Twisted Love - Alastorfan1 - Hazbin Hotel (Cartoon) [Archive of Our Own] (2024)

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Vox's Sweetheart

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Destinee is a demon in Hell. She is dating the TV demon, Vox. They love each other very much. Vox has to work a lot, but he makes sure he spends time with his precious sweetheart. She lives with him. She spends most of her time in his room. She has an anxiety disorder. Vox is at work right now. Destinee misses him. She is sitting on the bed, with her legs close to her chest. Vox is annoyed out of his mind. He wants to see his girl, and everyone is annoying. Valentino knocks on the door.

Valentino: Oh, Voxy!

Vox: What do you want, Val?

Valentino: Oh, what has gotten you so pissy?

Vox: I just want to spend time with my girlfriend, and everyone is annoying.

Valentino: Do you want me to handle them?

Vox: No.

Valentino: Suit yourself.

Vox: That's it. I'm an overlord. I'm not going to let people walk all over me. I'm going to see my girl.

Valentino watches Vox leave and smiles. Vox goes to his room. He sees Destinee on the bed.

Vox: Sweetheart, what's wrong?

Destinee: I missed you.

Vox gets in bed and hugs her.

Vox: I missed you, too. Work was so boring.

Destinee hugs back. Vox rocks her back and forth.

Vox: I love you.

Destinee: I love you too.

Vox kisses her. She kisses back.

Destinee: Are you off the rest of the day?

Vox: Yes, my love. I will be with you the rest of the day.

Destinee smiles and blushes.

Vox: You are so cute.

Destinee blushes more and hides her face. She is shy. Vox chuckles and moves her hands away from her face. He holds her hands in his clawed hands.

Vox: Don't be shy, my love. You don't need to hide from me.

Vox kisses her on the cheek. He notices tears on her cheeks.

Vox: Were you crying?

Destinee nods.

Destinee: I was having an anxiety attack. I wanted you to be here.

Vox: Well, I'm here now. You have nothing to worry about.

Vox wipes her tears away. Destinee sniffles.

Destinee: I hate anxiety.

Vox: Obviously, I love that I found you, but how did you get to Hell? You seem too nice.

Destinee: I have a bad temper. I had social anxiety and depression. I would get too violent when I lost my temper. I also committed suicide. I still have social anxiety and depression.

Destinee tears up. Vox smiles, sadly.

Vox: Oh, I'm so sorry, my love. It's alright.

Vox hugs her. Destinee holds onto him.

Destinee: I just wanted to end my suffering.

Vox: I understand, but I'm here. I won't let anything happen to you.

Destinee sniffles.

Destinee: Thank you, Vox.

Vox: Of course.

Vox kisses her on the cheek. Destinee smiles.

Destinee: Where's my brother?

Vox: He came to check on me. I don't know what he is doing now, but I assume he is doing unspeakable things.

Destinee: I wish he wasn't like that. I love him, and he loves me, but his job is so gross. It makes me so uncomfortable.

Vox: I know, but maybe he can change.

Destinee: Maybe.

Destinee sighs. Vox puts his arms around her. He kisses her on the head.

Vox: Do you want to watch a movie?

Destinee: Yes!

Vox: No, horror movies. You know how much they creep me out.

Destinee: I know, but you have to face your fear at some point.

Vox: I know, but not today.

Destinee: Ok.

Destinee kisses him on the cheek. She picks out a movie. They start watching it. They are cuddling on the couch. Destinee is in Vox's lap. Vox is stroking Destinee's hair. He starts kissing her neck. Destinee giggles.

Destinee: Vox, what are you doing? Pay attention to the movie.

Vox: How can I pay attention to the movie when I have my precious girl with me?

Someone knocks on the door.

Destinee: Who is it?

Valentino: It's me.

Destinee: Come in.

Valentino comes inside.

Valentino: How is my favorite sister doing?

Destinee: I'm your only sister.

Valentino: Exactly.

Destinee rolls her eyes and smiles.

Destinee: I'm doing great, Val.

Destinee hugs Valentino. He hugs back. His wings are out, instead of in the coat formation. Destinee goes back over to Vox. He holds her in his arms.

Valentino: Did you have another anxiety attack?

Destinee looks down and nods. Valentino kneels down and holds her hands.

Valentino: You should have told me.

Destinee: I didn't want you to think I was weak.

Valentino: I don't think you're weak. I know what you've been through.

Destinee: Thank you, Val.

Valentino: Of course.

Valentino kisses her on the head. Vox hugs Destinee.

Vox: Yeah, Destinee, we're here for you.

Destinee smiles. Vox smiles back. Valentino smiles.

Valentino: You guys are so cute together.

Vox's screen turns red. Destinee giggles.

Destinee: So adorable.

Destinee kisses him on the cheek. Vox glitches.

Vox: Stop. You're making me blush.

Destinee: That's the point.

Vox takes a deep breath. He stops blushing.

Destinee: Vox, I have to go out tomorrow.

Vox: That's fine.

Destinee smiles.She kisses him on the forehead. Vox blushes. Valentino leaves. Destinee yawns.

Vox: Are you tired?

Destinee nods. Vox picks up Destinee and carries her to bed. He lies her on the bed. Vox gets in bed and cuddles with her. Destinee cuddles with back. Vox strokes her hair. Destinee sighs.

Vox: You are so precious.

Destinee blushes. Vox kisses her on the head.

Vox: I love you.

Destinee: I love you too.

Destinee starts to fall asleep. Vox holds her close to him. She falls asleep. Vox smiles and falls asleep.

Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Radio Dials

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Destinee wakes up the next morning. She sees that Vox is still asleep. She smiles. He must be so exhausted. She gets out of bed and gets dressed. She has to do some errands today. Vox comes up behind her and hugs her. Destinee yelps.

Destinee: Vox, you scared me.

Vox: I'm sorry, my love. I just wanted to hug you.

Destinee smiles.

Destinee: Well, I appreciate the sentiment, but I have to go.

Vox: Ok.

Vox kisses her. Destinee kisses back. Her tail wiggles. Vox chuckles. Destinee leaves. She walks through the streets of The Pride Ring. She is a little shy. She gets made fun of by the demons in Hell for her shyness. She goes inside a store and looks around. She runs into someone. They are very tall. They look to be 7 feet, the same height as her boyfriend. He is wearing a red suit. He has a microphone cane. He is a deer demon.

Destinee: Oh, I'm so sorry.

Alastor: It's alright, my dear. What's your name?

Destinee: Destinee.

Alastor: What a nice name. My name is Alastor.

Alastor kisses her on the hand. Destinee giggles.

Alastor: You look quite ravishing, my dear.

Destinee: Oh, why thank you, but I have a boyfriend.

Alastor: Oh, who may that be?

Destinee: Vox.

Alastor: Oh, I know him.

Destinee: Are you guys friends?

Alastor: Not exactly. We were acquaintances once.

Destinee: That's cool.

Alastor: Do you want to be friends?

Destinee: Of course.

Alastor: Splendid! I hope to see you around, my dear.

Destinee smiles. Alastor leaves. Destinee buys her clothes and leaves. She walks back to the studio. She goes inside. She sees Vox. He is talking with someone. She doesn't want to bother him. She goes to the room that she shares with Vox. She sits on the bed. An hour later, Vox comes into the room.

Vox: Hello, my love.

Destinee smiles. Vox picks her up and swings her around. Destinee giggles. Her tail wags.

Destinee: You're so excited.

Vox: Of course, I am. You're here.

Destinee smiles.

Destinee: I have something to tell you.

Vox: Can it wait? I have to show you something.

Destinee: Yeah, it can wait.

Vox puts her down. Her tail settles. Vox grabs her hand and takes her out of the room. He brings her to a room. He covers her eyes.

Destinee: What is it, Vox?

Vox: Just give me a second. Ok, you can open your eyes.

Destinee opens her eyes. She gasps. There is a pair of purple and black headphones on a desk. Destinee wanted them for a while. She runs over to them and picks them up.

Destinee: Thank you, Vox!

Destinee runs over to him and kisses him on the cheek.

Vox: Of course, my love. Now, what was that thing that you wanted to tell me?

Destinee: Oh, right. So, while I was shopping, I ran into Alastor, The Radio Demon!

Vox: What!?

Destinee: The Radio Demon. He said you guys were once acquaintances.

Vox: Once! That bitch is a disgrace! Why was he talking to you!?

Destinee: I ran into him by mistake. But, why do you hate him?

Vox: That's none of your concern. I don't want you to be talking to him anymore.

Destinee: Ok.

Vox frowns and leaves. Destinee looks down. She wants to make her boyfriend happy, but she wants to be friends with Alastor. He seems like a very nice demon. He may be dangerous, but he is nice to her. She loves Vox, but he is not the boss of her. She sighs. She grabs the headphones and leaves the room. She goes to her brother's room. She knocks on the door.

Destinee: Val?

Valentino opens the door.

Valentino: Oh, Destinee, come in.

Destinee comes inside.

Valentino: What do I owe the visit?

Destinee: It's about Vox.

Valentino: Did he break your heart!?

Destinee: No, of course not.

Valentino: But?

Destinee: I met the Radio Demon and I told him that. He got mad at me and told me not to see him again.

Valentino: Oh, yeah. He hates him.

Destinee: Why?

Valentino: That's not my secret to tell.

Destinee: I want to be friends with Alastor. I love Vox, I would never cheat on him.

Valentino: I know. Do what you want, but know that Vox really does despise Alastor.

Destinee: Ok. Thanks, Val.

Valentino: Anytime.

Destinee hugs him. Vox hugs back. Destinee leaves. She walks around the studio. She is scared to talk to Vox. He seemed very mad. She doesn't want him to yell at her. She knows he would never hurt her, but if he got mad enough, would he yell at her? That would definitely trigger her anxiety. Her tail stands up straight just thinking about it. Her hands start shaking. She takes deep breaths. She goes into her room. She sees Vox.

Destinee(quietly): Vox?

Vox: What?

Destinee is shaking. She has tears in her eyes.

Destinee(quietly): I'm sorry that I upset you. I just wanted to have a friend. I know you don't like Alastor, but he is the first person that I see as a friend. I really want to see him more.

Vox turns around.

Vox: If that's what you want. I want you to be happy.

Destinee smiles. Vox comes closer to her.

Vox: I'm sorry I made you cry.

Destinee: It's alright.

Destinee sniffles. She wipes her tears away. Her tail settles. Vox puts his hand on her shoulder.

Vox: No, it's not alright. You're shaking. I scared you.

Destinee: A little.

Vox: I'm sorry.

Vox kisses her.

Vox: Do you want to cuddle?

Destinee: That would be nice.

They get into bed. Vox cuddles with her. Destinee snuggles. Vox kisses her. Destinee kisses back.

Vox: I love you.

Destinee: I love you too.

Destinee falls asleep in his arms. Vox falls asleep as well.

Chapter 3: Chapter 3: My Hero

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Vox wakes up the next morning. Destinee is still asleep. Vox smiles and strokes her hair.

Vox: You are so beautiful.

Vox kisses her on the cheek. Destinee stirs and wakes up. She yawns.

Destinee: Vox

Vox: I'm sorry, did I wake you?

Destinee: No, it's fine.

Vox: I'm so lucky to have you.

Destinee blushes. Vox kisses her. She kisses back.

Vox: I'm sorry I got so upset yesterday.

Destinee: Vox, you already apologized.

Vox: I know, but I made you cry.

Destinee: I forgive you, Vox.

Vox smiles.

Vox: I love you so much.

Destinee: I love you too.

Vox caresses her cheek with his clawed hand. Destinee blushes.

Vox: I have to go to work today.

Destinee: Really?

Vox nods. Destinee looks sad. She clings to him.

Destinee: I don't want you to go.

Vox puts his hand on her head.

Vox: I'm sorry, darling. I must go to work.

Destinee: Ok.

Vox kisses her on the head. He leaves. Destinee sighs. Destinee decides to go for a walk. She goes outside and walks around Pentagram City. She wonders if she will run into Alastor again.

Someone: Well, hello there.

Destinee gasps and turns around.

Destinee: Oh, I'm sorry, you scared me.

Someone: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. My name is John. It's nice to meet you.

Destinee: My name is Destinee.

John: You have such a pretty body.

Destinee: Oh, umm, thanks. But, umm, I have a boyfriend already.

John: That's nice. But, maybe you could consider breaking up with him.

John walks closer to her.

Destinee: Umm, no, I'm good.

John grabs her arm. Destinee starts shaking. She doesn't know what to do. Her tail is pointing up. John touches her boobs. Destinee squeals.

Destinee: Please leave me alone.

John: No.

John goes to kiss her, but he gets stabbed in the back. John falls over. Alastor is standing there.

Alastor: Don't you ever touch her again.

Alastor looks at Destinee, and his eyes soften. He goes over to her.

Alastor: Are you alright, my dear?

Destinee: Yeah, thanks.

Destinee is shaking.

Alastor: You're shaking.

Destinee: Well, I've never been sexually harassed by a demon before.

Alastor: Well, you're safe now.

Destinee smiles. Her tail swings back and forth.

Alastor: Why are you out here?

Destinee: Oh, well, Vox is working, so I decided to go for a walk.

Alastor: Well, if you ever want to visit me at the Hazbin Hotel, feel free to do so.

Destinee smiles. Alastor blushes and looks away.

Alastor: Umm, I'll see you around.

Alastor uses his shadow magic to disappear. Destinee chuckles. He seemed so flustered. She feels bad for him. He must have a crush on her, and he knows that she is already in a relationship. Her tail swings. She continues walking. She sighs. She was almost sexually harassed. If Alastor wasn't around, she would have been taken. She shudders in fear. She is such a weak demon! How does an overlord like Vox love her? How does Alastor love her? She doesn't deserve their love. She is shaking. She gets back to the studio. Vox sees her. He rushes over to her.

Vox: Are you alright? You look stressed.

Destinee: I was almost sexually assaulted.

Vox: The f*ck!? Are you alright?

Destinee: Yeah, Alastor saved me.

Vox: Oh, that's good.

Destinee: Are you mad?

Vox: No. He saved you. I may hate him, but at least he didn't hurt you.

Destinee sighs in relief. She didn't want her boyfriend to go on a killing spree, looking for Alastor.

Vox: Don't tell your brother, he will have a field day.

Destinee: I know.

Valentino: Don't tell me what?

Destinee: sh*t.

Valentino: Sister? Is everything alright?

Destinee: Yes, Val. Everything is fine.

Valentino puts his hand on her shoulder.

Valentino: I can tell something's wrong. You're shaking.

Destinee: I was almost sexually assaulted.

Valentino: What!?

Destinee: It's alright. Alastor handled him. He's dead.

Valentino's eyes glow. He is angry. He looks bloodthirsty. Destinee starts shaking.

Destinee: Val?

Vox senses the danger in the force.

Vox: Val, it's alright. Take a breath. You're scaring Destinee.

Valentino takes a few deep breaths. He calms down.

Valentino: I'm so sorry, Destinee. I'm just so pissed that someone tried to f*ck with my little sister.

Destinee: I know, it's alright. I'm safe.

Valentino smiles. Destinee smiles back. Vox goes over to Destinee and cups her face.

Vox: I love you.

Destinee: I love you too.

Vox kisses her. Destinee kisses back. Vox strokes her hair. Destinee blushes. Vox picks her up and carries her bridal style to their room. Destinee snuggles into him. Vox blushes. Vox puts her on the bed. Vox gets in bed with her and snuggles. Destinee snuggles back.

Vox: I love you so much.

Vox kisses her on the forehead. Destinee blushes.

Destinee: I love you too.

Destinee yawns.

Vox: Sleepy, my love?

Destinee nods. Vox strokes her hair. He holds her close. Destinee falls asleep. Vox smiles and kisses her on the head. He isn't very sleepy. He stares at the ceiling. He doesn't know how he became so lucky. Destinee is the most sweetest demon in Hell. The only reason she got to Hell was because she committed suicide. Heaven is so f*cking stupid. Vox sighs. Vox plays with her hair. He wishes he had hair. He is always playing with Destinee's hair to help with his ADHD. Vox drifts off to sleep. The next day, Destinee wakes up. Vox is asleep next to her. She smiles. She gets out of bed. She gets changed. Vox is still asleep. She makes sure the blankets are covering him. She kisses him on the cheek. Vox stirs and opens his eyes.

Destinee: Good morning.

Vox: Good morning.

Vox gets up. He kisses her on the cheek. Destinee smiles. Vox smiles back.

Vox: Are you feeling better?

Destinee: Yeah. Still a little shaken, though.

Vox: I'm sorry, my love.

Vox hugs her. Destinee hugs back.

Destinee: Can you take a day off?

Vox: Of course. I'd do anything for my precious girl.

Destinee: Thank you.

Vox: My pleasure.

Vox carcasses her cheek. Destinee holds his hand. Vox takes her over to the couch. They sit down and watch TV. Destinee sits on Vox's lap. Vox strokes her hair. Vox sneezes.

Destinee: Bless you.

Vox: Thanks.

Vox sniffles. Destinee puts her hand on his cheek.

Destinee: Are you getting sick?

Vox: No, I'm alright, my love.

Destinee kisses him on the cheek.

Destinee: That's good.

Destinee holds his hand. Vox blushes. Vox hugs Destinee's waist. Destinee sighs.

Destinee: You feel cold.

Vox: I'm always cold. I hate the cold.

Destinee: I love the cold.

Vox: Only certain demons are affected by the cold. TV demons, deer Demon's, and moth demons.

Destinee: So, my brother and Alastor as well?

Vox: Yes.

Vox shivers. Destinee grabs a blanket and wraps it around him.

Vox: Thanks, my love.

Destinee: Of course.

Vox snuggles with Destinee. Destinee snuggles back. Valentino storms into the room.

Valentino: Vox!

Destinee jumps. Vox wraps his arms around her.

Vox: What do you want, Val?

Valentino: I need to talk to you.

Vox: Fine. Destinee, can you give us a minute?

Destinee nods and leaves.

Vox: What's wrong?

Valentino smokes his smoking stick.

Valentino: Angel is being a f*cking asshole!!

Vox: What did he do?

Valentino: He won't answer my messages!

Vox: Well, Val, today is my day off, and I want to spend time with my girl. I'm sure you understand.

Valentino: Yes, you make my sister happy. But, I need someone to vent my problems to, and I don't want to scare my sister!

Vox: Yes, I know.

Valentino growls and smokes his smoking stick. The smoke gets into Vox's senses, and he coughs.

Vox: Val, stop it. You know how that smoke f*cks with my sensors.

Valentino: Oh, I'm sorry, Voxy.

Valentino puts out his smoking stick.

Valentino: Angel is really f*cking with me. I'm going to give him a piece of my f*cking mind.

Vox: You know what Destinee said about hurting Angel. She would be very disappointed in you.

Valentino: I know, I just have a bad temper.

Vox: I know, she does, too. But, she is taming it. You should try it too.

Valentino: Fine, I'm going to go. Bye.

Valentino leaves. Vox sighs. Destinee comes back inside. She is shaking a little.

Destinee: What happened?

Vox: Your brother was having another temper tantrum.

Destinee: Oh.

Vox: Don't be scared. He would never include you in his job life.

Destinee: I know, I trust him.

They sit on the couch. Destinee lays her head on Vox's lap. Vox strokes her hair.

Vox: Is it alright if I swear?

Destinee: Yeah, just don't yell.

Vox: I won't. I know Val is your brother, but he can sometimes be a f*cking asshole and dumbass.

Destinee: Yeah. I remember when I was younger. I wasn't born here, but I killed myself very young, and I spent a lot of my childhood with Val. He wasn't a very nice guy. He didn't harm me, but I always heard his screaming, and it scared me. I never told him, though. I didn't want to worry him.

Destinee sighs.

Vox: I'm sorry.

Destinee: It's alright, then I met you and I was happy again.

Vox smiles.

Vox: You make me happy, too.

Destinee chuckles.

Vox: How old were you when you died?

Destinee: 13.

Vox smiles, sadly.

Destinee: I had to live with Val until I turned 18. I decided to stay, and I'm happy I did or I wouldn't have met you.

Vox blushes. They cuddle on the couch and fall asleep.

Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Best Friend

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Destinee is excited. She is waiting for her best friend, Millie, to arrive. Mille lives in the Wrath Ring. She is an Imp unlike her, but they are great friends. Mille was her only friend before she met Vox. Mille is married to another imp, named Moxxie. Destinee and Moxxie are good friends as well. Destinee is pacing by the door to the outside. She is anxious. She hasn't seen Millie ever since she started dating Vox. Valentino comes over.

Valentino: Sister, why are you pacing by the door?

Destinee: Millie is coming over, and I'm so nervous. It's been so long since we've ever hung out. What if we aren't as close anymore?

Valentino: I'm sure you're still very close.

Destinee's tail swings.

Destinee: I hope the royals haven't given her and her kind a hard time. Being imps, they aren't respected much. They are the lowest class of demons even though they are hellborn.

Valentino: I'm sure everything will be alright.

Destinee's tail is shaking.

Destinee: I'm so nervous.

Valentino hugs her from behind.

Valentino: Everything will be fine. Just take a deep breath.

Destinee takes a deep breath and exhales. She sighs.

Valentino: I'll leave you be.

Valentino kisses her on the head and leaves. Destinee continues waiting for Millie. 20 minutes later, Millie arrives.

Destinee: Millie!

Millie: Destinee!

They run at each other and hug.

Millie: I missed you so much.

Destinee: Me too. It's been so long.

Millie: Still as shy as you were when I met you?

Destinee looks down.

Millie: Don't worry, I'm just teasing.

Destinee: Oh, ok.

Millie: Anyway. How is your relationship with Vox going?

Destinee: It's amazing. He is so sweet and caring. How's Moxxie doing?

Millie: He's fine.

Destinee: That's good. What do you want to do today?

Millie: I was thinking I could take you to the Wrath Ring. You are always in the Pride Ring, and you never leave this tower.

Destinee: I feel safe here. I've never been to any other ring.

Millie: That's the problem. You should have some adventure in your afterlife. It will help you with your shyness. I know the Wrath Ring like the back of my hand. I was born there after all.

Destinee: Ok, I trust you.

Millie smiles and grabs her hand. They go to the Wrath Ring. Destinee is nervous. She would be fine to stay out in the sloth ring, the nicest and calmest ring. Not the Wrath Ring. The most dangerous Ring in hell considering the fact that Statan is the deadly sin that resides there.

Millie: Don't be nervous, Destinee. I will protect you. I may be an Imp, but most of the people here know that I won't let anyone hurt the ones I love.

Destinee smiles. Millie smiles back. Millie's tail swings. They see Moxxie.

Millie: Moxxie!

Millie runs over to Moxxie. Moxxie puts his arms around her waist and kisses her. She kisses back. Destinee walks over.

Moxxie: Destinee, how are you? It's nice to see you again.

Destinee: I'm good. How are you?

Moxxie: I'm fine. I don't really like being here.

Destinee: But, I thought you were born in this ring.

Moxxie: That doesn't mean I like being here. My father is an asshole.

Destinee: I'm sorry.

Moxxie: It's alright. My dear wife makes everything better.

Millie smiles and blushes.

Millie: Oh, Moxxie.

Moxxie kisses Millie on the cheek. Destinee smiles.

Moxxie: Oh, Destinee, how is Vox doing?

Destinee: He's amazing.

Moxxie: That's good. I'm so happy for you.

Destinee: Thank you, Moxxie.

Millie: Come on, we have to show you the fights.

Destinee: The what?

Millie grabs her arm and rushes her over to the stands. They sit down.

Destinee: What fights?

Destinee hears a loud noise, and she covers her ears. She whimpers.

Millie: Hey, don't be scared. You're fine. You're not participating in the fight, so you are perfectly fine.

Destinee takes deep breaths. Her hands are shaking. She wishes that Vox was with her. Millie puts her hand on hers.

Millie: It's alright. We're here for you.

Moxxie: Yeah, I'm not very comfortable with this stuff either.

Destinee smiles softly. They watch the fight. Destinee covers her ears when the crowd bellows and screams. Millie rubs her back. After the fight, Millie and Moxxie take her to their home. They go inside.

Destinee: Your home is so cool.

Millie: Oh, thank you. We tried out best.

Destinee: You're best is certainly the best.

Millie smiles.

Millie: You are welcome to stay for the night. We have an extra room.

Destinee: Thank you.

Destinee goes to the guest room. She sits on her bed. She misses Vox. She looks at herself in the mirror. She is insecure about her body. She is average size and she is 5 feet and 6 inches. She is 6 inches taller than Millie and Moxxie. She doesn't even know how to fight. She stays in the tower all day with Vox. He protects her, and now she has Alastor. But, she does want to learn how to fight. She won't always have Vox and Alastor to protect her. They won't be around her all the time. She sighs. Someone knocks on the door.

Millie: Destinee, can I come in?

Destinee: Yes.

Millie walks on and closes the door. She sits on the bed next to Destinee.

Millie: Are you alright?

Destinee: Yeah, I'm fine. I'm not used to being out and about, especially in a new ring.

Millie: I understand. You weren't born here.

Destinee: Yeah.

Destinee sighs.

Millie: Is your brother getting better with not f*cking Angel?

Destinee: Yeah. I've had to scold him many times, but he's improving.

Millie: That's good.

Destinee: He's trying not to lose his temper when I'm around. He's knows how much yelling triggers my anxiety.

Millie nods.

Millie: I know. You're my bestie, after all.

Destinee smiles. Her tail swings. Millie strokes her hair.

Destinee: Is Bliz still f*cking Stolas?

Millie: Not by choice. Stolas just wants fortification. Bliz doesn't want it. He already had to deal with Verosika, and now this. I feel so bad for him.

Destinee nods in agreement. Later in the night, Destinee falls asleep. She dreams about Vox.

Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Argument

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Destinee is back home with Vox. Vox has been very busy. He is very irritable. Destinee is afraid to speak to him. She doesn't want him to snap at her. He knows that she has anxiety, but he may snap at her while he is stressed out. She doesn't want to have a panic attack. She waits for Vox to come back to their room. 5 hours later, Vox comes back to their room. He looks mad.

Destinee: Vox?

Vox: What?

Destinee: Are you alright?

Vox: I'm fine, just leave me alone.

Vox goes into his office. Destinee sighs. He must have had a rough day. She decides to leave him alone. They can cuddle all night. 3 hours later, it is 8 at night. She goes to Vox's office.

Destinee: Vox? Are you done?

Vox: No, I have so much to do.

Destinee: But, what about cuddle time?

Vox: Is that all you care about!? I can't spend my whole life being around you! I have a job, you know!

Destinee winces. She holds in the tears.

Destinee(quietly): O Of course, I'm sorry.

Vox: Get out.

Destinee nods and leaves the room. She sits on her bed and sniffles. Tears come down her cheeks. She doesn't want Vox to break up with her. Maybe he will be less grumpy tomorrow. She just needs to give him some space. She falls asleep, crying. The next day, she wakes up. Vox is nowhere to be seen. He probably went to work. She gets changed. She goes to Valentino's studio. She needs to talk to him about this. She opens the door to the studio. She is disgusted by what she sees. She closes the door and waits for this to be over with. She is too shy to announce herself. She sees Valentino in his director's chair. She is nervous. Angel Dust sees her. He points at Valentino and then at her. Valentino looks over and sees her.

Valentino: Cut.

Valentino gets up and walks over to her. He can see the scared look on her face.

Valentino: Come on.

Valentino takes her to his office. He closes the door.

Valentino: What's wrong?

Destinee: It's about Vox.

Valentino: What did he do?

Destinee: He's been really busy, and he doesn't want to spend time with me anymore. I tried to talk to him last night, and he yelled at me. I don't want him to break up with me.

Destinee starts to cry. Valentino's eyes soften. He hugs her. She hugs back and sobs.

Valentino: He won't break up with you.

Destinee: How do you know?

Valentino: I know that because I see the way he looks at you. He loves you.

Destinee: But, he seemed really upset with me.

Valentino: He's busy. He will come around.

Destinee: Ok.

Destinee sniffles. Valentino kisses her on the head. Angel opens the door. Destinee gasps in surprise.

Angel: Val, we need you out here.

Destinee is looking at Angel. Valentino looks at Angel and glares at him. Angel gulps.

Angel: Umm, never mind. We got it.

Angel leaves. Valentino's gaze softens when he looks at Destinee. Destinee sniffles.

Destinee: Don't you have to get back to work?

Valentino: Yeah, but you are my sister, and you need help. I would never choose my work over you.

Destinee smiles and hugs him. He hugs back.

Destinee: I'm going to leave.

Valentino: Ok, I love you.

Destinee: I love you too.

Destinee leaves. Valentino steps out of his office.

Valentino: I don't want any of you interrupting my quality time with my sister ever again! She was having a f*cking crisis and you motherf*ckers interrupted us! Don't let me catch you guys being complete dickhe*ds ever again!!

His workers and Angel nod and get back to work. Valentino sighs. Destinee walks around Vox's studio. She is still sad. She is walking to Vox's major office. She hopes he isn't too busy. She gets to his office. She knocks on the door.

Vox: Who is it!?

Destinee: Destinee.

Vox sighs.

Vox: Come in.

Destinee comes in and closes the door.

Vox: What do you want?

Destinee: I wanted to ask you when you were going to get off of work.

Vox: Probably not until 10 at night.

Destinee: But, Vox, we didn't spend time together all day yesterday.

Vox: Suck it up.

Destinee frowns. She is not going to back down. She goes over to Vox and puts her hands on his shoulders.

Destinee: Come on, Vox. Please.

Vox: No, get your f*cking hands off me!!

Vox shoves her away. Destinee feels an unexpected anger rise within her.

Destinee: Vox, you will pay attention to me! I am your girlfriend, for f*cks sake!! I understand that your busy, but you should make time for me!!

Vox scowls. He stands up. He looks pissed. Destinee becomes scared. Vox walks over to her. Destinee backs away until she is against the wall. She is shaking in fear.

Vox: Don't you ever talk back to me again!!! You have no authority to tell me what to do!! I am a f*cking overlord and your just a low life sinner!!

Destinee shakes. Vox grabs her collar.

Destinee(quietly): I'm sorry, please don't hurt me.

Vox stares at her with an angry expression on his face.

Valentino: Vox! Get away from her!!

Valentino grabs Vox and pushes him off of Destinee. Vox growls.

Valentino: Get the f*ck out!!

Vox scowls and leaves. Valentino looks at Destinee. She is crying and shaking. Valentino picks her up. He cradles her in his arms.

Valentino: You're alright. I got you.

Destinee whimpers.

Destinee: He hates me now.

Valentino: No, he doesn't. He is not in the right mind right now.

Destinee sobs. Valentino rubs her back.

Valentino: Shhh, don't cry. Everything is going to be alright.

Destinee sniffles and wipes her tears away. Later in the day, she goes back to her room. Vox arrives a couple of hours later. He feels bad.

Vox: Destinee?

Destinee doesn't look at him. She is scared.

Vox: I'm sorry.

Destinee looks up at him.

Vox: I didn't mean anything I said. I was just stressed.

Destinee: It's alright.

Vox sits next to her and hugs her. Destinee hugs back. Vox strokes her hair.

Vox: You're shaking, baby. I'm so sorry.

Destinee looks at him and kisses him. Vox kisses back.

Destinee: Can we cuddle?

Vox: Of course.

Destinee and Vox cuddle in bed.

Vox: I missed this.

Destinee smiles.

Vox: Val is going to kill me.

Destinee: Well, he is pissed at you, but I think he understands where you are coming from.

Vox smiles. They fall asleep.

Chapter 6: Chapter 6: Caged Like an Animal

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It's been a week since Destinee and Vox's fight. Vox wants Destinee to know how much he loves her. He has been giving her gifts and spoiling her. Right now, he is at the store buying her some more gifts. He goes back to the studio. He opens the door.

Vox: My love, I'm home!

Destinee comes over.

Destinee: What's gotten you so excited?

Vox: I have a gift for you.

Destinee: You've already gotten me so many gifts already.

Vox: I know, but I want you to know that I love you.

Destinee sighs. Vox hands her the gift.

Destinee: Thank you, Vox.

Destinee kisses him. He kisses back. They go for a walk around the studio. Someone breaks into the building. They see Vox and Destinee. They run over to them. Vox puts his hand in front of Destinee.

Vox: Stay behind me.

Destinee looks scared.

Vox: What do you want?

Person: I want you.

The person points at Vox.

Vox: Well, you can't have me.

The person smirks and takes out a bucket of water, and throws it at Vox. Vox sputters and short circuits. He falls to the floor.

Destinee: Vox!

Destinee's eyes start to glow. The person blasts her. Destinee falls to the floor and groans in pain. The person punches her, and she passes out. The person picks up Vox and disapears. Valentino heard the commotion. He runs to where he heard it. He sees Destinee passed out on the floor. He kneels down and shakes her.

Valentino: Sister, wake up!

Destinee wakes up, gasping.

Destinee: Where's Vox?

Destinee is breathing heavily. She is having a panic attack.

Valentino: Hey, it's alright. Just breathe.

Valentino rubs her back. Destinee takes deep breaths. She calam down. Valentino strokes her hair.

Valentino: What happened?

Destinee: This guy came and took Vox. I tried to stop him, but he blasted me. I'm scared, Val. What if he kills Vox?

Destinee cries. Valentino hugs her.

Valentino: It's alright. We will save him. I won't let him die.

Destinee whimpers. Back with Vox. The person throws him into a cage. Vox wakes up. He bangs on the bars.

Vox: Let me out!

Person: I don't think so.

Vox: What do you want from me?

Person: I want to see you suffer.

Vox looks nervous. The person turns down the temperature. It is below freezing. Vox sees his breath in the air. He starts to feel cold. He begins to shiver. He wraps his arms around himself. His teeth chatter.

Person: Oh, look, the mighty TV overlord is taken down by the cold.

Vox: You would know that TV, moth, and Deer Demon's are affected by the cold.

Vox starts shaking from the cold.

Vox: Please let me out.

Person: No. I want you to freeze.

The person laughs and leaves the room. Vox sits on the floor and curls up into himself. He shakes badly. His suit isn't warm enough. Valentino and Destinee are trying to figure out where Vox is. They walk around the streets of Hell. Destinee sees a building.

Destinee: Could he be there?

Valentino looks.

Valentino: Maybe.

Destinee and Valentino go inside. They see Vox in a cage, shaking and curled in on himself.

Destinee: Vox?

Vox looks up and sees them.

Vox: Destinee?

Destinee: What did he do to you?

Vox: He lowered the temperature. I'm freezing.

Vox shivers as if to prove his point.

Destinee: Don't worry, we'll get you out of there.

Valentino: Yes, don't you fret, Voxy.

Vox shivers. He rubs his arms together. He shudders. Destinee finds some keys and tries it on the lock. She opens the cell. She rushes over to Vox. Vox is shaking badly.

Destinee: Val, help me.

Valentino comes inside and picks up Vox. Vox tries to soak up his warmth.

Valentino: You are freezing, Voxy.

Vox shivers. They leave the building. They bring him home. Valentino lies him on the bed. Destinee covers him with blankets. Vox wraps the blankets tightly around himself. His teeth chatter. Vox holds his arms out to Destinee. Destinee gets in bed with him. She snuggles with him. He snuggles back. Destinee can feel him shaking. She rubs his back. Valentino leaves them alone.

Vox: I'm so cold.

Destinee: I know, I'll keep you warm.

Vox shivers. Destinee takes his shaking hands and blows on them. She is trying to warm them up.

Vox: I can't feel anything.

Vox shudders and has a full body shake. Destinee rubs his back. 20 minutes later, his shaking lessons to shivers.

Chapter 7: Chapter 7: Sick Day

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It's been 2 days since Vox was taken. He hasn't been feeling well, but he is trying to hide it. He is in his office. He has chills and a headache. He is sniffing. He sneezes and coughs. He starts to shiver. He pulls his suit tighter around himself. His teeth chatter. He is very cold. He feels dizzy and lightheaded. He lays his head down on his desk. He needs to rest, but he doesn't want to worry, Destinee. He falls asleep. Valentino comes inside.

Valentino: Voxy?

Valentino smiles softly when he sees Vox asleep. He frowns when he notices that Vox is shivering in his sleep. He grabs a blanket and places it over Vox. Vox pulls it around himself.

Valentino: Sleep well.

Valentino leaves. Vox wakes up an hour later. He gasps. He sees that there is a blanket wrapped around him. He shivers and pulls it closer around himself. He coughs and sneezes. He sniffles. He groans. His stomach is hurting. His head is pounding. He goes back to his room. Destinee isn't there. She is hanging out with Valentino. Vox gets in bed and gets under the covers. He is shivering, and his teeth are chattering. He yawns. He has a fever. He falls asleep. An hour later, Destinee comes back to her room. She sees Vox asleep on the bed. She goes over to him. He is shivering under the blankets. She frowns. She feels his forehead. He is burning up. Destinee thinks, "Why didn't he tell me?" She sits on the bed. Vox starts to wake up.

Vox: Destinee?

Destinee: Yes, it's me. Are you sick?

Vox: Yes.

Destinee: Why didn't you tell me?

Vox: I didn't want you to worry.

Destinee smiles, sadly.

Destinee: How are you feeling?

Vox: I'm cold.

Vox shivers. Destinee makes sure the blankets are covering him. Vox sneezes and coughs. He groans in pain.

Vox: I'm in pain.

Destinee: I'm sorry.

Destinee grabs a trash can and puts it next to bed, just in case.

Destinee: I'm going to you some medicine.

Vox: Ok.

Vox turns on his side. Destinee leaves. She goes to the store. Alastor is there.

Alastor: My dear, it's so nice to see you again!

Destinee: You as well, Alastor.

Alastor: What are you here for?

Destinee: I'm here to get some medicine.

Alastor: Are you feeling alright, my dear?

Destinee: Oh, yes, I'm fine. Vox is sick.

Alastor: Oh, I'm sorry.

Destinee: It's alright.

Alastor: I hope he gets better.

Destinee: Thank you, Alastor.

Alastor smiles. Destinee gets medicine and goes back to the studio.

Destinee: Vox, I have medicine.

Destinee sees that the bed is empty. She hears retching in the bathroom. She goes inside. Vox is throwing up. She kneels down and rubs his back.

Destinee: It's alright, Vox.

Vox cries.

Vox: It hurts.

Destinee: I know, I know. Do you think you're done?

Vox nods. Destinee helps clean him up. She helps him back to bed. She gives him the medicine. Vox shivers. He groans.

Vox: I want this pain to end.

Destinee: I know, darling.

Destinee holds his hand. Valentino walks inside.

Valentino: Hey, Voxy. I knew you were sick.

Vox: Were you the one who put the blanket over me?

Valentino: Yes. I noticed you were shivering.

Vox: Thanks.

Vox sneezes.

Valentino and Destinee: Bless you.

Vox sniffles. He puts the blankets over his head. Destinee looks worried. She hates seeing her boyfriend look so sick. She sits on the bed. The next day, Vox sleeps in. He is feeling a little better. He still has chills and a stomach ache, but his fever is gone. Destinee and Vox are watching TV. Vox starts to cough wetly. Destinee rubs his back. Vox's eyes are watering.

Destinee: Are you alright?

Vox: My head hurts.

Destinee rubs his back. Vox lies back down. Destinee puts the blankets over him. Vox curls up on his side. He sneezes.

Destinee: Bless you.

Vox shivers and pulls the blankets closer.

Vox: I'm cold.

Destinee: Do you want me to cuddle with you?

Vox nods. Destinee gets in bed with him and holds him close. Vox tries to soak in her warmth.

Vox: You're so warm.

Vox snuggles with her.

Destinee: I love you.

Vox: I love you too.

Vox goes to kiss her, Destinee puts her hand in front of him.

Destinee: I'm sorry, my love, but I don't feel like getting sick.

Vox looks sad but complies.

Destinee: Don't be sad. You can have all the kisses you want after you get better.

Vox: Ok.

Vox cuddles with her. He sniffles. He falls asleep. Destinee smiles. She rubs his back. She kisses him on the forehead. She falls asleep as well.

Chapter 8: Chapter 8: Demon Form

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It's been a week since Vox was sick. He is all better now. Destinee is trying to get over her shyness. She hasn't even let out her demon form yet. Vox is at work, and Destinee is in her room. She is reading a book about demon forms. She puts the book down and sighs. She doesn't want to be seen as weak. Vox comes inside.

Vox: My love, what are you reading?

Destinee: A book about demon forms. I haven't been able to transform into my demon form yet.

Vox: Well, I'm sure you will. Give it time.

Destinee: But, if I don't ever transform into my demon form, I will be seen as weak. You can turn into your demon form, my brother can, and Velvette can. Even Millie can.

Vox: That doesn't make you weak. It just means that you need to keep trying.

Destinee pouts. Vox kisses her.

Vox: Don't be sad. I'm sure you'll figure it out.

Destinee kisses back.

Destinee: Thank you, Vox.

Vox: Of course.

Vox kisses her on the cheek. Destinee blushes.

Vox: What do you want to do today?

Destinee: I don't know. Maybe we could go for a walk.

Vox: That sounds splendid, my love.

Vox takes her hand, and they go outside. They walk around. They hear screaming. They look and see Alastor fighting some demons. Vox rushes Destinee to safety.

Vox: We will stay here until the fight is over.

Destinee: But, what if he needs help?

Vox: Alastor will be fine. He's Alastor for crying out loud.

Destinee looks unsure. Alastor is outnumbered. Alastor is trying to hold on his own, but he is struggling. One of the demons slice his arm with a dagger. Alastor winces in pain. Destinee gasps. Vox holds her. Alastor is bleeding. The demons knock Alasror to the ground. He groans and can't get up. One of the demons hold Alastor down with their foot. Destinee is angry and protective of Alastor. Vox holds her.

Vox: Don't engage.

Destinee: They're hurting him.

Vox: He can handle himself.

Alastor yells out in pain. Destinee winces. Destinee gets out of Vox's grasp and runs over to Alastor and the demons.

Destinee: Get away from him!

The demons turn to look at her.

Demon: What are you going to do about it, girlie?

Destinee's eyes glow, and her horns come out. Her tail stands up straight. She jumps at the demons. They throw her back. Destinee growls and stabs one of them. One of the demons grabs her. Destinee yelps. Vox hits them. They defeat the other demons. Destinee is seathing. She is still in her demon form. Destinee runs over to Alastor. He is still on the floor.

Destinee: Alastor, are you alright?

Alastor: Not really. They got me good.

Alastor winces in pain. Destinee gently takes his arm and sees the wound. It is still bleeding.

Destinee: Vox, do you have anything to bandage his wound?

Vox: I don't know about this, my love. I don't think we should get involved.

Destinee's eyes glow, and she glares at Vox. Vox puts his hands up in surrender.

Vox: Ok, ok. I'll get something.

Destinee calms down and looks at Alastor. She strokes his hair. Alastor is breathing heavily. Vox bandages his wound. Vox helps Alastor up and holds him. Alastor is shaking. They get to the hotel.

Charlie: Alastor, oh my god! What happened?!

Destinee: He was fighting some demons, and he got hurt.

Charlie: Alastor, you need to be careful.

Alastor groans in pain.

Destinee: He's suffered enough.

Husk: Sure, he has. That bitch deserves it.

Destinee's eyes glow, and she glares at Husk.

Destinee: Do you want to say that again, asshole?

Husk looks away. Destinee takes a deep breath.

Destinee: Now, if you'll excuse us, we need to take Alastor to his room.

They take Alastor to his room. Alastor lies on his bed. Destinee covers him with blankets. Vox has his arms crossed. He is jealous. He still doesn't like Alastor. He doesn't feel the need to kill him, but he doesn't like how close his girlfriend is to him. He growls softly. Alastor falls asleep.

Vox: Destinee, can I talk to you?

Destinee: Sure.

Vox takes Destinee into another room. Destinee is still in her demon form.

Destinee: What's up?

Vox: Why are you so nice to him?

Destinee: He's my friend. Why, are you jealous?

Vox: I'm not jealous!

Destinee: That's not very convincing.

Vox: Well, I'm not. You are mine and I don't want him to take you away from me.

Destinee: He's not.

Vox: Well, it doesn't seem like it!

Destinee's eyes glow and she is mad.

Destinee: Don't you talk to me like that! He is my friend and I will care for him. Suck it up!

Destinee leaves the room and goes back to Alastor. Vox sighs. A tear comes down his cheek. Destinee watches Alastor sleep. He has tears coming down his cheeks. Destinee looks worried. She is mad at Vox. He is being very immature right now. Destinee goes downstairs.

Charlie: Is Alastor alright?

Destinee: He's sleeping.

Vox comes downstairs.

Vox: Destinee.

Destinee looks away from him. Vox tries not to cry. Vox sits on a chair away from everyone else.

Charlie: What's going on?

Destinee: Vox was being very immature.

Vox looks down and tears start coming down his cheeks. He silently cries. He sniffles.

Destinee: He is jealous because I'm friends with Alastor.

Vox sobs and runs out of the room.

Charlie: I think you took it too far.

Destinee: Maybe.

Vox runs into a guest room and sobs. He curls up into himself. Destinee goes looking for him.

Destinee: Vox?

Vox looks up. He is crying.

Destinee: I'm sorry I said that.

Vox sniffles. Destinee sits next to him.

Vox: I'm sorry I got jealous. I didn't want him to take you from me.

Destinee: He will never take me from you. I love you.

Vox: I love you too.

Destinee hugs him. Vox hugs back, crying. Destinee rubs his back.

Destinee: Breathe, love. Breathe.

Vox breathes slowly. He stops crying.

Destinee: Are you alright?

Vox nods. They hear the door open. Alastor is there.

Destinee: Alastor?

Alastor: You weren't in my room.

Alastor starts falling forward. Destinee catches him.

Destinee: Alastor, you are in no condition to be roaming around.

Alastor: I didn't want to be alone.

Destinee: Ok, Vox, can you help me?

Vox: Sure.

Vox picks up Alastor and carries him to his room. He puts him in bed. Alastor gets under the covers.

Alastor: Destinee, can you pet my ears?

Vox becomes tense. Destinee puts her hand on his shoulder. Vox relaxes.

Destinee: Of course.

Destinee sits next to the bed and pets Alastor's ears. Alastor purrs. He starts to fall asleep. Vox smiles.

Chapter 9: Chapter 9: Anxiety Attacks

Chapter Text

Destinee and Vox are back at the studio. Destinee is staying with Valentino at his job. Valentino is in a grumpy mood. All of his workers are pissing him off. Destinee is nervous. She doesn't want to have an anxiety attack in front of her brother. Destinee is standing near the door. Her leg is bouncing. Someone messes up. Valentino becomes angry.

Valentino: What the f*ck was that?! Get your f*cking minds in the game!! What am I even paying you for!?

Destinee winces from the yelling. She covers her ears. She is shaking. She knows her brother isn't yelling at her, but he is still intimidating when he is mad. She has tears in her eyes. She fidgets with her hands. Valentino is about to lose his temper.

Valentino: Everyone go take a f*cking break!! I'm about to lose my goddamn temper and I'm not in the mood!!!

Everyone runs out of the room. Valentino sighs in anger. Destinee bites her lip. She walks over to him.

Destinee: Val?

Valentino: What!?

Destinee flinches and tears come back to her eyes. Valentino eyes soften when he looks at her.

Valentino: I'm sorry, sister. I didn't mean to lose my temper.

Destinee can't hold in the tears anymore. She starts crying. Valentino hugs her. Destinee hugs back.

Valentino: There, there, it's alright.

Destinee: All of this is stressing me out. All the yelling.

Valentino: I'm sorry, I need to keep my workers in line.

Destinee: I don't know how you do this.

Valentino: It takes practice.

Destinee sniffles. She wipes her tears away.

Valentino: Do you think you can handle 3 more hours of this?

Destinee: Maybe. Can I have my headphones?

Valentino: Of course.

Valentino hands her the headphones. Destinee puts them on and turns on her music. She sits in the corner. Valentino gets his workers back in the room. They start filming. Destinee feels better. 20 minutes of filming later, someone messes up and throws something in anger. It flies towards Destinee. Destinee sees it and screams. Valentino grabs it before it hits her. Destinee is shaking and crying. Valentino throws it back at the person. Valentino looks at Destinee and motions to her headphones to ask if they are playing. Destinee nods. Valentino looks at his workers.

Valentino: What the f*ck!? You almost got my sister killed!!!! If any of you hurt my sister, I will personally shoot you in the skull!!!

Valentino grabs the person and growls at them. He is blinded by his anger. Destinee notices and takes off her headphones. She runs over and outs her hand on his shoulder.

Destinee: Val, don't give in to your anger. You will regret it. Just take a deep breath.

Valentino takes a deep breath and calms down. He let's go of the person. They run out of the studio. Valentino sighs.

Valentino: Work is over for today.

Valentino goes into his office. Destinee follows him.

Destinee: Val, are you alright?

Valentino: I almost went back to my old ways. So much progress, only to go back to square one again.

Destinee rubs his shoulder.

Destinee: It's alright, Val. I understand that you have a bad temper. I do, too. What matters is that you didn't kill the guy.

Valentino: I was about to. If you weren't there, my whole crew would be dead.

Destinee: It's alright.

Destinee kisses him on the cheek. Valentino smiles.

Destinee: Do you want a hug? You seem tense.

Valentino nods. Destinee hugs him. Valentino hugs back. Destinee rubs his back.

Valentino: It feels nice having someone comfort me. I always hide my pain.

Destinee: Well, I'm always here if you need a shoulder to cry on or someone to vent your issues to. Just don't yell or get vulgar.

Valentino: I know.

Destinee smiles.

Valentino: I heard that you unlocked your demon form. I'm so proud of you.

Destinee: Thank you.

Valentino: I love you.

Destinee: I love you too.

Valentino strokes her hair. Angel opens the door.

Angel: Val?

Valentino looks at Angel. He looks mad.

Valentino: What do you want?

Angel: I accidentally broke the tripod.

Valentino: How the f....Frick, did you do that?

Angel: I dropped it.

Valentino growls in anger.

Valentino: Why do you always have to make my job so much more difficult?

Angel: I'm sorry, Val.

Valentino: My name is Valentino.

Angel: Sorry, Valentino.

Valentino: Get out of my sight, anymore closer, and you will be sucking my dick.

Angel runs out.

Destinee: At least you didn't get violent.

Valentino grumbles and closes the door. Destinee looks down.

Valentino: I'm not mad at you, sister. I'm just not happy with Angel right now.

Destinee: I know.

Valentino sits at his desk and yawns.

Valentino: I'm exhausted.

Destinee: You should take a nap.

Valentino: I don't have time for that.

Destinee: I'll handle it.

Valentino: Are you sure? I wouldn't want you to have an anxiety attack.

Destinee: I'll be fine.

Valentino: Ok, wake me up if they make you stressed.

Destinee nods. Valentino goes into his room and falls asleep. Destinee takes a deep breath and goes out of the room. All of his workers are looking at her. Destinee's hands shake.

Worker: Do you want us to film or?

Destinee: Yes, get to work.

30 minutes later, Destinee is stressing out. Everyone is asking her questions. She can't handle all of this attention.

Destinee: Shut up!

Destinee's horns come out for a second. Destinee runs out of the studio. She goes into the hallway and cries. She is having an anxiety attack. She wasn't cut out for Valentino's job. It's so stressful. Velvette sees her.

Velvette: Destinee, what's wrong?

Destinee: I took over for Val and it was too much.

Velvette: Why would Val force you to take over his job? He knows about your anxiety disorder.

Destinee: I offered. He was exhausted.

Velvette: Come on.

Velvette helps Destinee up. She brings her back into the studio.

Velvette: Get out. Make yourselves useful by leaving us alone.

They all run out. Velvette brings Destinee into Valentino's room. He is awake.

Valentino: What happened?

Velvette: The work was stressing her out.

Valentino: Destinee, I told you to wake me.

Destinee: I didn't want to disappoint you, brother.

Valentino: You would never disappoint me, sister. Come here.

Destinee goes over to him. He hugs her. She hugs back. He rubs her back. Destinee shudders.

Valentino: I'm never letting you near my workers ever again.

Destinee: I'm fine with that.

Valentino smiles and kisses her on the head. Destinee holds onto him.

Valentino: Don't worry, I'm not going to let go. I got you.

Valentino rubs her back. Destinee falls asleep on his shoulder. Valentino smiles and carries her over to his couch. He puts her on the couch and covers her with a blanket. He let's her sleep.

Chapter 10: Chapter 10: Date Night


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Destinee and Vox are going on a date night. They are getting ready. Velvette is helping Destinee. Valentino is helping Vox. Destinee is nervous. She is shaky.

Velvette: Destinee, stop shaking. You're going to ruin your outfit.

Destinee: I'm sorry, Vel. I'm just so nervous. It's been so long since Vox and I went on a date. We've had a lot of arguments. I just want everything to go perfect.

Velvette: Everything will be fine, Des. Vox loves you, and he won't care if the date is perfect or not. He is happy to spend time with you, and that's all that matters.

Destinee: Thanks, Vel.

Velvette: Of course. Now, come on, you don't want to keep your prince waiting any longer.

Velvette takes Destinee to Vox. Vox is wearing a different suit.

Vox: You look beautiful.

Destinee: Thank you. You are very handsome.

Vox blushes. Vox takes her hand, and they walk outside. They go to the restaurant. They sit at a booth. Destinee and Vox hold hands. Vox is a bit cold. He is trying not to shiver. He shivers violently.

Destinee: Are you cold?

Vox: A little.

Vox's teeth chatter. Destinee puts her arm around him.

Destinee: Is that better?

Vox nods. They get their food.

Vox: I'm really enjoying this. It's been so long since we've gone on a date.

Destinee: Me too. I love you.

Vox: I love you too.

They kiss.

Demon: Hey, look! The mighty Vox is dating a lowlife sinner! How low could he have fallen!?

The demon laughs. Destinee looks nervous. Vox looks mad.

Vox: What did you just say?

Demon: You heard me, you are weak!!

Vox stands up to his full height. His Demon form comes out. He growls. The Demon backs away in fear.

Vox: You have 5 seconds to leave, or I will end your worthless existence.

The Demon runs away. Vox calms down. He sits next to Destinee. She is shaking. Vox strokes her hair.

Vox: It's alright, my love. I'm here. Nobody is going to lay a finger on you.

Destinee hugs him. Vox hugs back. He rubs her back. He kisses her on the forehead. Destinee starts to calm down.

Vox: Are you feeling better?

Destinee: Yeah, thanks, Vox.

Vox: No problem, my love.

They eat their food and snuggle.


I know this is a short chapter, but I just wanted them to go on a date.....for once.

Chapter 11: Chapter 11: New Wings

Chapter Text

Destinee has been experiencing some changes with her human form. She still has her tail and horns, but now her wings are always out. She is trying to get used to it. Vox is trying to be supportive, even though he doesn't have any wings. Valentino is doing a better job, considering the fact that he has wings of his own. She is sitting on her bed. Her tail is swinging back and forth. Vox and Valentino are at work. Destinee is trying not to cry. She is feeling depressed. Her wings are uncomfortable. It feels awkward to sleep with them on her back all the time. She is waiting for Vox and Valentino to get out of work so Valentino can teach her how to fly. An hour later, Vox and Valentino go to her room. Vox helps her up.

Vox: Are you ready to practice?

Destinee: Not really.

Valentino: Don't worry, it's not as bad as you think.

Destinee: Ok.

Vox takes her hand and leads her to the top of the building. Destinee is nervous.

Vox: It's alright, you will be fine.

Valentino helps her over to the edge.

Valentino: Alright, spread out your wings.

Destinee spreads out her wings. She starts flapping her wings. She floats in the air. Valentino puts his hands on her waist.

Valentino: You’re doing it. Now, you just need to learn how to fly in the air.

Destinee floats over the edge. She is nervous. She flaps her wings. She gets distracted and stops flapping. She falls and screams. Valentino spreads out his wings and flies after her. He grabs her hand and catches her. He pulls her up. He is holding her. Destinee is shaking.

Valentino: It's alright, I got you.

Destinee shudders. Vox runs over.

Vox: Destinee, are you alright?

Destinee: Not really. That was so scary. I thought I was going to die again!

Valentino: I got you, sister.

Valentino puts her down. Vox hugs her. Destinee hugs back. Vox rubs her back. Destinee sniffles.

Vox: Are you feeling better?

Destinee: Yeah. Can we go back inside.

Vox: Of course.

They go back inside. Velvette sees them and comes over.

Velvette: What did you guys do this time? Destinee looks pale as f*ck.

Destinee winces. Vox puts his arm around her.

Vox: Val was trying to teach her how to fly. She fell, but he saved her.

Velvette: You should be more careful.

Valentino: I am careful. I was right beside her, ready to assist if she needed it.

Velvette: Whatever.

Velvette walks away. Destinee looks down.

Vox: Don't worry about her. She can be a bitch a times.

Destinee nods. They go to their room. Destinee sits on the couch. Vox cuddles with her. Destinee breathes deeply.

Vox: Are you alright?

Destinee: Yeah, just a little shaken.

Vox strokes her hair.

Vox: You're safe.

Vox kisses her on the head.

Destinee: Thanks.

Vox: No problem.

Chapter 12: Chapter 12: The Dark Truth

Chapter Text

Destinee is hanging out with Millie and her friends. Millie is trying to help Destinee overcome her shyness. Destinee isn't doing so well. She has a lot of anxiety. Bliz is annoyed.

Bliz: This is a lost cause. She will never be a true demon.

Millie: Don't you ever say that. She is a true demon. She just needs practice.

Bliz rolls his eyes.

Millie: Come on, Destinee.

Millie takes her hand and leads her outside. She hands Destinee a knife.

Destinee: What is this for?

Millie: It's a weapon to protect yourself with.

Destinee: Why would I need a weapon for?

Millie: Destinee. This is Hell. You always have to protect yourself.

Destinee: Oh, right.

Millie: Blizo.

Bliz: The "O" is silent, asshole!!

Bliz, let's out the bull. Destinee screams and runs away.

Millie: Use the knife!!

Destinee jumps over the bull and stabs it. The bull becomes wild and jumps around. Destinee gets stuck on it and yelps. She can't control the bull. She falls off of it and falls to the ground. She groans. Millie jumps on the bull and stabs it. She kills it. Millie helps Destinee up.

Destinee: I'm sorry.

Millie: It's alright. You're new at this.

Destinee smiles softly.

Bliz: We have a new person to kill. They are here in Hell.

Millie: Ok, let's go.

They go to the location. Destinee is nervous. She has never done this before. Someone attacks them. Bliz gets shot in the arm.

Bliz: Ahh, a new hole! Scatter!!

They all run. Destinee hides behind a tree. She is shaking. The person finds her and grabs her. Destinee yelps.

Person: Destinee?

Destinee: How do you know my name?

Person: You don't remember me?

Destinee: I've never seen you before in my life.

Person: It's me, Amy. You're best friend.

Destinee looks confused.

Amy: You don't remember anything from your life on Earth?

Destinee: Only how I died.

Amy: So, you don't remember how you got to the Vee's studio?

Destinee: I do. My brother, Val, rescued me and took me there.

Amy: No, that's only half the truth. You didn't start out there.

Destinee: What do you mean?

Amy: Vox, the overlord-

Destinee: My boyfriend?

Amy: Let me finish. Your boyfriend kidnapped you and did terrible things to you. He was a psycho. Then, your brother saved you. He didn't know that Vox kidnapped you. Vox probably took advantage of the fact that you forgot about it, and that's why he is dating you.

Destinee: Does he even love me?

Amy: Probably, but that doesn’t change what he did.

Destinee: Yeah.

Amy: You need to leave him.

Destinee: I can't just leave him. Maybe he's changed.

Amy: No, people like him never change.

Destinee: Ok.

Destinee goes back to the Vee's studio. She finds Vox.

Destinee: Vox!

Vox: Yes, my love?

Destinee: I know what you did.

Vox: What do you mean?

Destinee: I remember now.

Vox: Destinee, I can explain.

Destinee: No! You kidnapped and tortured me! Then, you hid it from me!!

Vox: I won't let you leave.

Destinee: I'm leaving you.

Vox growls and runs at her. He grabs her. Destinee yelps. She is scared.

Valentino: Vox!

Vox looks up. Valentino is staring at him.

Valentino: Let her go!

Vox: I will get my revenge.

Vox leaves. Valentino helps Destinee up.

Valentino: What happened?

Destinee: He lied to me. He kidnapped me when I first got here. He hid it from me since then. I broke up with him.

Valentino: You need to get out of here.

Destinee: Ok.

Destinee leaves. She sees the Hazbin Hotel and remembers Alastor. She walks to the hotel.

Chapter 13: Chapter 13: Hazbin Hotel

Chapter Text

Destinee gets to the Hazbin Hotel. She is nervous. Charlie sees her.

Charlie: Hello, are you here to be redeemed?

Destinee: Umm, I just need a place to stay. I just broke up with my boyfriend and I don't know where to go.

Alastor sees her.

Alastor: Destinee!

Destinee: Alastor!

Alastor leads her upstairs.

Alastor: What happened?

Destinee: I broke up with Vox. I found out something that made me rethink my relationship with him.

Alastor: Alright. You can have the room next to mine.

Destinee: Thanks, Alastor.

Alastor smiles. He takes her to her room. They go inside.

Destinee: It's a nice room.

Alastor: I'm happy you like it.

Destinee blushes. Now that she thinks about it, Alastor is very handsome. Everything about him is charming.

Alastor: My dear, are you alright? You are staring.

Destinee: Oh, I'm fine. I was just thinking.

Alastor: If you ever need to talk, I'm here for you.

Destinee: Thanks.

Alastor leaves. Destinee sighs. Her tail swings around. She puts her head in her hands. She silently cries. She can't believe Vox betrayed her. Not only did he torture her, but then he hid it from her and pretended to love her. At least she thinks he pretended to love her. Did he love her, or was it just a plan to control her? Someone knocks on the door.

Alastor: Destinee?

Destinee: Come in.

Destinee wipes her tears away. Alastor walks inside.

Alastor: Charlie is doing another one of her silly activities. Would you like to join?

Destinee: Sure. Is it alright if I stay with you? I'm still a little shy.

Alastor: Of course, my dear.

Alastor and Destinee go downstairs. Alastor uses his magic to summon another armchair. Alastor and Destinee sit in the armchairs. Destinee is nervous. She fidgets with her hands. Alastor gives her a reassuring smile. Destinee smiles softly.

Charlie: I was thinking that since Destinee has joined our family, we could revisit the trust exercise again. Especially since Alastor didn't participate last time.

Charlie explains what to do again.

Charlie: Destinee, how about you go first?

Destinee: Ok.

Destinee gets up on the stage.

Destinee: Ummm, I have social anxiety and I committed sucidie.

Destinee turns around and falls. Alastor catches her. He puts her down. Alastor goes next.

Alastor: I don't hate Lucifer as much anymore.

Alastor turns around and falls. Destinee catches him. She is surprised.

Destinee: You're very light.

Alastor blushes. He uses his shadow magic to move out of Destinee's grasp. He is standing on the ground.

Alastor: That's enough of that.

Charlie: Alastor, that's no fun.

Alastor: I'm sorry, dearr Charlie, but I'm not comfortable with talking about my emotions.

Charlie: But, Alastor, that's the whole point of these activities. It's so you can learn how to open up to people and be a better person.

Alastor: I don't want to be a better person. I'm happy with who I am.

Charlie: That's a good thing. But, you could at least try.

Alastor: Fine, I will...try to participate in these silly activities.

Charlie: Great!

Destinee is nervous. She can feel the tension in the room. Her hands are shaking. Alastor notices.

Alastor: Destinee and I will be back.

Alastor takes Destinee's hand and takes her to his room.

Alastor: Are you alright?

Destinee: I'm nervous. I've never been around so many people since I met Vox. I'm not used to it. My social anxiety still lingers and now that I broke up with Vox, I think I'm back at square one.

Alastor: I'm sorry, Destinee.

Destinee sighs and sniffles. Alastor puts his hand on her shoulder. He rubs it.

Alastor: Everything is going to be alright.

Destinee: Thank you, Alastor.

Alastor smiles.

Alastor: It was my pleasure. Do you want to stay here or go back downstairs.

Destinee: I want to stay here.

Alastor: Ok, let me know if you need anything.

Alastor leaves. Destinee sits on her bed. She misses Vox, but she knows that breaking up with him was the right choice. He lied to her, and she had a right to be concerned about his true intentions. Later, it it nighttime. Destinee can't fall asleep. She gets up. She grabs a blanket and pillow. She walks through the halls. She finds Alastor's room. She knocks on his door. Alastor opens it. He looks exhausted. His ears are down and his hair is messy.

Destinee: I didn't mean to wake you.

Alastor: It's quite alright. What do you need?

Destinee: I can't sleep. Can I sleep in your room?

Alastor: Sure. You can sleep on the couch.

Destinee: Thank you.

Alastor nods. Destinee steps inside. Alasor yawns and closes the door. Destinee puts her pillow on the couch. She gets in the couch and curls up underneath the blankets. Alastor gets in his bed. He turns on his white noise machine.

Destinee: What is that?

Alastor: It's a white noise machine. It helps me sleep.

Destinee: You have trouble sleeping too?

Alastor: Yeah, I'm autistic, you see, so I have trouble sleeping when it's too quiet. I'm not fond of loud noises, but I do get uncomfortable when it is too quiet. Does that make sense?

Destinee: Yeah, my brother doesn't want to admit it, but I'm pretty sure he's autistic as well.

Alastor: Valentino? You're telling me he's autistic?

Destinee: Yeah, you don't know him like I do. That's why he has such a temper. He feels the need to yell when he feels an autistic meltdown coming on. I had to comfort him before. Also, he doesn't want anyone to know about his autism, so that's why he hides it.

Alastor: Yeah, that makes sense.

Destinee: Yeah. Thanks for letting me sleep here.

No response.

Destinee: Alastor?

Destinee looks at Alastor. He is fast asleep. Destinee smiles. She lies down and falls asleep.

Twisted Love - Alastorfan1 - Hazbin Hotel (Cartoon) [Archive of Our Own] (2024)


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Author: Pres. Carey Rath

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Author information

Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

Address: 14955 Ledner Trail, East Rodrickfort, NE 85127-8369

Phone: +18682428114917

Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.