The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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1 A 4M NORTHAMPTON 1 PLAN UNITARIAN i mtins at 2 5 3 CHURCH CENTENNIAL Deputy Ward Harlow of Cun 3 in the CHURCH CENTENNIAL TURNERS ILLS County Congregational Min 1 AMHERST Grossweil Cressey of Tyngs HLDLEY DEERIELD STAORD SPRINGS SUNDERLAND 4 high RAPIDLY PROGRESSING 'More Dinnerware in SOUTHAMPTON Mrs Clara Carter and Mrs the EASTHAMPTON SOUTH DEERIELD At Just Half Price CITY NEWS NOTES Weeldns Packard Wheat ENIELD YOUR ULTIMATE SHOPPING PLACE BRATTLEBORO tninanM THE SEMI ANNUAL SALE 1 Supply Personal Service GRANBY Office 1 Of Sale HOUSEWARES BELCHERTOWN Ends Today be Starts Today! i i Books Stationery the terteat(ora ot Its kind in New England Aae church will be held in the parlors Tuesday night the There will be an admission business meeting and social Deerfield Jan 12 The' Congrega Uopal" Sunday school held its annual DINNERWARE BALCONY THIRD LOOR PRINCIPAL RESIGNATION GRANTED Open Stock Patterns its Mrs Mrs 2 'V 4 i KOMTOM 'V1IAMWO rank Winslow Warren Underwood Charles Roadstrand 1 Harry Beeching the Republican town a candidate for select papers are in circula SMALL BOY HURT WHEN TRUCK STRIKES TREE vacation ball tonight at the Auditorium The ball will be given under the auspices of Maccabean lodge Knights of Pythias Harry Bornstetn who will act as floor' director for the general dancing formerly managed a large dancing school at Boston He promises several surprises for tonight EDUCATION GREATEST ITEM TOWN COSTS than 40 years The association In 1924 paid Out $11950 in death benefits to thefamh lies of members and $4178 in sickness benefits The relief' fund to which all members contribute 10 cents each week and which is used to help mem bers in temporary needs of cash on account of illness in their families ac cidents or other causes requiring an unexpected outlay was drawn on to the extent of $363589'' Special Town Meeting Called BelchertoUn Tati 1 There will special town meeting on Saturday Smith and Ellsworth RIVER 112 Day or Night offr OREIGN VAR VETS DISTAL NEV LEADERS Saturday and Sunday cbru and 22 The Sunday evening CHURCH TO INSTAL MEMORIAL WINDOWS Jan Old Hadley chap will meet at the home Woman's alliance of Unitywill meet tomorrow with Mrs Melpolder On Visits Secretary John Melpolder of the Community Welfare association re turned to this city Saturday after visiting the Community Chest associa tions at Worcester New Bedford and Hartford Ct Mr Melpolder will go to New Haven Ct and Bridgeport Ct tomorrow to make a similar survey leaves tomorrow for Rochester NY where she will spend the winter There will be a business meeting of the Social union in the Methodist vestry Wednesday at 230 The Scout council meeting Sched uled for' Wednesday night has been postponed until Wednesday the 21st There will be a card party in Grangi? hall tomorrow night under the aus pices of Union' grange 1 instal thp new'" officers of Granby grange tomorrow night Thornton Clark the retiring master who has held the efflee for the last three years iju ixvl iiiiHeu bijikiq meeting The chib will hold monthly meeting with Mrs George Kastman on Thursday afternoon Cummlnr ton will' ins tai the following officers of the Worthington grange at the Lpceurn hall on Tuesday evening: Master Mrs Carlton Loveland over seer Walter Tower lecturer Mrs Walter Shaw steward Daniel Port er assistant steward Carlton Love laud chaplain Mrs Albert Welch treasurer Ernest Thayer? secretary Mrs rank Bates: gate keeper Miss Allee Bartlett Ceres Mrs Leland Cole Pomona Miss Winnifred Ma son lora Mrs A Kilbourn lady assistant steward Miss Elizabeth Cole MACCABEANS TO HAVE BENEIT DANCE TONIGHT Dances by Sam Markson and Miss Irene Devens local professional dancers will be features of the chU a special town meeting on Saturday at 230 to take action regarding the voting of the south end precinct for town officers The original vote allowed the vpters there to vote by precinct at state elections but did not allow them tnr vote for town of ficery in that way Mrs Ella Conkey of Cottage street lews: Superintendent Mrs Evarts Pond assistant superintendent Mrs David Hall secretary and treasurer Mrs Winslow argnist Ed son Page Thursday evening from 5 30 to 1 the men of the Congregational church will serve a supper in the vestry the church Miss Marlon Stebbins of Boston visiting her parents Mr and Mrs Stebbins Sunderland Jan The officers of the grange will be installed Wednes day night by Past State Master XL Chapman of Mendon A musical pro gram will be given and refreshments served Mr andATrs Irvin Bennett of Oxford have been guests of Mrs Caroline Harper Mrs Harper's sister Miss Hattie Bennett is now visiting her Richard Graves is on a flip to Moore Haven la South Deerfield Jan 12 The young people of the Congregational church have bought for the church a hand some Canette vase It is the custom for the Young Peoples society to place flowers in the church for the Sunday services which are afterward sent to the sick or shut ins There will be a supper in the Con gregational parish house for men of the parish on Thursday night at 630 A surprise was given Miss AIc Nerney at the home of Mrs William Gass on Sugar Loaf street Thursday I night where 18 of her friends gath ered for a social time The party I was planned by Mrs Gass Mrs Ed ward Morrissey and Miss Theresa I Callahan Games music and refresh I ments were features of the evening I Saturday afternoon Miss McNerney I was the guest of 10 friends who went from here to the Mansion house in I isters Discuss Service in Army and Navy Withhold Decision 'A discussion whether the organized churches should "get out of the chap Jain business" in the army 'and navy developed such conflicting opinions among the members 'of the Hampden County Congregational as sociation in Railroad Young aien enristian association yesterday noon that no effort was made to reach a decision i' The rightness of the official church recognition of army and navy chap lains had bfeen broached by several religious publications Rev Orville letcher stated one coefention by saying that the abandonment cf cleri cal garb for an army uniform con stitutes of a position under the captaincy of dur salvation and assumption of a position under "army and that army and navy chaplains are restricted in speaking their opinions openly and honestly Saying that maintenance of army and navy chaplains lends in ferentially'the church's sanction to the machinery of wars he led those favoring a withdrawal of the churches from "the chaplain On the other side it was pointed out by 'several impromptu speakers that Avery In behalf of the people of the community at a meeting of the Poeumtuck club held at the home of Mr and Mrs Gary rench Needlework club will be enter Thuisduy afternoon by Mrs Packard of North 'Main Maj Linn Taylor Took Too Rushed to Me morial Recovery Probable Brattleboro Vt Jan 12 Maj Linn Taylor of Oak Street is In the Me morial hospital suffering from an overdose of medicine which he took this morning Maj Taylor had not been in his usual good health of late and was taking a tonic which Is said to contain strychnine He realized he had taken too much and called Dr Anderson anf Dr Lane Hewag hurried to the hospital xhere his he will be employed as sales engineer for the Utica Boiler company Harry Hans hassold his market in the Abbott block on South Main street to Howard of Putney" School Board Sets igure at $12164 Highways $7440 orest ires $iih Southampton Jan The town" half settled its accounts for the year pre paratory to its annual town meeting ebruary 9 The total amount cf the orders is $14'70L' Some of the largest items of expense are: Highways $7440 of which' the state pays about two thirds bridges and railings $1629 snow $146 "town of ficers $1000 miscellaneous $503 street lights $530 town hall $530 gypsy moth work $350 forest fires $111 the" school board will report $12164 part of Which is reimbursed by the state Southampton Jan The basket ball game Saturday night between the Southampton team and the Lutheran church team of Easthampton resulted in a score ot 17 to 33in favor of the Easthampton team rank Sherman began work in Springfield this morning will make the trip daily in his automobile At the open meeting of the Broth erhood at the Congregational church Tuesday Rev Edward Elis of Chester field will speak on "How to Dive 100 Supper will be snwed at 7 by Mr and Mrs Mason Slocum Mr and Mrs A MoorC Mr and Mrs Hogan and Mr and Mrs Howlett Word has been received here that Rev JT Richardson who formerly lived in this town is critically ill at his home Griswold Ct Lyman has been appointed by the selectmen as Are warden for the ensuing year He has appointed as assistants Lyman Pease A Gunn A Kingsley Olds and red Graves Mrs Mary Colerrtan was the re cipient of a postcard shower on her80th birthday Saturday Mrs Cole man is the widow ot Henry Coleman and has lived in Southampton since her marriage 59 years ago She has a aaugnter living with her Mrs Waitp At 20 Discount Affording an unusual op portunity to secure a real ly choiceset at a very low Also In the January Sala you will find many of oar a 3 5 a former pastor will give the histor leal address King will bo in charge of the Saturday night meet The committee ot arrangements comprises rank Lyman (chairman) Mrs Banister Mrs Mary HWarner Stratton and Bl Price (secretary) Tlje finance com 1 TT 1 i I Zl JilltlvU UU 1 4 $11 jIJlclII( 1 airchild Whitaker and I Currier The chairman of the music committee Dr Dow is arrang iiig a musical program for the occa 1 Sion In making plans for the observ 't I ante the league is represent ed by King the alli ance by Mrs George A Elder and the Smith college Unitarian club by 5liss 1 1 Margaret Oliver Enfield officers of stalled Thursday night at a special meeting by Edgar Winslow of Ware assisted by Mrs Winslow The Republican caucus will be held riday night in the town hall Mis If Morgan Ryther and daugh ter Rosemary have returned from visiting Mis parents Mr andMrs I1' airbanks in Agawam MEDICINE OVERDOSE NEARLY KILLS MAN i i i 1 Stafford Springs Jan 12 The res ignation of Philip Dow principal oi tne mgn scnooi was accepted at a special meeting of the town school committee tonight During the past years Mr Dow has been principal' of the high schQoI here and for a year previously he had been submaster of the school While Anson Handy now superintendent of schools in Thompsonville was principal Mr resignation is to take effect ebruary 1 when he will go to Weaver High school at Hartford as teacher of mathematics and science If the school board is unable to fill the va cancy in the principalship tby eb ruary 1 he will continue in that ca pacity for an additional week Mr Dow has conducted classes in scienbe while he has been principal but will devote himself exclusively to teaching in his position at Weaver High school He has had considerable experience as principal having acted in that capacity four years at Bloom field High school before coming to Stafford High in 1921 Mr Dow feels however that he prefers the duty of a teacher to those of a principal Dur ing the 31A years here Mr Dow has been well liked by the pupils "Miss Anna Kellogg of Westfield was elected to teach in the junior school PASTORSDISAGREE IN CHAPLAIN TALK McBrinn Riendeau5 and Byan for Selectmen Du pont Tax Walker Clerk Ware Jan 12 The Republican cau cus to candidates for town of fices was held tonight at the town hall the vote being 239 a very small turnout as was predicted The total vote is about 2400 i In the contests the results were as follows: Board of health three years Dr Dionne 83 Arthur Bour cier 116 highway surveyor John Nel ligan 146 A Thayer 86 assessor for tliree years Henry Provost 115 "John Casey 97 overseer of poor one year three to be nominated Thomas Prendergast 168 Samuel Rohan 167 Moise Deslauriers 164 George Lafave 60 tree warden red Zeis seig 149 Perry Dunham 80 The" officers Chosen without contest follow: Selectmen A McBrinn A Riendeau and Byam tax collector Dupont town clerk and treasurer Walker school committee Ryan auditors Lamoureux Sullivan and Labossiere park commissioner" Brannigan cemetery commissioner George Tucker water commission er George Storrs i The body Miss Anna a former Ware resident who died in Denver Col after a long illness was brought here Saturday uneral services were held this morning at Al church with a high mass of requiem celebrated by Rev Wil fred Brophy Burial was in St Wil liam's cemetery John Lazasz of Water street was before the court this morning on a bastardy charge and the case was continued until tomorrow for trial Ware High and Barre High bas ketball teams will play at the Junior 1 High school gym Wednesday night 1 the teams giving the prelim 1 inary at 730 SOUTH HADLEY ALLS Death of George Dressel South Hadley alls Jan 12 George Martin Iessel 53 died tonight at his home on the Granby road He was born at the alls and had? lived most of his life here He leaves his widow Eliza Sligo two brothers August of the alls and Henry of Holyoke and four sisters Mrs Cai'oline Guenther of Holyoke Mrs Hannah Aurnhammer Alias Anna Dressel and Mrs Maria Peetz all of the alls Jan 12 The newiy elcctcd Enfield grange will be in ucral of Hobart Granby Jan The funeral of Robert Bray who died at the Holyoke City hospital on riday was held at the home at East street this afternoon Vernon lodge ot Masons of Belchertown of which he was a mem ber had part in the service using their burial ritual He was buried the West cemetery Robindra Chandra Naf a native of India gave a very thrilling and in teresting address at the Sunday morn ing service yesterday A generous collection was taken for his work Deputy Ernest Russell of Hadley will I I 'Angotti Case Again Continued t)' The case of Pasquale Angotti" charged with assault with intent to murder came up in district court to Tiiay on continuance and was again continued to the 22d Ball was con "tlnued at $25000 and the defendant 1 1 'SA8 committed Angotti made an assault the night of New Year's I Cay on "Josef Krowka on Williams 1 1 Street using an ax as a weapon fl Krowka was dangerously wounded on the head but lias so far recovered as tii'be able to return to his home from 1 the Dickinson hospital Commissioner Bagley to Klwanls Clab Edward Bagley deputy com missioner of correction addressed the Klwanls club at Its regular luncheon tat restaurant today Mr 'Bajgley blamed the parents largely forthe lack of restrictions on young 'people whereby they are affordedvery opportunity for bad companion ahip and delinquency The state ju diciary the probation officers and the penal institutions are doing their best tg correct evil tendencies in those tWho should not have been allowed to a bad start Tho modern cor jRctive principle is to work on the ijtiod there may be in those whose of flfcnces bring them before tho courts TMld into the penal institutions and jjjjtere is always some good to bo found MPjf those who arc committed to prison aencienr Niles at Washington Edwin Niles secretary of the Re tail association: Will take an active part i the distribution con ference at Washington tomorrow and Thursday The conference has been called by the United States Chamber of Commerce as an aid to the National Association of Retail Merchants It is expected to be productive of im proved ideas as to distribution and the means of delivering those ideas to merchants who are members of af filiated organizations Air Niles Is sec retary of the National Association of Retail" Secretaries Dr Chadwick on Tuberculosis Dr Henry Di Chadwick superin tendent of the Westfield state sani tarium be the speaker at theregular luncheon meeting of the Ki wanis club at Hotel Kimball tomor row noon? Dr Chadwick will talk on a David Coe 26 Vernon Street Three of the best lighted offices in Springfield in the i COE BUILDING 26 Vernon Street Suite or Single Elevator Service Third loor rost David Co Coe: The following officers In paid for sidewalks $3800 I stalled: Healey commander Unity Church Receives Gift of $10000 Panels rom American Unitarian Asso ciation Amherst Jan 12 The parish of the Unity church at a meeting held yesterday following the morning serv ice authorized Rev Ives to formulate plans for $4000 for the purpose of making alterations preparatory to installing four me morial windows which have been presented to the church by the Amer iean Unitarian association' The largo window which will be placed on the leasant strcet side is a Tiffany production Angel ot (he The other three panels arc Laargo windows nine feet high with a design of apostolic figures of men This gift to the Unitv church has a value of $10000 The three janels will form a chancel fac ing the east which is of course the ideal ecclesiastical setting The set ting for the large front window needs but a fraction of an Inch al teration which is in the mind of the pastor a miracle because if the measurement was more or less the expense Incurred would be much greater This gift of the American Unitarian association came about through the sale of the All Souls church in Rox bury in which "these windows were some years ago with the understanding that if the church was sold to another denomination the windows should be removed The $4000 will pay for taking them out shipping to Amherst and setting rSonth Amherst Grange Instalatlon Instalation of officers in the South Amherst grange took Place tonight with Peter I Adams of Housatonic as installing officer Winifred 'Cowles was made master 'and the list of other officers follows: Overseer Irv ing Hendrick lecturer Robert Haw ley steward rank Koeber assist ant steward Lawrence Stiles chaplain Brainard Lyman treasurer Henry Holt secretary Airs Emma Sanderson gate keeper Duane Smith Ceres Alildrcd AIcKimmle Pomona Bessie Kerr lora Ruth Kerr assistant steward Airs Gertrude Call: executive committee for three years Sumner Parker The unior High school class cap tains for the "winter term were elect ed last week with the 'following re suit: 8 A Sallie Howe Howard Chenoweth 8 Arnold Nickerson Dcrothy Kennedy 7 A William Easey lorence Haskell 7 Kob er HolmesJennie Kosakowsa: 7 Raymond Cook Pauline O'Shea The first of the riday afternoon' section meetings of the Boys club was held on riday with 33 Jbeys in at tenaance anese are boys between tho years of eight and 12 whose (Parents do not want them to be out In the evening They are directed in games manual training and story telling by Lincoln Barnes leader of this part of the work The" first meeting of the riendly society a society in the interest of young girls" tinder the auspices of the Grace Epis copal church with Miss Marion Pulley leader will be heldi tomorrow night at 730 in the church Miss Elizabeth Al itch or Boston will talk tn the girls and all former members ot the society associates and any young women interested will be made weome service hour The inch Ives for a discussion of Alli ance problems and an explanation of the aims of tho national association The South Amherst Thursday club meets this week with Mrs A Smith Mattio Jones will assist Airs Smith in receiving and serving The pro gram will be a musical one arranged ny the program committee of club Arrangements Completec for Skating Other Events Contemplated Athol Jan The movement for the airangements of winter sports at Athol mention of which is made in these columns elsewhere is gaming much force and great Interest Is being aroused Deorest with Dr George Bassow have put much work In the proposed sports and are backed by the park commissioners An advisory outing committee has been formed consisting of Mr Deorest and Dr Bassow and the following are members: Gny Longley rea TrtrH rn Wnrrpir Hill A Starrett Phillin Starrett Ken 1 meth Orton The fire department will flood the pond and it is hoped to have a i fine skating rink of about 100 by 200 'feet dimensions Lighting will be done by the Athol Gas Electric company and Horton and McDonald both of whom have offered their services The road de partment will keep the pond cleared off and later It Is hoped to have toboggan slide as well as a ski jump ing place Mr Deorest Is familiar with winter sports while Dr Bassow was captain of the University of Ver mont ski team and prominent In that branch of athletics while in college About $75 has been raised and it is hoped to get at least $150 additional may be obtained by a paper now In circulation There will be ample po protection at night Will Teach Mathematics and Sd at Hartford High WHEN JS N0T WINE1 ICAIIUCTinM uw io vuLai i iwn I Absence of Deponent to Af fidavit Causes Continuance of Case of Man and Wife by Gordon Hearing David Salebowsky an 6 hiswife Gussie of 87 Sharon street on charges of' possessing intoxicating liquor was put over to Monday by United States Commissioner Gurdon Gordon because of illness of ed eral Agent Warren ielding and to give Atty A Slavin for the de fendants time to file motions for dis missal of the search warrant on the ground that it 'contained inaccurate description Atty Slavin also request ed the presence of the deponent war i rant affidavit or tho man who swore that he bought liquor at the "Sale bowsky home in order that a search warrant be issued The" name was withheld but a subpoena was is sued for his appearance on Alonday Airs' Salebowsky was arrested by Agent ielding 'when he and Sergt Blodgett and Officers Lester Ham mond and Jerry Dailey raided her home December 23 Atty Slavin asked Sergt" Blodgett If he could tell the difference between wine and grapejuice Sergt Blodgett' said he could tell the difference and knew for a certaintv that th limmr seized was wine made from grapes Will Be Celebrated Saturday 2 Sunday ebruary 21 and 22 Ortnampun jnu a coni fnitteo on celebration of the 100th of the Unitarian church has made substantial progress in the for the observance which will be held arv 21 iervice will bo in charge" of Rev George boro and Rev rederick Kent of former pastors of thechurch will have charge of the Sun riay night meeting at which Dean cf the Harvard divinity school will give the principal address Dr if Smith of Troy Turners alls Jan The Church Service league of St Andrew's Epis copal church has elected the following officers: President Alias Daisy Vlnni combe vice president Airs Charles oster treasurer Airs Kate: Phelps: secretary Airs John Trevorrpw There is to be a parish supper in the guild hall' Wednesday night at 6 and a parish meeting will be held at 730 Aliss Elizabeth Alosher daughter of Airs Howe of Greenfield and Cadran son of Airs Alfred Cadran of this town 'were marrlfcrl at the rectory St church this morning by Rev James Casey They were attended by Air and Airs Walter Stark sister and brother in law of the groom The bride wore a blue gown with hat to match and carried roses Airs Stark wore brown and carried roses left on ua wedding trip to Springfield and places and their return will Irak their home here at 144 Second street The annual meeting of the Congre gationai church 20th V' Hadley teE A of Airs rank Greene Wednesday at 230 The Alissionary society of the irst enuren wju meet with Smith riday at 245 Smith is in charge of the program MOUJCT HOLYOKE COLLEGE South Hadley Jan 12 Edgar Lee Alasters will open the ninth serie of Poetry Shop Talk at Mount Holyoke college Wednesday night speaking on and American and reading from his poems William Smith Riding ather Taken to County Hospital Greenfield Jan William the young son of Mr and Airs Clyde Smith of Chapman street received painful in juries today while riding on a Dexter bread truck which his father was driving The car in an attempt to avoid collision with another machine crashed into a tree The child was taken to the ranklin County hos pital and his wounds dressed His con dition is not serious Mrs William Mason Dtes Mrs William ALason 66 died this morning at her home on Beech street following a long illness "She was a native of Newburg N' and had lived "here mort of her 'married life She is survived by her husband a son rank Wikon and a daughter Mrs Arnold of Rochester The funeral will be held at Holy Trinity church Wednesday morning at 9 Burial will be in Calvary cemetery The funeral of Joseph Dobino was held at his home on Laurel street this Vectfon tf officers Saturday as fol morning Dunai was ni calvary cem etery The clothing group of the home economies department of the Parent Teacher association met today with Miss Vera Smith of the county exten sion service at the All Souls' church parlors District Deputy Dictator William Watson of Lynn and District Super intendent Arthur Hayden of Bos ton will be guests of the local order of Moose Thursday night There will be a large class initiation Paul Alazuban son of Mr and Airs Thaire Mazuzan of this town is a member of the Morwich college polo team which will shortly make a tour of the United States playing other col lege teams At a meeting of the trustees of the Greenfield Montague transportation area held this afternoon a statement was made that a dividend will soon be declared by the company the amount to be announced later The ranklin County as sociation held its annual dinner and meeting at the Alansion House yester day President Harry Aladdern of I Turners alls presided I fWAret cent are mentally state spends $7000000 annually jpg the work of the courts the pro tation officers and the penal instttu Snbna but the cost is justified if prog BNVis is made In the restoration to good Wttizenship of those who have begun SRcareer of crime The club voted to JSiifcrease its initiation fee to $25 andOS dues to $15 has sold the Cal mi restaurant in the Masonic block ijht John Byrne who was for 20JEgara head waiter at the Draper hqtel IggThe several teams in the drive on awhalf of the Northampton rfiotel fundNfcan today an intensive closing cam jfclgn of four days The amount re gjainlng to be subscribed is about jJOOjOOO The campaign workers at luncheon today by the Ki wan I a club retreat for tha men of St parish opened last night with sermon by ather Ledwith of the fathers ather Ledwith will preach every night this week at 130 and( special masses will be cele brated morning at 530 and 7 Beginning Wednesday I The forum ot the lorence Congregational church has elected these officers: President Chapin Jrader William Cordes associate lead er Harry Shaw secretary and treas Jirer Clarke The club ook supper at tlio church tonight and Stas addressed by Rev Robin of Holyoke 2 Air and Airs Edward A Currier of lorence were called to Brooklyn CT today by tho death of their P'ife Mrs Harold Currier Airs Cur Sier leaves besides her husband a fon Robert TROLLYMEN TO MARK 18TH YEAR UNION International Officers Will Come Here for Event on the 21st The 18th anniversary of the Spring field Street Railway asso ciation will be celebrated in connec tion with the instalation of offi cers at the annual meeting on the 21st in Odd ellows hall A' Raleigh president Coughlin vice president Leonard record ing secretary and Martin Hennes sy business agent financial secretary and treasurer will be seated for an other term William itzgerald of Detroit Alich first vice presi dent of the 'International union" will" be a sneclal guest of this city also a vice presi dent and John Reardon "of Worces ter a member of the general executive board wuraiso be present The annual ball will be held in the Auditorium on March 17 St day when Mayor or dis Parker will be invited to lead the grand march Tickets will be on sale soon The association had 144 mem bers at the close of its first month of existence 18 years ago of whom 92 are still members including 41 who were charter members The association was formed January 17 1907 In th past year 16 members ot the" mer organization died double the usual Rev and Afro Hooper were average of deaths for a time presented with a picture by the resi Several of the oldest members died dents of East Charlemont in appre In 1Q24 including some who had elation of service rendered file pres served the trolly company for more entation was made by William EL The January Sale To the Dinnerware in the January Sale we have just added two of our best patterns in ine China SAHARA and CRETE SHELBURNE ALLS Shelburne alls Jan The La Post Comdr oiTeSt PreSCttf dies' society of the Methodist church in 1 ft will hold a baked bean supper in the ed Dadge Comdr 068167 if parish house on Wednesday evening I TT the 2ist Urges Patriotism The annual meeting of the parish of Emmanuel church will be held to MaJ John Leonard post yetetaas morrow afternoon at 4 In the chapel 1 of oreign Wars held Its amosl tn A still alarm for fire was sent in on I stalation of officers last night at Leoox Saturday morning for a are in the 274 Worthington street Visiting home of Thomas Shea on Aahfielal viuuiStuu OuCCi viwwib i5 street No damage resulted I delegations from the Northampton The annual meeting of the Congre post led by Comdr William Nlelsnd gationai church will be held tomorrow I and other veteran organizations of night at 730 A family supper wifi this city were present James be served by the society of the I ren past commander of the local post church at 6'30 followed by the roll I acted as Installing officer assisted by call I Past Comdr William errier who ant The Instalation of the 'elected and! ed as aid de camp William or 1'" appointed officers for North Star Re I rest the retiring commander Was bekah lodge will be" held on riday I given a past badge evening the 23d I ollowing the exercises the msm The following expenditures of the bers of the nost voted unanfm wiSlv'u town of Shelburne as taken from the I to enter" the central council town books recently are as fol I of this city and appointed William lows: Paid on order of selectmen of I orrest James oren and (the town of Shelburne $6994140! Comdr Healey delegates to the nn nrrfprw fram tha Mnhnnl ivim I riAT tyimHjif nn auibtssvp mow cuxva i S3U0Q athletic field $1300 cash on hand I GeorgeH arrell senior vice corn January 1925 $1444285 The cau wander Arnold Moore cus of the voters of the town of Shel 1 commander: Josenh Healev chanlain burne will be held in Memorial hall qn After the exercises Comdr Healev riday night the 16th I read his Inaugural address thulMng The riendship club will meet on the outgoing officers for their serv Thursday afternoon the 15th at the! Ices during the year urging continued home of Airs George Smead at rank I efforts In srettinxr rnvfmmnt fn ton disabled veterans and Urging "metn A joint xneeting of the Ladies Mis bers to secure work for veterans in sionary and Aid society will be held at need Education of aliens 'and school the home of Airs Harriet Rowland on children in patriotism was also Church street on Wednesday after 1 stressed i nrAn a'aIaa I 1 2 i'" On account at the concert to bc held in Memorial hall on Thursday evening by the Hippie Concert company the wekly prayer meeting will be held at the Baptist church on Wednesday night at 730 The workers are busy each day cut ting ice from pond at Eli farm on the Ashfleld road The capacity of the Ice house has been Increased again this year so that local people may be sure to have a sufficient quantity of ice for the coming sum DIED In this rhy 1'Jth Ann Jane Gray 10 widow ot ravhl 5 ray 'uneral at the nMWrs of the 1)ickluon Streeter company fc0i307 State street Thursday at 1 pommlttal service nt grave in Woodlawn Pmetery Enfield Mas at 3 rn At Northampton 12th Mary ohnson Heath 74 imornl at the home ID Roadway Chicopee Halls Wednesday at 2 in Burial In airvicw cemetery At: MittiuenffW' llth Tatrl 'k Jtpnr of 118 Rmikvarrt atropt hf late residence Wednesday a ni at Kequlem high mass following nt St church nt Burla! in fr Thomas's cemetery riends invited JUpiyoke papers please rnpy In thia city 11th Michael Mbuhhan uneral from his late restd nee fcb Auburn street Wedneadny nt 830 a yblemri high mass of rentitem at Sacred Sftart church at riends invited itANSON At New York city 9tb Agnes Hannon daughter of the lata Hobart Or and Mr Eliza Ttaneon uneral tn Glea aon parlors 15 Clinton afreet Tuesday al15 a ni requlani high mnaa In Holy Name church at 0 Burial In St Thomas ceme Baryr Thorndike Maas armers Club to Meet Easthampton Jan 12 The East hampton club which in cludes several kinds of fanners besides tho kind will discuss the reso lution "That bus lines are more bene ficial than trolly at a meeting at the home of George Emerson Searle tomorrow night The affirma tive will be taken by George Lamb King and Mrs AL Gaylord and the negative by William Boyd" Al Hitchco*ck and Mrs George McEvoy The entertainment program will in clude readings by Aiiss Helen' Lamb LTineipal A Galbraith addressed the students of Williston academy at a meeting in the chapel yesterday on the lives and work of former princi pals of the school and of distinguished alumni Air and Mrs James of Ward avenue have announced the marriage engagement of their daughter Eliza beth to Edward Lyons son of Mis Catherine Lyons of Northampton Rudolph Alutter is among' those mentioned for Republican nomination tor selectman Air Alutter is a prom inent plumbing contractor and an ex service man HAVE CAUCUS POWERS Mayor ordia Parker finds that the local political committees have the authority to determine the hours for opening and closing the caucuses within the prescribed limits of 2 in the afternoon and 830 in the even ing The hours are considered amnle except in the case of a large caucus where the noon hour might be of ad vantage In an odd year city election the hours might be strictly limited and in an even ycar election when a mayor is chosen more time might be given the mayor believes I GRAHAM Corp Undertakers SI HOW A KT CANDIDATES APPEAR Papers In Circulation Backman Smith and Ellsworth Mentioned Athol Jan chairman of committee is man and his tion James Buckman is consider ing the matter and has not yet given a definite decision The name of for mer Representative Almond Smith Is being mentioned ormer Selectman Albert Ellsworth js also considering the matter The present board mem bers are al! candidates for re election Cooke for three years: George Grant for two and Jared Me Clumpha for one year The marriage at Greenfield is an nounced of Alisa Lydia Croteau formerly district nurse in Athol and Robert Abbott of West Royalston who were married at the Holy Trinity church Greenfield Wednesday Rev Afeehan officiated Jane Walsh was maid of honor THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN: TUESDAY JANUARY 18 1925 WARE LEGION INSTALATION OLLOWED BY DANCE Auxiliary Officers Also Begin Expect Money for New Building Ware Jan Earle llowe post?" American Legion and tlio auxiliary' officers were at a joint ses sion of the organization tonight at Izegion headquarters Refreshments and" a dance followed the work? Airs Carrie Levy of Greenfield installed tho following officers of the auxiliary Miss Gilbert Southworth president ous xienry joraan and Mrs Lu Edward St Onge vice presidents Airs Arthur Davis Mcmffirv Helen Lawson chaplain' Aiiss Grace leming historian Miss Bertha Bra connier sergeant at arms Past department executive commit teeman Emile 1' St Onge installed the following' Legion officers: Arthur Petit commander Ulysses Tay lor and Livingston Aloore vice commanders St Onge" adju tant Henry Jordan finance 'of ficer Rev George Al Gerrish chap lain Earle Hannum historian William A Morris athletic officer Aime Richards sergeant at arms Oliver Alorin AIcDoraldz James AIcBrjde Campbell execu tive committee Both organizations start the yea with bright nrosneets asit is cv pteted the voters will decide to make appropriation of the balance of the money due the town from the state front the poll tax fund and to ar range for financing a loan of $8000 to assure a new home for the or ganization on the lot which has been given by Dr and Airs Jolliffee of Maple street REPUBLICAN CAUCUS PICKS CANDIDATES that artny and navy men are in sym pathy with war and said that the re verse is often true that they hate wars The question whether spiritual service to soldiers and sailors could be given better by unofficial workers such as At A men rather than by commissioned chaplains was also raised Blake A Hoover general sec retary of the Springfield A presented the viewpoint and re counted" some experiences of workers with armed forces Rev Dr Stanley A Blomfleld of North Congre gationai church presided and a lunch eon was served ST CHURCH RE ELECTS OICERS Officers of St Universalist church were re elected at the annual business meeting last night at the par ish house inancial gains were re ported by all church societies The officers arc: Parish president Julian Albee vice president Edwin Thompson clerk Howard A Buffing ton treasurer Robert Rosenberg The prudential committee was 're elected to a three year term 'It in cludes Luman Brown Clifford Tifft and A Chapman Rev Delmar Trout the pastor gave his report to the parish com mittee A public supper and music were part of the program rDETuriPi 'J Greenfield a dinner and later to the fiini 1 lUr It IP I i raeater I taiuci Uenrv ATh0L Sports program is WORTHINGTON Jan 13 The Bas'hantill council of Royal Arcanum held Mn open meeting and instalation at the Lyceiun hall Saturday when (William Brittain and Wood Equity council Springfield instal led the following officers: Regent IB Brown vice regent Philip Currey orator Harry Alollison JJast regent Spencer Parish sfere ttry Charles Bates collector red Shir man treasurer Harry Bates qhaplaln Knapp guide Walter Higgins: warden Walter Shaw: sen try Walter Smith: trustees Charles Williams Ernest Thayer Milo Jtiebenow The inspection was follow ild by a danco and refreshments fiuere served jThe Benevolent societyvlll hold nn nll day session at the Jiarsonage on Wednesday with their istomacn was wasneq out und imp i dotes given His condition this noon is good and it is expected that he will recover Alaj Taylor is a prom inent business man being at the head of the 11 Taylor insurance offices ''c: Mr and Mrs rank D' Penney of New York spent the week end with Air mother Airs' lorence1 Penney of Linden street The young people were recently matried in New York Mrs Penney formerly being Aiiss Annette Antonio super visor of the Skin and Cancer hospi tal in that city Air Penney is a vio linist and has been broadcasting for some' time for station WEA Phillips Dead Phillips died late last' nighty after an illness of about three years He was born July 2 1855 and came to Brattleboro when 18 years old and worked in the Estey factory Later he was employed as bookkeeper for the IT Erldv rrimnaSiv ifn 1 Phillips married Aiiss Alice Newell of Brattleboro in 1881 who is' the only surviving relative Aiiss Alartha (Piper) Blaisdell 81 died at her hom*o on Walnut street yesterday afternoon She 'had been in ill health several years She was born in Barre Ill September: 22 1843 Mrs Blaisdell married George Blaisdell of St Albans in 1875 Mrs Blaisdell leaves her ta n1 and Aiiss GJcnna Blaisdell who lived with their moth er and three grandchildren The fun eral will be held tomorrow at 3 clock Rev Chayer officiating Burial will be in Morningside ceme 1 tery i 1 i ai j1 i lu ti fr top HMTon lf5 I 0 VtzU Heating company has his in the army and navy exist and that the terest in the business to his partner I men enlisted in them need and are William Al Heustis Air itch will entitled to spiritual comfort from the leave ebruary 1 for the South where churches Rev Dr A Reed denied I nc3txj i.

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Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

Phone: +5992291857476

Job: Legal Officer

Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.