off the clock.” He is willing to sacrifice his own time and well being to win a case. Motivation: Atoning for the lives he feels were lost due to his negligence pushes Richard to superhuman feats of stamina. Background: Richard is a successful district attorney with an excellent record that includes prosecuting some of the most violent and dangerous criminals his state has known. Unfortunately, during one of his cases, he lost several key pieces of evidence and the accused was found not guilty and released. Less than two weeks later, the suspect went on a killing spree, murdering five people before dying in a police shootout. Richard blames himself for those deaths and toils endlessly to try and atone. He has sacrificed his relationship with friends and family and everything that once meant anything to him to make sure he never lets another criminal walk free. Traits: (MN) Famous, focal, genius, police, white collar, zealot Penelope Swann Dedicated Activist “Funny, I don’t remember you asking Mother Nature before you raped her.” Appearance: Penelope is tall and skinny, with dirty jeans and worn hiking boots. She wears a torn khaki jacket and a faded green T-shirt that says “Love Earth.” A floppy-brimmed fedora covers her twisted and unkempt black hair. A pair of sunglasses dangles from a chain around her neck. She often rummages through a rucksack. Roleplaying: Her in-your-face attitude rarely wins her any friends. She points accusingly when talking, and disagreements turn into shouting matches. She’s passionate about what she believes in and won’t back down. Personality: An idealist, Penelope has always yearned for a cause of her own. She values the role of the underdog and lives her ideals. Over the years her frustration has morphed into more questionable actions, which she rationalizes to be the only way to gain a disenchanted society’s attention. Motivation: She’s driven by her conviction to try and save the planet. Her methods range from civil disobedience, to sabotage, to trying to muster political action. Background: A biology major in college, Penelope interned on a work abroad program and saw deforestation and pollution up close and personal; her experience left a lasting impression. Traditional methods were having no effect, so she quit school and joined an environmental “terrorist” organization to raise awareness. She argues with her comrades over the need for more decisive and headline-grabbing actions. Traits: (DM) Aggressive, outdoorsman, political, primal 816 817 818 819

Modern - Neutrals 266 Jeremy • Jerry • Jessica • Jessie • Jezebel • Jiang • Jillian Detective Frederick Titov Scary Policeman “I watch the watchman. Carefully.” Appearance: Frederick is frankly ugly; cancerous lesions on his face and arms have left him a mass of scars. His hair has gone white, but he still has broad shoulders and piercing brown eyes. Roleplaying: His Russian accent remains strong and he swallows the ends of words in his bass register. He’s frustrated when people don’t understand him—making broad pantomimes and repeating the words with intense concentration. Personality: Frederick likes the way people squirm when he bears down on them; their nightmares of Russian strongmen and assassins make for shorter interrogations. Motivation: He’s very loyal to the police chief, who helped him defect and find a job in the department. Corruption is all too familiar—he hates it because it reminds him of home. Background: Detective Titov defected from the Soviet Union in the 1980s, on a police exchange/goodwill tour of the U.S. He was amazed to watch his country fall apart and transform itself into Russia—always from a distance, from TV. In the meantime, loyalty to the Chief led him to Internal Affairs, where he roots out corruption. The other officers call him “Commissar Boris” behind his back, but dread confrontations with him. Traits: (SM) Counselor, hideous, police 823 Alison Beldoir Cutthroat Dancer “Charlene has food poisoning and will miss the show tonight, the poor dear!” Appearance: A professional dancer, Alison is svelte and wiry. Her thick blond hair is arranged to perfectly frame her wide green eyes. Roleplaying: Alison is graceful, melodious, poised, and bright. Supportive and cheerful, she encourages those around her. Personality: Her public front is just a ruse to garner leverage. Alison sets goals for herself and then pursues them with an almost brutal determination. Her schemes for self-promotion are downright Machiavellian. Motivation: Alison’s long-term goal is to build a resume so impressive that starting her own production company when she retires from dancing will be a foregone conclusion. Background: A born performer, dancing, singing, and entertaining were all Allison ever wanted to do. She cut her competitive teeth in junior beauty pageants, already developing her stage persona and underhanded tactics. After graduation from a prominent dance school she has been dancing in theater productions in large cities around the country. She is aware that the viable years for a dancer to make a living dancing are short, and she is doing everything in her power to make a name for herself now while she can. Once she retires, she hopes to have enough notoriety in the community to open her own dance studio, or become a producer of shows. Traits: (MN) Aggressive, artist, entertainment, power hungry Agnes Frank 822 Bored Curator “New in the art world: third wave impressionists, quasi-updated cubism? It’s a tired bunch.” Appearance: Agnes is in her early fifties, and often wears exotic hats from her travels. She’s lean, wears heavy concealer, and draws on her cigarette distractedly. Roleplaying: Agnes is well-known and sharply opinionated about art; she prowls the backwoods and jungles, seeking art that hasn’t been smothered by generations of study. Personality: There is little Agnes hasn’t seen; she’s been to far corners of the globe, looking for the next sensation to promote to the art world’s stage. She spent two years in the Kalahari, learning their language and studying their art, before dismissing it as “standard primitive.” Motivation: She’s had the experiences of a dozen people— it’s hard to impress her anymore. She still seeks the thrill of discovery—but art rarely delivers these days. Background: Agnes was among the first flowering of women as powerful gallery owners and art promoters, making a substantial name for herself in her youth. Since then, it’s been hard to find new art that excites and revolutionizes the way it did when she was younger; rural Mexico and tenement Asia are on the radar now. She spends much of her year seeking something revolutionary, art that will upend the existing order or inspire a new movement— but she’s not finding it. Traits: (SM) Adventurer, artist, power hungry 820 Sally Berger Innocent Hippie “I’m kinda hard to define.” Appearance: Sally dresses in a neo-hippie style. She keeps her hair long and favors floral print skirts and crop tops. She always has a religious symbol hanging from her neck. Sally is also naturally beautiful, although she does little to enhance it. Roleplaying: She is quiet and pleasant. She gets along with everyone. In spite of her numerous passions Sally is not judgmental, which is appropriate since she doesn’t exactly fit in anywhere. She is genuinely interested in hearing and challenging others’ opinions. Personality: Sally’s sheltered but caring upbringing makes her see the world with an almost childlike innocence. She believes in the best in people and is genuinely hurt when she’s disappointed by them. Motivation: She wants to help make the world a better place. Background: In a nation increasingly divided between right and left, Sally holds to the extremes of both. She’s an environmentalist, civil rights activist, capitalist, devoutly religious, and a vegan. Her diverse interests enable her to join social groups on both sides, so long as she voices enough similarities in thought. Sally is a bit oblivious to all of this, as she doesn’t find her beliefs to be contradictory at all. Currently, Sally is an active member in her community theater when she isn’t helping in the local soup kitchen. Her quirkiness has made her less than successful in the dating scene. Traits: (WC) Artist, beautiful, charming, eccentric, entertainment 821

Modern - Neutrals Keehan • Kegg • Kendall • Kennedy • Kent • Kerensky • King 267 James Pierce Devoted Priest “Quiet, my child. I know the beast that chases you, and I’ve hidden us in God’s light. It can still hear us, so silently pray and we might just get out alive.” Appearance: James is of average height and build. He dresses in his cassock or black shirt and pants when performing his duties. When he isn’t dressed in the uniform of the church, he still wears the collar with whatever clothing he has on. Roleplaying: He is never without a smile, even when facing down some supernatural horror. He often has a Bible quote or encouraging word for those who do not share his undaunted faith. Personality: James is forever confident in the power of God, and there is little room for doubt. Though he knows the world to be full of dark things, he has seen that God’s power is stronger. Motivation: James seeks to use the ways of his faith to help those who have been touched by the supernatural. Background: While performing an exorcism, James encountered a demon of horrible power, but was filled with holy light and overcame the beast. His crumbling faith reaffirmed, James devoted himself to helping those who encountered the supernatural. Calling upon holy powers he has seen in action, James has saved many who would have otherwise fallen to the horrors of the night. In fact, a bounty has been placed on his head by those who commune with dark powers. Traits: (JA) Focal, leader, religious 824 Mama Lola Unscrupulous Fence “Yeah, she could sell that, but she might also burn you. Be careful with that old lady, and you didn’t hear it from me.” Appearance: A heavyset woman who sits casually in her stall in the flea market while a half-dozen relatives around her frantically work. Her teeth are dyed from betel nuts and cigarettes. Roleplaying: She constantly fans herself, chain-smokes unfiltered cigarettes, and has a young girl translate for her. Personality: Mama Lola is greedy, blunt, and drives a hard bargain. Motivation: She needs to make money, whether directly in profit or indirectly in favors and contacts. Background: Like the change of the seasons, Mama Lola emerged so slowly as a fence that she was established before anyone noticed. Her storefront is a stall in an Asian flea market, and her network is vast. Some say that the entire flea market is hers, others say that she’s just a front for a larger organization. What is known is that she’s the matriarch of a large family with contacts and influence around the world, and the ability to move anything. She can spot opportunity a mile away, and can quickly turn on a client or cut them a deal in return for a future favor. She uses a young girl as a translator, whose ears she occasionally covers, but she speaks and understands perfect English and many common languages. Traits: (KS) Ancient, criminal, hideous, leader, merchant, mysterious, notorious, wealthy 825 Jimbo Duggins Daredevil Forest Ranger “I would never want to work in the city. Having to live in a place where you’re a poor slob looking out your window, and instead of seeing the mountains you just see another window with another poor slob looking back at you. No thanks! Ready to go hang gliding?” Appearance: He has a wiry, muscular build, and often wears high-end sports clothing under his park ranger uniform for those spontaneous opportunities to try something extreme. Roleplaying: Jimbo likes to give people fist bumps and high fives. Personality: He is a high-energy person who tries his best to psych up the people around him to try new and daring outdoor activities. Motivation: He is a free soul who wants to live life on his own terms. He loves the outdoors, and he chose his job so that he could spend all day outside. Background: Jimbo never wanted to go to college; he barely graduated high school. He is highly intelligent, but cares little for traditional goals (getting married, buying a house, planning for retirement, etc.). He just wants to be out under a blue sky surrounded by nature. He figured that by becoming a park ranger he would have access to everything that he wanted out of life, and more. It was the best decision he ever made. Traits: (PB) Eccentric, outdoorsman, police 826 Muffie Rochester Clueless Sorority Sister “Don’t tell me. Let me guess. He asked you out? That’s so awesome. It’ll be so great watching you twist him around your little pinky!” Appearance: She has big blond hair, blinding white teeth, large, bright eyes, and perfectly applied makeup. She wears tasteful white dresses, ones with frills for special occasions. Her taste in jewelry is always understated. She stands with poise. Roleplaying: She minces and giggles when something strikes her as funny—which happens a lot. Personality: If she finds you worthwhile, she can be a loyal and dependable friend. Other people—including a lot of college instructors—are just beneath her notice. Motivation: Her goals are to go to school, get good grades, find a rich husband (or one with earning potential), and make lasting friendships with sisters. Oh, and go to a lot of parties. Background: An upper middle class blue blood (her family has money, but not enough connections or pedigree to get her into an elite private academy), she leads a sorority at a small liberal arts university. She is actually very smart, but because her focus is on the marriage track, she’s quite clueless about the world at large. If it doesn’t touch her world, it’s meaningless. She’ll help raise funds for good causes, of course, but she makes no distinction between upheaval in Asia, mudslides in Latin America, or an outbreak in Africa. Others’ misfortune or hardship is kept distant in her mind. Traits: (TT) Beautiful, dilettante, wealthy 827

Modern - Neutrals 268 Jimbo • John • Jonathan • Jordan • Kando • Karen • Katalin Gordon Clairborne Raunchy Sensei “The mount’s one of my favorite positions to work from, next to a Gordo sandwich. Never heard of it? That’s me, naked, grappling with my two hottest students.” Appearance: People expect a martial arts instructor to wear a white gi, but they don’t expect him to leer at them while spouting a string of dirty jokes and innuendos. Roleplaying: Everything can be a sexual reference. Personality: He’s very into himself, his conquests, and little else. Motivation: He’s looking for wealthy clients to bring in money, or attractive clients to train privately. Background: Hours of training turned Gordo from a chubby and awkward high school kid into a sculpted and confident martial arts instructor. It also turned him from the lonely kid at home to the popular guy on campus. His dedication and skill are obvious, but his raunchy attitude and licentious behavior have kept him from being as successful as his more respectable colleagues. Throw in a few explosive break-ups, some bad business decisions, and a bit of child support, and Gordo is always looking for new students of any skill level. Students who can handle his incessant comments (and come-ons for the women) get access to an excellent instructor for a good price, but it’s definitely not for everyone. Traits: (KS) Abhorrent, aggressive, business, humorous, warrior Mama Danvers Expert Fence “Let Mama help you, honey. We’ll go in Mama’s back room and see what turns up. Well, would you just look at that: six kilos of primo cocaine.” Appearance: Mama Danvers is a short, fat woman in her early fifties, with graying brown hair, sharp eyes, and a face that seems kindly—at first. Roleplaying: Mama acts like a doddering old grandma, but she’s really a no-nonsense criminal who’s as shady as the day is long. Personality: Coming from a long line of criminals, Mama is a cagey operator who knows how to get what she wants, connects well with people, and covers up her business expertly. “Mama Danvers” is almost entirely an act—she’s neither as honest nor as nice as she seems to be at first. She doesn’t like to get her hands dirty. Motivation: Mama wants to continue being the spider at the center of a web of criminal activity that spans the country. Background: Operating out of a junk-filled rural antique store in the middle of nowhere, Mama Danvers is somehow able to move just about anything illegal. She does a brisk business buying and selling illicit goods, from drugs to weapons to stolen artifacts; the only thing she won’t sell is people. Her network of contacts, sources, and buyers is extensive, and for those with something illegal to offload, or who need something from the black market, her place is well worth the long drive. Traits: (MR) Business, charming, criminal Dr. Milton Nestor Fretful Historian “Please don’t touch that, or that. This one belongs here, facing to the east, where the sun rises. Careful with that as well—it is over a thousand years old. Oh, my… Now, what can I do for you?” Appearance: Milton has white hair that is perfectly combed, his suits are perfectly pressed, and his tie is adorned with the perfect knot. He is a very tall, thin man in his mid-fifties. Roleplaying: When he is uncomfortable, Milton wrings his hands and speaks in quick, short sentences. When relaxed, he speaks even more quickly. Personality: He is very high-strung and worries about matters great and small. He is most calm when things are a certain way, and he becomes agitated when things are out of place. Motivation: Milton enjoys his regimented life and his pursuits of historical knowledge. Background: A nerdy child in school, Milton was picked on for his strong love of all things Babylonian. High school and college were not much better for him, but he excelled in most academics. He obtained a Ph.D. in antiquities, and went on to make several important discoveries, which led to several books and numerous speaking engagements. He now works for a major university where he teaches part-time, and he spends the rest of his time engaged in research. He is well known as an expert on relics of lost cultures, and is often sought after by explorers for his insight. Traits: (PV) Academic, genius, scholar Randy Gale Crafty Spy “Welcome to the corporate center. How may I be of service to you?” Appearance: Randy is a luscious blonde with a winning smile. She always wears a tight-fitting top that’s a size too small and matching blazer and skirt. Randy prefers bold lipstick and accessories. She appears to be in her late twenties. Roleplaying: She acts a bit ditzy. She seems to barely be in control of her senses, often making odd remarks about her horoscope or latest tarot reading. When obviously confused she just smiles and shrugs. Personality: Beneath the glitter and cosmetics lies a crafty agent. She’s cool and calculating, able to turn her fake personality on and off at will. She is completely dedicated to her mission. Motivation: She wants to be a perfect agent with a spotless record. Background: Randy works for a covert organization and is currently infiltrating a local telecommunications corporation. Her “ditzy blonde” act is just that, as she’s carefully taking the measure of everyone that works within the corporate offices. This is not her first mission and Randy has lots of information on many powerful figures, companies, and organizations. Depending on her mission, she could be an opponent or ally of the PCs. Characters who go against her the first time they meet may be surprised when she is helpful the second time around. Randy never takes anything personally; it’s all part of “the great game.” Traits: (WC) Beautiful, charming, stealthy, white collar 828 829 830 831

Modern - Neutrals Kingsley • Knowls • Kobayashi • Koneru • Kopor • Kosovich 269 Artist: Avery Liell-Kok Cally Ryhera Cally Ryhera Rakish Archer "Unhand that turkey leg, or I' ll put an arrow through your throat! I’m just kidding—your son looks very cute in that chainmail shirt, milady.” Appearance: Cally has pale green eyes, sharp cheekbones, and short brown hair with two prominent streaks of white. Her hands are rough and weathered from blacksmithing. Roleplaying: She’ll try anything once, and anything fun several times. She attacks life with gusto. Personality: Cally believes that specialization is for insects, and that everyone should know how to do all sorts of things—and she walks the walk. She’s dabbled in a dozen professions, eventually finding two where she fits best, but still doesn’t feel entirely like a part of the world. Motivation: She’s looking for something, some special sauce, that’s missing from her life. Background: Cally is a professional archer, a skilled blacksmith, and a medieval reenactment enthusiast. Her ideal weekend involves forging weapons, attending a Renaissance faire, and then going out into the woods to reenact a famous battle from medieval history. She makes a good living as a blacksmith, forging high-end items for special customers and solid-but-basic items for everyone else. Cally is also a competitive archer, earning prize money in several tournaments throughout the year. Her fondest wish is that someone would transport her back in time to the Middle Ages, where she would fit right in. Traits: (MR) Crafter, dilettante, outdoorsman, warrior 832

Modern - Neutrals 270 Katarina • Kate • Kelli • Kellie • Kendra • Kevon • Lance Costello “The Ram” Artund Basketball Lothario “I don’t love ‘em and leave ‘em. I always come back next season to check in on them.” Appearance: He is tall, nearly seven feet, broad-shouldered but lean, muscular and cut. He has enormous hands and incredibly long legs. He wears the latest style of tailored suit. He has a tattoo of a stylized ram on both his left and right arms, visible beneath his basketball jersey. Roleplaying: He always gives his lovers a gift, usually jewelry with some association to his nickname. Personality: He has a lustful heart, and a knack for wooing women without regard to their other attachments. He is fiercely competitive. Motivation: He likes the personal challenge of winning on-court and off-court “duels” with the best players in the league. He likes to steal the hearts of the women of his on-court rivals, engage in verbal sparring “trash talk,” and then beat them one-on-one in the big games before adoring fans. Background: He was a hoops sensation before he ever stepped on a college court. He jumped to the pro basketball association after two seasons of college ball. Now he’s a star player, with endorsem*nts and a multi-million dollar contract. He got his nickname for the way he just explodes down the court and makes a powerful dunk. He loves the pro lifestyle, the nightlife, and the company of the women he meets in every city. Traits: (TT) Aggressive, famous, primal, warrior Jared Chandler Compassionate Mercenary “My fee is a thousand a day, 10-day minimum. I’m expensive because I’m good... Wait, they got your kid? Scratch that. Pay me what you can.” Appearance: Jared looks like a stereotypical dockside blue-collar worker—physically fit with scruffy hair and three days’ beard, wearing well-worn street clothes under a pea coat and a watch cap. Roleplaying: When dealing with clients, he is professional and courteous. When dealing with the public, he’s coarse and brusque. Personality: A former elite soldier, Jared is direct, intelligent, and aggressive. Motivation: He can’t save adults from each other or themselves, but he can damned well save the kids. Background: The son of a dock worker, Jared grew up on the wharf. He joined the Navy after high school and worked his way onto an elite team of Navy commandos. After eight years, an injury led to his early retirement. He has since rehabilitated his injury, but found himself uninterested in working a normal job after his military career. When a girl from his neighborhood went missing, he hunted down the kidnapper, returned her to her parents, and collected the reward. It was the most satisfying thing he’d ever done. He now works as a bodyguard and mercenary, but takes kidnapping and missing children cases at a steep discount, sometimes for free. Traits: (KS) Adventurer, aggressive, laborer, military, warrior Samuel Archerson Ambitious Politician “Schedule lunch with Judge Henderson at 1:00, make sure I have time to make it to my 3:00 tee time with the Stillman Group V.P., and send a thank you letter to Mrs. Whitebrook for the lovely dinner party last night.” Appearance: Tall and muscular, Samuel has neatly trimmed auburn hair, deep blue-gray eyes, and a dazzling smile that never leaves his face. He is never seen without his handheld organizer and his personal assistant. Roleplaying: Samuel has a booming voice and a hearty, infectious laugh. His speech and body language project reassuring confidence and he moves with energy and purpose. Even when no one is around, Samuel always seems to be posing for a camera. Personality: The consummate politician, Samuel is all smiles and inspiring speeches. He never misses an opportunity for good press or a photo-op. Always on the go, Samuel’s schedule is filled to overflowing. Motivation: Samuel works hard to gain political power and influence. Background: After starting his political career in small posts in municipal government Samuel quickly moved up to mayor of his small town and now covets bigger and better positions in city and state government, with an eye to an eventual run for congress. Politics is a game of money and influence, and Samuel plays like a master. He has contacts all over the city and uses whatever tools are at his disposal to get what he wants. Traits: (MN) Beautiful, famous, focal, leader, political, power hungry, wealthy Dan Archuleta Fraudulent Newscaster “Live on the scene, this is Dan Archuleta, Channel Five News.” Appearance: Broad-shouldered, with immaculately manicured hair, he wears a suit and tie along with heavy makeup. He’s usually busily speaking into a cell phone while holding a large microphone, and a camera crew nearby is setting up and checking the light. Roleplaying: His voice is like honey, and he rarely appears flustered. His movements are precise and measured and he nods thoughtfully while others speak. Dan avoids using contractions and enunciates clearly. Personality: In the competitive news market, he’s carved out a reputation as a hard-nosed reporter willing to get the story at any cost. Dan is highly motivated and flashes a trademark smile while praying for some new disaster for him to cover. He’s ambitious to a fault. Motivation: He hopes to be around to cover the next big thing; anything to make the leap to prime time anchor. Background: Dan received a degree in journalism from a small Midwestern school. He has worked hard to climb up the ranks, but was never quite able to make the push into the big time. Now, Dan has decided to give himself an edge by helping make the news. He pays his sources well for exclusive coverage and has even gone so far as staging incidents. Recently, Dan was at the scene of a recent fire minutes after it started—a half hour before any other station. Traits: (DM) Entertainment, famous, power hungry 833 834 835 836

Modern - Neutrals Kwan • Lakatos • LaSalle • Lee • LeFleur • Lemming • Lemon 271 Aria van Hel Obsessed Hunter “I’ve seen this all before. Mysterious murders, exsanguinated corpses, confused cops. And I hate it.” Appearance: The nasty scar running from her temple to her jaw line is nothing compared to the scars that can be seen deep in her eyes. Roleplaying: She’s curt and humorless, and does not suffer fools lightly. Personality: Obsessed by her self-appointed mission, Aria has little time for anything else. If it doesn’t make her a better hunter, she has no time for it. Motivation: She exists to rid the world of supernatural evil. Background: A Dutch aristocrat by birth, Aria traveled the world with her parents on both diplomatic and philanthropic missions. A gifted child, she excelled at anything she attempted, from fencing to foreign languages. One night in Bosnia, while she was sneaking out to go to an underground club in Sarajevo, her parents and their entire entourage were viciously murdered. The Bosnians blamed it on the Serbs, but she saw the bodies and knew it was no military operation. A priest spoke to her about the murders, explaining that it was a pack of werewolves, but that there was a way to fight back against such things. She trained for and joined the Order of the Temple (Templars), which went underground centuries ago to fight supernatural evil. Obsessive in her pursuit, she is now one of its lead agents. Traits: (KS) Adventurer, aggressive, mysterious, warrior, zealot Tiffany LaSalle Passionate Artist “A little to the left dear, now lean over and hold it...hold it...perfect!” Appearance: A tall, striking brunette, Tiffany is beautiful and knows it. She has large brown eyes and always has a small smile playing on the corners of her mouth. As an artist, she is aware of her body and always dresses and poses to show off whatever will make the best impression on whomever she is dealing with. Roleplaying: Flirting with men and flattering women, Tiffany has a low, dulcet voice and a slight French accent from growing up in New Orleans. She is warm, and inspects others carefully for subject material. Personality: Tiffany is a true artist, seeing the world as an inspiration for her work. She is very passionate and can become almost manic over whatever new person, place, or thing has sparked her latest creative streak. Once in the throes of an artistic inspiration, Tiffany has been known to lock herself in her studio for days, often forgetting to eat, until her piece is complete. Motivation: The two stages of Tiffany’s drive are to find an inspiring vision and then to express that vision in a work of art. Background: Tiffany has always been an artist. Skipping formal schooling, she now runs a small gallery downtown. She and several other artists display their works in the first floor gallery and share an apartment upstairs. Traits: (MN) Artist, beautiful, entertainment Tomoko Yates Uncompromised Athlete “The only way to win is the honest way!” Appearance: Long and lanky, Tomoko’s body was made for running. Her hair is cut short to reduce wind resistance and her body seems built only of lean, taut muscle. Roleplaying: Tomoko is very shy and respectful of others’ boundaries. She will pause until others have finished speaking and made it clear it is her turn. When she runs, she becomes a completely different person, the look of determination on her face showing her inner strength. Personality: She’s honest to a fault, a trait picked up from her businessman father. Though she comes across as a bit naïve, Tomoko is smart enough to realize that not all others are as honest as she is. Motivation: She revels in running, and she desires to become the best athlete in the world. Background: Though many have attempted to influence her with large bribes or threats to her family, Tomoko refuses to throw any races and pushes herself through only natural means. She discovered her talent for running when she joined her school’s track team. Tomoko has gotten to the top through skill and perseverance alone, and she is constantly pointed to as a great role model. Her posters are on walls across the world. She just recently achieved one of her lifelong dreams: being on a cereal box. Tomoko is hard in training for the next Olympic Games, the second she will have been in. Traits: (JA) Beautiful, entertainment, famous Meg Bacchus Opinionated Confidant “Girlfriend. Crazy is as crazy does. You did not just say that!” Appearance: Her short dreadlocks tucked under a ball cap, she wears a faded gray sweater over a T-shirt and dirty tennis shoes. A baggy coat with a multitude of pockets full of pens, paper, and trash is bundled around her. Roleplaying: She cracks her neck from sitting in her taxi too long and often turns to lecture her passengers—much to their dismay— while she’s in the midst of bustling traffic. She multitasks and carries on a conversation while leaning on her horn and yelling obscenities at other drivers. She refers to her passengers as “baby” when talking to them. Personality: Meg has a kind of street wisdom about her. She tells it like she sees it, offering a raw honesty that is rarely heard. There’s nothing she hasn’t heard of nor anything that shocks her. Her simplified life gives her a unique perspective into other people’s problems. She’s nosy to the extreme. Motivation: Her life is on autopilot but she enjoys listening to and helping other people, especially if they don’t think they need it. Background: Her background is unremarkable, and she fell into a job as a taxi driver with a fake license some years ago. She’s good at it, and can navigate the streets with ease. Her love of interacting with people makes her poke her nose in their business and give raw, unsolicited advice. Traits: (DM) Counselor, humorous, laborer, pilot 837 838 839 840

Modern - Neutrals 272 Larry • Larson • Lauren • Laurentiu • Laurie • Lenique • Leonard Artist: Avery Liell-Kok Molly Wick Molly Wick Political Anarchist “I want no new faces at the next meeting. If I don’t know them, they don’t get in. I’m not going to risk our plans because some unsuspecting idiot brought a narc into the room. Power to the people!” Appearance: She is a tall, curvaceous young woman with long reddish hair. She wears large tinted glasses with round lenses, and always wears casual clothing, like blue jeans. Roleplaying: She refuses to speak to a person until someone that she trusts vouches for them. Personality: Molly is paranoid, but with good reason: She is wanted by several different law enforcement agencies. Motivation: She wants to see all forms of government disappear. Background: Molly saw her parents lose their home and their business to an eminent domain project. Eventually her parents divorced, and she had to go live with her aunt as neither her mother nor father could afford to raise her on their own. In college, Molly learned of several anarchist organizations and joined them all. Eventually she pulled them together as the People’s Liberation Party. She’s been arrested several times on charges of arson related to fires on government property, but there has never been enough evidence to convict her. Traits: (PB) Abhorrent, focal, mysterious, political, stealthy 842 Malcolm Dibble Crooked Technician “<mumble, mumble>” Appearance: A short man in his early twenties, Malcolm has dirty blond hair and hazel eyes. His clothes are wrinkled and he smells faintly of body odor. Roleplaying: Malcolm mumbles and looks at the floor whenever anyone speaks directly to him. If forced into communication, he stutters badly. Personality: A painfully shy introvert, Malcolm avoids any situation where he would be put into contact with groups of people. He is of average intelligence, but tries to play into the “computer geek” stereotype, and in his mind he is the next great computer genius. Motivation: Malcolm is desperate to reassure himself of his own cleverness and self-worth, and takes every opportunity to upstage others even if no one knows about it but him. Background: Malcolm was an average student through high school and college. He views himself as a genius, and explained away his mediocre scholastic achievements as sabotage by envious classmates or jealous teachers. He currently works for a cab company as an IT tech. He works nights and it is his job to erase the security camera footage on all the cab cameras. Before he destroys the footage, however, Malcolm saves the most interesting and incriminating clips for his personal collection. He has a huge archive of drunk co-eds, chatty businessmen, and overheard cell phone conversations which could all be damaging or legally troublesome if Malcolm ever did anything with them other than archive them and feel smug. Traits: (MN) Business, white collar 843 Mark Cohen Vigilant Computer Engineer “Look, I can’t really talk right now. I’ve got to get this honey pot running so I can get some real data.” Appearance: Middle-aged with slightly graying hair, Mark wears glasses and dresses in khaki pants, striped button-down shirts, and ugly ties. Roleplaying: Raised not to bow to bullies, Mark weighs his options before choosing a path. He often carries around a clipboard and notepad where he scrawls down plans and ideas in small, neat penmanship. Personality: Mark gives off an air of determination and focus. He seems mild mannered and never raises his voice or gets angry. Motivation: Mark put himself in danger when he refused a bribe to compromise his company’s security systems. Since then, he has been trying to figure out exactly what those criminals wanted. Background: When the man at the bar started talking to Mark that fateful night, it was apparent to him that something was a bit off. When the man finally got around to offering the bribe to compromise his company’s security, Mark was shocked. He flatly refused and walked out. The very next day, Mark upgraded the firewalls and installed “honey pot” computers on the network. Since then, he’s noticed many probes against the system and has been collecting data. Mark has mentioned the odd activity, but not the bribe. He knows things aren’t always what they seem, and his time in the Air Force taught him the value of covering his own ass. Traits: (JA) Business, saintly, white collar 841

Modern - Neutrals Liller • Liu • Lola • MacGowan • MacKenzie • Mackintosh • Magda 273 Luke “Cobber” Carne Optimistic Stuntman “What a fantastic day to jump out of a helicopter into a volcano! God, I love being alive on days like this!” Appearance: Luke is a big, husky guy in his thirties whose hair and beard reflect whatever role he’s playing at the moment. He smiles widely and often. Roleplaying: His favorite phrase is “Well, the silver lining is…” He expects the best from everyone and everything, but without being naïve about it. Personality: Luke is an eternal optimist, his spirit resolutely unbroken despite numerous injuries and a handful of near-death experiences. Luke looks on the bright side of everything, and he can be counted on to lighten the mood wherever he goes. Unsurprisingly, he’s an adrenaline junkie—but he’s also as safetyconscious as he can be, given his profession. Motivation: He likes to have fun, live life to the fullest, and do crazy stunts. Background: No one knows why he goes by “Cobber,” and Luke tells a different story every time someone asks. He’s a pretty uncomplicated guy, and everything about him is right on the surface. He’s a skilled stuntman who’s worked in some major movies, and he’s widely respected by his peers. If he suspected that “real-life adventurer, like in the movies” was an actual job, he’d be asking for an application in a heartbeat. He loves his wife, Monique, his two daughters, Francine and Eloise, and his dog, Squib. Traits: (MR) Charming, entertainment Marquise Chanelle Kegg Prattling Noblewoman “See the duch*ess? Loves fast food. The general? Cannot drive to save his life. None of them can take a joke, so stuffy. What about you? Want to hear a funny story?” Appearance: A thin, middle-aged woman with ear-length auburn hair, Chanelle’s makeup is incredible and her skin is flawless. She wears expensive outfits and is adorned with jewelry. Roleplaying: Chanelle never stops talking. Silence is her enemy. She will let someone else speak for a moment, but will then batter them with more senseless questions. Personality: She loves conversation, or more specifically, loves to tell stories. Chanelle has a dry sense of humor and a wonderful delivery. She will talk to anyone who wishes to listen. Motivation: Chanelle is looking for a friend who is not caught up in the politics and social trappings of her peers. Background: Married as a young woman, Chanelle was always a bit of an outcast in the Marquis’ family. She has done well to represent the crown and her husband, but she regards it as a job. In truth, she is quite lonely. She is privy to a great deal of information, as she is often in the presence of important discussions between her husband and his powerful friends. She is a potential font of information for the person who takes the time to listen to her and is skilled enough to get a word in edgewise. Traits: (PV) Charming, humorous, royalty, wealthy Eugene Lemon Enthusiastic Royal Physician “Take this with a sugarplum and two fairies. You’ll be right as rain in no time, little miss!” Appearance: Eugene has big ears and a bigger grin; wisps of white hair escape his brightly tailored hat. His face is creased with laugh lines and rounded out by warm brown eyes and a few age spots. Roleplaying: He’s quick to laugh, often exaggerating a formal accent and waggling his eyebrows. Personality: Laughter is the best medicine; he jokes with patients and tries to coax a smile from youngsters. With adults, he keeps a positive spin on his diagnosis—their hope is an essential part of the cure. Motivation: He is grateful for the good life he’s living; not many get to travel the world at their sovereign’s side, with a long enough leash to treat local children and bring hope. Background: Eugene grew up a distant friend of the royal family; he was very surprised to be nominated as the Royal Physician when their old doctor retired. His arrangement allows him to tour facilities when he accompanies the royal family around the world; he’s been able to monitor the cutting edge of medicine. For the last 20 years he’s walked the fine line of celebrity, treating children and promoting healthy lives—and reminding people that health is a mindset. Traits: (SM) Charming, medic, royalty Wendy Somers Tactless Waitress “Are you sure you want the pancakes? You look like you’ve put on a lot of weight. Oh, you’re pregnant? My bad. Pancakes for the tubby mom-to-be it is.” Appearance: A handsome 40-something waitress, Wendy is usually wearing a diner uniform covered with grease. She keeps a pencil behind her ear and a pad handy. Loose silverware and tips jingle in her apron pockets. Roleplaying: She is friendly but gruff. She’s harsh in her assessments of patrons, to the point that other patrons reflexively wince when she zings someone. That said, she remembers everyone whom she’s ever waited on and can recall conversations word for word. Personality: Beneath her gruff exterior is a vulnerable person. Wendy’s had a tough life and her zingers help her cope. Unfortunately, she doesn’t realize how biting she can be, and she occasionally reduces a new patron to tears. Motivation: She has no high expectations for her life; she merely wants to live through it. Background: Wendy has a photographic memory but was never able to take advantage of it. Born into poverty in a broken home, she left high school to make ends meet by getting a job as a waitress. Thirty years later she is still a waitress. Wendy’s memory is a major source of her zingers as she remembers everything in great detail. Many patrons come to the diner just to hear her zing patrons, and the diner sells T-shirts celebrating her gruffness. Traits: (WC) Eccentric, humorous, laborer 844 845 846 847

Modern - Neutrals 274 Liliana • “Little Doll” • Lisa • Lorenzo • Lucile • Luisa • Luke Isaac Elliott Thrill-Seeking Biologist “That was EXTREME!” Appearance: Isaac is a stocky man in his mid-thirties with short, sandy blond hair. He wears a shark-tooth pendant around his neck, visible over his tan pullover shirt. He wears knee-length shorts and hiking shoes without socks. Several handmade bracelets are on each wrist. A scar on his right arm and left thigh are lighter than the rest of his tan skin. Roleplaying: Isaac speaks in a surfer-dude tone, punctuating every other sentence with “awesome” and “outrageous.” In moments of delight he’ll cross his arms to form an “X” and yell, “EXTREME!” Personality: Isaac doesn’t know the meaning of the word “fear” and tackles life with gusto. He loves feeling alive and shares that joy with others. He’s hyperconscious of how others perceive him and strives to come off as a confident exhibitionist. Motivation: An adrenaline junkie, Isaac is always on the lookout for his next fix or dare. He isn’t reckless or casual with his life, but is more apt to take risks than most people. He assists his lesserskilled friends as they need him. Background: By day Isaac is a marine biologist with an impressive resume and portfolio of accomplishments. In his down time, Isaac is an extreme sports junkie. He will take friends on trips with him to climb peaks, base-jump, skydive, or do anything else that gives a rush. His passport is well-used and he’s up for anything if there’s adventure to be had. Traits: (DM) Academic, adventurer, humorous, outdoorsman Harold Banks Possessed Actor “Here, beneath this stage, I shall play my greatest role. I will achieve heights that no mortal before me has ever dreamed of—nor dared to reach for!” Appearance: Tall and stately, Harold’s silver hair and neat mustache are set off by the deep burgundy suits he wears and the silver-headed cane he carries. Roleplaying: Harold is one of the old-school actors, favoring grace and sophistication over crass parties and cheap drugs. He has played everything, and he will often break into minor melodramatics at a moment’s notice. Personality: Harold looks down on others, seeing their lack of sophistication and grandeur as the biggest abomination possible. His ego outstretches him by far. Motivation: Harold has been feeling his age lately, and feels he could reach greater heights if only he had more time. He has turned to the occult and dark magic for answers, reveling in the old-school ambiance it lends his character. Background: Harold did not believe anything would happen when he pulled the old book from the shelf of his family’s manor. Though there were rumors that his family dabbled in the dark arts, he thought them the superstitious talk of those jealous of wealth. When the demon offered him a deal, Harold found himself saying yes despite the fear. Though he looks the same, Harold is young and strong on the inside. Since the deal, he has begun to get strange cravings for violence which he cannot control. Traits: (JA) Famous, occult, power hungry Kevon Mire Corrupt Ex-Cop “You don’t think I do this job for the pay, do you? It’s the fringe benefits, man.” Appearance: He wears a wrinkled suit with stained tie. He’s pudgy and carries himself as if he’s the co*ck of the walk. His shoes are scuffed and worn. Roleplaying: When he’s close to “making a deal,” he rubs his hands together in anticipation. Personality: He’s evasive and hard to pin down. He’s greedy and is always angling to improve his bargaining position. Motivation: He always wants a taste of the action. He’ll help out folks with genuine needs, if he thinks he’ll be rewarded in the end. But most of his dealings are under the table. Background: He’s a former police officer who left before Internal Affairs to could pin him down for accepting bribes. Now he runs a private security firm, which gives him all sorts of access and information he’s willing to sell—for the right price. He prefers his cut to come as cold, hard, untraceable cash, but he also accepts trade, if the goods or services appeal to his greedy nature. He doesn’t play favorites—and all his clients know it. He’ll sell information to any side. He can protect himself well enough and he has no family ties to be used against him. Traits: (TT) Criminal, police Professor Andrea Karrin Environmental Activist “That developer wants the government to revoke the protected status of this area so that he can develop a resort and drive up the real estate values of the homes that he built. If that is what the people of this area want, then fine. I can’t stop you from voting the way that you feel. I just want you to know what the truth is.” Appearance: She is a woman in her fifties who dresses in jeans, flannel shirts, and hiking boots. She wears glasses and a large, floppy sun hat. Roleplaying: Andrea cleans her glasses often and tends to squint when she reads, muttering, “Damn these old eyes of mine” to herself. Personality: She is one of the smartest and nicest people that one could hope to meet. Her logic is like a steel trap during an argument, but she prefers to use her personality to win people over to her side. Motivation: Andrea believes that even with a growing population, people can have happy, productive lives without having to sprawl into untouched wilderness. Background: Professor Karrin has been doing field research on ecosystems for over 30 years. She spends so much time outdoors living in tents that she sometimes forgets that she has living quarters at her university. Her passion for understanding the complexity of the natural world has made her a legend in her field, and the nemesis of several lobbyists. Traits: (PB) Academic, charming, outdoorsman, primal, scholar 848 849 850 851

Modern - Neutrals Martinez • Marvin • Masateru • Massing • McAllister • McGregor 275 Samantha “Sam” Orzabal Blind DJ “Who here is ready to dance?” Appearance: A petite young woman with curly blond hair, she wears faded jeans and a camisole under a “Tears for Fears” T-shirt with some holes in it. A large backpack is slung over her shoulder, covered in band promotion stickers. A white cane is in her other hand and she wears dark sunglasses, even inside. Headphones rest around her neck. Roleplaying: Her bubbly personality and smile make talking with Sam a pleasure, and people quickly forget that she is blind. On occasion, she’ll stare off and not face the person she is speaking with. Sam takes any missteps with regard to her sight in stride. Personality: While she may have every excuse to be down, Sam’s personality is positive, as is her outlook on life. She’s grown accustomed to her loss of sight and doesn’t even think twice about it anymore. Motivation: Music is her passion, and it keeps her going. It’s her creative outlet and her disability actually works to her advantage. Background: Sam’s loss of vision is genetic; she was legally blind by the age of 13. She’s spent most of her life since then learning to overcome and move on. Now in college, she studies music technology and acoustical engineering and DJs in her spare time. She has a rabid following. Her hearing is so keen she’s able to discern subtle variations in sounds, and she has consulted with the police and FBI. Traits: (DM) Academic, artist, charming, entertainment Boris Kerensky Enormous Bouncer “I told you half an hour ago to stop harassing the ladies. You have two choices. You can either leave on your feet or on your ass.” Appearance: Boris is a bear of a man. He’s almost 6’5” and solid muscle. He keeps his head shaved but sports either a goatee or a soul patch depending on his mood. He usually wears a T-shirt so he can show off his heavily tattooed arms. He keeps a knuckle duster in his back pocket for unruly patrons. Roleplaying: He is a man of few words unless he’s angry, in which case he spews an endless stream of expletives. When speaking to someone, Boris still glances around, looking for potential trouble. Unless the conversation involves club security, Boris only pays cursory attention. Personality: In spite of his intimidating demeanor Boris is a gentle soul and actually a fun date. If you get on his bad side, Boris is your worst nightmare. He fights like a frenzied animal. Motivation: He enjoys protecting people. Background: Boris was never the brightest student and garnered the nickname “Frankenstein” due to his large size and Eastern European name. Unwavering in his loyalty to his friends, Boris got expelled from school for fighting. He did a stint in the military and saw action overseas before becoming a bouncer at a local club. Boris’ military training has proved invaluable, as he can anticipate and defuse situations before they get out of control. Traits: (WC) Business, military, warrior Maxine Jackson Thrill-Seeking Mercenary “Hold my beer and watch this, you bunch’a yankee-loving mother scratchers!” Appearance: Random scars, an ever-present grin, and wild eyes frame a nose that’s been broken too many times. Roleplaying: She talks quickly, with a strong Southern accent and wild hand movements. Most of her stories are wildly exaggerated. Personality: Instead of growing old gracefully, Maxine wants to do everything she can while still young. Motivation: A lifelong adrenaline junky, she’s always looking for another risk to take, whether it’s solo backpacking around the world or hitting on the sheriff’s son. Background: The tomboy daughter of a NASCAR driver, Maxine inherited many of the risk-taking traits that made him famous. Instead of race cars, she took different paths, from extreme sports to underground cage fights to mercenary work. She will almost always take a dare, and occasionally challenge someone else to one. She keeps her word, but rarely gives it, and rarely stays in one place long enough for it to matter. She spends money as quickly as she makes it, and regularly has to take odd jobs for a quick buck, as long as they keep her thirst for adventure quenched. Traits: (KS) Adventurer, aggressive, impoverished, primal, outdoorsman, warrior Shayna Keehan Passionate Firefighter “Wow—that is a big fire. If I don’t come out in five minutes, tell my Ma I love her. See you in a sec!” Appearance: Shayna is whipcord-thin, but much stronger than she looks. She has a boxer’s squashed nose, small eyes, and an unruly forelock of pink hair. Roleplaying: Shayna is the first one into every fire, and the last one out, but she’s not a glory hound—she’s just intensely dedicated. Personality: If she didn’t love saving peoples’ lives, Shayna would be a base jumper or an extreme skier—danger is her drug of choice, and the likes to live as close to the edge as she can. She’s stayed single so she won’t leave anyone behind if she dies, but she’s a fan of one-night stands enjoyed to their fullest. There’s nothing she wouldn’t do for the ones she loves—or for complete strangers, for that matter. Motivation: Shayna lives for two things: saving lives, and the thrill of danger. Background: A former boxer, Shayna stumbled into her current profession when she saved a dozen children from a burning orphanage. On that day, she felt alive like never before, and she started firefighter training just a few days later. Shayna is passionate about her calling and the people she meets, and saves, every day. When, very occasionally, she gets guff for being a female firefighter, she beats the snot out of whoever made fun of her, and that’s that. Traits: (MR) Charming, medic, police, saintly 852 853 854 855

Modern - Neutrals 276 Lydia • Lynda • Lynn • Mack • Mae • Magnus • Malcolm Iara Carvalho Stern Ambassador “We could contentedly trade for just beads and baubles, even today—the land provides plenty for those who walk gently. But the press of your roads and people pens us away from good lands, inflicting waste and famine.” Appearance: Iara is short, with straight black hair, red-brown skin, and tattoos in a band across her cheeks and around her lips. Roleplaying: She’s quick to bristle; her people have been treated as lesser and manipulated at arm’s length for centuries. Her Portuguese is excellent, but she conceals her knowledge of it as long as she can, to eavesdrop and gain better information. Personality: Iara is engaging, drawing people into discussing trade and barter. If they mention force she’s swiftly contemptuous— that’s the behavior she expects. Motivation: She’s an ambassador from her people; the best at outsiders’ languages, the best educated in their schools. She reads between the lines—she knows that fair dealings are historically unusual. Background: The daughter of a cast-out woman, Iara learned mainstream culture in a way that her brethren can never understand. She grew up on cartoons and pop-culture that dismissed her people, and after graduation she tracked her people down and rejoined them. After a few years, she left to shame the government and secure their rights. She doesn’t expect much of the government, but even little is better than nothing. Traits: (SM) Impoverished, merchant, primal Lauren Singleton Optimistic Environmentalist “Doom and gloom? Not me. Look at all the good we’ve accomplished. I’m confident we’ll find ways to improve life on earth.” Appearance: She’s in her late fifties, with graying hair pulled back into a ponytail. She favors a large straw hat. Big-boned, she wears oversized tie-dye shirts and loose beige slacks. Roleplaying: She has a way of pushing back on the brim of her straw hat so that it bends back but doesn’t fall off her head. In fact, it seems her hat never comes off, even in the fiercest wind. Personality: She’s happy and forward-looking. She makes friends easily. She’s not judgmental of others’ lifestyles. Motivation: She’s eager to show by example and instruction how others can live greener lives, but she doesn’t think being demanding or haughty makes people change their lives. Background: She used to be a militant activist in the environmental movement, organizing public boycott campaigns and large-scale protests. She came to understand those tactics turned people away from their cause, so she dropped them. After living the life of a suburban mom, she’s comfortable now being a quieter advocate for change, influencing neighbors, using social media to provide green tips, and reminding the cause of the gains they’ve made. Traits: (TT) Charming, outdoorsman, political Henry Solomon Treasure Hunter “We’re dealing with royalty here, so just let me do the talking. I learned from their daughter last night where the map is in the royal archives. Don’t mention that bit about the daughter… Your Royal Highness, we are honored that you agreed to meet with us!” Appearance: Henry is dashingly handsome, and he wears tailored suits with a freshly cut red carnation on the lapel of the jacket. When out searching for treasure, though, he wears whatever best ensures his success. Roleplaying: He never shows any sign of anger, and he tries to listen more than he talks. He observes his surroundings intensely, and will ask questions about items or people that attract his curiosity. Personality: He is a pleasant person and has an aura of command about him. He is courageous, but never foolish. Motivation: For Henry, the only thing better than treasure is the hunt to find it! Background: While growing up near the coast as a boy, Henry went swimming and discovered a shipwreck in a nearby cove. Terrified but curious, he swam into the cavernous wreckage. Inside the skeletal remains of the ship was a small locked box. Henry retrieved the box and found a handful of precious jewels inside of it. Henry was hooked. Right then and there he knew what he wanted to do for the rest of his life. Two decades later, he leads a team of treasure hunters around the globe. Traits: (PB) Adventurer, beautiful, charming, leader Lisa Grey Organized Archivist “Ah yes, form 42f, that one is kept in the fifth filing cabinet in the red aisle. It’s an organization system of my own invention. I hope to write my thesis on it and get it in use by all of academia.” Appearance: In her late twenties, Lisa Grey has never been seen with her black hair out of its tight bun. All of her clothes are form fitting and neatly pressed, as if they don’t dare step an inch out of their proper place. Roleplaying: Lisa Grey is precise and organized in everything she does. Even her movements are crisp and clean, with not an iota of muscle wasted. When she talks, she rarely deviates from the point at hand. Personality: Lisa is curt, but kind. She only ever wastes effort on a small, polite smile. She believes in “the perfect amount for the situation.” Motivation: Lisa believes that an organized and clean space is essential for mental health. She realizes she does not have control over others’ lives, but hopes that her strict adherence to order will prove a shining example. Background: It isn’t entirely known when Lisa became a devotee on the path of organization, but you can bet she has the exact date written on an index card in a filing box somewhere. Though her adherence to organization has made her a valuable asset in her graduate archival program, it has caused no end of issues in other parts of her life. Traits: (JA) Eccentric, scholar 856 857 858 859

Modern - Neutrals McKennan • Mendoza • Mercado • Mire • Mironescu • Montgomery • Moore 277 Tony Waller Covetous Fence “I’m sorry, this is a machine shop, I am not sure what you are asking about. Oh, that is a large sapphire. Perhaps you want to come in the back and talk in private?” Appearance: Tony is overweight and balding, with an anemic comb-over and a full beard. He is in his late thirties. He often wears dirty coveralls and has grease under his nails. Roleplaying: Tony speaks in a deep gravelly voice born from his passion for smoking. He smells of oil and metal. Personality: Tony wants many things. When he desires something, he obsesses over it until he possesses it. Motivation: He is a black hole of wants; his motivation is based solely on his most current desire. Background: Tony grew up in a blue collar neighborhood watching the mobsters in the town living like playboys. While he could never be one, he did what he could to help them out. Along the way, he entered the family business, running a modest machine shop, but always desired more. He began to do small favors for some of the mobsters, and in return they helped to set him up as a fence to move their stolen goods. Tony turned the back of the machine shop into a store, selling the mob’s stolen goods. Tony’s store is a wellkept secret, but those in the know on the streets are aware of its existence. Traits: (PV) Business, criminal, focal, laborer Eugene Kennedy Unbalanced Soldier “I hate blood. You see it and you can’t help but imagine it running through someone’s body, warm and lifegiving. And then, there it is lying on the ground in front of you, the gun still warm in your hand.” Appearance: Dressed in the dirty military uniform he was issued on day one of the war, Eugene’s prematurely aged face shows the horrors he’s seen on the battlefield. Roleplaying: Eugene still believes that what he is doing is right, and he won’t give up on his squad mates, but every day it gets a little bit harder and things seem a little bit bleaker. Personality: He’s disturbed by the things he’s seen, but he keeps reaching inside himself and pushing forward. He isn’t sure where the motivation comes from at this point, but if it leaves him, he might fall apart. Motivation: Eugene believes that this will all end if the war ends, and that’s why he keeps fighting; peace is just one victory away. Background: Eugene was older than most of his squad mates when he joined the military, but not by a lot. He was just a few years older—enough time to give him a perspective and maturity the others didn’t possess. He started in the mechanics corps, but when things got bad he got moved to active duty. While his squad mates rationalize with their youthful bravado, Eugene sees only the blood on his hands. Traits: (JA) Laborer, military, warrior Artist: Christopher Reach Eugene Kennedy 860 861

Modern - Neutrals 278 Maliq • Marcus • Maria • Marie • Marilee • Mark • Marty Ginger Prescott Enthusiastic Antiquities Curator “History is a puzzle. Let’s dive in and solve part of it!” Appearance: Her red-brown hair is cut into a bob. She is petite and round-faced, offering a sweet smile to nearly everyone she meets. Roleplaying: She is fond of puzzles. Her desk is cluttered with various “blacksmith” puzzles and other three-dimensional brain teasers. Personality: She is enthusiastic about her job and relishes every opportunity to share what she knows with visitors. She is helpful, cheerful, and dedicated. Motivation: She believes that the past speaks to the present in a very real, often misunderstood way. Unlocking that puzzle, by cataloging and studying artifacts, is the first step. Teaching others comes next. Background: She wasn’t motivated by any particular field of study until she left Great Britain for the United States and wandered into an archeology lecture by mistake. That captured her interest and she became an enthusiastic student of history. It was also during this time her cheerful personality surfaced, because she found something worthwhile to do. Her personality has won her many friends in the field, including several experts who she keeps in contact with. No one on staff can match her love of the subject matter, which is why she is the “go-to” person for tours and demonstrations. Traits: (TT) Academic, charming, scholar Greta Volpe (“Foxxhound”) Activist Blogger “Breaking news! The mayor allegedly plans to take the Fund for Restoring Park Green Pond and use it to throw a celebrity golf tournament to fundraise for next year’s re-election campaign!” Appearance: A short, plump woman with ginger hair and green eyes, Greta dresses professionally and carries herself with determination and self-importance. Roleplaying: Greta is most easily contacted via her blog, where she is loud, caustic, and obnoxious, and has an opinion about everything and anything. In person she is enthusiastic but much more cautious. Personality: Despite her intense demeanor, Greta is calculating and careful, picking her fights carefully and choosing accusations that are difficult to refute. Motivation: Greta crusades to expose the truth, and failing that, to expose what she believes to be the truth. Background: The author of a successful anti-establishment blog, nothing is off-limits to Greta’s scrutiny. Whatever she feels needs to be exposed, fixed, or protested against is detailed on her blog. Whenever she plans a story, Greta will spend days researching and even doing a bit of private investigating. She feels she has a “nose” for news, and if a story is hot enough she will fill her blog with what she suspects may be the truth even if she lacks the hard evidence. She has occasionally failed to mention she doesn’t have proof of her allegations, but the anonymity of the Internet has so far protected her from a lawsuit. Traits: (MN) Aggressive, humorous, notorious, scholar Tupa Tatupu Enormous Bouncer “No more talk. Speak with your fists.” Appearance: It’s difficult to say which is most intimidating about this Samoan bouncer: his huge size and build, his tribal tattoos, or the look in his eyes. Roleplaying: Tupa doesn’t talk much, but he communicates well enough through grunts, facial expressions, and body language. Personality: A warrior born, he is fiercely aggressive and fiercely loyal. Motivation: He will use his intimidation and fighting skill to serve his clients, until he’s saved enough money to move back to Samoa, buy some land, and retire. Background: When your family has nothing but pride and tales of ancestral warriors, you become a proud warrior. Tupa can’t remember his first fight, but he probably won it. Growing up, he fought anyone—his brothers, rivals, friends, strangers. After winning an amateur boxing title, he moved to California, where he fought in a number of underground cage fights. After a fellow fighter was permanently maimed in a match, Tupa wisely chose the less dangerous career of club bouncer and bodyguard. He is an intimidating figure, over 6’ and 330 lbs. of solid muscle, covered in tattoos. His aggression and fighting ability are only matched by his loyalty to his clients and friends. Traits: (KS) Aggressive, primal, warrior Gary Alderel Pessimistic Balloonist “No, I’m sure lightning will hit the balloon sometime tonight. Oh, I’ll still go up, but I’ll make sure my will is in order first.” Appearance: Gary is a short, bald man who wears huge sunglasses, walks with a slight limp from a ballooning accident, and always looks tired. He carries 12 “lucky” rabbits’ feet at all times. Roleplaying: He can’t help himself from commenting about things that will go wrong, and whenever he’s around they usually do. Personality: Gary assumes the worst about everything, but especially the weather—and he’s almost always right, like a living incarnation of Murphy’s Law. He assumes the universe has it in for him, viewing it as his responsibility to soldier on nonetheless. He balloons because it relaxes him—he likes the peace, silence, and solitude of being up in his balloon (at least until a hurricane blows in, of course). Motivation: Gary wants to lead a peaceful, uneventful life. Background: Because of his terrible attitude and the misfortunes that always befall him, Gary hops from job to job every few months—sometimes getting fired, sometimes leaving a smoldering ruin behind (through no fault of his own). He laughs at the idea of any occult significance to his extraordinarily bad luck. He’s never married, partly because it’s unlikely anyone could stand him and partly because he worries what might happen to his wife. He’ll try just about any “remedy” for ill fortune, no matter how hokey. Traits: (MR) Humorous, pilot 862 863 864 865

Modern - Neutrals Mopp • Morel • Morgan • Mukherjee • Myers • Natiana • Nebbman 279 District Attorney Miranda Stevens Uncompromising Prosecutor “This plea bargain is a joke. Wasting my time is not going to help your client. I don’t care that he can afford a dream team of defense attorneys. His money and his celebrity don’t exclude him from the law. See you in court.” Appearance: A petite woman in her late fifties, she wears her gray hair in a bob cut, and dresses in simple suits. She has a brilliant smile, but hardly anyone has seen it. Roleplaying: She has a habit of putting her elbows on her desk and pressing her palms together in front of her when listening to others. When she hears something that she finds displeasing, she taps her index fingers together. Personality: While at work she keeps her nose to the grindstone and expects others to do the same. In private, she is an adoring wife and grandmother, but few people get to know her privately. Motivation: She is passionate about serving the public trust and enforcing the law. Background: Both of Miranda’s parents were police officers, and her mother died in the line of duty. Miranda joined the force herself and became a detective, but she realized that it did not matter how good a job she did if the prosecutors didn’t get the convictions. She entered law school, and after passing the bar, she joined the district attorney’s office. From that point on, her career has progressed steadily forward. Traits: (PB) Counselor, focal, mysterious, political Dani Hewitt Empowered Crime-Fighter “What? No, sorry. I was just thinking about what you were saying about that robbery the other night and that vigilante’s involvement.” Appearance: She has long brunette hair falling past her shoulders, and ivory skin. She wears long-sleeved business suits and evening gowns, always of the latest fashion. A distinctive beauty mark on her upper lip stands out with her brilliant smile. Her personal assistant is never far away. Roleplaying: She’s terse when talking about science or business but in social circles can hold her own and be charming. Often she seems distracted or like her attention is elsewhere. Personality: Dani is a workaholic and an inventor who’s driven to uncover how things work. She can become single-minded and attack things with a laser-like focus. Her dual role as a vigilante doesn’t faze her, since she can compartmentalize. She’d admit to a bit of a thrill when she goes out under the cover of darkness. Motivation: She’s driven to use her knowledge and gifts for the betterment of society. Background: Bred at a young age for success, Dani never took her upbringing for granted, using it as motivation to do better than the rest. This work ethic catapulted her to great success, but her inventions and wealth could only do so much to improve society. Empowered by the thought of having a direct hand in doling out justice, she concocted a vigilante alter ego to more directly effect change. Traits: (DM) Adventurer, genius, mysterious, wealthy Kendra Clark Inquisitive Geek “I’d love to discuss ancient Babylonian religious rituals with you. I wrote a supplement on Babylon for the “Dangerous Dungeons” line. Why don’t you come to my office around 6:00? It’s game night, but I can spare an hour.” Appearance: A tall woman of average height and weight, Kendra is in her mid-thirties and keeps her brown hair cut just above the shoulders. When teaching she wears business suits and dresses, but outside of class she prefers T-shirts with science fiction or fantasy motifs. Roleplaying: She is very open and inquisitive. She has a wealth of knowledge on many academic subjects and freely shares it. She’s thrilled when she meets someone who is as into science fiction and fantasy as she is. Personality: Kendra’s a geek. She loves science fiction and fantasy and enjoys creating fantastic worlds. For her, a perfect night is sitting around a table playing roleplaying games, either tabletop or computer. She attends conventions regularly and dresses in costume. Motivation: She enjoys being a professor but wants to publish the ultimate RPG game world. Background: Kendra has always been bookish. She fell into science fiction and fantasy novels at an early age; her eagerness to learn about the settings fueled her passion for academics. As she grew older, she built a circle of friends with similar interests. Due to her faculty position and her hobbies Kendra has a rather diverse network of contacts. Traits: (WC) Academic, eccentric, scholar Robert Mercado Talkative Politician “I come before you today to tell you that there is a better way. With the help and support of your neighbors, you can pull yourselves up, and pull them up as well. Together we can complete journeys that none of us alone could take the first step of.” Appearance: Stout, but with a layer of flab, Robert’s black hair and dark brown skin stand out against his light beige suits. Roleplaying: Robert is usually the one to have the last word in a conversation, as well as the first. The sheer amount of words he uses might seem to obfuscate the message, but Robert has been honing his speaking skills for years and knows how to keep an audience hooked. Personality: Robert is kind, honest, and friendly—an oddity among most politicians. He will always make time to talk with his constituents about their troubles. Motivation: Robert grew up in the slums, but scholarships and high grades gave him a good life. Having returned to the slums, he seeks to make life better for everyone there. Background: Though Robert’s incredible intelligence and charisma have gained him great wealth, he realizes that there is more to life than money. His latest campaigns have been about revitalizing the poorest parts of the city and actually cleaning up crime, not just talking about it. His inspiring speeches have brought hope to many, and real results that few politicians can match. Traits: (JA) Leader, political, white collar 866 867 868 869

Modern - Neutrals 280 Matty • Maximilian • Maxine • Maxwell • Meg • Melinda • Melissa Nadia Benares Unlucky Reporter “This is Nadia Benares reporting live from the Jersey shore. If you look down at these cracked shells you can see…I just split my skirt, didn’t I?” Appearance: Nadia is a young, slim woman who’s very photogenic. She usually wears tight, impractical clothes that look good but rarely survive a broadcast or interview. Roleplaying: On camera, Nadia is overly friendly and responsive. Off camera, she’s short-tempered and prone to snapping, largely due to her frustration over whatever bad luck she’s having today. Personality: She is a cheery but cynical person. Her family brought her up to be optimistic, but Nadia’s luck has seriously challenged that upbringing. She walks into every situation expecting the worst and is rarely disappointed. Motivation: She would just like her bad luck to end. Failing that, she wants to be the best journalist she can. Background: Brought up in a culture of isolation, Nadia was initially very shy. She purged her shyness by becoming a news reporter. She was soon a regular fixture on evening telecasts. Unfortunately, she also quickly became an Internet sensation as many of her reports went hilariously wrong. She’s been blasted by the blown snow of a passing plow, lost a heel while on the boardwalk, and took a baseball to the side of the head while reporting on a little league controversy. So far, Nadia’s antics have not jeopardized her job, but she worries that it’s only a matter of time. Traits: (WC) Beautiful, entertainment, humorous, white collar Tabatha Claypool Distinguished Sniper “Anyone can spray a burst into the air and randomly kill someone. But to have your target in your sights and to see his face the moment before you extinguish his life, that is being a true warrior. Respect the craft and the work you do.” Appearance: In her mid-thirties, Tabatha is a woman with a strong build, with wide hips and toned legs. She has light brown hair, which she wears pulled back. Roleplaying: Tabatha is very perceptive of her surroundings. She is relaxed and speaks with a faint Southern accent. Personality: She is an honest and dependable person who is wellrespected by her peers. She acts to maintain that respect at all times. Motivation: Tabatha strongly believes in duty to her country, to the family business, and to the students she trains. Background: The daughter of a highly decorated sniper and gunsmith, Tabatha grew up in the South and was raised to shoot from an early age. She served in the Marine Corps, where she trained with snipers but was unable to be classified as one. She left the Marines after eight years and returned to family business. Today, Tabatha helps to design some of the best custom sniper rifles in the world, and she is an excellent competitive sharpshooter. She is frequently hired by private security firms to train sharpshooters. She has performed covert operations for private security firms against high profile targets on several occasions. Traits: (PV) Crafter, focal, military, warrior Artist: Avery Liell-Kok Tabatha Claypool 870 871

Modern - Neutrals Nelson • Nestor • Nguyan • Noir • Noonan • Nottingham 281 Garvin Massing Anti-Government Survivalist “Bad times are coming. You’d better be ready, pal. That’s all I’m gonna say. You’d better be ready.” Appearance: A broad-shouldered middle-aged man with a bit of a paunch, he wears an army-green or beige T-shirt, matching cap, camouflage pants, and sturdy military-issue boots. The only weapon he wears openly is a hunting knife kept in plain sheath at his belt, but he keeps a sidearm locked in a case in the glove box in his truck, which also features an elaborate gun rack. Roleplaying: When making a point, he’ll hook his meaty thumbs inside the belt at his waist and stand with shoulders back, chest and gut forward and elbows pointed out. Personality: He’s dour, but protective of his few like-minded friends and his family. Motivation: He believes he’s the last of the true patriots. He’ll bleed red, white, and blue, but he thinks the government is corrupt, overreaching, and undermined by a massive conspiracy whose ultimate goal is the enslavement of American citizens. He stockpiles supplies and heavy arms for the day that actually happens. Background: He is an Army combat veteran who saw “some crazy stuff” while serving in military engagements in Panama and Kuwait. He’s convinced that some of the contradicting orders his unit received during those engagements are evidence of the wider and growing conspiracy that threatens to overthrow his country. Ever since, he’s made preparations for that eventuality. Traits: (TT) Military, outdoorsman, zealot Dr. Kelli O’Leary Philosophical Fortune-Writer “‘Stay alert for new opportunities in the future’ …in bed. Yep, that’s vague enough.” Appearance: Dr. O’Leary is fascinated by the notion of “self,” so she challenges herself to look as different as possible from day to day. Sometimes, even her own parents don’t recognize her. Roleplaying: Kelli gets lost in thought at the slightest provocation, wanders into things, and thinks “football” is a medical condition. Personality: She views the real world as a fascinating theory, and rarely inhabits it. She’s quite intelligent, but almost entirely lacking in common sense or a grasp on how normal people behave. It’s not surprising, given her parents raised her as part of a cult that worships aardvarks and only eats cucumber slices. Motivation: Dr. O’Leary wants to change people’s lives through fortune cookies. Background: Kelli writes fortune cookie fortunes for a living. She’s not paid particularly well, but she prides herself on her ability to create fortunes so vague that they can apply to anyone—and that work well when you add “…in bed” to the end of them. She has a Ph.D. in philosophy but no inclination towards teaching or serious scholarship, and she loves what she does. If she ever loses her job, she could have a bright future in costuming or special effects: her ever-shifting appearance is much like wearing a new disguise every day. Traits: (MR) Counselor, crafter, humorous, white collar Caleb Greenwood Narcissistic “Actor” “I’ve been kidnapped, seduced by my wife’s twin sister, abducted by aliens, and shot—twice— and that was only in the last month!” Appearance: Shockingly handsome, he wears an open dress shirt, revealing his hairy chest, with a sports coat and slacks. His brilliant blue eyes are hidden behind designer sunglasses and his sun-kissed blond hair is neatly trimmed and parted to the side. His lips curl into a small kiss that he tosses to his adoring fans. Roleplaying: Caleb is suave and handles his fame with practiced ease. His answers seem practiced and artificial—much like his smile. Personality: Used to everything being tightly controlled and structured, Caleb doesn’t handle surprises well. In fact, if caught off guard, he melts down and throws the equivalent of a five-yearold’s tantrum. When the cameras are off, Caleb is a narcissistic and backstabbing person. Motivation: He claims he just wants to perfect his craft and “open the window to the emotions of his character’s pain.” In fact, Caleb revels in his fame and fortune and seeks to obtain even more. Background: A college dropout, Caleb quite accidentally fell into modeling and low-budget commercials. This was enough to get his good looks noticed and win him a reoccurring role on the TV soap “As My Children’s Hospital Turns.” He was so popular that his character, Todd Valentine, attended medical school and became chief surgeon…in just one week. Traits: (DM) Artist, beautiful, famous, entertainment David Fox Generous Pathfinder “You’re right; the dollar goes far in Vietnam. If you instead visit Xianglieb in Laos, you get much the same experience— but less overrun by tourists, and with great hosts.” Appearance: David is still healthy and fit at 38; brown hair and green eyes top a rugby player’s build. He tends toward shorts and pants with lots of pockets, filled with maps, power bars, and lots of keys. Roleplaying: David speaks clearly and avoids slang—a lifetime of confused looks has whittled his English down to an economical core. He supplements this with gestures and a lot of smiling. Personality: The world needs saving, one well and farming technique at a time. David has been all over the globe, trading wells, filters, and knowledge for local handicrafts, laying the groundwork for tourism and a leg up for the locals. Motivation: As first contact he gets to stay outdoors, where he’s happy. He loves meeting new people, learning new lifestyles— and making the world a better place. Background: David was hired by a backpacking/tourism company out of college. His path finding has added dozens of new destinations to the route-map, keeping the company ahead of the competition—and giving him a chance to meet new people and spread knowledge. Children fascinate him; they’re the one thing that he wants that doesn’t fit his current lifestyle. For now, he’s content to be a favorite uncle in dozens of villages. Traits: (SM) Adventurer, merchant, saintly 872 873 874 875

Modern - Neutrals 282 Michael • Michaela • Middleton • Mikey • Miles • Milton • Mina Betty Wood Aging Rock Star “I’ve seen and done everything—and everyone—there is to see and do.” Appearance: Betty’s face and body are a battleground between hard living and excellent plastic surgeons. It’s probably a good thing that she wears sunglasses nearly all the time. Roleplaying: At least every other word is a profanity, and nothing seems to faze her. Personality: After the drugs, booze, and abuse have taken their toll, there’s not much left inside. Motivation: She secretly wants to really feel something again, whether it’s love, hate, passion—whatever. Background: Everyone knows Betty Wood, the singer who never faded gently into obscurity. She’s been offending people since the late ‘60s, and has somehow managed to stay on the pop culture radar since then. Her music was never more than mediocre, but her ability to stay in the news is remarkable. Whether it’s yet another drug bust, an assault on the paparazzi, or a profanityfilled spot on a reality TV show, she gets press on a fairly regular basis. But this showboating is just a façade; she’s empty inside, and needs to feel something. It doesn’t matter if it’s a cause she can finally believe in, or something truly magical or occult, she needs something more in her life. And she has the money and influence to get it. Traits: (KS) Ancient, artist, eccentric, entertainment, famous, notorious, wealthy Magnus Skoll Unflappable Caver “If I stay out here any longer, I’m going to smoke myself to death. Let’s get into that cave—I bet we can make it further than anyone has before.” Appearance: Magnus looks like a cartoon Viking, with stark blond hair, a bushy beard, and a barrel-like physique. He’s surprisingly flexible. Roleplaying: Aboveground, Magnus is quiet and reserved; below ground, he’s utterly relaxed and always in control. Personality: Even among other cavers, Magnus is regarded as extreme. He regularly takes risks that other risk-takers balk at, and he’s poised and unflappable even in the most awful situations. He has crippling agoraphobia, so he retreats deep into the earth— the only place where he truly feels like himself. When he’s forced to spend time “up there,” he smokes and drinks like a madman to keep from going nuts. Motivation: Magnus wants to see the furthest reaches of one of Earth’s final frontiers, no matter how deep he has to go. Background: A veteran caver and expert SCUBA diver, Magnus explores the world’s deepest caves, charting them for various agencies that have an interest in knowing what’s under their feet. He also specializes in recovering the bodies of other extreme cavers, and in exploring caves where large portions of the cavern system are underwater. His record distance traveled in a cavern system is seven miles from entrance to terminus, and he’s nearly died on more occasions than he can count. Traits: (MR) Adventurer, outdoorsman, primal Michael Russel Greedy Professor “Ahh yes, that trinket is of little real value, but I could purchase it from you for my own collection. I like the little oddities you see. Shall we say $50?” Appearance: Wispy white hair covers most of Professor Russel’s head, and he has a bristly mustache. He is portly from enjoying the finer things in life. Roleplaying: Professor Russel often plows into a room, looking around to enjoy the shocked looks on the faces of others. When he holds pieces of archaeological interest, he quickly turns them over and over again, setting them back down after a lightningquick appraisal of their value. Personality: Professor Russel is a networker, and he will cozy up to anyone he thinks can help him gain status or wealth. A bit of a toady, Russel can be commanding when he needs to be. Motivation: He sees archaeology only as a means of quickly acquiring great wealth. He targets expeditions where he can use his experience to sweep in and steal the glory, as well as a few choice pieces that can be removed from the logs. Background: Coming across an incredible find when he was a young student, Michael Russel gained more money than he had ever seen. This sparked a hunger in him that lead to his pursuit of the shadier side of archaeology. He doesn’t hesitate to cross moral or legal lines, if he thinks he can get away with it. Traits: (JA) Abhorrent, academic, power hungry, scholar, wealthy Mitchell Swanne Heartless Nurse “It’s your own fault you’re in here; I mean, everyone knows smoking will kill you eventually.” Appearance: Of average height, with long black hair, Mitchell dresses in scrubs most of the time, even when not at work. Roleplaying: Mitchell has little patience for questions or dramatics of any kind, greeting either with impatience. He speaks quickly and factually with no concern for the impact of his words. Personality: In love with the theory and science behind medicine, Mitchell has a hard time with the personal interactions required by his profession. He has no concept of tact, and often flusters or upsets patients and their families with his blunt manner. Motivation: Mitchell just wants to do his job and eventually move to a research position where he can get back to the pure science of medicine and have fewer interactions with patients. Background: Mitchell has always loved science, especially the science of the human body. He went into nursing school early in life and loved it. Once he got out into practice, however, he found that the perfect science and ideal situations presented in the classroom were destroyed by the human element. He tries not to let his frustrations with patients affect his work, but even in ideal situations he is blunt and speaks his mind without regard to other’s feelings. If he were not such a superb nurse, his lack of bedside manner would have gotten him in trouble long before now. Traits: (MN) Humorous, medic 876 877 878 879

Modern - Neutrals Nova • O’Donnelly • O’Leary • O’Reilly • Orzabal • O’Shay • Otumbo 283 Ned Ashton Insolvent Accountant “Come on. The odds are in my favor on this one. The math doesn’t lie!” Appearance: A scruffy man of slight stature with graying hair and a wrinkled shirt, his breath smells of alcohol and his bloodshot eyes droop downward. His odor suggests he needs a bath. Roleplaying: He hunches over and rubs his hands together, knowing this next try will be the one. Ned rubs his fingers and bounces his heels in anticipation. He’s excitable when discussing the odds. Personality: Having flushed most of his life down the toilet, Ned is getting desperate. This desperation shows as he tries to convince people to front his stakes, or when dreaming about the next big score that’s sure to come any minute now. Motivation: He will do anything to satisfy his addictions. Background: Ned was a successful financial analyst until the lure of big-stakes gambling parlors got hold of him. Thinking he could outsmart the odds, Ned would spend his free time calculating probabilities and how he could beat the system. He kept trying, and with each failure would re-run his numbers. Eventually his wife left him, once it became clear that Ned’s obsession was overcoming his reason. Drinking, in conjunction with his gambling, cost him his job, and now Ned barely scrapes by. He does have a strong grasp of probabilities and could use a hand getting back on his feet. Traits: (DM) Eccentric, impoverished Nalani Pemberton, “NextBerlin 9210” Philosophical Social Networker “We are craftsmen of a new age... Our gadgets are as beloved and meaningful to us as the hammer and anvil were to a blacksmith of old.” Appearance: Her avatar is a picture of a dark swirling vortex of clouds lit by a bolt of electric-blue lightning. In real life, she’s a slim, dark-haired woman in her thirties who prefers light, sensible clothes. Either a hip pack or a bag slung over her shoulder holds the latest technological gear. Roleplaying: In online discussions, she agrees or disagrees by making her own point-by-point responses, beginning with “Gdpt” or “Bdpt.” In person, she has a tendency to multitask using her gadgets while having a conversation, which some people find distracting or annoying. Personality: She is more confrontational and assertive as her online alter ego. She has trouble relating to people who are not plugged in. Motivation: She believes this new age of personal technology will be the next “great divide” that separates haves and have-nots. She encourages everyone to embrace and use these tools to increase their quality of life. Background: She is a career “social networker.” Since she established her reputation on her own blog, she has been hired by various organizations and businesses over the years as an adviser, online community builder, online counselor, customer guide, and troubleshooter. She has yet to find a real life relationship as fulfilling as the thousands she’s cultivated online. Traits: (TT) Counselor, notorious, scholar Marcus Randweiler Grim Mafia Bravo “Knees or elbows? I’d go for the knees, less expensive to fix.” Appearance: Built like a stone wall, Marcus is all bulk and brawn. He covers his hefty frame with tailor-made deep-brown suits and keeps his blond hair cut short. He keeps his goatee clean and neat. Roleplaying: Marcus doesn’t mess around when it comes to carrying out assignments. There is little that can stand in his way, and he knows it. Whether he is hunting down someone from a rival gang or threatening someone who didn’t pay up on time, Marcus plows through obstacles like a bulldozer. Personality: He is precise and to-the-point in all things. He doesn’t have time for humor or smiles, except for the disturbing sneer he sometimes puts on. Motivation: Marcus enjoys what he does, and really just wants to keep doing it. There is little that pleases him more than breaking someone’s head in. Background: Marcus Randweiler spent years working in a Detroit car factory. The work was good and he was happy. When the factory boss decided to stop paying the local mafia’s extortion fee, a stray car bomb killed Marcus’ family and left him gravely injured. After recovery, his only thought was revenge. He tracked down and joined a rival family, becoming one of their best enforcers. Traits: (JA) Criminal, laborer, notorious, warrior David “Rez” Reznor Eccentric Hacker “I most certainly can access the corporation’s secure files for you, but first I must fulfill my daily obligation to Burger Khan.” Appearance: Rez is a short, rail-thin man in his early twenties. He’s already going prematurely bald and wears a beret to conceal this. He has thick sideburns to compensate. He has an eclectic dress sense and wears odd combinations of jeans, sweaters, scarves, and blazers. Roleplaying: He is uncomfortable speaking face to face, but is very prolific and prosaic when speaking online. When asked a question, Rez takes off his beret and scratches his head before responding with a quick one-word answer. In longer conversations, Rez speaks in very formal English. Personality: Rez is most comfortable living in his virtual worlds. In real life he’s a throwback, preferring to eat fine foods and drink fine wines. Unfortunately he lacks the money for those things, so he’s become an amateur chef to compensate. Motivation: He has short-term motivations. Currently, he’s trying to convert his computer workstation to a “steampunk” motif. Background: Rez is an odd duck, a Luddite misanthrope who’s also a skilled hacker. His quirky mannerisms make it difficult for Rez to maintain a regular job and he has an extremely long resume of short-term jobs. Rez also has an antiquated demeanor; he treats his (few) dates with Edwardian respect and dresses in neo-Victorian style. He keeps a stock of absinthe and cigars at home. Traits: (WC) Criminal, eccentric, humorous 880 881 882 883

Modern - Neutrals 284 Miranda • Mitch • Mitchell • Mizuki • Mogo • Molly • Monica Elspeth Eckhart Eccentric Professor “I am the reincarnation of Amelia Earhart, and I don’t like your tone, young lady.” Appearance: She looks almost exactly like Amelia Earhart: slender and casually beautiful, with striking, yet soft, features. She often wears an aviator’s cap and a fleece-lined bomber jacket. Roleplaying: Elspeth feels tremendous pride about her past life’s accomplishments, and never misses an opportunity to talk about “her” exploits. Personality: Elspeth believes that she’s the reincarnation of the famous aviator Amelia Earhart, so she’s used to not being taken seriously. She’s proud of her “true nature,” so she unwisely tells anyone who will listen all about her exploits in the Bermuda Triangle. She tries to be as intrepid and dashing as her previous incarnation, and sometimes succeeds. Motivation: She wants to live up to the glorious legacy her previous incarnation left behind. Background: Elspeth is a biology professor at a small college, a profession she regards as strictly temporary (a sentiment her employer doesn’t entirely disagree with). She’s certain that within the next few months—a year, at most—her talents as an aviator and explorer will manifest themselves. She tried taking flying lessons a few years ago, and that proved to be a disaster. It clearly wasn’t “the right time for her abilities to flower.” Her students love to tease her, and she takes this in stride—just like Amelia would have. Traits: (MR) Academic, beautiful, eccentric, humorous, scientist Shaman Bajam Unem New Age Healer “Feel the life-giving energies flow through the earth and into your feet, through your legs, up your spine. From there it goes into your arms and you raise them like branches! You are like a tree! You are a mighty oak! Let your buds blossom into wonderful maple leaves! What? Oak, maple, it is all the same as far as the universe goes!” Appearance: A slightly overweight and pale man with thinning blond hair and green eyes, he dresses in loose-fitting pants, sandals, and a traditional Indian kurta shirt. Roleplaying: He bows forward with his hands pressed together in front of him whenever he speaks. Personality: He is annoyingly polite and happy. He just rambles on and on about “the universe” this, and “the universe” that. Motivation: According to him, he wants to “reach the apex of the mountain of the inner sanctuary,” but no one knows what that actually means. Background: Benjamin Unger was a postal carrier for many years. He read every new age mysticism book that he could find. One day, at a new age convention, he got trapped in an elevator with a woman who went into labor. Scared out of his mind, he began coaching her through the birth by quoting the many books he had read. Ben Unger felt like he was ushering in a miracle. A healthy baby boy was born that day, and so was Shaman Bajam Unem! Traits: (PB) Focal, medic, occult, religious Luisa Rodriguez Hard-Boiled Meter Maid “Sir, you have two choices: You can move and let me put this ticket on your car, or you can pay your fine from a hospital bed.” Appearance: A pretty, petite Hispanic woman just over 5’ tall, with dark hair and eyes, Luisa looks like a living doll. Her body language, however, indicates that she is no one to mess with. Roleplaying: Though always happy to assist others, Luisa is professional and insists on following through with her duties. When pressed or intimidated, she is fearless and hits like a truck. Personality: Though she understands that people do not like the job she does, Luisa is unwilling to take crap for it from anyone. Her fiery temper and a sharp tongue allow her to stand up to and even cow much larger and more imposing figures. Motivation: Luisa strives to perform her job with excellence and to return someday to fulfill her dream of becoming a deputy. Background: Forced out of the police academy due to an unfortunate last-minute accidental injury, and unable to re-up due to cost, Luisa took a job as a meter maid. She still dreams of returning to the academy some day and earning her badge, but for now she takes every opportunity she finds to heed the call of her true passion of law enforcement: tipping off the police to suspected problems along her route, and even occasionally taking matters into her own hands. Traits: (MN) Aggressive, beautiful, humorous, police Sam Watts Selfish Actor “Ladies, is it going to be a problem if you all share me tonight? I assure you there’s enough of me to go around. Okay! Let’s hit the town.” Appearance: Sam has classic Hollywood good looks, with a square jaw and angular nose. He wears his hair short and always looks a tad unshaven. He is tan, his teeth are perfect, and all signs of being in his late thirties are well concealed. Roleplaying: Lounging whenever he can, Sam always has a drink in hand. He always finds the most comfortable place to sit. Personality: Sam is a man who enjoys pleasure in every form: fine food and drink, luxurious clothes, and attractive women. He sees no need for any type of moderation. Motivation: He serves only his unchecked ego, feeling the need to reward the smallest achievements with anything he desires. Background: Sam came from a simple Midwestern town, attended college, and studied acting. He spent years working his way into the business, until he was discovered and cast in a popular action movie, which launched him into stardom. He has left a trail of starlets behind him, women he dated and then cheated on. His excessive drinking and recreational drug use are poorly kept secrets, but for now, Sam has all of it in check. It’s only a matter of time before the trail of exes, drinking, and drugs catch up to him. Traits: (PV) Artist, beautiful, entertainment, wealthy 884 885 886 887

Modern - Neutrals Overall • Owen • Papadakis • Pasko • Paxton • Pemberton • Perez 285 Saunders Old-Fashioned Butler “Sir will take his coffee in the west drawing room, as always? Very good, sir.” Appearance: At 72, Saunders looks like a man of 55, with a slight paunch, a hawk’s beak of a nose, and an honest-to-God monocle on a chain. Roleplaying: He embodies every stereotype of the classical English butler, never letting down his hair for even a moment. Personality: Saunders believes being a butler is a proud tradition that must be upheld to the highest standard, but also that a butler’s employer must meet a similarly high standard. With no living relatives, his work is his life. He regards “butler” as a synonym for “valued member of this family, without whom our entire world would collapse like a house of cards.” Motivation: He wants an employer who meets his standards, for whom his services will be indispensable. Background: Saunders (whose first name is Reginald) is a butler in the grand tradition, a relic from a former time. There is still a call for butlers even in the modern world, though, and Saunders remains ever able to answer that call. He would prefer to attach himself to a single employer for the rest of his days, but he has yet to find a worthy master or mistress. As a result, he’s worked for a handful of famous billionaires, royals, and other wealthy individuals over the years, always leaving their service because of some imperceptible gaffe on their part. Traits: (MR) Business, laborer, white collar Virginia Carter Jilted Barfly “Oooh. I’m sorry; I can’t believe I spilled that drink all over you. How horrible, guess I’m going to have to clean it up…” Appearance: Virginia is in her mid-thirties, and her attractiveness is hard to deny. Her curly red hair and naturally slender frame draw the looks of strangers wherever she goes. She is often found in a two-piece bikini and sarong with a drink in her hand. Roleplaying: She will likely be encountered in the midst of a drunken dance, dropping into the arms of anyone she thinks is cute. Only the next morning’s hangover finds her sober and regretful. Personality: Virginia’s mood fluctuates between being wildly carefree to excessively worried about what she is doing to herself. She can often remember the exact moment each night when she decides she doesn’t care and smashes through the barriers of caution. Motivation: She has never really dealt with the grief of her husband’s affair in a proper way. She has gotten it stuck in her head that this party lifestyle will fill the gap inside. Background: When she caught her husband cheating with his secretary, housewife Virginia became hedonist Virginia. Divorcing him and taking his small fortune, Virginia booked herself on the next cruise and never came back. Now she tours around on cruises, hangs out in beachside hotels, and desperately looks for the meaning she thought she had found when she married for love unrequited. Traits: (JA) Aggressive, beautiful, dilettante, wealthy Andy Hallucinating Addict “Would you like to come back to my place, look at my woodcarvings, and maybe create a little meaning?” Appearance: Andy’s scrawny frame is squeezed into jeans and a pink T-shirt that reads, “Ask me about existentialism, it’s Fabulous!” (both two sizes too small), accessorized with a hot pink ascot, a mostly empty co*cktail glass, and a peeling name tag from some long-forgotten event. He stinks slightly of alcohol and sweat and his eyes wander aimlessly. Roleplaying: Most of the time Andy is stoned out of his gourd. Colors fascinate him, minor hallucinations distract him on a regular basis, and he’s convinced that he’s actually an anthropomorphic giraffe. When he can be made to focus for any length of time, he’s mostly interested in discussing sloppy philosophical concepts about the meaning of life. Personality: Whatever personality Andy may have once had is lost in a confused haze of drug and alcohol addiction. These days, he’s more of a sideshow freak than anything else. Motivation: Finding a refill for his glass is enough of a challenge to keep Andy busy. Background: A once-trendy hipster with severe addiction problems, Andy is now a mere shell of a person stumbling from one fix to another. Though he’s too baked to know it, he has a boyfriend who keeps tabs on him through his cell phone’s GPS function and keeps him fed, dressed, and supplied with drugs for his own amusem*nt. Traits: (MN) Dilettante, eccentric, humorous Artist: Avery Liell-Kok Andy 888 889 890

Modern - Neutrals 286 “Mudflaps” • Muffie • Nadia • Nalani • Natalee • Natasha • Nate Heerkani Koneru Perfectionist Mechanic “I’ll call you when it’s ready. You can’t rush perfection.” Appearance: She wears a grease monkey’s bib and overalls. She keeps her dark ponytail tucked in her hat, and she’s sometimes mistaken for a teenage boy. Roleplaying: There is always an endearing streak of black grease somewhere on her face. Personality: She’s quick to accept a job, but because she’s a perfectionist, she won’t be rushed. She’s proud of her reputation, and she won’t do anything to jeopardize it. She holds 15-minute oil change shops in disdain. Motivation: She wants to be known as the maestro of the repair shop. Background: She was born to affluent parents, but rebelled against their insistence that she get a university education. She’s always been happiest mucking around in the garage. She now considers her repairs the work of an artist. She always strives to improve the performance of any vehicle she’s working on. She won’t be pushed or intimidated into working under a deadline. If pressed, she’ll flatly refuse the job, telling the customer to take their vehicle elsewhere. She now charges top dollar for her repairs and has acquired an A-list clientele. Traits: (TT) Business, crafter Archibald Algernon Wilkinson, Ph.D. Verbose Historian “The lost pyramid? Why yes, I do know something of it. My great-grandfather did seek it for most of a decade. Of course, he never found it, otherwise we wouldn’t be calling it ‘ lost’ now would we?” Appearance: An aged professor with a waxed mustache and a gin-blossomed nose, Archibald cleans his glasses on his cheap tweed suit. Roleplaying: He drones on forever in his upper-crust British accent about his ancestors. Personality: Dr. Wilkinson is fascinated by history and the roles his family has played in it, and believes that everyone else should enjoy his tales. Motivation: He loves to share his vast reserves of historic information, and wants to see some of his ancestors’ works finally finished. Background: Of a long line of archaeologists and historians, Archibald is the current keeper of his family’s notes and journals. His family has been on just about every major dig in the last hundred years, and has sought first-hand accounts of events dating back to the Renaissance. The information contained in those notes is incredibly valuable to the right people. Archibald himself has been on a number of expeditions, although he is a bit old to be gallivanting around the countryside. Because he started his family late, his daughters are only starting college, although one has already been on expeditions to the wilds of South America. Traits: (KS) Academic, counselor, scholar, wealthy Suzette Berkeley Kinky Doctor “I must remember to tip the doorman— you’re exactly what I ordered.” Appearance: Suzette wears her hair layered in various tints, with a pearly smile, modest bosom, and emerald eyes. Roleplaying: She plays up a ditzy side, particularly on TV, but her medical degree was earned. She’s smart, but plays eccentric enough that no one trusts it. Personality: In her jobs she’s professional and self-deprecating, but she lives for after hours. If you come home with her, you’ll find antique bloodletting equipment that makes its way into adult play. Motivation: She works hard, she plays hard. She earned her idiosyncrasies. Background: She’s been an “A” student on course to be a doctor since she was six. In college she learned that she needed more than vanilla sex to rev her engine. One boyfriend introduced her to needles, which led to bloodletting, and a very happy place. She wasn’t able to indulge much in med school, but as a TV personality she gets invitations all the time. Her kink would be scandalous if revealed, but no one expects her to be a saint—except when she’s preaching the benefits of exercise to children. Traits: (SM) Eccentric, entertainment, medic Marcus “Mudflaps” Towne Rascally Trucker “The job comes first.” Appearance: Dressed in a plaid button-down shirt and jeans, he looks like a typical long-haul truckers. He’s of medium build with a flat face. He keeps his hair cut short and wears a baseball-styled work cap. Roleplaying: He’ll scratch his chin and sniff before starting a conversation. Personality: He’s not sentimental and keeps calm even when everyone else around his losing their head. Some say he’s got a cold and calculating gaze. Motivation: He gets a quiet thrill out of engaging in illicit activities, whether it’s smuggling or playing his role in a heist. The thrill has replaced the initial allure of such jobs, which was the extra cash. Background: His skill as a commercial truck driver came in handy the first time some seedy characters approached him to haul something away fast. He did the job, and proved that he wouldn’t be taken advantage of come payment time. Only once since then has someone tried to double-cross him; they ended up dead not long afterward. Through contacts made online and in the black market, he developed a reputation as a “steady hand” capable of keeping his mouth shut and disappearing after doing a job. In fact, traveling cross country means he rarely has to show his face in the same place twice in a short time. Though many side jobs are criminal in nature, he’s reliable doing legitimate work as well. Traits: (TT) Adventurer, criminal, laborer 891 892 893 894

Modern - Neutrals Perigueza • Perry • Pierce • Poole • Prescott • Purcell 287 Dianne Nelson Healing Witch “Oh, a bit of root in this poultice will make those hot flashes disappear right away!” Appearance: An older woman wearing a thick, faded robe of dyed wool, she plods around in worn sandals. Her graying hair is unkempt and grows out wildly, and there is a large wart on one side of her face. She smiles behind a low pair of glasses perched on her nose, and several crooked teeth can be seen as she talks. Roleplaying: Dianne talks quite energetically, despite her apparent age. She will often start to mention a subject and then abruptly pull back, censoring herself. She shuffles about her store, doing odd chores as she talks, rarely pausing to rest. Personality: A kindly woman, she’s eager to share her knowledge but is suspicious of strangers. A lifetime of being belittled has made her cautious in dealing with others. Dianne understands that many don’t share her beliefs and tries to keep an open mind without “scaring the normals.” Motivation: Dianne wants to practice her hermetic arts and healing magic. Background: She likens herself to a witch—her garb and warts play to the stereotype—but Dianne isn’t the cackling, broomriding kind of witch that the public is familiar with. Her healing magic is comprised of concoctions and potions that she sells in her shop. Many people, eager for a natural remedy, find themselves in her store. There are many who attribute their healing to her remedies. Traits: (DM) Eccentric, magical, medic, merchant, occult, outdoorsman Steve Kapoor Sagely Hot Dog Vendor “The Chinese say give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach him to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. But I say to you, what if the man doesn’t like fish? Now, do you want mustard and kraut on your dog today?” Appearance: A short, stocky middle-aged man with a thick mustache and curly hair, Steve usually wears comfortable clothes as he is constantly sweating inside his food truck. Even outside the truck, he smells like hot dogs and sauerkraut. Roleplaying: He is always happy to see his customers and never has an angry word. He has a thick accent but, with the occasional grammatical error excepted, speaks well. Steve usually offers a quote, often a proverb, and gives it a personal touch. His proverbs have the uncanny ability to be relevant to whatever problem with which a character is currently struggling with. Personality: Steve actually is cheery behind his smile, as well. He takes great joy in making other people happy, even if only for a few minutes. Motivation: He simply wants to work hard and turn a profit. Background: Steve had a very poor life growing up in his native country and is thrilled to be running his own business, even if it is out of a lunch cart. He keeps to himself and doesn’t want to get involved in trouble, but has no problem doling out proverbial advice. Traits: (WC) Charming, merchant, mysterious Armand “Swede” Wilson Gregarious Gunsmith “What we got here, laddie? Hmm... The trigger’s crap, the action’s loose, and how the hell you see anything with these sights?” Appearance: This burly blond man behind the counter towers over his customers; his missing leg doesn’t seem to slow him down at all. Roleplaying: His cheerful attitude and strong Swedish accent let him get away with teasing just about everyone, himself included. Personality: Swede’s positive attitude balances his blunt honesty. Motivation: Even after losing a leg, he still supports the warriors in and out of uniform. He’s also very proud of his work. Background: Swede was born to an American soldier and a Swedish mother, and raised mostly in Sweden. Naturally, he excelled in the biathlon, which involves cross-country skiing and rifle shooting. He joined the U.S. military, expecting to be on their shooting team and make money for college, but found himself volunteering for hazardous duty. College was put off indefinitely as he discovered his place in the world—on the front lines. After eight years, an IED took his leg and sent him back to college, where he studied metallurgy, mechanical engineering, and gunsmithing. If he couldn’t be on the front lines, he can damned well support those who are. Swede’s skill at reworking rifles and especially pistols is legendary among soldiers and exsoldiers. Traits: (KS) Aggressive, business, crafter, genius, military, warrior Wilma Bekenhoff Jinxed Gambler “Blackjack!” Appearance: In her mid-thirties, Wilma is plump with frizzy red hair and freckles. She dresses casually, in jeans, neon T-shirts, and comically large hats and sunglasses. Roleplaying: Wilma is a gambling woman. If she can make a bet on it, she will. She is loud and boisterous when she’s winning, and sullen and withdrawn when she is not. Personality: A serious gambling addict, Wilma finds it difficult to resist even foolhardy bets. She loves the excitement of games of chance and the thrill of victory far too much to worry about the effect her hobby has on her future. Motivation: Wilma is out to finally hit the one “Big Score.” Background: Though she loves to gamble, Wilma is unfortunately hounded by persistent bad luck. A millionaire several times over due to savvy investments made during the dot-com boom, she is able to support her habit without financial difficulty for now. Wilma tours gambling hot spots spending a few weeks or a month at a casino before moving on. Not only is she unlucky at gambling, but her nearly supernatural bad luck extends to other areas of her life, as well. She has buried several husbands, and lost two homes to acts of God. Her reputation as “bad luck” has gotten her shunned by the highly superstitious gambling community, and even her close friends are starting to get nervous in her company. Traits: (MN) Dilettante, eccentric, notorious, wealthy, zealot 895 896 897 898

Modern - Neutrals 288 Nathan • Nathaniel • Neal • Neason • Ned • Neil • Nevin Natalee (Nate) DuVall Drag Queen Detective “Girl, hand me my purse and my walking heels! That man isn’t going to follow himself!” Appearance: Nate wears rumpled brown suits, never matches his belt to his shoes, and cycles through pairs of half-broken glasses on a daily basis. As Natalee, she favors bubblegum pink gowns, sequined gloves, and blouses that show off her artfully airbrushed cleavage. Roleplaying: Nate is a shy and retiring wallflower, while Natalee is a brassy extrovert. She’s incredibly perceptive. Personality: As Nate, he’s shy, cautious, and quiet; as Natalee, she’s boisterous, bold, and talkative. Natalee doesn’t mind her time as Nate, but she has a lot more fun as Natalee—and more fun still when her two worlds cross, and she’s forced to go out on business as Natalee. She’s still deeply hurt by her family’s rejection of her, but the stares and barbs from strangers just roll off her— most of the time. Motivation: Natalee wants to make enough money as Nate that she can merge her two lives and live as Natalee full-time, turning away any clients who disapprove of her lifestyle. Background: Natalee leads a dual life as a private detective, Nate DuVall, by day and the star of a drag revue, the Divine Madame Natalee, by night. Few people who know Nate also know Natalee, but all of her true friends know both sides of her life. She’s a competent, creative detective, equally capable with her fists and her revolver. Traits: (MR) Entertainment, police, scientist, warrior Aleta Overall Level-Headed Bounty Hunter “End of the line, scumbag. You shouldn’t have run, but you idiots always do.” Appearance: An olive-complexioned woman in her midtwenties, Aleta is powerfully built. She wears baggy cargo pants, jump boots, and an ammo vest with a tank top underneath, revealing two buff arms. Her short black hair is spiked up. Her eyes are hidden behind a pair of shooting goggles. An earpiece is connected to a radio on her vest. Roleplaying: Her laid-back attitude and deference is off-putting. Aleta shrugs her shoulders at questions and isn’t riled easily. She’s not a conversationalist. Personality: She approaches her job with a very serious but casual approach, understanding that most criminals are stupid and will mess up. As a bounty hunter, she pursues the element of surprise and approaches her work coolly and dispassionately. Aleta doesn’t care how or why a person is wanted; that’s someone else’s business. The more she has to work to catch someone the fouler her mood. Motivation: She wants to catch her man (or woman) and collect her bounty. Background: A brief stint in the military ran counter to her feelings on authority, but the discipline appealed to her. She briefly worked as a private investigator until she was taken in as a parttime bounty hunter. Hunting down criminals and methodically bringing them in suited her style just fine. She prefers to work alone, as she doesn’t get along well with people. Traits: (DM) Military, police, warrior 899 901 Connor Ryan Outgoing Brit “C’mon, I’m not gonna leave you behind.” Appearance: Medium-sized and bulky, Connor wears a kilt when playing rugby and whenever the weather is nice. He has a broad smile and deep laugh. Roleplaying: Connor has few grand motivations in life. He tends to grab onto whatever is in front of him and give it all his energy. He’ll always approach the person who seems left out of the group and try to bring them in. Personality: He’s friendly and outgoing, but rarely considers that there might be negative consequences to his actions. Motivation: Connor values friendship over everything else. Once he considers you a friend, he won’t abandon you. Background: He was a semi-professional Rugby player before a knee injury benched him. Connor left Britain and finally settled down in a remote town in America, hiking the surrounding woods and working on a construction site. Whenever Connor takes on a task, he doesn’t quit until it is done. Though Connor doesn’t have much to his name, he is always willing to share with friends who are in a worse off place than himself. Whenever a friend needs help moving or someone to talk to, Connor is the first one there. He is the type of person that reflects the best in humanity, even in unnatural situations. This makes him an excellent addition to a zombie or horror campaign. Traits: (JA) Humorous, laborer, outdoorsman Artist: Avery Liell-Kok Connor Ryan 900

Modern - Neutrals Quan • Rahane • The Ram • Ramirez • Randweiler • Ready • Rey 289 Jasper Vanderschorn Quaint Appraiser “Oh my, this is an excellent piece, my dear. Would you care to guess how much you could likely sell this for? Would you be surprised if I said it’s worth at least twice that much? You might even get two-and-a-half times that amount.” Appearance: He’s graying but still fit, close-shaven, and still favors three-piece suits when everyone else wears jogging suits and golf shirts. He has a gold cap on a front tooth. Roleplaying: He dons a pair of pince-nez spectacles before making a close inspection and appraisal of an antique. Personality: He’s engaging and has a trustworthy manner, making him good at putting regular folks at ease before they go on camera or on stage. He enjoys spending time in the company of people of his generation, swapping stories and memories. Motivation: He likes the travel that goes with belonging to the antiques road show. He also lights up and shares a person’s joy when they find out that something they’ve held as a keepsake is extremely valuable. Background: Over the years, he’s worked in furniture shops and for jewelers, sold cars, and was even the purchasing agent for a museum. His hodge-podge employment history has given him a sharp eye for antiques, but he’s done his homework, as well, schooling himself on manufacturing lines and the work of certain craftsmen that make some antiques more valuable than others. Traits: (TT) Business, charming, counselor Tina Hannessen Charismatic Drifter “What do you mean I screamed at you and told you to never talk to me again? You know I was just kidding! We’re BFFs forever!” Appearance: A tall, broad woman with short dark hair that sticks out in every direction, Tina’s blue eyes are usually surrounded by too much makeup. Roleplaying: Tina swings between extreme moods over the course of several weeks. During her more normal times, she is outgoing and charismatic. The longer she has been without a mood swing, the more nervous anticipation takes over her personality. Personality: Suffering from rapidly cycling bipolar disorder, Tina has enormous and rapid swings in her mood, cycling from euphoric happiness to severe depression and anger within a very short time span. Motivation: Tina is willing to try anything to overcome her problems, but feels like she has tried every solution available. Background: Diagnosed with bipolar disorder in her late teens, Tina has seen a multitude of doctors and tried several dozen pharmaceutical regimens, but has seen no improvement in her symptoms. She spends a lot of her time in a haze of various illegal substances, trying to self-medicate. When not depressed or on drugs, Tina is a very charismatic woman. She makes friends quickly and is perpetually a rotating house guest. Though she easily gets jobs and holds them for a few weeks, her disorder inevitably sends her into a downward spiral, forcing her to start all over again. Traits: (MN) Charming, criminal, eccentric, impoverished Victor Robinson Brash District Attorney “Object all you want. Hold me in contempt. But, your honor, you know and I know that this garbage—sorry, defendant— is dangerous. Now just give me the restraining order.” Appearance: Victor is an obese man with messy black hair. His suits are poorly fitted and his tie is always crooked. Roleplaying: He is loud when he speaks to people, and grumbles under his breath when he is talking to himself. Victor cannot resist eating if others are eating around him. Personality: A passionate man, Victor is prone to emotional outbursts, but he is a good attorney and knowledgeable in the law. He has no tolerance for criminals. Motivation: He has political aspirations, which he believes can be achieved by being hard on crime, as well as by being a bit outlandish in the courtroom. Background: Victor entered the DA’s office as young man, believing in the justice system. In a few short years, he came to learn the truth of the legal system and lost all patience with it. His courtroom outbursts in a high profile trial got him some notoriety and introduced him to powerful political players in the city. Now seeking political office, he continues to attack crime while making a bit of a show of the process. So far, the courts have tolerated his antics. He is now looking for the case that will put him into the political spotlight. Traits: (PV) Aggressive, counselor, political, power hungry Delaney Johnson Angry Machinist “Look, you little wimp, let’s take this outside. I don’t like people looking at me like that and I think I got to teach you a lesson.” Appearance: Large and out of shape, Delaney Johnson is a greasy man with a permanent five o’clock shadow. His jumpsuit is often dirty and he rarely pays close attention to personal hygiene. Roleplaying: He will take the most innocuous comment as an insult and escalate the situation until he can start a fight. If he gets beaten, he always has an excuse for why the odds were stacked against him. Personality: Yelling and fighting is Delaney’s way of bolstering his waning confidence, but he always rationalizes it so that he’s in the right. To him, life is constantly against him and nothing is his fault. Motivation: Delaney is always looking for a target for his aggression, thinking that putting others down will bolster himself up. Background: A childhood spent in and out of foster homes and the abuse that came with them turned Delaney mean at a young age. He never tried hard enough to excel at anything, and always felt others were holding him back. His poor attitude has gotten him fired from most of his past jobs. He lives a half-existence of work and booze. When he isn’t yelling at someone, he is often found sulking at a bar looking for his next target. Few people like hanging out with Delaney. Traits: (JA) Aggressive, humorous, laborer 902 903 904 905

Modern - Neutrals 290 “NextBerlin 9210” • Noel • Norton • Octavia • Oliver • Oren • Otávia • Patton Anthony Hughes Gigolo Hustler “Darling, you are radiant tonight! No one else can compare to you. I don’t want to distract us from this special evening, but if you want to invest in my business I’ll need that check soon. No pressure, I just thought that I’d mention it. Shall we go to dinner now?” Appearance: He has a muscular build, nice tan, perfectly styled hair, and the face of an angel. He wears only the hottest designer clothing, and orders custom-made shoes. Roleplaying: Anthony changes his mannerisms to suit the situation. He is a social chameleon and a master manipulator. Personality: To the target of his moneymaking schemes, he is exactly what that person needs him to be. To everyone else, he is a demanding and arrogant fool. Motivation: He wants to avoid having to get an actual job. Background: Anthony’s story is a boring one. He flunked out of high school because he refused to attend classes. He was fired from every job he ever had because he didn’t work. He was always lucky with the ladies, though, and one evening he landed in the bed of a wealthy woman who gave him $200 for “cab fare.” The morning after, he decided to become a male escort. Eventually, even being an escort became too much effort, but when he scams a woman out of her entire fortune, he can go for months before having to find another mark. Traits: (PB) Abhorrent, beautiful, charming, criminal, mysterious Doug Schevenit Insurance Vigilante “No, no, Mrs. Swenson, it is not a miracle, you must have forgotten about the additional policy you and your husband took out. It looks like all of the medical bills WILL be covered.” Appearance: An older man with a receding and graying hairline, Doug is about 40 lbs. overweight. He usually dresses in slacks and a button-down shirt and tie. Roleplaying: Doug is quiet and an excellent listener. He bends over backward to help those truly in need, but is disgusted by those who abuse their positions or power. Personality: A typical mild-mannered insurance agent, Doug secretly views himself as a silent vigilante against the unfairness of life’s circ*mstances. Motivation: Doug manipulates the system to balance out the inequality and injustice he sees every day. Background: Working for the nation’s largest insurance company, Doug has seen far too many “little people” who have lost everything due to tragedy and were not paid enough to rebuild their lives over the years. He also sees the wealthy and powerful get away with obvious insurance fraud, but with no proof. These days Doug fights back, altering computer records, payment schedules, and reimbursem*nt figures to benefit those he feels are worthy. Luckily, everything is scanned and computerized these days, making the alteration of documents surprisingly easy. Doug even cancels policies on people in the news, such as unscrupulous businessmen and politicians, and silently funnels their premiums into his own bank accounts. Traits: (MN) Business, criminal, white collar Tricia Castellano Energetic Athlete “I know I shouldn’t eat it, but English chocolate is the best! I’ll just run an extra four miles tomorrow morning!” Appearance: Tricia is in incredible shape, although her body is usually hidden beneath loose track suits. She keeps her hair long, but usually pulled back in a ponytail. She is usually sweating and constantly keeps moving to burn any calories she may gain from her “indiscretions” with chocolate. Roleplaying: She is full of energy and tends to speak quickly. She touts the importance of proper eating and exercise. All of this goes right out the window if she spots chocolate, which she consumes like a dehydrated person drinking water. Personality: Tricia believes in living an active lifestyle and enjoys activities that promote it. She’d rather be hiking than lying on the beach or participate in a volleyball tournament in lieu of going to the theater. She actively avoids seeing chocolate as she knows that she can’t control herself. Motivation: She wants her body to be in perfect shape for the rest of her life. Background: Tricia works at the local health club. She teaches exercise, swimming, fencing, kickboxing, and Tai Chi. She uses herself as a model, recalling that as a shy teenager she was overweight and depressed. Tricia is now in overdrive on exercise. Her only weakness is chocolate, as she could never deny her sweet tooth. She is particularly fond of European chocolate. Traits: (WC) Primal, warrior Esteban Hinjosa Passionate Gunsmith “I can put you on the list, but if you want me to handle it personally, there’s a two-year wait.” Appearance: Esteban usually wears camouflage business wear; the patches of black and gray compliment his black hair and refined Spanish features. Roleplaying: A strong Spanish accent shows through in any of the seven languages he speaks. He greets customers in their own language, listens intently to their feedback, and insists on perfection. Personality: He’s used to attentive praise, even from standoffish royalty. He’s an acknowledged expert, and expects to be instantly familiar to everyone in gun enthusiast circles. Women are his vice; overlong looks ensure that his wife keeps a careful eye on him. Motivation: Esteban is the very best, and loves praise for his craftsmanship. He loves his wife, but he savors the unique beauty of women—soft to the hard of his firearms. Background: Esteban’s mania for guns and weapons began in his teens, and it hasn’t cooled since. He set out to master weapons of all kinds, comparing brands and balance, carefully shaving and molding them into perfection. At 22 he made his big break, getting invited to join an arms dealer’s operation. While the taint still mars his reputation, he’s grateful for the introductions— royalty and Hollywood actors have their very best firearms personalized by Esteban. While pricy, he guarantees—and delivers—perfection. Traits: (SM) Crafter, notorious 906 907 908 909

Modern - Neutrals Reyes • Reznor • Rice • Roberts • Robinson • Rochester • Rodriguez 291 Daniel Terrell Psychic Investigator “Is this your card? How about this one? I’m pretty sure it’s in here somewhere…” Appearance: Daniel is in his early thirties, with sandy brown hair, blue eyes, and a broad grin. He wears a green-and-yellow striped polo shirt and casual slacks. He absently chews on a stirring straw and kneels to use his magnifying glass. Roleplaying: Daniel is flirtatious and goes about peeking into things that he shouldn’t. He’s quick to tell a joke but uses his “serious voice” when the matter calls for it. He mumbles his own internal monologue under his breath. Personality: He’s a card and doesn’t take much seriously—even the odd murder—when he’s called in to investigate. He’s trying very hard to make others like him at the expense of his credibility. When others question his abilities, Daniel is quick to point out his many successes, although sometimes even he can’t explain them. He doesn’t like confrontation and shrieks when assaulted. Motivation: He helps solve crimes by using the power of his mind! Background: A self-proclaimed psychic, Daniel has an uncanny knack for revealing clues for the local authorities. Daniel’s “powers” include psychometry (object reading) as well as vivid dreams that offer mysterious insights. Whatever this means, Daniel provides results—often to the consternation of the local police chief, who tolerates the sideshow, but only just barely. Traits: (DM) Charming, humorous, magical Penelope Persephone Wilkinson Arrogant Archaeologist “Of course I know where we’re going; I’m a Wilkinson. Now stop your whining.” Appearance: A young woman decked out in the best outdoors clothing available, Penelope smoothly cuts a path through the jungle. Roleplaying: She’s good at what she does, and reminds everyone of it. Personality: Filled with an over-inflated sense of self, Penelope doesn’t have much room for anyone else’s opinion. Motivation: Her destiny is to be an archaeologist and historian; her decision is to be the best one ever. Background: Born into the Wilkinson family of archaeologists, Penelope didn’t have much choice in her career, but she did choose to be the best she could be. She has largely succeeded, and as a graduate student has already done more than many archaeologists do in their entire career. Her success and upbringing have made her arrogant and scornful of others. Because of this, many of the people working with Penelope have quit, and some have considered turning against her. Despite her excellent skills at archaeology and adventuring, she’s in a tight spot. Because of her arrogance, she’s unaware of her precarious situation, and may not have the skills to get out of it. Traits: (KS) Academic, adventurer, outdoorsman, scholar, wealthy Lucile Drumm Modest Doctor “I see the rebels are active tonight. The chest wound first, then the leg wound. Leave the head wound; there is nothing we can do for him other than pray.” Appearance: Lucile is a woman of average height in her midforties. She is athletic and has a simple, short haircut. She wears a plain engagement ring on a chain around her neck. Roleplaying: There is nothing fancy about Lucile. She avoids ornate things. She speaks with the authority of a doctor but with a soft voice. Personality: She is a simple and decent woman with strong moral values. She is polite, and she will help anyone who is in medical distress. Motivation: Lucile takes her oath as a doctor very seriously. She believes that a life of service is the true path to happiness. Background: The top of her class in medical school, Lucile graduated with a position at a prestigious hospital. She was engaged to a fellow doctor who was on his way to practice in the third world. A few months later, she received word that he had been killed while trying to give aid to refugees. She resigned her position and took up his cause to honor him. Years later, she continues to run the clinic he started. She does not miss what she gave up, and has discovered what her fiancée had learned years before about helping those who need help the most. Traits: (PV) Academic, medic, saintly Christine “Auntie C” Deverson Quiet Caddy “A full bag? Really? Oh honey, I hope you don’t expect me to haul around a stick you obviously don’t know how to use.” Appearance: She’s got an athletic build, more sinewy and tough than muscular. She’s in her early forties, and will wear a shorts set under the caddy jumpsuit or sling as each course requires. Her light brown hair is cut short early in the year, then pulled back into a pony tail as the season progresses. Roleplaying: She hangs a watch on the second belt loop on her left side, for good luck. Personality: She’s quiet, as much a mental coach as she is a knowledgeable caddy. Motivation: Like most caddies, it’s the lifestyle she enjoys most—part vagabond, part guru, part exercise instructor, and part counselor. Background: Unlike many caddies, she was a pro golfer herself for a few seasons. She loved the tour life, but couldn’t make the cut. To become a caddy, she went back to the caddy shack and began her apprenticeship. She actually got a late start, because most caddies begin training in their teens. Her tour experience was invaluable, and gave her insights into the trade. She’s now one of the few female caddies on the men’s tour. Because she was older (yet inexperienced) as a caddy when she hit the pro ranks, she initially got picked up by the younger, aspiring players, who dubbed her “Auntie C.” Traits: (TT) Counselor, outdoorsman 910 911 912 913

Modern - Neutrals 292 Pedro • Penelope • Persephone • Phoenix • Preston • Rachonda • Rajshana Rena Yost Nerdy Scholar “Sounds to me like a classic case of lycanthropy. I believe there was a case or three back in the 1930s. Thankfully, we’ve transferred the microfiche to digital; just give me a sec. Okay, ready for me to send?” Appearance: A strikingly beautiful woman who plays up the “naughty librarian” look, Rena prefers conservative clothes and would rather wear glasses than fuss with contacts. An auto accident has confined her to a wheelchair. Roleplaying: Rena has a friendly, playful demeanor. Her words carry enormous weight, carefully considered but still conversational. She is a font of information on many topics, no matter how esoteric. Personality: She has a fun personality and describes herself as “a bit nerdy.” She hasn’t let the accident dim her cheerful outlook, although she runs interference if she anticipates that her disability is going to affect a relationship. Motivation: Rena likes to be helpful and share her knowledge, especially when it will be used for good. Background: Rena was always a bright student, and planned to be a college professor once she graduated. Her plans were set back a year when a poor choice of boyfriends led to her getting into a car accident. She broke up with him soon afterward, as she knew it was only guilt keeping him by her bedside. She currently works in the library at a local college and teaches philosophy as an adjunct. Traits: (WC) Academic, beautiful, occult, scholar Zachariah (“Zach”) Righteous Mystic “I am giving you this potion because you have been wronged. Drink it the night you are going to carry out your revenge. It will protect you from all harm.” Appearance: Zach has long, thick salt-and-pepper hair that hangs below his shoulders. He wears clothes of an Asian style, with several talismans around his neck and wrists. Roleplaying: He is a great listener who sits with his hands folded over his chest when in conversation. When he moves, it’s with slow grace. Personality: Believing in universal balance and harmony, Zach tries to remain impartial, never passing judgment on people or situations. Motivation: He believes that the universe seeks balance, but it often needs a helping hand to get there. To that point, Zach believes he is an instrument to return balance. Background: Zachariah comes to people who have been wronged in some way. He listens to their story, and then leaves. Days later, Zachariah returns. He comes with a potion or a talisman created to aid the person to right the wrong that was done to them. These gifts are beneficial and have aided those who have used them. Because of his beliefs, Zachariah is just as likely to give one of his gifts to a factory worker who was unjustly fired from his job as he is to a gang member who was injured by an overzealous police officer. Traits: (PV) Magical, mysterious, occult Octavia MacGowan Energetic Meddler “That’s quite a stumble, I agree. Let’s ask the angels to put your feet back on the right course.” Appearance: Brown hair highlighted with blond streaks tops gray eyes, a prominent nose, and bright pink lips. Roleplaying: She affects a Boston Irish accent, but drops it when distracted. She makes eye contact and invokes the angels, asking them to aid or witness. Personality: Nothing gets her down or throws her off—she’s an unstoppable engine. She dances until dawn, exuberant—with a man or without. Motivation: Ever since learning enough to invoke the angels, her life has been strange but filled with good. She likes both halves of that. Background: After a challenging childhood, including being abandoned by her dad at nine, she turned to God. A nun took an interest in her, nudging her into exploring angels. While Octavia couldn’t commit to a nun’s lifestyle, the comfort of angels got her through tough times—and later helped her friends deal with heartbreak and suicidal depression. She has gone through a series of McJobs, dropping them when someone in need calls. Her circle of friends helps her intervene; fixing lives, and backstopping her when things get dangerous. Traits: (SM) Dilettante, occult, saintly 914 915 917 Becky Britton Flaky Ex-Child Star “Oh, yeah...I’m her. I was Kandy on ‘Belden High.’ Yes, the same one who beat her sports car with a bat, and who lost all her money on a miniature Rottweiler venture. Did you want the fries or the salad?” Appearance: Becky is a pretty woman in her late twenties. She wears her black hair in two large pigtails, and has a skull-andhearts tattoo on one arm. There’s something a little desperate about her smile. Roleplaying: She is defensive when talking about her past, and often denies her past to customers and strangers. Personality: Never thinking ahead or of long-term consequences of any of her actions, Becky often lands in ridiculous situations. Motivation: She wants back in the spotlight and is always working on some plan to return to fame and all its trappings. Background: Becky knew she was not very smart, but she was pretty, and she had some minor acting talent. She pushed her looks to the limit and landed herself a role on one of the hottest TV shows around, “Belden High.” She became a star overnight, and it all went to her head. She fired manager after manager, threw diva tantrums, and squandered all her money. In the end she was fired from the show and blacklisted, fading into obscurity. Today, she works low-end jobs, as she still gets fired frequently, all the while dreaming of her return to stardom. Traits: (PV) Artist, entertainment, impoverished 916

Modern - Neutrals Rojas • Romanov • Russel • Ryan • Ryhera • Rykowski 293 Artist: Christopher Reach Becky Britton

Modern - Allies 294 Agent Cal Berman Enthusiastic G-Man “Finally, a field assignment! I’ve been itching for this ever since I graduated the Academy!” Appearance: Cal is tall, with stylish hair and perpetual shades. He usually dresses in a dark business suit and carries a shoulder holster. He always has a smile on his face. Roleplaying: An overeager agent who tries to frame conversations based on academy lectures, Cal comes off a little too pushy and believes that his badge commands immediate respect. Personality: Cal is very optimistic. He’s actually quite friendly and perceptive when he’s not worried about doing things “by the book.” Cal enjoys being in the field and believes that he can solve any case. This latter trait annoys more cynical and senior agents, who believe it is only a matter of time before Cal thinks like them. Motivation: He genuinely wants to serve his country. Background: Cal has always wanted to be an agent. He planned on joining the FBI or the CIA until “the Agency” came calling. Cal still got his training and his badge, but he discovered that America, and the world at large, was threatened by dark secrets that he could help fight. Cal eagerly threw himself into his studies and graduated with honors. He is now eager to defend his country against these threats, believing that the Agency will win the day if they just keep trying. Traits: (WC) Police, political Sarah Dorthian Mob Therapist “You’re feeling guilty because your morality came into conflict with your loyalty. That’s a good sign.” Appearance: Brown hair with red highlights frame an aquiline nose, blue eyes, and a tight smile. She tends to wear workaday business clothes, but throws on dark skirts for partying after work. Roleplaying: She nods, feigning interest, at random moments during conversation. She has a great fake smile, and gracefully delivers compliments. When she hears something that she morally disapproves of, her lips twist as if she’s biting into something sour. Personality: Sarah is trained to help and understand how people tick. Her strong moral grounding conflicts with the relative morality common in the underworld. Motivation: She has always wanted to help people get on the right track, help them break destructive addictions and find their footing. Background: Sarah never expected to become therapist to the mob. It began soon after she married her third husband, Jimmy. He came home bloody and bruised one night; initially he brushed her off when she asked how it had happened, but she persisted and finally learned the truth. Mr. Greenstone was waiting in her living room when she got off work the next day. She promised her silence and soon had a few new clients. She recently won the city’s therapeutic contract for abused and neglected children, and had to hire new assistants and expand her practice into the space next door. Traits: (SM) Charming, counselor, criminal, notorious Randolph • Randy • Ray • Reginald • Reilly • Rena • Renato This section features allies from all walks of life, encompassing a wide range of parties, game styles, and possible allegiances. If the PCs need money, you can bring in a shrewd investment banker as their patron; if they need information, you can link them up with a fetish singer who knows everyone who comes into her club. From focal NPCs who can drive an entire campaign to background characters with surprising depth, you’ll find a myriad of options in the following pages. 918 919

Modern - Allies 295 Benjamin Moore Observant Photographer “Yeah. I think I’ve got something like that on a film roll around here somewhere. Real sick stuff it was, too!” Appearance: He wears worn jeans and dirty white sneakers with the laces undone. His blue hoodie has small tears in it, and its faded Duke Blue Devils logo is barely visible. A large, battered camera hangs around his neck. His black hair is disheveled and short. Roleplaying: Ben uses small quips and has an intense manner about him. He leans forward when talking and speaks about composition and color. He’ll never remember the model of car at a crime scene but instead how it was parked, the lighting, and the bumper sticker. Personality: He’s very much a rebel with numerous causes. Personal gain isn’t foremost on Ben’s mind. He doesn’t care about materialistic needs beyond how they affect his art. Motivation: Ben is dedicated to his art, particularly when using it as a tool to speak to the masses. He photographs murders, urban blight, and social mischief (like flash mobs). He likes to make a poignant statement. Background: Ben is very much a starving artist but he remains true to his ideals. His work barely sells enough to keep him afloat, so he lives in a dingy loft. His camera gear isn’t the greatest, but Ben’s skill is more than enough to compensate. He’s too intense for most folks, and his non-conformist, “screw you” attitude doesn’t win him many friends. Traits: (DM) Artist, impoverished Seth Kayani Radical Wilderness Expert “Respect the land, and the land will take care of you. That is what our ancestors believed. We need to return to those ideals if we are going to survive.” Appearance: In his late sixties, Seth has weathered skin with numerous wrinkles. His hair is wiry, white, and long. He has a thin, toned body and rough hands. Roleplaying: Seth is disinterested in modern technology, and doesn’t hesitate to mention how something similar was done (and done better) using ancient ways. He likes to scavenge small snacks from trees and the ground while outdoors. Personality: He has a strong belief that the ancient ways of living are far superior to the modern way, and he isn’t shy about telling everyone this. He becomes annoyed when people do not take him seriously. Motivation: Seth looks to lead a simple life in harmony with the land and ancient traditions. Background: Growing up with his Navajo grandfather, Seth learned the history and traditions of his ancestors. Later, he attended college and graduated with dual degrees in ecology and ancient cultures. Seth spent several years in the national forestry service, where he became an expert in outdoor survival. Now, he is contracted by the military and government agencies to teach wilderness survival. He also accepts private contracts as a guide to locate lost objects and head search-and-rescue efforts. Traits: (PV) Ancient, academic, outdoorsman Neason “Big Mac” McGregor Gregarious Deep-Water Worker “I thought the guy recommended I watch ‘Keeping up with the Cardassians.’ You know, like the scifi show. Boy, was I surprised. It was about these women called Kardashians. TV wasn’t like that last time I checked. Yeah, it’s been a while, mate.” Appearance: He’s big and brawny, legs and arms made thick and taut by hard work. His once-red hair is sun-lightened and kept in a crew cut. And yes, the tattoo on his left bicep is of an anchor and the word “MOM.” Roleplaying: He’s a hugger. A handshake will never do when a big beefy hug will cement a friendship. Personality: He’s gregarious and outgoing, but purposefully clueless about real-life concerns. Unless events touch him, his family, or his friends, he prefers to stay in the dark. Life on the mainland can be confounding, especially all the newfound gadgets—and TV shows. Motivation: He’s always willing to lend a hand—or if need be, two big fists—to assist his friends. He loves work at sea because he lives free of distractions. Background: He’s a big-equipment operator specializing in deep-water assignments. He’s hired on at various times as an oil rig driller, an operator for oceanography expeditions, and as a hand for deep-sea salvage operations. He doesn’t act like it, but he’s got more money than he can spend thanks to his hazard pay. Traits: (TT) Adventurer, laborer, outdoorsman, wealthy Allister Marvin Isolated Savant “Interestingly enough, the common lolcat dates back to 1870, when Harry Pointer first...” Appearance: A disheveled man in his early thirties, Allister wears enormous glasses, wrinkled khakis and faded T-shirts. He sits in front of a bank of monitors and half-finished computers. Roleplaying: Allister never meets anyone’s eyes, flinching if they get too close. He is very self-assured when discussing technology, often inserting odd trivia. He is wary of other people and keeps them as distant as possible. Personality: Refusing to leave his apartment, Allister has everything delivered. He loves computers and information, the more obscure the better. He will sometimes spend days searching down a stray bit of knowledge, and once he finds something, never forgets it. Motivation: Allister wants solitude to plumb and absorb the secrets of the Internet. Background: More nervous around people than computers, Allister got an online degree in programming and does freelance work. Over the years, he has isolated himself further and further from the rest of the world and the lack of human contact has increased his instability. His immersion in the online world, along with his unique mental conditions, makes him a living Internet archive, able to recall the most obscure facts from the shortestlived websites. If his curiosity is piqued he can almost certainly exhume even the best-hidden secrets of the net. Traits: (MN) Business, eccentric, genius, humorous, white collar, zealot Samson • Sandalwood • Schevenit • Schopenhauer • Sengalis • Seth • Seversen 920 921 922 923

Modern - Allies 296 “Rez” • Rhonda • Rian • Ricardo • Richard • Rita • Robert Artist: Andrew McIntosh Lord Aislinger

Modern - Allies Shane • Shepherd • Sigler • Simmons • Singleton • Skoll • Smith 297 Erika Dayne Brilliant Politician “If we can get those poll numbers just a touch higher, I can win that district next year. Here’s what we need to do…” Appearance: Impeccably dressed, subtly made-up, and blessed with “chief executive hair,” Erika is a striking woman in her midthirties. Polls indicate that her strong jaw line and habit of raising one eyebrow make her “relatable” and “approachable.” Roleplaying: Erika never has a hair out of place, always says exactly the right thing, and is three steps ahead of everyone else in the room—and smarter than all of them, too. Personality: Erika’s political persona is a carefully crafted blend of strength, intelligence, and likability intended to make her as electable as possible. It works because she really is all of those things. Behind the persona, she’s also pragmatic but soft-hearted, gives freely of herself, and suffers no fools. Motivation: She wants to become the next president of the United States. Background: A politician on the rise, Erika is a strong candidate to become America’s next chief executive, and she’s lived her professional life like an audition for that job. She’s staggeringly intelligent and has a knack for anticipating her opponents’ moves that makes her a truly formidable politician. On top of that, she’s a good person and has no skeletons in her closet. She can be a powerful ally for politically connected PCs—and she’d make an amazing president. Traits: (MR) Famous, focal, genius, leader, political Countess Maria Castillo Vega Picky Researcher “You say that you can prove this document is authentic, but you acquired it from the lower territories of the peninsula. Several pieces from that area have been revealed to be forgeries. The lack of a slight curl on the lower case letters here and here suggests that this document is not genuine.” Appearance: She is a lovely woman who dresses in very expensive, sophisticated clothes. She wears her family crest on a pin on her lapel. Roleplaying: The countess never breaks from protocol, and she maintains perfect manners at all times, but she does not correct nor embarrass others who breach proper etiquette. Personality: Countess Vega is the epitome of class, style, and grace. Motivation: She seems obsessed with collecting journals and maps from various shipwrecks of pirate vessels from the 1700s. She tells people that it is her passion for nautical history, but her secrecy suggests that there is a more complex reason. Background: The countess was quite rebellious during her youth. She had earned a reputation for being more interested in the nightlife of a debutante than in upholding her title. Then, while she was sailing the world, she was reported as lost at sea for over a week. Eventually, she was found in a life raft near the Bermuda Triangle. After several weeks of recovery she re-emerged in public as a changed woman. It was around this time that her interest in historical pirate documents began. Traits: (PB) Charming, mysterious, royalty, scholar, wealthy Flanna O’Shay Oily Former Convict “The more you make me twist, the more I’m giving second thought to going straight, you know.” Appearance: She has an abundance of kinky, curly red hair. She wears simple dresses with flower patterns. She always looks uncomfortable performing domestic chores. She is nearly six feet tall and prefers flat shoes. Roleplaying: She can cast an intimidating pose when she puts hands on her hips and glares down at you. Personality: She’s not immediately likable or trustworthy. She’s still inclined to take shortcuts and shady deals, despite her intention to stay straight. Motivation: She wants to live clean, but her own nature and her former associates are always pulling her back. When pressed for cash, she’s not above taking a small (deniable) role in a confidence game, but if someone offers her a chance for a legitimate profit, she’ll jump at it. Background: She thought she was untouchable as a teen, and her criminal exploits became more daring; she usually stuck to a favorite type of swindle or cheat. Prison was an eye-opening experience for her, one she vowed not to repeat. But she chafes at life on the outside. She’s itching to use her “skills,” but is waiting for an opportunity to employ them in a legitimate way. If only someone would take a chance on her—she’d be fiercely loyal. Traits: (TT) Criminal, impoverished Lord Aislinger Adventurous Noble “Why my dear boy, what use is life if it is not filled with adventure?” Appearance: Aislinger wears a ragged military coat and has short, shaggy black hair. He always stands tall and proud. He exudes confidence. Roleplaying: Aislinger is always charging ahead to new opportunities. His fortune finances incredible adventures that he refuses to be left out of. Personality: Charming and cavalier, Lord Aislinger is full of stories. He rarely feels a need to lead the group, but he won’t be left out of the most exciting parts. He cares little for pomp and ceremony. Motivation: Lord Aislinger seeks dangerous entertainment and is always looking for the next new thrill. Background: As a boy, Lord Aislinger quickly grew bored with the decorum of nobility. Being born to his parents late in their lives only added to this boredom. The moment he was of age, he enlisted in the military to escape. Always rebellious, Aislinger had as rough a time in the service as he did with his family, but at least there was adventure and excitement if he volunteered for dangerous tours of duty. When he inherited the family fortune, he left the military and began funding expeditions to interesting places full of ancient treasure or mystery—and accompanying them. Lord Aislinger is more than a rich thrill seeker: His advice and push-forward attitude create results, but they just as often cause hassles for his companions, as he rarely considers safety precautions necessary. Traits: (JA) Charming, eccentric, royalty, zealot 924 925 926 927

Modern - Allies 298 Rosyln • Sadiki • Sally • Sam • Samantha • Sammy • Samuel Caroline Boudreaux Undaunted Champion “Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, any verdict other than ‘guilty’ would be a travesty of monumental proportions when one considers the depravity of the crimes committed by the accused.” Appearance: She wears a trim brown business suit and skirt with high heels and carries a brown attaché case. Her blond hair falls just past her shoulders and she wears small reading glasses over her hazel eyes. A long scar runs down her left cheek, marring her otherwise beautiful features. She’s athletic and fit. Roleplaying: Caroline is hard-nosed and a plain speaker inside the courtroom, but outside she is eloquent and well-mannered. An articulate speaker, she’s persuasive and very smooth in her handling of events. Personality: She projects an air of confidence over her physical deformity and doesn’t let it ruin her life. As a prosecutor, Caroline is outgoing and sympathetic to the plight of others. Motivation: She’s dedicated to the cause of justice not only in the courtroom but also on the streets, where they have their own kind of justice. Background: Her promising career as a prosecutor seemed destined to make her district attorney until she began targeting local organized crime. A break-in at her home was meant to send a message, and during the struggle her face was injured. In the intervening time, Caroline has returned to practicing law, but her aspirations for the DA’s office are now on hold. She remains committed to cleaning up the streets. Traits: (DM) Charming, hideous, white collar Marty Anderson Angelic Invoker “May the angels Raphael and Abdiel avert danger from you this day.” Appearance: Marty dresses in crisp white button-down shirts, dark pants, and sunglasses. His brown hair is artfully wild, and he has brown eyes and a broad smile. Roleplaying: He invokes the angels before most actions, smiles with sincerity, and is polite and formal. Personality: Marty wants the world to be a better place. He writes and calls his congressman, circulates petitions, and calls upon the angels to succor the weak and needy. Motivation: Angels saved his life; the rest of his life can be given over to repaying them and it still won’t be enough. Background: Marty had stage three cancer; they were discussing whether it would be weeks or months before the end. In desperation he turned to a fortune teller—who, it turned out, didn’t read tarot cards. She examined him, calculated the angels’ positions, and invoked their aid. The cancer hasn’t bothered him for the last three years; his doctors have no explanation for the reversal. Marty does—he’s thrown himself into the occult world, studying angels and their invocation. He has the fervent conviction of a convert, but reins it in to help even those who don’t believe. He’s a dedicated charity worker, dispensing advice alongside the more mundane necessities. Traits: (SM) Counselor, occult, zealot Pedro Ramirez Daring Adolescent “Pardon me, mister, but you don’t want that crew to take you down river. They’re bandits. I can take you, and for only half the price, too. Don’t let my age fool you, mister. I’ve spent all my life on this river, and I know its waters best.” Appearance: His pants are torn, ragged, and too short for his frame. His T-shirt is stained with sweat and dirt. He is thin and gangly, but he has an aura about him that radiates charm. Roleplaying: Pedro tries to anticipate his customers’ needs and is quick to either perform a service himself or to offer information as to who in the local village would be the right person to talk to. He always holds out his hand, hoping for a little bit of money for his efforts. Personality: He has a can-do attitude, but is overconfident and frequently gets himself into trouble by biting off more than he can chew. Motivation: He wants to find his father no matter what the cost. Background: Pedro’s mother died shortly after giving birth to him, and his father raised him as best he could. His father taught Pedro how to pilot their boat up and down the river that flows through the local jungle territories. One night, his father left to pay a debt and never returned. Pedro was left on his own, but will not rest until he finds his father again. Traits: (PB) Adventurer, charming, child, pilot Laurentiu Mironescu, Ph.D. Disreputable Professor “They said I was crazy, but here is the evidence! If they could see this... But they can’t. They can never see it. This would be too much for their little minds.” Appearance: He’s the poster boy for Disheveled Eccentric Professors Anonymous. Roleplaying: Laurentiu mumbles a running commentary and debates with himself. Personality: He’s never fully recovered from being laughed out of the halls of academia, and buries himself in research in a vain attempt to redeem himself. Motivation: He seeks the evidence that would vindicate him. Background: A brilliant professor of history with a strong background in science, Prof. Mironescu claimed to have discovered controversial but incontrovertible evidence that our world is not what it seems. (This could be a Mythos-like elder race, UFOs, faeries, cold fusion, or whatever is appropriate for your campaign.) His reputation earned him some attention, but he was literally laughed out of the auditorium when he presented his theory. He insisted that his evidence was solid, but it failed every subsequent test. Claiming that his evidence had been tampered with, he retreated to the anonymity of a small regional college. The truth is that his evidence was sabotaged by those who would stand to lose much if the truth were exposed. Traits: (KS) Academic, ancient, eccentric, genius, scholar 928 929 930 931

Modern - Allies The Snitch • Solomon • Somers • Song • Sorrow • Spenser 299 Sasha Tremare Cunning Linguist “Nimefurahi kukutana nawe.” Appearance: Tall and beautiful with ebony skin, immaculate silver-shot hair, and dark, darting eyes, Sasha dresses perfectly in an array of custom tailored suit-dresses that accentuate her natural beauty. Roleplaying: Sasha speaks in a low, soothing voice. Her movements and speech are languid and sensual, despite her fastmoving mind. Personality: A gracious and polite woman with a stunning intellect, Sasha usually reaches conclusions before others, even presented with the same information, but is rarely obnoxious or rude, instead giving others a chance to reach their own conclusions before speaking. Motivation: Sasha seeks intellectual challenges and interesting diversions to keep her mind sharp. Background: A child prodigy, Sasha graduated high school at 12, received several doctoral degreess by the age of 21, and has mastered over 15 languages. She was recruited by the NSA, but eventually left to start her own cryptology business. A millionaire by 30, she now spends her time supporting various research projects and taking the occasional case which piques her interest, and is often called in to consult for the FBI and CIA. She is currently writing a treatise on the Voynich manuscripts. Traits: (MN) Academic, beautiful, business, famous, genius, scholar, wealthy Otávia Henriques Nervous Mercenary “What was that?” Appearance: Although physically fit and decked out in well-used hardware, she has an awkward look about her. Roleplaying: She often says the wrong thing at the wrong time, and as a devout Catholic she can be a bit judgmental. Personality: Normally socially awkward and jumpy, she transforms into the perfect soldier when everything hits the fan. Motivation: She uses her God-given gifts to help those who can’t help themselves. Background: The first time Otávia felt comfortable around others was in her early teens, when some punks tried to extort cash from her oldest brother while they were minding the family store. She broke the lead punk’s gun arm with her broom and stabbed him with the broken handle. She then asked her youngest sister to bring the fire extinguisher from the office she was playing in, and used it to great effect on the remaining punks, all while calmly directing her siblings how to help out. Amazed at her ability, her father took her to a number of martial arts schools, but the only one that she enjoyed was a full-contact fight club. As a devout Catholic, she always uses her skills to help out those unable to defend themselves or in need of a champion. Since her initial training, she’s added firearms and other weapons to her skill set. Traits: (KS) Adventurer, eccentric, religious, saintly, warrior Representative Jordan Gant Talkative Politician “Thank you for having me on the show. I know that we are almost out of time, but can I say just one more thing?” Appearance: With blond hair and blue eyes, he wears his blue power suit and red tie with confidence. Some say that he is too handsome for his own good, and others don’t take him seriously as a politician, claiming he’s just a “pretty boy” for his party. Roleplaying: Representative Gant always has one more thing to say about any issue. Personality: His personality is a little bit rough. He is easily offended, especially if someone suggests his success in politics is merely based upon his looks. Motivation: He wants to prove that he is a serious politician to all of his naysayers. This sometimes gets him in trouble. Background: Jordan Gant was an ambitious student in law school, but he needed to make some extra cash in order to pay his bills and continue to attend classes. He took a job as a male model for a campus calendar, and this led to other modeling jobs. While the money helped, he has regretted the decision ever since, because those pictures are still used by his opponents to try and discredit him. For this reason, he tends to talk too much in his attempts to prove that he is a serious lawmaker. Traits: (PB) Beautiful, leader, political Sharon Kingsley Rookie Police Officer “All I ever hear from you guys is how little I know; that I’m the rookie. But who is it that spotted the trace of co*ke on the driver’s shirt? The trace that lead to the 10 kilos in his trunk?” Appearance: Sharon is above average height with a large build. Her short haircut and her sunglasses hid her femininity. Roleplaying: Sharon talks tough to hide her own insecurities. She has a penchant for foul language and works it into most conversations. Personality: Despite her enthusiasm, Sharon does not know how the street works. Lacking in practical knowledge, she relies on her instincts. Motivation: She wants to be the best police officer she can. She’s got something to prove to those that didn’t think she could survive on the streets. Background: Sharon grew up without much direction until her senior year of high school, when she saw a lecture by the local police department and decided to join the force. When she told her friends of her decision, no one believed she could do it. In the academy, her instructors constantly told her that she wouldn’t make it. On her first day, the sergeant told her that she wouldn’t make it. Despite her lack of street knowledge, Susan’s instincts are sharp and have guided her to several important busts. She is always looking to prove herself and will help anyone out if she thinks that it could lead to her next big bust. Traits: (PV) Focal, police, warrior 932 933 934 935

Masks: 1,000 Memorable NPCs for Any Roleplaying Game - Flip eBook Pages 251-300 (2024)


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Author: Van Hayes

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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.