Hartford Courant from Hartford, Connecticut (2024)

luiip i mi, iiii.i.m m-i win rTnp ill II I I I IH ill ai8 1 1 THE HARTFORD COURANT: THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1955 TWENTY-ONE Automobiles LEGAL NOTICES IHds.) Low Last Chg. 1 Odd Lot Sales 11 Floor Refinishing 21 Help Wanted, Ftml 32 Simp Pat 1 in-, iu 1 NEW YORK. July 27. (AP) The SEALED BID NOTICE Pr.YMOUTH. 1951-Grey, 4-donr, radio I FLOORS SANDED Refinlshed and American Exchange NEW YORK, July 27, (AP) -Following is a complete and healer, one owner.

waxed. Estimates New! flven Ire. TeL 19(4 19'4 19' 54 New York Stock Exchange reported to- Sealed proposals for supplying eom-19 43 43 43( day these odd lot transactions hy prin-l mndilies andor sepires hereiii specified Britain RA 5-0K37. CH 7-9976. PONTIAC.

1954 Starchicf Convertible 4 ISC: niirrh, ni 911 tt of Purchases. Staie of Connecticut. 70 Arch Landscaping Simpsons .50 Singer Mf 2 Skiatron El Sonotone .20 Coast So PennOil 2 23 5 '4 204 445 shares inclnilinff 1 018 shares Street. Hartford, 'intil 10:00 A.M.. D.S.T.

list ol stock transactions on the American Stock Exchange today: I 12 1 5 4 5 I 35 Coupe, fully equipped including rariio. healrr, hydramatic, power brakes. Reduced to W.175. Snow Buick Co. Bioad Windsor.

Mf sold short. 4(4 514 8 33 55 37(i unless ouicrwise ncica, on ine oate m-rcin set forth and theveafler immeiiiaiely opened and read in public. Bid forms EXPERTS ON STONEWALLS Terraces, veneering, blue-stone and slats- walks, outdoor indoor fireplaces, loam. CH 6-4019; CH 6-5244. LEGAL NOTICES Sales Net (lidsi High Low Last chg.

SoCEd oigpf 2.40 220 55 35 55 1 Jicme Alum 1 are available at the office of the Super visor of Purchases. August 2, 1955 Field Seeds for High way Dept. Laundry Service for Bui PO.NTIAC. 1953 Club Coupe Fully equipped. Harringlnn's, 375 Wethers-fi Id Aves JMWit 19.SO Chipflain llfvlnvo A.

Moving Storage State of Connecticut, District of Hart, ford, Probate Court, Town ol Hartford, July 27. 1955. 26 2 30 49 49 NEW 12 week course will qualify you, as a well-paid TRACER! JULES Fumilura moving, and 45 45- Final Prices S'l 3n 30 1 7'i 7- i 4' 4', 13 33 13 13 SCE4.32 pn.08 SCE4 56 pref 1.14 SCE4.4S pref 1.13 So Pipe South my If Spen Shoe Fertl- ESTATE or CHARLES M.LSDM Havens Technical School 27'i 49 45 5 73 '4 5 '4 30 storage, reasonable rates. Call door, stock No. 753.

Jet black, radio. 1 lizer for Southhury Training SchfMil 1 7 9 4', 3 14 10 healer, signal lights. A real hfrp' n-34ij. Cotton Broadcloth 1'niform Shirts for KORl.NSO.V OR (HAKLKS V. KORI.

80, late of Hartford, in said District, deceased. 5 72'4 73'4 54 5'4 29 29'i- 5 5(4 car. J495 full price, take short i Fainhntr Fanerintr 27 Park and Forest Comm. Woolen 9 i StDred pf 160 150 drive to lore savings Batch Motor i Russell Z. Johnston, 5 Std Factors 120 Sales.

7 Post li.md. East Windsor i WE SPECIALIZE In outside painting of Blankets and Hospital Sheet Blankets. August 3. 1955 Cabinet Oven: Sleel Tapes; X'i" Crushed Stone: Coarse, Present, Hon. Judge.

at 3:30 V.M. Closing llncludet Important Final Hour) 15 15 16 urn. iei. a a-ziiu. open evenings, an itmos.

can lh 7-W7b at anytime. 'til 1ft p.m. and all day Sunday. FLOOR SANDIXt Acme 2 Adam Hat .50 Aero Sup Aeroquip .40 Ams worth Air Ind 120 Airfleets 1 Ajav Pet A 1.97g Ala Gas 128 Ala Pw pf 4.20 Alaska Airl AllAmEng A lies Airl Alleg Cp Wt Allied Art Allied Art pf .55 Allied Pd 2.40a AND PAPER Hang- ia rurg i Std Indust Std Oil Ky 2 Std Pack 14 4 4 4 1 57 57 57Vj Ji The 25th day of August, 1955. at 3:00 Screened Sand (not washed for High o'clock in tle afternoon, in the rooms wav Oent Pli-wood for Conn SI ins and paint.

Call JA 2-0045 anytime. 25:, of said Court in the Municipal Building! Prison Furniture for Danhury Stale 13 25V4 2400 32 3 15 15H 33'i "i 1 22H 22s. 27 13-16 1316 13-16-1-16 1 44 44-H 443i 7 35'i 35s4 Z25 lU2t 102' 102 -4 8 5'i- 10 8'i KH 8(i: 4 5. 5', 47 7i 7 7 67 5 4'i 6 11H 11 i Std Pk pf 160 lof the tv of Hartforrt. in unlit ri.i Teachers Colleee Sale of I'spd Molnr POS'TIAC.

1918 STATION WAGON Gray finish. Nicely equipped. $195, full price. Take a short t'rive to long savings Balch Motor Sales. 67 Post Road, Fast U'inrtcnr Hill Tl TA EMPLOYMENT Std Pw Lt Sales Net IHds.t Hieh Lmv Last Chg.

met, is hereby assigned for a hearing ehicles August 4, 1953 Paint and Building Greer Hyd .40 12 12 12'i Supplies for Teachers College of Conn. Open evenings 'til 10 p.m. and ali Help Wanted, Female 32 upon the settlement and allowance of the Trustee's three annual accounts of the Mrs. Mabel Sherman Robinson et al, trust and it is 16 42 7(4 5 13 3 5- oay funaay. wrtii Kra-tvT- Paints for Conn.

State Hospital Women's Flannel Nightgowns for Norwich Grid Freeh Hmd Org 2a Harvard Brew 32 16 42 7 5(, 13 3 5 23 20 3 16 42 7 5 13 3 5(4 23 20 38 10V 2 42ii '2 l'i 2 54 4 7'i 2 37'4 37H 37Vi 10 42 42 l1 l-i 5'4 5 T' 7't ORDERED, That the Trustee of said pfle Hospital Printing Monthly Bul-estate exhibits said accounts in said lor Comm. on Alcoholism-Sale of Alum Am pf3.75 Z200 96 96'i i Hath Baker work? we need three women to work 3 to 4 hours daily. If you qualify, you tan earn $2 to $3 an hour with liberal commission. Prions JA 2-1758. Am Ean Car PON'flAC.

1947'5ui) Coupe. Jet blai radio and healer. A real nice car for only $145. full price. Take a short drive to long savings Balch Motor Sales, 67 Post Road, East Windsor Hill.

Tel. JA 8-2101. Open evenings 23-l 39 13-16 13-16-1-16 Hazel Bish l'i i Haeltine 1.05g Court at the day and hour above men-i Lsea reea ana i.rain tsags tioned and that notice of the time and August 5, 19 Foam Rubber place set for said heai.ng be pi.ven ta tresses for Cedarcrest Sanatorium In Lumber Sheets. Sheetine and Pi ow- 3 25'i 1'4 Heam Str 16 1 4 42 42 42 2 2 2'4 11 1114 11(4 ia rroa i Std Thorn StdTube SterlBiew .502 Sicrt Inc 05p Sterl Prec Stinnes Stroock 1.60 Stylon Cp SunR Drug .10 SupPCem SupTool Swan Oil Talon A Talon Tampa El 75g Technico la ThewShov ISO Thiokol Ch 10 10'i 10 Vs Hecla Min .20 Here's an exceptional opportunity if you are an ambitious young woman. At our expense, we will give you a full 12 week course of training in tracing work.

In addition, we will actually pay you at an excellent rata while you learn. Once you have satisfactorily completed the coutse. we will place you in one of our drafting departments at even a higher rate of pay. General Requirements: High School Graduate. Mathematics: through Trigonometry.

Those wita some previous drawing experience will bt given preference. 1 2si 25 9 25', 8'i 2S' 2S' til 10 p.m. and all day Sunday. 1 41 41 41 cases Fresh Fruit and Vegetables by true of said estate, causing a ropy 11 43 Z60 104 41 42 -1 104 104 2 4 14 283i (opens 9 a i i if i this order to be published In some news- Ol Ol 7, in circulation in said Dis Z50 31 '4 56 8 8'i- 9 3 5-16 3 5-16 3 5-16 paper having a August 10, 1955 Steel Cabinets for Treasurer's Department, Bonus Div. 6 17 17 17V4 PONTIAC.

1946 4-door Streamliner. Jet black, radio and heater. A sieal for $95 full price. Take a short drive to long savings Balch Motor Sa'es, 67 Post Road, East Windsor Hill. Tel.

JA 8-2101. Open evenings 'til 10 p.m. and all day Sunday. trict and a like copy to be sent by cer 1 14 14 14 each Typist for New Haven Teachers BILLING CLERK Training will be given. Knowledge of typing required.

THE H0L0-KR0ME SCREW CORP. 31 BROOK ST. ELM WOOD, CT. 3 16 16 16'4 1 '27 27 27 tified mail, postage prepaid, to 13 10 Jicrgistiuwuii Liiicaits ioi inu- JLiKL ii' 1955 Pbeasan.s for Board 11 15 15 1 30 30 2 20 20 of Fisheries and Game Paper towels. Thomp Star 32 5 4 Kennel August 12.

1955 Dog and (Phoenix Office), Trustee. 803 Main Street. Hartford. and Mr. Perry aueei.

na.umu. 4 4'i 3 J5 15(4 15'i 19 23 22 23 2 4 4 4 1 231, 23' 14 19 42 41 42 5 101 (4 101 101 6 9 9 9 1 11 11 11 4 88 8 715-16 8 S3 40 40 40(4 Z60 97 97 97'4 2 5 5 5- 2100 118 117 117 1 35 27 26'4 26 30- 20 5 14 4 23 23 9-; 9 26' 26Vi i 31 6'i 6 32i, 32 'a 33'i 33U 33i, 5Ti 6'i Heller 1.40a Heller pf5.50 HercStlPd A 1 Holl Gold .24 Holly Str 1.20 Hubbell 2.40 Humble 2.28 HydElSec 111 Zinc xd ImpChlnd OSg Imp Oil .90 Inpls pf4 Ind Hard Ins Am 2.50 Int Petrol 1.20 Int Resist Oa Inves Rov 04a Iron Thomp Star pf .70 4 1 4 14 5 9'i 7 26 12 31 16 lR-i 2 6H 5 32: 2 33' 24 J.T, 29 6ii Paper Tags for Dept. of Agriculture H. Cornwall. Guardian ad Litem, 395.

Thor Cp 23 23 Bags. PLYMOUTH. 1951 Savoy Station Wagon. Radio, heater. Top condition.

Privately owned. Snow tires, on spare wheels. AD 2f614after 6 pm. POXTIAC you are looking76i a good clean used Ponliac take a short drive to long savings to your direct Pontiac dealer. Balch Motor Sales.

67 Post East Windsor HilL 2 23 23 August 29, Church Street Wethersfield, Conn. Certified from record. JOHN D. DRAGAT. Ass t.

Clerk. 1955 Sand and Gravel. C. L. MAGN'USON Supervisor of Purchases State of Connecticut BOOKKEEPER SECRETARYI.

i shorthand, $5 per week. Secretary, medical, $t0. Secretary, legal. $H5. Secretary, private.

$S5. Siena-Typists. $50-555. Typists. General Em-pioymont, 721 Main.

1 114 114 11 1 38 38 38 1 4 67 66 66 4 8 7 7 7- 2 2 2 2 3 1 1 13-16 1 13-16 3 3 3 3'4 210 104' 104 104'i 22 21 4 11 1V 11 4 2 -JFTC 3. 10'4 10 80 11', 2 2, 2 15 PONTIAC Come out our way, doTnisl-ness your way. McClure Pontiac Ine. "Pontiac Sales Service." 373 Main Street. Manchester MI 9-4545.

State of Connecticut, District of Hartford, Probate Court, Tumi of Hartford, July 27, 1955. ESTATE OF HMY.S C. FELLOWS late of Hartford, in said District, deceased. 1 4" 4'S State or Connecticut. District ol Hart-ford.

Probate Court, Town of Hartford, July 25. 1955. Present, Hon. Russell Z. Johnston, Judge.

2 15'4 6 14. 37 12 15-4 6 1 4 Thorof Mkt .40 Tllo Roof Tish Real 1.40 Todd Shp 4 Toklan Oil .16 Tonop Min Trans Em Trans Lux- Tri Cont wt TrueTem 1.60 Ulen Manag Unexcell Ch Unit Aire Pd UnNJRR 10 Unit Shoe 2.50 I'nit Spelt US Air Cnnd US Foil A LARGE SELECTION Of late nodii 12- 28 6- 6 2 28 28 6 6 6 7 6 20 1 20 5 11 I 1 15,4 15'i 19 9' 9 21 11 10'i 24 4i 4't 9H 25 2 115-16 15- Vi Irving Air Ch 9'j Israel Pet 11 Jeannette Gl 43, ij I Jerry 9 Oils 2 i Kaiser M01 4 1'4 4 6 6 22 2 IMS 2 Present, Hon. Russell Z. j07 South Highland West Hartford. JudSe.

I administratrix of the ESTATE OF The 18th day of August. 1955. at 2:30 JAMES F. BEVVETT OR MR. JAMES K.

in IK iff.rnnnn in ths rnnmv lat nf Wttut UarifmA u-ithin cars or all makes and body styles always on hand. If you need a car don't forget to see us as our prices are low and the assortment great- O'Meara Motor 653 Conn. East Hartford. TeL JA 8-217L Open evenings. 29 4 4 r0 232 232 232 10 4.5 4S 4S PLEASB APPLY EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT WEEKDAYS I A.M.

TO P.M. PRATT WHITNEY AIRCRAFT DIVISION Or UNITED AIRCRAFT CORPORATION East Hartford Connecticut 17'4 Bl'RNHAM EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 29 Pearl SL Secretary-Bookkeeper. $65. Clerk-Typist, Windsor Area $H0. Stenn, Windsor Area, $60.

Typist, S48. Secretary, sales, advertising. $53. Secre. laiy-Reccptionisl.

$b5. N.C.R. Operator, West Hartford. S55. Ediphone Operator, $ti0.

Siatislical Tvping. $55. Field Man- ager. train sales force, $275. CLERK TYPIST knowledge of hook-keeping essential.

37 hours per week. Cal.IA 5-0891. CTSRKtYPtST-FcTsTSnel. office, W-teresting work. $45.

Steno, East Hart-ford, accurate typing, detail. $50. 8.X. Typist, central, figure aptitude, $55. Clerk-typist.

Northend. J40-S45. Steno. Northend. $tifl.

Policy Typist, $45-550. Temple Agency. 75 Pearl. of said Couit in the Munictna' Bu.iu.ng said district, deceased, it is 4 --J tUm nu nt UertfnrA in nietriol nOlirOrn that civ m.nlt,. fnn iho 1 3 1 7 8 14 15 2 175 21 15 AT 80 WASHINGTON ST.

Reliable llo It i i- hf.mhv nuicnffl ir ji hc.i ntr rtav nf hp and lh( SAme 10 17 13 21 15 3 4 '4 716 20'j 12 settiement and allowance of the are limited and allowed fur the prescnta- Am Bever Am Hard Rub Am Mfg Am Marac 25( Am Tract Amur Oil Anacon Ld AnchPost .80 Aug LauA Apex El Mf Argus Cam Ark Oil ArkLaGas .51) -Armour wt ArmstRub A 2 AroEquip Asso La anil Asso Fd Strs Asso TT A 4a Atlas Cp wt Alias Plyw 15g Auto St I Pd AutoSPd pf .30 Auto Vot Axe Science Ballev Set Paid Sec Banc deli Banff Oil OBarr Tr LSP Barium Stl Fasir P.efr lb Bearing Beck Slice ld Beckman Inst Kelt Tel Can 2 Kcllan Aire Belocfc Inst Henrut Blumenth Krad Koote "Kraz Trac Breeze Cp Brlllo Mf 160 Br Am Oil .85 Brit Pet Brown Co BrownFDIi .60 Brown Rub 1 Bruce lb Buckeye PL 1 Budg evpf.60 Bunk Hill 1 Burma Mines Burry Bis Bvrd Oil A CAC Super Caia Sug 3v .10 Cal East Av Cal El Pw 70 Calv tirad Ins la Can So Pet Cdn All Oil Cdn Dred .50 dn Hmstd Cdn Marc Mg used cars. Terms. Hartford Buick. TeL A 5-1151. 3 4 4 12'i 12', 'i 435 6't ij 20 2fl'i 20', 'i 16 2-i 2, 2 4 IBS 16'j 16' Si 16 23 '4 23 23 1 53'i 53'; 53'il 2 2S'4 27-4 27 i 4 14U 14 i 4 104 TO 10 5 10t, jO'i 10UH- 14 8 4 114- 2-l-16 4', 17 13- 21 15- 3 4'i 7-16 20', 12- 3- 7 5 10(4- 19 6- ustee's two annual accounts and peri-' lion of all claims against said estate to Kawneer .70 Kennedy .90 Kidde 1 Kings .90 Kingst Pd .20 Kio Oil Kirk Lk Knott Hotels 1 Kohacker Kropp Krues Brew L'Aiglon .40 16 2 716 odical account of the Mabel W.

the administratrix thereof and said ad- BUY Your next usea car from Har- 1 et al trust and it is I ministratrix is directed to cite all credi- rington Palmer. 140 Washington St. 20 'v 12 5 5 3 3 7 7 5 5 3 3 Since 1915 a good friend to deal with. DESOTO-PLYMOUTH Sales Service Parts. Always a fine selection of clean used cars.

Eastwood Motor Sales, 549 Conn. East Hartford, A 8-4115, open evenings. US Rub Reel US Vitamin 40 Unit Stores Univ Amer UtahldSu? Van Al Sll 2 Van Norm wt Venez Syn Venez Pet Vinco Cp Vulcan Sil Ld Waitt Bd Wallace Waltham Wat Ward Bak wt Wasatch Cp ORDERED, That the Trustee of said tors of said decedent to bring their estate exhibit said accounts in said claims within said time allowed by post-Court at the day and hour above men-: Ing a copy of this order upon the public tioned and that notice of the time and sign-post nearmT the place where the place set for said hearing be given decedent last dwelt within said town of to all persons known to be interested I West Hartford and by publishing the in said estate, by causing a true copy same once in some newspaper having a of this order to be published in some! circulation in said Probate District with-newspaper having a circulation in said in thirty days from the date of this 10 10(4 19 19 3 2 2 2 1 12 12 12- 14 4 4 4 3 2 2 2 3 5 5 5 3 34 34 34 1 4 4 4 66 9(4 8 8 1 85 85 85 1 4 4 4 13 5 5 5 3 3 3 3 4 22 22 22 59 2 2 2 '4! 2 5 5 5- 2200 27 27 27-l 62 2 2 2 Z30 149 148 145 1 4 4 4 1 3 1 CLERK-TYPISTS 6 6 DWORIN CHEVROLET Home of OK Used Cars. 476 Conn. East Hartford, BU9-9335, open eveningsJ "si 7 '4 LaSalExt 7 7 Lac Chris 3m Lakey Fd 33 33 5 LamsonCp .80 18'4 18 Lear I814 inn Lil 'b -40 194 19 Loblaw 1.50 14 15 05e 21 21'i Long Witt 244 24 La Land 3a 10'i 10 Lunkhmr 1.60a District and a like copy to be sent by order.

2 14 12 8 1 6 175 83 1 2 1 18 2 85 13 13- 8 8- 6 6 S3 83 2 2 18 18(4- 4 Hi 85 STENOGRAPHER certified mail, postage prepaid, to each of the following named, at least 8 days Certified from record. MARY E. F. CUNNINGHAM. Ass't Clerk.

ITS OUR KNOW HOW Plus a low overhead location that enables us to make those deals you've heard about Take a short drive any evening or some Sunday to our low overhead location. 67 Post Road, East Windsor HilL Balch Motor Sa'es. The Direct before the day set tor said hearing. Hertford National Bank and Trust Company, Trustee, Mr. Elisha C.

Wattles, Guar- Wentwth Mf 37 37 250 37 Classified Advertising 18 Lynch Cp .60 11 11 11 Wn Leasehld 145 8 7 15-16 7 15-16 WnMd ipf 7.50k z310 234 230 233 dian ad Litem, 75 Pearl Street, both of 11 -16 7-161-16 Magna Oil 15 4 Personnel department of large local concern has opening for a clerk-typist in Personnel Records sec- lion. Experience not essential. Pleasant diversified work. Address P. 0.

Box 2551, Hartford stating qualifications, age and salary desired. Experienced young lady to work in Engineering Depart-ment. Excellent sal-ary. Pleasant coi. genial surroundings.

Wn Stk Inv 004g 17 5-16 (4 Pontiac Dealership. "You've Heard About," Open until 10 every evening. ANNOUNCEMENTS Westm CI z925 21 Hartford, Mrs. Mabel W. Fellows, and Mr.

James B. Fellows, both at 517 Hawthorne Avenue, Royal Oaks, Mich. Certified from record. JOHN D. DRAGAT, Ass't.

Clerk. FOR DEPENDABLE And guaranteed Used Cars. See Taher Cadillac. 1530 34 4 4 19 19 29 30 1 19 19(4 36 36 27 28 16 16- 25 25- 7B Travel 20 21 13 13 19 19- 9-16 9-16 16 16 23 23 n- 1 4,13 4 20 36 2750 17 Z100 23 Abany JA 7-0171. 10 7 7 7 Maine Sv 1.08 9 19V4 5 9 9 9 Mangel Str la 7 30 48 2 1 1 Mays JW .70 6 19'4 2 1 T4 McDon Aire 1 21 36 5 17 17 17', McKee 1.50g z300 2S 31 ,3 3'4 3 McWill 50 17 15 15 14 15 Mead John I 2 25 20 6 11-16 6 6 Menasco 30a 23 6 zSfl 30 SO 30' 1 Men til Pel 63 WhlieAS .60 Wickes Cp .60 Wilrich Pet WilsBr pf 1.25 WoodNM 1.50b WoodlevPet .50 2 68 67 S7 1 AIR TRAVEL Fly North American, California.

$80; Chicago, $24; Fsllss $56; Detroit $20: Miami, $109; plus tax. Chartered service wcijd wide Independent Air Coach Agenry. 983 Main JA 2-1658 or AD 2-9282. 5:4 5 Low Cost transportation Pay weekly. Name your own terms.

No red tape. Finance man on premises. As little as $10 down on '41'51 automobiles. Maple Motors. 907 Maple open evenings.

CH 9-6833. 10 2 2 1-16 2 1-16 'Apply EMPLOYMENT OFFICE HARTFORD MACHINE SCREW CO. 9 9 3-164WrightH .12 BONDS State of Connecticut. District of Hartford, Probate Court. Town of Hartford, July 26, 1955.

Present, Hon. Russell Z. Johnston, Judge. On motion of Mary J. Lowery, 196 Warrenton 'ot Hartford.

8 56 55 55-1 1 1-16: Chi Trans 378 1 CLERK-TYPIST Apply. Hartford Machine Screw 92 Deerfleid Road, Windsor. 4s93A OXESf the best selections IS- of used 19 90 90 90 i 73 73 73 4 90 90 90 3 100 100 100 10 Strayed Lost Found 18 13 ii Fly Tiger 5'-s67 13 cars in town, 297 to pick from. Most COUNTER WAITRESS p.m. 23 2 2 2'i Iron 21 6 9- IS 6 BS Mich Sugar 3 275 26 26 26 4 I Micro Hone 1 1 3 2 2', 24 1-16 M'd St Pet 4 3 6 6 i Midvale 1 -15 -S ys 28 Mid-W Anl .40 6 2 3 13-16 3 13-16 3 13-16- i Mid-W Ref 12 3 1 1 IV-MSi MJdw Pip 2 3 -1(5 ri min intra tri nf the ESTATE OF RAY- tt rri --rjrr Tat closed Sundays.

$45. Cashier. makes and models in all body styles; 92 Deerfield Road, Windsor J.ingPw 3s6l Ohio Pw 3s68 Peru 3s 97 22 -1 6', closed Sundays, United Employment, 252 Asylum. CH 6-7225. HSk" MOV" c- f-OWKRY OR RAYMOND, white.

Hartford Dog Warden JA 5-7896, 11 j6 a 56 I1.0HERY, late of West Hartford, with-j CH 6-5326 1 149 149 149 1 in said district, deceased, it is 37 7 8 ORDERED, that six months from the LOST-Ladies gold Hamilton watch, en- K- 6 6 2T 26 5 5 6s98 26 from 599, S193. $229. $195 and up. No money down: your car may he accepted as full first payment; up to 3 vears to pay. Capilol Motors 1214 Main St.

JA 7-8144. Open evenings till 9. SECRETARY. FARMINGTON Part time for retired executive. Immediately OR 7-2190.

OR 7-9433. 34 3 3 9-16 34-1-16 Miller Wohl .40 4 a octh dav of Ju v. 1955. be and the same Ki-u. uiu wiiumanuc o-uj3, 41 I (1V-JI 25 5'-sl92l lir ji'SanphPet 5s62 ltj.is SoCalEd 4 91 91 91 2 nrnpn-l collect.

Reward offered 1 33 33 33 1 14! Mm Cp tan 1 5 9 9 9 Mo Pb Sv .60 zl.Mi 129 12S 12s Can can Petror pt Cdn Will Canso Nal Gas Canso Oil Prnd CapUtyPd la Cap Trans Carnation 2a Caro Pi. pf5 Casco Pd Castle AM 1.20 Catalin are limited and allowed for the presen- i.r, limited and allnwpd for tlw 5 13 13 44 1 13-16 1 16 61 60 tation of all claims against said estate LOST Pass Book No. B. SO 2 100 100 100 loo loo wo SoCalEd 3s65 z50 114 114 114 i Malybden 1 ito the administratrix thereof and said for Savings. Application made Unit Dve A Ch 6s73 5 69 ltd 101 Kit 101 .1 i administratrix is directed to cite all 4 OLDSMOBILE Sales, service, parts.

Home of Safety-tested cars. Manchester Motors. Silver Lane Highway. Man- Chester 1955" FORD Victoria Fordamatic. Men Pw pf 4 40 Monroe Ln A .20 Wasatch Cp 6s63A 5 99 99 It, nyatitni- nl caiH A0fAn in hrinir in 1 4 1 17 15 I.

2 5 5 5'4 4 8 26979 ln The Con 1 thoir Haim. iilhin tim PASS BOOK No. Mont Wd A 7 17 8 4 Webb Kn 5s74 16 85 85 Approx stock sales 640,000 shares. necticut Bank and Trust West 210 175 175 15 "4 65 12 11 11 X- Z50 143 143 143 1 Morris PI 7 4 Ceneo Cp 4 by posting a copy of this order uoon the public sign post nearest to the place Hartford Office. West Hartford, Con Slock sales year ago snares.

blue and 1375. V-8. 3.000 miles. 2 tone white. Windsor Locks NA 3 Cen Explor 24 5 3-16 5 5', 1-16 Mtn St TT 6.60 necticut, has been lost.

The finder is DOWNSTAIRS MAID EXPERIENCED to do light dusting, serving meals, answering telephone. References required. Excellent position, good pay. APPLY AT CONNECTICUT STATE EMPLOYMENT SERVICE 480 Capitol Avenue i.mi oi iraaing less man iwi snares or OWPi, within Cen 111 Sec 1 12 12 12'4 i qMuntz TV hereby authorized to return Pass Book! 1954 CRESTLINE FORD Convertible. Musk Ring .6 27 1 8 5'4 Fordomatic, power steering, tinted sales in full.

Rates of dividends In the fore- ot wt Hartford and by publishing going table are annual disbursem*nts based tne slime onoe ne spaper hav. on the last quarterly or semiannual decla-i in id ri. to the above bank at West Hartford, 4 2 3 4 1 5 4 21 4 1 5 4 21 4 Connecticut. 4 18 6'i l'i 4 Muter Co Namm Loes Nat Alf Deh Nat Bell 18 6 14 21- ration. Unless otherwise noted I.

special 1 or wi(hin tnirty day, from tne date CenlS pf 1.50 2125 27', CessnaAir 1 11 IS ChambAm .40 1 6 Charter Oil 40 1 CherrvBur 2 4 Chesebrou 3a 5 82 Chcsebrou Sa rS 82'4 Circle 5 22 12 4 14 of this order. Nat Brew Mich 1 5 81 824 1 5 .5 LOST Pass Book No. 45204. Hartford National Bank A Trust Conn. River Branch.

Application made for payment MARIANNE I. HAYES 81 82'4 Certified from record. MARY E. F. CUNNINGHAM, Ass't.

Clerk. extra or extras, Annual rate plus stock dividend, Declared or paid in 1955 plus slock dividend, Paid last year, Payable An slock, estimated cash value on ex- Nat Pet Nat Research 1 1 11-16 1 ffli 1 11-16-1-16 2 24 24 24 22 windshield. A H. Excellent buy. Call OR7-9788 fter 5 p.rn 1950.

BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN Radio, heater, and dynaflow, Excellent con-dition. 8B95. Call Manchester MI 3-5541. Trucks 12 FEDERAL, 1952 Heavy duty tractor, tires. 1949 Diamond Van; 1949 Ford Model F-6, long wheelbase: 1950 Federal, long wheelbase; 1948 CMC Van; International 1953.

10-wheel, dump, 6-yard, heavy duly body with 22 4 37(4 15- 5 29 29 15 4 4 City Auto 2a 1 Clark DL 2100 37 15 dividend or ex-distribution date, De 29 4 3 11 27 Clark On 1 37 15 18 6 7 LOST Blue peasant purse. Vicinity Farmington containing valuable papers. Reward. Finder please call JA 4-0271. Nat Starch Nat Telefilm Sat Un Eiec Nat I'S Rad .40 Neptune Brit Oil EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY for per- 3 3 11 11 27 27 IS 18.

5 6 7 7 ments. $45. Stenographer, small office, clared or paid so far this year, Declared or paid after stock dividend or split up. Declared or paid this year, an accumulative issue with dividends in arrears, Paid this year, dividend omitted, deferred for girl experienced in financial work. 2 2 36 11 11 AUTOMOTIVE 11 37 Z4U0 139-4 139 The LONDON LANCASHIRE GROUP at 20-22 Trinity St.

Hartford, Conn. has openings for HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES Age 18-35 For The Following Openings TYPISTS FILE CLERKS CODING CLERKS ACCOUNTING CLERKS CLERK TYPISTS STENOGRAPHERS day, 37 hour week. Paii holl. days and vacation. Group lift and hospitalization benefits.

DROP IN FOR AN INTERVIEW OR CALL For Appointment Call JA 2-5241, Ext. 60 Eng Clock 37 37 2 2 314 or no action taken at last dividend meeting. 7 3 3 Must be good typist. Brokerage experience not essential. Box 9213, Courant.

EARN AT HOME With a lifetime depression proof business. See car ad twin hoists. Shechtman's, 58 Pleasant East Hartford. Automobile Agendo Clock pt 22- State of Connecticut, District of Hartford. Probate Court, Town of Hartford, Julv 27, 1955.

ESTATE OF PHILIP KOLAKOWSKI of Hartford, in said District, a minor. Present, Hon. Russell Z. Johnston, Judge. Upon the application of Ludwig J.

Kolakowski, Guardian of the estate of said minor, praying for authority to compromise and settle a certain claim in favor of said minor against Joseph J. Gagosz of Hartford, Connecticut; it is ORDERED: That said application be heard and determined at the Probate Office In the Municipal Building of the 7 I Idria ALWAYS RELIABLE A complete se. CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH Sales-serv Zinc 50g 14 fi Declared or paid in 1K4 plus stock aivi-354 dend. Liquidating dividend, eld Called. 44- i ur Under rule, xd Ex-dividend, x-dis 22 Ex-distribution, xr Ex rights, xw Without warrants, ww With warrants, wt War- 15 ice part.

Burnside Motors, Inc 188 22 6 15 26 11 23 Z50O 14 34 34 3 3 11 44 44 (, 2 23 22 12 3 3 2200 58 58 47 49- 49 lections trucks in all years, makes and models Attractive prices. Capitol IRL-To work part time answering Motors. 1214 Main St. JA 7-8144. phones 4 or 5 days a Bumstde Ave.

East Hartford, 26- H- 24 BU 9-0246. open evenings. Mex A Ar New Pk Mng NY ft Hon 3g Niles Bern 2a 58 ti rants, wd When distributed, wi When keeping department Apply Box No. 49 23 7 15 26'i 11 24 3S 3 38 13 13 7'i 6 38 '4 38 3S 3h AT NIELSEN'S Ford sales and service. Excellent repair facilities available.

122 Washington St. JA5-26TL issued, In bankruptcy or receivership or being reorganized under the Bankruptcy Act. or securities assumed by such SEE CLAYTON MOTORS For a fine used truck. West Hartford Ford Dealer. 30 Raymond Road, West Hartford.

AD 3-3616. 11 2 2 IMS 2 Claros tMf .25 Clary Cp 22g Clinch Coal la Coast Oils Colonial Airl ColonialSd Colts Mfg CommPSv 1 Compo Sh Ex f.70 Con Engin .40 Con Mng Con Koyal Con Royal Con Royal lltig Cont Air .50 Cont Av En Cont Coml .40 Cont Uranium Cook la Cornuc GM Coro Inc Cott Bev Courtaulds Creole Pet 15 7V- 7 7(4 90491Courant HIGH-SCHOOL GRADUATES $40. With or without typing. 5 days, Asylum companies. 13 Automobiles 11 Nipsing Mn Noma Lts Nord Ketay No Am Ray pf i No Cdn Oils No Penn RR 4 city or Harttord.

in said District, on the 5th day of August, 1955. at 11:30 o'clock in the forenoon and that of the 38 13 (4 12- 6 6 Avenue. Wilson Agenry. 54 38 33 12 6 6 2 15 13 33 4 50 50 89 5(4 5 1 16 220 89 89 3 10 10 12 1(1 1 Investing Companies 48 pass. 48 Pass.

54 Pass. 50 4 5 89 10 10 'AUSTIN English built Ford. Hlllman. MG New Used. Sales and Service.

Palottl A Poole. Inc, 549 Wethersfield Hartford. STUDE. SCHOOL BUS-(l) Good-condition. INTER.

SCHOOL BUS 41) Good condition. INTER SCHOOL BUS (1) 5.900 miles. pendency of said application and of the time and place set for a hearing thereon be given by publishing a true copy of Nncast Airl 4S ia Ogden Cp 48 48 BUICK, mis oraer once in some newsraDer hav. Oh Brass i 25 57 57 1934-rSuper Riviera, 57 10 11-16 11-16 11-161-16 private ing a circulation in said District, at least DODGE SCHOOL BUS-U) 48. New INTERESTING OPPORTUNITY owner.

Phone JA 9-0148. 1 1 11-16 1 11-16 1 11-16 16 16 Z75 72 8 S's- 3 motor. ALL BUSES IN GOOD CONDITION Call Litchfield 7-8093 Okalta Oils Okonite 2b Old Town Olymp okiep 7.25g OverseSec 3.21P live days before the day set for said hearing. Certified from record. BERNICE M.

ADAMS. Assistant Clerk. 6 16 '4 6 11 7 24 60 2 8 ZllKI 29 3 3 250 20 15 7 Z200 29 1 29 2 37 7 7'i 60 60 8 29 29- 3'4 3'4 20 20 7- 7 91 29 37 33- 28- 28 Crowley CmCkln A la Crown Drug 7 7 90 29 36 33 28 28 27 TT) 14 INTERNATIONAL Standard gage bulldozer for sale. Call Meriden BE 5-2254. crystal oil CADILLAC.

19S3 "62" door sedan. Fully powered, radio, heater, hydramatic, while walls. Showroom condition. $3195. Must be seen to be appreciated.

Mor-iarty Brothers. 315 Center Man-chester. MI 3-5135. Open evenings. BUICK, 1952 Special.

4-door, black. 1952 Buick, Super. 4-door, 2-tone grey. One owner, low milage cars. True histories, 100 per cent guarantees.

Owner-management enables me to sell for less. Hevenor's, Select Used Cars, Glastonbury. 1E 3-7628, nights 'til 9:30. INVITATION TO BID CONTRACT NO. E55-244 Sealed proposals will be received at PacGi-E 6pn.50 PGAE 5pf 1.37 pf 1.25 PGi-Erd pfA 1 25 Cub Atl Sug 1 33 2 28 1 28 7 27 the office of the Purchasing Asent.

Citv USED TRUCKS Priced especially for you at Colonial Motors, 450 Homestead Avenue. JA 2-8225. I5g 9 11 11 31 Z50 31 31 31 1 7 22 22 22- Z75 15 15 15 27 of Hartford, Municipal Buildine. 550 TYPIST Married, or single, for air-conditioned branch office of an insur ance company. Excellent working conditions and hours.

Good starting salary. Fred Disch. Loyalty Group, 5th floor, 125 Trum bull Street. TYPIST $50. Use transcription equipment.

Insurance- claims work. Experience desired, not -required. Wilsoa Agency, 54 Church. Main Street, until 2:30 p.m.. E.D.S.T..

NEW YORK (API-Bid Affiliated Fd 6.21 Am Bus Shrs 4.24 Atom Dev Mut 34.24 Axe Houg Fd A 12.51 Axe Houg Fd 25.58 Bonds lnv Tr Am 22.85 Boston Fd 16.48 Broad St Inv 22.12 Bullock Fd 12.25 Canada Gen 11.81 Canada Fd 18.4.1 Century Shrs Tr 29.43 Chemical Fd 15.82 Comwlth lnv 9.31 Delaware Fd 31.43 Dividend Shr 2.68 Eat A How Bal 21.48 Eat A How Stk 19.77 Fed Fd of NE 11.99 Fidelity Fd 14.37 First Boston Coip 54.25 Fund Investors 15.48 Gas Indust Fd 32 84 Group Sec Auto 10.53 Group See-Fully Adm 30.30 Group Sec Steel 14.76 August 9. 1955 for: Cuoan loo DaitchCD Davenp DavidsonBr Day Mines DenMfgA 1.40 Det Gray I .20 Det Hardw Det Stl Pd 2 Devon Oils Liberty Mutual Insurance Co. Is opening an office in Manchester, and will need several young women, over 21 years of age, for inside customer contact work. Must have pleasing telephone personality. Capable of composing business letters, and willing to learn our business.

Typing is required, but speed is not essential. College training business or equivalent, business experience is desired. For confidential Interview Call Mrs, Copetas In our Haftford Office JA 7-7131 STAIRWELL ENCLOSURES AND CHANGES TO EXISTING DOUBLE SWING DOORS. WEAVER HIGH SCHOOL, 25 RIDGEFIELD STREET The bidder must file with his bid a 3 8 7 8 24 2 5-16 2 2 3 27'4 27'i 27- 2 3 3 3 4 3 3 3'4 1 30 30 SO 27 1 1 11-16 1 1M6-1-16 10 5 5 5-16 5 5-16-3-16 1 22 82 22(4- 5 IS 1814 18 195a GENERAL, In excellent Includes extras. Lovely location.

Wind-sor Locks NA 3-3603. 1928 REO ton fire truck. Used as a service truck. Very good condition throughout. Actual mileage 8400.

Price $125. Tel Willimantie HA 3-9187. 1950 PONTIAC SEDAN 4door. one owner, good clean condition. $575, telephone Collinsville OWen 3-4745, Sat A Sun, or after 6 p.m.

certified check or bid bond for of the total bid price, made payable to the City Treasurer of Hartford. BUICK. 1949 4-door sedan, beautiful blark finish, equipped with radio, heater and dynaflow. in beautiful rondition. Special this week at $495.

W. Hart Buick 1549 Park St. at the under-pass, JA 3-9525. i Cadillac, 1952-cfcupe ae wile Hard- top Convertible Radio and heater, whitewalls, power steering, hydramatic, very low mileage, immaculate condition. West Hartford Automobile 307 Park Road West Hartford AD J-4409.

A satisfactory performance bond for 1 13 1314 13- 5 5 5 a 100i of the contract price wilt be required of the successful bidder." Mobile Homes Trailers 12A specifications and blank forms nf nro- 6 posals may be obtained af the 1 35 35 6 43'i42 25 3 8 8 8 SHEET METAL WORKS Dealers and repairers ot new and used mobile homes. Open every day 10 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Route 6A, East 35 43 2 25- i 8- 14- 9 Incorp Investors 18.01 19 48 13 15 14 Hamplon Road. Portland.

TI imice. Municipal maiding. The right is reserved to reject anv and all bids not deemed to the interest of the City. CITY OF HARTFORD By N. B.

HEXSON. Purchasing Ajent. CADILLAC. 1949. '62 sedan.

Radio, heater, hydramatic. Immaculate condition throughout. Very reasonable. Hardtops, 2-door and 4-doors. Pii.es (next to Fuller Brush).

PacLtg pf 4.75 PacLtg pf 4.50 PacLtg pf 4.40 Pac Nor Airl Pac Pet Ltd Pan Israel Pancoast Pet Pantep Oil .251 Park Ch Prkl2 Aet Patican 510g Pennroad 1 Pep Boys Pepperell 3a Perfect Cir lb Peru Oils A Phil Lg Dis .50 Phillips Pk PierceGov Pioneer Piper Aire .60 6 Pit Metallu lb Pit Rwys 30g Polaris Mn .20 Powdr A Al Pratt A Sa Press Met Prest .08 Prod Corp Prosper 2.10 Prov Gas .48 Pvle Nat 1.20 RathPaik 1.40 Ravm Cone' 1.50 Rdg Tul .20 Reis A Co Reiler Fost Relian 2 RemArms Rirhm Rad Dome Expl Dom Brid 40a Dom 1 Dorr Oliver Doug Oil Dorr Oliv pf 2 Drag Cem 1.60 Draper 1.40 Drill Expl DuMont A Duialov Duro test DuvalSul 1.25 Dvnam Am .40 East GF KastG pf4 50 F.asl St Cp Sla pfB 6k EasvWshB Elder Min El -6f Elerlrogra 1 Fleet mnics EmpDEl pf5 EmpMillw F.msco Mf AMERICAN, DUO. ELCAR Star, West-wood. Spartan. Simmer and mary more famous makes. A cordial invitation to visit our mohilehome display and Inspect these beautiful units.

No down payment plan 4 per cent mortgage JANITRESS ChEVROLET, 1955210'. 2-door, 2-tone. 2 12 5 27 26 7 46 12 2 78 1 25 250 167 31 32 27 27 7 7 12 12 78 78 -1 25 25 167 367 -1 21 21 paint, V-g, power glide; my personal; car; low mileage. Special, $2,195. 100 per cent guarantee.

Hevenor's, Srlct Used Cars. Glastonbury, ME 3-7628, nights 'til 9:30. 8 21 Superior Court, State of Connecticut, County of Hartford, the 19th day of July, 1955. BETTY LOU EVANS, p.p.a. et al vs.

GRACE T. FAUST ORDER OF NOTICE Upon complaint in said cause brought to said Court, at Hartford, in said County, on the first Tuesday of Ausnist. 195S CHRYSLER, 1953 Windsor Club SeHan, Investmtnt Co Am 9.41 10.29 Keystone Custodn Bl 26.64 27.81 Keystone Custodn Kl 20.37 92.22 Keystone Custodn SI 17.96 19.60 Keystone Custodn S2 12.73 J3.90 Lexington Tr Fd 12.31 13.46 Life Ins. Inv. 31.625 22 635 Say Mut 44.3.1 44 33 Manhat Bond Fd 8.54 9.36 Mass Invest Tr 31.98 V.57 Mass Inv Grth Stk 29.74 32 15 Sec Ser-Income 6,41 7 01 Ser Sec-Stock 8.23 8.99 New England Fd 21.62 23.37 Putnam 33.09 14 15 State St Inv 77.50 (11.50 Telev Elect Fd 11.5 .12 62 Wellington Fd 2704 23.47 Quotations furnished by National Association of Securities Dealers.

Incs which stales they do not necessarily reflect actual transactions or firm bids or offers but should Indicate approximate prices, and unless otherwise indicated, are as quoted by the sponsors or issuers. Net asset value. beautiful light green finish, equipped with radio and heater, in excellent condition. Now only $1,495. W.

Hart Buick 1549 Park at the underpass. JA 3-9525. Tll-16 11-16 11-16 1-16 11 28 28 28- 20 20'4 20'4- 6 12 12 12 zlfl 105 105 105 3 7 7 7 24 23 24 63 4 4 4 1.300 46 45 46 6013-16 13-1613-16 plan, 5 years pay. House insurance Vvnfpj hv lnpal insiirnrpp rates. Jensen's Ahvavs Reliable, anlca iQCai insurance 64 Park Road, West Hartford, AD 3-6214 Monday through Saturday.

9 a.m. to Cornpany. Age grOUD 30 thrU 5 p.m. Monday. Wednesday, Thursday! v.

AmctiAWTiiSrrp ar iNc-New 45. 35 hour week, 4 P.M. to and used mobilehomes. We have hous-1 Ing for everyone's pocketbook. Low in- rjailv MondaV-thrOUffh surance.

low bank financing. 441 Mats 1 LUUilUcV UuS" Street, East Hartford, BU 9-0265. Open! 9 to 9 weekdays. Closed Saturday night ndaj'. Paid holidays and and Sunday.

ATTRACTIVE PORTABLE HOTfSE 'trnratinna and now pending, darning FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($5,000,001 DAMAGES 220 107 107 107 210 105 105 105 Z20 104 104 104 6 2 2 2 25 11 11 11 17 1 1 1 12 1 1 1 26 5 5 5 2 5 5 5 27 8 7 8 3 6 6 6 16 17 17 17 1 4 4 4 5 68 6S 68 1 21 21 21 231 3 11-16 3 3 9-16 3-16 22 6 6 6 10 6 6 6- 7 13 13 13- 3113-16 1 II, 4 10 10 10(4 Z250 99 99 99 6 24 24 24 2 6 6 6 1 3 3 3 2 8 8 8 Z50 58 58 58 18 4.9 18 18 60 8 8 9-16 81-1-5-16 4 2'i 2 2 2 44 44 44'4 1 30 10 10 1 36 16 16 250 24 24 24 I 11 33 34 34- 4 11 11 11 1 1 1 1 20 1 1 1 2 40 40 40 (4 16 13 12 12 28 10 10 10- 5 7 7 7 3 2 2 2 Og 1 2 2 2- 9 23 23 23 9 37 37 37- 16 16 15 lfi 21 14 14 14 3 5 5 5 23 8 7 7 2 5 5 5 5 7 1 7 3 73 73 73'4 56 3 313-16 3 2 9 8 8 9 6 6 6 22 24 22 24 2 6 24 24 24 81 2 2 2 7-1S I 16 15 16 14 1 1 1 i 23 un 9 30 i 7 11 11 ll'i- Z200 71 71 71 250 49 49(4 49(4 8 31 31 31 7 5 5 5 11 1 1 1 4 38 37 37 11 appearing to the subscribing authority that the residence of th drnrian' CHTfVROLEt7T950 CONVERTIBLE Club Coupe. Sea-Mist green. Radio, heater, standard transmission, spot-, light, whitewalls. Excellent Must be seen. $(i95.

Acme Auto, 2434 Main St. 35 GRACE F. FAUST is unknown to the plaintiff. ORDERED, that notice nf th. inttiln.

8 2" 5 64 27 5 64- 5 Rico Arg 1 8 4 2V 71 2 1 5 13-16 Zlftn 6t 12 5 1 21 DESOTO. 1953 Firedome. Fully equipped, low mileage, excellent. Pea-socahle. Call JA 7-1407.

FORD 1953 VICTORIA Radio, heater, overdrive. Pius $3O0 worth of extras. Beautiful car. Mui sell. $1,275.

CH 9-45H8 after 6 p.m. week day. LARGE SELECTION Of reconditioned used mobile homes. At bargain prices. Low insurance and bank financing.

East Windsor Trailer Sales, Route 5, Warehouse Point. tion and pendency of said complaint shall be given said defendant bv some proper officer or indifferent person bv publishing this order in The Hartford Courant a newspaper published in Hartford once a week for two successive weeks, commencing on or before July 21st, 1955. 5 For appointment, call JA 2-5241, Ext. 60 21 '4 21 '4- 6 6'i 12 6 Massachusetts Stocks SHEARSON, HA MM ILL A CO. xBid xAsked 225 138 138 1381 TRAILERTIOMES New, used; bought, 73J6 HUDSON, 1949 4-door.

radio, heater, $88.50, today Druckman Motors. 215 New Park West Hartford, AD 3-4483. Work at Connecticut General Provides AN INTERESTING CAREER FINE WORKING CONDITIONS EXCEPTIONAL BENEFITS PROGRAM We have the follov log permanent opportunities for young women, COMPUTATIONAL TRAINEES JUNIOR UNDERWRITERS TYPISTS GENERAL OFFICE WORKERS (with or without typing) Come la to our Personnel Department, Monday through Friday, from 8:15 am. to p.m., or call JA J-1441, Extension 426 for an appointment CONNECTICUT GENERAL LIFE LNSURiLNCE COMPANY 55 Elm Street DOMINTC P. DICORLETO Assistant Clerk ot Said Court.

A TRUE COPV; Attpt F.quitycp EquityCp pf2 Eureka Cp Eureka Cp wt Factor Max .40 FairchCam Fargo Oils Federat Pet Fire As 2.20 Firth Stert Fitz Sir A Flying Tcer FordCan A Ford Ltd Ft Pit Brew Fox Brew 3.50f Gen Alloys Gen Build 05g Firepfg lg Gen Plwood qGen Strs Gerity Mich Giant Yel Gilbert Glad Mc 1 40 Glen Aid DisB .50 Globe Un 1.20 toldfield Con Goodman 1 2flg Mfg 1 sold. Brokered. Private sales financed. 7-0 nr i 5 rr Storage. Experienced Information Trail-.

MOTOER-Of convalescing 3-year-old, erhomes. Gilbert E. Hartford. j1 Prefer- BU 9 retired Englisn nanny or form- I-rtt-HfrPr-T i Newington Hospital nurse. Call ISAAC HOMELSON 64 2 11 1 2 1 I 1 Deputy Sheriff 3 4 2 2 42 4 1 3 3 4- 2 2 42 4-H 1 Vi 3 6 7'4 3 4 2 2 42 4 1 3 6 10'i CHapei 7-0140.

ERCustom cover. Call Manchester, Rio Gr -10g Rio ext .1 RomeCbl 1.40 RotaryEIS 40U Rowe Cp .80 Royal Oil .26 Russ Ave Russell .60 RvanCPet 50 StLawrCp 2 Sapph Pet Savoy Oil .20 Schick la ScullinStl 0g Scurry Rain Air Sentry Con Servomech .40 ShatDenn Slinw Wat 1.20 Sher Can 1.80a MILLERS CUSTOM BUILT-Streamliner. Rebuilt 195.3 Ford engine with dual caibs. Will take trade, car or motorcycle. Modern Auto Service, 210 South Elmwood.

MI 3-8S23. City Advertisment ADMISSION OF ELECTORS Notice is herebv Given that th se IS Motorcycles Bicycles NEW EMMONS Line of quality Costume Jewelry, is taking the country by storm. It breath taking and literally sells itseif You don have to be an experienced sales person to suc 6 2 1 1946 INDIAN "CHIEF" Motorcycle. Cheap. Earl's Esso Station.

Capitol Ave. and Forest Hartford. 30 11 32 13 10 11 25 27 49 51 36 .38 28 260 310 15 17 37 41 37 1 28 30 20 58 61 66 b8 38 40 41 43 32 14 approximate lectmen and Town Clerk andor Deputy Town Clerk ot the Town of Harttord, as a Board for Admission of Electors, will on Wednesday, August 3, 1955. from 9 o'clock in the forenoon until i-sn MERCURY. 1951 4-door sedan, equipped with radio and heater.

A very clean car, reduced to $H95. W. Hart Buick Co, 1549 Park St. at the under- 14 3-lV5 3 30 Bates Mfg. Co.

Berkshire Fine Spinning Boston Woven Hose Central Maine Power Chapman Valve Eastern Utll. Assoc. Miller Falls Co. Monarch Life Ins. Moore Drop Forge Murray Corp.

of Texas New England Gasfe Elee. Riley Stoker Rockland Light A Power -Sprague Electric Springfield A Ins. Springfield Gas Western Mass. Whiting Corp. Above quotalions are and should not be cons.de bids and offers.

ceed in our business. Either full or part time ideal for housewives who 1014 10- 30 30- 16 36 11 11 20 20 I1' 1'4 17 16 'i 5 11 2 20 126 1 would like to add from a week to the family income. Commissions paid in advance. All we ask is that Automobile Repairing IS $6 ex-rhange for 8 bonded shoes, Grody oclock in the afternoon and from 3 MERCURY, 1951Converiible with good clock in the afternoon until 8 o'clock! too. tires and engine.

Price for imme- tn "'rno0' In the Municipal Build-J diate sale. Can be seen at 34 Wood- 220 56(4 56 78 20 19 56 -1 39. you take a look at our beaumul line and hear the story of our unique way Chevrolet. Phone JA 3-5274. --hi to.

naiuoru, wunin: jawn alter p.m. j-f. said Town, hold sessions to examine Hi ah Wanted. Automotive Signal Oil A i 17 10 4 4 4 of selling. It will surely fascinate you.

Write Box 48. qualifications of applicants and admini- equipped. Very good rondition. $1,100. Ct Amlnd (it 5g Gt Lak OAC Gt Sw Grass Si lex Co Sil Ck Prec Simca Z275 220 215 220 10 29 2 2 2 35 3 31, 3 RECEPTIONIST Schedule appoint ster the elector's oath to those who shall be found qualified.

ALWAYS TOP PRICES Paid for ell makes of used cars and trucks regardless of condition. Capitol Motors. 1214 Main Hartford. JA 7-8144. ments.

$4j. Stenographer, small office, Lakeville HEmlocl 5-2881. OLDSMOBILE. 1950 good condition. Asking $600.

Call Windsor, Applicants of toreiim birth must re- $n5. Stenographer, $80. no fee. Doulile sent their citizenship papers. ML' 8-2639.

anytime. Stocks in Spotlight' now in Family-Size too entry Bookkeeper, good hours. General Office Clerk, no tvpmg. $45. Trainee.

I.B.M.. 540. United Employment, 252 Asylum CH 6-7225 $75. Experience, 25-35. Hartford-West Harttord resident.

Own transportation. Wilson Agency, 54 Church. AM RICO T. PACE FIORE A. PARENTIS FRANK J.

PATH STEPHEN W. GALOVTCH CHESTER H. WALTER. JR. Board of Selectmen Dated at Hartford.

Connecticut, this the bottle new NEW YORK, July 27 (AP)-Salei. clou-ing price and net change of the fifteen most active stocks today: Mm Callahan Zinc Sth day of July A.D. 1955. enough lor all 3 gC 2 far 3 III DEP0IIT SERVICES OFFERED Attest: WILLIAM A. LINNANE 1 Town Clerk SECRETARY $35.

No employment fee. Substantial bonus arrangements. diversified responsibilities. Peimanent. Wilson Agenry, 54 t'hurch.

Services Offered 18 pACKARDS 1954 A Hardtops. 2-door and 4-doors. Prices start at $1,493. Packard Factory Rranch, 150 Washington JA 7-2171. Used Car Dept.

'i00 Maple A 7-6094. Open eve.nngs. PACKARD. 1935 For tne Packard buy of your life, see Chet Brunner at Tal-eottville on the Manchester Town Line. 18 years a direct Packard dealer.

Phone me personally at MI 3-5191, thanks a lot. PACKARDS Parts for all models. Need major repairs? I will losn you a car; no money down, tip to 24 "Months to pay. Phone me personally MI Chet Brunner. thanks a lot.

fLYMOUTH 39515 passenger coupe. One owner. Good condition. $650. Les-sard.

lot Brown SL, Bloomfield. CH S-4373. Notice Is given of a public hearing at Standard she 6 bottle carton 29c LUt DEPOtIT 5 26 20 7 29 $2 54 65 52 23 4 2ft 30 143 S7.70O 31.80 31.000 29,900 29.200 23.200 23.000 21,00 23 300 3.10O 37.300 35.800 14,700 34.500 14,409 CUSTOM WOODWORKING OperaTinS-al. scale home models, precision wood mockups. Anything nf wood made to your specifications.

Call Windsor Locks NA 3-1375. Sperry Rand Burling Ind, Avco Mfg 1C0I0 Monlgom Ward V. S. Steel Westing Elee Bait A Ohio Loews West Mary Penn Texas Pittston Sid Oil N.I Gen Electric TEACHER Part-time, for typing and othw subjects. In residential schooL Box 4845 Courant Room 585.

State Office Building, Hart- Vford on Monday, August 1955 at 11:00 Hi a.m., on Docket 9211. a petition of the 31 state Highway Commissioner for author- ity to construct a grade separation s'ruc- 1 ture over tracks of the N.Y. N.H. A a R. Co.

ill the Town of Old Lvme. PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 3S GEORGE J. GK1FFIN. 4l Secretary Ktlley Food Starts 189 So. Main, W.

Htfd. VTe Give A Green Stamps Exterminator 29 A DErENTjABLXSERVTCE Relaible exterminators. The Birchard System, 130 Washington Street (rear) JA 2-7219..

Hartford Courant from Hartford, Connecticut (2024)


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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

Address: Suite 228 919 Deana Ford, Lake Meridithberg, NE 60017-4257

Phone: +2613987384138

Job: Chief Retail Officer

Hobby: Tai chi, Dowsing, Poi, Letterboxing, Watching movies, Video gaming, Singing

Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.