Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (2024)


Bobsican said:

ok sub review time

Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (1)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (2) Seems relatively iffy, due to the rocks weakness and tera shell which really do not bode well with being item locked, which cuts into its versatility. Wish is 100% worth mentioning, you can use it on the terastal form to keep proccing tera shell and get more setup, but outside of wish setup sets i don't feel like this does allat much, granted it hits decently hard but it doesn't even get full stab in its stellar form so just like ehhhhh???
Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (3)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (4) idk why youre worried about it being trapped, nothing can trap elecs naturally anyway? besides that though it hits hard, speed tier is good for now and pushes the meta towards a faster direction, which I like, overall its a very one dimensional choiced pivot, but its very good at that, hits like a truck especially with stab edrift, and has the most spammable stab in the game(ghost), might even need to be toned down, im unsure how the calcs play out, but electro drift is a crazy good no drawback button thats boosted by terrain

anaconja said:

Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (5)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (6) your average ceruledge sub, honestly i'm already not optimistic about this thing just due to how much it needs an SD to do anything, outclassed as a midspeed physical fighting already, and it feels like itll gradually just fall down the vr as time progresses
Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (7)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (8) ok this is shiesty. ability gives it some nice innate utility, it looks like a nice long-term scarfer that can also function as a little bit of a defensive soft check due to its phenomenal natural bulk
Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (9)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (10) cool defensive wall / bulky breaker, more offensive sets on this are definetly going to have merit, as 100 spatk adaptability shadow balls and draco meteors are difficult af to switch into, but it also has really nice bulk to work with and a bunch of key resistances
Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (11)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (12) annoying, its fine, checks conk well, but otherwise is iffy, and serene grace moonblasts are just so annoying to fight on a physwall, not a fan, like the other one better

Swagodile said:


Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (13)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (14) idt another physwall steel that just gets trapped and deleted by giri is needed atm, plus the typing is succeptible to a lot of the phys mons we have atm and has no longevity, idk just not a fan
Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (15)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (16) ok i see the vision, im a huge fan of a good bug and this one is ok, it also functions as an effective rock type and it has a cool gimmick, plus great coverage and status moves to abuse it with, not bad
Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (17)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (18) rocks weak but far more powerful version of the base, still dig it
Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (19)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (20) what does he even do
Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (21)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (22) firstly this would be just pure steel, maggron drops the secondary type, secondly this looks kinda stupid as a drummer, insane bulk with filter, near impossible to cleanly kill, and has prio, if it doesn't end up being broken though its just mega aggron deluxe, which would be solid, boring but potent, overall not a fan of the sub though
Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (23)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (24) uncompetitive ass ability, besides that its fine tho, also list spore as a status move, idt sleep moves are banned, besides both of those its unremarkable, hits decently hard but the bulk is just not there

G-Luke said:

Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (25)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (26) Already gave my thoughts but its a cool mon that has a lot of versatility to it, nice glue, and it doesnt get trapped by giri
Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (27)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (28) its an electric, its fast, its frail, it clicks draco and leaves, adequate sub, doesn't really leave a strong impression on me but its solid
:sirfetchPet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (29) cool mixed attacker, I quite enjoy his presence, golisoros was going to drop to RU eventually and this is a nail in the coffin, but besides that I was really fond of Bundle Ken besides it being broken af, and this is a cooler iteration that is an actual mixed attacker, really just ival lite, I know theres bias here but i like him

flareth13 said:

Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (30)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (31) would've been a cool scarfer if it could pivot, now it kinda just takes the worst of both worlds, and has a fairly useless normal type attached to it, with a lack of firepower overall. yeah it blocks prio but everything else about it kinda uh, is really mediocre
Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (32)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (33) holy optimized- i dig the role compression but fear it might be kinda centralizing, would ditch the stat boosts, moonblast + 108 bp ground hyper voices hit hard enough anyway and make this just a tad more passive, overall its probably too centralizing of a wall though
Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (34)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (35) at first i was apprehensive but I honestly don't hate this, has a sh*tload of utility, promotes use of the darks we have which are generally all kinda falling off atm to my knowledge, a good status spreader but idt we really need another one of those, maybe save the idea for later down the line, but slither kinda does this things job already, albiet with a different type combo
Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (36)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (37) poltergeist gaming, honestly may still be broko because idk what deals with this at +2 besides slither king comitting more status spam which kinda is something people want to avoid, not a great fit for the meta atm

Orangesodapop said:

osp grrr he makes me mad >:(

Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (38)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (39) priority blocker that loses to like, all of the priority users... wow, impressive

Nasho said:

ehhhh somehow like all of these are either broken or bad

Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (40)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (41) immunity abil to a weakness (check), heavily messed with by the best mons in the tier (check), magnegiri is her best friend (check), yeeeaaaahhhh idk how i feel here, don't get me wrong the bulk is great but the typing leaves it losing to so much in the tier and the abil only really serves to screw over kabupult which needs help anyway
Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (42)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (43) you are right, get this thing out of UU its disgusting in the tier besides the fact that tentazor punches its face, and thatmakes me happy
Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (44)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (45) man i love getting special shift gear, or just being a stupid specs breaker, list u-turn btw, also broken and has an emotionally painful speed tier
Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (46)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (47) cool scarfer, promotes kabupult, but uh it also has 117 attack sacred fire and idk how I feel about that, plus more priority, dunno might be kinda excessive with band/bulk up, another thing btw list gunk shot (to delete the dog) and bulk up (forma de dragonite espeed)

Ayecrusher King said:

Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (48)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (49) calm mind draining kiss broken-ness ensues, plus then you just calm mind through mr. heat and ehhhhhhhh its really sketchy
Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (50)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (51) ability is stretchy af, and yeah this is just worse conkelbun, that can go mixed, i'd reccomend either changing the typing or going to a fighting thats more soley a spatker
Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (52)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (53) the ability + insane bulk of this mon is such a pain and not balanced, this is such an annoying mon, it can even just delete the sh*t that doesnt get toxiced with earth power, and just kinda protect stalls everything. no bueno
Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (54)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (55) no (this meta is not equipped to deal with rain, nevermind an auto swift swimmer, please do not sub this)

Beaf Cultist said:

Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (56)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (57) cool sub, hits decently hard, is a good wall, solid speed tier, this mon can genuinely do whatever the f*ck it pleases, including scarfing, idt its broken but its definetly up there, might need another nerf but I really love this playstyle, its a very cool mon, hell I even tried something similar with Buzzorus-Therian back in OU, which didn't win but god is this sort of mon fun and has so much room to do really creative stuff with
Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (58)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (59) its okay, kinda just a sh*tty latios, but sh*tty latios is still latios, so for the time being itll be solid, if it ever falls off council can put crack into the spatk stat, pirouette is gonna go unused because pirouette, and also i think the stats are calculated wrong, same thing happened with Skeloetta

DenebStargazer said:

Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (60)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (61) fine sub, imo Buzzscor is better, as this just lacks any sort of defensive purpose or versatility and is kinda strictly a banded breaker, but the offensive presence is like way dumber with tinted lens. kinda iffy and also even more priority, ima pass here
Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (62)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (63) okay on the surface, wicked cool sub, but I feel as though in practice being so boots dependent is going to lead to an eventual falloff, and also just makes it really unable to repeatedly check physical attackers as most can just knock it since for some reason like everything has knock off, but still in no means a bad sub, and would be a fine addition to the meta, i just feel like it has underlying issues, kinda like moltres
Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (64)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (65) badass sub, feels like kyurem a lot, which is very cool, overall its a really cool offensive dood, with some funny offsets, and cool interactions with existing mons, not too much to say, just a well made, unique sub
Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (66)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (67) no sucker, regardless yeah its a good breaker, special bulk isnt enough to be f*cking up heat if its at all chipped, as poison and dark in fact, do not resist fire, wouldn't be surprised if down the line adaptability gets taken off though, 120 attack with 2 incredibly good stabs might just be too much even if its slow and has subpar bulk

PQRDG said:

Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (68)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (69) ability is really comedic, but uh holy mother of broken DD mon wtf, way to mandate priority on every team but ice/fighting with 120 attack, CC, Ice Stab, EQ, and DD is just bonkers, especially since fluffy gives it such an easy time setting up, and makes it incredibly difficult to revenge kill, plus it permablacklists snow from the metagame, I would swap fluffy out for a different ability
Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (70)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (71) cool rocker, might be broken bcuz dual stab sharpness stone axe good stats no rock weakness, and has webs to be like the best suicide lead ever? yeah ok this might actually be kinda cancerous
Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (72)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (73) I'm good, we don't need a veil bot, and thats really all this is
Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (74)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (75) like it, good way to take inspo but make it unique, looks a lot like floatzera ata glance, but accomplishes different things, either being a spdef pivot, or a dd sweeper, and much less of an offensive speedster pivot, cool sub and it works well

cyclonez_ said:

Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (76)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (77) yep this is the webber, like the compound eyes coverage but I feel like this is a bit too oppressive of a webber, otherwise it has its issues but is a fine sub overall, gives mr. heat more to do
Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (78)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (79) it does what it wanted to accomplish, coil guy, really nice bulk, very few weaknesses, good methods of regaining hp while not being passive, definetly accomplishes its goals and is an overall solid mon, maybe even redistribute more stats to the defenses, primarily out of HP to be able to abuse stuff like drain punch and pain split even more effectively could lead to a very interesting defensive profile
Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (80)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (81) way to put sneasel out of a job, way too fast, also youre adding more stats out of nowhere? this should equate to 115 speed, not 120, (105+10), berry gimmick is cool but could get out of hand really fast, maybe limit the amount of uses

Mystora said:

Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (82)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (83) excessively fat, way too good at getting up free cms and can run away with a game by just refusing to die, nerf the bulk or remove solid rock imo
Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (84)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (85) i fw it, kinda an espeed guy but a cool wall with good utility, but nerveracking as a webber, might try to swap out the bug for one that don't do that, but otherwise cool
Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (86)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (87) you ready to be mostly useless until the opp clicks knock even once and then just win the game????? could also just be solid as an sd sweeper in general but I am not a fan of the abil, it way overpunishes knock off use in an unhealthy way

master oden said:

Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (88)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (89) seems fine, not the biggest fan but it is definetly a well thought out knock absorber, the bulk is extremely high and it does heavily promote mons that were already really good so idk, gives mr meat more to do but in a bad way because this can plot ep, do like 70 to its best check, and die
Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (90)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (91) copy mythoughts on the manectric noivern one but this one is a bit cooler cuz additional utility and not frail as balls, also becomes extremely dangerous after blocking a defog, but promotes kabu so thats zased
Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (92)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (93) really clever use of totem mons w/ your subs btw i am a fan, hope council lets this keep pursuit, because its cool, though there is a chance it ends up problematic, and if so council can just take off pursuit because its a cut move or whatever
Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (94)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (95)-primal: broken
Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (96)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (97) solid all around mon, hits hard enough with a surprisingly good speed tier for the meta, with wish recovery, actual good use of the normal type, and solid utility, nice

AquaticPanic said:

Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (99)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (100) it does what its supposed to, very straightforward, idk if it hits damage thresholds it wants to, but yeah this is otr

goomywastaken said:

f*ck how many subs are you gonna make me do goomy

Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (101)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (102) hella threatening sweeper stopped by meaty man if tera is allowed, ass if not, real huge swing there
Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (103)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (104) ogerpon hearthflame, like actually
Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (105)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (106) crazy to sneak the actual best defensive mon in on this, this thing has everything it could ever want, great bulk, typing, pivoting, hazards, recovery, knock, this sh*t is so good, maybe too good, who knows,
Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (107)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (108) if tera on hearth is banned thisll be fine, its the worst of the 4 but that is the fate of cornerstone, upside is tho in sand if this thing can tera it just like actually doesn't die
Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (109)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (110) nasty scarfer with a lot of versatile offensive options, basically if hoopa-unbound was more based
Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (111)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (112) very similar to my thoughts on buzzscor, very versatile defensive sub with loads of options and variations, and really cool prio too, unfortunately argument invalid since UB with non-prime numbers

Revenge of Depressed Gay said:

Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (113)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (114) pikachu gets plot, which might break things, but otherwise cool glass cannon, may hit too hard for its speed tier though, especially since specs are free as hell
Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (115)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (116) super omega broken lmfao
Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (117)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (118) this is more of a scarfer than a sweeper, since even if you copy their boosts theyll still outspeed you, besides that its very good at spamming brave bird so ?? council may rule the ability as broken though as it invalidates most forms of setup which is already an issue the metagame is having, I'd be inclined to agree

Melt Gibson said:

these are certainly

Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (119)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (120) ability might be stretechy? besides that its a really strong slow breaker with uh.... not that much else going for it, damageless life orb is really fun though
Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (121)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (122) cool guy, gonna put golisoros in the dumpster but thats fine, old gens suicune is a very unique mon that doesn't get to be seen that much so this is a very cool twist on it, still should probably not try to just outclass existing subs though
Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (123)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (124) no, idc if its 4x rocks weak, rain is a no
Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (125)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (126) see thoughts on the other krook fusion, but this one is more rng dependent, also put focus energy on the useful moves alongside slash, using this thing with a crit boost to basically get +1 atk every turn is kinda bonkers, this would be less apt to scarf for that reason though

awaterbucketonlava said:

thank god this one is simple

Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (127)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (128) ah finally, the 3rd of the bug/grounds. this is the worst one just by virtue of being frail as all hell, and it doesn't have anything over either of the others, except sand force, which is an ability im surprised more people haven't subbed as it is applicable to a lot of mons and helps out our big friendly dinosaur a lot
Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (129)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (130) Iron Tornado but without regen or fighting type, still gonna be just as good though, doubles as the zapdos of the tier so thats fun

The Main Mon said:

someone get this man a Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (131)

Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (132)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (133) well if we're gonna get a snow veiler this one is ok, no momentum, no wish passing, and very inclined to use it for itself with one of the better type combos for ice, and actually beats tentazor
Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (134)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (135) just an extension of the base that lets it get more turns of snow, and more stats to actually start sweeping with, it works well in conjunction with the base, somehow this sub is actually one of my preferred snow setters????
Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (136)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (137) mid, it hits okay, but has a bad typing, bad speed, middling bulk, and no utility to speak of, try again next time I guess
Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (138)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (139) this is just frosmoth. why did you make frosmoth again? what

Jrdyop said:

guys look its me

Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (140)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (141) I might end up removing this mon idk, tell me what yall think
Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (142)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (143) little f*ckinggoober i love him
Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (144)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (145) idk, i did all this, yall gimme some thoughts on mine maybe
Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (146)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (147) did you know-

zxgzxg said:

ziggyzaggy guy oops i mixed up your subs with another guys my bad yeah these are yours

Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (148)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (149) decent fire/flying, unaware makes it stand out and it has a very distinct niche, I don't know how well it'll hold up as time progresses, but its very fast, has good utility, good enough bulk, and overall is just a solid mon, nothing overbearing
Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (150)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (151) incredibly fast and powerful at the cost of negative longevity, this thing is as high of high risk high reward as you can get, really intriguing mon, I hope to see it in action
Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (152)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (153)bro give up the dream- this thing is like, not good. yeah it hits hard, but its fighting a losing battle against itself, can never function as a defensive piece due to the constant chip it deals with, cant even heal it off effectively, and the power isnt even that crazy to begin with, really middling stab combo with ZERO coverage, and a low base stat? its just not it man
Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (154)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (155) make sure to get rid of the spatk stuff in the movepool now that you fixed the stats, its fine, interesting type combo, and the ability gives it access to some very unconventional STABS which is a plus, SD Espeed is a bit worrying, itll be fine and it has a lot of different offensive routes, gonna heavy struggle against grounds tho (mabe list some coverage for maractorus, like keep air slash or smth)

Deviation395 said:

Offensive Rock-type that beats Mr. Heat- (i mean yeah theyre supposed to do that, you mightve made the only one that actively loses to it on the switch)

Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (156)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (157) themr. meaty psychic in question: regardless its a fast offensive mon that hits hella hard, no rock head sucks but that can be adjusted once the meat situation is under wraps, its a well thought out mon and overall a good sub with a lot of unique tools, also getting good as gold after flash fire activates is silly

Ema Skye said:

the most overpowered bunch of subs yet

Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (158)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (159) insert the most annoying calm mind sweeper ever. this is broken, way too fat, can't be beaten by toxic, only 1 weakness, which this has coverage to instantly eliminate either of the mons of that type on the switch, and can even spam scald to screw over physical breakers that may try to deal with this, it has moonlight too so it doesnt even have to rely on wish, though if it were to this is also an absolutely insane wishpasser, dude this thing might be too much for OU, I don't even know how you could salvage this
Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (160)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (161) quite literally the most optimized rain setter ever, what the f*ck, no, take rain off it and it should be fine. Could even do something funky with rain dish to give it some free healing if youre worried about it not being viable.
Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (162)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (163) I don't quite know if this is broken either tbh, but if it aint this is hella cool, like itemlocked iron meta that occupies your mega slot but with a host of other cool benefits, idk if itll be here, or end up in OU, but wherever it is this seems like a fun mega
Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (164)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (165) Funny ability, not gonna come up that much but it could occasionally be interesting. pretty standard breaker but it does its job well, i dont think this one should be broken unlike every other sub youve made.
Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (166)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (167) i'll leave it thanks
Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (168)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (169) please explain to me what on earth is supposed to check this, you can get free double base power on moves, tinted lens, more healing than a man could ever need, a phenomenal typing, slow nuclear volt switch, great bulk, this is way too optimized, you have to remember that you are subbing for a UU, not OU, adjust to the lower power level man

Glitchwood High said:

Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (170)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (171) this is an iron valiant, with free quark on entry* (except its 1.3x speed which is really annoying and is going to make speed tiers a pain to deal with), at least the STAB combo is much more manageable than Ival, but this is BATR at its finest, but hey you managed to walk the tightrope I guess
Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (172)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (173) eaugh hyperoptimized snow setter with pivoting, noo, the mon itself is fine but the second this gets in, it would open the snow floodgates like never seen before since the days of slushie and icekrai
Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (174)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (175) nice spdef tank that can be a nuisance with strength sap, typing fits it well and is really potent offensively, punishes status too, overall a solid sub
Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (176)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (177) I'd be inclined to say broken, its slow flutter mane that is not actually slow and is fairly fast for the meta, cool in OU tho maybe? dunno
Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (178)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (179) reinventing the IF wheel at long last, cool pivot with a solid damage output, do list the coverage and cm though, plus its fat enough to sustain some damage, discourages the spike stack metagame of gen 9, and is a status absorber thanks to mguard and the electric type making it face 0 downside from any status outside of sleep and freeze

Yoshiblaze said:

Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (180)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (181) love scavenge but wet, its chubbier greninja, which does really well atm, yeah its competition for kabupult but I do quite like this sub, it does what it wants to do, has an interesting playstyle, and a lot of set versatility, good job
Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (182)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (183) dude i absolutely have slapped this sub in future submissions before with the exact same abil except poison type, im not a copyright claimer though, nice sub, good plotter or offensive pivot that can spread toxic and get free boosts, fun playstyle with a lot of silly options
Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (184)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (185) not a fan of the fact that this thing's longevity hinges upon running dual rocks, but the abil seems to be filler anyway. Besides that, this is aerodactyl 2. decent offensive pivot and fastmon.
Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (186)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (187) why are you 3 immunities, what did guguzz do to hurt you???? regardless its a fine spdef wall with some solid utility and secure removal, feels a little bit underpowered, maybe swap the normal out for something with a bit more staying power and maybe less passivity, but a solid concept nonetheless

Loginator said:

Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (188)Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (189)
Fire/Dark submission 1000, Ceruledge sumbission 1000, jokes aside this thing is really fast, and it has some really strong tools to work with, with some nice bulk that doesn't depend on the HP stat much. this is a really potent ceruledge fusion, and stab knock off of 110/100 offenses is actually really clean. And yeah it does have some nice built in checks like bramble, kabu, as well as being walled by mons that need a bit of help regardless, very well made
Good sub to leave things off on

thanks for sticking around, sorry if it becomes a bit incoherent near the end, its 4:24 AM, im gonna post this and go to bed, and what I learned from this is goddamn the people who do this deserve some credit, this took me 4 hours, and this is supposedly a smaller slate to work with. People often say not to walk a mile in someone elses shoes before judging, and yeah, its a long walk
so thank you to all you cool people who have done the sub reviews in the past, they don't go unappreciated.

Pet Mod - Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 4 | Voting Phase | Not open for Submissions (2024)


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Name: Rob Wisoky

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